GH Transcript Tuesday 9/24/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 9/24/13


Provided By Suzanne

Lulu: It's not working. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Dante: Why don't you try and be a little less violent about it? Maybe slower and more gentle.

Lulu: It's not working. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Dante: Why don't you try and be a little less violent about it? Maybe slower a more gentle.

Lulu: I've read the books. This is gentle rocking. Gentle rocking right here.

[Both sigh]

Dante: All right, maybe she needs to have her bum changed.

Lulu: Oh, thank you, Dr. Spock. I already checked that. [Sighs] Maybe she's hungry.

Dante: I gave her a bottle already. There's no way she could be that hungry.

Lulu: Yeah, yeah. If she has her father's appetite.

[Connie crying]

[Ringtone plays]

Maxie: Yes, Ellie, I know you always check the door like a million times, but I'm pretty sure I locked it.

[Doorknob rattling]

Maxie: Get out!

Aah! Ow!

[Door slams]

Maxie: Spinelli!

Silas: What do you think?

Sam: I think -- I think he looks beautiful.

Silas: He is beautiful, and he's getting better.

Sam: You know, I should've listened to my mother. She said that this night was gonna be fairly...uneventful. Unlike ours.

Silas: She means nothing to me. I'm not interested in Ava. The only person I'm interested in is you!

[Knock on door]

Ava: Silas?

Morgan: My marriage is over.

Michael: Look, Morgan, I know you're upset, but can you please call me when you get this message? Straight to voicemail.

Kiki: I don't think Morgan is in the mood to talk after the way he just stormed out of here.

Michael: I don't think anyone would after the bomb my dad just dropped.

Carly: I want to talk about what you did to Morgan to--

Sonny: I don't.

Carly: Then you can listen.

Sonny: No, you know what? I'm not in the mood, Carly.

Carly: Too bad. Do you know what you did tonight?

Sonny: Yeah.

Carly: You turned our son's life upside down.

Sonny: No, I did what had to be done!

Carly: You did it because you were out of control, and we both know why.

Maxie: Spinelli, I'm -- I'm sorry. But that kind of was your fault.

Spinelli: Which part?

Maxie: The part where you snuck in to my apartment like a prowler.

Spinelli: Apologies. I just wanted to grab my gym bag.

Maxie: You haven't used that thing in months.

Spinelli: Well, I was thinking about starting up again tomorrow...but I may have to postpone if my...head doesn't stop throbbing.

Maxie: Sounds like a good plan. Maybe you can text me next time before letting yourself in?

Spinelli: That would've defeated the purpose.

Maxie: You're trying to avoid Ellie. That's understandable. But you don't need to worry. She's working late.

Spinelli: I wasn't trying to avoid Ellie.

Maxie: Then why the subterfuge?

Spinelli: I was trying to avoid you.

Silas: What, are you trying to say you didn't have a good time facing off with my crazy ex at my daughter's wedding?

Sam: Um, I'm sorry, but you are gonna have to come up with something a little bit better for next time.

Silas: Does that mean there's gonna be a next time?

Sam: I mean, for you and... someone, yeah.

Silas: You know what? I think I'd rather focus at the matter at hand. You said we were gonna go to dinner, and we haven't eaten yet.

Sam: I know, yes, we are gonna go to dinner at some point. I'll make good on that, our date, but I just don't think I can leave Danny again tonight. I'm sorry.

Silas: Yeah, I kind of figured as much. So, instead of taking you out to dinner, I could bring dinner to you. Fresh from the floating rib.

Sam: No.

Silas: Yes. Look, I even got the little bibs and everything.

Morgan: Can I come in?

Ava: It's late.

Morgan: Please. Okay, I'm sorry. I know -- it's -- I just -- I don't know where else to go.

Ava: How about to your wife?

Morgan: [Scoffs] What wife?

Ava: You know what wife.

Morgan: I told you before. I'm not married anymore. The marriage is over.

Ava: Easy. Easy on the booze.

Morgan: Why? My whole life just went up in flames.

Ava: It didn't. I know things seem bad right now. It doesn't mean you can't turn them around.

Morgan: No. Kiki found out that I held the truth from her. She knows that...I knew that she and Michael weren't related.

Ava: And that means she doesn't love you anymore? Just because Kiki found out what you did, that does not mean your marriage is over.

Morgan: She told me that she doesn't want me anymore. She told me that. Hell, she probably -- she probably never wanted me.

Ava: That is not true, and you know it.

Morgan: Yeah, okay. Yeah, maybe she wanted me once, before my brother was in the picture, but now all she wants is Michael.

Michael: My dad knew the truth all along. He knew that you and I weren't related. He knew that Morgan was lying to the both of us. I mean, he compromised so much, even his relationship with Connie, to keep Morgan's secret.

Kiki: I know. You saw how guilty Morgan made your dad feel about loving you more. It may be wrong, but I think it was Sonny's way of showing Morgan how much he loves him.

Michael: So why blow it all to hell in the middle of the wedding reception? What made him decide to tell the truth tonight?

Sonny: Drop it, Carly. You don't know what you're talking about.

Carly: You lashed out. You lashed out against your own family -- against your own son. You told anyone within earshot that Morgan had lied to his wife, and you didn't care.

Sonny: What are you complaining about?

Carly: You destroyed our son's marriage in a room full of people!

Sonny: I made him own up to what he did. Isn't that what we want for our kids -- for them to tell the truth? He forced Kiki to marry him 'cause he was lying to her! Now the marriage is over! Don't stand there and pretend that's not what you wanted.

Carly: I don't want my son hurt and humiliated in a room full of people! But that's exactly what happened, and that's exactly what you did!

Sonny: You hated that Morgan married Kiki and you couldn't do anything about it, so unless the next words out of your mouth are, "thank you, Sonny, for what you did," you get the hell out of my face!

Sam: When you were finding this food, did you think that we would be eating it on the floor outside of my son's hospital room?

Silas: Yeah, fluorescent lighting and linoleum wasn't exactly my idea, either. Still, the view's pretty good, but I think I have an idea about how to improve the atmosphere.

Dante: Old MacDonald had a farm

Lulu: Right here.

Dante: E-I-e-I-- do you want to try this? Try this. Aha. Aha. Hey? You jealous? What'd I tell you?

Lulu: You also stopped singing. Cause and effect? Coincidence?

Dante: That has nothing to do with it. Look, none of my cousins that I babysat in Bensonhurst, they liked my voice. They had no problem, no complaints.

Lulu: You babysat.

Dante: Yeah, I did. You got a problem with that?

Lulu: [Laughs] I just expected you to spend your Saturday nights raising hell, not playing board games with some little rugrats.

Dante: Well... it didn't last too long. I wasn't very strict on the bedtimes. Parents would come home and find me fast asleep on the couch and the kid was running around the house. But that's not gonna happen with you. No, you're gonna go to bed at the same time every night, not a minute later. And you're gonna eat all your vegetables. And you'll get one hour of TV, after you do your homework. And dating... you know, we don't need to talk about dating 'cause you're not gonna do any. And to be honest with you, Connie, the reason is, is because there isn't one guy out there that's gonna be good enough for you, okay? Okay? We got a deal? Yeah?

Lulu: Please. She is gonna have you wrapped around her little finger.

Dante: I know, right? She's so cute. What are you doing?

Lulu: [Giggles]

Maxie: I knew I shouldn't have given Ellie too much credit.

Spinelli: She told me you had opened up a dialogue, as it were.

Maxie: Yeah. We had it out about everything that happened.

Spinelli: Did you find any common ground?

Maxie: There's still a few points of contention.

Spinelli: Over what?

Maxie: You. I say you hate me. Ellie says you don't. Clearly, she's never been more wrong.

Ava: Morgan, no matter what happened, Kiki does love you.

Morgan: Not enough. Okay? Not as much as she loves Michael.

Ava: You don't know that.

Morgan: Oh, come on. Come on. Our whole marriage is just a sham. Forget all the vows. It's all just lies.

Ava: Well, the lies were spread around.

Morgan: Yeah, okay! I lied, too, all right? But was that worth ending our marriage, my one lie? I mean, it's not like I created this situation by myself. You know, why am I the bad guy? What about Michael and his lies?

Ava: Morgan, you're go--

Morgan: And he only cares about being brothers when we thought that dad was going off the deep end because of Connie. My whole family's nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, especially my father.

Sonny: I'm waiting.

Carly: For what?

Sonny: Maybe a little bit of gratitude. Did you or did you not beg me to do something about Kiki and Morgan?

Carly: Sonny, that was weeks ago. We're talking about tonight. Do you remember tonight? Do you remember standing up there to give a toast for Morgan, to tell him you were happy? And then that turned into an apology for Michael, and then somehow that went to telling everyone that Kiki and Morgan got married under false pretenses. How the hell did that happen?! It doesn't make any sense, and you were all over the place!

Sonny: I don't want to hear about it! You asked me to do something! I did it! So what's the problem?

Carly: The problem isn't what you did. It's how you did it. And we both know why you really did it.

Michael: I know my dad's in pain over Connie. My dad has dealt with a lot of loss before -- I mean, more than most people -- but to do something so public...

Kiki: Maybe he just didn't want to be Morgan's secret-keeper anymore.

Michael: And Morgan -- I still can't believe he was lying.

Kiki: Really? Because you were the one that came to me and said that you thought that Morgan knew we were cousins before the wedding. Right? You said that that's why he rushed me to the courthouse, because he thought that something might happen between us.

Michael: But that was before Connie died. And my dad -- after everything Morgan and I went through with him on the haunted star, I thought we finally found our way back to being brothers. I had no idea he was lying, that he was still lying, and he was lying this whole time.

Kiki: I lied, too. Every day of my marriage to Morgan, I lied to him. I told him that I loved him. But the truth is... I love you more.

Silas: No peeking. Are you peeking?

Sam: No, I'm not peeking.

Silas: All right.

Sam: I'm gonna peek.

Silas: Go ahead and peek.

Sam: Aah! Oh, it's beautiful. I didn't know you were so good at impromptu picnics.

Silas: What, this?

Sam: Yes.

Silas: No, this is nothing. You should see my blanket forts.

Sam: Really?

Silas: Mm.

Sam: Wow. I didn't know you were a man of so many talents.

Silas: My little brother loved them.

Sam: I can't imagine you as a kid.

Silas: Neither can I. I grew up too fast.

Sam: Weren't your parents around?

Silas: Yeah. That was the problem.

Sam: And what about your brother?

Silas: Not so much. You know, I tried to protect him when I was younger, but when I got a chance to go away to school... I couldn't wait to get out of there.

Sam: Oh, so you left him behind.

Silas: And the rest is history.

Sam: It's sweet that you feel like you failed your brother. You didn't.

Silas: Sure I did.

Sam: You know, my -- my brother had special needs.

Silas: Yeah, I remember you told me.

Sam: He was in Hawaii and was really happy, and I brought him over for a visit. And he died. And...I think if I would've left him there that... [Sighs]

Silas: Hey, Sam.

Sam: Yeah?

Silas: It sounds to me like you did everything you could for your brother.

Sam: You know what? It sounds to me like you did everything you could for your brother.

Dante: I think we got a star on our hands.

Lulu: [Chuckles] Not a bad-looking baby, either.

Dante: That's our kid. Seriously, I can't believe we weren't saying that three days ago. It was just you and me. And now this beautiful little other person arrived.

Lulu: A year ago, we thought we'd never have children of our own. Now we have a daughter.

Dante: How did something that beautiful come from you and me?

Lulu: I have no idea. Mwah! All I know is that I am blessed with this miraculous daughter and this amazing husband.

Dante: Mm-hmm.

Lulu: Honestly, how could I get luckier?

Dante: Actually, uh... I could think of a few ways.

Lulu: Oh?

Dante: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Spinelli: Maxie, you were pregnant with my child and chose not to tell me. You allowed me to believe that it was Dante and Lulu's baby, and had Ellie not discovered the truth and finally confessed it to me, you were prepared to let the lie stand for the rest of our lives.

Maxie: I did what I thought was best.

Spinelli: Best for who?!

Maxie: Why does that matter anyway, okay?! You know the truth now!

Spinelli: Yeah, making me complicit in your deceit! So unless I wreck a handful of lives, I have to stand by and watch Dante and Lulu raise my daughter, and all you can do is stand there and hope I get over it?!

Maxie: I didn't say that! Spinelli, I know how badly I messed up!

Spinelli: I keep -- I keep thinking that -- I keep hoping that time will heal all, that... slowly...but surely, things will just get easier. And then I think of another moment in my daughter's life that I'm not gonna get to see, and -- and... the pain is constant and unceasing, and I... I don't believe it will ever go away.

Maxie: I'm hurting, too. And I hate myself for that. I hate that we don't have our daughter. I hate that I hurt the one person besides this little girl that I care most about in this world. You.

Michael: You love me?

Kiki: Did -- did that sound weird? Because it kind of felt... weird, me saying it. I've convinced myself that I wouldn't be able to.

Michael: No, I... I know exactly what you mean. I, um... there were so many things I wanted to say, but I -- I convinced myself that I couldn't. I probably forgot some things I would say, but one thing I could never forget... I love you, too.

Kiki: Did I just imagine that, or did that really happen?

Michael: I... Michael... love you, Kiki. For real. And now -- now there's nothing standing in our way. We're free to be together.

Kiki: You're wrong.

Michael: What do you mean?

Kiki: We're not free. And I don't see how we can be together.

Ava: You're angry, with good cause, but you need to give Sonny a chance to explain --

Morgan: He already told me. He already explained. "It's for the best, Morgan. Kiki doesn't love you the way that she should," which translation is, "Michael wants her, so Michael deserves her." Michael's first and he's best and he matters, and I don't rate.

Ava: No. I'm sure Sonny loves all of his children in his own way.

Morgan: You know what? If anyone tells you that blood's thicker than water, they're lying, because Michael isn't even my dad's biological son and he's always been the favorite. And it's not just 'cause he's named after him. It's everything. Michael's so strong. Michael's been through so much. Michael deserves happiness. What about me?! What do I deserve?!

Ava: Listen to me. You're gonna work it out. I know you will, because no matter what, Sonny is your father.

Morgan: No, he isn't. [Sighs deeply] I hate him. He's dead to me.

Sonny: I told you why I did it. I wanted to make it right for both of our sons.

Carly: Okay, yeah. But you didn't tell me why you picked tonight to do it, why you made that choice at our son's wedding reception. See, I don't think it was a choice. I don't think you knew what you were gonna say before you said it.

Sonny: What do you want, an apology? Sorry that I didn't run it by you first. Sorry that I didn't, you know, get your stamp of approval when I wanted to be a father to our sons. Sorry that I didn't, you know, do it as perfect as you wanted and make it right.

Carly: Look at me. You're gonna tell me that if you had to do it all over again, you would? You'd do it again? You would toast your son with one hand and backhand him with the other?

Sonny: That's not what happ--

Carly: That's exactly what happened, and we both know why it happened. Because you took yourself off your damn lithium.

Spinelli: We both know that I'm not the person you care most about.

Maxie: No. Who else is there?

Spinelli: Maxie, I'm not gonna and here and try to list all --

Maxie: My father. He has made a career out of leaving me. My mom? Yeah, I love her, and we're -- we're starting to work through everything, but... she left me, too. That's always gonna be between us.

Spinelli: What about Mac?

Maxie: Mac -- he raised me. He's my real father, and I love him, but... he doesn't know what to do with me. Georgie's gone. Robin's gone. That leaves you, Spinelli.

Spinelli: What about Lulu?

[Connie cries]

Lulu: How could she still be hungry? She had two bottles.

Dante: Don't look at me. I'm not that hungry.

Lulu: I got to look at the --

Dante: No, give her a minute. Give her a minute just to see if she can work it out.

[Crying stops]

Dante: Huh?

Lulu: Hm-hmm.

Dante: See what I said? That was really good. Mm.

[Connie cries]

Lulu: Mnh-mnh, mnh-mnh.

Dante: Or not.

Lulu: It's okay.

Sam: You know, I hardly know anything about your life before you moved here. Why is that?

Silas: I don't know. Do you like telling people your life story?

Sam: Well, I mean, I'm not particularly chatty, but if somebody asks me a question, I'll certainly answer it.

Silas: Well, I guess that's the difference between you and me. I prefer people not to ask.

Sam: I mean, are you just shy? Or is Ava right? Is there something in your past that would hurt me if I knew about it?

Ava: You have every right to be angry with your father. He betrayed you.

Morgan: At my own wedding reception, no less.

Ava: The pain fades. Injuries heal, and family stays together.

Morgan: So, what are you asking me? To forgive him?

Ava: Your father loves you. Don't forget that. Don't forget all the good things you and Sonny share while you're licking your wounds.

Morgan: I'm sorry. I can't think of any good things at the moment.

Ava: Don't write him off.

Morgan: It's too late, okay? I will never, ever forgive my father for this. My whole life -- my whole life he's acted like he was there for me, but he could only make it stick for a couple days. He never once backed me, ever, and then he finally stepped up just to double-cross me, and it cost me my wife.

Ava: I know it's painful, Morgan.

Morgan: Painful? I love Kiki, and she's off somewhere with my brother right now doing who knows what. Do you know how that feels?

Ava: Makes you feel worthless... ignored... and alone. How you feel about Kiki... it's how I feel about Kiki's father. Silas and I had something special once. And tonight, I thought we had it again. I...felt it. And I was so sure he felt it, too.

Morgan: So, what ha-- what happened? Where is he?

Ava: He's with someone else. So, yeah... I do know what it's like to be refused by the one person you want. You are not alone.

Michael: Why can't we be together?

Kiki: Because it's not that simple. Yes, my marriage was destroyed tonight, but your brother is still my husband.

Michael: Okay. You know, Kiki there's ways to fix that, okay? You can get an annulment or --

Kiki: This isn't even about my relationship with him. It's about you and Morgan -- your relationship with your brother. Yes, you might be able to get over tonight one day, but every time Morgan sees us together, it's gonna keep reopening that wound.

Michael: I'm -- I'M... I am sorry Morgan's hurting. We did nothing to cause that situation.

Kiki: You hate fighting with Morgan. I can see it in your face. He was unloading on you, and you didn't even fight back. That's how I can tell how much you love him.

Michael: I love Morgan. I love Morgan. I don't want to lose him. But I don't want to lose you, either, Kiki. I will not lose you.

Carly: I know you're not taking your pills, so you can respect me enough not to deny it.

Sonny: Fine. Get out. There's no reason for you to be here, Carly.

Carly: I'm gonna stay here, and I'm gonna help you.

Sonny: I don't need any help.

Carly: You say that every time, and every time you're wrong. You need me here, Sonny. You cannot get better on your own.

Sonny: Don't tell me what I can or can't do.

Carly: We've been through this before, okay? You want me to leave? Do you want me to leave you in peace so you can shut the doors and you can hang up the dark drapes and you can just trash the house and break up all the furniture? You want to be left alone so all the ghosts can come out and you can sit around, you can talk to people that aren't really there? And then you just get closer and closer to darkness? Is that what you want?

Sonny: That's what I want.

Carly: Without your medication, the darkness will swallow you whole.

Sonny: Maybe that's the point. I'm just trying to get to a place where I like the darkness.

Carly: That's your sickness talking, and that's why you need your medication.

Sonny: Don't preach to me. You don't know what it's like.

Carly: I know exactly what it's like because I've been there with you -- when we didn't think we were gonna make it through, we didn't know there was a treatment, Sonny!

Sonny: Screw the treatment, screw the pills. I don't care about them.

Carly: Sonny, I know you don't want to take the pills. I know you don't want to take the pills because you think they make you weak, but asking for help doesn't make you weak. It means you're trying to take control of your life, okay? And without these pills, everything turns into chaos.

Sonny: [Stammers] Chaos is part of my life. It's in my life every day. It's not about the pills.

Carly: It's about the pills! Damn it! It's about the pills, Sonny! Look what happened the last time you didn't take the pills. You tried to kill Jax. You shot off a gun in Robin's house. You were dangerous to everyone around you, even the people who love you -- even your kids! I know you don't want to be that person. Don't you want to be in control?

Sonny: No.

Sam: I'm sorry. I should not have put you on the spot like that, especially after all the trouble you went through tonight for this dinner.

Silas: It's okay. After what Ava said to you tonight, you deserve an explanation.

Sam: Okay.

Silas: She can be ill-tempered. I know it sounds a little hypocritical coming from me.

Sam: I don't know. Maybe that's why the two of you hit it off so well.

Silas: Ava's got this other side... a side of her that I didn't see at first. She's spiteful. And when she's hurt, like she was tonight, she just lashes out blindly.

Sam: What, you're saying she just said those things to get under my skin?

Silas: Pretty much.

Sam: That's all? That's all it was?

Silas: [Sighs]

[Danny crying]

Sam: Hoo. You are lucky. Saved by the baby.

Silas: Right.

Sam: That's okay.

[Door opens]

Dante: We fed you, we burped you, we've changed you, and I don't know, I don't know. What do we do here?

Lulu: I don't know. We've sung, we've read, we've rocked. What else is there?

Dante: A Yankees game? Is it too early to take her to a Yankees game? Is she too young?

Lulu: You know, a part of me is almost starting to take this personally.

Dante: I know, right? Like, she almost seems like she'd rather be somewhere else.

Maxie: You and Lulu are... my two best friends. And I had put myself in... this horrible situation where I had to choose one of you over the other. No matter what I did, there wasn't gonna be a right answer. One of you was gonna get hurt.

Spinelli: So you decided to hurt me.

Maxie: I had already broken my promise to her. I lost Lulu's baby, the one thing that she wanted most in this world. Spinelli, when you found me that night, I was devastated.

Spinelli: I remember.

Maxie: I was so mad at myself that I had screwed up again, and all I could think about was the look on Lulu's face when I told her that she wasn't gonna get the family that she wanted. And then there you were, telling me that I wasn't worthless, making me feel better. And we were here...together. And when I found out that I was pregnant, I thought I had been given this chance to make everything right. I knew that you wanted to work things out with Ellie. I figured that you two would start a family of your own someday. Choosing Lulu seemed like the least bad of two terrible options. Look, it was the biggest decision that I have ever had to make in my life, and, uh... I'm not sure that it was the right one. I'll never know. I do know that there is no turning back now. And I'm really sorry that I had to take you with me. I will be sorry about that for the rest of my life.

Sonny: I don't want to go back on the medication. I threw the pills away 'cause I don't want the control.

Carly: Why?

Sonny: The drugs, they make it too easy, Carly.

Carly: What too easy?

Sonny: To live without her. I want to feel the pain, 'cause I owe her that.

Carly: All right. Do you think Connie would want you to hurt like this? Do you think she'd want you to hurt your sons the way you did at Morgan's wedding reception?

Sonny: I-I-I threw... I threw the -- the party in Connie's honor. I wanted to celebrate her life.

Carly: That wasn't your idea. It was Ava's, right? Yeah. She used Connie to get you to agree to it.

Sonny: Ava -- she understands the feelings. She understands what it feels like to be fed up.

Carly: Okay, maybe, but she doesn't -- she doesn't know you. I've seen it, Sonny. I've seen your highs and lows and back again and all around. I've seen you go crazy. I've seen you scare your family and scare yourself, and I've seen you pull yourself back because that's not who you want to be. You don't want to be that person for your kids.

Sonny: The kids are fine. They're grown up, living their lives.

Carly: What about your granddaughter? What about that little girl? She needs you in control!

Sonny: You mean you want the pills to control me.

Carly: Sonny... what about Morgan and Kristina? I mean, they're both pretty volatile. I'm not saying that they are bipolar. I don't know. Maybe it's moody teenagers. But let's say, God forbid, they get sick. They need your example. They'll need your example on how to handle it, on how to handle a big loss. They're gonna need their dad. Please take your pills.

Kiki: You're not gonna lose me.

Michael: I'm not.

Kiki: You sound very confident.

Michael: It's a statement of fact.

Kiki: Look, I appreciate the sentiment, but... I don't think you realize what you're getting into. You are risking every single relationship that you have. And the only thing I can guarantee in return is a headache.

Michael: Kiki, listen to me. There's gonna be a lot of obstacles, there's gonna be a lot of distractions, but I can deal with them. We can deal with them. If you'll just try. Just say you'll give me a chance, okay? And I promise you, I will --

Kiki: Yes.

Morgan: Of course you get me. You've always been on my side.

Ava: That's because I've always liked you.

Morgan: Who else would give me a place to stay when the gambling guys were on my ass? And who else would've lent me money to get Kiki's engagement ring? You've always been supportive of our relationship and our marriage, and... you know, my own mother, she didn't even do that. Or any of my family, for that matter. None of them -- none of them stood by me when it mattered. And -- and I can't trust any of them. I have nobody.

Ava: Neither do I.

Ava: What the hell are you doing?

Morgan: I don't know. And I don't care.

Dante: Okay. She, uh... doesn't want anything. She's not happy with her mother, and she's definitely not happy with her father. I -- I don't know.

Lulu: I have an idea.

Dante: What is it? I mean, there are no bad ideas at this point.

Lulu: Maybe she would respond to both of us.

...The surf, no sand

if we come back time will tell

Spinelli: Found it. Guess I'll be off.

I know we gave it our all

Spinelli: Do you miss her? Our daughter?

Maxie: Every day. But I'm working through that in therapy.

Spinelli: Is it working?

Maxie: Does it matter?

Spinelli: I know you... I know you did the best you could. Ellie's not wrong. I hate what you did. But I don't hate you.

Sam: Mommy's here. It's gonna be okay. What's that?

[Danny coos]

Sam: You see that? The lights. Yeah. It's pretty.

Carly: This is the right thing to do. Anything else is a disservice to Connie's memory.

Sonny: I miss her so much. [Sniffles]

Carly: I know. But...don't hurt yourself or your family in Connie's name. Don't do that. Honor her. Honor her.

Sonny: [Sighs deeply] [Sniffles]

Would you catch me if I fell?

Would you catch me like your other plans?

[Both chuckle]

Michael: So, it's, uh... so it's decided?

Kiki: It is. How are we going to do this?

Michael: I have no idea.

[Both laugh]

You know what the good news is? We don't have to figure it out tonight. Tonight's just for us.

But can't you see you are here with me? Never look back

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