GH Transcript Wednesday 9/18/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 9/18/13


Provided By Suzanne

Olivia: [Crying]

Dante: Hey, ma.

Olivia: Hey. Honey, what are you doing here? The service doesn't start for another hour.

Dante: No, I know. I just wanted to see if you needed a hand.

Olivia: You're so sweet. No, I think I got everything under control.

Dante: Yeah? You picked a beautiful picture.

Olivia: Yeah. Gosh, you should've seen me going through her old photos. I swear, the woman never took a bad picture. And now she's gone.

Dante: Hey, hey, hey. Look, Connie, mom, she'll live in our hearts, okay? And in her namesake.

Anna: Oh, she's the most adorable little creature I've ever seen.

Lulu: Yeah, she's all right.

[Both laugh]

Lulu: I've been trying to say that with a straight face. It's actually impossible.

Anna: Yeah, she's perfect. Look at her. [Giggles] She's smiling.

[Baby coos]

Anna: Yeah.

Lulu: You know, she's only a few days old and I already cannot remember what life was like without her.

Anna: Right.

Lulu: Yeah, you are a blessing.

Anna: Yes, hi. No. She knows that, you know? She does. I'm glad you found a name that's meaningful to the both of you.

Lulu: Especially today.

Anna: Yeah.

Lulu: Thank you for watching her so we can attend Connie's service.

Anna: No, I'm happy to. It's nice to spend a little time with a baby again. Maybe talk to you, also, on Maxie's behalf.

Maxie: I said no freesias. Connie hated freesias. If I even get a whiff of a freesia when I get there, I will void our contract, blackball your shop, and worse. Trust me -- I will think of something. The people who cross me live to regret it.

Carly: Hey, Spinelli, you got something for me?

Spinelli: Uh, yeah, yeah. Uh...everything I have on Ava Jerome, but be warned -- it's not much. I have yet to unearth any skeletons nor suss out a history between her and Silas clay.

Carly: Yeah, I don't care about Silas clay. There's someone else I need you to look into -- Derek Wells.

Ava: We have to stop meeting like this.

Derek: Yeah, no kidding. We're not careful, people will get ideas -- people like Carly Jacks.

Ava: Why single her out?

Derek: She was at the pier last night, same time we were.

Ava: What was she doing there?

Derek: Fighting with her boyfriend, as far as I could tell.

Ava: Did you talk to her?

Derek: I did.

Ava: Well? Did she see us together?

Derek: I don't know. But to be safe, I gave her the same cover you gave your ex -- I'm your client buying art.

Ava: Works for me.

Derek: Don't be so cavalier. We can't afford anyone connecting us yet, especially anyone close to Sonny Corinthos.

Morgan: Rise and shine, Mrs. C.

Kiki: [Chuckles] What time is it?

Morgan: [Smooching] I'll give you a hint.

Kiki: What are you -- come on. We got to get ready for Connie's service.

Morgan: What? Come on. I'll be quick.

Kiki: Aren't you always?

Morgan: Oh, yeah? Oh, you're gonna pay for that one.

Sonny: [Breathes deeply] Hey, Michael.

Michael: Hey, don't you -- shouldn't you be getting ready?

Sonny: For what?

Michael: Connie's service starts in less than an hour.

Sonny: Ain't going to no damn service.

Dante: So, how's Sonny?

Olivia: Oh, God. If you were to ask me a couple of days ago, I would've said he was a mess. Now he's throwing parties, so I guess maybe he's on the ups.

Dante: Parties?

Olivia: You didn't hear?

Dante: No.

Olivia: Sonny and his new B.F.F., Ava Jerome, are throwing a belated wedding celebration for Morgan and Kiki.

Dante: Wow. That's, uh...

Olivia: Yeah. Exactly.

Dante: I met Ava Jerome briefly at the Quartermaines.

Olivia: Well, what did you think of her?

Dante: I don't know. I'm trying to reserve judgment, but I didn't know that she and Sonny were tight.

Olivia: Sonny never laid eyes on the woman till she showed up at his house the other day. I've talked to a grieving man about throwing some shindig with her.

Dante: Wow, ma.

Olivia: What?

Dante: Well, Ava's really won you over, hasn't she?

Olivia: I don't even know the woman. I've never met her, and I already don't like her. Right down to the last name.

Ava: It may be difficult to adhere to your policy of not being seen together, since we're both going to the memorial.

Derek: Yeah. Why are you going, again?

Ava: Well, Connie was Sonny's girlfriend. Sonny is Morgan's father. Morgan is my son-in-law. Therefore, Sonny and I are in-laws. Family.

Derek: [Breathes deeply] Yeah, very extended family.

Ava: As opposed to you -- Connie's boss.

Derek: At least I spoke to her on more than one occasion. We'll just arrive and sit separately.

Ava: Do you think that's wise? Now that we've established a business relationship, not sitting together might raise more eyebrows than sitting together.

Derek: Well, I'm not taking any unnecessary chances, especially on Sonny's turf.

Ava: Sonny won't even know we're there, not if he's skipping his meds, per my suggestion.

Derek: Bipolar. You're sure about that?

Ava: Can you think of any other reason to take lithium, or to not take lithium, in Sonny's case?

Michael: So you're not going to the service.

Sonny: It's just words. People are gonna say how great Connie was, how, you know, she's gonna be missed, how she shouldn't have died. I don't need anybody telling me that.

Michael: Okay, I know --

Sonny: And the priest assuring us that she's in a better place. She's at peace. At peace? Really? She was murdered. I don't want to be let off the hook.

Michael: Dad, it wasn't your fault.

Sonny: Okay, say that's true, which it isn't -- what am I supposed to do? Just forget that she was ever here?

Michael: No, that's not what I'm saying.

Sonny: There's nothing that's gonna be said in that church that's gonna make a difference! She's gone! I'm here!

Michael: Dad, don't take this the wrong way. Um...

Sonny: Say it!

Michael: Are you taking your meds?

Sonny: Do not talk about my meds!

Kiki: [Breathes deeply]

Morgan: [Chuckles] See? I told you it wouldn't take long.

Kiki: Yeah, record time.

Morgan: Hey.

Kiki: [Laughs]

Morgan: Hey, we have to save our strength for tomorrow, okay? You and me. It's gonna be epic.

Kiki: I don't know. Let's just try to get through today, okay? We have Connie's service, and then we have to try to find someplace to live.

Morgan: Okay. Well, don't worry, 'cause I got that under control.

Kiki: Oh, really?

Morgan: Yeah.

Kiki: How come that doesn't make me feel any better?

Morgan: Because you don't think I'm good for anything else, but guess who won the dominator to our cause.

Kiki: Alice is going to keep us in housing how?

[Knock on door]

Kiki: Oh. Speak of the devil.

Morgan: Hey.

Alice: Hey.

Morgan: Hey, tell Kiki how you got the Quartermaines wrapped around your finger and how you're not gonna let us get booted out of here.

Alice: I'm really sorry, kids, but, ride's over.

Anna: So, I visited Maxie in hospital, and we talked -- godmother to goddaughter kind of thing, you know?

Lulu: Must have been a heavy conversation.

Anna: Well, not as heavy as some of the conversations you've had regarding the baby.

Lulu: I'm not sure what Maxie's told you.

Anna: The truth. She said she feels really ashamed that, despite her best efforts, she's attached to your daughter. And she's having a very hard time letting go.

Lulu: And I get it. I do. Maxie was in the NICU, ready to nurse Connie. She totally crossed a line.

Anna: Yeah, she knows. To say that she feels terrible would be an understatement. But she says she's committed to getting right back on track. And I hope that you can accept that and not shut Maxie out of little Connie's life.

Ellie: Is everything okay?

Maxie: Just some last-minute wrangling for Connie's service. Olivia and I basically arranged the whole thing.

Ellie: Wow. That -- that sounds really taxing, and right after coming home from the hospital, and...

Maxie: Somebody had to do it, and I know all the guests ticks. Enzo Cartullo is basically allergic to flip-flops. Feddie and maha chang aren't --

Ellie: Maxie, how long will this go on?

Maxie: I clocked it at a solid 45 minutes.

Ellie: No, not the service. This -- you, us.

Maxie: Oh. There's an "us"?

Ellie: [Sighs] Can't keep ignoring this. I know that you know that I told Damian the truth about the baby.

Carly: Okay, Derek claims an art deal, but how many art deals are made on the dot, late at night?

Spinelli: And a location with a dark and deserved reputation for all things deadly. Unless...

Carly: Unless what?

Spinelli: Well, perhaps Ava is a fence for stolen art.

Carly: No way. She is up to something, and I want to know what it is.

Spinelli: Okay. Well, no disrespect to your formidable intuition, but perhaps you're overreacting.

Carly: My formidable intuition tells me that I want you to dig up dirt on Ava.

[Elevator bell dings]

Ava: Speak of the devil. I think now would be the perfect time to not be seen together.

Derek: Yeah, well, I'll be heading to the church after my interview with Duke Lavery.

Ava: I'm sorry?

Derek: Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you. Duke applied for a job, and I may just hire him.

Ava: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Derek: Well, you know what they say -- keep your friends close...

Ava: And your toys closer? You know you just want to torment the man. Poor Duke. He has no idea the job he's angling for is not with Derek Wells but with his former boss and tormentor, Julian Jerome.

Derek: [Clears throat]

Maxie: I'm surprised you're choosing to talk about the baby right now. I mean, I'm not dying on an operating table, which is your situation of choice for unburdening yourself.

Ellie: Okay, in all fairness, I was completely unaware of your medical crisis.

Maxie: Oh, you would have kept your mouth shut if you knew?

Ellie: Okay, look, I regret the circumstances. But you're right -- I don't regret my actions. The lies and the subterfuge had gone on way too long. I had to tell Damian he was the father of that child.

Maxie: How'd that work out for you guys?

Ellie: You said I would lose Damian if I told him the truth. You were right. I did.

Lulu: Believe me, I want Maxie in Connie's life. She's my best friend. I want my daughter to know the woman that brought her into this world.

Anna: Good. Good. I'm very glad to hear that.

Lulu: It's not that simple. Let's say, a couple months from now, Maxie starts coming over a little too often or she stays just a little too long. What am I supposed to do? I do not want to confuse my daughter.

Anna: Yeah, all right. So your concerns are very justified. I can see that. But I don't think it's gonna be like that. I really feel that Maxie just needs some time to heal and come to terms with everything. No small thing carrying a baby for nine months... only to surrender it.

Lulu: Did you?

Anna: Yeah, with Robin. I had to leave her right after she was born. And those first few weeks were unbearable.

Lulu: But it got better.

Anna: And it will for Maxie.

Lulu: I hope so. There is a huge difference between those two situations. You knew that eventually you would get Robin back because she's your daughter. Connie isn't Maxie's.

Dante: Look, ma, I've looked into Ava Jerome as much as I'm legally allowed to, considering she's not a suspect in any crime.

Olivia: And?

Dante: She's not connected to the Jerome crime family.

Olivia: Not that you've found so far.

Dante: You know something I don't? 'Cause as far as I know, all the Jeromes are dead and buried.

Olivia: It's just something that Shawn said. According to Sonny, Shawn was checking out those guys that were running the gambling ring that Morgan got involved in.

Dante: And?

Olivia: Apparently, they were getting their beaks wet in town.

Dante: Wet their beaks?

Olivia: Did you know what I meant?

Dante: Yeah.

Olivia: Thank you.

Dante: Sorry. Continue.

Olivia: So, Shawn went and had a "talk" with these guys.

Dante: And?

Olivia: And they claim that their boss is Julian Jerome.

Dante: So this guy's claiming his boss is a dead guy.

Olivia: Sonny thought he was lying, too.

Dante: But you don't?

Olivia: Well, I'm just saying stranger things have happened.

Duke: I wasn't aware that you two were acquainted.

Ava: Derek is a client.

Duke: Ah. You're exploring the art world, are you?

Ava: If you'll excuse me, I see someone I'd like to say hello to.

Duke: Oh, you have a good day, ms. Jerome.

Ava: You, too, Mr. Lavery. Derek.

Derek: Mm. Shall we get started?

Carly: This is good, but I need more stuff.

Spinelli: Oh.

Ava: Oh, please don't stop conniving on my account.

Spinelli: I take offense to that. I have never once connived.

Ava: Oh, really, millhouse? You are still investigating me, are you not? Tell me -- what has Google turned up?

[Both chuckle]

Carly: You know, this may come as a shocker, but not everything's about you.

Ava: Well, in the interest of familial harmony, I'll let it go. Speaking of family, would you like to participate in planning Morgan and Kiki's party?

Carly: What party? No one told me about a party.

Ava: I'm telling you now. It's to celebrate their marriage. They never had a proper wedding reception. I thought the metro court might do.

Carly: "Might do." [Chuckles]

Ava: What do you think?

Carly: Where to begin? Uh, it's a terrible idea.

Ava: Why?

Carly: Have you thought for one second about the father of the groom? Sonny has just buried his girlfriend.

Ava: Oh, no, no. Sonny is okay with it. In fact, he's my co-host.

Carly: Sonny's helping you plan this party?

Ava: Mm-hmm. We're of like minds, particularly when it comes to supporting our children. You should try it sometime. Oh. Do let me know if you plan to attend. You're welcome to bring a plus-one.

Sonny: I didn't mean to go off. I just -- people have been hovering lately. Don't worry about my medication.

Michael: Okay. Sorry, dad. I didn't -- I didn't mean to upset you.

Sonny: It's not you. I've got a lot on my mind.

Michael: Right. AJ's a big part of that.

Sonny: Can we not talk about AJ?

Michael: I just want to let you know there's isn't gonna be any more garbage about you being involved in Connie's murder, okay? I told AJ to muzzle Diane.

Sonny: He listened?

Michael: I think so.

Sonny: Must not have been easy on you.

Michael: I'm fine. I'm more worried about you right now. You lost the woman you love.

Sonny: So did you.

Alice: Chin up, Mr. Morgan. I mean, I'm sure you and ms. Kiki are gonna find a place way better than this.

Morgan: Yeah, right. Better than lake frontage, no neighbors, and a kick-ass maid?

Alice: I will always be available to kick your ass. In fact, uh...

[Knuckles crack]

Alice: ...Want to go a round of arm-wrestling for old time's sake?

Morgan: Yeah, you're on.

Alice: All right.

Morgan: Aah! Whoo! Who's your daddy?! I am! Mnh!

Alice: [Sighs] Congratulations, Mr. Morgan. You're getting stronger every day.

Morgan: Thanks to you.

Alice: But I hope you know this means I want a rematch.

Morgan: Oh. Good thing I'm not going far.

Alice: Yeah.

Maxie: It's over? You and Spinelli broke up?

Ellie: Not officially. We're in a, uh...détente, of sorts, taking a pause to re-examine our situation. I'm not too optimistic.

Maxie: Well, I'm sorry your relationship was collateral damage. But this is about me and Spinelli -- our baby -- and we decided that she's going to stay with Dante and Lulu. They're her parents now.

Ellie: But, Maxie --

Maxie: No "buts," okay? Spinelli and I will never claim our little girl.

Ellie: You know, never is a really long time. Are you sure that's an agreement you can honor?

Carly: I'm the mother of the groom, the owner of the "it'll do" venue, yet Ava goes behind my back to ambush Sonny. Well, this woman is a piece of work. She has an agenda, probably more than one. We have got to figure out what it is. You know what, Spinelli? We got to step it up. You are gonna have to dig deep. I need to get something... Spinelli. Hello? Are you even listening to me?

Spinelli: Hmm?

Carly: What is going on? You have been out to lunch since you got here.

Spinelli: Uh, n-nothing. Nothing.

Carly: Uh, do you know that baby?

[Elevator bell dings]

Spinelli: No. No, I don't.

Dante: You all set? Hey.

Lulu: Hi. [Chuckles] I have to go put my jewelry on.

Dante: Okay. Hi, little one. Hi. Do you want daddy? Thanks for looking after our little girl.

Anna: Oh, I'm happy to. She's gorgeous.

Dante: Yeah.

Anna: How's Olivia?

Dante: Yeah, you know, she's okay. Doing pretty good, considering everything that's happened.

Anna: And you?

[Baby whines]

Dante: Oh, it's okay. It's a tough day. I know. I'm a little distracted, too. Remember that gambling ring my brother Morgan was involved with?

Anna: Yeah.

Dante: It seems like they've set up camp here in Port Charles.

Anna: [Sighs] Excellent.

Dante: Yeah.

Anna: Didn't they have a run-in with your mother and Connie, too?

Dante: Mm-hmm. It looks like Shawn got one of them to talk, and, uh... guess who he claims he's been taking orders from.

Anna: Who?

Dante: Julian Jerome.

Derek: Well, your most recent work at ELQ is impressive. And it says here you ran your own businesses back in the day.

Duke: Mm. That is correct.

Derek: Huh.

Duke: Is there something I can help you with?

Derek: Well, it's just that, from the early '90s until just this past year, there seems to be, uh...quite a gap in your employment history.

Duke: Yes. I was overseas. I was in turkey, to be precise.

Derek: Oh, what were you doing there?

Duke: Meditating. Exploring my inner self.

Derek: Oh, I see. Well, you must have enjoyed the country very much to stay put for so long.

Duke: It was fascinating. In fact, I almost found it impossible to leave.

Derek: Well, I suppose I have just one more question for you. Why should I hire a man who once took orders from Julian Jerome?

Sonny: I know you had deep feelings for Kiki.

Michael: Well, that's over and done with, so, uh... who told you about that?

Sonny: Your mom.

Michael: Right.

Sonny: Don't be upset. She was just worried about you and Morgan. She doesn't want Morgan to marry somebody that doesn't love him.

Michael: Well, Kiki does... she does love Morgan. Okay, no matter what I feel... felt... I'm not gonna get between them. Family's first, right? You -- you taught us that.

Sonny: You and Morgan okay?

Michael: Yeah, no, I apologized for the things that I said, and we... we made peace.

Sonny: What things?

Michael: I accused him of rushing the wedding because I thought he already knew that Kiki and I weren't related before the rest of us. Turns out I was wrong. I just wanted to believe it.

Sonny: Kiki isn't a Quartermaine?

Morgan: Don't you get it?

Sonny: No, I don't get it.

Morgan: Well, Kiki and Michael, they're not related!

Michael: I should've never doubted him.

Sonny: Michael.

Michael: What?

Sonny: There's something you should know.

Olivia: I can't believe I have to say goodbye to you, cuz. What am I gonna do without you? [Sniffles] Who am I gonna confide in? And more importantly, who am I gonna talk smack with? [Chuckles] This Ava woman -- I mean... I know it's wrong for me to hold a grudge against someone I haven't even met, but I know for a fact you wouldn't like her. I just... I don't know what it is. Is it just that I don't like she's getting friendly with Sonny or... do I need to be seriously concerned about this woman? Come on, cuz, you got to give me a sign.

[Wood creaks]

Ellie: Can you really just give up your daughter?

Maxie: I already have. What? People do it all the time, give up their child for adoption.

Ellie: They don't have to live in the same town as them. They don't have to watch them board the school bus, take their puppy for a walk. They're not best friends with their child's mother.

Maxie: I will get used to it.

Ellie: How?

Maxie: Dante and Lulu are that little girl's family now. They will love her and take care of her. They'll be happy. That's all that matters.

Ellie: No, that's not all that matters, Maxie. What about your happiness?

Maxie: After the situation I created, I don't deserve to be happy.

Ellie: I really hate seeing you torn up like this.

Maxie: Well, it won't be forever. I'm even seeing a therapist.

Ellie: I think that's a wise decision. But giving up your daughter when you clearly don't want to? That's not something that's just gonna go away.

Maxie: I have to. Don't you understand that? That's all there is to it.

Ellie: And I sincerely hope you succeed.

Maxie: Thank you.

Ellie: But if you ever change your mind --

Maxie: Ellie, I won't.

Carly: Are you sure you're okay?

Spinelli: I apologize for my less-than-stellar focus. Um... my mind's just on... Connie's memorial service, for which I should be getting dressed for.

Carly: Of course. You go do what you need to do. But please don't put this on the back burner too long. I have a feeling that whatever you uncover about Ava is gonna be just as important to Sonny as it is to me.

Michael: What do I need to know?

Sonny: It's about Morgan. But before I tell you, you --

[Door opens]

Morgan: My whole body was, like, shaking.

Kiki: Yeah, it was. But then I got this Zen focus, and -- boom! -- I put her down.

Kiki: What --

Sonny: What are you two doing here?

Kiki: Oh. Well, we thought that we would all go to the service together.

Michael: Actually, my dad's not really feeling up to it.

Morgan: W-what? What do you mean? You got to say goodbye to Connie.

Sonny: You can -- you can say goodbye for me, all right?

Morgan: Dad.

Sonny: Let me handle this my way. Hey. I love you both.

Morgan: Dude, he looks like death. We can't leave him alone.

Michael: No, I know, I know. Um... I'm gonna stay with him, okay? You guys go. Just make sure you tell Olivia why we didn't show up.

Ava: I don't think we've met. Ava Jerome.

Olivia: Olivia Falconeri.

Ava: Oh, you're Connie's cousin. I'm very sorry for your loss. She was a remarkable woman.

Olivia: You knew her?

Ava: We met once. But she left, uh... quite an impression on me.

Olivia: Mm.

Ava: Not to mention her many, many loved ones. Sonny, for instance.

Olivia: I hear that you and Sonny have become quite good friends.

Ava: We're getting to know each other, as in-laws will do.

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Ava: I just wanted to come today to pay my respects.

Olivia: Are you sure you have time? I mean, with the big party in the works and everything.

Ava: It occurred to me that, during such a trying time, people might like something positive to look forward to.

Olivia: How thoughtful. [Sniffles]

Ava: I can't bear the image. Such a beautiful woman, gunned down in her own office. It's... it's a tragedy.

Olivia: At least the person who did it is behind bars.

Ava: It is a small comfort. Now if only the authorities could find whoever it was that shot you.

Dante: Keep in mind, this is all secondhand information from Shawn, via my mother.

Anna: This man said that his boss is Julian Jerome?

Dante: Yeah.

Anna: That's not even possible. Julian is dead, along with his entire family.

Dante: Right. So, this claim, it's got to be a lie, right?

Duke: I see my reputation precedes me.

Derek: Then, uh... then you don't deny your past.

Duke: I don't lead with it, but, no, I certainly don't deny it. No, I admit that, when I was younger, I led a life of crime. But that's behind me now, I can assure you of that. In fact, you can check with our commissioner of police. She will give you a glowing recommendation.

Derek: It's good to know.

Duke: No, I assure you -- that part of my life died with Julian Jerome.

Derek: Yeah. Speaking of which, um...what was that like? I mean, working with him.

Duke: Julian?

Derek: Mm.

Duke: He was incompetent. Well, what he lacked in talent, he made up with a brilliant self-confidence.

Derek: [Chuckling] Well, he sounds like a fool.

Duke: He was a dangerous fool, like all of the Jeromes. That's why the world is better off without them, believe me.

Derek: I like you, Duke Lavery. You're a man of special abilities, and, uh... strong opinions -- two excellent qualities to have in an employee. [Breathes deeply] Welcome... to my team.

Lulu: Okay. What do we need to tell you? She just woke up from a nap, so she probably won't go to sleep before we get back, unless she gets tired, which you can totally put her down.

Dante: Right.

Lulu: There's also a bottle in the fridge. Maybe 25 minutes, see if she'll take 3 ounces.

Dante: Yeah, and just throw it in the microwave one minute.

Lulu: No, no, you're gonna use the bottle warmer, but I also need you to test it on your wrist first, one the inside --

Anna: I'm good. Guys, I got this. Really, it's not the first baby I've been around. I'm fine.

Lulu: Of course.

Dante: Okay. Come on. Thank you.

Lulu: You know, it's just that she's only been home for a couple of days, and now we're leaving her.

Anna: For a couple of hours, you're going, and you're gonna be fine. Here. Don't forget your purse. And the little one, she's gonna be perfect. She's gonna be right here waiting for you, all in one piece. No one's coming to steal her.

Dante: Thanks, Anna.

Anna: Bye.

Ellie: Damian. This is unexpected. If you're looking for Maxie, she's --

Spinelli: I just -- I came to get my suit.

Ellie: Oh, of course, yeah. I forgot you left it here. Can I offer you something to drink?

Spinelli: Uh, no. I'm actually in kind of a hurry.

Ellie: Right, the memorial service. Can I just tell you one thing? Uh, Maxie was just here.

Spinelli: Yeah, I saw her as she left.

Ellie: Did you talk to her?

Spinelli: I couldn't stomach it.

Ellie: Well, she and I had a long talk. Uh, I think we started to clear the air. Maxie's having a really difficult time.

Spinelli: Is she?

Ellie: I just think giving up her daughter is more heart-wrenching --

Spinelli: I don't want to talk about this right now.

Ellie: I'm not trying to defend her. I'm not even asking you to forgive her. Trust me -- I'm way too focused on whether or not you're ever gonna forgive me. I know it's of her own making, but it's pain nonetheless. So if you could possibly find it in your heart... don't be too hard on her.

Anna: I feel like a teenager letting in my boyfriend. I'm supposed to be babysitting.

Duke: Boyfriend?

Anna: I hope the parents don't find out.

Duke: Surely they won't ask you back.

Anna: They might dock my pay.

Duke: We don't have to worry about that.

Anna: What?

Duke: I just got myself a swanky new job. Say hello to Derek Wells's chief of staff.

Derek: Did you ever find out who Jennifer was?

Carly: I'm sorry?

Derek: The fight you had with your boyfriend last night?

Carly: Oh, yeah. [Chuckles] He's not my boyfriend anymore.

Derek: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. He was the nurse when I was donating my stem cells to little Danny Morgan. He, uh, seemed like a really nice guy.

Carly: Yeah, well, you know, things aren't always as they seem.

Derek: Mm.

Carly: I am very close to Danny's family. And, of course, we're all grateful that you were able to help him, so if there's anything you need during your stay here, please don't hesitate to ask.

Derek: Oh, thanks. I'm very comfortable. This is a lovely hotel.

Carly: Thank you, thank you. Do you know how long you'll be staying?

Derek: I don't know. I'm taking a liking to Port Charles. I might just, uh...put down some roots.

Carly: Really? With your girlfriend?

Derek: [Chuckles] I don't have a girlfriend.

Carly: Oh, I'm sorry. I just saw you with Ava, and I just assumed, you know?

Derek: Well, like I mentioned, she's my art dealer.

Carly: Of course, yeah.

Derek: It was nice to see you, ms. Jacks.

Carly: You too.

Ava: Have the police scared up a suspect in your shooting?

Olivia: They're working on it.

Ava: Oh, dear. No leads at all?

Olivia: Oh, they'll figure it out. My son, he's a detective. He'll crack the case. Whoever took that pot shot at me won't get away with it.

Ava: I certainly hope not. Though it's hard to crack a case when the trail goes cold.

[Footsteps approaching]

Morgan: [Clears throat]

Kiki: What are you doing here?

Ava: I'm paying my respects.

Olivia: Is Sonny with you?

Morgan: No, he's, uh, not coming.

Sonny: Aren't you supposed to be at the funeral?

Michael: You wanted to tell me something about Morgan?

Sonny: Yeah, I'll tell you later. Don't worry about that. You better get to the funeral. Otherwise, you're gonna be late.

Michael: No, I -- I don't want you to be alone today. Look, dad, we don't have to hang out or anything, but I'm not leaving.

Sonny: All right, all right. Suit yourself.

Michael: [Breathes deeply] Look, I remember when Abby died. And the only family she had was her mom, and she lived in a different state. And she didn't want to pay for the funeral. As soon as I said I'd cover the charges, she hung up. Never heard from that woman again. Abby was alone except for me. How is that even possible, a woman this incredible, didn't have anyone there to say, "I loved this girl"? You know, "she was mine," that "my life was smaller without her"?

Sonny: She had you.

Michael: Yeah, well, she deserved a lot better. She deserved a room packed full of people to honor her memory. And, look -- everyone grieves in their own way, dad, and I'll respect whatever you choose, but remember this -- this is gonna be the last decision you're gonna make... for you and Connie. Just make sure it's one you can live with.

Maxie: Hey.

Lulu: Hey. The church looks beautiful.

Maxie: When I got here, there was almost a catastrophe. I thought I saw some freesias.

Lulu: No.

Maxie: Yeah, but it turns out they were just some amaryllis.

Lulu: Good.

Maxie: Exactly.

Lulu: Connie hated freesias.

Dante: Oh. Well, then, uh... crisis averted, right?

Lulu: Connie could always count on Maxie to get things right.

Maxie: After a little blundering.

Dante: Hey. Thanks for coming.

Spinelli: Hi. I'm sorry for your loss. Connie was a unique and effervescent soul. She will be missed.

Dante: Actually, we, uh... we found a way to keep her memory alive.

Lulu: For many years to come.

Spinelli: How's that?

Lulu: We named our daughter after her.

Duke: So, he didn't go into any details, but from what I understand about Derek Wells is, the job is right up my alley, and I... are you even listening to me?

Anna: Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm re it's a very good position. I'm sorry. My mind is just elsewhere.

Duke: Is something wrong? Because if somebody needs changed, you're up.

Anna: No, it's not the baby. [Breathes deeply] It's Julian Jerome.

Duke: Well, I think I've just been insulted. Here we are, alone -- almost alone -- and your thoughts are on a dead man.

Anna: Maybe he's not as dead as we think he is. I mean, that's impossible.

Carly: All right, Ava Jerome, let's see what you're up to.

[Soft organ music plays]

Morgan: I still can't believe my dad didn't come.

Kiki: He's hurting.

Morgan: Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.

Kiki: Hey, don't worry about him. Your brother's with him. Right? It'll be okay.

Michael: [Clears throat] Hey, uh, can you guys move down?

Morgan: Mikey, you were supposed to stay with dad.

Michael: I did.

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