GH Transcript Monday 9/23/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 9/23/13


Provided By Suzanne

Patrick: Emma's fast asleep. Wow. Thank you.

Sabrina: You're welcome. How is she?

Patrick: She's good. Her eye's not as pink as this morning, so that's a good thing.

Sabrina: I tried to get her to take her drops, but...she wanted her mom.

Patrick: I'm sorry.

Sabrina: We worked it out eventually. But for future reference, Emma does not like eye drops, and she's not afraid to say so.

Patrick: I'll keep that in mind. So, your friend from Puerto Rico -- did you guys find each other?

Sabrina: Um...actually, yeah. He showed up a little bit ago.

Patrick: Showed up where?

Sabrina: Here. Apparently, he talked someone at the hospital into giving him your address. He's kind of charming that way.

Patrick: So, what's this charmer doing in Port Charles?

Sabrina: He said he was here on business.

Derek: Carlos, my man, that was a thing of beauty.

Carlos: What can I say? I'm an artist.

Derek: No, no, no. More like a magician. Sonny's ship came in, then poof! It's all gone up in smoke. What the hell happened there?

Carlos: Oh, I...caught it on something running from the scene.

Derek: You're bleeding.

Carlos: It's nothing. I'll get it checked out later.

[Sirens wail distantly]

Carlos: Come on. Let's get out of here before the cops start swarming in.

Derek: Yeah, yeah. We can, uh, plan our next move at my office.

Carlos: You want me seen with you there?

Derek: Eh, it's late. We'll have the place to ourselves.

[Wailing continues]

Anna: Knock, knock.

Duke: Come in. [Chuckles] Hello, my darling. What a lovely surprise.

Anna: Yeah.

Duke: What do you have here?

Anna: Well, it's haggis, of course.

Duke: No, it's not.

Anna: You're right. I'd rather die. [Chuckles]

Duke: [Chuckles]

Anna: This is a very nice office. I mean, if this is yours, Mr. Wells' must be positively palatial.

Duke: Oh, no. Alas, this is his castle.

Anna: Oh.

Duke: Derek just gave me the keys until my office is ready. I'm trying to get the lay of the date.

Anna: How's it going?

Duke: Well, I'm pretty familiar with the business aspect. Right now, I'm just trying to find out more about the man that I work for.

Anna: And what have you uncovered about the elusive Mr. Wells?

Duke: Well, unfortunately, nothing that we hadn't gathered before. He's a very successful businessman, he has several businesses, and he saved the life of Daniel Morgan.

Sam: [Sighs]

Silas: Sam, Sam. Wait, hey, listen. What? You want me to chase you into the street?

Sam: What?

Silas: Give me one second to explain.

Sam: What is there to explain? You and Ava Jerome were kissing.

Michael: Dad, I-I -- what are you doing?

Sonny: Listen to me. I got to do this, 'cause I would not forgive myself if I don't.

Michael: Well, what, dad? You never hurt me.

Sonny: Yes, I did! I knew you and Kiki weren't related. I finally said it.

Michael: Wait, I'm sorry. What do you mean you knew? Before Kiki and Morgan got married? What do you --

Sonny: I -- you know, I swear to God, I wanted to tell you. Connie told me to tell you, and I didn't. So I let you believe a lie.

Michael: Why -- why would you do that?

Sonny: Because I promised Morgan I would.

Michael: Wait a minute, dad. You -- you promised Morgan?

Sonny: Yes, son. I did. And I'm sorry.

Michael: Wait a second. Wait, are you telling me that Morgan knew Kiki and I weren't related before the rest of us?!

Sonny: Yeah. Morgan knew.

Silas: Sam, I'm -- I know how it looks, all right? But you got to understand this.

Sam: Understand what? It's not confusing. Your lips were on her lips. There's nothing to misinterpret.

Silas: And yet you did completely.

Sam: Oh, really?

Silas: You want to know why?

Sam: No.

Silas: I wasn't kissing Ava.

Sam: Are you kidding me?!

Silas: [Chuckles]

Sam: Of course you were. Oh, no. Oh, no, no. You weren't. Of course not. I bet you were trying to take a DNA sample and you ran out of cotton swabs, so you used your tongue instead, right? What the -- what the hell are you laughing at?

Silas: That was funny.

Sam: Good night, Silas.

Silas: No. You're not going anywhere.

Sam: Who the hell are you to order me around?

Silas: No one. But anytime I do that, you stay and argue, so I figured it was the best way to keep you from leaving.

Sam: Okay. Okay, you're right. Um, you weren't kissing Ava. [Chuckling] I just imagined the whole thing.

Silas: No. You wouldn't imagine anything. But there's an explanation.

Sam: Yeah, I know. It's a very good explanation. It's not complicated at all, actually. You reconnected with the mother of your daughter at the wedding. I totally understand. I mean, she was the best choice, since I said no.

Silas: That's right. You did. And yet here you are. Why?

Sam: Because someone convinced me to come.

Silas: Who succeeded where I failed?

Sam: Well, if you must know, Patrick Drake.

Patrick: Business? What kind of business?

Sabrina: He didn't say, and I didn't ask.

Patrick: Why not?

Sabrina: He seemed to have other things on his mind besides work.

Anna: You must have found out something more interesting about your new boss. What about -- you looked at his web history?

Duke: Yeah, but there was no search history. There was no browsing history. It's all business, I'm telling you.

Anna: [Sighs] I mean, hasn't he sent flowers to some mysterious femme fatale?

Duke: He has sent flowers.

Anna: Okay.

Duke: To Alexis Davis and to Samantha Morgan.

Anna: His personal accounts? You looked through those?

Duke: Strictly confidential. I'm telling you, the man is scrupulously legitimate. He's above board with his investments. His above board with his property. He's above board with his flowers. He's above board with his children's toys.

Anna: Oh, for Danny. I mean, unless, of course, he has women and offspring scattered across the globe.

Duke: He may have.

Anna: How are his businesses going?

Duke: Are you asking me as the commissioner of police?

Anna: No. I'm asking you as a woman who's fiercely attracted to a legitimately employed Scotsman.

Duke: Well, I think I'm gonna have my hands full as his chief of staff.

Anna: You're gonna be working nights

Duke: You may never see me.

Anna: [Chuckles]

Duke: [Chuckles]

Anna: After the Turkish prison and the alpine sanitarium, I'm kind of used to not seeing you. He's got no photographs.

Duke: His private life is very private. There's no photos. There's no memorabilia. It's all business.

[Cell phone rings]

Anna: Hang on. Devane. Oh. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll be right there.

Duke: Oh, no.

Anna: Yeah. Oh, lord. It looks like my work is gonna be cut out for me, too. There's been an explosion down at the docks. I've got to go.

Duke: Well, what about our feast? What about our special occasion? What about you, me, and the haggis?

Anna: [Laughs] I don't know. Well, not tonight, dear. But keep the haggis warm, okay?

Duke: [Chuckles] I will.

Anna: Bye.

Duke: Bye.

Derek: [Laughing] Hey. Commissioner Devane, how lovely to see you, again.

Anna: Likewise.

Derek: Is there, uh, something I can help you with?

Anna: I have to run. Sorry. Police business.

Derek: Oh.

Carlos: Where's the fire? [Laughs]

Patrick: So, what was on his mind?

Sabrina: It's not important.

Patrick: Other than your family, you haven't talked about anybody from Puerto Rico except your ex-boyfriend. So, it's your ex-boyfriend, isn't it?

Sabrina: Yes. My ex-boyfriend.

Michael: Oh, my God. You knew?!

Sonny: Don't be angry at your brother.

Michael: Don't be angry?!

Sonny: You want to take it out on somebody, you take it out on me. Your brother came to me with the truth and he asked me not to say --

Morgan: Dad. Dad! What the hell are you doing?

Carly: Sonny, this is not --

Sonny: No, this is the time and place!

Morgan: Dad.

Sonny: Right now.

Morgan: Dad! What are you saying right now?

Sonny: I got to do this, Morgan. Okay. Your brother came to me and he told me that Kiki wasn't a Quartermaine, that you two weren't blood related.

Michael: Well, why didn't you tell me?

Sonny: 'Cause I had to keep the secret for Morgan because he thought that Kiki was gonna leave him for you if she found out. And then Connie overheard it, and, you know, what was I supposed to do?

Carly: And that's how she ran the story?

Olivia: That's why Sonny was so mad at her.

Michael: Wait, wait. Well, when did Morgan tell you that Kiki wasn't my cousin? Was it before he rushed Kiki to the alter? Before they got married?

Sonny: Yes.

Michael: You lying son of a bitch!

Michael: You stood there, you looked me in the eye, and you swore you didn't know that Kiki and I --

Sonny: Michael, Michael, listen to me. It's as much my fault as it is your brother's.

Kiki: Is that why you rushed me to the courthouse and railroaded me into marrying you?

Morgan: What? No. No. Look at my dad. He's just drunk or delusional or something.

Michael: Shut up about dad.

Carly: Michael, stop. The last thing we need is for you to get excited. Sonny, we need to get you the hell out of here.

Sonny: No. This has to end now.

Morgan: Dad, you have to tell them. You have to tell them that you're drunk and you're confused. You don't -- you got it wrong. You don't know what you're saying right now.

Sonny: I can't do that, Morgan.

Morgan: You have to. All right? Please, dad. Tell them that the day I came to you, it was only about me and Kiki being married, okay, not this bull about them not being related. Please.

Coast guard's with the vessel now trying to control the fire. We don't know how many casualties yet.

Anna: Well, was it a mechanical problem? What do you have?

We don't know that yet, either.

Anna: Okay. Any witnesses?

Oh, my partner --

We found this guy near the scene.

Derek: Ah, mystery solved.

Duke: What mystery might that be?

Derek: The case of the departing police commissioner. We just bumped into her when we came off the elevator.

Duke: Oh, yes. She was just delivering me some much needed sustenance. Uh, I hope you don't mind.

Derek: Oh, please. Of course. I, uh, take it you're here getting a head start on business.

Duke: I am. Yes.

Derek: Oh, good. Well, let me help you get caught up. Duke, I'd like you to meet Carlos Rivera, one of my operation managers. And, Carlos, this is Duke Lavery, my new chief of staff.

Duke: Oh, it's a pleasure.

Carlos: Likewise.

Derek: Yeah, so, um, where was the, uh, police commissioner headed in such a hurry? She said she had some, uh, official police business to attend to?

Duke: Yeah. Apparently there's some sort of explosion down at the docks.

Patrick: If I remember correctly, you only had one ex-boyfriend, right?

Sabrina: Right.

Patrick: And you guys were together for a long time.

Sabrina: A long time ago. I actually need a little more of this.

Patrick: [Chuckles]

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Patrick: Are you fortified enough to tell me his name?

Sabrina: Carlos.

Patrick: Carlos...what?

Sabrina: Rivera.

Patrick: So, your ex-boyfriend comes into town on business, goes by the hospital, mesmerizes somebody into giving him the address, then he comes by here to...what? Just say hello or...?

Sabrina: Actually...

Patrick: Actually?

Sabrina: There's a little more to his visit than that.

Silas: Dr. Drake -- he convinced you to come here tonight. That's interesting, 'cause I think he thinks I'm a jerk.

Sabrina: Actually, the word he used was arrogant.

Silas: Arrogant. That's the word.

Sam: Arrogant, yes, and we weren't talking about you.

Silas: You weren't talking about me.

Sam: No. Surprise. We talked about a lot of things, but mostly his late wife.

Silas: She was a doctor, right?

Sam: Yes. She was amazing. You have no idea. Robin died over a year ago -- just a few months before my husband was killed, and Patrick understood why I did not want to go out tonight.

Silas: Yeah. I know. You, um... said it's because you wanted to stay with Danny.

Sam: And I did.

Silas: But there's more to it than that.

Sam: Yes, there's more to it. It was also about Jason. But Patrick made me realize that I wouldn't be betraying Jason if I went -- went out on a date with you. He said that Robin would want him to be happy and Jason would want the same for me.

Silas: Well, I'm glad the good doctor was able to help you with that.

Sam: So, I-I-I got all dressed up, and I hurried on over here thinking I was gonna have a little fun only to find you kissing another woman.

Silas: I wasn't kissing Ava. She kissed me.

Morgan: Dad. Dad, tell them you're confused.

Sonny: I can't lie about this anymore.

Morgan: Just tell them, for God's sakes. I'm your son.

Sonny: So is Michael.

Carly: Okay, you know what? We need to leave so the boys can handle this on their own.

Sonny: I am not confused. I see things very clearly.

Kiki: What things?

Olivia: Not now. Sonny, we've got to get you home.

Sonny: No. I don't want to go home. I should have never promised to keep this secret. You know why? Because it's why Connie and I, we fought till the end. She told me that I shouldn't do this for you 'cause it would hurt both of my sons.

Morgan: Dad...

Sonny: Okay. She wrote this article, and I did not forgive her. I turned my back on her. That's why she died. That's why she was on the floor, shot, bleeding, when she should have been somewhere safe with me. That's why. That's why I did it. Can you understand that? I did it for her.

Morgan: I know. I know you miss Connie --

Kiki: Morgan. Look at me. Morgan, look at me. I need to hear it from you. I am your wife, right? Did you know that Michael wasn't my cousin before you married me?

Morgan: Yes. I knew.

Kiki: Oh, my God. [Voice breaking] Morgan...

Morgan: How the hell could you do this to me?!

Derek: Well, as much as I appreciate you getting a head start on things, I actually have some business to finish up here myself.

Duke: All right. I'll leave you alone. I'll, uh, be outside if you need me.

Derek: Oh, I appreciate that. Carlos. Why don't you go ahead and keep Duke company? Get to know each other.

Carlos: You got it. You're gonna like working for Derek.

Duke: Well, I hope so.

Carlos: So, you and the commissioner, huh? She's a beautiful woman, by the way.

Duke: Yeah. Indeed, she is.

Carlos: Just so you both know, this job has very long hours. Makes for scarce time with loved ones.

Duke: That's funny. She and I were just discussing that.

Carlos: [Chuckles] I mean, it looks like she's got a pretty big job of her own, so...

Duke: Yeah, she's pretty much on the clock 24/7. In fact, I'm the one usually waiting at home for her.

Carlos: A woman like that is always worth the wait.

Duke: Indeed. You sound like you speak from experience. Do you have a woman waiting at home for you?

Patrick: So, there's more to this visit from your ex-boyfriend.

Sabrina: You know what? It's not even relevant.

Patrick: [Chuckles]

Sabrina: Not to me.

Patrick: Oh, well, it's got to be something relevant, because you wouldn't be dodging the question so badly, so what? Did he show up and declare his love and say he wants you back?

Sabrina: Yes. That's why he's here. He wants me back.

Anna: Mr. Butler.

Shawn: Commissioner.

Anna: [Sighs] What brings you to pier 52 this fine evening?

Shawn: Uh, business. I was waiting for a shipment.

Anna: Oh, for Sonny, I presume. Yeah. Unless, of course, Kelly's stocking up on bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes.

Shawn: Yeah. Don't forget the bread and mayo. Yes, for Sonny.

Anna: Was it coffee cups? Stirrers? Voice-activated single-cup espresso makers?

Shawn: Just coffee.

Anna: Oh, coffee. Is this a cargo manifest, is it? And, uh, oh, a shipping invoice.

Shawn: Yeah, that boat that exploded was carrying Sonny's goods. I thought I smelled French roast.

Anna: Okay. I'll handle the jokes. So, I take it you saw the explosion, then.

Shawn: Yeah. I was waiting for the boat to dock, and, all of a sudden it went up in flames.

Anna: Just like that?

Shawn: Yeah. Just like that. I mean, there were no signs of trouble beforehand. I didn't see or hear anything or anyone before it happened.

Anna: Given the kind of competitors Sonny deals with, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and just say it wasn't a mechanical problem.

Shawn: Yeah. I was thinking the same thing.

Anna: So, perhaps it's one of those competitors sending him a message.

Shawn: Perhaps.

Anna: Any idea who that might be? I mean, the Zaccharas, they're out of play right now. Who else is left? Let's see. Who do you think would have the guts to take on Sonny's -- what should we call it? A coffee enterprise?

Shawn: Well, I have a name, doesn't make any sense.

Anna: No? Who's that, then?

Shawn: I keep hearing about a dead guy -- Julian Jerome.

Olivia: Okay. I need everybody to leave. I need everyone to just clear the room, please. Thank you very much. Everybody, please, just get out.

Morgan: The one -- the one thing that I asked for, dad, the only thing that mattered to me. I trusted you, dad. I trusted you, and you betrayed me. What kind of father does that? On the night of my wedding reception?

Carly: You need to go outside and calm down. Just get some air.

Morgan: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course you don't care. You never wanted me to marry her in the first place. Dad, how -- how could you do this?

Sonny: I told you. I did it for Connie 'cause she told me not to choose, you know, you over Michael.

Morgan: Screw Michael! Screw him! Okay, my whole life, I've been pushed aside for Michael.

Carly: That is not true.

Morgan: Yeah, it is! Michael's the one that gets shot at, he's the one that gets... attacked in prison, and do you send him away for his own protection? No. You don't. I get sent off to school. All of you, everybody just circles their bandwagons around Michael. And me, what do I get? I get a phone call, an e-mail, maybe -- maybe a visit every few months if I'm lucky. And that's because -- you know why? 'Cause you love Michael more than you love me -- both of you. You always have.

Sonny: That's not true. I kept this secret to show you how much I love you.

Morgan: Yeah? And here you are betraying me, again, for Michael, to make him happy. You can't help but put him first. And that's because you don't give a damn about me.

Sonny: Yes, I give a damn! That's why I did it -- to show you how much I love you. You tricked her into marrying you, right? What kind of marriage is that? What kind of life is that?

Morgan: Kiki loves me, dad.

Sonny: Not the way a man deserves to be loved, son. You understand me? You de-- you should want more for yourself. I want more for you. You should have a woman who loves you with all her heart and soul... the way Connie loved me. [Voice breaking] You understand? Do you understand why I did this? Come here, son.

Morgan: Don't you touch me.

Sam: Seriously? Ava forced herself on you? What, did she have a gun to your head and threaten to shoot if you didn't swap spit?

Silas: No. I agreed to a little dance.

Sam: Oh? Oh, really? I can just imagine it. I can see Ava forcing you around the dance floor against your own will.

Silas: A stupid wedding tradition, all right, where the parents of the bride and groom, they have their dance. They only dragging she did was trying to take me down memory lane.

Sam: Did you have a nice stroll?

Silas: No, I did not. Especially when she implied that she wanted to rekindle things with me.

Sam: Is that when you didn't kiss her?

Silas: No. That's when I told her, in no uncertain terms, that I want nothing to do with her.

Sam: Oh, okay. So, the dancing was just dancing, but the kiss was... what?

Silas: It wasn't even that. I go out of my way to distance myself from Ava. The only connection that we have is our daughter. She means nothing to me. I'm not interested in Ava. The only person I'm interested in is you.

Sonny: This is not just about Michael's happiness. This is about yours, too.

Morgan: Oh, bull. All this garbage about love and how you're doing this for my own good -- it's just more lies.

Sonny: Don't call me a liar, Morgan.

Morgan: Why not?

Sonny: Don't call me a liar!

Morgan: You're already a criminal! What, am I supposed to believe, somehow, that you're honorable and you're honest, too?

Carly: Knock it off. I know you're upset, but you don't get to talk to your dad that way.

Morgan: Why not? Why not? He's just like you. All he does is make excuses. I-I asked you to make a deal with me, okay? I asked you to prove to me that you love me as much as you love Michael. And what did you do? You let me believe that for a few months just to wait till my wedding-reception night to rip it all away from me. What the hell, dad? What kind of bastard are you?

Michael: Okay, Morgan, you need to stop --

Morgan: Screw you! Perfect son! Okay, it makes sense that you're defending him. He just proved all over again that you're his favorite.

Olivia: Listen, this isn't helping anybody.

Sonny: Yeah. Let's get out of here.

Morgan: Yeah, yeah. Run home, daddy. Not even an hour ago, we had a little talk about this. You made me believe everything was fine between us. What was that? Just a setup?

Sonny: No. I meant what I said.

Morgan: Oh, you did?

Sonny: Yes!

Morgan: Yeah? So one second, we're fine, and the next, you're ratting me out. So, if it wasn't a setup, you just must be crazy. And I'm sitting here thinking that saint Connie, the whole time, was the one with the split personality.

Olivia: Whoa!

Sonny: Don't you ever talk about her!

Michael: Dad!

Sonny: Do you understand me?

Carly: Get off him. Sonny!

Carly: Sonny!

Morgan: You gonna hit me, dad? Do it. Do it!

Michael: Dad, stop!

Sonny: Get your hands off of me.

Michael: You're not gonna hit him. Okay, you never hit him. Let him go.

Carly: Let him go.

Olivia: Okay. That's a start. That's a start.

Carly: We're leaving now.

Sonny: No, I need to make amends.

Michael: Dad, it's over, okay? Let Olivia and mom take you home.

Morgan: What the hell are you looking at?

Michael: I'm looking at the stranger who used to be my brother.

Sam: You're interested in me?

Silas: Yeah.

Sam: Yeah? Well, you have a funny way of showing it.

Silas: Well, next time, I'll take out a billboard in times square, okay? Look... [Sighs] I know I'm not good at this, all right, and circumstances haven't always been the easiest. I mean, it seems like every conversation we've had there's scrubs and jeans and we're talking about Danny and -- and Rafe. But then, you know, you walk in here tonight, and you look so damn beautiful I nearly didn't recognize you.

Sam: Hey! Thanks.

Silas: You know what I mean.

Sam: I know. [Sighs]

Silas: Your mom's still with Danny, right?

Sam: Yeah.

Silas: I'm gonna make this right for you, all right? Come back to the party with me, all right? I promise you will have a nice time.

Sam: I mean, it is your daughter's wedding reception.

Silas: If I told her I left because of Ava, I would have her sympathy. Come on. We can still make a night of this. What do you say?

Ava: Before you say yes, Sam, there are a few things you should know about Silas.

Patrick: So, your ex-boyfriend comes all the way from Puerto Rico, shows up at the doorstep, declares his love, and says that he wants you back.

Sabrina: Well, sort of. Yeah. [Chuckles]

Patrick: Well, how did it happen? I mean, the doorbell rang and you opened it and all of a sudden, poof, there's Carlos?

Sabrina: [Chuckles] Um, actually, yeah. You're right so far.

Patrick: So far?

Sabrina: Mm-hmm.

Patrick: What else? I mean, come on. What did he say? Did he say, "[Puerto Rican accent] Sabrina, it has been so long since I've seen you. I want you back. Please, I love you."

Sabrina: [Laughs] Well, no.

Patrick: [Normal voice] Then how did it happen?

Sabrina: Look, I -- it -- it doesn't even -- it doesn't matter.

Patrick: Oh, it does matter, because if he upset you in any way, I'm gonna have to --

Sabrina: He didn't -- he didn't upset me. He just kind of took me by surprise. When I opened the door, he was just standing there, and then, all of a sudden, he was -- he was kissing me.

Carlos: I did have someone waiting for me to come home -- a very special young woman, but... I let her get away.

Duke: Mm, well, you know, if life has taught me anything, it's to never give up. Anna and I lost each other for years -- actually, for decades.

Michael: How could you do this? Do you really hate me that much?

Morgan: What do you want me to say? Huh? That I'm sorry I lied to you?

Michael: You swore that you didn't know the truth about Kiki when you married her. You know, and it took a while, but I made the choice to believe you. I wished you well. I wanted you to be happy. Why? Because we're brothers.

Morgan: Yeah. We're brothers.

Michael: Now, I didn't think you were capable of lying to Kiki to get her to the altar.

Morgan: Yeah, well, I didn't think you were capable of stealing my woman, the woman that I love, but that's what you were doing, Michael. Any chance you two got, you were making out behind my back.

Kiki: That's not true.

Morgan: And I'd sit there and pretend that I didn't notice the way you two were looking at each other. It was written all over your faces. "If only we weren't cousins. If only, you know, you weren't with Morgan, then we could be together." How do you think that made me feel? That you were trying to take her away from me?

Michael: Morgan, we didn't -- it just happened, okay?

Kiki: And we did everything that we could to stop it, because we care about you, Morgan.

Morgan: Oh, you cared about me? You cared about me. I'm your husband, Kiki. You're supposed to love me, not him. Not him. Smile... [Chuckles] Smile, Mikey. I mean, you got to be loving this. This is everything you wanted.

Michael: I didn't want this.

Morgan: Oh, now who's the liar? Now who's the liar? Because you came running into the courthouse on the day of our wedding for what reason? To make the big announcement -- to spread the news that you two weren't cousins after all. "Now you can drop my loser brother and be with me instead."

Kiki: [Scoffs]

Morgan: How -- how do you think that made me feel? You -- you came in there to take her from me, and you wanted him to. So, what was I supposed to do? I-I lied. I lied because I was scared, and I rushed you into marrying me because I love you.

Kiki: You don't love me. I asked you if you knew that Michael and I were related, and you lied to me, to my face, over and over again. If you loved me, then you would have told me the truth right away.

Morgan: Kiki, I didn't tell you the truth right away because if I would have showed you that newspaper article -- if you knew that you and Michael weren't cousins, would you have married me anyway?

Silas: Get out of here. Go away.

Ava: And allow a poor, unsuspecting woman to go off with you when she doesn't know you at all?

Sam: It's true, actually. I mean, Silas, I really don't know you that well. Anymore than he knows me. That's why we're spending time together.

Ava: If you get involved with him, you will be sorry. Silas has dark secrets.

Sam: He can get in line.

Ava: His secrets will hurt you. He will hurt you.

Sam: If Silas is so horrible, why do you want him back so bad? Come on. Tell me. 25 words or less, Silas clay is evil because....go.

Ava: [Chuckles] Well... where to begin?

Silas: Come on, Ava. Go ahead. Tell Sam what she needs to know.

Shawn: I made some inquiries, and the name I got was Julian Jerome.

Anna: Yeah. Dante told me about that. So, this...source of your inquiries -- Dante believes he might work for one of Sonny's competitors.

Shawn: Something like that.

Anna: Okay. I'd like to talk to him myself.

Shawn: Well, if I knew where he was, I'd bring him in, but --

Anna: Oh, right. Don't tell me. What, he's missing?

Shawn: I tried to track him down.

Anna: You did? How hard did you try?

Shawn: When I was done with my inquiry, the gentleman told me he was going to catch the first ferry to Toronto, but when I checked, he never made it.

Anna: He didn't...get off the boat?

Shawn: Never made it on it.

Anna: The name this man gave was Julian Jerome?

Shawn: Believe me, at the time, I would have sworn the guy was telling me the truth, but it wasn't till later that I found out that Julian Jerome has been dead for years.

Derek: So, did you, uh, get to know each other?

Carlos: We did.

Derek: Mm-hmm. And, uh, what did you guys chat about while you were bonding?

Carlos: Oh, we -- we started talking about what it was like to work for you and then the conversation turned to more pleasant matters.

Derek: Pleasant matters? I don't get it. What could be more pleasant than working for me?

Carlos: [Chuckles] A perfectly social chat about women.

Derek: Oh. Sounds innocuous enough.

Carlos: Still, I can't help but wonder... what the hell are you doing hiring Lavery? Isn't that a dangerous game you're playing?

Derek: [Sighs]

Patrick: He kissed you.

Sabrina: It's not a big deal.

Patrick: Well, I mean, it's kind of a big deal, because you broke up with him years ago because he was a jerk.

Sabrina: Exactly. I left him behind.

Patrick: Now, all of a sudden, he's showing up here at your doorstep and he's kissing you and stalking you and --

Sabrina: He wasn't stalking me. Look, he didn't know that you were my boyfriend, and once I told him, which I did right away, I guess he was kind of shocked.

Patrick: Why did he think you were here?

Sabrina: He thought I was babysitting. Someone at the hospital must have told him that I do that for you sometimes. Anyway, Carlos launched into this huge declaration about how he made a big mistake and that he should have supported my dream to become a nurse and that he's so sorry and -- and... [Sighs]

Patrick: And...?

Sabrina: And that he's still in love with me and he wants me back.

Patrick: So, what did you say?

Sabrina: I told him the truth -- that I'm with you and I'm in love with you and that nothing's gonna change that.

Patrick: So, is that it? Am I gonna have to challenge this guy to duel or what?

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Carlos: Don't expect me to give up.

Sabrina: Actually...

Patrick: Oh, another "actually."

Sabrina: Actually, yes. It's over.

Sonny: So, I get it. Since, you know, I set the record straight, you want the kids to, uh, sort things out. Can I get you ladies anything?

Olivia: Uh, Sonny, I don't think you need another drink. How about I get you some food.

Sonny: You hustle me out of the party, and now I want to keep the party going.

Olivia: You know, with what just happened with Morgan, I don't really think that --

Sonny: Don't tell me what to do!

Carly: You should go. I can handle this.

Olivia: Are you sure?

Carly: Mm-hmm. I've been through this before. I know how with him. But for me to do that, you need to, uh --

Olivia: Get out of your hair. I get it. I get it.

Sonny: To the truth, for it will set you free.

Morgan: Kiki, we were together even after you found out that -- that you guys weren't cousins. And we were making a go of it. And it was good, right?

Kiki: Morgan!

Morgan: You said you loved me. You said you loved me, and we had a good thing going. And it was really good, right?

Kiki: Yes, it was.

Morgan: So -- so, we can still have that. We can still do this. Come on, baby. It's Kiki and the captain. Please don't throw this away. Don't end our marriage.

Sabrina: You're not jealous, are you?

Patrick: No.

Sabrina: Really? 'Cause you seem a little jealous.

Patrick: Really, I'm not.

Sabrina: Okay. 'Cause you shouldn't be.

Patrick: No. I know.

Sabrina: I'm not so convinced.

Patrick: [New York accent] What are you gonna do about it?

Sabrina: [Chuckles] Well, since you've already... checked on Emma, I'm going to take you to the bedroom and prove to you once and for all why you have no reason to be jealous of Carlos Rivera.

Derek: What's wrong, Carlos? You got a problem with my new chief of staff?

Carlos: Don't you? There is a river of bad blood between Duke Lavery and Julian Jerome.

Derek: Yeah, that's true. But, uh, Duke has no idea who I really am.

Carlos: Not yet. Aren't you worried that he and his girlfriend, the police commissioner, will find out?

Derek: I'm not worried at all.

Anna: I thought you'd be burning the midnight oil with Derek Wells.

Duke: Well, he felt as if I'd done enough for the day. Besides, I wanted to see how you were doing.

Anna: Mm.

Duke: What on earth happened here?

Anna: I know. Preliminary reports suggest that the explosion was intentional.

Duke: Why am I not surprised? What was the target?

Anna: A shipment belonging to Sonny Corinthos.

Olivia: Okay. I'm going.

Sonny: Why? This party's just getting started, Olivia. Why do you have to leave?

Olivia: It was a big night, Sonny. I got an early morning. I got to get some rest, so you just, uh...hang in there, okay?

Sonny: What does that mean? Why wouldn't I hang in there?

Olivia: Be strong, okay?

Shawn: Hey. I need to talk to Sonny. Someone sabotaged a shipment he had coming in tonight.

Olivia: This is not a good time.

Shawn: Well, this can't wait.

Olivia: Well, it's gonna have to. Sonny is not himself right now.

Shawn: Oh. I see.

Olivia: Carly's in there dealing with it right now, but, uh, I got to go, and I think you should, too.

Shawn: Okay.

Sonny: I -- you seem a little tense. Do you want -- get -- what do you want? You want something to drink?

Carly: I don't want a drink.

Sonny: [Sighs] What do you want?

Carly: I want to talk about what you did to Morgan tonight.

Morgan: Don't leave me, Kiki, please.

Kiki: [Voice breaking] I'm sorry, Morgan.

Morgan: No. No.

Kiki: I-I don't know how else to tell you this. I just... I don't want to be married to you anymore. [Sniffles]

Morgan: [Voice breaking] That's it? One lie?

Kiki: It was a very big lie, Morgan.

Morgan: But now we know the truth, and we --

Kiki: No! What your dad said was right.

Morgan: Kiki, please.

Kiki: We can't live like that. I can't live like that. Our marriage is now based on a lie.

Morgan: No, no, no. To hell with that.

Michael: Morgan --

Morgan: Screw you, Michael! This is all your fault.

Kiki: No. He's not the one who lied! You are!

Morgan: You know what? You should congratulate me. Because the whole time we've been married, you've been waiting for something like this. You've been hoping, waiting, that something would come up so you could leave me and be with Michael. [Sniffles] And now -- now you have it, Kiki.

Kiki: [Crying]

Morgan: Now you have it right here at this fiasco of a wedding party that your mom threw for the happy newlyweds.

Silas: Go on. You've still got 21 more words to tell Sam the awful truth about me. Come on, Ava. We're waiting.

Sam: Yeah.

Ava: 25 words would hardly do you justice. Sam will just have to find out for herself. Good luck, Sam. You're gonna need it.

Silas: You ready to go?

Sam: Yes.

Silas: Let's go.

Sam: Please.

Ava: [Crying] [Sobbing] Oh, damn it.

Morgan: Some wedding present, huh? You got exactly what you wanted. Lucky you. You, too, Mikey. Congratulations. I'm sure two will be very happy together. [Sniffles]

Kiki: [Crying]

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