General Hospital Transcript Thursday 9/19/13
Provided By Suzanne
Ava: Thanks. Would you take that up to the 10th floor? We reserved the restaurant for a private party. [Sighs] You're coming to this party tonight, Silas. You can't ignore me anymore.
Silas: Hi! Hey, you looking for me?
Rafe: Kind of, yeah.
[Cell phone rings]
Silas: Hold that thought. What can I do for you?
Rafe: Go ahead and get that. I can -- I can wait.
Silas: It's nobody important.
[Cell phone ringing]
Rafe: One second.
Silas: Nobody important, either?
Taylor: Rafe, Rafe, Rafe. You ignore me at school and don't respond to any of my texts. When are you going to realize you don't want Molly and T.J. Together any more than I do?
Rafe: Uh, it's -- it's nothing.
Silas: [Chuckles]
Rafe: Just wanted to check in on Danny. You're sure the little guy's doing better?
Silas: Yeah. Barring any unforeseen complications, he's -- he's turned a corner.
Rafe: [Sighs] Wow, that's -- that's so great to hear. I mean, everyone's been so worried about him! Poor Sam's been here nonstop.
Silas: Yeah. Well, I think, uh, she and Danny will be going home soon.
Rafe: So, does that mean that I'm gonna live with you now?
Silas: Would that be so bad?
Rafe: Well, no -- not as bad as I used to think! You were amazing with Danny. Sam says he wouldn't have survived without you.
Silas: I'm glad he's gonna be okay. Now back to those living arrangements.
Rafe: Just forget I asked. You should concentrate on Danny.
Silas: No, no! I'm glad you brought it up! And we should -- we should settle this matter. Rafe, I'd still like you to come live with me. But having gotten to know you and Sam and her extended family over the last few months... I realize now I was wrong to force the issue without... having forged some sort of relationship or at least a friendship. So if you want to stay at Sam's... I'm cool with that.
Rafe: Really?
Silas: I was wrong to put you in that position in the first place, and I never should've done that to Sam.
Rafe: Sam, huh? It sounds like things have changed between you two.
Sam: Thank you guys so much for everything that you've done.
Nikolas: You're welcome. That's what family's for.
Molly: Yeah, you know we would do anything for you and Danny. In fact, I have been doing some research into nutrition for --
Nikolas: I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's something I need to take care of. I'll talk to you soon.
Sam: Yeah. Of course.
Nikolas: Bye, Molly.
Molly: Bye. [Inhales sharply] Okay, is it just me, or did Nikolas leave really suddenly?
Sam: No, he did.
Molly: To go see her?
Sam: But Nikolas did help deliver Dr. Westbourne's baby at Wyndemere.
Molly: I guess. Let's just hope that's all that's going on there.
Taylor: Rafe, don't make this any more difficult than it has to be.
Felix: Make what difficult? What kind of trouble you getting yourself into now, sis?
Taylor: Call me. The "mind your own business" kind.
[Doorbell rings]
Felix: Mm-hmm.
Taylor: Better get that!
Felix: so not over. [Chuckles] Why, hello! [Chuckles] Can I help you?
Carlos: I hope so. I'm looking for Sabrina Santiago.
Sabrina: [Gasps] [Laughs] Ooh. What's that for?
Patrick: For being you.
Sabrina: Wow. You must really miss my glasses.
Patrick: Mm-hmm. So much so, I sabotaged your contact lenses. Thank you... for giving me the push I needed to get over Britt and the baby.
Sabrina: Patrick... you know I don't expect you to just forget everything that Britt put you through.
Patrick: I know, but you were right. I have so much to be happy for, and -- and that includes you.
Sabrina: Well, aren't you lucky I'm not going anywhere?
Patrick: Oh, really?
Sabrina: Mm-hmm.
Patrick: That's good, because I intend to show you my gratitude.
Sabrina: Do you?
Patrick: Yes. After work... Emma has a sleepover, so we have the night to ourselves and a whole house to ourselves.
Emma: Daddy?
Patrick: Mm-hmm?
Emma: [Sighs] I'm not feeling so well.
Michael: Dad? Dad, you in he--
Kiki: Michael.
Ava: Silas, I don't know if you're with a patient, or... if you're just ducking my call. But I need to hear from you. Kiki asked that you be at this party, so... I need to know that you're gonna show up. Call me.
Ava: Well! If it isn't my son-in-law.
Morgan: Hey. I just, uh, I-I wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help. You know, Ava, I-I can't tell you how much this -- this party to celebrate my marriage with Kiki means to me.
Ava: Really?
Morgan: Yeah.
Ava: 'Cause I just found out you screwed me over.
Morgan: What?
Ava: Tell me something. Why shouldn't I call my daughter right now and tell her that you've been lying to her this entire time?
Penny: Here are your out-take forms. Dr. Chu will meet you in the exam room as soon as it's free. Are you gonna be okay right here for a minute?
Britt: Yeah, we're fine. Thank you.
Penny: All right. There you go.
Britt: We've got this. Right?
Nikolas: Britt. Hi.
Britt: Hi!
Nikolas: Getting discharged?
Britt: Yeah! One more checkup, and Ben and I get to get out of here.
Nikolas: Ben!
Britt: That's my son's name.
Nikolas: Oh! I like it! It's a good name! How'd you happen to choose it?
Britt: Um, Vicki, my -- my best friend in medical school, she has a son named Ben, and I liked the name.
Nikolas: Well, so do I. Uh, you're -- you're not still, uh, worried about bonding with the little guy, are you?
Britt: Oh. Yeah. Of course I am -- I mean, not as much as I was. I mean, just look at him!
[Both chuckle]
Britt: He's a miracle.
Nikolas: Yeah.
Britt: I know I'm gonna make a ton of mistakes, but... as you said, I'm -- I'm not my mother, so... I have you to thank for... feeling ready to take this little guy home!
Nikolas: Home. Where would that be, exactly?
Carlos: Oh, I'm sorry. I must have the wrong apartment. I looked up Sabrina's address. It said 22.
Felix: No! No. This is the place! S-Sabrina lives here. [Chuckles]
Carlos: With you? You her boyfriend?
Taylor: [Laughs] Yeah, right.
Felix: No, no, I'm not Sabrina's boyfriend. But she is my best friend.
Carlos: Mm.
Felix: I'm Felix DuBois. And you are...?
Carlos: Carlos Rivera. Sabrina and I knew each other back in Puerto Rico...before she came here for nursing school. And I happened to be in town. I was hoping maybe we could catch up.
Patrick: Looks like you have pink eye.
Emma: What's that?
Patrick: It's inflammation of the conjunctiva, and it can spread from... your eye has a cold, all right? You'll be better in a few days.
Sabrina: The clinic has seen a bunch of kids with it. It must be going around.
Emma: But I can still go to Darcy's and sleep over tonight, right?
Patrick: No. I'm sorry. I don't think that's a good idea. You're gonna get the other kids sick. It's probably better you stay home.
Sabrina: Patrick?
Patrick: Hmm?
Sabrina: If Emma can't go to Darcy's, who's gonna watch her?
Silas: Yeah, a lot of things have changed. [Sighs] Sam and me, and, you know, having a job here in Port Charles... a daughter I never knew that I had.
Rafe: Yeah, that was pretty weird reading about that in the paper.
Silas: Tell me about it. You know, I talked to Kiki, really talked to her, for the first time just the other day.
Rafe: How'd that go?
Silas: [Sighs] I guess we're trying to decide if we want to get to know each other. You know, she's your cousin. You should reach out to her at some point, you know? You're family!
Rafe: Yeah. I guess.
Silas: What about you?
Rafe: Hmm?
Silas: We haven't had a chance to talk in a while. You know, what's going on with that thing with you and Molly? I mean, did you make your play?
Rafe: Yeah. I did.
Silas: And...?
Rafe: I told her how I felt, and... she got back together with T.J. Instead.
Silas: Oh! [Exhales sharply] I'm sorry, kid. Is there -- is there anything I can do?
Rafe: Thanks, but I don't think so. I mean, Molly and T.J. Are stronger than ever.
T.J.: I'm so glad Danny's gonna be okay.
Molly: It's the best news, isn't it?
Sam: Actually, it is the very best news, and I am gonna go check on him right now. So I'll talk to you guys later?
Molly: Okay. Give him a kiss for me.
Sam: I will! Bye!
Molly: Bye.
T.J.: Finally, you got some good news!
Molly: Yeah. Like Sam said, the very best news. Everything else seems so small in comparison. It almost doesn't matter.
T.J.: What do you mean, small in comparison? Did something else happen?
Molly: Well, I have been keeping it under wraps for a while, but, um... I mean, I didn't want my family thinking about it while we were waiting for news about Danny.
T.J.: From what you said, it sounds good, so are you gonna make me wait, are you gonna make me guess, or are you gonna tell me what's up?
Molly: My publisher called. Um... "Maine squeeze," my sequel to "love in Maine" -- its e-book sales are amazing!
T.J.: That's great! Molly, come here!
Molly: I couldn't have done it without you!
T.J.: No, no, no, no. Yeah, you could have. But thanks. I'm really proud of you.
Rafe: [Clears throat]
Molly: Hi, Rafe!
T.J.: Hey! Hey, what's up, man? I, uh, didn't see you there! Did mol tell you the good news about her book? The sales are off the charts! Amazing!
Molly: No, um, they're good, and I'm really encouraged. But thank you for the enthusiasm, there, T.J.
Rafe: I'm happy for you, Molly.
T.J.: I mean, a literary genius, and she's still in high school. If she was a football player, it'd be like going straight to the NFL draft. All you need is a signing bonus, Mol.
[Smooches, both laugh]
Rafe: I should probably get going.
Molly: Wait, wait! No, you don't have to leave because of us!
Rafe: No, really! It's no biggie. I should probably go, uh... take care of something.
Molly: [Sighs]
T.J.: Was it something I said, or...? What's wrong?
Britt: Don't worry, Nikolas. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna be out on the street. I-I knew I overstayed my welcome at Wyndemere, so I-I made other arrangements.
Nikolas: Did Brad finally step up and take responsibility as his father?
Britt: No. Uh, but I've got it covered, so you don't have to worry about me.
Nikolas: Then where are you staying?
Britt: With Sabrina and Felix, of course.
Felix: Um, Sabrina's not here, unfortunately. She's at work.
Carlos: Mm. General hospital?
Felix: That's right!
Carlos: Okay. Good. Okay. Well, I'll catch up with her there.
Felix: Do you know where it is? You can follow me in my car. I'm going in for my shift, too.
Carlos: I'd really appreciate that, man.
Felix: [Chuckles]
Carlos: I'm really looking forward to seeing her.
Felix: Of course! I'm sure Sabrina would be happy to see an old friend.
Patrick: Okay. Thank you.
Sabrina: Any luck?
Patrick: No. Dr. Simpson says she can't cover my shift, so I got to go in.
Sabrina: Okay, well, if -- uh, if you want me to call in, I can stay with Emma.
Patrick: No, you've got to work today, too. I'm gonna call Mac and Felicia.
Sabrina: Well, Mac and Felicia have their hands full with Maxie's situation, and you can't very well call the police commissioner to take a day off to babysit!
Patrick: Yeah, I'm not sure the mayor's gonna be cool with Anna taking a day off for grandma duty.
Sabrina: That leaves me!
Patrick: You are assisting Dr. Chu today, and if that goes well, you are going on O.B. Detail.
Sabrina: There'll be other opportunities, I'm sure!
Patrick: This is not fair to you.
Sabrina: Look. We can't send Emma to daycare. We can't get a babysitter on short notice. That makes me the only realistic option we have!
Patrick: You sure?
Sabrina: Yes! I'm sure!
Patrick: Thank you. I don't deserve you, do I?
Sabrina: No, you don't. Now go. Get ready before you're late! [Sighs]
Morgan: Whoa. All right. Let's not do anything we're gonna regret. How did I screw you over?
Ava: Oh! Let's see. I checked my credit card statement, and it wasn't too hard to figure out who was responsible for the online gambling charges!
Morgan: That.
Ava: Yeah, that! My card is almost completely maxed out! I don't even know how I'm gonna pay for this party! I might have to cancel the whole thing!
Morgan: No, don't do that! Okay, I can explain.
Ava: Explain what -- how you took advantage of me, after everything I've done for you? Keeping you safe in New York, giving you the money to pay for Kiki's engagement ring, not to mention keeping your dirty, little secret from my daughter.
Michael: Kiki? What are you doing here?
Kiki: Morgan and I spent the night.
Michael: Why? Did something else happen to my dad?
Kiki: No, no, no, no, no, no! Because I'm not family, Monica kicked me and Morgan out of the boat house, so your dad gave us a place to stay.
Michael: Okay, so, how -- how -- how is my dad doing?
Kiki: As good as he can be, I guess. He's...really quiet.
Michael: Well, yeah. He gets like that. Um, I-is Morgan with him?
Kiki: No, Morgan went to the metro court to help set up for the party.
Michael: What party?
Kiki: My mom and your dad are throwing us a wedding party? It's like a reception after the wedding.
Michael: Wait -- my dad's throwing a party tonight.
Kiki: It was my mom's idea. I'm pretty sure she steam-rolled him into it.
Michael: I'm not sure my dad's really in the right place to party.
Kiki: No, I know! It's so -- [Sighs] It's just so like my mother to show no consideration for anyone outside her own agenda. And I told her that I wasn't going to go, but then Morgan talked me into it, and I even invited Silas.
Michael: Really.
Kiki: Yeah. Uh, I-I mean, it's better to break the ice in a room full of people, right?
Michael: That's a pretty big step! You sure you're okay with that?
Kiki: I think so. I'm just surprised that my mom didn't invite you.
Michael: Well, I'm not. Given what happened between us, she probably thought it was best that I wasn't there.
Kiki: Well, I don't. I need you there.
Nikolas: I thought that you said that you wouldn't, uh -- couldn't go back to Sabrina and Felix's place.
Britt: Yeah, well, obviously, they weren't very nice to me when I stayed there before. But, I mean, that had a lot to do with them being suspicious. I mean, they were basically watching my every move, trying to catch me. But there's nothing to hide! I mean, now Patrick knows Ben isn't his son, and I'm not lying to their friend!
Nikolas: Right, right. But, see, that's -- that's my point. Sabrina and Felix only took you in because they thought... that Ben was Patrick's baby. So I'm supposed to believe that -- that they just let bygones be bygones, and now they're gonna let you stay at their place?
[Doorbell rings]
Taylor: Rafe! Looks like you got my messages after all -- all 17 of them!
Rafe: [Sighs]
Taylor: What made you change your mind?
Rafe: Well... I realized you were right. Molly and T.J. Are a problem for both of us.
Taylor: [Chuckles]
T.J.: "'Main squeeze,' by Molly Lansing-Davis." Wow. This never gets old.
Molly: [Laughing] Stop!
T.J.: [Laughs] Never! You're completely awesome, Molly! You're gonna have to get used to it!
Molly: [Laughs]
T.J.: "To Rafe, who taught me to depend on the kindness of friends."
Molly: Oh, my God. T.J., I-I completely forgot about that!
T.J.: It's fine, it's fine. I know you wrote this while things were a little dicey between us.
Molly: Yeah.
T.J.: Although, for the next book, how about you save me a space?
Molly: Deal.
T.J.: Come here.
Felix: Hey. Penny. This is carols Rivera.
Penny: Hi!
Carlos: Hi. Hi, penny. Wow. You have a really beautiful smile. [Chuckles]
Penny: Thank you.
Felix: Uh, carols is an old friend of Sabrina's. He decided to look her up while he was in town. Uh, you seen her?
Penny: Actually, she just called.
Felix: Uh-huh?
Penny: She's not coming in. Emma's sick.
Carlos: Emma? Who's that?
Felix: Patrick's daughter.
Carlos: Oh, right. And Patrick would be...?
Patrick: How are we? All set?
Sabrina: Yep. Denise is covering my shift so I can stay with Emma!
Patrick: Are you sure about this? Really? Because my job is not more important than yours.
Sabrina: How appropriately modest.
Patrick: I mean it. I want to support you the way you support me.
Sabrina: I do feel supported. But let's face it! I have someone who can cover me, and you don't!
Patrick: You're amazing. You know that?
Sabrina: I love you, Patrick. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you or Emma.
Patrick: Thank you. I'll call you in a little bit. Bye.
Michael: Uh, are you sure you'll be comfortable with me at your wedding reception?
Kiki: Absolutely! Well, you're Morgan's brother, and we've decided to get past all of this, right? The best way to do that is by accepting the new normal.
Michael: Right.
Kiki: We've come a long way in the past few days. Haven't we? It's been seeming like everything's going to work out. You've even accepted that Morgan had no idea we weren't related before the wedding.
Ava: You knew Kiki wasn't a Quartermaine before you practically forced her to get married at the courthouse. No wedding dress. No ceremony. I agreed to keep quiet. And you repay me by taking advantage of my generosity and gambling with my money?!
Morgan: Hey, you agreed to keep quiet because you said you would call in a favor sometime down the line.
Ava: Oh, I intend to. And the way things are going, I'm owed more than one!
Morgan: Okay. It's just that I --
Ava: I gave you that credit card so you could provide my daughter with the nice things she deserves, not to enable your addiction!
Morgan: Hey! I'm not an addict, okay?!
Ava: Could've fooled me. You're lying to me so you can keep placing your bets. And we both know you're very good at lying to my daughter!
Michael: I was wrong to doubt my brother. You know, I-I just -- I want all of us to start over.
Kiki: That's why I think if you show up at the party, it'll really help.
Michael: You know -- you know, a-about this party. I mean, there's nothing wrong with a wedding reception. I mean... you and Morgan deserve that. You know, you made a big step. You made A... lifelong commitment, and you two should be able to celebrate. It's just, the timing's a little off -- that's the main thing. I mean, Connie just died.
Kiki: I know that! Trust me! I do! But it's already set in motion! I just can't back out now!
Michael: Yeah, I guess not. [Sighs]
Kiki: If you show up... it'll be like you're giving me and Morgan your blessing. So what do you say? Will you come?
Morgan: Hey. I made a mistake, okay? But let's not get carried away, because you go and cancel the party, then Kiki's gonna start asking a lot of questions.
Ava: Well, maybe I should give her the answers.
Morgan: Ava!
Ava: Maybe I should tell her the truth, and not just about your gambling...but about everything.
Sam: [Sighs] I mean, Danny -- he looks good. I'm not imagining that, right?
Silas: Danny has adjusted to the transplant better than most patients I've seen.
Sam: Wow. Okay, so what are the chances I'll be able to take him home, um, before he's able to actually break out of his crib?
Silas: Well, I know he's done so much work on his escape, I'm almost willing to let him and see him pull that off. But, uh... I don't think it's gonna come to that. I think Danny will be going home very soon.
Sam: It is kind of a miracle, isn't it? I mean, last week, I wasn't sure if my son was gonna live, and now I'm actually talking about taking him home. Thank you. Thank you so much, Silas.
Silas: You're welcome.
Sam: So... what about your daughter? Last time we talked about Kiki, you were at a standstill. Have you made any progress?
Silas: We spoke.
Sam: Okay...?
Silas: Well, she seemed somewhat open to the idea of getting to know me. She invited me to her wedding reception.
Sam: Wow! Wow, that's huge! You must be really happy!
Silas: I'm a little nervous.
Sam: [Chuckles] Why?
Silas: I want things to go well for her, you know? And with Ava being there, you just -- hey, look. I know it's kind of last-minute, but how would you feel about going with me?
Britt: I'm not trying to get you to believe anything. I'm telling you what's going to happen. Ben and I are going to stay with Sabrina and Felix.
Nikolas: If you say so.
Britt: I do.
Dr. Westbourne? The exam room is ready for the final check for you and your baby.
Britt: All right. Let's get to it, then. Wait. One -- one second. [Sighs] Seriously. Nikolas... thank you so much for everything that you've done for me.
Nikolas: You're welcome.
Britt: All right.
Emma: [Winces]
Sabrina: Come on, Emma. You need to let me put these drops in so you can feel better.
Emma: No! It'll feel icky!
Sabrina: I know that it feels weird, but it'll make your eye get better much faster, and then you can see all your friends again, and you don't have to be stuck in the house!
Emma: No!
Sabrina: Okay. How about I let you have all the soda you want for the rest of the night? No? All right, well... how about ice cream? Two scoops. No?! Well, okay! Then, what do you want? What would help you take your medicine?
Emma: Mommy.
Carlos: So, Sabrina's watching Patrick's daughter. Are they close?
Felix: Oh! I'm, uh... will you excuse me for a second?
Carlos: Sure! Sure! So, this Patrick...
Penny: Oh! Dr. Drake is the chief neurologist here at G.H.
Carlos: Oh. Would you happen to know where I can find him?
Nikolas: Hey, Patrick.
Patrick: Hi. How you doing?
Nikolas: Good.
Patrick: How's, uh -- how's Britt and the baby?
Nikolas: Uh, being discharged as we speak, and then... I guess she's on her way to Felix and Sabrina's?
Patrick: Say what?
Nikolas: Yeah. She told me she was, uh, staying with Felix and Sabrina.
Patrick: Nikolas. I'm gonna be honest. I-I haven't heard anything about that, and if that were true... Sabrina would've said something to me.
T.J.: So, the next dedication's all mine, right? Something like, "to the hottest, smartest, bestest boyfriend ever."
Molly: Well, I want to focus more on school than another e-book right now, but...
T.J.: Okay.
Molly: ...Will you settle for me dedicating my year to you instead?
T.J.: I like it. How about I do the same?
Molly: Perfect.
T.J.: You're so cute.
Felix: Uh, excuse me, Molly. I'm gonna have to borrow your boyfriend for a moment.
Taylor: Molly and T.J. are a problem? [Scoffs] How could that be, Rafe?
Rafe: You know how.
Taylor: I thought you wanted nothing to do with me and whatever I have planned for Molly and T.J.
Rafe: Yeah, I didn't. Trust me. But I've been watching them together, and it's driving me insane.
Taylor: [Sighs] You really care about Molly, don't you?
Rafe: Yeah.
Taylor: Trust me. I feel the same way about T.J. It sucks! So you should know going into this that whatever we plan to do about them is going to hurt them -- both of them, at least initially.
Rafe: And what exactly do you have in mind?
Taylor: [Chuckles] I thought you'd never ask.
Sam: Go with you? To your daughter's wedding reception? Um...
Silas: Well, uh, look. I know it sounds a little awkward, all right? It's not like I know anyone there -- I barely even know the bride!
Sam: I don't know if that's a good idea!
Silas: If I have to put up with Ava in order to see my daughter, I will do it. But it'd be a hell of a lot easier if I had you there!
Sam: Silas, I can't go with you tonight.
T.J.: So, what you want to talk about, Felix?
Felix: I'll make this quick. I'm happy that you and Molly found your way back to each other. You both seem thrilled.
T.J.: Thanks. We are.
Felix: So congratulations on your teen relationship nirvana. But that doesn't mean I forgot how you treated my sister.
T.J.: Look, I know. I shouldn't have slept with Taylor while I was still hung up on Molly. I'm really sorry about that.
Felix: I know you are. That's the only reason I haven't kicked your ass. But I found my sister pining for someone today. And if I had to guess, I'd say that someone is probably you.
T.J.: Well, I don't know what to say. I've been really honest with Taylor about my feelings for Molly.
Felix: I'm sure you have. And I realize that my sister came after you with the focus of a heat-seeking missile. But just because someone comes on strong doesn't mean they don't have real feelings underneath, and that they can't get Taylor got hurt. I hope I can count on you not to lead her on again.
T.J.: Felix, you have my word. There's no way I'd get involved with your sister again, not while I'm trying to make things right with Molly. [Sighs]
Taylor: So, what do you think? Shall we toast to operation Maine squeeze?
Rafe: Mm, I don't know, okay? This could easily backfire against us.
Taylor: No risk, no reward! If it can get us what we want, isn't it worth a try?
Sabrina: You thinking about your mommy, sweetheart?
Emma: [Sniffles] When I was sick, she'd always take care of me. Mommy knew how to make me feel better.
Sabrina: [Sighs] I'm sure she did. I'm sorry your mommy can't be here for you right now. But you know what? She's looking down on you from heaven, and she's sending you all of her love. She always will be, okay?
Emma: I want her here, though!
Sabrina: I'm here!
Emma: It's not the same.
Nikolas: Felix! I need to ask you a question.
Felix: Go for it.
Nikolas: Did you tell Britt that, uh, her and her new baby could move back into your apartment?
Felix: [Laughing] Oh! Oh! Oh, you're serious.
Nikolas: Yes, I am.
Felix: Um, I don't know where you heard that, but it would not be an understatement to say that, uh, I'm ecstatic to have the Britch out of my apartment and out of my life...forever. Um, I don't actively wish her ill, especially now that she has a baby to take care of, but I would not have Britt back in my house... for -- I just wouldn't have her back.
Britt: [Sighs] Come on. Come on, come on, come on!
Taylor: So? You in or not?
[Cell phone rings]
Taylor: Hey, Britt! How's the little guy? I love the pics you posted!
Britt: Thanks! Yeah, I-I don't have time to -- to catch up. Um, I'm in a jam. They're releasing me from the hospital, and I have nowhere to go.
Taylor: And you think Felix is gonna let you crash here again?
Britt: Uh, not willingly! But I -- uh, if you were to use that secret that you were holding over his head...?
Taylor: Oh.
Britt: What?
Taylor: It's just -- I want to help you. But things between Felix and me, they're pretty okay right now, more okay than they've been in a while. He's really had my back recently, and I kind of like us being on the same side again.
Britt: Yeah, I get it. I get it. Um, that's good. He's your brother, so...
Taylor: I'm really sorry.
Britt: It's fine! I'll figure something out. I'd better go.
Taylor: Bye. I --
Rafe: Is everything okay?
Taylor: [Sighs] It's nothing! Let's go! If this is gonna work, we need to start tonight.
Michael: [Sighs] If you want me there, I'll -- I'll -- I'll come to the party. Sure?
Kiki: You will?
Michael: Yeah. You're right. It's for the best, for, uh -- for all of us.
Kiki: You can even bring a guest if you want.
Michael: Like, a date?
Kiki: Uh, well -- [Sighs] Like, a plus-one. Whatever you want to call it.
Michael: Uh, wouldn't -- wouldn't that make you uncomfortable, or...?
Kiki: That's the point, isn't it? We have to get used to seeing each other with someone else. Right?
Michael: Right.
Morgan: I don't think you will tell Kiki -- not about the gambling, not about the money, certainly not about me knowing that she and Mikey weren't cousins before we were married.
Ava: Why not?
Morgan: [Chuckles softly] Because you need me, Ava. Kiki wants nothing to do with you, and the only reason she's giving you time of day is because I'm encouraging her to talk to you. So you want to torpedo my relationship with Kiki? That's fine. You'll only be bringing down yours, too.
Ava: Why, Morgan Corinthos... are you threatening me?
Morgan: No. I'm just saying we both have a lot to lose. So what's it gonna be, Ava?
T.J.: [Sighs]
Molly: Hey! What was that all about?
T.J.: It's nothing -- just an overprotective brother. What's that you're working on?
Molly: Nothing. Uh -- it's not done yet!
[Both chuckle]
T.J.: Come on! Let me see it! No?
Molly: Okay. [Sighs] It's what my dedication should've been.
T.J.: Let me see. "To T.J., for leading the way through our ups and staying strong through our downs. I love you." [Sighs] I love you, too, Molly. I promise. And from now on, it's just me and you, okay?
Taylor: Hey, guys! We were just wondering if you wanted to join us for a movie.
Molly: "We"?
Taylor: There you are, baby!
Britt: So, you don't have any rooms available? I think the executive suite's a little out of my price range. Uh, thank you. [Sighs]
Nikolas: Hey.
Britt: Uh, Nikolas! Hey! What -- what are you doing? I was just getting ready to leave.
Nikolas: To where, exactly?
Britt: I told you -- Sabrina and Felix's.
Nikolas: I spoke to Felix. I know you're not staying there.
Britt: Uh, no, I'm not.
Nikolas: Why lie?
Britt: I didn't want you to know I didn't have anywhere to go.
Nikolas: Why?
Britt: I didn't want you to feel obligated! I mean, I-I gave birth in your living room! That's more than enough hospitality on your part.
Nikolas: Okay, so, what's your plan?
Britt: I'll figure something out.
Nikolas: No. You don't have to. You're coming with me.
Silas: Wow. That was, uh -- that was pretty definitive. Um... hey, look. I haven't done this in a while. Was I moving too fast by inviting you to the party?
Sam: Uh, no. Of course not. It's not that. It's, um -- I'm just not, um -- I-I'm not comfortable leaving Danny here in the hospital by himself at night.
Silas: All right. I understand, you know? You don't think maybe just for one night, you could take a break?
Sam: No, not yet. [Chuckles sadly]
Silas: I knew it was a long shot anyway. Okay. I'll be okay. I'll -- I'll fly solo, and I'll get it done. I'll see you... first thing in the morning, okay?
Sam: Yeah. Of course. Hey! Good luck!
Silas: Thanks.
[Cell phone ringing]
Penny: Hello?
Michael: Uh, hey, penny. It's Michael Corinthos.
Penny: Michael Corinthos. You know, it's been so long since I've heard from you, I figured I wasn't going to. I mean, it's been like, what -- two months?
Michael: Yeah, I've been, uh, kind of dealing with some stuff.
Penny: Uh-huh. And how is your stuff looking now?
Michael: It's making a lot more sense. Um, so, I-I-I was hoping you'd give me another shot. Are you free tonight?
Ava: I like this side of you, Morgan.
Morgan: You do.
Ava: I do. It was your "by any means necessary" attitude that I so admired in New York. I can certainly see what Kiki finds so attractive about you.
Morgan: Thanks.
Ava: I wasn't really planning on canceling the party. I have loads of credit cards. I was just giving you a hard time, letting you know how genuinely angry I am about the gambling charges.
Morgan: Well, I'm sorry about that. That was stupid of me.
Ava: Yeah. It really was.
Morgan: [Clears throat]'re not gonna -- you're not gonna tell Kiki the truth?
Ava: It depends... on how cooperative you plan to be over the next few weeks... and how much you -- you try to repay your debt to me. Deal?
Morgan: Deal.
Ava: Good. Then Kiki won't need to know anything about this.
Kiki: Anything about what?
Felix: Hey!
Patrick: Hey.
Felix: How'd the shunt go?
Patrick: It was good! It was good. Yeah. We should try and get you in the O.R. One of these days.
Felix: I'll take you up on that. Hey, sorry to hear about Emma.
Patrick: No, it's fine. She's got pink eye. She'll be all right. Sabrina's with her right now.
Felix: Oh, her friend was really sorry to miss her.
Patrick: Whose friend -- Sabrina's friend?
Felix: Mm-hmm -- someone she knew from Puerto Rico was in town, seemed really intent on meeting her. Nice guy. Not exactly hard to look at, either.
Emma: When I was sick, she'd always take care of me. Mommy knew how to make me feel better.
[Knock on door]
Sabrina: [Gasps] Carlos?!
Carlos: Mi bella Sabrina.
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