GH Transcript Friday 9/20/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 9/20/13


Provided By Suzanne

Sabrina: Hi! You've reached Sabrina. Leave a message, and I'll call you back.


Patrick: Hey, beautiful. It's me. Just wanted to call and check on Emma and tell you how much I appreciate you covering for me today. And, uh, yeah -- Felix mentioned that a friend of yours from Puerto Rico came looking for you. Just wondering if you guys, uh, connected.

Sabrina: What are you doing?!

Carlos: What I've been waiting to do for a very long time. I'm kissing my girl!

Carly: Hey!

Michael: Hey, mom! You look great.

Carly: Thanks! I had to find a dress last-minute, because Ava just told me yesterday about this big party she and Sonny were throwing for the newlyweds.

Michael: Yeah, don't feel too bad. I only found out like a few minutes ago.

Carly: Morgan?

Michael: Kiki.

Carly: Kiki invited you to their wedding celebration?

Michael: Yeah. She thought it'd be a way for me to, uh, give them my blessing.

Carly: Michael, that is the last thing you should be doing.

Morgan: So, does this mean you won't tell Kiki the truth?

Ava: It depends... on how cooperative you choose to be over the next few weeks... and how willing you are to pay off your debt to me. Deal?

Morgan: Deal.

Ava: Good. Then Kiki won't need to know anything about this.

Kiki: Anything about what?

Morgan: Kiki. Hey. I didn't see you come in.

Kiki: Yeah, that much is clear. What is it you don't want me to know?

[Cell phone rings]

Sam: Derek?

Derek: Hey. How's Danny?

Sam: Well, uh, he's, um -- he's great, actually. He's finally sleeping.

Derek: I'm glad to hear it. Our champ needs his rest. Anyway, this will be my last call for the evening.

Sam: Oh, I'm -- big plans?

Derek: Uh, you could say that. I'm about to take my business here in Port Charles to the next level.

[Smooth jazz music playing]

Blue skies above, I'm so filled with love

Olivia: Sonny?

I owe it to you

Sonny: Dance with me.

When our eyes meet, my heart skips a beat it's always on cue

Sabrina: I haven't been your girlfriend in years... not since we broke up back in san Juan. You do remember that, right?

Carlos: As if I could forget one of the worst days of my life.

Sabrina: Carlos, what are you doing here?!

Carlos: A work opportunity came up. I saw it was in Port Charles, and I jumped at it -- gave me a chance to see you again. [Sighs] Chica, come on. I'm starting to feel like a bible salesman. Are you gonna invite me in, or what?

Patrick: Sam!

Sam: Hey!

Patrick: How are you?

Sam: Good! I'm just taking a little break.

Patrick: Yeah?

Sam: My mom's with Danny.

Patrick: I hear he's doing fantastic.

Sam: He's doing great, actually. Finally, some good news.

Patrick: Yeah, well, thanks to that bone marrow donor.

Sam: And Dr. Clay.

Patrick: Yeah, I guess he had something to do with it.

Sam: Come on! Yeah, just a little!

Patrick: No, I'm glad he was there for you. But I got to say, when I first met the guy, he was...unfeeling and arrogant. And -- and I know it's ironic coming from me. But I wasn't that bad, was I?

Sam: Not that I remember, no. But you're right. His first impression was horrible. Actually, I-I couldn't stand to -- to be around him. But things have, um -- I don't know -- they've, uh -- they've gotten...better.

Patrick: Really?

Sam: Yeah.

Patrick: How much better?

Sam: [Exhales] He asked me out tonight -- I know -- to a-a party for his daughter's wedding.

Ava: As usual, it's impossible to keep anything from you. I should've known you'd find out.

Kiki: Find out what?

Ava: Morgan? It's too late. We -- we've been caught. We have no choice. We have to tell Kiki the truth.

Morgan: No, no, no, Ava --

Ava: Morgan is planning a-a little surprise for you.

Kiki: He is.

Ava: Mm-hmm! Just a little something for his new bride on the night of their wedding celebration.

Kiki: If that's true, that's really sweet.

Morgan: Yeah! Yeah! It's true! I just -- I mean, so much for the surprise, though.

Ava: [Chuckles]

Kiki: Well, now that you're busted, you can tell me what it is. At least a little hint?

Ava: No, no! You just have to wait and find out later. Now go on up and get changed! Your beautiful dress is waiting in my room.

Kiki: Okay, okay, okay. I'm sure whatever it is, I will love it. Thank you!

Morgan: Mm-hmm. [Sighing] Oh, man! That -- that was way too close.

Ava: Yeah, you're like a deer in the headlights! Good thing one of us can think on their feet!

Morgan: Yeah, well, the last thing I need is for her to hear about how I knew she and Michael weren't cousins when we got married!

Carly: You don't have to do this!

Michael: Yeah, I do! I-I owe it to him.

Carly: Why?

Michael: Morgan was on level when he married Kiki, okay? I should've trusted that. I should've trusted him. The least I can do is show up and -- and wish them well! I'm even bringing a date.

Carly: Really?

Michael: Yeah.

Carly: Who is she?

Michael: Name's penny. I mean, you'll meet her tonight. Actually, speaking of which, I should probably get going.

Carly: Okay! Go! Go. I love you so much. I'm proud of you, okay? I need to go talk to your dad.

Michael: Okay. I'll see you there?

Carly: Yes. Bells on.

Michael: All right.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Sonny: [Chuckles]

Olivia: What are you doing? What's going on?

Sonny: What do you mean? We're going to a party! I'm getting in a party mood! Is something wrong with that?

Olivia: No, you just kind of caught me off-guard, is all.

Sonny: I thought you like to dance!

Olivia: I do!

Sonny: Ah! Well, let's go! Let's dance!

Olivia: Okay! Wait! Uh, just -- Sonny, a couple hours ago, I could barely get you to talk. And now you're up on the top of the world, so I just -- I --

Sonny: So, are you upset that I'm not crying my eyes out anymore?

Olivia: Nobody's happier than me to see a smile on your face, Sonny. I just want to know that it's coming from the right place, because ever since Connie --

Sonny: I was grieving. But I'm not --

Olivia: And now?

Sonny: No! I'm not -- uh, I'm not grieving now! I'm just gonna -- we're gonna celebrate!

Olivia: Right.

Sonny: I mean, Connie would've wanted me to do this, because who partied more than her?!

Olivia: Nobody. You're right!

Sonny: Right? And I'm always right.

Olivia: You're right.

Sonny: So you need to -- you need to s-start... thinking about the good things in life. That way, it balances out the bad things.

Olivia: Yeah.

Sonny: And Morgan being married... is a good thing!

Olivia: It is a really good thing.

Sonny: We are gonna celebrate life, not death! That's -- that's what Ava said.

Ava: You'd better run along.

Morgan: Where am I going?

Ava: To get that wonderful surprise for my daughter. And yes, you may use my credit card one last time.

Morgan: Thank you.

Ava: You're welcome.

Morgan: So, is everything cool with us?

Ava: For now.

Morgan: Thank you for the party. I-I got to be honest. It made me a little bit nervous at first, but I'm actually glad that, you know, all our families are getting together, and especially, you know, my dad. He could use something to smile about, so --

Ava: Morgan! Get out of here!

Morgan: Okay.

[Cell phone ringing]

Derek: Hello, Ava.

Ava: Can I assume all is proceeding according to plan?

Derek: Well, everything's set to intercept Sonny's shipment, so you can relax and, uh... enjoy your party!

Ava: Oh, I intend to.

Olivia: I just want to make sure you're okay, okay?

Shawn: I'm sorry. Uh, are we interrupting something?

Sonny: No.

Shawn: You, uh -- you got a minute?

Olivia: Um, I'm gonna go wait in the foyer. We -- we should, uh -- we should probably get going pretty soon, okay?

Sonny: All right.

Olivia: Hey.

Carly: Hey! How's Sonny?

Olivia: [Sighs] Uh, he -- apparently, he's better than ever!

Carly: Really?

Olivia: He's all amped up and energized. His dimples are really getting a workout, so...

Carly: Sonny's in a good mood?

Olivia: He just twirled me all around the living room!

Carly: Did you ask him about this?

Olivia: Of course I did! It came out of nowhere!

Carly: And what did he say, word for word?

Olivia: He said...tonight is about Morgan. It's about celebrating. Uh, Connie would've wanted this. She loved a good party, and -- oh, apparently, we have Ava Jerome to thank for this.

Carly: Oh, for what -- the most poorly timed celebration in history?

Olivia: She's the one who has convinced him to embrace life... no matter that my cousin's barely cold in her grave.

Carly: [Chuckles] You seem to like her as much as I do.

Olivia: Am I that obvious?

Ava: I've done my part. Sonny will be occupied all evening and nowhere near that pier. Uh, I should go. My party's about to start.

Derek: So is mine.

Max: Boss, we know you have that party tonight.

Shawn: Yeah, the same time as the shipment's supposed to arrive.

Sonny: You think you can handle it?

Shawn: It's pretty routine.

Sonny: You sure?

Max: Uh, w-why wouldn't we be able to handle it?

Sonny: Oh, I don't know! Maybe 'cause last time, uh, you let that Vince guy, uh, you know, play you! You told him to give you a name, and he gave you the name of a corpse -- Julian Jerome, who's been pushing daisies for --

Max: I know, boss, but we --

Sonny: I don't care what you know! It's my organization! I don't want to look like a fool!

Shawn: I know last time, things got screwed up, but I guarantee it won't happen again.

Sonny: I was just playing. You see the look on his -- [Chuckles] No, seriously, you should've seen -- [Laughs] Uh, okay, I don't care what you guys do. Just do it right, all right? And make sure that you don't, you know, play with any dead people. [Chuckling] Okay?

Shawn: [Laughs dryly]

Sonny: Okay. See you guys! Hey! Olivia, you ready to -- wha-a-a-t?! You look -- you look like a million bucks. The mother of the groom. Unbelievable. Let's go. You ready?

Olivia: Yeah.

Sonny: All right! Ladies always!

Ava: Silas. I'm so glad you could make it.

Silas: I told Kiki I would be here.

Ava: And she'll be thrilled. I know I am. I was a little nervous when you didn't return my calls.

Silas: Oh, I'm sorry. Was that inconsiderate of me? I was gonna call you back in... 20 years -- you know, the same amount of time you neglected to tell me I had a daughter.

Ava: Silas, can't you try to understand?

Silas: Which part?

Ava: I had good reasons for keeping Kiki a secret. And you know that better than anybody. If it had come out that you and I shared a daughter... I was just afraid it would be disastrous for us both!

Silas: Well, you know, Ava, it's out now. And guess what? The world's still rotating.

Ava: Yeah. Let's just hope it stays that way. But you're right. Maybe we are in the clear now. ...Which just gives us one more reason to celebrate together tonight... seeing that you're flying solo.

Sam: So, after it looked like the transplant was working -- help yourself -- and Danny was gonna be okay --

Patrick: The smooth doctor made his move.

Sam: It was not a move. He just -- he asked me to dinner.

Patrick: Sam, that's a move.

Sam: Anyway, we hadn't really set a date. And then, all of a sudden, he got this invitation to this wedding party, and...he asked me to go out with him!

Patrick: What'd you say?

Sam: No.

Patrick: Right. Because naturally, you'd rather sit in the hospital, eating... cheese puffs for dinner -- which are disgusting, by the way.

Sam: Then you should stop eating them.

Patrick: Eerily addictive.

Sam: I know.

Patrick: Why'd you say no?

Sam: I don't know. 'Cause I -- 'cause Danny is in the hospital, and I-I can't leave him. I could tell Silas was disappointed.

Patrick: Well, he comes across as a guy with thick skin. But, honestly, Danny is a good excuse not to go -- of course, if that was the real reason you said no.

Sabrina: I'm not letting you in. Are you crazy?!

Carlos: About you.

Sabrina: [Scoffs] There's a little girl asleep inside the house.

Carlos: Oh. I can be quiet.

Sabrina: How did you even find me?

Carlos: I went to your apartment. I spoke with your friend Felix!

Sabrina: Felix...

Carlos: Yeah!

Sabrina: ...Sent you here?

Carlos: No, to the hospital. Said you were working. But then I got there, and they said you hadn't come in yet. Said you were taking care of a sick girl. And I thought... "that's my Sabrina -- so caring, so compassionate." It's -- that's what I always loved about you!

Sabrina: And yet you didn't want me to become a nurse.

Carlos: [Sighs] I've changed.

Sabrina: [Laughs]

Carlos: I have! I am not that man anymore! But you, Sabrina -- you have not changed a bit! You are still the girl I fell in love with... the girl I'm still in love with.

Sabrina: Don't say that.

Carlos: Why not?

Sabrina: Because it's not true! You're not still in love with me! Are you kidding? It's just... nostalgia or something!

Carlos: [Chuckles] Is it really that big of a shock, hmm? You broke up with me, remember?

Sabrina: Yes!

Carlos: I wanted to marry you someday, uh, build a life with you, uh, raise a family! In fact, I still want those things, now more than ever. That's why I've come here -- for you.

Sam: What other reason besides Danny would I use a-as an excuse not to go out on a date?

Patrick: Oh, I don't know. Jason?

Sam: Oh, yeah. Him.

Patrick: Moving on is hard.

Sam: Every step I take toward someone else --

Patrick: ...Feels like you're stepping further away from --

Sam: You get it!

Patrick: Wish I didn't.

Sam: Did you ever use Emma as an excuse not to go on a date?

Patrick: Emma, work, it's raining outside --

Sam: [Laughing] Raining? Well, you have really nice hair.

Patrick: Thank you!

Sam: You wouldn't want to ruin it.

Patrick: Finally, somebody understands!

Sam: [Sighs] Okay. I get it. I'm using Danny as an excuse not to go t with Silas.

Patrick: Admitting is the first step, Sam.

Silas: I need a drink.

Ava: Oh, no! Please! You're gonna help me greet the guests!

Silas: No! This is your thing! I'm not the host!

Ava: You're the father of the bride. That's just as important.

Silas: Oh, no, no!

Ava: Ah! Hello! Welcome! Thank you so much for coming!

Carly: Uh, it's -- it's my hotel.

Ava: Well, it's my party... and yours, Sonny!

Sonny: Yeah!

Ava: So nice to see you, and with two such lovely escorts.

Sonny: Well, you can't have too much of a good thing, you know?

Ava: [Laughs] Please, I-I'd like you to meet Silas --

Sonny: Can I get a drink? Can -- you need a drink, right? You got to get in the mood. Bartender, can I get, uh, some champagne on ice?

Ava: Yes! I'm so...

Sonny: [Pounds on table]

Ava: ...Glad I decided to have this party now! Sonny's mood has improved tenfold.

Olivia: His mood? It's called grief. The woman he loved was just murdered. I would think that mourning her would be -- I don't know -- appropriate?

Ava: Yes! W-well, I didn't, um, mean to --

Carly: Can I talk to you for a minute?

Ava: Have a lovely time!

Silas: Oh, yeah! This is gonna be a hell of a party!

Olivia: I told you that he's off.

Carly: He's more than off!

Olivia: What are you thinking?

Sonny: Okay? My son...

Carly: Do you know if he's taken his medication?

Sonny: And I know you work for Carly, but tonight, you work for me.

Shawn: We've got half an hour before the shipment's due. Max, what's up?

Max: I'm -- I'm just thinking about the boss.

Shawn: He was in a good mood, huh?

Max: Too good. Probably better he's not around tonight. Let's just take care of business. No ms, no fuss, all right?

Shawn: You know, laughing off this whole Vince thing is, uh -- it's pretty strange, right?

Max: Yeah, he's having a rough time. He isn't thinking very clearly.

Shawn: Yeah. He was when he chewed me out, no doubt about it. I mean, Sonny was pissed.

Max: Yeah, well, he wasn't there, and that Vince guy thought we were about to fry him. Why would we think he was lying about who his boss was?

Shawn: Well, maybe because his boss, Julian Jerome, is dead.

Sonny: Tonight, the guests get whatever they want. Open bar. Uh, don't question it, and if, you know -- don't even...

Carly: Okay, Sonny has his highs and lows, but this is a really big mood swing.

Olivia: You really think he's off his meds?

Carly: I don't know! You tell me!

Olivia: I don't know! I put them out in his face every day -- I hound him to take them!

Carly: Did you actually see him swallow the pill?

Olivia: We talking about this guy right here -- the grown, adult man standing there?

Carly: I know. I-I know it sounds extreme, but you haven't seen Sonny when he gets like this.

Olivia: I don't know! Short of pinning the guy down and shoving the pills down his throat, I don't know what else I could've done!

Carly: I'm not judging you. I'm just really worried. When Sonny gets into one of these moods, things can go very, very wrong.

Sonny: [Laughing] Hey! Have I -- have I -- have I told you guys... how unbelievably amazing you look? That red, that blue -- all you need is white.

[Both chuckle]

Sonny: You know?

Carly: Yeah.

Olivia: Looks delicious.

Sonny: I didn't know -- you didn't tell --

Carly: I tried to talk him out of it. He said he wanted to come support the happy couple.

Sonny: Well, at least he has a date.

Michael: Hey. Uh, uh, penny, this is Olivia Falconeri, and these are my -- my parents, uh, Sonny Corinthos and Carly Jacks.

Penny: Wow! It's really nice to meet you.

Sonny: Penny? It's a really -- that's -- that's a great name!

Penny: [Chuckles] Thank you!

Carly: Thank you for joining us tonight.

Penny: Are you kidding? I was honored to be invited to such a happy family occasion.

Ava: Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce... Mr. And Mrs. Morgan Corinthos!

[Slow music playing]

As I look into your eyes you leave me mesmerized and it's you that keeps my head above...

Penny: Your sister-in-law's dress is gorgeous!

Michael: Yeah, she looks great.

Penny: You know, they are just too cute together.

A simple, little smile because of you, all my worries pass me by and we can live

Sabrina: You came here to tell me that... you want me back.

Carlos: I want to share my life with you.

Sabrina: And I told you I don't want that life! My God, Carlos -- if it were up to you, I'd be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen all day!

Carlos: Hey, I never said that!

Sabrina: Maybe you didn't put it in those exact terms, but you made your expectations very clear. Meanwhile, my dream was to go to school and become a nurse just like my mother.

Carlos: And -- yes, and you've done that! And I couldn't be more proud of you!

Sabrina: No! Unh-unh!

Carlos: You can still have your dreams and... share a life with me.

Sabrina: Carlos... things are different now. I'm different.

Carlos: No.

Sabrina: And there's Patrick.

Carlos: That doctor who hired you to nanny his daughter?

Sabrina: I don't work for Patrick. He's my boyfriend. And we're in love.

Sam: Why does it feel like I'M... betraying Jason?

Patrick: Because there was no falling out. There was no decision to separate. When Jason died, you loved him, and he loved you.

Sam: But does that ever go away? I mean, not -- not the love. I mean the feeling where, like, I feel like I am doing something wrong.

Patrick: Yeah, I think it does -- I think when you find the right person. It doesn't happen immediately, but I think eventually, you just kind of open up, and everything falls into place.

Sam: Well, is -- is that how it happened with you and Sabrina?

Patrick: I can't pinpoint exactly when, or why, even. But... I just kind of, uh -- I don't know. It -- it -- it -- it kind of lifted. And it didn't feel like betrayal anymore. And I think it helped knowing that Robin wanted me to be happy.

Sam: [Sighs]

Patrick: And I'm not gonna speak for Jason, but... I would imagine that's exactly what he would want for you.

Ava: Can you believe we made that? Our beautiful daughter. She looks so happy.

Morgan: [Chuckles] Wow. You look amazing.

Kiki: Well, you don't look so bad yourself.

Morgan: You know, I-I went back and forth on this. But...I'm officially psyched that your mom threw this party. Kiki, I-I want the whole world to see how happy you make me.

Kiki: Morgan...

Morgan: No, I-I mean it. I mean, you're -- you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you, Keeks.

Kiki: I love you, too, captain.

Sonny: You're a good man, a good brother. Hang in there, okay?

Penny: What did your dad mean by that?

Michael: Nothing! He's just, uh -- he's just, uh, emotional.

Penny: She's the one, isn't she? Kiki's the girl you've been hung up on. I mean, I thought so at first, but then you said you were cousins.

Michael: We were. At least, I thought we were.

Penny: But now you're not. It's been all over the papers. Don't bother lying.

Michael: Okay. Yeah. It was her.

Ava: Let's have a round of applause for Morgan and Kiki!

[Cheers and applause]

Ava: And now, as tradition dictates, the parents of the newlyweds will dance! Yes? Carly and Sonny, would you care to join the kids on the dance floor?

Carly: I'm gonna sit this one out.

Sonny: What are you talking about? We are dancing at our son's wedding! Get up! Haven't I been pract-- look. Look at this. Look at this. Come on! Let's go! Let's go!

Carly: Awesome. Yeah.

[Both chuckle]

[Slow music playing]

Ava: Are you gonna ask me to dance?

Silas: What?

Ava: Come on. For Kiki.

Silas: All right, for Kiki. Congratulations. You look beautiful.

Kiki: Thank you. I'm glad you came.

Morgan: Ready to be dipped?

Kiki: Of course! [Chuckles]

Morgan: Yeah! Whoo!

Kiki: [Laughing] Oh, my God.


Kiki: Morgan.

Ava: Hey!

Silas: What?

Ava: Do you remember this song?

Silas: [Sighs]

Ava: Oh, come on!


Ava: In that -- that Russian nightclub in the depths of Brooklyn? That...awful band, they played this song like 100 times.

Silas: I vaguely remember something...through a haze of vodka. That was a wild night.

Ava: It was a wonderful night.

Sonny: [Grunts] You got to hand it to Ava. She throws -- she throws a great party, don't she? She's very nice!

Carly: It's not great for Michael!

Sonny: He'll -- he'll, you know -- he'll -- he -- he's a big boy. He'll deal with it.

Carly: Have you looked at his face? He's miserable, and this isn't gonna end any better for Morgan!

Sonny: Why do you have to be such a downer?

Carly: Oh, should I be up like you?

Sonny: No! W-we should celebrate! Tonight's the night to celebrate!

Carly: Stop it! Stop! All right? I want you to look at me! Please. I'm gonna ask you a question, and I don't want you to get upset.

Sonny: Yeah!

Carly: Are you off your meds?

Sonny: Why is everybody asking me about my meds?

Carly: Don't walk away from me! Because I know what you're like when you're off your meds, and that's what's going on right now! And crazy y

Carly: You got to take care of yourself!

Sonny: I am!

Carly: Really?

Sonny: Yeah!

Carly: By ignoring your disorder? Where are your meds?

Sonny: At home!

Carly: Then let's go. I'm gonna go with you.

Sonny: It's my son's party!

Carly: No!

Sonny: Hey, Olivia! Come here! Let's -- let's boogie. Come on. Come on, Olivia.

Olivia: S--

Sonny: Come over here. Come over here. Put your arms around me.

Silas: Yeah, we were young and crazy back then.

Ava: Crazy about each other. Just like them.

Sam: You are absolutely right -- Jason would want me to be happy. But so far, I-I don't feel like that's possible with any other guy, other than my son.

Patrick: It'll happen.

Sam: Maybe. But I'm glad it happened for you. Sabrina seems really... great!

Patrick: [Chuckles] She is! She's generous and -- and loving.

Sam: And beautiful!

Patrick: Yeah, she's all right.

Sam: Stop!

Patrick: No, I mean... Sabrina's been... amazing to me. And I-I swear, Sam, it's -- who she is, is really who I fell in love with. I mean, even this morning, she had a great opportunity at work, and Emma wasn't feeling well, so she ended up staying home with her.

Sam: Well, why couldn't Emma go to daycare? Was she sick?

Patrick: Well, worse -- she had pink eye.

Sam: Ow.

Patrick: ...Says the guy to the woman whose son just had leukemia.

Sam: I get it! Listen! Pink eye! It's a real pain... in -- in the eye.

Patrick: Yeah.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Patrick: Anyway, Sabrina knew that I had a big surgery today, and so she --

Sam: She took one for the team.

Patrick: Yeah, she did.

Sam: I think it sounds like you have a keeper.

Patrick: [Chuckles] I'm just glad I had the sense to fall in love with her.

Carlos: You're together with this Patrick person?!

Sabrina: Yes. We met at the hospital.

Carlos: You're seeing a married man?

Sabrina: Patrick's a widower. His wife passed away a year and a half ago.

Carlos: So you're consoling him.

Sabrina: I'm not consoling him -- I'm in love with him!

Carlos: What about us?!

Sabrina: What about us?!

Carlos: Everything that we had! I was your first love! You told me I was your soul mate!

Sabrina: I was young, okay? I didn't know what it truly meant to be in a real relationship!

Carlos: Oh! So now what we had wasn't even real!

Sabrina: Look -- no! I'm -- it was! But I'm just saying that... this is different, okay?! Patrick and I love each other!

Carlos: We loved each other!

Sabrina: We support each other through the good and the bad, and I respect him more than I can say! And he feels the same about me! Face it, Carlos! We were never like that, not even at our best! I think you should go.

Carlos: You think?

Sabrina: You should go. This is Patrick's home. Look, whatever business brought you here, can you just finish it and leave? And please... don't come back.

Carlos: [Sighs] But don't expect me to give up. Because I still love you, Sabrina. And I believe deep down... you still love me.

Patrick: I am not gonna tell you what to do. God knows you have to live on your own timetable. But... if anything I said rings true... it's okay to leave Danny with your mom, at least for a little bit. You've been here 24/7. You've been unbelievable with him, so go out. Have fun. Take a breath.

Sam: Doctor's orders?

Patrick: Advice from a friend.

Sam: Hey, Patrick?

Patrick: Yeah.

Sam: Thank you.

Patrick: And eat something with actual nutrients in it next time, will you?

Sam: Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Silas: Hi. You, uh -- you having fun?

Kiki: Yeah! You?

Silas: Yeah, sure. It's been interesting.

Morgan: I'm -- I'm gonna go say hi to my dad, okay?

Kiki: Okay, yeah! Yeah! I'll catch up with you.

Morgan: All right.

Kiki: You look great.

Silas: Thanks. I haven't worn a suit in a while.

Kiki: You wear it well.

Silas: Hey, look. We don't have to pretend. I know you only invited me to get back at your mom.

Kiki: It was a perk, yes. But I -- I am glad that you're here. It -- I'm just...

Silas: Scared?

Kiki: I don't want to be disappointed...again.

Silas: I don't want to disappoint you. I'm not looking to be some kind of...instant dad. We'll take it as slow as you want to, okay?

Kiki: Okay.

Penny: I don't want to get involved in family drama.

Michael: There's no -- there's no drama. I just --

Penny: Goodbye, Michael. I hope things work out for you.

Sonny: [Exhales sharply]

Morgan: I wanted to say thanks for -- for putting this on.

Sonny: Well, you didn't exactly give us a-a choice, I mean, since, uh, you cheated everybody out on a wedding!

Morgan: I know. I know. But, you know, thank you for -- for being on my side and, you know, keeping my secret and stuff. I think we're in the, uh -- we're in the clear now.

Sonny: Yeah, yeah, it's good. Listen to me, okay? You know I love you, right?

Morgan: Yeah! I-I lo--

Sonny: You -- you happy?

Morgan: Yeah, I couldn't be happier!

Sonny: Well, that's a good thing, especially since not a lot of people, you know, can -- can feel that.

Michael: You look really great.

Kiki: [Sighs] Pretty sure it's the dress, but thank you.

Michael: I'm pretty sure it's you.

Kiki: Saw you brought a date. [Chuckles] I recognized her from that morning. Penny, was it?

Michael: Yeah. She, uh -- she left.

Kiki: Mm! Why?

Michael: I think you know.

Morgan: [Clears throat] Mikey!

Michael: Oh! There he is! What's this -- you leaving your bride high and dry?

Morgan: What, like you're leaving me? What's up, dude? You're the best man! Aren't you gonna give us a-a toast?

Michael: Yeah! Yeah! Of course I will!

Sonny: So, your name's Kristen? Is that right?

Olivia: What is he doing? What -- is he flirting?!

Carly: [Sighs] He is definitely off his medication.

Olivia: Did he tell you that?

Carly: He didn't come right out and say it, but I know it. I can tell.

Olivia: So what do we do?

Carly: We got to get him out of here! We got to take him home and get him his pills! If we don't, he's gonna hurt himself or somebody else.

Shawn: I tried to round up Vince again. Wanted to let him know how much I appreciated being lied to.

Max: And...?

Shawn: Couldn't find him.

Max: [Chuckles] Well, maybe he took our advice and got on that ferry to Toronto.

Shawn: Or maybe someone took him out.

[Motor approaching]

Max: There's the boat! Right on time.

Shawn: All right. Let's go.


Derek: Right on time.

Silas: Not boring you, are we?

Ava: No! [Chuckles] No, not at all. So, how was your talk with Kiki?

Silas: Brief. I think I see some potential.

Ava: Just some?

Silas: She's wary. I don't blame her.

Ava: She's a wonderful young woman. There's so much of both of us in her. She's quick... and smart, like you. She's...feisty, like me.

Silas: I guess she could've done worse.

Ava: Every time I look at her, I feel it -- the -- the connection that we have... the pull. It just won't let go.

Silas: That pull is gone. It ain't never coming back.

Ava: No. Don't deny it.

Silas: [Sighs]

Ava: You feel it, too.

Silas: Mnh-mnh.

Silas: What are you doing? What's the matter -- hey, Sam! Sam? Sam, no!

Ava: Silas?

Kiki: Mom! Come here! Michael's about to make his toast!

Michael: Well, when Morgan first asked me to be his best man, I was honored. Well, at least until he forgot to invite me to his wedding.


Michael: I guess it's okay, considering he didn't really invite any of us, but, uh... um, after I got over the initial shock, you know, I-I realized this is actually... pretty amazing. You know, the wedding was sudden, but that just goes to show you how much Morgan loves Kiki. You know, he probably woke up one morning, looked over at her, and decided, "I got to make this woman my wife." Uh, Kiki! Welcome to the family. And if anyone can keep Morgan in line, we are praying that it's you.

[Light laughter]

Michael: Uh, Morgan? I love you. I hope you realize how lucky you are. Cheers.

All: Cheers.

Sabrina: Hey!

Patrick: Hey.

Sabrina: You're home!

Patrick: Yeah, I finished up as soon as I could. How are you?

Sabrina: I'm good.

Patrick: How's Emma?

Sabrina: Oh, she's asleep.

Patrick: Good. Did you get my message?

Sabrina: Huh? Oh! Oh, no -- I don't even know where my phone is! I guess I must've -- I must've left it in the kitchen.

Patrick: A friend of yours from Puerto Rico came by the hospital looking for you.

Sabrina: Oh... he found me.

Max: What the hell just happened?

Shawn: You all right?

Max: Yeah.

Shawn: Let's go.

Derek: [Sighs] Nice work.

Thanks, boss.

Carly: Hey, hey, hey! You know, Michael made his speech -- we can go now.

Olivia: Why don't you let us take you home?

Sonny: The party's just starting! And you know what? He said his piece. I'm gonna say my piece!

Carly: That's not a good idea.

Sonny: I'm not asking you! Hey! You know what? I'm -- hey! I'm gonna make a toast here! Uh... 'cause I'm the -- uh, the father of the groom, so... that's what we do. Where you going? Huh? You're -- you're why we're here! You -- you wanted everybody to gather 'round and get everybody, you know -- celebrate life!

Carly: Hey. Hey, hey. Hey. Your sons are here, okay? We want to make this a nice evening.

Sonny: 'Cause we don't want to dwell on -- on death! Talk about depressing! But it's all around us! It's in us! There's somebody missing here tonight, friends! Her name's Connie Falconeri! She should be on that dance floor right now, kicking her heels up! But you want to know why she's not? [Voice breaking] Because she was murdered! Yeah! By that son of a bitch AJ!

Michael: Dad?

Sonny: I know it's not easy for you to hear this, but he is a piece of garbage! And the only reason he's still standing is because you begged me not to touch him! So I didn't want to let you down...even though I already hurt you...badly, deeply!

Michael: Dad, w-why don't we just go somewhere and talk?

Carly: That's a really good idea.

Sonny: Do you have any idea -- [Breathing erratically] You have any idea of the pride that I feel when I look at you?

Michael: Dad, I-I don't -- what are you -- what are you doing?

Sonny: Listen to me. I got to do this, 'cause I would not forgive myself if I don't.

Michael: For what? Dad, you never hurt me!

Sonny: Yes, I did! I knew... you and Kiki weren't related! I finally said it!

Michael: Wait. I-I'm sorry. What do you mean you knew? Before Kiki and Morgan got married? What do you mean?

Sonny: I-I -- you know, I swear to God, I wanted to tell you! Connie told me to tell you, and I didn't! So I l-let you believe a lie!

Michael: Why? Why -- why would you do that?

Sonny: Because I promised Morgan I would!

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