GH Transcript Monday 9/16/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 9/16/13


Provided By Suzanne

Woman: Excuse me, ms. Jacks?

Carly: Yeah.

Woman: I just wanted to confirm with you that suite 403 is comped this evening.

Carly: Yes. Yes, it is.

Woman: Okay.

Carly: It's going to be comped...indefinitely.

Woman: Okay.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Franco: Do you want to know what I wished for?

Felix: Hey, girl. Whoa, whoa! No need to panic. It's just me.

Carly: Yeah, I can see that.

Felix: So what's got you so on edge?

[Knock on door]

Franco: Oh, my God.

Heather: Hello, Franco!

Franco: What the hell are you doing here?

Heather: Isn't it obvious? I came to give you my very best wishes. Happy birthday, Mr. Frank.

Sonny: I need you to tell the cops what you told me, that AJ Was so angry with Connie that he was gonna kill her.

Ava: I'll be happy to tell the police. I just need you to do something for me in return.

Sonny: What's that?

Ava: Throw a party with me.

Vince: You don't need me to tell you who I work for. Corinthos is gonna find out soon enough.

Shawn: You know, here's the thing, Vince. You know, this ends one way or the other... if you're giving us a name.

Max: It's really just a matter of how long and how painful it'll be.

Derek: You better pray that Vince keeps his mouth shut about who he works for. Because I can't afford to be exposed. Commissioner. It looks like you got me.

Sam: Is the transplant working or is Danny rejecting it? Please, Silas, tell me if my baby's gonna be okay.

Silas: Slow down, okay? First of all, there are no signs of infection.

Alexis: All right, that's good, right?

Sam: Mom, he just said, "first of all..."

Silas: Yes. We are seeing signs of GVHD. That's graft-versus-host disease.

Sam: No, no, no, no. This can't be happening.

Sonny: You won't go to the cops about AJ Unless I throw some kind of party for you?

Ava: Oh, no, no. That's not what I meant at all, though I guess it did sound that way.

Sonny: Well, what did you mean?

Ava: First of all, of course I will go to the cops about AJ

Sonny: Good.

Ava: I will tell them that I saw him drinking, that I saw him getting angrier and angrier and that he was blaming Connie for his losing ELQ. I... I'm sorry. I guess you don't want to hear all this again, do you?

Sonny: Go on. I want to hear more about this party.

Ava: Okay. Well... I was thinking... you're clearly in a bad way right now. How could you not be? But dwelling on your hatred for AJ, That is not going to help you heal.

Sonny: And throwing a party for the woman I love who was murdered? That will?

Ava: No. This... this party wouldn't be for Connie. It would be for our children, to celebrate Morgan and Kiki's marriage.

Sonny: Go on.

Ava: Well, our kids, impetuous souls that they are, they ran off to the courthouse, eloped. It's bad enough that we didn't even get to witness the ceremony, but with everything that's gone on since, we haven't even been able to celebrate them.

Sonny: Not really a good time, you know, partying, and...

Ava: Well... but don't you think we should acknowledge this big step that your son and my daughter have taken in their lives? After all, you and I have both been behind this marriage 100% from the very beginning.

Carly: What's got me on edge? I don't like people sneaking up behind me. Wait a minute. What are you doing here?

Felix: I just wrapped up another blind date.

Carly: Oh. How'd it go?

Felix: Mm! Splendid. I had the salad, he had the surf 'n' turf.

Carly: Okay.

Felix: Then he wanted to split the bill.

Carly: He sounds like a winner.

Felix: Yeah. But at least I'm getting out there. What about you? I haven't heard anything about your love life since your escapade with AJ [Chuckling]

Carly: How do you know about that?

Felix: Honey, everybody knows about that.

Carly: Are you serious? Gross! Just when I thought my day couldn't any better.

Felix: Well, at least the AJ Hate-sex fiasco was an isolated incident. Besides, the last thing you need to be is involved with another cold-blooded killer.

Carly: Okay, well, that's never gonna happen again.

Felix: Okay.

Carly: The days of me being with dangerous, unpredictable men are gone, and you didn't know me then, so, really, it's none of your business.

Felix: Carly, I was just joking.

Carly: I was just joking.

Felix: Yeah. No, no, no, no. That reaction was anything but a joke. But you have piqued my interest. So what aren't you telling me?

Franco: You shouldn't be here.

Heather: Well, I tried saying happy birthday to you at the Quartermaines, but then Monica came along. And they say I'm pushy and overbearing.

Franco: No, no, no. You -- you don't understand. You're not supposed to be here because you are supposed to be locked up on the funny farm.

Heather: Oh, please. When has that ever stopped me?

Franco: You don't get it. I'm finally out from underneath these charges that have been hanging over my head.

Heather: I know! I heard. Isn't that wonderful? It deserves a hug.

Franco: No, no. So I cannot be caught harboring an escapee from the mental ward.

Heather: Well, maybe you should invite me in so no one will recognize me.

Franco: The lady makes a point.

Heather: Oh. Celebrating alone, I see. Mmm. That's good.

Franco: Yeah. You can go ahead. Finish the whole thing.

Heather: Don't worry. I didn't devise an elaborate jail break that would bring the authorities and their bloodhounds to your door.

Franco: No, of course not. Just, you know, men in white coats waving around butterfly nets. How did you get here?

Heather: [Chuckling]

Franco: Oh, God.

Heather: Mm. Let's just say I have devised an elaborate system that is foolproof for coming and going from such places. I've been doing it for years, since the early '80s.

Franco: Right. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that whole system was built for the express purpose of killing someone.

Heather: Well, it could be used on other occasions -- birthdays, bat mitzvahs... comic-con.

Franco: And what occasion brings you to my doorstep?

Heather: To bring you your birthday present. I've got it right here.

Sam: Wait. So even though there's no sign of infection, Danny's rejecting the transplant?

Silas: No, that's not what I said at all. Actually, no, it seems things are moving in the right direction.

Sam: Graft-versus-host disease?

Alexis: Are you sure this is the right direction? It doesn't sound all that positive.

Silas: In most cases, it isn't. But in a bone-marrow donation, we actually like to see signs of GVHD.

Sam: And why would we want that?

Silas: Because it means the cells have engrafted. In all likelihood, this is something that Danny will have for a couple weeks, then will pass, and all he'll be left with is a small rash.

Sam: So my son's gonna be okay?

Silas: It would seem so.

Alexis: He's okay.

Sam: Aah!

Alexis: Our boy's okay!


Anna: I got you?

Derek: I'm sorry. I can only imagine how that must have sounded. Derek Wells.

Anna: Oh, you're the publisher. Yes, Connie Falconeri's boss.

Derek: I was, I was, yeah. It's a tragedy, what happened to her.

Anna: Mm. Oh, Mr. Wells, this is Duke Lavery.

Duke: My pleasure.

Derek: Well, I'm very sorry. I nearly crashed into both of you. I really should be more careful about where I'm walking.

Duke: No harm done.

Derek: Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. I should, uh -- I should be on my way.

Anna: Just a second. Wait. You made it sound like I'd just caught you red-handed at something. Do you care to explain that?

Vince: How do I know if I give up my boss, you're not just gonna kill me?

Shawn: I think the better question is... if you don't tell us what we want to know... why wouldn't I kill you?

Sonny: Ms. Jerome, I haven't even buried Connie yet, so I don't know what --

Ava: No, I'm aware of that.

Sonny: You're aware of that, but you want me to still throw a party.

Ava: I would take care of all the details. You wouldn't need to do a thing.

Sonny: Well, I would have to do something because, otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

Ava: All I ask is that you show up, for Morgan -- for Morgan and Kiki, so that we can all start to focus on something positive.

Sonny: Is that all?

Ava: Well, I realize it's a lot to ask, under the circumstances. But that's why it has to be you. You are the one bearing the greatest burden. And if you could step up and lead and show us all how to focus on the good that's still left in our lives, I think that would be a wonderful way to honor our children. And maybe even Connie.

Sonny: What do you know about Connie and how she'd want to be honored?

Ava: N-nothing. Not personally. But I get the feeling that ms. Falconeri was a very positive force in this world and that she would want Morgan and Kiki and even you... to embrace the future.

Sonny: Ms. Jerome, we just met. You don't know me, you don't know Connie, you don't know what you're talking about. And I find it very insulting. You have no idea... what it's like to lose someone.

Ava: I know exactly what it's like.

Derek: I thought you were gonna tear into me about tampering with a crime scene.

Anna: I beg your pardon?

Derek: Well, I needed the crimson mockup from Connie's office before it went to print, and I knew your CSIS were done, but, uh, the tape was still up, so I ducked under it.

Anna: Oh, you shouldn't have done that.

Derek: I know. I'm sorry. You're not gonna arrest me, are you?

Anna: Fortunately for you and my investigation, the sweep had been completed, yes.

Derek: Oh, so I didn't mess anything up.

Anna: Not this time.

Derek: Okay, good. Really, I couldn't apologize enough.

Anna: Well, in the future, when you see police tape, don't cross it. Call the precinct.

Derek: Duly noted.

Anna: 'Cause the last thing a man of your stature needs is to be on the wrong side of me.

Derek: I wouldn't want that.

Carly: I really don't want to get into this.

Felix: No, please tell me you're not involved with some mobster or an assassin or otherwise unsavory type.

Carly: I'm not involved with anyone, okay? At all.

Felix: Okay. I believe you.

Carly: Thank you. It's just, um --

Felix: Yes?

Carly: Someone's interested in me.

Felix: [Gasps] Ooh! And which one of Port Charles's many miscreants has demonstrated the good taste to be taken with the glory that is you?

Carly: Franco.

Felix: Franco?!

Carly: Keep your voice down!

Felix: Wait a minute. Y-your admirer is a serial killer that just walked?

Carly: He didn't walk. His charges were dismissed.

Felix: That's called walking.

Carly: No, he wasn't responsible.

Felix: A tumor made him do it. You bought that?

Carly: No. No, I mean, I didn't. I -- I didn't at first, but it's -- it's possible.

Felix: You're not really getting involved with that psycho, are you?

Carly: No! God, no. All right? I'm sick of you and everyone else reading into things.

Felix: What is everyone reading into?

Carly: Franco -- you know, he got kicked out of the Quartermaine mansion, he didn't have anywhere to go, so I just let him stay here for a little while.

Felix: And?

Carly: And I helped him blow out his birthday candles.

Felix: Oh, my God. It's worse than I thought.

Heather: Close your eyes.

Franco: I don't know about that.

Heather: I said close your eyes. Okay. Ta-da!

Franco: What is that?

Heather: I told you. It's your birthday present.

Franco: I got that, but what -- what -- what is that?

Heath: Well, open it.

Franco: Oh. Yeah. It's...just what I've always wanted. What is it?

Heather: Don't you get it?

Franco: I'm still absorbing.

Heather: Oh. Of course. I see what it is. There. See?

Franco: Right. Yeah. No, now I totally get it. Yeah.

Heather: I knew you would. Do you love it?

Franco: Uh, well, it is really something. Thank you.

Heather: It was my pleasure.

Franco: And, look, I can't tell you how grateful I am for you coming by and this fabulous gift, but I feel like it's time for you to get back to those good folks at the Miscavige institute because, you know, you wouldn't want to lose your painting privileges 'cause, clearly, you're on to something there.

Heather: Unh-unh. I'm not going anywhere. Not till I get what's rightfully mine. you love?

Ava: Well, not exactly. But I was in a relationship that... ended tragically.

Sonny: If this is Kiki's father -- no offense -- but that's not the same thing. Connie and I, we didn't break up. She was murdered. She was taken from me. So, um, your guy's still alive, you still got a chance.

Ava: [Scoffs] Unlikely.

Sonny: Not impossible.

Ava: I didn't mean to compare my loss to yours.

Sonny: Seems like you've said a lot of things that you don't mean.

Ava: Well, I have, haven't I? That's very unlike me. What I meant when I said I know how you feel... is that I know what it's like to go to that very dark place. And something tells me you do, too.

Shawn: Anybody ever showed you how to work the deep-fryer before?

Max: They have not, but I sure am excited to learn how.

Shawn: Well, let me show you.

Max: Mm. What're we gonna make, Shawn?

Shawn: You know, I was thinking about chicken fingers, but, uh...

Max: But what?

Shawn: Chickens don't have fingers. But you know what does have fingers.

Max: I think I do.

Vince: You wouldn't.

Shawn: Well, uh... this small-town racket you work for must make you think you're really tough, huh? Hmm? Try serving back-to-back tours in a war that just won't end, then tell me what I would or wouldn't do.

Max: Hoo-ha! That got hot fast.

Vince: Unh!

Shawn: So, what do you say, Vince? Huh? How do you want this to go down?

Vince: [Grunting]

Shawn: Want to give us a name? Or will Max and I try many possible ways of how this deep-fryer works?

Vince: All right! Fine! I'll tell! I'll tell!

Shawn: Let's take it from the top.

Derek: Well, I hope you'll excuse me. I, uh, have to check in on Danny Morgan.

Duke: What's your interest in the boy?

Derek: Uh, well, I'm not one to brag, but I'm actually the little guy's donor.

Anna: You are? That's amazing.

Derek: Well, I had to bump Danny's donor screening drive from the front page of the press, so I felt bad about that, so came to the hospital, got swabbed. Next thing you know, here I am, boom. [Chuckles] What are the odds, right?

Duke: Indeed.

Anna: Very noble for a stranger.

Derek: Well, it was the right thing to do.

Duke: Excuse me, Mr. Wells. There's something I need to discuss with you.

Sam: So, when can I bring Danny home?

Silas: Not today.

Silas: Not today.

Sam: I know, I know, not today, but he's been cooped up in there for so long, and since he's been getting better, I figured...

Silas: I know, but we need to keep Danny in a sterile environment till we know he's in the clear. We can go over all of this tomorrow. Tonight... should go celebrate.

Sam: You know what? That's actually a really good idea. I'm gonna call Molly and Rafe and see if maybe they want to -- I don't know -- have some takeout and celebrate with me.

Silas: I'll leave you to it. I don't want to get in the way.

Sam: Voicemail. All right. I guess I'll try Rafe then.

Silas: Hey, you know, before you do that... there's something I have to go over with you first.

Sam: Oh, yeah? What's that?

Silas: Us.

Franco: Hold on a second. What is it that you think is rightfully yours?

Heather: You know exactly what it is that I want -- what I was promised, what I'm entitled to.

Franco: I can assure you I do not.

Heather: What else? A BLT, of course.

Franco: What?

Heather: It's all that rude doctor's fault.

Franco: Who, Dr. Clay?

Heather: See? You do know what I'm talking about.

Franco: You just said "rude doctor," so I took a stab. So to speak.

Heather: He came down to the institute, and he offered me a BLT once a week.

Franco: Right. 'Cause there's a lunch for loonies program.

Heather: He also promised me a visit from you.

Franco: In exchange for what?

Heather: Getting swabbed to be the donor of your little nephew.

Franco: But you weren't the donor for my little nephew.

Heath: That is not the point! Promises were made! Swabs were taken! And then what happens? I don't hear from anybody. And the first time I come to town, I see the two of them, Sam and that doctor, and they're canoodling on the dock like they don't care about anybody!

Franco: I am so sorry that you were so horribly wronged, and believe me, I've never been a big fan of the public canoodling, but -- oh, my God -- what does this have to do with me?!

Heather: Well, you were my incentive. And a sandwich. So I thought I'd bring the mountain to Mohammed.

Franco: Okay. I get it now. That's why you're here. Um, Heather, I feel like it's time for you to leave now, you know, before it gets too late.

Heather: I'm still owed!

Franco: What are you talking about?! This is it! This is your visit.

Heather: But not the BLT!

Franco: Fine! One BLT, coming right up! I'll call room service.

Heather: Oh, no, no, no! I'm not just talking about any BLT. It has to be a BLT from Kelly's.

Franco: Why? What the hell difference does it make?!

Heather: What difference does it make? Don't believe you. You got to be kidding me. I go to all this trouble, I bring you a birthday present and everything, and -- and you're breaking my heart!

Franco: We're still talking about a sandwich here, right?

Heather: You don't get it, do you? You know who would? The man you used to be. Brain-tumor Franco. He would've gotten it like that. I swear, when they took that glob of tissue out of your brain, they must have taken your soul, too.

Franco: You know, Heather, you're right. You're right. And I'm so sorry. It's just that I'm empty now. There's nothing inside of me but shame.

Heather: Well, then I guess I have no reason to be here. Except for one.

[Door closes]

Heather: And until I get what I have coming to me, I'm staying here. After that, I will gladly go back to my cell, and no one will be the wiser.

Franco: At this hour, I don't think Kelly's is even open.

Heather: So what? You're Franco, even without the brain tumor. Pull some strings.

Franco: Here's what I'll do. I got it. I'll bring you -- you go back to your cell, and in the morning, I'll bring you a BLT. Yeah, I'll bring you so many BLTs, I'll make up for all of the BLTs that sorrowful Silas screwed you out of. I'll bring you one BLT a week for the rest of your life!

Heather: I'm not leaving till I get what I'm due.

Franco: I am not gonna go down to Kelly's and bang on the door and demand that they make you a bacon and lettuce and tomato!

Heather: Well, that's too bad. I mean, I would hate for anybody to discover me here in your apartment and to think that you helped me escape.

Franco: Are you threatening me? Seriously?! You do not know who you're dealing with.

Heather: [Chuckling] Oh, Franco. Apparently, neither do you.

Felix: That's it. I'm taking you straight up there, and you're gonna make it absolutely clear to Mr. Misguided serial killer that there is gonna be nothing going on between you two.

Carly: No. I can handle my own affairs.

Felix: It doesn't look like it from where I'm standing.

Heather: 9... 1... so what's it gonna be, Franco? Are you gonna go down for my escape... or am I gonna get what's mine?

Derek: What can I do for you, Mr. Lavery?

Duke: Well, actually, Mr. Wells, it's quite simple. I was hoping there might be some way that I could send my résumé to you.

Derek: A résumé.

Duke: Yes, since Tracy Quartermaine took over ELQ, I've been out of a job.

Derek: And you want to work for the paper.

Duke: Well, I was thinking more for the parent company. My experience is more corporate. Or, actually, I was really hoping I could perhaps directly with you.

Derek: Send your info my way. From what I hear... I could use a man just like Duke Lavery in my organization.

Ava: Lithium. That's for bipolar disorder, isn't it?

Sonny: That's none of your business.

Ava: You're right. It isn't. I just want you to know that I sympathize.

Sonny: I don't -- I don't need your sympathy.

Ava: Fair enough. But you do have my empathy. And there's nothing either of us can do about that. I have been to those highs and lows myself... while dealing with my own loss. That's what bipolar disorder is, isn't it?

Sonny: It's not quite that simple, but basically, yeah.

Ava: And so those pills... those are so you don't feel any of that. My doctor tried prescribing them to me back then, but... I couldn't keep up with it.

Sonny: Why not?

Ava: I guess, in some way, I thought that...taking the pills was like... abdicating responsibility for what happened. And I wanted to feel that pain because I caused what happened. Going to that dark place was... it's my penance. I wonder which punishment is worse -- feeling too much of something... or nothing at all.

Alexis: Derek. Is everything all right?

Derek: Why wouldn't it be?

Alexis: I saw you talking to the police commissioner.

Derek: Oh, yeah, no, that -- that was nothing. Um, a friend was looking for a job.

Alexis: Oh. Well, I've got news.

Derek: And?

Alexis: The transplant worked. You did it. You did it. You saved Danny's life. Thank you, thank you.

Silas: You know, when we first met, we didn't get off to a good start. Who am I kidding? We didn't like each other. And because of Danny, we end up on the same side. And now that he's finally turned that corner, I feel like... for the first time, we can finally catch our breath.

Sam: Yeah, you could say that again.

Silas: So what do you say, when -- when all this settles down... you and I grab some dinner?

Sam: Silas clay... are you asking me out on a date?

Carly: Is this really necessary?

Felix: Carly, you have exactly two options. Either we can go in there and you can end this right now, or the artist formerly known as psycho can keep pursuing you.

Carly: Today's his birthday. Okay? He already lost his daughter, his chance at redemption with Danny, and his home. I'm not gonna take away the one good thing that's happened to him today. I can let him down easy tomorrow.

Felix: Yeah, and tomorrow, you'll find out he's still as crazy and he's still playing mind games with all the people that Jason cared about. You'd be on the top of that list, wouldn't you?

Carly: Yes, I would.

Felix: How do you know Franco isn't gearing up for an encore?

Carly: You should've seen his face, okay? I really don't think that's what's going on here.

Felix: What if you're wrong? If Franco keeps pursuing you, something tells me that your ex, the "coffee importer" -- yeah -- will, uh, handle the situation very differently than I would.

Carly: Okay.

Felix: [Breathes deeply] Franco! Open up! Carly's got something to say to you!

Max: Shh!

Felix: Franco! Come on, Franco! We know you're in there!

Shawn: I'll handle it. Don't let him say anything or move.

Max: Got it.

Franco: I'll call it a performance-art piece. Knock knock! Who's there? Oh. Wow. You. What are you doing here?

Shawn: I run this place, freak.

Franco: Oh, good. That's great. That's like a step up for you, employment-wise. Congratulations. It's very positive. And it's perfect for me because, you know, you kind of owe me --

Shawn: Not gonna happen. I can break that or cut it off entirely. It's up to you.

Franco: I need a BLT.

Shawn: Come back when we're open.

Franco: I don't want a BLT. I need a BLT, and not just any BLT. I need a BLT from Kelly's, and if I don't get what I want, I will stand here all night...

Shawn: Fine! Fine!

Franco: ...On one foot, but I'll be here, hopping and knocking and talking and --

Shawn: Shut up. Stand here.

Franco: Franco. Franco knocking.

Shawn: You want a BLT?

Franco: Mm-hmm.

Shawn: Here's your BLT.

Franco: Thank you.

Max: What was that?

Shawn: It's handled. Now, where were we?

Max: Vince was just about to give us a name. Right, Vince?

Shawn: Yeah, now, remember -- if you lie to us, we're gonna know. Then we have to start all this process over again.

Max: [Chuckles]

Shawn: So, tell me -- who do you work for?

Derek: Sorry. As much as I would like to see Sam and Danny, this situation seems to be ongoing, and I really need to deal with it.

Alexis: Oh, that's fine. Just go. It's the life of an executive.

Derek: Well, it has its days. Um, tell Sam and Danny I send my best.

Alexis: Of course, I will.

Silas: I know you were really clear with me that you couldn't imagine anything happening between us until you knew Danny was okay. Now that we know he's gonna be okay, I just...

Sam: It's just that it's very sweet of you, considering I almost bit your head off on the pier.

Silas: What can I say? I'm fearless that way.

Sam: Wow. Um... a date? The idea of a date, it just seems so... old-school to me. I -- I can't even remember the last time I went on a date.

Silas: I know, I know. Me neither. From what I've been told, it's like riding a bicycle.

Sam: Really? 'Cause I'm more like a motorcycle kind of a girl.

Silas: Yeah?

Sam: Yeah.

Silas: You learn something new every day. What do you say we just call it dinner for two?

Sam: Okay. Well, then, yeah. Yeah, dinner it is.

Silas: Okay.

[Both chuckle]

Max: Thank you for your cooperation. You may go.

Vince: That's it? You're just gonna let me go?

Max: Why not? You just ratted out your boss. I'm sure whatever he's gonna do to you is way worse than anything we could've thought of. Plus, no cleanup, which is a big time-saver. Pier's right around the corner. Shuttle to Toronto leaves on the hour. If I were you, I'd be on it.

Sonny: I've been on medication for a long time. It has nothing to do with losing Connie.

Ava: Well, then, obviously, I've said the wrong thing again. I really should quit while I'm behind. Again, I'm -- I'm sorry for making assumptions, for prying into your personal pain. I just hope that you know that my intentions are good.

Sonny: I know that.

Ava: However you process your -- what you're going through isn't for me to say. And whether or not you want to continue taking those pills, that's your decision. No one else's.

Vince: Wait! Don't go! Don't leave!

[Boat departing]

Vince: Unh!

Derek: Going somewhere?

Ava: Allow me to apologize one last time.

[Ringtone plays]

Ava: I really should leave you be. I wish that we'd had the opportunity to meet under more pleasant circumstances. Morgan speaks so highly of you. Good night, Mr. Corinthos.

Sonny: Ms. Jerome. Morgan loves your daughter, doesn't he?

Ava: Very much.

Sonny: Throw the party.

Ava: Sonny... you won't regret this.

[Door opens, closes]

Carly: Okay. You know what? Clearly, Franco doesn't want to talk to us right now.

Felix: Yeah, I'll bet. He knows you're gonna shut him down. He probably thinks the longer he makes you wait, the more time he has to work on you.

Carly: Yeah, well, I can't really do anything about that right now.

Felix: Don't you own this hotel? You have a master key. Use it.

Carly: I am not gonna use my master -- I can't do that. I can't just walk in to a -- no.

Felix: Okay, okay. So you're telling me you've never done that before? Yeah, I thought so.

Carly: Fine! Fine.

Alexis: Am I interrupting?

Sam: No, no, not at all. Silas and I, um... we just, uh...made a deal. Did you find Derek?

Alexis: Yes. I did. I told him the good news, and he was thrilled.

Sam: Great. Where is he? I would actually -- I'd like to go thank him.

Alexis: You know the type. They're always called away on business.

Ava: What was so urgent that I needed to drop everything and come to a dank, smelly pier so late at night?

Derek: I just received word that Sonny's men grabbed my friend Vince earlier tonight.

Ava: Really? Oh, that's terrible.

Derek: On so many levels. You can imagine my surprise when I showed up here and found him, a free man, rushing to grab the first boat out of town.

Vince: Boss, let me expl--

Derek: I don't want an explanation. I want answers. No. You obviously talked. So, what did you tell them?

Anna: What do we really know about Derek Wells, other than the fact that he's very good at apologizing and violating crime scenes? You know, he's too slick.

Duke: He saved a baby.

Anna: Yeah. He does have that good-guy veneer down very well.

Duke: [Chuckles]

Anna: But you don't amass that kind of wealth and power without being ruthless.

[Elevator bell dings]

Duke: My darling, when it comes to business, I can be ruthless, too.

Anna: [Chuckles]

Derek: I mean, how could you be so stupid? Getting caught like that? And worse, selling us out.

Avado you have any idea how much you've put our operation at risk?

Vince: I didn't tell them anything about what we're planning. All they wanted to know was who I was working for.

Derek: And did you tell them?

Vince: Look, boss, we're still in the clear. All I did was give them your name.

[Door closes]

Shawn: Sonny.

Sonny: What's going on?

Shawn: We got a name.

Sonny: What're you talking about?

Shawn: The guys who have been hitting our shipments, the ones muscling into our territory, we know who's in charge.

Sonny: Who?

Shawn: Julian Jerome.

Derek: Okay. Could be worse.

Ava: How?

Derek: Well, he could've given them your name. You, uh -- you didn't give them her name, did you?

Vince: No, sir.

Ava: Thank goodness for small miracles.

Derek: Well, fortunately, I don't look the same as the last time I was in Port Charles. Even I forget that sometimes. [Chuckles] Now, speaking of which, I didn't tell you -- I just ran into commissioner Devane and Duke Lavery.

Ava: And?

Derek: Oh, they both looked me right in the face, and neither of them recognize me.

Vince: See? No harm, no foul. As far as the world knows... Julian Jerome is dead.

Derek: Well, that's true. Something you and he will have in common.

[Water splashes]

Carly: Franco, we're coming in!

Franco: No! What exactly do you think you're doing?!

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