GH Transcript Monday 9/30/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 9/30/13


Provided By Suzanne

Luke: You. Jerry Jacks.

Jerry: Mr. Luke Spencer. Such a pleasure to see you again.

Anna: Hi. God. I'm so sorry I'm late. I'm just... [Smooches] You know, I'm just swamped at work, so...

Patrick: Well, I'm glad I could lure you away.

Anna: Oh, yeah. I could certainly use a distraction. If I'm not doing one thing, it's the other. I'm just building this case against AJ Quartermaine for the murder Connie. Then, also, I've got this whole explosion situation down on Pier 52 I've got to deal with.

Patrick: Can't you just chalk that up to a mob war and let Sonny and all his buddies figure it out?

Anna: Yeah, but even then, I would still be searching for Liesl Obrecht. Because I'm not gonna rest until that madwoman is behind bars for trying to kill Duke.

Patrick: You any closer to finding her?

Anna: No. I've been calling in some favors, you know, from the WSB, but she's pretty much dropped off the grid since her daughter helped -- since the delightful Britt helped her get away.

Ben: [Crying]

Britt: Okay, Ben. What's the big fuss about?

Dr. Obrecht: Don't cry, my little stuffed cabbage. Grossmutter is here.

Britt: Mother.

Dr. Obrecht: Hello, tochter.

Sabrina: Letting yourself go now that summer's over, huh? Hitting the chocolate-covered cherries.

Felix: Oh. I didn't even realize I was eating.

Sabrina: Are you okay? That's not like you.

Felix: Yeah. What I'm thinking about is not like me, either.

Sabrina: Okay. So, what are you thinking about?

Felix: Oh, you don't want to know.

Sabrina: Oh, no.

Felix: No. Stop thinking. Just run away. Do your filing. Don't look back.

Sabrina: Felix, don't tell me.

Felix: [Sighs] I'm doing everything in my power not to.

Sabrina: You're mooning over Brad the cad?!

Spinelli: What are you doing here?

Brad: I need to speak to Dante and Lulu. There's something they need to know.

Dante: Yeah. We're kind of in the middle of something here.

Brad: And I wouldn't interrupt if it wasn't absolutely necessary. It's about the baby. you're not as dead as everyone thought.

Jerry: Thank you. It's good to see that you're not as quick on the draw as you used to be. Oh, oh, oh.

Luke: [Groans]

Jerry: A noble effort. Such a pity it didn't work.

Luke: No, it isn't the reason I'm here. I'm not here to shoot you. I came to talk.

Jerry: Well, let's talk. [Sighs] Aww, you seem tired, old friend.

Luke: I'm not your friend.

Jerry: Did you come all this way to become so surly? I mean, if anyone's supposed to be upset, it's me.

Luke: Oh? And how do you arrive at that twisted conclusion?

Jerry: Well, you killed my guards who were trying to make an honest living.

Luke: I'm sure they'll be missed.

Jerry: And you tried to shoot me, too. I mean, I am a man of many flaws, but my manners are impeccable.

Luke: Oh, yeah. Very polite of you to poison the water supply of Port Charles.

Jerry: Well, you weren't even in town at the time.

Luke: My daughter was.

Jerry: Oh. You're right. [Chuckles] I suppose that was rude, huh? Well, let me make it up to you. How about a cup of tea or a brandy or a-a cure for polonium poisoning?

Patrick: When I found out that Britt's mom was Faison's partner in crime, my head exploded. This is the woman that I dated whose baby I allegedly fathered. I mean, she's one degree of separation from the psycho that had been obsessed with you for...forever.

Anna: So, you don't think it's a coincidence either?

Patrick: As far as I know, Faison always used the ones that you loved most to get to you, right? Which -- including Robin. And, I mean, I'm -- I was Robin's husband.

Anna: So Britt set you up, huh?

Patrick: All I know for sure is that Britt's mom was working with Faison, which makes her unbelievably dangerous, which is why I didn't want her anywhere son. So, that's when I told Britt that I wanted full custody of the baby.

Anna: And what did she say to that?

Patrick: That's when she told me that somebody else was the father of that little boy.

Dr. Obrecht: Close your mouth. You might swallow a fly.

Britt: You can't be here. You're wanted by the police.

Dr. Obrecht: Is that your excuse for rudeness? How dare you hang up on your own mother.

Britt: I'm sorry I ever answered the phone. Unfortunately, I didn't recognize the number.

Dr. Obrecht: You should have been happy to hear my voice.

Britt: I don't want to hear from you, mother. I definitely don't want to see you.

Dr. Obrecht: More rudeness.

Britt: You're a wanted criminal.

Dr. Obrecht: As usual, you underestimate your own mutter. The police cannot stop me. Interpol, the WSB -- none of them will stand in my way.

Britt: To do what?

Dr. Obrecht: Did your brain leave your body with the afterbirth? My purpose here is obvious. I'd have paddled across the Atlantic in a dingy... to see my new grandson!

Felix: Brad? Who said anything about Brad?

Sabrina: Felix, look. Hey. I know that you've been alone for a long time, but Brad is not the answer.

Felix: I know you're trying to be helpful and concerned, but it's coming off as patronizing.

Sabrina: Look, I'm just being practical. He's a sneak, he's a blackmailer, and a voyeur who watches you in the shower.

Felix: All of the above. I so wanted to be wrong about him.

Sabrina: Yeah, well, you weren't. The guy is a sneak.

Felix: I know that. I even told him that he was incapable of doing the right thing. I even challenged him to do something helpful, something selfless.

Sabrina: And what did he do? Slither back under a rock and wait for your next shower?

Felix: I thought so. But then I ran into Ellie earlier, and she said that Brad ran out of here going on about how he's on his way somewhere to do the right thing.

Maxie: How could he possibly know?

Spinelli: Brad, this is a sacred event, a private, family ceremony. You have no business here.

Brad: Oh, I have business here. Not as much as you, obviously.

Olivia: Okay, who -- who is this guy and what is he doing interrupting my grandbaby's christening?

Lulu: I'd like to know that, too.

Dante: Wait a minute. I know you.

Spinelli: Yeah. He works in the hospital lab.

Brad: I'm the manager.

Nikolas: Only because you made a deal with Britt Westbourne.

Brad: You know, if you all would have just let me speak, I could ha been done and gone by now.

Dante: Fine. Say what you have to say and get it over with.

Spinelli: I'm sorry, Dante, but I must object.

Brad: Oh, I bet you must.

Nikolas: Nobody wants to hear what you have to say, not when you turned your back on your own son.

Olivia: Okay, you got me all turned around here. What baby are we talking about -- the Westbourne baby or this one? here, aren't you? You're looking for the cure for what ails us both. You see, Helena Cassadine infected you with the same radioactive isotope the Balkan introduced into my bloodstream. He did it with a bullet. How did, uh, Helena get to you?

Luke: Earring.

Jerry: Ah! [Chuckles] How original. And here we are like shipmates on a slowly sinking lifeboat -- you, me, and our mutual friend, Sean Donely.

Luke: Oh, I hate to disappoint you, but he isn't a friend of yours, either.

Jerry: Oh, he is. I'll have you know that when I was indisposed, he very kindly claimed the $88 million for me.

Luke: I know. I followed the money and found him.

Jerry: Yes. In exchange for his assistance, I supplied him the remedy for the symptoms of polonium poisoning. And I assume he paid it forward by sharing it with you.

Luke: Well, what can I say? He's a giver.

Jerry: Well, I assume there was only so much to spare. I can see by your current state that the remedy is wearing off.

Luke: Well, you look in fine health. So, if the offer still stands for a drink, I'll take whatever you're having.

Jerry: I'm really mad that you told our friend Donely about my lab in Corinth, Pennsylvania. I mean, it was a real chore to have to pick up and go.

Luke: You seemed to do it quickly.

Jerry: [Chuckles] Yes. I was long gone by the time you and ms. Sutton arrived, leaving you to tackle with Dr. Obrecht.

Dr. Obrecht: I hope you are breast-feeding, Britta. It will help him grow. And it will aid in your apparently lackluster efforts to lose the baby weight.

Britt: Okay. That's it. Give him to me. Give me my son.

Dr. Obrecht: I am his grandmother.

Britt: So what? It's not like you expressed any interest in him before.

Dr. Obrecht: I had to protect myself from sorrow in case something went wrong.

Britt: Okay, you're the only thing that could go wrong, mother. Give him to me. Hi. Hey.

Dr. Obrecht: Heidi Klum walked the catwalk mere weeks after giving birth to her fourth child -- her fourth -- wearing nothing but spandex and feathers.

Britt: Are you okay, Ben? That mean lady didn't hurt you, did she? Huh?

Dr. Obrecht: Ben?! What is this "Ben"?

Britt: Ben is my son's name.

Dr. Obrecht: That is no name for a baby. That is a name for a rat. I thought we agreed to name him Cesar to honor your father.

Britt: I never agreed to that. Do not push me, mother. The last time you tried to force this on me, remember what happened? I-I found out that you tried to kill Duke Lavery.

Dr. Obrecht: I was trying to rid the earth of that schlampe, Anna Devane.

Anna: What a situation. I was really sorry when I found out that Britt's child wasn't yours.

Patrick: Were you? Really?

Anna: Well, I mean, don't get me wrong. I was thrilled that she was gonna be out of your life and away from Emma. But...I know how much you were looking forward to having a son. That couldn't have been easy.

Patrick: No, it wasn't. But thankfully for Sabrina and, of all people, Nikolas Cassadine --

Anna: Nikolas?

Patrick: They both helped remind me that I need to focus on the ones that I love and the ones that I still have in my life.

Anna: That's very good advice.

Patrick: [Chuckles] You're one of them.

Anna: I'm honored to be on the short list with Emma. And Sabrina. Is everything all right?

Patrick: Emma's fine. She -- she's great. I'm just a little worried about me and Sabrina.

Sabrina: Brad announced that he was going off to do the right thing.

Felix: That's what Ellie said.

Sabrina: Sounds to me like he said it in front of her just so it can get back to you.

Felix: Wait, so you think this is another con?

Sabrina: Are you kidding? You threw down the gauntlet, told Brad that he couldn't do it, and now he's pulling out the smoke and mirrors to show you that he can.

Felix: Oh, my God. Sabrina, what have I done? Have I turned you into a jaded skeptic?

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Felix: You used to be so eager about giving everyone the benefit of the doubt.

Sabrina: Yeah, well, everyone but Brad.

Felix: Mm.

Sabrina: And Britt. And anytime you might end up getting hurt, and then I'm just as skeptical as you were when Britt was playing all of her games.

Felix: You're such a good friend.

Sabrina: It's just my turn. Look, Felix, whatever Brad comes back and tells you, don't trust him, okay?

Felix: I know. I know. But I can't help thinking what right thing he's gonna try to convince me he's done. I mean, it's not like he's gonna step up and be the Britt's baby daddy.

Sabrina: Are you kidding? Brad changing diapers, singing lullabies, saving for college? No.

Felix: [Chuckles] I don't see it. As a matter of fact, I don't see any of it. I mean, of all the semen in all the sperm banks in all the world, why did Britt choose Brad's to make a baby to pass off as Patrick's?

Sabrina: Maybe his was the handiest... so to speak.

Nikolas: Yes, Brad. Why don't you tell us which baby you're talking about here?

Brad: Well, it's, uh -- I, uh... [Clears throat] Okay, so, the baby --

Olivia: Which baby?

Dante: You came up to me a few weeks ago in the hospital and you said something about Patrick not being Britt Westbourne's baby's father, but you were?

Brad: That's right, but that's not why I'm here.

Dante: And you had a black eye 'cause Patrick punched you.

Maxie: Not hard enough, obviously.

Olivia: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You're interrupting this christening so you can file some kind of a report? Did it ever occur to you to go to the police station?

Spinelli: You know, in the interest of expediting justice, why don't I escort you there myself?

Dante: Wait, wait, wait, Spinelli. What's going on, man? You in trouble or something?

Brad: No. No, no. I'm not in trouble. I'm trying to right a wrong.

Nikolas: Look, I don't know why you'd choose to announce it here, but if you're finally ready to step up and be a father to your son, don't let anyone here stop you.

Brad: Look, this isn't about Westbourne's baby, okay? It's about yours.

Lulu: Wait a second. Wait. You're the lab manager. Is there something wrong with Connie? Is our baby sick?

Brad: No, no, no. It's nothing like that. Connie -- she's fine.

Lulu: Well, then, what is so urgent? What do you have to tell us about our baby?

Brad: This baby...isn't yours. She's Maxie's. You tried to murder someone. And then when the police showed up, you took off and left me holding the bag.

Dr. Obrecht: As I recall, I left you holding a bowl of popcorn. Carbs, Britta.

Brenda: Oh, my -- Anna Devane arrested me, mother.

Dr. Obrecht: Then you should be pleased that she was my intended target, no?

Britt: I was nine months' pregnant. I could have spent the night in prison if Nikolas hadn't intervened.

Dr. Obrecht: Did prince charming show up on a white horse for his saftig damsel in distress? Well played, Britta.

Britt: Oh, so, now you approve of Nikolas?

Dr. Obrecht: He's a Cassadine. You finally made Patrick jealous by shacking up with the irrelevant prince. Patrick will discard the mouse and take you and his son into his home.

Britt: That's not gonna happen.

Dr. Obrecht: Of course it will, with mutter's help. I must admit I was worried during my last visit. You were pathetic, mewling about how you wanted to tell Patrick the truth about the baby. But jealousy is a great motivator. And soon Patrick will open his home to you and his son.

Britt: No. He won't, Mother. And you know why? Because I finally told him the truth.

Dr. Obrecht: You did what?!

Britt: Yeah. I stopped listening to your orders and started thinking for myself. I told Patrick that Ben isn't his son. Don't you...

Luke: Ms. Sutton and I handled Dr. Obrecht.

Jerry: Oh, did you now?

Luke: Would I be here if I hadn't?

Jerry: That's rather counterproductive, don't you think? Why make an enemy of the good doctor when you could have appealed to her scientific side, persuaded her to help you?

Luke: Is that how you got Madame curie to help you?

Jerry: Oh, no, no, no. I came to Dr. Obrecht as a simple patient. And she took very good care of me. That's until her superior showed up.

Luke: Cesar Faison.

Jerry: [Chuckles] As it turns out, Faison is -- was on a quest to fund the cure. Not wanting to foot the bill himself, he, of course, wanted to extort money from me. He wanted an enormous sum.

Luke: $88,111,000 -- the dead man's hand in dollars.

Jerry: That's right. It was sufficient to cover Faison's price.

Luke: And it didn't matter that you had to poison an entire town?

Jerry: It's the cost of doing business. Alas, the collateral damage was higher than I anticipated.

Luke: So then you got Madame mengele's help.

Jerry: To my surprise, the good doctor Obrecht has a bigger heart than he sturdy exterior shows. She took pity on me.

Luke: Did she find you a cure?

Jerry: No. She did not.

Luke: [Sighs]

Jerry: But she did the next best thing. She found a brilliant doctor to manufacture one.

Anna: I thought you and Sabrina would be ecstatic now that Britt's finally out of your lives.

Patrick: We were. I mean, we -- we are.

Anna: Yeah. But...what?

Patrick: I mean, it's good. Everything started to kind of calm down for me and Sabrina. No Britt. No baby. [Sighs] But then another problem showed up.

Anna: What?

Patrick: Her ex-boyfriend -- this guy that she dated in Puerto Rico. He's in town, and he wants her back.

Anna: Does he, now?

Patrick: Yeah. And he went right to work on Sabrina trying to undermine our relationship.

Anna: Undermining it how?

Patrick: [Chuckles] Well, the first time that the three of us were in the room together, he...threw it right in my face. I'm still wearing my wedding ring.

Sabrina: Honestly, I could care less if that baby's Brad's. After everything that he helped Britt get away with and after everything that he's done to you and God knows how many other people --

Felix: Okay. He's run out of chances.

Sabrina: Good.

Felix: So, how about your good-looking friend, uh, carols? Did he find you?

Sabrina: He found me all right.

Felix: Any chance he asked about me?

Sabrina: Oh, no. He's straight.

Felix: You sure?

Sabrina: Positive.

Felix: And you know this because...?

Sabrina: Because he's my ex-boyfriend.

Felix: Ooh! [Chuckles] So, what happened when, uh, he found you? Any regrets?

Sabrina: [Chuckling] No. He has a few, though.

Felix: About you?

Sabrina: Don't act so surprised. He wants me back.

Felix: Ooh. Talk to me, sister.

Lulu: Brad, you're confused.

Brad: No, I'm not.

Nikolas: I am.

Lulu: Uh, it's very simple, really, and I appreciate your concern, but Maxie may have carried our daughter for us, but Connie is definitely our flesh and blood.

Brad: No. I know Maxie was your surrogate, but this baby isn't your flesh and blood. She's Maxie's.

Lulu: That doesn't make any sense. Where would you get an idea like that?

Brad: [Scoffs] Om him.

Spinelli: W-- I-I never told you any such thing!

Brad: I never said you told me. I heard you say it to Maxie.

Dante: So, what you're saying is you heard Spinelli tell Maxie that she was Connie's biological mother?

Felix: Accidentally overheard. I wasn't spying or --

Lulu: What do you think you heard them say, exactly?

Brad: I heard Spinelli say, word for word, "no one will ever know Dante and Lulu's daughter is actually our biological child."

Olivia: I don't who you are, but you're clearly delusional.

Lulu: Wait a second. You are saying that our little Connie is not only Maxie's daughter, that she's Spinelli's, too? You are telling me that the two of them are her biological parents?

Brad: That's exactly what I heard.

Lulu: Okay. You are out of your mind. You are completely out of your mind.

Brad: Fine. Believe me or don't believe me. I was just trying to do the right thing for once.

Lulu: Maxie, Spinelli, you never had this supposed conversation, right? Brad here is -- he's making it up. Right? the last time.

Dr. Obrecht: How could you do something so stupid? Why did you tell Patrick?

Britt: Because of you. Because when you couldn't keep control of yourself and tried to kill Duke -- oh, whoops, I'm sorry -- Anna, Patrick threatened to take my kid away from me. So I had to do what I had to do.

Dr. Obrecht: Against my advice.

Britt: So far, all your advice has done is brought me humiliation, mother. And I am sick of it, okay? I have a son now. I have to start thinking for myself, and you have to stay out of my life.

Dr. Obrecht: Now, schatz, stop. You are suffering from postpartum depression. You don't mean that.

Britt: I am not depressed, mother. And I do mean it. You are lucky I have not called the cops. Now get the hell out.

Luke: So, you're telling me that Dr. Obrecht couldn't finish the job, so she found a doctor who could?

Jerry: Wow. You're keeping up with the conversation rather well for someone whose organs are shutting down.

Luke: And where is this alleged doctor that she found?

Jerry: Right behind that door, developing a cure for what used to be a terminal condition.

Luke: How's it going?

Jerry: Oh, splendidly. Why? Oh, come. Sit. Please. There you go.

Luke: Because I'm hoping you've got enough for the whole class.

Jerry: And why should I share it? You've made it abundantly clear that you are no friend of mine.

Luke: Well, I am dying.

Jerry: Yes.

Luke: And I did secure this place for you by killing the harpy who owned it, so in a way, you owe it to both of us.

Jerry: Yeah, well, I suppose I could do it in Helena's memory.

Luke: Yes, you could.

Jerry: Yeah. There's only one problem.

Luke: What?

Jerry: I can't.

Patrick: The guy's a blatant manipulator. He showed up at the hospital, found out that Sabrina was at my house, then came there. So she answers the door and he just grabs her and starts kissing her.

Anna: Oh! [Chuckles] [Clears throat] I take it you weren't home at the time.

Patrick: No, I wasn't home at the time. I would have laid the guy out.

Anna: It's usually best to avoid violent confrontations whenever possible.

Patrick: Anyway, Sabrina shut it down, and that should have been the end of it.

Anna: Mm-hmm.

Patrick: But then he shows up at the hospital with a little minor scratch on his shoulder trying to get face time with Sabrina. So I walk into the exam room, and he's, like -- he's got her by the wrist.

Anna: Were they struggling?

Patrick: No. But I could tell that Sabrina was uncomfortable. I mean, the guy obviously doesn't respect her. He doesn't know boundaries, and so we kind of got into it a little bit, and I told him to back off, and that's when he brought up the wedding ring. And he said obviously I can't be serious about Sabrina and basically said that I think of her as a...babysitter with benefits.

Anna: Oh. She knows better than that, doesn't she?

Patrick: Yeah. Sabrina knows how much I care about her and how much she means to both me and Emma.

Anna: So then, there's nothing to worry about.

Patrick: The fact is that guy used everything he could to push my buttons so I would react, so I would look like a jerk, using the reason why I still have the wedding ring on, which is none of his business why I still wear it.

Anna: Of course not. But...

Patrick: But what?

Anna: Why are you still wearing it?

Felix: So, carols "danger" Rivera comes all the way from Puerto Rico to win u back?

Sabrina: Actually, he's working here in Port Charles.

Felix: He hunts you down at Patrick's while Patrick is gone, and then what?

Sabrina: And then, he... kissed me.

Felix: What?! [Clears throat] What happened when he kissed you?

Sabrina: [Scoffs] I told him that I'm in love with Patrick and that Patrick loves me as much as I love him. At least I think he does.

Felix: Girl, are you crazy? It's obvious Patrick loves you.

Sabrina: No, I know. I know. But maybe not as much as he loves Robin.

Lulu: This nutcase is lying, right?

Spinelli: Yes. Yes, Lulu. Brad is fabricating this story as usual.

Brad: Go to hell, Spinelli.

Olivia: You know, you are in a church.

Spinelli: Yes. It is shameful to be perpetuating such a horrible lie in a house of God. Shame.

Brad: Isn't it, though?

Dante: Why would Brad lie about this, Spinelli?

Lulu: Dante, do you believe him?

Nikolas: No, of course he doesn't. He's just trying to get to the bottom of this.

Dante: Spinelli?

Spinelli: Dante, he's manufacturing this out of thin air. Maxie can corroborate. Uh, this -- this supposed conversation never took place. I can swear to it. And Maxie can, too.

Lulu: Maxie, why aren't you saying anything?

Maxie: Because Brad is lying, obviously. He always lies. How could this baby be mine and Spinelli's? That's not even possible.

Brad: Hold on. I'm telling the truth. I know what I heard.

Maxie: You can't know what you heard because we never said that.

Spinelli: Yeah. You're distorting the facts and then fabricating a lie like you always do.

Brad: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm a liar. I stole Ellie's job. I've done all these bad things, and they're coming back to bite me in the a--

Olivia: Church!

Felix: I promised someone I'd prove I could do the right thing, and I'm trying to do exactly that. And this is the thanks I get?

Nikolas: You actually expect to be thanked for this?

Brad: [Sighs] I don't know you people from Adam, all right? I have no reason to lie. The fact is you two are being tricked by these two -- your so-called friends, the godparents.

Lulu: Yeah, that's right. Maxie and Spinelli are our friends. We asked them to be our daughter's godparents. You're -- you're expecting us to take the word of a stranger.

Brad: May God strike me dead if I'm lying. [Sighs]

Spinelli: Well... [Sighs] Crazy's left the building.

[Chuckles] Uh...but I guess things are settled. We -- we can all go home.

Maxie: We're good, right?

Nikolas: Lulu, are you all right?

Lulu: Yeah. I'm fine. [Sighs] It's just when I look back at my daughter's christening, this is what I'm gonna remember.

Olivia: At least you got a good story out of it. We got a huge feast planned. It's gonna get your mind off all this bad stuff.

Spinelli: Ah, well, I'm famished after all this excitement. Uh...who's with me?

Maxie: Oh, I lost my appetite, but I'm sure I could get it back. Let's go.

Dante: Wait a minute. Wait a minute! Not so fast.

Spinelli: "Not so fast"? Dante, I mean, isn't that -- isn't that a bit noirish for the occasion?

Dante: Just trying to sort some things out here, Spinelli. You've had a lot of dealings with Brad, right?

Spinelli: Yeah. I have.

Dante: He sounded pretty sure of himself.

Spinelli: Well, psychotics frequently do.

Dante: Yeah, see, the thing is he didn't -- he didn't sound psycho to me.

Olivia: Hon, you heard the way he was ranting.

Dante: Yeah. He was frustrating, ma. He was frustrated, okay? But he was -- he was coherent.

Nikolas: He's an experienced liar. It's like breathing to the guy.

Maxie: Yeah. Can't we just drop this?

Dante: No, Maxie, we can't. Not until I understand some things. See, Brad may have been upset with you, but why would a relative stranger walk in here and throw out some crazy story about our baby?

Sabrina: Patrick still wears his wedding band.

Felix: You're right. He does. I mean, it's only been a year and a half, right? I mean...

Sabrina: Right. No. That's totally normal, yeah?

Felix: I think the more important question is how do you feel about Patrick still wearing the wedding band from his late wife?

Sabrina: It bothered me. A little, though, and I tried not to dwell on it, till carols just threw it in my face. God! I hate that he always knows how to get to me.

Felix: Well, if he needs somebody to get to, you give him my number.

Sabrina: The thing is ever since carols brought it up, I just can't stop thinking about it. And Patrick tells me that he loves me. But...every time I see that ring, I just can't help but wonder, you know, if he loves me enough to move on from Robin.

Patrick: How can you, of all people, ask me why I'm still wearing my wedding ring?

Anna: Oh, God knows we both loved Robin. We still do.

Patrick: [Sighs]

Anna: We always will. But you have a new relationship with a great woman who loves you, and she cares for Emma as if she were her own.

Patrick: Yeah.

Anna: And we both know that Robin would want you to be happy.

Patrick: I know. I know that. I mean, just the other day, I talked to Sam and I said the same thing to her -- how she has to move on from Jason. And I want to do the same thing. I do. I just -- I -- I love Sabrina. But I...

Anna: What? What?

Patrick: I can't let Robin go.

Luke: You can't share the cure with me or you won't?

Jerry: Well, I could say that I simply refuse. You see, poisoning Port Charles and extorting $88 million is bloody hard work.

Luke: Yeah. I admire your fortitude.

Jerry: Mm. And I your determination. I mean, why would I share the remedy? All you've done is chase me around the globe from one end of the earth to the other.

Luke: Yes. And that's been bloody hard work. Don't you think I deserve some sort of reward for that, some little trinket, like my life?

Jerry: Well, at this point, it's moot. I'm sorry, Luke, but I can't share it with you.

Luke: Why the hell not?!

Jerry: Because it's not personal! My doctor said there isn't enough medication. It can only cure one person.

Dr. Obrecht: Now, now. We must both stop and take a breath. Let me make you a cup of warm milk. You will feel better, no?

Britt: No! I don't want anything from you, ever. I want you to get out.

Dr. Obrecht: You don't mean that.

Britt: Yes, I do, mother. This is your last chance. Get out!

Dr. Obrecht: And if I refuse, what will you do?

Britt: Nothing.

Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs] That is because you are weak.

Britt: No. It's because Nikolas will be home soon, and when he finds you here, he'll call the police.

Dr. Obrecht: Then I don't have much time.

Britt: For what?

Anna: Nobody knows better than I how hard it is to let go of Robin. But you have to. You -- you -- we both do.

Patrick: I know you're right. I-I know it, but I --

Anna: What is holding you back?

Patrick: [Sighs] I can't put my finger on it. It doesn't make any sense. It's not based in any sort of fact. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm never gonna see her again, that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life without her. I can't commit to a new life without Robin. And I don't know why, Anna. I'm just -- I'm -- I'm not able to do it.

Anna: I get that. But you have to. You have to figure it out for your sake, for your relationship, and for Emma. Otherwise, you're gonna lose Sabrina.

Felix: You need to talk to Patrick about this.

Sabrina: And say what? "Hey, I know you loved your wife, but she's dead, so lose the ring?"

Felix: Okay, I can see how that can be awkward, but you and Patrick survived the Britch and the ersatz mini-Drake she was carrying. Y'all can get through this.

Brad: Felix. I need to talk to you.

Felix: And I'm talking to Sabrina.

Brad: Yeah, but this is important.

Felix: [Sighs] I suppose this is about what Ellie was talking about -- about you marching off to do the right thing?

Brad: Yes. And that's exactly what I did.

Maxie: Dante, Brad heard something wrong and made a mistake. It's not worth wasting time talking about. Come on.

Dante: Hey, Spinelli. You remember that day at the hospital Lulu and I heard you and Ellie arguing outside the baby's room? You said you were talking about your baby.

Spinelli: Yes. But I already -- I already clarified my meaning. Ellie and I were discussing A... theoretical child that we may have someday.

Dante: Uh-huh. Mac said something to you, too.

Lulu: [Scoffs]

Dante: That Maxie was insisting the baby was hers and that Spinelli was the father.

Lulu: Yes, but --

Maxie: I had a c-section. I was on painkillers. I wasn't conscious. I don't remember what I said.

Nikolas: Spinelli, I saw you outside the baby's room looking in on her and Lulu. I could have sworn you were crying.

[Cell phone rings]

Nikolas: Excuse me. Hello, Britt? Hello? He-- damn it. I-I have to go check on her. I'm sorry.

Lulu: Yes. Yeah. Go uh, make sure that she and her baby are okay.

Nikolas: I will, and I'll ask her some questions. I mean, she was your doctor, too, right?

Lulu: Yeah.

Nikolas: Okay. Maybe she can shed some light on this thing.

Lulu: There is no light to be shed. [Chuckles]

Nikolas: I'm sure you're right. Just call me if you need me.

Lulu: Sure.

Dante: Ma, could you take Connie home?

Olivia: Yeah, of course. I'll -- I'll meet you back there.

Lulu: Um, or we could just all go home together.

Dante: No, Lulu. We're gonna...get this settled.

Olivia: There you go. There you go.

Dante: Ma, you take care of the baby?

Olivia: Okay. Of course. I'll be waiting for you.

Lulu: Dante, what is there to settle? Why are you giving Spinelli and Maxie the third degree? Don't go cop on them because -- because some nutcase said something crazy.

Dante: You know, the thing is I'm not convinced that this is all that crazy. I think Maxie and Spinelli aren't telling us something. And I think we're all gonna stay here until we figure out what that is. huh? You're looking at the new and improved Brad cooper. I am the avatar of integrity, the raining king of honesty.

Felix: And what exactly did you do?

Brad: You know Dante and Lulu Falconeri?

Felix: Yeah. What about them?

Brad: Well, they baptized a baby that didn't belong to them. So, I went to the church, walked right up to them, and told them the truth -- that the baby isn't really theirs.

Dante: I think there's something wrong with Maxie and Spinelli's story.

Lulu: No. There isn't. It's not their fault. They can't explain the motivations behind someone who's disturbed, malicious, or both.

Dante: I don't want them to explain Brad. I want them to explain themselves.

Lulu: Fine. Let's get this over with, then. Maxie, tell Dante that there is nothing wrong with your story. Tell him. Look at me. Tell me.

Maxie: I already told you, Lulu. This -- this baby is yours. [Voice breaking] She's your baby. Please. Please, can we just let this go and forget that it ever happened? [Crying]

Maxie: I have something important to tell you about the baby. First, I want you both to know that I love you very much. I do.

Lulu: Maxie, whatever it is, just say it.

Maxie: It's okay. Mommy's here.

Lulu: Maxie?

Lulu: Oh, my God. She is your baby. Isn't she? [Crying]

Nikolas: Britt? I'm sorry. We got cut off. Britt?

Anna: Anything new on the whereabouts of Dr. Liesl Obrecht? All right. Well, if a lead turns up, no matter how small, I want to hear about it. Yeah, you're damn right it's personal.

Patrick: Sabrina.

Sabrina: Oh! Patrick. I didn't see you.

Patrick: I was hoping you'd still be here.

Sabrina: What's up?

Patrick: [Sighs] Well, I was, uh -- do you have a second where we could go talk in private?

Sabrina: Sure. About what?

Patrick: Robin.

Luke: Maybe your genius doctor can find a way to make two doses.

Jerry: Well, she's a genius, not an alchemist, and she's made it abundantly clear that it's impossible. Anyway, it was lovely to have this chat with you. Make yourself comfortable. Yes. I'm gonna check on the good doctor and, uh, watch you suffer the deterioration of your major organs.

Luke: I didn't come all this way to die here.

Jerry: Oh, really? Well, as you wish. Guard! Uh, take my radioactive friend there away to die. Thank you. See you. Toodle-oo.

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