General Hospital Transcript Thursday 10/3/13
Provided By Suzanne
[Elevator bell dings]
Ellie: Damian, what's wrong?
Spinelli: Oh.
Ellie: Was it the christening?
Spinelli: The christening was an unmitigated disaster.
Dante: [Sighs] Hey.
Lulu: Hey. Shh. She's sleeping.
Dante: Sorry, I just [Groans] Woke up, and you weren't here.
Lulu: I, um -- I was watching her sleep, and I kind of fell asleep in the chair, and then I woke up, and I fell asleep on the couch. I just -- I just kept having the same dream.
Dante: What was that?
Lulu: Mm, we're at GH, and, um, this nurse comes over to give us our baby. She hands me this bundle of blankets, and I, uh -- I look down at it, and it's just blankets. [Voice breaking] 'Cause we don't have a baby. [Sniffles]
Maxie: [Sighs]
Robin: [Sighs] If this next trial fails... Jerry will die, and... what becomes of me? This is day number 289 that Jerry has been holding me, and...the little girl inside of me keeps thinking my mom is coming to save me. [Sniffles]
[Telephone ringing]
Robin: I know it's silly, and I know my mother isn't a God, but... I've always seen her as some kind of a superhero. And I keep thinking that at any moment, she's gonna come busting through that door to take me home.
Anna: Oh, yes. Frisco Jones, please.
Robin: [Sighs] You'd think that I would get used to [Sighs] Imprisonment, but...they say some people actually do. But nope. Not I. Time hasn't dulled the ache to be home with the people that I love. I wonder all the time, "what are they doing? What are they... are they even thinking about me?"
Emma: [Giggles]
Robin: "Does Emma miss me?" "Does she even remember me?"
Mac: So, Emma, have you decided what you want to be for Halloween?
Emma: I haven't decided yet.
Felicia: Mm, well, if you can't think of something really fabulous, you could always go as an Aztec princess.
Mac: Ohh.
Patrick: Wow.
Sabrina: Ooh.
Patrick: What do you say?
Emma: It's too big.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] Well, I'm sure we can get it resized.
Emma: Thank you, aunt Felicia.
Felicia: Ohh.
Patrick: Aww.
Emma: It's so beautiful.
Felicia: Ohh.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Felicia: You're welcome, sweetheart.
Emma: Daddy, you can wear it till we fix it.
Patrick: Oh, I don't know if I'm an Aztec-princess type. What do you think? Where's your wedding ring?
There's no time
I surrender
Jerry: No telly until you do your homework, doctor.
Robin: I have been working all day.
Jerry: Well, you may have worked all day, but I gave you this video as an incentive to spur you on, not as a distraction.
Robin: I am already doing everything that I can.
Jerry: Well, maybe you should do more. Need I remind you of the consequences if you fail?
Robin: No, it's not necessary. You've only reminded me about a thousand times.
Jerry: Cure me...or you're never returning to Port Charles. To put it bluntly, you'll lose your husband, your daughter, to that beautiful Sabrina Santiago forever.
Ellie: I'm so sorry the christening was difficult. I expected it might be hard for you. I mean, giving up your daughter is painful enough, but then to agree to be her godfather...
Spinelli: Yeah, the christening was excruciating... but it was nothing compared to what happened when Brad arrived.
Ellie: Brad Brad? As in Brad cooper? What about him?
Spinelli: The ceremony had barely concluded when Brad arrived and announced to Dante and Lulu that the baby wasn't theirs.
Emma: Did you lose your wedding ring?
Patrick: No, I would never lose anything so special.
Emma: Then why aren't you wearing it?
Patrick: Well, because I'm not gonna wear it anymore, so I put it in a safe spot so I would never misplace it.
Emma: Why don't you want to wear it anymore?
Patrick: I kept that ring on so I would never forget about your mom, so it would always remind me of her, but you know what? I don't need it anymore because every time I look at you, you remind me of her. And she's in my heart, in your little smile and your funny little laugh.
Emma: [Giggles]
Patrick: Because she's everywhere, right? She's never, ever far away from us.
[Door opens] You okay?
Maxie: What's going on? Is everything okay?
Mac: Uh...yeah. We were talking.
Maxie: About what?
Patrick: About Robin.
Robin: Your cure is coming. Science takes time.
Jerry: I'm beginning to think you're stalling, doctor.
Robin: And why would I do that?
Jerry: Well, perhaps you're betting that if I drop dead, your chances would improve. Trust me. They won't. If I die, you join me.
Robin: And if I manage to save you, what's to stop you from killing me then?
Jerry: My word.
Robin: Well, I find that less than reassuring, since you already tried to kill me.
Jerry: Oh, come on. I had a lobby full of hostages. I wanted them to be suitably intimidated. And shooting you was a means to an end, and I was very careful about the placement of the shot. I gave you a reasonable amount of survival, and survive you did.
Robin: I want assurances that, when this is over, you will let me go...unharmed.
Jerry: I'm afraid you're gonna have to take my word for it. And if that's not enough, too bloody bad. Now, take this time and energy and put it in your work. Otherwise, the family reunion you so long for won't be in this life, but the next.
Anna: Yeah, thanks, Frisco. Any help, any help at all, the WSB can give us, we would greatly appreciate it. Yes, thanks. I've got to go. Nikolas, Dr. Westbourne. Yes? What can I do for you?
Britt: Uh, commissioner, have you found my son?
Anna: No. I'm afraid not.
Nikolas: It's been 24 hours since Liesl Obrecht took Ben from Spoon Island. Surely, you've made some progress -- a clue, a lead -- as to the whereabouts of Britt's mother. No?
Anna: As a matter of fact, I have.
Jerry: I'm most impressed by your temporary cure to keep me alive. You've done a bang-up job. Nothing like a little positive feedback, don't you think? Cheerio.
[Snaps fingers] Keep up the work. Come on.
Dr. Obrecht: You see, my little schnitzel? Ohh, here we are to meet the man I told you about.
Jerry: What is that?
Dr. Obrecht: A baby. And he has a name. You may call him Cesar.
Jerry: I know it's a bloody baby. What's it doing here?
Dr. Obrecht: I couldn't leave my grandson alone, and your hired thugs are useless. What do they know about caring for an infant?
Jerry: Let me repeat the question. What is your slobbering grandson doing here?
Dr. Obrecht: He couldn't stay with his mother. Her plans for him were [Scoffs] Inadequate.
Jerry: You kidnapped him?
Dr. Obrecht: I liberated him.
Jerry: So, you went back to Port Charles, where you're wanted by the police, kidnapped him, and came back here?
Dr. Obrecht: You have a firm grasp on the obvious.
Jerry: Have you lost your mind? Your daughter won't rest till she finds her son, which means the police, the WSB, and Anna Devane will be alerted. You might as well have brought the authorities right here.
Nikolas: I told you we could count on her.
Britt: So, you located my mother?
Anna: No. Your mother is still at large.
Britt: But you just said that you --
Anna: No, I said I have a lead. I don't have a location.
Nikolas: It's -- it's a start, Britt, okay? What -- what kind of lead?
Anna: Well, my detectives have been working around the clock since you informed us that your son was kidnapped to find a trail. So, it seems that your mother left Spoon Island by a chartered boat, where she was then met on the mainland with a hired car, which we then traced to a private airstrip just outside of town.
Britt: She took off in a plane?
Nikolas: Well, she couldn't have just vanished. There has to be a flight plan.
Anna: Yeah, well, if there was, it's been expunged.
Britt: That -- that's not possible, though.
Anna: Yeah, actually, it is. Obrecht has covered her tracks, which is no mean feat. She's not working alone. She has help -- powerful help.
Dr. Obrecht: Relax. I know how to cover my tracks.
Jerry: Your tracks? Well [Chuckles] That proves my point. They need to be covered.
Dr. Obrecht: I was deceiving better women than Anna Devane when you were in nappies. She will not find us here.
Jerry: Still, a search is underway where there was once none -- a search that could get us caught.
Dr. Obrecht: I had no idea you were so timid. That is not your reputation.
Jerry: Oh, shut up. I can't afford delays or distractions so you can see your grandson. Have you ever heard of Skype?
Dr. Obrecht: My plans for little Cesar require more than a glimpse of his digital image, which reminds me -- I'll need a babysitter.
Jerry: Oh, don't look at me.
Dr. Obrecht: Trust Cesar with you?
[Laughs] You are many things, Jerry. Paternal you are not. No, we have another idea, don't we, liebchen?
Robin: [Sighs]
Sabrina: Dr. Westbourne, I don't think this is the time or the place --
Britt: I don't think this concerns you, nurse Santiago.
Sabrina: Actually, it does.
Robin: What is this?
Britt: Fine. Stay. Although you may wish you hadn't.
Sabrina: Well, I'm never gonna know until you spit it out.
Britt: Patrick, I have great news. I'm pregnant.
Maxie: You guys were talking about Robin?
Mac: Uh, comparing notes, you know? We all remember her in our own way.
Emma: Daddy keeps the ring in a special place. And I have a special phone I use to talk to her. What do you do, Maxie?
Maxie: Well, I think about her every day, especially when I walk by elm street. You know, your mom used to take me there when I was little, and we would watch the boats.
Emma: Are you sad?
Maxie: I'm gonna be okay.
[Sighs] I was hoping you guys would have a second so we could talk.
Felicia: Of course, sweetheart.
Mac: Sure. Would you like to join us?
Maxie: I'm gonna wait outside.
Mac: Excuse us.
Felicia: Excuse us.
Emma: What did I say?
Sabrina: Oh.
Ellie: Brad knows that Connie's your daughter?
Spinelli: [Sighs] And now Dante and Lulu do, too.
Ellie: But I don't understand. How did Brad find out? I didn't say a word. And I know that you didn't tell them.
Spinelli: I didn't intend to, but apparently he overheard Maxie and I discussing our decision to keep the truth a secret.
Ellie: [Sighs] And then he just decided to go tell Dante and Lulu?
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Ellie: Why? What possible motive would he have to just march into a christening and -- oh.
Spinelli: What?
Ellie: I mentioned something about the christening at work, and Brad asked me where it was, so I told him, and then he just took off and said something about wanting to prove that he could do the right thing. I had no idea what he meant at the time.
Spinelli: Clearly, he thought razing Dante and Lulu's life to the ground was the right thing to do.
Ellie: Maybe it was.
Dante: When we started looking into having a surrogate, we -- we wanted -- we wanted someone to carry our child, the child that we conceived. And Maxie had a miscarriage and didn't have the decency to tell us, and...we lost the little boy or little girl that carried our history and our future.
Lulu: I know.
Dante: As much as we love Connie, we're not her parents in that way. She came from Maxie and Spinelli.
Lulu: [Sighs] What difference does it make? Are you telling me that you love Connie less just because she doesn't have our DNA?
Dante: No. God, no. I'm not saying that. That little girl -- she owns my heart.
Lulu: Okay, good, because Brad's big announcement didn't change anything for me, either. Maxie and Spinelli -- they said that we can keep Connie. So that is exactly what we're gonna do. Okay.
Felicia: I thought you had a session with Kevin.
Maxie: I did, but I canceled it. I'm not seeing him anymore.
Mac: Um, sweetheart, look, you know, we don't want to pry. It's your therapy. But we just want to make sure you're getting the help you need.
Maxie: It's not necessary anymore.
Felicia: Kevin told you that?
Mac: Look, I know you don't like talking things out, okay? But it's the only way you're gonna get over this attachment to a baby that isn't yours.
Maxie: That's the thing.
[Sighs] Connie is mine.
Felicia: That's not possible, honey.
Maxie: Dante and Lulu are not Connie's parents. Spinelli and I are.
Jerry: I won't have it.
Dr. Obrecht: Need I remind you who brought Robin to you in the first place? I can just as easily remove her.
Jerry: [Chuckles] I'd like to see you try.
Dr. Obrecht: I'd like to see you try to stop me. Now, are you going to get out of my way?
Anna: Has your mother ever mentioned an associate?
Britt: My mother didn't confide in me.
Anna: Right. Well, then I can only assume it's Faison. But he's being held in Steinmauer, which is a maximum-security prison, and he hasn't had any visitors or phone calls for months, so...
Nikolas: What can we do to help?
Anna: Has the baby's father been informed that his child is missing?
Lulu: Maxie has known that Connie was hers for months. She never said anything. Even after she told Spinelli. I mean, not a word. At the church, after Brad's little speech, they both swore up and down that they wanted us to keep Connie.
Dante: Okay, but that was in the moment, okay? They didn't have time to think through what they were saying.
Lulu: Well, what is there to think about? Maxie and Spinelli want us to keep Connie.
Dante: Yeah. Okay, they said that because they were feeling guilty, and they wanted to make us feel better. I mean, they were emotional. They -- they didn't know what was coming out of their mouths.
Lulu: Were fully prepared to spend the rest of their lives not admitting to anyone that Connie was their biological child. Just because the truth is out, that hasn't changed anything.
Dante: Do you know why we read perps the Miranda?
Lulu: We're talking about the Miranda right now?
Dante: We read it to them because people say things in the heat of the moment, especially if they're guilty or if they feel like they did something wrong. Okay, we advise them of their rights so that they can choose their words carefully because they can't be taken back.
Lulu: Thank you for the lesson in criminal law. I'm sorry. I just don't see how this applies to our daughter.
Dante: It applies -- it applies to our daughter [Sighs] Because when Maxie and Spinelli were talking to us, they were emotional, okay? And maybe they've reconsidered what they want to do.
Lulu: About us keeping Connie?
Dante: Yeah. I'm just trying to make sure that we're prepared. Maxie is, uh, understandably so, pretty attached to our little baby, and I think Spinelli is, too.
Lulu: So, what are you saying, Dante?
Dante: I'm saying before it all came out, I think they were okay with us keeping Connie, and now that it's not a secret anymore, what if they've reconsidered? What if they've changed their mind, and they want Connie back?
Maxie: All this time I never told you, but I could feel her growing -- my little girl.
Felicia: She's yours. Your daughter.
Mac: No wonder it was so hard for you to let her go.
Felicia: [Chuckling] That sweet, little baby. Oh, my God. She's my granddaughter.
Mac: [Chuckles]
Maxie: And I think I -- I mean, I might be imagining this, but I think she looks like you a little.
Felicia: [Chuckles]
Mac: Maxie, why didn't you tell us?
Maxie: Because I thought I was making the right decision, and I was afraid that you were gonna make me tell the truth.
Mac: Maxie, I wish you hadn't had to go through this all alone. I mean, it must have killed you, keeping it bottled up all this time.
Maxie: There was one person I told, but I made him promise not to say anything. Frisco.
Felicia: [Scoffs] Oh, that jackass!
Maxie: Mom, please.
Felicia: How dare he! Even Frisco should have been able to see what a horrible, unwise decision he was letting you make.
Maxie: It's not his fault. I begged him not to say anything.
Felicia: Oh, I'm sure he loved that. After abandoning you most of your life, he drops in out of the sky, and he gets to feel important because he's keeping your little secret. That's not helping you, Maxie. That's enabling you.
Mac: Felicia, listen. Look, I agree with everything you're saying [Sighs] But going over Frisco's many misgivings isn't doing Maxie any good.
Felicia: Look at the situation he created.
Maxie: No, mom. No. I created this. I had a miscarriage. I lied. I decided to give Dante and Lulu my child. Frisco just respected my choice. None of that even matters now because the truth is out.
Ellie: I really think you need to be honest with yourself, Damian. What do you want?
Spinelli: But, Ellie, I'm not the only one involved.
Ellie: And it was so noble of you to want to spare Dante and Lulu, but they know the truth now. You can't protect them anymore.
Spinelli: What are you saying?
Ellie: I think you know. It's time you do what you've wanted to all along -- claim your daughter and be a father to her.
Patrick: [Sighs] I thought it would have been a little harder for beautiful over there to accept me taking my ring off.
Sabrina: How hard has it been for you?
Patrick: Not easy, but it's the right thing to do.
Sabrina: [Sighs] Part of me feels like I cornered you, like I gave you no choice but to just take it off.
Patrick: No, no, no. Hey. Taking my ring off was my decision. I'm always gonna love Robin, but I can honor her in ways that allow me to move forward.
Britt: I know this may come as a surprise, but will you find it in your heart to celebrate with me?
Patrick: You're pregnant?
Britt: We're pregnant. Our baby's gonna be so beautiful.
[Lock clicks]
Dr. Obrecht: Good morning, little bird.
Robin: Obrecht.
Dr. Obrecht: Come, come. We're peers. You can call me Liesl. Hmm?
Robin: What do you want?
Dr. Obrecht: I hate to be a bother, but I need you to look after this little schnitzel while conducting your research.
Robin: So, now I'm a babysitter?
Dr. Obrecht: I thought you'd like a roommate.
Robin: What is this, some kind of trick? You thought that I would be so horrified by the sight of you anywhere near a child that I would just do whatever it is that you wanted?
Dr. Obrecht: I'm afraid you're overthinking a simple request for childcare.
Robin: I am not in the mood for manipulations. I have work to do.
Dr. Obrecht: Perhaps you'd change your mind if you knew his parents.
Robin: What does that have to do with anything? It's not my child.
Dr. Obrecht: But he is your husband's.
Britt: Ben's biological father has no interest in him.
Anna: You see, if Obrecht contacts him, he needs to be informed so that he --
Britt: Well, you can contact him. It's not gonna do you any good. His only connection to Ben is his DNA.
Anna: Should there be a ransom demand...
Britt: My mother doesn't need money, and even if she was interested in that, we definitely couldn't get it from Ben's father. He has none.
Nikolas: Well, I do, and I care about Ben. Look, we will do whatever is necessary...
Britt: [Sniffles]
Nikolas: ...To find him and bring him home and make sure that Obrecht is brought to justice, okay?
Anna: I want this as much as you do, because she is wanted in connection with the attempted murder of both Duke Lavery and Robert Scorpio.
Nikolas: Okay. Is there anything that we can do? Anything?
Anna: Well, I don't know. It's really a waiting game at this point. Just have to sit tight, and you need to notify me should Obrecht contact you.
Britt: Oh, okay, commissioner. We'll just follow your orders and "sit tight" while my son is God knows where with my mother, doing God knows what.
Robin: This is Patrick's son?
Britt: Yeah, I stopped listening to your orders and starting thinking for myself. I told Patrick that Ben isn't his son.
Dr. Obrecht: A bundle of joy, nicht wahr? And that's his mother, the striking woman on the video, Britta, my daughter.
Robin: Patrick...had...a son with your daughter?
Dr. Obrecht: It was such a good match.
[Sighs dramatically] But you know Patrick. He's insatiable. He quickly tired of Britta and moved on to that slatternly nurse, Sabrina Santiago.
Robin: No. I don't believe you.
Dr. Obrecht: You expected Patrick to remain faithful to your memory?
Robin: No, I just -- I don't -- I-I can't. I mean, Patrick had a child with another woman?
Patrick: So, I'm gonna apologize right off the top here, but have you heard anything from carols lately?
Sabrina: Yeah, he actually called a few times, but I didn't pick up. The last thing I want to hear is him tearing you apart some more.
Patrick: And what if he keeps calling?
Sabrina: Oh, no, he's already stopped.
Patrick: Yeah?
Sabrina: Yeah. I think he finally got the message that I'm happily taken.
Patrick: I hope so.
Sabrina Santiago?
Sabrina: Yes?
Uh, these are for you.
Spinelli: Dante's a good man, and he'll make a great father, and Lulu will be a wonderful mother.
Ellie: I know. Except, Damian, the baby they have isn't theirs. She's yours and Maxie's.
Spinelli: Yeah, but maybe that is just an accident of biology, nothing more.
Ellie: [Sighs] Look, at the heart of all of this is a simple and undeniable truth.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Ellie: You're a father, Damian, and now that everybody knows it, it's inevitable that your baby be returned to you.
Spinelli: I have thought about it, and it does seem possible. You know, Maxie has said that she will not hurt Dante and Lulu, but I-I know her, and she wants our baby back as much as I do.
Maxie: I never meant for Dante and Lulu to find out. Now they're dealing with a lot of pain.
Mac: I'm afraid it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
Maxie: What do you mean?
Mac: Maxie, you and Spinelli need to get ready to take care of Connie.
Felicia: Why didn't you bring your baby home with you?
Maxie: What was I supposed to do, just rip her out of Lulu's arms?
Mac: She's your baby, yours and Spinelli's.
Maxie: Yes, but [Sighs] Even Spinelli thinks that they're not gonna want to raise Connie now that they know she's not theirs, but I'm not so sure, and I'm not gonna force them to give her up.
Mac: [Sighs]
Felicia: Maxie, honey, you're not thinking clearly. This is your child.
Maxie: I promised Lulu a baby.
Felicia: And you did everything you could to keep your promise, but you had a miscarriage, and however misguided you were in the way you handled that, Connie is not Lulu's baby.
Maxie: Well, how am I supposed to take her back? How am I supposed to do that to Lulu? She's already so hurt.
Felicia: Do you miss your baby?
Maxie: More than ever.
Felicia: Do you want her back?
Maxie: Of course I do.
Felicia: Well, then it's not a question of asking, "how do I do this to Lulu?" You just simply have to do it.
Mac: Maxie, listen to your mom.
Felicia: This will never be right if you let your baby go. You need your daughter, and she needs you.
Maxie: [Inhales deeply] But what about Dante and Lulu?
Mac: Maxie, I have a feeling that Dante and Lulu are coming to that same conclusion right now.
Maxie: [Sighs]
Lulu: No one is pressing any claim on Connie. Maxie's not gonna do it. One, she's got no backbone. Two, she's guilty as sin for lying to us. She'd be going back on everything that she said about loving me and being my best friend to now demand the baby. Maxie said that Connie is ours.
Dante: Do you really think she's gonna keep her word with something so personal to her?
Lulu: What do you want me to do, Dante?
Dante: I don't know. I don't know what to do. I-I just -- we have to be prepared that Maxie might not do right by us.
Lulu: Fine. Fine. If that happens, then we'll be prepared. I know exactly how to make sure that Maxie never gets her hands on our baby.
Anna: Dr. Westbourne, I understand how difficult this is for you.
Britt: [Voice breaking] I doubt that. [Sniffles]
Anna: Well, I do. My daughter, Robin, was taken when she was young, and the wait and the despair are unbearable.
Nikolas: Yeah, Robin -- she actually told me about that -- that kidnapping.
Robin: She did?
Nikolas: Yeah.
Robin: Oh, I didn't realize that. [Sniffles]
Nikolas: Uh, she said that she was so young, she barely understood what was going on. But the one thing she knew for sure was that you were coming to find her. She had absolute faith in you.
Anna: It's an impossible situation...
Britt: [Exhales deeply]
Anna: ...Wracked with anxiety. But I had reason to hope back then, you see, Dr. Westbourne -- Britt. And you have reason to hope now.
Nikolas: Thank you for everything, and please just keep us informed.
Anna: I will see to it that Ben is brought back to you safe and sound.
Nikolas: Let's go. Thank you.
Britt: [Sighs]
Britt: [Sighs]
Nikolas: Hey. Hey.
Britt: [Sniffles] [Sobs]
Nikolas: I know. Let's get out of here, okay?
Britt: [Sniffles] [Sighs] I don't know what I'm gonna do if I don't get Ben back.
Nikolas: Look at me.
Britt: [Sniffles]
Nikolas: You won't have to find out. I promise.
Britt: [Sniffles]
Nikolas: Come here.
Britt: [Sighs]
Robin: Your daughter -- what's her name?
Dr. Obrecht: Britta.
Robin: Your daughter, Britta, got pregnant by Patrick. And this is their son.
Dr. Obrecht: As I said. Why is it taking you so long to grasp this?
Robin: Because it doesn't make any sense that my husband would have a child with another woman.
Dr. Obrecht: [Chuckles] There is no mystery to this. Patrick is not a man known for his fidelity, and Britta is very, very attractive.
Robin: Well, maybe she had some help from you, Obrecht. Just how involved is your daughter in all of this? Huh? Does she know that I'm alive?
Dr. Obrecht: [Chuckles] If you knew my daughter...
[Ben fusses]
Dr. Obrecht: ...You'd know your question is absurd. Britta is troubled by an overactive conscience and a lack of willpower. I cannot trust her with anything. If I told her you were alive, she might have found the knowledge too much to bear and informed Patrick, despite the countless ways he's wronged her.
Robin: [Sighs] Well, if the relationship didn't work out, I'm sure it wasn't Patrick's fault.
Dr. Obrecht: You refuse to admit what you already know. Patrick Drake simply cannot be trusted among women.
Emma: These are so pretty.
Sabrina: Your daddy is a sweetie pie.
Patrick: They're not from me.
Sabrina: What? Uh, how did you know where to find me?
Man: I just go where I'm told. Enjoy the flowers.
Patrick: What's the card say?
Emma: Here.
Sabrina: "Mi querida..."
Patrick: What's it say?
Sabrina: Nothing.
Patrick: Let me see. "Mi querida..." [Sighs] "...You avoid my calls, but you can't avoid me forever. I love you now and always. Love, carols."
Ellie: If you're right about Maxie, then you two need to talk openly and honestly. Damian, you have to get on the same page about how you're gonna tell Dante and Lulu that you want your daughter.
Spinelli: I know you're right. It's -- it's just difficult.
Ellie: Of course. It's so difficult. But, Damian, you have such a good heart, so just follow it. And if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Maxie: [Sighs] What you're saying about reclaiming the baby -- it makes an awful kind of sense. But I don't know how to do that without destroying Dante and Lulu in the process.
Felicia: Well, that's why we're going to go see Kevin. Unless you've already confided in him.
Maxie: No. [Sighs] No, I've been lying to everyone.
Felicia: Well, he's been counseling you based on the wrong information, so you're gonna have to tell him what's really going on.
Mac: Kevin will know what to do and how to do it, okay?
[Cell phone ringing]
Mac: It's Holly. She must have an update on Robert. Even though every update is the same.
Felicia: Maybe she just wants to talk to you.
[Ringing continues]
Felicia: I'm going to take Maxie to see Kevin.
Mac: Okay. I'll see you at GH.
Felicia: Okay.
[Ringing stops]
Mac: Hello? Holly?
Dante: Wait, what -- what's your idea?
Lulu: We'll adopt Connie. Hey. I know that it wasn't our original plan, but -- I know that we thought that Maxie was carrying our biological child, and Connie isn't technically ours, so let's make her ours.
Dante: You want to legally adopt her?
Lulu: Parents give up their children all the time. That's exactly what Maxie was planning on doing. This would make it official.
Dante: It's a lot. We got to -- got to do a lot of stuff.
Lulu: We're gonna adopt Connie, and we'll make her ours, no matter what Maxie or Spinelli decide they want.
[Elevator bell dings]
[Door opens]
Maxie: Spinelli.
Spinelli: Hey, Maxie. What are you doing here?
Maxie: I'm here to meet Kevin. I should actually go. He's probably waiting for me in his office.
Spinelli: Maxie, wait. I've been thinking a lot about our situation. [Chuckles nervously]
Maxie: Me too.
Spinelli: I'm not sure what to do next or how to do it, but I do know one thing. I want our daughter back.
Maxie: So do I.
Spinelli: [Chuckles]
Emma: Don't forget your flowers.
Sabrina: Oh, I'm leaving them for the waitress.
Emma: You don't want them?
Sabrina: I don't need them. Besides, I already have a giant flower in my life, and her name is Emma. [Chuckles] Come on.
Britt: I'm really not hungry. Can -- I just want to go home.
Nikolas: No. Not until you've had something to eat. You got to keep your strength up.
Emma: Watch out. It's the Britch.
Patrick: Hey, watch your language.
Britt: [Clears throat] It's okay, Patrick.
Sabrina: How is your little boy, Britt?
Nikolas: He's, uh -- he's missing.
Patrick: What?
Nikolas: Ben's been kidnapped.
Britt: [Sighs] By my mother.
Dr. Obrecht: Mein liebchen, Dr. Scorpio-Drake may be a sour little thing, but she is not entirely heartless. I trust she'll take good care of you.
Robin: So, why is he here, of all places? If this is Patrick's son and your daughter's son...
[Ben fusses]
Robin: ...What are you doing with him?
Dr. Obrecht: He's very important to my plans. Aren't you, my little schnitzel?
Robin: What plans?
Dr. Obrecht: Wouldn't you like to know?
Anna: [Sighs] Robin, wherever you are... please help me find this little boy.
[Knock on door, door opens]
Mac: Anna?
Anna: Oh, yes?
Mac: Holly just called.
Anna: What?
Mac: Robert's awake.
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