General Hospital Transcript Friday 9/27/13
Provided By Suzanne
Nikolas: Exactly. So what we're gonna do -- again, what's the problem? Huh? You missing your mommy? Yeah, I bet you are. Come here. Come here. One, two, three. [Sighs] Yeah. She probably just needs a break from all that squawking you've been doing, you know? Don't be too hard on her, though. She's new at this. But you know what? It gives us a chance to get to know each other. Yeah? Just try not to fall for me, 'cause you already have a daddy. [Smooches]
Brad: Felix, hey.
Felix: I gave at the office.
Brad: This is your office. Look, I don't want anything. In fact, I've got something for you. A, um, present.
Felix: Hmm. That's too bad. I have a policy.
Brad: Against presents?
Felix: I don't accept them from strangers, old men in limousines, and deadbeat dads.
Britt: This kid giving you trouble?
Nikolas: [Laughs] See? I told you she'd be back. Here she is!
Britt: Battery check. [Laughs] I hope he didn't disturb you.
Nikolas: No, no, no, no. We were, uh -- we were just discussing his -- his likes and dislikes.
Britt: Oh.
Nikolas: Yes, he's very fond of that night light that you've got up there that's shaped like a seahorse.
Britt: [Chuckles] Really? That's good to know. Thank you for covering my shift.
Nikolas: Oh, yeah, you're welcome. It's the best conversation I've had in quite some time.
Britt: [Chuckles]
Nikolas: Uh, I need to go get cleaned up for Connie's christening.
Britt: Yeah, it's a big day for your family.
Nikolas: Yeah.
Britt: Maxie, not so much.
Maxie: [Sighs] Thank you for not smiting me. I know I haven't exactly been a model churchgoer. Or a model person, for that matter, but I'm -- I'm trying to change. I volunteered to be a surrogate for Dante and Lulu. I know that didn't exactly go as planned, but I'm -- I'm trying to make that better. That's why I'm here, um, to ask for a little backup. I really need strength... to let my daughter go. Please, God. And I know that I don't really have a right to ask for this, but if you could just give me anything to be able to accept the fact that I am going to be Connie's Godmother and not her mother. [Sighs]
Lulu: Tracy.
Tracy: I come bearing gifts. Where's the lady of the hour?
Lulu: You know the christening's at the church, right?
Tracy: Yes, I do, but the church is gonna be filled with hangers-on and gawkers, and I want a private audience.
Lulu: Mmm, there's one problem with that.
Tracy: Are you gonna say that we're not technically related anymore? Well, who argues with a woman bringing a very expensive gift?
Lulu: [Chuckles] Not me. And I would be happy to grant you that audience as long as you don't mind waiting. Dante took the baby Godfather hunting.
Dante: Okay, Connie and I better get going if we're gonna make it to the church on time. See you in a few.
Spinelli: Be there with bells on.
Dante: All right. Uh, hey, just want you to know how much I appreciate you, uh, being there for my daughter.
Spinelli: The honor is all mine. If I complete this assignment, I will be an integral part of your daughter's life. Is that something you and Lulu truly want?
Dante: Yeah. Spinelli, would you stop it? You're one of Lulu's best friends. You've become a friend of mine. Why wouldn't we want you to be Connie's Godfather?
Tracy: Spinelli?! You can't trust your daughter's spiritual well-being to that boob! By the time he's done with her, she's gonna be worshipping at the altar of spider-man.
Lulu: I appreciate your concern, Tracy, but you really don't need to worry. I have faith in Spinelli's moral compass.
Tracy: Yes, well, let's just hope that she never needs a good P.I.
Lulu: She'll get all her seamy underbelly references from my dad when he's around to give them.
Tracy: Yes. Well, I'm sure Luke can't wait to school his new granddaughter in the fine art of skulking. In fact, I'm sure that he is going to be home posthaste.
Lulu: Give it up, Tracy. I know the truth. My dad is dying. [Grunting]
Luke: Ooh, ooh.
[Cell phone rings]
Luke: Damn. Oh. Spencer's house of pain. Oh, hi. Hi, English. No, I'm peachy. How you doing? No, don't do that. Don't do it. You stay there. Stay close to Robert. [Coughing] Sorry. [Sniffs, sighs] No. No, no, no, it's just that it's dusty here. That's all. Yeah, your, uh -- your tip paid off. Yeah, I followed Dr. Obrecht all the way here to Cassadine island. So, I'm about to come face to face with her. And with any luck, with the Australian and the antidote, too. [Sighs] Well, if he hasn't got it, I don't know what I'll do. Actually, I do know what I'll do. I'll die. And Maxie were such good friends.
Britt: We aren't. Um, she was my patient before I went on leave. I-I took an interest.
Nikolas: And you were concerned?
Britt: Well, that baby was a part of Maxie's body. And now that she's gone, Maxie must be yearning for Connie. It's not something you can just turn off. Letting go isn't a simple matter of deciding to.
Nikolas: Right. It was for Brad.
Brad: Come on. Don't you even want to know what I got you?
Felix: Is it crabs?
Brad: This is something you'd want.
Felix: I told you. I have a policy. Whatever it is you got me, I can't accept it.
Brad: Even chocolate-covered cherries?
Felix: How did you know?
Brad: Spin class.
Felix: Excuse me?
Brad: Every time you complain about having to take an extra one, it's because you went to town on a box of these bad boys, right? I'm sure if you try, you could find a class that meets tomorrow.
Felix: What's the catch?
Brad: No catch.
Felix: Okay, let me rephrase that. What's the ulterior motive? Because we both know there is one.
Brad: [Sighs] My only motive is to put a smile on your face, Felix. Can't I just do something nice for you?
Dante: I appreciate that you're taking this so seriously. It's a big responsibility. But that's why we want you to be Connie's Godfather. We know you'll do whatever it takes to -- to guide her down the right path.
Ellie: Is this the christen-ee?
Dante: It is. Connie, that's Ellie. Ellie, Connie.
Ellie: Oh, my goodness. I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful baby.
Dante: I'd have to agree, which means she obviously didn't get her looks from me. [Chuckles] Anyway, we got to get going, otherwise we're gonna be late. You're gonna do awesome, man. Don't worry about it, okay? I'll see you.
Ellie: Did I hear that correctly? Are you really gonna be your own daughter's Godfather?
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Maxie: Olivia, what are you doing here?
Olivia: Am I in the wrong place? My granddaughter getting christened today?
Maxie: Right, I-I just meant you're early.
Olivia: Well, I wanted to get a few things squared away with the priest.
Maxie: How long were you standing there?
Olivia: Long enough.
Maxie: I can explain what I said.
Olivia: Honey, honey, there's no need. Dante and Lulu told me that, uh, you weren't having an easy time letting go of little Connie.
Maxie: They've been great, and I'm working on this. I'm in therapy.
Olivia: Yeah, yeah, they told me that, too.
Maxie: And so, my attachment issues with Connie won't be a problem.
Olivia: Honey, Dante and Lulu know that, or they would have never asked you to be her Godmother. You must be so excited.
Maxie: I can't wait.
Olivia: Don't worry. Honey, I have a feeling this is all gonna work out just fine. As long as you don't stab Lulu in the back. [Chuckles]
Tracy: Luke told you the truth?
Lulu: Only after I overheard him say he was dying and confronted him.
Tracy: Lulu, I'm sorry. He swore me to secrecy. I hated lying to you.
Lulu: That's my dad for you. Always has to go it alone.
Tracy: Don't be too angry at him. He thought he was protecting you.
Lulu: Oh, right. Me. Just sitting here perfectly safe, I'm the one who needs protecting.
Tracy: Lulu, you're where you're supposed to be -- with your daughter.
Lulu: Well, where's my dad? Is he weak? Is he alone? Is he scared? What if something happens to him, Tracy? What if he doesn't come home?
Tracy: That's not going to happen. He will come home, because there's no way he's gonna let Helena Cassadine have the last laugh.
Luke: [Grunts] That's good. I like that. Okay. Pal, you don't mind if I borrow this, do you? I didn't think so. Aah! [Groaning] [Breathing heavily] No, no. I'm okay. Don't worry about me. It'll pass. [Groans] [Exhales deeply] Oh, yeah. Oh, that's so much better. Okay. Now, come on, Spencer. Get it together. In there is Jerry Jacks and his magic elixir. [Grunting] If I can get it open. [Grunts] Excellent.
Luke: Calling Jerry Jacks! Jerry Jacks! [Echoing] As if Jerry Jacks could fill my shoes. Hello again, lover boy. of cold? I mean, Maxie feels a bond with Connie despite the fact that they're not even related, yet the moment that Ben was born, Brad washes his hands of him, his own son.
Britt: I don't know if Brad ever thought of Ben as his son. I mean, this was an arrangement, nothing more. And -- and I truly bear Brad no ill will. I mean, Ben and I will be just fine.
Nikolas: Well, Brad's the one who's missing out, if you ask me. I-I do need to go get ready, so... I don't know. If Ben were my son, I wouldn't stray outside of the range of that monitor.
Brad: Could you just take the box already? I feel like everyone's staring.
Felix: Because they are.
Brad: Why? Why does a token of my affection have to be such A...big deal?!
Felix: [Chuckles] The fact that you don't understand just proves my point. You have a child in this world that you're ignoring. I can't condone that.
Brad: Yeah, well, you happen to be ignoring something yourself.
Felix: Not a kid!
Brad: No, a moment between us. The other day, you and I shared what most people would call an actual human connection, or at least I thought we did. But I [Scoffs] Guess I misread the situation. I was wrong. You felt absolutely nothing.
Felix: Okay. Okay.
Brad: "Okay," what?
Felix: Maybe it's possible I felt something.
Maxie: Why would I stab Lulu in the back?
Olivia: That's a good question. I don't know. That's just what the weird sisters seem to be telling me.
Maxie: The glam-rock lesbian band from Australia?
Olivia: [Chuckling] No. The fates or whatever it is. Wherever I get these visions I get from.
Maxie: You had a vision that I stabbed Lulu in the back?
Olivia: Yeah. The night of the birthing class. I had a vision that you came into Dante and Lulu's apartment and you stabbed Lulu in the back. It freaked me out so bad, I made Dante come home from the class.
Maxie: And Spinelli had to take his place.
Olivia: Yeah. Luckily he was there to step in as daddy.
Maxie: Yeah, real lucky.
Olivia: Yeah. But it was okay. Dante talked me down, and he was right. I know that you would never do anything to hurt Lulu like that. And, you know, it wouldn't be the first time that my radar was completely off.
Olivia: That time, remember when I thought you were gonna give birth to a dog?
Maxie: [Chuckles nervously] That was -- that was crazy.
Olivia: I mean, it wasn't really a dog, actually. It was more like a wolf or a hyena or -- or...something.
Maxie: A jackal.
Spinelli: Well, your hearing is in fine fettle. I'm gonna be Connie's Godfather.
Ellie: I have to admit, I'm surprised.
Spinelli: I wasn't angling for the position, but... I felt like I had no choice. [Sighs] Thanks to an issue of family politics, he couldn't ask Michael or Morgan. And with the christening right around the corner, namely today, I didn't want to leave him hanging.
Ellie: Oh, so you did it for Dante?
Spinelli: There may have been a bit more to it than that.
Ellie: Such as?
Spinelli: If I'm being honest, I...guess I agreed in part for myself.
Lulu: So, what are we supposed to do? Just pretend everything is normal?
Tracy: I think that's exactly what your father wants us to do.
Lulu: Well, he's a jerk. Sometimes.
Tracy: Do tell.
Lulu: See, that's the thing. He's our jerk, and I'd really like him to be my daughter's jerk. He promised me that he would be there when she was born, and, you know, technically, he kept that promise. But I assumed that meant he would be here for the duration or at least until the christening. My mom's still in Paris tending to her health, which means... I've got no one.
Tracy: I resent that.
Lulu: I didn't mean it like that.
Tracy: Who has been at your side through every crisis with every one of your reprobate boyfriends?
Lulu: They weren't all reprobates.
Tracy: Who can be counted on to give sage advice every time your life spirals into chaos?
Lulu: You.
Tracy: And who is gonna be standing in for your father at the church today to make sure that Spinelli does not ruin his new granddaughter?
Lulu: [Laughing] You don't have to do that.
Tracy: Yes, I do. But it helps that I want to.
[Door opens]
Dante: Hello.
Tracy: Yay!
Dante: Oh, hey, Tracy, hi. Well, I have good news. Spinelli said yes.
Lulu: Even better news. Maxie is on board, too.
Dante: Good. Okay. I will, uh...
[Door closes]
Dante: ...Get ready to rock, go change.
Lulu: Say hello. We'll see you at the church?
Tracy: What? Oh, yeah, the church.
Lulu: Is something wrong?
Tracy: I...I was just looking for Luke in her face.
Lulu: I've been doing the same thing. I don't see much of him, either.
Tracy: I'll, uh -- I'll see you at the church. Mmm.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Luke: Helena?
Helena: Your eyes don't deceive you.
Luke: No. No, I shot you. I checked your pulse. No, you... this isn't real. You're a clone. Or a double or Faison in a mask and a wig. You are not Helena Cassadine. That bitch is dead.
Helena: Oh. Indeed I am. At your hand. So, tell me, Luke. If I'm dead... what does that make you? I knew you had the hots for me!
Felix: Could you not be putting our private business out in front of the nurses' station?
Brad: You're right. If there was ever a time to tweet, it's now.
Felix: Okay, also premature.
Brad: Sure. Sure, sure, sure. No problem. We'll just, uh, take this newfound accord and build on it brick by brick.
Felix: Okay, look, no one's gonna be building on anything. We had a moment, and it's possible in that moment I felt something. But that feeling lingered only for a short second, before Patrick came in and reminded me the kind of person that you are.
Brad: And what kind of person is that?
Felix: A selfish person! A person who places himself above everyone else, who's incapable of telling the truth unless it suits his own purposes, the person who always makes the wrong decision about the right thing to do.
Brad: Don't you think that's a little harsh? Look, I know I'm not your typical role model, but I'm not all bad.
Felix: Okay. Name one selfless thing that you've done.
Brad: [Sighs]
Felix: That's what I thought.
Brad: Wait. What if I did one?
Britt: Nikolas is so kind to let us stay here. Which is why I feel terrible that he's about to attend a christening for a baby that isn't even his niece. [Sighs] But I gave Maxie my word. I won't tell anyone the truth. I just wish I didn't have to lie to Nikolas.
Nikolas: Lie to me about what?
Spinelli: I realize it may be self-serving, but being Connie's Godfather assures me a place in her life. At least I'll be able to maintain some kind of contact with my daughter.
Ellie: Damian, will "some contact" really be enough? Can you honestly be satisfied being the Godfather of your own daughter?
Spinelli: I'll have to be. If you'll excuse me, I... I have to pick up my suit and get to the church. I have a christening to attend.
Ellie: [Sighs]
Dante: What was all that with Tracy?
Lulu: She's worried about my dad and trying to hide it. Same as me.
Dante: I know you're missing your dad today.
Lulu: I just wish I'd hear from him. Or that I had any way of contacting him. I really hate playing the waiting game. Be nice if someone would help us figure out where he is.
Olivia: It wasn't like a -- like a fox or a dingo, exactly, or a coyote. It was like an African wild dog, but not spotted. You know what I'm talking about?
Maxie: No.
Olivia: It's so frustrating, 'cause it's right on the tip of my tongue --
Maxie: You know who can help you figure this out? Tracy.
Tracy: What am I supposed to figure out?
Maxie: Uh, you're in really capable hands. If you excuse me, ladies, I need to get some air.
Tracy: Like I said, what am I supposed to figure out?
Olivia: Dogs.
Maxie: Hey, watch it!
Spinelli: Oh, a thousand apologies --
Tracy: Was it a poodle?
Olivia: It was definitely not a poodle.
Tracy: Okay, I'm out of ideas.
Olivia: If I could just figure out what this animal was in my vision, I could figure out what the whole thing meant, because there's always something to them.
Tracy: To the visions?
Olivia: Yes! Sometimes it isn't so obvious, like with the dog. But sometimes it's -- [Gasps] Oh, my God!
Tracy: What?! What is it?!
Olivia: Right there!
Luke: What are you -- what are you saying?
Helena: [Chuckles] You disappoint me, Luke. You should figure it out.
Luke: No, I'm not playing any more twisted mind games with you. I may be a little green around the gills, but I am alive! And I'm quite willing to put you back in the grave.
Helena: Oh. Why not join me? I have picked out a nice, warm spot by the fire... just for the two of us.
Luke: I'm not going anywhere. I'm not dead.
Helena: Not yet. But you will be soon enough. Unless...
Luke: Unless what? I wasn't trying to eavesdrop.
Britt: No, you can't help it if you have perfect timing. [Chuckles] In this case, terrible. Um, you just walked in as I was telling Ben that I lied to you. So I owe you an explanation. I've been keeping something from you. My mother called.
Nikolas: Oh, she did?
Britt: Yeah. The number was blocked, but when I picked up, I-I knew it was my "mutter."
Nikolas: What did she want?
Britt: What else? She wanted to hear all about her grandson. I hung up on her.
Nikolas: And you decided to keep that from me?
Britt: Well, yeah. You've been so nice letting Ben and me stay here. The last thing I wanted to do was invite trouble into your house, and that's exactly what my mother is on two continents, so... she's still my mother, though.
Nikolas: It's all right. You don't have to explain. I'm more than acquainted in duty to one's family.
Britt: I appreciate you saying that. Still, I-I should have told you.
Nikolas: Yes, you should have.
Brad: What if I could prove that...I know how to do the right thing?
Felix: I don't know. What if Beyoncé came into the E.R. wa hangnail and, uh, asked me to choreograph her next music video? Everybody has a "what if." It's just that some are more likely than others.
Brad: Wow. You really have no faith in me, do you?
Felix: It's not like you give me a lot to go on. Look, if there's nothing else, I really got to get started on my shift. Oh, and, uh, just so we're clear, the next time the spirit moves you to get me a gift, put it towards your son's college education.
Brad: You're late.
Ellie: I know, Brad. I'm sorry. I ran into Damian on the way over, and we started talking about the christening.
Brad: What christening?
Ellie: Dante and Lulu's baby.
Dante: There. What do you think, mama?
Lulu: Oh. Are you trying to make me cry? As if I haven't been doing enough all -- [Gasps] Oh, my gosh. [Chuckles]
Dante: It's gonna be a good day. Have our beautiful, little daughter, our amazing, if not unusual, Godparents.
Lulu: Are you having second thoughts about Spinelli?
Dante: No. No. He's just not the first thing that comes to mind when you say the word "Godfather," right? But he's a really good friend of yours, and he's got a good heart.
Lulu: He's got a very good heart. Spinelli's come through for me more times than I can count.
Dante: Yeah, I mean, you, uh, turn a blind eye to all the helping-the-mob stuff, and he's squeaky clean.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Dante: How about you? You okay leaving, uh -- leaving Connie's moral welfare in Maxie's hands?
Lulu: I am comfortable. Maxie is working through her issues. She's moving in the right direction. She's my best friend. I want her to have a place in our daughter's life.
Maxie: Why are you here?
Spinelli: To take part in Connie's christening. Dante asked me to be the Godfather.
Maxie: Lulu asked me to be Connie's Godmother.
Spinelli: And you agreed?
Maxie: With all the tension that was going on, I just assumed she would ask someone else, which is why I was completely shocked when she asked me. And I had every intention of saying no, when I heard myself say yes.
Spinelli: How come?
Maxie: [Sighs] I won't need any excuses. For the rest of my life, I will have a reason to be close to our daughter.
Olivia: Oh! God!
Tracy: What are you shrieking about?!
Olivia: Oh, my God! Don't you see that?!
Tracy: The altar?
Olivia: No, the casket that's on it!
Tracy: The casket? Is it empty? 'Cause it's about to be filled!
Olivia: No, it's not empty! There's someone in it! God, I'm having another vision. Someone is dead over there, or about to be.
Tracy: Who's in it?
Olivia: You don't want to know.
Tracy: Olivia, who is in it?!
Olivia: It's Luke.
Helena: I can help you.
Luke: [Chuckles] Oh, that should be good. What kind of help can I get from a decaying corpse?
Helena: I am offering you a way out. Salvation.
Luke: Jerry's cure.
Helena: Oh, Jerry's not here. It's just me...and my bargain.
Tracy: Luke is here?
Olivia: He's right there! He's right there in front of us!
Tracy: Well, is he dead?
Olivia: I-I don't know. I can't tell. He's not moving.
Tracy: Well, don't just stand there. Check for a pulse!
Olivia: I can't interact with my visions.
Tracy: There's a first time for everything!
Olivia: Oh. Oh.
Tracy: Well?
Olivia: [Gasps] He's awake.
Tracy: Oh, thank God. What's he doing now?
Olivia: Oh. It looks like, uh... it looks like he's trying to say something.
Tracy: What? What? Can he tell you where he is? If he's okay? Luke, talk to Olivia! She can hear you!
Olivia: Shush! I'm trying to listen!
Tracy: Well? What did he say?
Helena: I can end your suffering, Luke. Now, just take my hand and die now.
Luke: So I die to keep me from dying. What kind of a deal is that?
Helena: I want it to be your choice. Now, I need to know that you came to me of your own free will.
Luke: And if I pass?
Helena: Then be my slave. You know there's no reason to stay here.
Luke: No, you -- you take your eternity and all the rest of that superstitious nonsense, and you shove it. I am not going anywhere with you now or ever.
Helena: I beg to differ. You will see me again. Sooner than you think. And then... I won't take no for an answer.
Luke: I'll get that cure! Do you hear me?! Luke Spencer is alive, and he's staying that way! Luke Spencer lives! [Groans]
Tracy: Speak up already. What is Luke saying?
Olivia: My vision, the -- the casket, Luke, it's gone.
Tracy: Okay, all right. But did he tell you anything? What?
Olivia: He said, "I need spanks." I'm sorry, Tracy. I told you these visions are tricky. It doesn't make any sense! Why would Luke need a girdle? The guy's skinny as a rail!
Tracy: No, you idiot! Luke didn't mean a girdle! He means me! That's my nickname! Luke needs me!
Britt: I'm sorry for keeping my mother's call a secret.
Nikolas: Britt, I'm not angry with you. I'm just -- I'm concerned. You got enough to worry about with a new baby. The last thing you need is your mother calling and harassing you.
Britt: So, we're still friends?
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Yes, it's, uh, kind of too late to back out now, isn't it? Um, I am gonna be late, so, um, I'll check in with you later, okay? Okay. [Chuckles]
Britt: Sorry.
Nikolas: No. What was that for?
Britt: It -- it's just nice that someone cares about what happens to Ben and me.
Nikolas: Get used to it.
Spinelli: It appears we are of like minds. While I can't be Connie's father, with the advent of today's christening, I can be a father figure.
Maxie: It's better than nothing, right?
Spinelli: But what if our proximity to our progeny brings us more pain than comfort?
Maxie: Well, we won't let that happen. I know it's gonna be a test every day, but if you take a test every day, it gets easier, right? We need to be strong.
Spinelli: Can you be?
Maxie: I don't know. It's why I came here early, actually, to pray. As astonishing as that sounds.
Spinelli: What did you pray for?
Maxie: The strength to do this. And then you showed up. It's like God heard my prayer and sent you to me. I guess it won't be so bad. I mean, we're in it together, right?
Spinelli: Maybe you're right.
Dante: Hey! You guys are here. Good.
Spinelli: Uh, greetings. [Chuckles] Mr. Corinthos.
[Door closes]
Spinelli: It's good to see you. You must be a proud patriarch.
Sonny: Yeah, very proud.
Lulu: You're gonna change, right?
Spinelli: That was the intention.
Lulu: Well, get going. It's almost showtime. Ooh. I hope that you're both ready to make your official debut as Godparents.
Brad: The Falconeri baby is getting christened?
Ellie: Yeah. And Damian is going to be her Godfather, so...
Brad: I see. And where might this blessed event be taking place?
Ellie: Uh, queen of angels, but not in the main church. The christening's in the chapel.
Brad: And you're saying this is happening right now?
Ellie: I assume so, Brad. I wasn't given an exact --
Brad: Take this.
Ellie: Chocolate-covered cherries?
Brad: Yeah. Consider them a thank you for covering for me. I got to go.
Ellie: You're going? Where?
Brad: To prove I can do the right thing. Granddaughter's smiling at you. [Chuckles]
Sonny: She's beautiful, just like the lady she was named after, right?
Tracy: Lulu, I have to apologize. I'm gonna, uh, have to leave right after the ceremony.
Lulu: You do? But we were gonna have a little get-together.
Tracy: I'm sorry. It's business. It's a crisis, and it can't wait.
Lulu: We'll miss you.
Tracy: Well, I will be back just as soon as I possibly can, and I might even bring you another gift.
Luke: [Coughing] You! [Gasps]
Britt: Okay, Ben, what's the big --
Dr. Obrecht: [Laughs] Don't cry, my little stuffed cabbage. Grossmutter is here. [Chuckles] [Smooches]
Father Reyes: We gather in love to welcome another soul into God's house, to christen the daughter of Lesley Lu and Dante. Through baptism, men are cleansed from their sins, made partakers in the meritorious redemption of Jesus Christ, taken into the society of the faithful and into the church of Christ, fitted to obtain a share in all the treasuries of grace with a management and administration of which Christ has entrusted his church. What name do you give your child?
Both: Constanza Louise.
Father Reyes: What do you ask of God's church for Constanza Louise?
Both: Baptism.
Father Reyes: In doing so, you accept the responsibility of training her in the practice of the faith. Are you ready to help the parents of this child in their duty as Christian parents?
Both: We are.
Father Reyes: Constanza Louise, the Christian community welcomes you with great joy. In its name, I claim you for Christ, our savior, by the sign of his cross. I now trace the cross on your forehead. This is the faith in which this child is about to be baptized. Do you reject Satan and all his works?
Together: I do.
Felix: Brad gave you those?
Ellie: Oh, yeah. You want some?
Felix: [Chuckles] You know he bought those for me? Although I use the term loosely. He probably stole them from some comatose patient's get-well package. That man is incapable of doing the right thing.
Ellie: That's so weird. He just left here a few minutes ago saying he was on his way to do just that.
Father Reyes: Is it your will that Constanza Louise should be baptized in the faith of the church which we have all professed with you?
Together: It is.
Father Reyes: Constanza Louise, I baptize you in the name of the father... and the son... and the holy spirit.
Tracy: I'll be in touch.
Lulu: Thank you.
Tracy: Bye, you two.
Sonny: So, I'm gonna go ahead and take off.
Olivia: Okay, I'll go with you.
Sonny: No, no. Listen, Max is waiting out there. You just stay here and enjoy our granddaughter. Uh, I don't have to tell you, but most important thing in life is just being a parent. Nothing else really matters.
Dante: I knew that the second I looked into her eyes.
Sonny: All right.
Dante: Hey, uh, dad. Thanks for coming to this.
Sonny: I'm glad I did.
Lulu: Sonny had to leave?
Dante: Yeah.
Olivia: Yeah, but at least he got to be here for the main event. And you, you were such a trouper. The priest was very impressed.
Lulu: Oh, um, the gift that we brought for the priest. I forgot to give it to him.
Spinelli: I can track him down.
Lulu: Thanks.
Spinelli: What are you doing here?
Brad: I need to speak to Dante and Lulu. There's something they need to know.
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