General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 9/25/13
Provided By Suzanne
Dante: Look at that. We made it through the night.
Lulu: Maybe we're not half bad at this parenting thing after all.
Dante: [Groans] We got to get up, get ready. That christening is soon.
We're late, my mother is going to... freak out.
Lulu: Yeah, I think she only told me that the priest values punctuality about 20 times.
Dante: Yeah. You know, she's all into the tradition of the whole thing. I kind of like the idea of welcoming our daughter into the community.
Lulu: Me too. I want everybody to know that our baby girl has arrived.
Dante: Plus it'll keep my mother's mind off of everything that has happened with Sonny and Connie.
Lulu: [Gasps, chuckles]
Dante: Or not.
Lulu: What's wrong?
Derek: Carlos, my man, that was a thing of beauty.
Carlos: What can I say? I'm an artist.
Derek: No, no, no. More like a magician. Sonny's ship came in, then poof! It's all gone up in smoke. I have to commend you on a job well done. People are talking. Hell, we even made the front page.
Carlos: Well, you own the paper, boss. They print whatever you tell them to print.
Derek: Well, you got me there. However, I have to ask, what good was our strike if Corinthos didn't get the message loud and clear?
Carlos: Well, now the whole town knows.
Derek: My plan moves forward. Call me after your shoulder's fixed.
Carlos: Will do.
Alexis: Someone's proud of his handiwork.
Patrick: Hey.
Sabrina: Hey.
Patrick: I know you had to sneak off this morning, but I just want to let you to know that Emma's feeling much better.
Sabrina: Oh, well, good. I'm so glad.
Patrick: And thank you again so much for giving up your O.B. Detail to stay with her.
Sabrina: Well, that's what being part of a family's all about, right?
Patrick: That's very nice to hear you say that, especially after your ex-boyfriend came to whisk you away last night.
Sabrina: [Scoffs] Patrick.
Patrick: I'm just kidding.
Sabrina: Good.
Patrick: But tell me again that I got nothing to worry about with you and this guy.
Franco: I don't get it, Heather. What is this? An attempt to make order out of the modern chaotic universe or just a new low in minimalism? And it's -- it's not that I don't appreciate your little birthday gift, but... I just think it may have cost me the only chance I had with Carly.
Diane: Carly!
Carly: What? Diane, what is it?
Diane: Well, good morning to you, too. Can you please tell me where Franco's room is? My client is not returning his lawyer's calls.
Carly: Room 403. Tell him his bill is due and I want my money.
Diane: Yes, well, that may be a problem.
Carly: Not a problem for me. I have other things on my mind.
Kiki: Oh, gosh. What time is it? It can't be morning already. Is it?
Michael: Yeah.
Oh, sorry. We have to clean this place after the wedding party last night.
Michael: We just need a minute, if that's all right.
You know, most of our newlyweds spend the night in the honeymoon suite.
Kiki: Uh, h-he's not my husband.
Morgan: [Groans] Oh, right. That happened.
Ava: Yeah. It did. This was a big mistake.
Morgan: Why? We didn't do anything wrong.
Ava: You're married to my daughter!
Morgan: No. Hey, Kiki dumped me. Okay, I don't owe her anything.
Ava: I'm not so sure she'd e it that way. And certainly your mother wouldn't. Just imagine the look on her face if she ever saw us in bed together.
[Knock on door]
Carly: Ava? It's Carly. We need to talk.
Diane: Oh. I, uh, didn't realize you kept yourself so healthy. [Chuckles]
Franco: Wasn't expecting to see you here, Diane. What do you want?
Diane: What do I want? I want to discuss your, uh, financial situation.
Franco: I think that's a good idea. Are you gonna tell me why my credit cards are frozen? Last time I checked, I was a wealthy man.
Diane: Actually, um... there's some discrepancy about that. All of your assets have been frozen.
Franco: What?! By who?!
Diane: Whom would be the state of New York.
Franco: [Sighs] Sore losers. Why? All the charges against me have been dropped, completely dismissed 'cause you did such a great job.
Diane: I did a brilliant job in court.
Franco: Yes, you did. It was a little gross, you bringing the tumor in like that. But, you know, up high for...
Diane: Up high.
Franco: ...Sheer shock value.
Diane: Yes, well, since those charges have been dismissed, um, the families of your victims are now bringing a civil suit against you.
Franco: What, like an OJ thing?
Diane: Well, more or less. They're gonna try and take you for every penny you've got, and if they succeed, you will be left without a cent to your name.
Franco: So what you're telling me is...
Diane: You're broke.
Sabrina: Patrick... there is absolutely nothing left between Carlos and me.
Patrick: So when you saw him last night, no old feelings came up?
Sabrina: Well, of course they did. But I also was reminded of the reason why I left him in the first place. He still has that same machismo air that got in the way when we were together.
Patrick: Are you saying I don't have machismo?
Sabrina: Well, I'm saying that you have a lot that Carlos couldn't offer.
Patrick: Ah. Besides, he said he was only in town for business. He's probably on his way out of Port Charles already.
Derek: "Handiwork"? What do you mean?
Alexis: You're practically beaming over that front page.
Derek: Oh.
Alexis: Which leads me to believe apparently the only thing that sells more papers than an ELQ scandal is a mob war.
Derek: Mob war? Well, I don't understand what you mean. I assumed Mr. Corinthos was a, uh, coffee importer.
Alexis: Well, sometimes his coffee shipments explode.
Derek: Ah. Mm.
Alexis: We've already established that you know about Sonny's alleged activities. So, tell me, do you always derive this much pleasure out of being the town crier for other people's misfortune?
Derek: Oh, come on, now. I'm just a businessman trying to do his job.
Alexis: [Chuckles]
Derek: Now, you, on the other hand -- you know all about that world. I mean, after all, don't you work for the, uh, Corinthos organization?
Alexis: I'm limited to the corporate only.
Derek: And the, uh, bedroom.
Alexis: Careful, Mr. Wells. You're crossing a line.
Derek: [Chuckles] Oh, I wasn't judging you. I was just saying that you, uh, like to play down and dirty as much as I do... if not more so. Didn't you tell me that you dated one of Sonny's associates?
Alexis: "-Ed." "Dated."
Derek: Mm.
Alexis: Note the past tense. Which is why I'm here.
Lulu: This all happened last night?
Dante: Yep. Guess little Connie wasn't the only one not sleeping. Surprised Anna didn't call me in.
Lulu: I'm not. You're on paternity leave. You belong to Connie and me for the next few days, mister. You better not forget it.
Dante: And there's no place I'd rather be than here with my two girls. But, uh, she's understaffed, so maybe she needs some help.
[Knock on door]
Lulu: If that is Anna, she can't have you.
Dante: Are you serious? You think the commissioner has time to make house calls? I don't think so.
Olivia: Good morning.
Dante: Ah. Hey.
Olivia: Hey, hey, hey! Ho! Don't -- don't wrinkle my grandbaby's christening dress.
Lulu: Oh!
Olivia: Hi, Connie! Baby, you like your pretty n ew dress?
Lulu: Oh, my God. It's beautiful.
Olivia: Isn't it? Isn't it great?
Dante: Okay. What do you know about this?
Olivia: Nothing. You don't need to worry anything about that.
Dante: Yeah, right, I don't. One of Sonny's shipments was hit. I'm guessing he didn't take the news too well.
Olivia: Your father doesn't know anything about that right now.
Dante: How does that happen?
Olivia: Because I told Shawn not to tell him about it. He's got enough on his mind right now, especially with the disaster that happened at Morgan's reception.
Dante: What happened at Morgan's reception?
Olivia: [Sighs]
Wedding night without the husband. We sure did it different back in my day.
Kiki: Did we really spend the whole night talking?
Michael: We had a lot to talk about. What we're gonna do about us and Morgan.
Kiki: I still can't believe that your dad blew the lid off of everything at the party.
Michael: Geez. Can't believe he was holding on to Morgan's secret this whole time.
Kiki: Do you think that your dad told the truth because of his illness?
Michael: I don't know. It's possible. When he was giving that speech, he didn't really seem in control. You know, however it happened, though, I'm selfishly... I'm really glad it did.
Kiki: I just can't believe that Morgan knew that you and I weren't cousins before the wedding.
Michael: Yeah, he lied to the both of us this whole time.
Kiki: I lied to him, too. I didn't feel the way Morgan felt, love him the way that he wanted me to. But every day during our marriage, I told him what he wanted to hear. That's -- that's my lie in my own way.
Michael: You're not having any regrets, are you?
Kiki: About us... being together? No, no. I just... feels unreal.
Michael: But in a-a good way, right?
Kiki: In a very, very, very good way. I can't help but be worried about Morgan, though. He was so upset and angry last night. I just wonder where he ran off to.
Carly: Come on, Ava, I know you're in there.
Ava: It's your mother.
Morgan: So? I'm a grown man.
Ava: Yeah, I know. Just, uh, get dressed, okay?
Morgan: Well, what do you want me to do, hide?
Ava: Yes! Actually, that's exactly what I would like for you to do. And get dressed.
Morgan: I'm not hiding from my mom.
Ava: Morgan, please. I am not up for the scene that will take place if Carly comes in here and sees you here with me.
Carly: Ava! I have a master key, and I'm not afraid to use it.
Ava: Morgan, please.
Franco: They can't do that. Can they do that?
Diane: They most certainly can do that. Since your funds helped you perpetuate an art-filled killing spree...
Franco: Take it easy with the word "spree."
Diane: ...Those funds are now going to be subject to the ruling of the civil court.
Franco: Okay, so what? They froze my assets. What about my other assets? What about my paintings? What about -- what about my artwork?
Diane: Everything has been seized pending the verdict.
Franco: What am I gonna do? How am I gonna put a roof over my head? I mean, Carly's letting me stay here, but --
Diane: Yes, about the mercurial Mrs. Jacks -- apparently she's had a change of heart. Ran into her in the hallway. She wants me to let you know your bill is due.
Franco: Yeah, well, why would she let me stay here for free anymore?
Diane: I don't know. Why would she? But it seems to me you and Carly have gotten oddly close.
Franco: Yeah, we kind of -- I don't know. Maybe. I hurt her feelings.
Diane: Oh, you hurt her. Well, of course you did.
Franco: How am I gonna live? How am I gonna put food on the table? I mean, a civil case -- it could take months. It could take -- it could take years, right? How am I gonna make money?
Diane: Well, maybe not all your assets have been frozen. Have you thought about selling this?
Shawn: Alexis.
Alexis: Shawn.
Derek: [Clears throat]
Alexis: Have you met?
Derek: Derek Wells.
Shawn: Hey.
Alexis: Derek was Danny's donor.
Shawn: I see. That was very generous of you. How is Danny?
Alexis: Much better. Dr. Clay thinks that he'll be able to go home soon.
Shawn: That's good to hear.
Derek: I'm just glad I could help. Oh, and, um, my condolences about what happened down at the docks last night.
Shawn: What are you talking about?
Derek: Oh, um, you work for Sonny Corinthos, don't you? You guys were hit pretty hard last night.
Ava: Carly. If you'd given me a moment to get dressed, I would have opened the door for you.
Carly: Sorry.
Ava: So, tell me what's so urgent.
Carly: Uh, I think we need to have a conversation about what happened last night.
Ava: Oh, y-yes. It was such a shame that the kids' wedding reception was ruined.
Carly: That's all you got? A shame? Everything that happened last night was your fault.
Ava: Me?
Carly: Yeah, you're the one that talked Sonny into co-hosting that party with you when he should have been grieving for Connie. What the hell were you thinking?
Ava: I just thought that --
Carly: And what about the conversation you had with him about going off his meds?
Ava: No, I was just --
Carly: He stopped taking his lithium. That's why he was off the rails last night, and that's why he broke Morgan's heart. Who knows what's gonna happen to his marriage?
Ava: The marriage is over.
Carly: How do you know?
Kiki: Well, we know Morgan definitely wouldn't go to Sonny. Not after he felt like he betrayed him.
Michael: Well, you feel what you feel, no matter how anyone else sees it.
Kiki: That's cryptic.
Michael: Yeah, my, uh... uncle Jason said that to me. I was pissed off about something. I felt like I was screwed over. And, uh, Jason's a really good listener. I vented to him. Eventually, I asked him if I was right. And, uh, he said that to me. He said... "you feel what you feel." And that's what I think about when I, uh, when I think about Morgan. He, uh, doesn't see what happened last night as my -- my father telling the truth. He sees it as my father chose me over him. So, no, I don't think Morgan's gonna be stopping by my dad's place anytime soon.
Kiki: I know I'm certainly not welcome there. I doubt your dad would want the woman that broke his son's heart under his roof.
Michael: Kiki, my dad doesn't blame you for what happened last night. Not at all.
Kiki: Still doesn't change the fact that I'm homeless.
Michael: Not necessarily.
Kiki: What do you mean?
Michael: Um... how would you feel about moving in with me?
Patrick: And, hey, I got some good news.
Sabrina: Oh.
Patrick: I'm having coffee with Dr. Chu so I can explain why you had to call out. She owes me a couple favors, so hopefully she'll give you another opportunity on the O.B. Detail.
Sabrina: Thank you so much. That's very sweet, Patrick. But I can handle this myself.
Patrick: Oh, believe me. I know you can handle anything. But this was mostly my responsibility, and I would really like to do this for you.
Sabrina: You really have put on the charm defensive ever since you found out about Carlos.
Patrick: Me? No!
Sabrina: [Laughs]
Patrick: Just remember, he's out of your life for good, right? You said it.
Ava: How would I know if Morgan and Kiki's marriage was over over over?
Carly: You're the one who just seemed so sure, but yet you left before the party imploded, so you didn't stick around to see the disaster that you set into motion. So how the hell would you know about Kiki and Morgan?
[Vase shatters]
Carly: What was that?
Ava: What was what?
Carly: "What was what?"
Ava: What?
Carly: You have somebody here.
Ava: Oh, don't be silly. No, it's just from the next room. Your walls are very thin here.
Carly: Really? Who is it? Silas clay? I mean, you guys were all over each other last night. But why would you try and hide Silas clay from me? I mean, who would you have back there that you wouldn't -- I know who you have back there. I know who you're hiding.
Kiki: Absolutely not. I can't move in with you, Michael.
Michael: Why not? When you first came to Port Charles, you stayed with me for weeks.
Kiki: But we weren't a couple then.
Michael: Yeah, exactly. Now we are, right? And I-I want you with me.
Kiki: It's not that simple.
Michael: It can be.
Kiki: This relationship isn't going to be easy. The deck is stacked against us.
Michael: You're afraid people won't approve.
Kiki: I know that they won't. [Sighs] For starters, Michael, there is your mother, who has made it very clear that she doesn't like me.
Michael: I told you that doesn't matter.
Kiki: Yes, it does! I know that you two are close. A-and I hate to admit it -- she has a point. Who wants to see your two sons fighting over some girl? I'm sure thinks if I packed up and left that you and Morgan could be brothers again.
Michael: No, Morgan and I will always be brothers, no matter how pissed off he is at the moment. Look, I told you not to worry about my mom. She can only push me so far, okay? And once she sees I'm not gonna give you up, she'll back off.
Kiki: But you admit that there'll be a fight.
Michael: I'll admit the possibility of a disagreement.
Kiki: Okay, and what about your father? He was an absolute mess last night. It's not gonna make it any easier if we're together, right? And don't even get me started on the Quartermaines.
Michael: Yeah, I won't get you started.
Kiki: Because I didn't inherit the money from being one of them, now they're going to think that the only reason why I'm with you is because I want that money.
Michael: Tracy would think that if she paid any attention to my personal life, which she doesn't.
Kiki: What about Dante?
Michael: Okay. All right. It will take people some time to adjust to us as a couple. I-I-I...
Kiki: I'm just saying us moving in together isn't a good idea. It just gives everyone something else to stack against us.
Michael: Okay, but you still want to make this work, right?
Carly: I got you dead to rights, Ava Jerome. I know who you have in your room.
Ava: You do?
Carly: Mm-hmm. Franco. I mean, I thought your little tryst was bogus. He did have a groupie up in his room the other night. But that would be you, right? The first, the original groupie. That's why Diane couldn't find him a minute ago.
Carly: Franco, get out here!
Ava: Carly, let's not make a scene.
Carly: Franco, have the guts to face me!
Morgan: It's not...Franco.
Franco: You want me to sell this.
Diane: Why not? I mean, it's one of yours, isn't it? I got to tell you, this one I truly don't understand. To me, it just looks like some fingerpainting from a resident in a funny farm. But as long as it's got the name "Franco" on it, there are a lot of people who'd be willing to pay a lot of money for it.
Franco: Wouldn't the state just seize any other dollars I made?
Diane: Mm, there are ways around that. And fortunately you have a supremely competent attorney. I'd be willing to broker the whole thing, for a modest fee, of course.
Franco: Oh, of course. There's only one problem with this painting.
Diane: What's that?
Franco: It's not a Franco.
Kiki: Michael... I love you. I haven't been able to stay away from you since the day we met.
Michael: Yeah, I kind of picked up on that.
Kiki: Stop it. You didn't do any better by staying away from me.
Michael: That is true. No matter how many times I promised myself I would stay away from you, I couldn't wait till the next time I saw you.
Kiki: Well, see? When you put it that way, of course I want to be with you.
Michael: Me too. And that's -- that's all that matters.
Kiki: We have to play this right. Right? And moving in together the day after my marriage crumbles is not the way to do it.
Michael: Okay. So where are you gonna go?
Kiki: The only place I can. My mom's.
Carly: Oh, my God. This has got to be the worst case of déja vu I've ever had. Walking in on a woman I hate with my son in my hotel. This is not happening. This is not happening.
Morgan: [Sighs] Well, if it's any consolation, mom, I wasn't blackout drunk and Ava's not my stepmother.
Carly: She is your mother-in-law. Okay, wait a minute. Wait a minute. When this happened with Michael and Brenda, Brenda didn't sleep with Michael. She was just trying to make me think that. So please, please just drop the act, okay, and tell me that you did not sleep with that woman.
Morgan: I can't do that, mom. 'Cause I did.
Carly: You bitch.
Morgan: Whoa.
Lulu: So Sonny makes a wedding toast that tears the happy couple apart.
Olivia: [Sighs]
Dante: Poor Morgan. That kid. When you're in love with someone, you do stupid things, and then to have the whole thing blow up on you like that...
Olivia: Guys, it was awful. It was awful. It was one of those times where you don't even know where to look. And then when Morgan started lacing into Sonny -- your father was practically out of his mind.
Dante: I thought we got through to Sonny at the haunted star.
Olivia: So did I. It turns out he's off his meds.
Lulu: Oh, well, that explains a lot.
Olivia: Yes, it does. I don't know how he did it. He completely fooled me. I had no idea.
Dante: All right, where is he? I'm gonna go talk to him.
Olivia: No, no, no, no, no. It's fine. It's fine. He's fine. Carly called me today. She managed to get through to him. He's back on his meds. It's gonna take a couple days for him to get back to regular. And in the meantime, he does not need to know that anyone is gunning for him.
Sabrina: So, what seems to be the trouble, Mr... Rivera.
Carlos: Hello, beautiful.
Sabrina: Carlos, what are you doing here?
Carlos: I came to see you, beautiful. You look different. Where are your glasses?
Sabrina: I wear contacts now.
Carlos: And your hair. Wow! Sabrina, you look wonderful. Good. You're finally showing the world the beautiful woman that I always knew.
Sabrina: Carlos, I told you last night I'm with someone else.
Carlos: Right. Patrick.
Sabrina: Yes. Patrick. I don't want to go down this road again, okay? I don't want to get back together with you. I thought I made myself perfectly clear.
Carlos: Take it easy. I'm not here to win you back. I'm here because I need a nurse.
Shawn: You got something to say to me?
Derek: Uh, I didn't mean to step on any toes. It's just that Alexis had told me that you guys have a history together, and she mentioned that she once dated one of Sonny's men, so I just --
Alexis: Okay, okay. Well, this is really awkward. Can I talk to you alone, please? Excuse us.
Derek: Yeah, of course.
Shawn: What the hell are you thinking?
Alexis: I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't blow this out of proportion.
Shawn: You can't keep telling everyone my business, especially when they work for the press.
Alexis: I know, okay? I'm sorry. I was having an emotional moment at the hospital, and he was there, and you know how I get when I'm nervous. I start rambling, and I just sort of blurted everything out.
Shawn: That's all that's been happening?
Alexis: That's it. That's it. Not that it's any of your business.
Shawn: What are you even doing here? Okay, I haven't seen you since you called it off with me. I figured you'd written me off.
Alexis: You know what, Shawn? In spite of everything, I happen to still care about you. I heard about the explosion. I knew you were on the dock. So I was worried. Sue me.
Shawn: I'm fine. Thank you.
Alexis: Okay. So, our kids are hanging around with each other. We're gonna be in each other's lives. So let's just be civil, okay?
Shawn: You're right. You're right.
Alexis: Thank you for noticing.
Shawn: [Chuckles]
Alexis: Are you really okay?
Shawn: Yeah, I'm fine. I mean, the ship got hit when I was still standing on the pier. I'm more concerned about who was responsible.
Alexis: You have any leads?
Shawn: Actually, I got one of the associates to give up a name.
Dante: So, obviously Sonny's -- he's not coming to the christening.
Olivia: No. Sonny disagrees. He called me this morning to let me know he was gonna be there.
Lulu: Uh, is that wise? His health should come first.
Olivia: Sonny is very excited about welcoming his granddaughter into the catholic faith.
Dante: Okay, so we'll postpone it.
Olivia: No! No! No, no, no. Call me superstitious. I am not taking any chances on this grandbaby's soul, with everything that's been going on with this family.
Dante: You're not superstitious, ma. You just really, really, really love your granddaughter.
Olivia: I do. As much as I love you and as much as I love Lulu. So what about you? Are you parents gonna be able to make it today?
Lulu: Uh... my mom is still in Paris. She's having some extra tests.
Olivia: Nothing serious, I hope. Is all okay?
Lulu: Yeah. No, it's okay. The doctors just want to gather some more data since her recovery was so extraordinary.
Olivia: What a relief. And, uh...your dad?
Lulu: Um, yeah, I don't think that my dad's gonna be able to make it.
Olivia: I'm sorry, honey. At least we know the godparents are gonna be there, right? [Chuckles] What?
Dante: [Sighs]
Olivia: What?
Dante: Nothing. I don't want you to overreact.
Olivia: Dante Angelo Falconeri, what are you trying so hard to avoid telling me?
Dante: Nothing. We haven't picked the godparents yet.
Olivia: [Sighs]
Michael: Are you sure you want to stay with your mom? I mean, you two don't exactly get along.
Kiki: Yes, you have a point. But it's just a temporary fix. Besides, she is the one that set this whole party in motion. It's weird. I'm glad the whole truth came out. I just wish it'd happened a little differently. Why didn't your dad just call us over, sit us down, and say, "look, sorry, but the truth is..."
Michael: My dad shouldn't have been there. The only reason he was there is because your mom talked him into it. And, uh, now I'm worried.
Kiki: I don't think my mom's gonna be inviting your dad to anymore parties.
Michael: No. I mean about you. Don't you think your mom's gonna try and take advantage of you again?
Kiki: Hey, I can read my mom like a book. And if she tries something, at least I'll be there to know exactly what I'm getting into.
Morgan: Hey! Leave her alone! Leave her alone! Kiki and I aren't married anymore, okay?!
Carly: That's not the point! This woman is insane. She manipulated your father. Now she's trying to manipulate you!
Ava: I did no such thing.
Carly: Oh, shut up!
Morgan: Ava, please let me handle this, okay? Mom, no one manipulated me.
Carly: Please, please don't be so naive. Okay? This woman -- look at her. She's a predator. She goes after impressionable people like you.
Morgan: I went after her. All right? I wanted to sleep with Ava.
Carly: Oh, God. Get your clothes. We are leaving right now.
Diane: Oh. Well, no wonder it doesn't have your usual finesse. Who made it, some crazy fan?
Franco: Yeah, that sounds about right.
Diane: Well, just because you can't put this one on the market doesn't mean you can't create others.
Franco: You're right. You are right. I'm a free man now. I am an artist.
Diane: You are an extremely successful artist.
Franco: Yes, and what do successful artists do? They make art. They create. I don't have to sit around this motel room. I'm gonna make a piece.
Diane: Make dozens. I can put together a whole show for you.
Franco: Yes! I'm gonna need $7,200.
Diane: What?
Franco: If you want me to have a successful, not to mention lucrative, show, I'm gonna need some supplies.
Olivia: So wait a minute. You're telling me that you scheduled this christening, and you haven't even picked the godparents yet? What the heck is the matter with you?
Dante: Stop it, please. Okay, you steamrolled this whole process. This is only happening right now --
Olivia: Grandmother's prerogative. Grandmother's prerogative. Okay, look, I assume that you're gonna want Maxie to be the godmother, considering the fact that she's practically family, and not for nothing, but she did carry the baby for you.
Lulu: Yes. We know that we owe Maxie so much. But some issues came up.
Olivia: What? The issues didn't involve Maxie stabbing anything, did they?
Dante: Please stop. No. This vision she had of Maxie stabbing you.
Lulu: God, no.
Olivia: Okay, okay. I'm just checking. I'm just checking. I'm just checking.
Dante: Okay, look, we had some concerns because Maxie was getting a little too attached to Connie.
Lulu: Yeah, but she's getting help. She's seeing a therapist.
Olivia: Here, you. My little baby. Poor Maxie. My goodness. How could she not get attached to this little angel after she carried her for nine months?
Lulu: Well, believe me, we know it is impossible to not love Connie.
Olivia: But you know what? I think after she's in therapy and her hormones get to normal, she's gonna be okay.
Dante: Yeah.
Olivia: Right?
Lulu: That's true.
Olivia: And considering that she's family, do you really want to cut her out of this baby's life right now?
Lulu: I don't know.
Olivia: Well, what about -- what about the godfather?
Dante: Well, it was gonna be Morgan or Michael, but after what you just told us, I don't think it will go over too well if I pick one of them over the other.
Carly: I mean it, Morgan. I want you to get your clothes, because we're going home.
[Telephone rings]
Ava: I'll get that.
Carly: Oh, no, you won't, because I'm not done with you.
Kiki: My mom's not answering. She must not be in her room.
Michael: Well, not to brag, but I am the son of the woman who owns this hotel. I can you get a key to Ava's room.
Kiki: I did not take you as someone to brag that you were the boss's son.
Michael: Well, I usually like to keep a low profile, but there are special occasions. I already used my clout to get us deluxe accommodations for the night.
Kiki: Did you? Because I thought we just nodded off.
Michael: Why do you think the security or the housekeeping didn't wake us up? They probably recognized me and said, "you know what? I'll leave them in peace."
Kiki: Definitely recognized you.
Michael: And I am glad they did. Have you ever slept in a more comfortable chair in your life?
Kiki: No, I haven't.
Michael: I can get you a key to Ava's room is what I'm trying to say.
Kiki: I can't wait to see this. [Chuckles]
Michael: Should we stop at my dad's first, get your stuff?
Kiki: You'll go with me?
Michael: Of course I will. We're in this together all the way.
Kiki: [Chuckles]
Morgan: I'm sorry. I'm not going anywhere with mommy. I'm a grown man.
Carly: You can't even drink.
Morgan: There you go again, undermining every choice that I make. Okay, I don't want to go to boarding school, and you sent me anyway. You didn't want me marrying Kiki, and guess what. We're not. And after you did everything you could do to sabotage our marriage, now you're gonna give me a hard time that I'm moving on?
Carly: This is not moving on.
Morgan: You and the whole family lied to me. You all knew what was going on between Kiki and Michael.
Carly: What was going on between Kiki and Michael is that they were never related and you knew about it!
Morgan: You, dad, Michael -- u all stabbed me in the back. All of you. Ava's the only one I can trust. She's the only one that's been by my side the entire time. So I'm not going anywhere with you, okay? I'm staying here with her!
Carly: Okay. Great. Stay. 'Cause then you will have a front-row seat as security throws Ava's ass out onto the curb. I hope you enjoy it.
Ava: [Exhales] Are you okay?
Morgan: I'm fine. So what now?
Olivia: Goodbye, my little Connie. I will see you later. I got to give you back to your parents 'cause they've got a lot of work to do.
Lulu: You're leaving?
Olivia: Yes. You guys got your work cut out for you if you're gonna find godparents before this christening happens.
Dante: Ma, I don't know if this is gonna happen in time. It just doesn't seem --
Olivia: Dah! Dah! I don't want to hear it. I'm not wasting any time getting this child introduced to the catholic church, okay? Okay. And forget about this, too, okay?
Dante: You're gonna take my paper?
Olivia: I don't want anymore cops and robbers for the rest of the week.
Dante: Okay. Thank you, mom. And you, too.
Alexis: Look, I can't really hear anymore of this for reasons -- deniability. But I'm glad that you have a name, because now you and Sonny have someone to look out for.
Shawn: I'm not sure about that. I mean, the name the enforcer gave me belongs to a dead man.
Alexis: What do you mean?
Shawn: The guy said his boss was Julian Jerome.
Alexis: Did you say Julian Jerome?
Carlos: I'm sorry. I thought I could let this go last night, but I woke up this morning, and it was killing me.
Sabrina: Last night? After you left Patrick's? What happened?
Carlos: Ah, you know me. Always been pretty clumsy.
Sabrina: You know what? Um, you're gonna need a doctor to look at that.
Carlos: I don't want a doctor. I want you.
Carly: This is miss Jacks. I need you to put me through to terry immediately. There's a situation I need him to handle personally. I don't care if he's with someone. I own the hotel, and I have a guest that I need out of here, and I want terry to handle it immediately. Do you understand?
Ava: I don't want to come between you and your mother.
Morgan: My mom did that all by herself. She chose Michael over me again.
Ava: Well, you said some pretty intense things to her just now.
Morgan: I know. And I meant all of them. Okay, you're the only one that's never left me, so I'm not gonna leave you. I don't think you want me to.
Ava: Well, Morgan... Morgan, you know, Carly -- she's sending security up right now to throw me out. You know that, right? Morgan, are you listening to me?
Morgan: You want me to stop? Tell me to stop.
Michael: Last chance. The offer to stay with me is still on the table.
Kiki: I love you, Michael, but moving in with you is probably the only thing that could make this situation worse.
[Lock beeps]
Kiki: Oh! Oh, my God!
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