GH Transcript Tuesday 10/1/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 10/1/13


Provided By Suzanne


Jerry: I've been singing your praises, darling. Any chance you've done anything to deserve them? Hello, Robin. Making good progress, I hope.

Robin: [Sighs] [Spits]

Jerry: Ohh! [Chuckles]

Duke: Well, well, well, well, well. This is my lucky day.

Anna: Oh, hi!

Duke: Hello, miss Devane.

Anna: Hello, yourself!

Duke: [Chuckles]

Anna: Why aren't you at the office?

Duke: Oh, I stole some time away to grab a bite to eat.

Anna: Oh.

Duke: And I'm very glad that I did. The people-watching around here is...sublime.

Anna: [Laughs] I didn't hear you leave this morning.

Duke: Oh. I left excruciatingly early. My new boss is working me like a fiend.

Anna: Oh.

Duke: Will you join me?

Anna: Sure.

Duke: I guess this is my life in the employ of Derek Wells.

Derek: Alexis! What a nice surprise!

Alexis: [Sighs] It is, isn't it? Can I speak with you?

Derek: All right. You seem, uh --

Alexis: Troubled?

Derek: Hold on a second. Uh, it's not Danny, is it?

Alexis: No, no. Danny's fine. In fact, they're bringing him home tomorrow.

Derek: Oh. Good! Well, that's good news. Here!

Alexis: Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Derek: So, uh, what's on your mind?

Alexis: Julian Jerome.

Lulu: Oh, my God! She is your baby, isn't she?

Maxie: Connie is... my baby.

Nikolas: Britt? Britt? Britt, can you hear me? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Can you hear me? Come on. Open your eyes! Can you sit up?

Britt: [Groans]

Nikolas: Come on. I got you.

Britt: Nikolas...

Nikolas: Are you all right?

Britt: Ohh, what happened?

Nikolas: I don't know. I-I walked in here and found you like this. Did you faint? What happened?

Britt: No. Oh, my go-- where --

Nikolas: Was someone here with you? Who did this to you?

Britt: My mother.

Patrick: You thirsty?

Sabrina: No, I'm good.

Patrick: You sure? I'm gonna grab a beer.

Sabrina: Patrick. What do you need to tell me about Robin?

Jerry: You never stop fighting back, do you? I admire that. But, you see, my admiration has its limits. You wouldn't want me to change my mind about our deal, would you? You cure me of radiation poisoning...

Robin: [Sighs]

Jerry: ...And you go home! Do you understand? Hmm. Uh, I can't say that sounds familiar. Should I know him?

Alexis: He was a mobster. He was part of a ruthless crime family that controlled Port Charles, and... yes, I hear myself.

Derek: Okay, okay. You used the term "was." Am I to assume that this Mr. Jerome is no longer with us?

Alexis: It's reported that his entire family's dead.

Derek: I see. And yet he still invades your thoughts. How come?

Alexis: Well, because his name came up when I was talking to Shawn, and -- and we were speculating about Sonny's shipment that exploded.

Derek: Which, by the way, I still find very strange -- an attack on a coffee business?

Alexis: No comment. Anyway, Shawn thought this -- this man might have something to do with the shipment, so he -- he asked this guy, and this guy said that his -- his boss was Julian Jerome!

Derek: Which would be a problem, considering...

Alexis: He's dead?

Derek: Right. Well, this is, uh -- this is really fascinating. But I-I'm not sure what this has to do with me.

Duke: You know, as tough and relentless as Derek Wells is, we actually work very well together. I mean, in an odd way, it's almost as if we've done it before. Anna?

Anna: I'm not very good company.

Duke: Is something wrong?

Anna: I keep thinking about Robin. I'm afraid you're involved with a hypocrite.

Duke: What are you talking about?

Anna: I was sitting down here with Patrick, offering up all this sage advice about how he needs to let go and move forward, and... ...I'm utterly incapable of doing that myself.

Patrick: We haven't... [Clears throat] ...Talked about Robin very much lately, not like we used to, before we got together. And it's -- it's not because I don't think about her.

Sabrina: Well, of course you think about her! I -- look. If you think that -- that it makes me uncomfortable, that c-couldn't be further from the truth.

Patrick: No, no. I know. I'm not worried about you. I-I just -- I -- [Sighs]

Sabrina: It's okay. You know you can say anything to me.

Patrick: I know there was an explosion, and I know... Robin died, but there's a part of me -- a big part of me -- that... can't accept that she's gone.

Jerry: Here's what's gonna happen. You're going to discover a permanent cure, and quickly. I know you've told me there's only enough for one dose, and that dose will be for me. In exchange for that, I will give you your freedom. I might even throw in a one-way ticket to Port Charles. That's what you want, isn't it?

Robin: You know that's what I want!

Jerry: Perfect! Then we're on the same page! Wonderful! Oh! I almost forgot. encourage completion of this project at the highest possible speed... I have brought a little incentive.

Nikolas: Come on. Sit down.

Britt: Ohh!

Nikolas: Your mother was here? Is -- is that why you called me?

Britt: [Exhales sharply] Yeah, I-I -- I came in, and she was standing over the crib. Ben. Oh, my God! The baby!

Lulu: I don't understand. Uh...the baby -- Connie, the -- the baby that you gave birth to for us -- she's yours.

Maxie: Yes.

Lulu: You're her mother.

Maxie: Yes.

Dante: And you're the father? Don't even -- don't even think of trying to lie to me again.

Spinelli: I'm the biological father of the child.

Maxie: I can explain.

Dante: You're damn right you can explain!

Lulu: I don't understand! I-I don't understand at all! How is this e-- how is this even possible?! How did you go from being pregnant with our child to being pregnant with his?!

Britt: He's gone!

Nikolas: Well, he's got to be somewhere, Britt. We'll find him! We'll --

Britt: No! She -- she took my baby! Julian Jerome has absolutely nothing to do with you, other than, um, I need a little favor, and I'm thinking you might be the only person that can deliver. I don't mean to be presumptuous. It's just, ever since I confided part of that little story to you --

Derek: Alexis? Um... first of all, it's, um, lovely to see you again.

Alexis: Oh. [Chuckles] Same here.

Derek: And second... if I can help you with whatever this is, I will.

Alexis: Thank you.

Derek: You're welcome. So, why don't you go ahead and start from the beginning?

Alexis: The very beginning?

Derek: Why not?

Alexis: Okay. Um... well, I was 16 years old, and I, uh, met this guy in a bar in new Hampshire, and we --

Derek: So this has to do with Sam's father.

Alexis: Remember him?

Derek: That's not exactly a story you forget.

Alexis: Okay.

Derek: Mm-hmm.

Alexis: Remember I remembered his name?

Derek: Uh, through hypnosis.

Alexis: His name Julian? Julian Jerome?

Derek: Okay?

Alexis: You don't think that this is more than a coincidence, that all of a sudden, I remember this name Julian from my past, and then now, the name Julian is brought up in the present? And it makes you wonder if maybe this guy is one and the same!

Maxie: I can explain everything, but... you're not gonna like it.

Dante: [Stammering] That's real intuitive of you, Maxie! On what planet -- on what planet do you think that we'd like any of this?!

Spinelli: You're angry.

Dante: Is that what it is, Spinelli? You think this is anger? I-I don't know if it quite covers it!

Spinelli: I understand.

Dante: Do you?! Do you understand what's going on?

Spinelli: But if you'll just hear Maxie and -- and -- and myself out --

Maxie: No, Spinelli. This is on me...and no one else.

Lulu: One of you better start talking.

Maxie: Do you remember on new year's eve when that dog showed up?

Dante: Yeah, you tripped over the thing. We showed up at your house to check in on you, and you weren't there, and you and Spinelli showed up about 10 minutes later.

Lulu: Yeah, you said that there was nothing to worry about, that everything was fine.

Maxie: I had a miscarriage.

Lulu: What?

Maxie: I lost your baby.

Lulu: [Gasps, sobs]

Britt: My mother is crazy -- certifiably, undeniably crazy! Who knows what she did with him!

Nikolas: We'll find out, Britt. I promise.

Britt: [Groans] Wait, wh-who are you calling?

Nikolas: Anna Devane.

Britt: Oh, you can't! You can't do that!

Duke: I never noticed that Patrick was still wearing his wedding ring. It just never occurred to me to look.

Anna: Mm. I don't think it occurred to him, either, until someone pointed it out. He couldn't take it off, Duke, because he can't commit to a life without Robin.

Duke: But you've encouraged him?

Anna: Yes, of course! I was telling him that, you know, he needs to do this for Sabrina's sake! But --

Duke: But what?

Anna: Who am I to tell him what to do? Who am I to tell him to move forward with his life, when I'm having as hard a time doing it myself? [Crying] I think about her -- I think about her constantly! [Sobs] I think about -- [Sniffles] I think about -- about her in my memories I think about her now... in the present. I'll walk past a window, and I'll see a dress. And I'll think, "oh, that's her style. She would love that dress." And I go into the shop, you know, and -- with the intention of picking it up. And then it hits me! She's never gonna spin around in that dress... because she's not here.

Duke: Oh, Anna...

Anna: I know I have to accept it. I get that, and I tell myself that I accept it. [Sniffles] But it's just so hard to believe... that she's not alive. I just feel as if she's... alive, like she's just out there somewhere in the world!

Sabrina: Accepting that someone is really, truly gone -- I've been there.

Patrick: Mm-hmm.

Sabrina: It's brutal. To this day, it's still difficult for me to think of life without my mother.

Patrick: So, I'm doomed. Is that what you're saying?

Sabrina: I'm saying that the love never goes away. And it shouldn't!

Patrick: You... are being too kind. You're letting me off the hook, because what I'm doing is not fair.

Sabrina: What are you doing?

Patrick: A year and a half, and... I'm still wearing my wedding ring!

Sabrina: Why -- why do you think you haven't been able to take it off?

Patrick: I don't know. I guess because if it's... still on my finger, I can hold on to the fantasy that... Robin might still be alive.

Jerry: Ta-da.

Robin: What is that?

Jerry: Something I think you might find very motivating.

Robin: [Sighs] Why don't you just ever say what you mean?!

Jerry: It is the DVD of the 2013 General Hospital Nurses' Ball! [Chuckles]

Robin: Nurses' ball? [Scoffs] But the board was always saying there wasn't enough money!

Jerry: Well, there nearly wasn't. Ms. Coe, et al. --

Robin: Wait. [Chuckles] Hold on a second. L-Lucy? She came back for the ball?

Jerry: Yes, and then, apparently, for good.

Robin: So th-they did find the funding.

Jerry: Oh, blast! Anonymity is overrated. Yes! It was me! [Laughs] I paid for the whole affair out of my very deep pockets.

Robin: Why would you do that?

Jerry: On a global note, HIV/aids is a vicious, terrible, and unnecessary disease that should be eradicated. On a personal note, I was concerned about your health.

Robin: I am healthy.

Jerry: Thanks to me. I've provided you with cocktail, haven't I? Made you take it every day.

Robin: Yeah, so I don't croak before I finish your cure! Just do me a favor, okay, and don't pretend that you actually care about my wellbeing.

Jerry: I've provided you with something that was a reminder of what's waiting for you at home. So... do you want to see it or not? Sam's father. Do you have anything else to connect these men, other than the fact that they're both named Julian?

Alexis: Well, that Julian is not a common name!

Derek: [Chuckles] Well, it's not exactly the most uncommon name, either. I mean, besides, even if they are the same person, the man is dead. So what difference does it make?

Alexis: So why should I care after I ignored it all this time?

Derek: I was trying to be a little more tactful, but, uh, yes.

Alexis: Because I do! Because it's gnawing at me! Because I need to find out! And -- and that's where you come in, or -- or where I hope you come in.

Derek: Right! [Sighs] I almost, um, forgot about the favor!

Alexis: Okay. I was wondering if, with all your media connections -- if you could find out if Julian Jerome is actually Sam's father.

Duke: To hell with Derek Wells. My mind is made up. I'm gonna play hooky for the day. We're gonna go someplace. We're gonna go anywhere you want to go.

Anna: You can't play hooky. You can't! You just started this job. And, besides, I'm swamped anyway. I've got so much to do.

Duke: Is that a no?

Anna: Yes. There are any number of criminals out there waiting to be caught, one of which is that hateful woman who tried to kill you.

Duke: Ah, the elusive Dr. Obrecht.

Anna: She needs to pay for the hell she caused. And I intend to make sure that she does.

Britt: Anna hates me! She thinks I'm working with my mother!

Nikolas: Give me the phone!

Britt: No! No! She was about to throw me in jail, and I was nine months pregnant! Now that she knows I lied to Patrick about the baby, she won't help me!

Nikolas: Yes, she will! You know why? You know why? Because it's her duty! A serious crime has been committed here! We have to call the police! It's the only chance we have of finding your son! Give me the phone!

Duke: Last chance to take me up on a distraction.

[Cell phone rings]

Anna: Yeah -- oh. Um... hello! Anna Devane.

Nikolas: Anna, it's Nikolas Cassadine. I-I need your help right away. A baby's been kidnapped.

Maxie: You have no idea how sorry I am.

Lulu: You're right! I have no idea about any of this! So, you were pregnant with our child at one time. There was a tiny piece of us in you, just waiting to grow into a baby.

Maxie: Yes.

Lulu: Then that pregnancy failed.

Spinelli: You know how miscarriages work --

Dante: Don't.

Lulu: So that tiny, little piece of us -- it ceased... to exist. It died... essentially, and you didn't tell us!

Maxie: I wanted to. But it was all too fresh for me, and then y-you got called off to rescue your dad.

Dante: Don't -- don't even try to make this our fault. You should --

Maxie: No, I wasn't!

Dante: No, you owed us the truth!

Maxie: Please try to put yourself in my position!

Lulu: Screw your position! You didn't think that you owed us the truth?!

Maxie: Of course, but I-I also owed you a baby! And the thought of letting you down --

Dante: Maxie, this is isn't -- it's not like we asked you to water our plants! You were carrying our child!

Maxie: I didn't want you to hate me! I didn't want you to look at me the way you're looking at me right now!

Lulu: No, I am legitimately curious. You miscarry our child, but you are too scared to tell us! What happened?

Maxie: [Sighs] I -- after you left the country, I asked Dr. Westbourne to implant me with another embryo.

Lulu: I'm sorry. You asked her to do what?!

Maxie: You had two frozen embryos left, and I thought that I could get pregnant by the time you got back.

Lulu: Oh, my God!

Maxie: It would've been your child!

Dante: Just a different one. [Grunts, stammers] You don't see how messed up that is?

Spinelli: She didn't do it.

Lulu: Because Dr. Westbourne said no?

Maxie: No. Because I couldn't. I-I was already pregnant.

Lulu: Thanks to Spinelli. Ohh! I was so upset with you... for having sex so soon after IVF! I-I kept thinking, "what if she disturbed the implantation process?" But there was nothing to disturb, was there?! Because our embryo, our dream -- it was already gone! You got pregnant on new year's!

Maxie: That was the last thing I expected. I mean, when Dr. Westbourne told me, I was shocked.

Dante: Imagine how shocked we are right now.

Lulu: All this time -- months and months and months, you have been carrying Spinelli's baby, and... we thought that she was ours! How could you do this to us?

Anna: This is Commissioner Devane. Can you connect me to lieutenant powers, please? I have an amber alert for a-a newborn.

Duke: An infant?

Anna: Yes.

Duke: How awful!

Anna: Listen to this for karma -- the mother is Britt Westbourne.

Duke: Obrecht's daughter?

Anna: Yeah, who aided and abetted her dreadful mother and lied to Patrick.

Sabrina: Look, if this is about carols, because he threw you wearing your wedding ring in your face --

Patrick: It's not about carols. It's bigger than that.

Sabrina: He was wrong to say that.

Patrick: Well, maybe the way that he said it, but it's a fair question. I mean, don't you think? Uh, how serious can I be about you if I'm still wearing my wedding ring?

Sabrina: How serious are you?

Robin: I want to see it.

Jerry: Excellent! It's a riveting show. There's a strip tease, you know, actually -- all male, unfortunately. And then ms. Coe loses her clothing thanks to Richard Simmons, of all people.

Robin: Richard Simmons?

Jerry: Yes, it makes the whole thing worth watching. But, uh, I'll just be cueing up the juicy bits. we go.

Patrick: The Nurses' Ball was first hosted in 1994. Since then, HIV and aids has become more treatable and more manageable, thanks to medical advancements, which...

Robin: [Sighs] Patrick.

Patrick: But it's also misleading.

Robin: I love you.

Patrick: There is a lot of work to be done. And no one knew that better than my late wife, Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake.

Robin: [Sighs]

Jerry: Worth pushing yourself a little harder to get home to, isn't he?

Jerry: Would you like to see more?

[Keyboard clacks]

Robin: Mom! Oh, my God! Is that --

Jerry: Duke Lavery... the one and only. He and your mother reunited.

Robin: [Sighs] So it was Duke that was feeding Faison the wrong history! [Exhales] Duke really is alive!

Jerry: They're a handsome couple, aren't they?

Robin: [Sighs]

Jerry: You must really miss them. And they're not the only ones.

[Keyboard clacks]

Patrick: My little pop-star daughter here and I are forever grateful for the love that you showed Robin and for the love that you continue to show to a cause that -- that Robin believed in with all her heart.

Robin: [Gasps] Oh, my God! My baby! You're so grown up! [Exclaims]

Patrick: I love you, Sabrina.

Sabrina: I love you, too.

Patrick: You are beautiful and... funny and sexy and... probably the kindest person I've ever met in my entire life. [Breathes deeply]

Sabrina: But...?

Patrick: No. No buts. Just an "and." I'm starting to feel like a little bit of a hypocrite. I mean... just the other day, I told Sam that she's using her -- her grief as an excuse. I basically ordered her to get over Jason, and... here I am, wearing my ring, holding on to a fantasy... that could be sending you mixed signals that could hurt you or confuse you or suggest that I'm not serious about you. And... that's not the truth, because I am -- as serious as I can be.

Britt: You have to find my son, please! I don't know where my mother could've taken him!

Anna: Take me through exactly what happened, please.

Britt: And let them get farther away? Are you serious? No! You and your people need to be out looking for Ben!

Anna: I have an APB on your mother and an amber alert on your son. The airports, train stations, and bus depots are all covered. What I need from you, Dr. Westbourne, is information to aid in that search. Do you understand?

Nikolas: Just take a deep breath and start from the beginning.

Britt: [Sighs, stammers] Uh, Ben and I were alone here.

Anna: Where were you?

Nikolas: I was at my niece's christening.

Anna: Okay. Go on.

Britt: I-I-I-I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, I-I-I noticed that my mother had let herself in, and she was standing over the crib!

Anna: Were you expecting her?

Britt: No! I asked her what she was doing here, and she said she came to see her grandson!

Anna: So you walk in, and you see your mother -- a woman who is a known criminal on two continents. Why did you not call the police?

Lulu: Why didn't you just tell us you'd miscarried, especially when you realized Spinelli had gotten you pregnant?!

Maxie: Because... I thought it was a way for me to make good on my promise.

Dante: What -- are you crazy? What -- do you think you're some kind of a stork? You get to decide what baby you deliver? We -- we signed up for ours, okay?! Mine! Mine and Lulu's! Not yours!

Maxie: But you didn't care whose baby it was when you were going to adopt.

Dante: What did you just say to me? So, because we looked into adoption, that gives you the right to pass off your baby as ours?

Maxie: No, that's not what I meant!

Lulu: Then what did you mean?

Maxie: This is coming out wrong!

Lulu: Okay, j-just tell me this. Did you even consider coming clean?

Maxie: Every day.

Lulu: Because we could've started over! We could have used one of our other embryos! We could've gotten another surrogate! But instead, we just -- we just fell deeper and deeper in love with -- with every kick and every sonogram! You two -- you two just let this go on!

Maxie: No, this is not Spinelli's fault.

Dante: Why? He's only the father!

Maxie: He didn't know!

Dante: What?

Maxie: I didn't tell Spinelli until recently.

Dante: I don't even -- what the hell? You just -- you just -- you're gonna let her give away your child? What -- all right, there's something wrong with you, okay?

Spinelli: It -- it's true. I -- it wasn't till after Connie's birth that I... discovered I was her biological father, but... Maxie and I talked about it, and we...mutually agreed to keep the secret.

Lulu: Except it wasn't a secret. Brad was in on it! Obviously, so was Dr. Westbourne, and who knows who else! You had to know that the truth was gonna come out, Maxie! It always does! What did you think was gonna happen when we discovered that this baby isn't really ours?!

Derek: [Sighs]

Alexis: Look, I know I-it seems like I'm grasping at straws, here. But I really want to know.

Derek: I will make some inquiries.

Alexis: Really?

Derek: Yeah! Of course! I'll just have my, uh, research department get on it right away!

Alexis: Thank you! Uh --

Derek: You're welcome.

Alexis: For this, and for being Danny's donor. I should take you to dinner, at least.

Derek: Ah, well, I, uh, might just take you up on that.

Alexis: Okay. Any information that you have about Julian Jerome would be very much appreciated.

Duke: Information on Julian Jerome? I can help you with that. about Julian Jerome?

Duke: I know quite a bit. We worked together very closely -- not the happiest time in my life. What in particular do you need to know?

Alexis: Well, it would be very helpful to know if he spent any time in new Hampshire as a young man.

Duke: Yes, he did.

Maxie: Please stop saying that Connie isn't yours!

Lulu: I'm wrong?

Maxie: Spinelli and I are -- are giving her to you!

[Both scoff]

Maxie: She's your baby! You are her parents!

Dante: You're not even gonna respond to that, Spinelli? I know there's no way you would've given up your child if Maxie hadn't forced you to.

Spinelli: That's not, in fact, how it happened. Um... a-after the baby was born --

Dante: After you were done playing God for nine months! You have no idea what it takes to be a parent! It's all-encompassing, okay? It is -- it is completely life-altering! And there's not a part of your heart and your soul that you would not give to make sure that nothing bad happens to this little person!

Maxie: That's why I thought I was making the right decision.

Dante: Just be quiet! Kids aren't interchangeable, Maxie! You can't just say, "here! Take this kid!" ...Because you're -- you're too scared to have a conversation!

Maxie: Lulu, you know me!

Lulu: No, I thought I knew you.

Maxie: Disappointing you was my worst nightmare!

Lulu: What do you call this? All we wanted...was a family.

Maxie: All I wanted was to give you one!

Lulu: I never should've trusted you to be our surrogate!

Maxie: Please don't say that.

Lulu: What else am I supposed to say? [Crying] I have no idea what you have convinced yourself of, or how you manage to sleep at night, but what you have done -- [Sobs] What you've done is unthinkable, Maxie! You are a cruel human being!

Spinelli: Lulu, you can't --

Dante: You're gonna defend her?

Spinelli: M-Maxie made a -- a terrible mistake, but --

Dante: A mistake?! A mistake? What -- what -- she's giving away your kid, man! What is wrong with you?! Why do you have her back right now? What did you do to him?

Maxie: I don't know what you mean.

Dante: I mean, how did you get him to go along with you?

Spinelli: Maxie and I discussed it, and we mutually agreed it was the only solution.

Lulu: No, the solution would've been to tell us the truth from the start!

Spinelli: That ship had sailed.

Lulu: You didn't want to hurt us.

Maxie: Exactly.

Lulu: So, how is this -- ripping our hearts from our chests -- easier than just admitting you had had a miscarriage?

Maxie: I didn't think about this part.

Dante: You just didn't think.

Maxie: It was never supposed to come out!

Lulu: Okay! Okay! Let's just say that somehow you had managed to keep this secret. What if, God forbid, Connie had gotten sick one day, and we were in the dark about her family's medical history?! She could've inherited your heart issues! [Gasps] That's why you were so scared when you were in labor, when her heartbeat was irregular. I thought you were delirious, because how could that be? You can't pass down a condition when you're not the mother, but you can, because you are!

Maxie: Please listen to me.

Lulu: No, I am done listening to you! I am done listening to your suggestions for me to name my baby Georgie... to your lies, to your excuses, when all the time, you knew that she was your daughter! You knew it in your blood! You knew it in your bones! How did we not figure this out?! She tried to breast-feed the baby, for God's sake!

Dante: We didn't think... that your best friend was gonna do something this terrible to us, okay?

Maxie: No. No, look. However m-misguided, uh, w-whatever I-I did, I-it was because I love you! Uh, this wasn't easy for me, either! I-I gave up my daughter because you're my best friend!

Nikolas: Do you really think Britt's mother would let her call the police?

Anna: I'm just going off what I know, Nikolas! She was brought in before for harboring her mother! If they were working together then, what's to say they're not working together now?

Britt: I told you this was a bad idea!

Nikolas: You told your mother to leave?

Britt: Yes, and -- and when she wouldn't, I threatened her that you would be back!

Anna: What did your mother say?

Britt: Something about needing the baby!

Anna: For what?

Britt: I don't know! Uh, she came here! I-I-I saw her over the crib! I tried to stop her! She pushed me! I-I must've hit my head when I fell down to the ground!

Nikolas: Is that when you tried to call me?

Britt: I-I-I guess I passed out.

Nikolas: I-I'm the one that found her and woke her up. Ben was already gone.

Britt: Oh, God!

Anna: Why did your mother take the baby?

Britt: I told you, I don't know!

Anna: Could this be something to do with you trying to pass the boy off as Patrick's?

Sabrina: You're always gonna love Robin. I understand that, and I respect it. But yes! You know, if -- if I'm being completely honest, when carols brought up your wedding ring, it -- it made me start to wonder!

Patrick: I don't blame you.

Sabrina: It's a symbol somehow that Robin will forever come first in your heart.

Patrick: I thought I was gonna wake up one day... and know that... you know, today's the day that I'm gonna take my ring off.

Sabrina: But that day never came.

Patrick: I don't know if it ever will. So -- so it's up to me. You're right. I'm -- I'm always gonna love Robin. [Sighs] And there's a part of me that might not ever accept that she's really...gone, but I know that she is. There's always gonna be a part in my heart for her. But... the life that we had -- it doesn't exist anymore. And it's time for me to let it go.

Sabrina: You don't have to!

Patrick: I want to. I need to live right here in the present, now, with you.

Jerry: Aww. You're moved. Here you go.

Robin: Very observant. [Sighs]

Jerry: And now for a little more incentive.

Robin: [Chuckles] What more do I need than seeing my own family?

Jerry: Well, there's this new girl in town.

Robin: [Sighs]

Sabrina: I can't take credit for someone else's vision. Patrick, could you bring her up here, please?

Robin: Who's that?

Jerry: Oh, her name is Sabrina Santiago. She's a new nurse at General Hospital. She's a... really lovely woman. Just ask your husband and daughter.

Robin: I -- what -- what are you talking about?

Jerry: Oh! Wave hello at the new woman in Patrick's life. Hola, Sabrina! Gorgeous. Dartmouth.

Alexis: Are you sure?

Duke: He was very proud of the fact. In fact, he'd tell anyone who cared to listen. Well, if there's anything else I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask.

Alexis: Julian Jerome went to Dartmouth.

Derek: I heard.

Alexis: Dartmouth is in Hanover, new Hampshire!

Derek: Come on, Alexis! It's a coincidence! Even if it is true, a man like that a-attending an ivy league school?

Alexis: Have you seen "the godfather"? Michael Corleone went to Dartmouth!

Derek: That's a work of fiction, Alexis.

Alexis: Is it? God! Did I have another kid with a mobster?!

Jerry: From what I hear, Sabrina and Patrick are quite serious. I'd hurry up and find that cure if were you. Enjoy.

[Door shuts]

[Keyboard clacks]

Emma: Do you think mommy is watching us?

Patrick: I think she's always watching.

Robin: I'm coming, Patrick. I swear it. [Sniffles]

Patrick: [Sighs]

Anna: As far as I know, Dr. Westbourne, there hasn't been a single incident where you weren't working another angle, especially when it comes to Patrick and that baby! So is this all part of a larger plan?

Britt: If it is, I don't know anything about it!

Nikolas: Anna, I realize that you're just trying to do your job here.

Anna: Yes.

Nikolas: But Britt's son is missing.

Anna: Yeah.

Nikolas: Isn't that all that matters?

Britt: Please! Please! I need to find my son!

Anna: That's the plan! But if you're holding anything back, Dr. Westbourne -- I mean anything -- it will prevent us from doing that.

Britt: [Inhales sharply] [Whimpers]

Nikolas: We'll find him. We'll find him.

Britt: [Crying]

Maxie: I deserved that.

Lulu: You deserve worse! Don't you ever... call yourself my best friend again! You let us dream... and plan, and then you took it all away.

Maxie: I never meant to.

Lulu: I don't care what you meant! And if you claim one more time that it was all out of love --

Maxie: It was! Everything I did is because I love you, and I want you to be happy!

Lulu: Well, you failed! Royally! And I'm gonna tell you why! Because you don't know what love is! You're too selfish and blinded by all things Maxie to even have feelings for anyone else!

Maxie: I am selfish. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about other people, because I care about you.

Lulu: Just not enough to tell the truth.

Maxie: I wouldn't have offered to be your surrogate if I didn't!

Lulu: Oh, please! You already admitted that this was more for you than anyone else -- something to focus on, remember? A way to get over Spinelli!

Maxie: You are twisting my words!

Lulu: You twisted our life! I knew that I shouldn't have agreed to you being our surrogate, but you were desperate!

Maxie: To help.

Lulu: I don't believe that anymore. If you had just told us about the miscarriage, we could've gotten through it! Our friendship probably would've come out stronger! But instead, you just trapped us all in this lie! And you dragged Spinelli along with you!

Maxie: Lulu, please.

Lulu: Take me out of here. I don't want to look at her face ever again.

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