General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 10/2/13
Provided By Suzanne
Olivia: Hey, guys.
Lulu: Hey.
Olivia: There you go, mama.
Lulu: Hey.
Olivia: Oh, yeah.
Lulu: Mommy's here. Yeah.
Olivia: So, did you straighten everything out? That shady lab-tech guy that crashed the baptism -- he's lying, right? That's my grandbaby over there, right?
Dante: [Sniffles] He wasn't lying, ma. Connie isn't our daughter. She's, uh... Maxie and Spinelli's.
Olivia: [Sighs]
Maxie: I'm sorry. I have no right to cry on your shoulder after what I put you through.
Spinelli: I will not deny your point, but I did play a small but significant part in this deception.
Maxie: No, after the fact -- after I had already lied to you for months!
Spinelli: Okay. You know, we can deal with that all soon enough, but at this moment... there's something much more important we need to consider.
Maxie: What's that?
Spinelli: What do we do now?
Michael: What are we gonna do now?
Kiki: "We"? [Chuckles] This isn't really a "we" dilemma. I need to figure out where I'm going to live now that my mother slept with my husband.
Carly: You boys have kids?
Yes, ma'am. Sure do.
Carly: So, you know what you'd do if somebody hurt them, right? Ava Jerome may be pretty in a cheap sort of way, but she's a predator. Fight the urge to go easy on her, okay?
Carly: Hey, Ava!
Morgan: Wow. You sure found this place in a hurry.
Ava: Actually, I've been eyeing this apartment for a while -- spoken to a couple people about it. I guess your mother was just the push I needed to grab it. I certainly couldn't give Carly the pleasure of kicking me out, could I?
Carly: Okay, I want you to call the front desk and see if Ava's checked out yet and find out where she is.
Franco: She's long gone, Carly. No one here but me. What are you doing here?
Man: This guy's not supposed to be here, ms. Jacks?
Carly: This guy's not supposed to be anywhere.
Franco: Okay, wait. Hold on. Down, boys. Down, down, down. I'm just here to do you a favor.
Carly: A favor? What kind of favor?
Franco: Well... I got lay down the law. She slept with Morgan.
Carly: Oh! And you're jealous. Of course you are.
Franco: Oh, hell, no. She crossed a line when she slept with your dopey son, who's her son-in-law. And that made you unhappy. She hurt your feelings, and anybody who does that has got to deal with me.
Carly: I can take care of myself.
Franco: Tell me about it. She can yell with the best of them.
Man: Should we escort him out?
Carly: No, not yet. I want to know where Ava is.
Franco: I have no idea. She was gone when I got here.
Carly: All of her stuff was gone?
Franco: Yeah. You think she flew the coop?
Carly: Yes, with my son!
Ava: Thanks for helping me move in.
Morgan: Yeah. You're a little low on furniture. [Chuckles]
Ava: I'll manage. I'm resilient that way.
Morgan: I bet you are.
[Cell phone rings]
Ava: Carly?
Morgan: I definitely don't need to hear more of her yelling. I'm sorry about my mom. She can get really crazy.
Ava: Well, I have to admit, once you stopped her from doing me bodily harm, I found Carly's reaction rather entertaining.
Morgan: Yeah. Well, my mom reading us the riot act didn't hold a candle to how Michael and Kiki took the news.
Kiki: I just can't get the image of Morgan and my mom in bed out of my head.
Michael: Yeah. Uh, Morgan's done some pretty dumb things in his life. I just never thought he'd go this far.
Kiki: Morgan? What about my mother? She's my mom. She says how much she loves me, how much she cares about me, but all she ever does is disappoint me.
Michael: Well, you know, at least you know now, you know, before you moved in with her.
Kiki: Now I'm back to square one. I have to find a place to live, and -- I guess I could call Silas. He is biologically and technically my father, but I don't feel very comfortable with him. I haven't even gone out to lunch with him, and I'm just gonna ask him to move in?
Michael: It would be a bit of a leap.
Kiki: There's one person I could ask.
Michael: Who?
Kiki: Franco.
Carly: Morgan stone Corinthos, you call me back right now!
Franco: Carly, relax. He's probably just at a movie.
Carly: It rang once, which means he hit "ignore" because he doesn't want to talk to me right now.
Franco: He's a boy. He'll come around. Right? He just needs time.
Carly: What are you doing?
Franco: I'm trying to make you feel better.
Carly: I don't want you to make me feel better! I don't want you to touch me. I want you guys to get him out of here.
Franco: Okay. What are you doing? What --
Carly: If I can't throw Ava out, then I can get the satisfaction of kicking you to the curb.
Maxie: I can't think about what comes next. I'm too freaked out about what just happened. I don't even know this guy Brad!
Spinelli: Consider yourself lucky.
Maxie: After everything we did to keep this a secret, some random guy overhears us talking about how Dante and Lulu's baby is really ours and that's how the secret blows up?! How could we have been so reckless?!
Spinelli: Perhaps our recklessness was believing we could ever pull this off in the first place.
Maxie: We could have, and we would have all been happy!
Spinelli: Even you?
Maxie: I can't believe that I am so far off my game. Under normal circumstances, I could have beaten Brad with one hand tied behind my back. I mean, come on. Honestly, who's the more convincing liar -- him or me? The first rule of lying is when you get caught, you deny, deny, deny and you keep denying. And it's not like you didn't give me anything to work with. You were saying that that guy Brad was a sleaze, and he didn't even have any proof!
Spinelli: I think all the proof Dante and Lulu needed was written on our faces.
Maxie: Your face, Spinelli... because you are a genuinely honest person. And you had -- you had a completely normal reaction. If you were just some normal godfather who was standing there and some random lab tech burst in, claiming you were the father, that would have been your natural reaction. You should have run with that!
Spinelli: I think we had reached a juncture where denials were pointless, Maxie.
Maxie: No. This is obviously my fault. This is the biggest lie that I have ever told, and it blew up in the worst way possible. But when Lulu looked me in the eye and asked me --
Spinelli: Admitted the truth.
Maxie: And now I have lost my best friend.
Lulu: That's better. You just needed to see me. Yeah, you just needed your mom.
Olivia: How is that even possible? We all know that Maxie was implanted with your embryo. I took her to half of her doctor's appointments. If the procedure didn't work, we all would have known.
Dante: It did work, ma. Maxi was -- she was carrying our child.
Olivia: Sweetheart, I'm sorry. I don't understand. If Maxie was carrying your child, then what happened?
Lulu: She tripped over a dog on -- on new year's.
Olivia: We all know that, but the baby was fine.
Dante: No, the baby wasn't fine. Maxie, uh -- she miscarried. That night, our -- our -- our baby died.
Lulu: [Crying] Could you just give me one -- one -- one -- thank you -- one second? Can, um -- can we talk about this for a second?
Carly: There's nothing to talk about. I mean, the charity's over, Franco -- no money, no room. I'm done.
Franco: But I have the money.
Carly: Do you?
Franco: Well, yeah. There's a lot of stuff that I've been working on in my room, and it's kind of coming together, and -- and -- and -- okay. No one in this world, least of all you, ever has to give me the benefit of the doubt. But if you would just follow me, I'll show you myself. Come on. Come on. What do you say? Come on back to my place.
Olivia: I don't even know what to say.
Dante: [Sighs] We were there that night, too. Checked on her. She could have told us everything. Instead, she told us that she and the baby were fine.
Lulu: Never mind that she'd already been knocked up by the jackal.
Olivia: [Gasps] The jackal? Oh, my God! That's Spinelli's nickname!
Dante: So what? What are you talking about?
Olivia: But that's the thing! The wolfy thing that I've been seeing -- it's not a dog! And -- and Maxie stabbing Lulu in the back --
Dante: Okay, stop, ma.
Olivia: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive.
Lulu: Olivia, it's fine. Your vision was right on. Maxie stabbed me in the back -- just not literally.
Spinelli: I don't like what you did, Maxie... to Dante and Lulu or me, but --
Maxie: Lulu believed me. She trusted me. And I broke her heart worse than anyone ever has. And I brought you into it. So, you might have lost her, too. Your first instinct was right about me, Spinelli. I am bad news.
Spinelli: You're not bad, Maxie. You're not malicious, and... I-I truly don't think you're selfish, but... but you are tragically misguided.
Maxie: [Chuckles] I'll give you the "tragic" part, but misguided? No. No, lying about this baby was just wrong, and I screwed it up pretty bad.
Spinelli: You thought you were doing what was best, however warped that thinking might seem to me.
Maxie: All I wanted was to give Dante and Lulu the baby that they wanted. Instead, I just ended up taking one away from them.
Carly: Where's the money?
Franco: What are you talking about? It's right here.
Carly: Uh-huh. I don't --
Franco: I've been working all night. I've got enough for a whole show.
Carly: Okay, the metro court doesn't take canvas as currency.
Franco: [Chuckles] That's funny. Nah, this is not for you. I have a friend coming -- an old associate. He should be here any minute -- Mr. Sebastian Leeds.
Carly: Hmm. I've heard of that guy. Isn't he some big, high-profile art dealer from the city?
Franco: Yes, and he's my biggest fan. He's really the first person that ever paid attention to my art. He called me the most influential street artist of the 21st century, so he knows what he's talking about. So, he'll show these to all his buddies, and you'll get your money back.
Carly: He hasn't seen these yet, huh?
Franco: No.
Carly: Well, you better start packing.
Franco: Why?
Carly: You're not gonna get a dime for this.
Franco: What are you talking about? Why not?
Carly: Because all this art...
Franco: Yeah?
Carly: ...Sucks.
Michael: What, you're thinking of staying with Franco?
Kiki: It's not like I have a lot of options here.
Michael: Okay, look -- I realize the charges against him were dropped, and, from a legal standpoint, the tumor means that he's not responsible for what he did. Okay. But that doesn't mean that he's stable or sane or anything.
Kiki: Look, I wasn't crazy about him at first, either, okay? But when I got to know him, I started to care about him. He feels more like a father to me than Silas does, and he still considers me to be family.
Michael: He's not your family, Kiki. You're not staying with a serial killer. Come on.
Kiki: And where do you want me to stay, Michael -- in a tent on the docks?
Michael: No. You're gonna stay here with me.
Ava: Kiki was furious... saying I'm the worst mother in the world. I've never seen her so angry.
Morgan: [Scoffs] So? Too bad for her. She's the one that left me for my brother. I mean, she gave me crap about keeping your lie about her father from her, but what about all the lies that she told me -- that she loved me, that she wasn't into Mikey? Okay, Kiki deserves whatever she gets. She's nothing but a lying bitch who will just sleep with anyone that comes --
Ava: Hey!
Morgan: Whoa.
Ava: Don't you dare talk that way about my daughter. keeping a secret about this baby when she found out that it was yours and mine. She wanted to tell you. Instead, I destroyed your relationship to keep the secret going.
Spinelli: You may have pressured Ellie, but she ultimately made her own decision... as did I. Even after looking at Connie's beautiful face, knowing that she's my daughter, I said nothing.
Maxie: [Sighs] I guess it doesn't matter [Sniffles] Who lied, who blackmailed who. [Sniffles] All the hoops we jumped through, Dante and Lulu know the truth.
Spinelli: And now that they do... I can't imagine they'll want to raise a child that isn't theirs.
Lulu: You were right all along, Dante. Maxie is a selfish bitch who shouldn't have been trusted with this responsibility.
Olivia: Here, sweetie.
Lulu: I should have seen it. I should have known.
Dante: Stop, okay? We didn't do anything wrong. We just have to figure out how to handle this.
Lulu: There's nothing to handle. Nothing's changed. If Maxie and Spinelli think that they're taking Connie away from us, they have another think coming.
Kiki: Thank you, but I am still technically married to your brother, and your parents will hate me if I move in with you right now.
Michael: Okay, we just walked in on Morgan having sex with your mom. I don't think that we're the ones my family's gonna be talking about.
Kiki: Very true.
Michael: [Sighs] [Clears throat] I know you're on overload right now. Your life just exploded in the past 24 hours, and I-I -- I don't want to take advantage or make things worse.
Kiki: Michael, are you kidding me? You're the only thing that has kept me sane through all this.
Michael: Okay. So, there's no chance you're gonna take a train back to the city or bail on Port Charles altogether, right?
Kiki: No. No, there's no chance.
Michael: Okay. So, then you're gonna need a place to live -- here, right? And I happen to have a place to
Kiki: Of course, and now we're going around in circles.
Michael: Okay, maybe I'm not seeing this clearly because it's something that I want so much. But you said that your marriage to Morgan is over.
Kiki: It is.
Michael: And we both agreed that we -- that we love each other.
Kiki: Yes, we have.
Michael: Okay. So, why don't we stop worrying about how our actions are going to affect everyone else and start worrying about us -- do what we want? Having you here -- it feels right. It feels right to me.
Kiki: Me, too.
Michael: Okay. Then stay -- stay here with me.
Kiki: Okay.
Michael: Okay.
Kiki: Okay.
Morgan: All right. Okay! Easy! That's where the dominator broke my wrist!
Ava: That's nothing compared to what I'll do to you if you say one more word about Kiki. Do you understand?
Morgan: Yes! Yes!
Ava: Good. Now apologize.
Morgan: Okay! I'm sorry! [Groans] [Groans] Is it wrong that turned me on a little bit?
Ava: [Sighs] Shut up.
Morgan: Okay.
Ava: I know you have issues with Kiki. But she's my daughter, and I love her.
Morgan: Do you not get it? I love her, too, all right? That's why this hurts. But, yes, I'll drop it.
Ava: Good.
Morgan: Okay. Well, now that that's settled, why don't we order a little food?
Ava: Wh-what?
Morgan: What? I mean, we've had a pretty intense day. I need something to eat before we go to bed, whether we sleep or not.
Ava: Uh, Morgan, you are absolutely not staying here.
Morgan: Why not?
Ava: Why not? Well, you're married to my daughter, for starters!
Morgan: Okay. Not for long, though.
Ava: You may be through with Kiki, but I still want a relationship with her, and that is not gonna happen if I'm shacked up with you. Go home!
Morgan: Last time I checked, I don't have one.
Franco: What are you talking about? I'm Franco. I don't suck.
Carly: Okay, Franco. You may not suck, but this does.
Franco: Really?
Carly: Yes.
Franco: Oh, come on! What, like you're some kind of an expert in the gallery scene? You probably like paintings of animals with big, sad eyes.
Carly: I may not know art, but I know ugly. That's ugly.
Franco: Huh.
[Knock on door]
Franco: Well, aren't you gonna be embarrassed, then, when Sebastian hands me a great big check? Seba.
Sebastian: Franco. My favorite iconoclast. How are you?
Franco: Oh, I'm great. I'm -- I'm great. Come on in. It is so nice of you to come up here and visit me in this two-bit burg.
Sebastian: Nice? I couldn't miss the return of one of the 21st century's most influential street artists.
Franco: Aw, shucks.
Sebastian: Especially now that that killing-spree unpleasantness is behind you.
Franco: Spree? Why does everybody call it a spree? Oh, I'm so sorry.
Carly: Mm.
Franco: Sebastian, this is Carly Jacks, who knows nothing about art. Carly, this is Sebastian, who knows everything about art.
Sebastian: Charmed.
Carly: My pleasure.
Sebastian: Right. Now let's get to it. Show me the magic.
Franco: You got it. Feast your eyes... on that.
Sebastian: Interesting.
Franco: I-I've got others. Um... here.
Sebastian: [Clears throat]
Franco: This is social commentary. It's how we're all being consumed by consumerism. I think it's -- I think it's powerful. And that rube over there -- she says these are ugly.
Sebastian: Rube or not, your lady friend is quite right. [Chuckles] They're as ugly as sin. take a look at this, 'cause I don't think you're getting it.
Sebastian: [Sighs] I'm getting it. It's just -- it's not impressive.
Carly: Told you so.
Franco: Smug is not a pretty color on anyone. What's wrong with them? Well, what's wrong with any of them, for that matter?
Sebastian: There's no edge. There's no danger, no sense of torment or loneliness. Look, I'm sorry, Franco. I-I simply can't put my reputation behind a show of...these. Good luck in your endeavors, and I'm sure there's a local community college looking for instructors.
Franco: [Gasps]
Carly: No sale? Pack your bags. You don't get to stay here any longer.
Sebastian: Wait a minute. Now, this -- this I could work with.
Kiki: Michael... [Breathing heavily] Are you sure you want me to move in with you? 'Cause we haven't know, uh, been...together yet.
Michael: Yeah. I'm sure. Look, we don't [Clears throat] Have to, uh, sleep together, you know, if you're not ready, if you still feel guilty about Morgan or anything. We could just -- we can be roommates.
Kiki: Is that what you want?
Michael: [Sighs, chuckles] I think you know how bad I want you, Kiki. It's been months of fighting myself, and knowing you...want something that you can't have, owing how much it would hurt you, hating myself for it --
Kiki: I'm so sorry. I'm so -- I didn't help. I would lean on you, and then I would pull away.
Michael: No, it helped. It honestly helped. It -- [Sighs] It was nice knowing you had feelings for me, too, even though we couldn't act on it.
Kiki: And now we can.
Michael: We're free to be together.
Kiki: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Tonight...or tomorrow or -- or -- or three months from now.
Kiki: You want to wait three months?
Michael: I don't -- I don't want to wait three seconds. [Chuckles] But I will as long as it takes for you to feel...okay with this, for you to choose me with no regrets. But, you know, for right now, I guess I'll stay on the couch, and you can take the bedroom.
Kiki: You hate sleeping on this couch.
Michael: It's not that bad. I mean, after a 5-mile run and a cold shower, I might be okay. It's -- it's worth it to have you stay here.
Kiki: How 'bout we skip the run? And the shower.
Michael: Okay.
Kiki: Hey, you. You have more to lose here than I do, Michael. I'm the outsider. Your whole family could get torn apart because of me.
Michael: Look, I know we're gonna be facing a lot of obstacles. But we're gonna figure them out...together.
Kiki: I love you. And I want to show you how much.
Michael: I love you.
Ava: Morgan, don't be ridiculous. Of course you still have a home and a family that loves you.
Morgan: Who -- Mikey? 'Cause he stole my wife. And my mom -- she's gonna take Michael and Josslyn's side over me in a heartbeat. Okay, Dante -- I mean, he's so busy with his own family that I've barely seen him at all since I've been in town. And besides, him and Michael are close. He's not gonna take my side.
Ava: But there don't have to be sides.
Morgan: Oh, come on, Ava. You know better. I mean, you saw everything. Everyone chooses Michael over me, especially my dad. He betrayed me and he humiliated me in front of almost everyone that I know.
Ava: I'm sure that he regrets --
Morgan: I don't care what he regrets! I don't want to hear -- I don't want to hear explanations about how it's for my own good. I don't believe that. I don't believe him. You're the only person I have left. Are you really gonna put me out on the street?
Dante: [Crying] Hey. How can they tell us this sweet little baby isn't ours? [Sniffles] I'm already in love with you.
Olivia: I know.
Dante: [Crying] Lu doesn't think anything's gonna change.
Olivia: Do you?
Dante: I don't know, ma.
Olivia: Honey, what Maxie did was horrible.
Dante: [Sighs]
Olivia: It's about the cruelest thing that a person could do to another person, let alone a best friend. But that doesn't change the truth. Connie is her baby. It's hers and Spinelli's. Does Lulu really think that she could keep a baby that doesn't belong to her?
Maxie: You don't think Dante and Lulu want the baby now?
Spinelli: I'm not -- I'm not saying that. I mean, I don't know anything for sure. But the life they planned was with a child that they thought belonged to them, not to us.
Maxie: She doesn't belong to us. We decided that.
Spinelli: Yeah, we decided that for Dante and Lulu, but now they know everything. Things may change for them and mostly for us.
Maxie: What are you saying -- that we raise this baby? because we felt we had no other choice. It was the only way to keep Dante and Lulu from being irreparably hurt.
Maxie: And now that we know they already hate us, we just give them a reason to hate us more?
Spinelli: That's not what I'm saying. What we were trying to accomplish failed. Look, I'm not -- I'm not sure what we're supposed to feel or what we're supposed to do now, but all I know is that sitting through that christening was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life, promising God and Dante and Lulu to watch over Connie as her godfather? It took every ounce of me not to scream out, "no! No! I can't promise that, because that girl is my daughter!"
Maxie: [Sighs] I felt the same way.
Dante: We spent nine months...thinking this little baby was ours. How could anyone say she's not?
Olivia: What Maxie did was horrible. It's unfair. And she shouldn't have done it. But, honey, that doesn't make Connie your child. I'm just afraid the longer you love this baby as your own, the worse your pain is gonna be.
Dante: I don't know, ma. What --
Olivia: Oh, honey, I wish -- I wish I could take your pain away. Oh, I do. I hope you know that I support you and Lulu no matter what.
Dante: Yeah. I know. Thanks. Talk to your wife. You need some time alone to figure out what to do.
Dante: [Sighs]
[Both sigh]
Dante: Okay. Hey.
Olivia: Okay. Call me...
Dante: Yeah.
Olivia: ...If you need anything -- anything.
Dante: Yeah. Thanks, ma. Love you.
Olivia: Love you, too.
Dante: Hey. What are you -- what are you doing? [Crying] [Sighs]
Lulu: [Crying]
Franco: This is not even for sale, not that anybody would buy it.
Sebastian: I should have realized you were up to something. You purposely hid that in a sea of crap -- a diamond in the rough, a performance piece within a brokered sale. You give me 20, 30 more of these, we'll be in business, my friend. I'll be in touch.
Franco: Well, crap!
Carly: What is your problem? You made the sale! All you have to do is paint more of...that.
[Mary Simon's "Lost We Are" plays]
You whisper softly how much you love me you calm me with a single smile it's here with you I want to be I want to stay Lost we are in the midst of a stolen moment the world goes on as we stand still together
Ava: Morgan... I don't know.
Morgan: I mean, there must be something I can do to convince you to let me stay.
Ava: Morgan. Morgan. [Sighs] I love Silas.
Morgan: And I love Kiki, despite everything she's done to me. At least I feel a little better when I'm with you. Do you feel a little better when you're with me?
Ava: No.
Morgan: Are you sure?
Ava: Mm-hmm.
Morgan: Positive?
Ava: Uh-huh. have my heart in it. This painting doesn't have my soul in it.
Carly: Yeah. I mean, I don't get it, either. I mean, what did Sebastian call it -- a sense of hope denied, something about something transcendent? I-I-I --
Franco: It's nothing. It's just how the art guys talk.
Carly: Well, this doesn't scare me like, y-you know, the other ones did -- the ones I could ever make myself look at.
Franco: They were supposed to. That's what they were. They were windows into how I saw the world. This...
Carly: This will sell. I mean, isn't that what you want?
Franco: Why would I want that?
Carly: Cause money is money, and you don't have any. I mean, you sell a few of those, and then you can paint your passion. Let this be what people appreciate. Do your thing. I got to go. Um, I'm gonna go look for my son. So, um, your eviction's delayed. [Chuckles]
Franco: Oh, thanks, Carly.
Carly: Good luck.
Franco: Yeah. I'm gonna need it.
[Cell phone rings]
Ava: I can't believe we just did that -- again.
Morgan: I can. You're amazing. And, after all, you can't tell me that it didn't make you feel a little better. Let me stay. What's the point of us both being alone and miserable? Let's just feel better together.
Ava: How long do you really think we could keep this up?
Morgan: Till it stops hurting.
Morgan: Hey. You've reached Morgan. You know what to do.
Carly: Morgan, it is your mother. Please stop ignoring me. Okay, I know you're angry, I know you're upset, but I'm really worried about you. Call me back as soon as possible.
Kiki: That was nice. [Chuckles]
Michael: "That was nice"? Is that all I get -- "nice"?
Kiki: You know what I meant.
Michael: Yeah. I wanted this -- I wanted you -- for so [Chuckles] So long.
Kiki: Was it worth the wait?
Michael: Yeah, it was -- it was worth anything.
Kiki: It's more intense... when you love someone. You know? [Sighs] Can we just...stay here forever so I can escape the mess that is my life? Come on, I mean it -- just you and me, right here this bed.
Michael: I wish we could, but, uh, I promise you one thing -- whatever we have to face, we're gonna face it together.
Dante: [Sniffles] Everything's gonna be okay.
[Connie babbles]
Dante: Yeah, yeah.
Lulu: [Chuckles] I heard what your mom said to you -- that Connie isn't ours.
Dante: Yeah. Well, she's just worried.
Lulu: No, she's wrong. I don't care what anyone says. I'm not giving Connie up.
Dante: Okay. We have to at least consider that there's gonna be some --
Lulu: She's our daughter. No one is taking her from us.
[Connie babbles]
Lulu: [Laughs]
Maxie: When I was pregnant, I had no idea what it would be like to look at my daughter, but...when I look at her, it's like she really sees me, you know -- like she knows that I belong to her.
Spinelli: I've only allowed myself to see her a few times, but...each time has been a powerful experience. She's a miracle, Maxie -- a miracle that we created. I love her.
Maxie: Me, too.
Spinelli: Yeah. I can't help it. And if I could, if this were an ideal situation, yes, I would want to be the one raising her.
Maxie: We can't do that. Can we?
Franco: A diamond in the rough, huh? This is my ticket back to the art world? [Sighs] Hello. I need to make an appointment to speak with one of your patients, please. Her name is Heather Webber.
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