General Hospital Transcript Friday 9/13/13
Sonny receives an irresistible offer; Danny gets his test results.
Provided By Suzanne
Franco: Oh, it's comfy. Sure you don't want to keep this for one of your paying customers?
Carly: I know you're good for it.
Franco: Yeah. And I appreciate your help. It's only until I can get this whole financial situation taken care of.
Carly: Maybe I can take it out in a trade. You could paint me...something.
Franco: Right. Great.
Carly: Yeah.
Franco: And in the meantime, you can maybe help me figure out who the hell's out to get me.
Duke: I don't need you to fuss over me.
Anna: I'm not fussing.
Duke: You're fussing.
Anna: No. I'm not. Do you seriously begrudge me making sure you have a clean bill of health after a Propofol overdose? Come on.
Duke: Mm. The elusive Dr. Obrecht, she almost did me in, didn't she?
Anna: Yes. She got away with it, too. I'm still so mad I didn't catch her.
Duke: It's just a matter of time until she's brought to justice.
Anna: Any time is too long. You know, I blame myself, really, because... I honestly thought it was Ava Jerome.
Sonny: Connie? Who the hell are you? How'd you get in my house?
Derek: Well, it seems like Danny's father was the love of Sam's life.
Alexis: He was. And I'm not sure she's ever gonna get over that.
Sam: Happy birthday, Jason.
[Gate opens]
Sam: Jason? Is that you?
Ava: I apologize. I didn't mean to take you by surprise. I just wanted to come and... offer my condolences. I was very sorry to hear about Connie's death.
Sonny: How'd you get in?
Ava: Well, um... a very imposing gentleman met me at the door, actually -- Max, I think he said.
Sonny: He let you in?
Ava: Well, he -- he was a little reluctant at first. But that changed when I explained to him that I'm family.
Sonny: Family?
[Bacon sizzling]
Max: Ah. It's like you read my mind. I've been dreaming of a BLT.
Shawn: Yeah, I needed something to help keep my mind occupied. Actually, I was just about to call you.
Max: Is there a problem?
Shawn: Sonny. He decided to take off.
Max: Boss needs time to himself when he's upset. And what happened with Connie? I mean, who could blame him?
Shawn: So, what, you're not worried?
Max: No. Not now. He's back.
Shawn: Well, I'm glad to hear. I mean, how -- come on, man.
Max: [Sighs]
Shawn: How does he seem?
Max: Look, I didn't talk to him. I just saw him pull up as I was leaving.
Shawn: Are you saying you left him alone?
Max: Of course not. He's with Morgan's new mother-in-law.
Ava: I realize our connection is newly minted. But we are family, nevertheless.
Sonny: Listen, lady. I don't know you from Adam.
Ava: Well... then let me introduce myself. Your son married my daughter, Kiki. I'm Ava Jerome.
Carly: You think someone's out to get you?
Franco: My credit cards did not deny themselves.
Carly: Maybe it was a mistake, you know? A precaution? You've been out of circulation for a while. Maybe your bank's just trying to protect you.
Franco: Carly, with the life that I've lived, my bankers are used to unexpected transactions. And the credit cards you're talking about, there's no limit on them. There's no reason for anybody to put a hold on them, ever.
Carly: You think someone did this intentionally?
Franco: I absolutely smell a rat.
Carly: Who?
Franco: The rodent is a blonde named Ava.
Anna: Ava Jerome was the obvious suspect.
Duke: No, I agree. If our situations had been reversed and you'd been drugged and there was a mysterious blonde in close proximity, I would have said, "yes, absolutely -- Ava Jerome."
Anna: But you tipped her off. You warned her that you were investigating her. So she knows you think she's somehow connected to the Jerome family.
Duke: Yeah, I gave her ample reason to come after me, but obviously, the lovely Ava had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Anna: Wait. What, you think she's lovely?
Duke: Well, she's not hard on the eyes. But next to you? She pales.
Anna: [Laughing] Oh! Nice save.
Duke: You think so?
Anna: Yeah, no, that was very good.
Duke: No, but I meant every word that I said.
Anna: Mm-hmm.
Duke: I think she's lying concerning her connection to the Jerome family.
Anna: So you still think she's tied to the mob?
Duke: Well, I can't prove it, but I need to identify her silent partner.
Alexis: I had my reservations about Jason. I mean, there was a time when I would've done just about anything to keep Sam away from him.
Derek: Mm. How did Sam feel about that?
Alexis: Not good. She didn't appreciate my interference. Caused a bit of a strain, but that was a long time ago.
Derek: May I ask why you didn't like your daughter's husband?
Alexis: I did like Jason. For the most part. He was unusual, to put it mildly. Quiet to a fault. He never explained himself and rarely took any advice. But on the other hand, he was very brave and unswervingly loyal.
Derek: Sounds like you admired him, at least.
Alexis: I wouldn't go that far. I didn't approve of his work.
Derek: So Jason's work wasn't honest?
Alexis: He was a hit man for the mob.
Sam: Jason, are you here? [Gasps] Silas.
Silas: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Sam: No, it's all right.
Silas: [Breathes deeply] You hang out down here often?
Sam: [Chuckles] No, not usually.
Silas: But you make an exception today because...?
Sam: I was -- I was thinking about Jason. And I -- and I came down here, and I heard a noise, and for a second, I thought that maybe... [Chuckles] ...Maybe it was him.
Silas: You thought it was - -
Silas: So you heard something and you thought it was --
Sam: Hey, do you have any news about Danny? My mom was looking for you earlier, hoping that there was an update on the labs.
Silas: Haven't heard anything yet. But in this case, it's a good thing. Danny's stable.
Sam: So we still don't know if the transplant worked?
Silas: Until the labs come back, Sam, there's no way of knowing if Danny's body accepted the new stem cells.
Sam: I guess I was just hoping that... that they did.
Silas: I know. Waiting's hell. Just ask the three interns I chewed out this morning. You know, I was... I was frustrated with the lab for taking their time, and -- I don't know -- I guess I just -- I took it out on them. They deserved it.
Sam: Guess you're pretty anxious, then, too, huh?
Silas: Thought I'd do everybody a favor and take a walk.
Sam: A walk? Do you usually come down to the pier?
Silas: Sometimes. You know, staring at the water, some-- sometimes it clears my head.
Sam: Yeah. Mine too.
Silas: Yeah, you look like you could use a little of that.
Sam: It's Jason's birthday.
Silas: You sure you want to be down here?
Sam: [Chuckles]
Silas: I mean, the water's nice, but this place has a lot to be desired. From what I've been told... Stephen killed Rafe's mother somewhere around here.
Sam: That's, uh -- that's not the only thing that's happened down here. Jason was shot... down here, and his body fell into the water, and... well, it was never recovered.
Silas: Is that why, when you heard something, you thought it was Jason? 'Cause you think he can still be alive?
Derek: I'm sorry. Your daughter's husband was a hit man for the mob?
Alexis: I never get used to hearing that.
Derek: Well, yeah, I can understand why that would be difficult for you. It's a little more, um... complicated than a job at in custodial arts.
Alexis: Yeah, well, it is complicated. It's definitely complicated. Although, you know, like I said, there were very good qualities about Jason. The best one was that he loved my daughter. And she didn't seem to mind what he did, or she tolerated it because he told her what he did up front, and, well, she chose to accept that. I was the one that didn't accept it because I was obviously worried about her safety, and certainly, the last thing I would want is for my daughter to be involved with the mob.
Derek: But it sounds like there's a -- it sounds like there's a "but" in there somewhere.
Alexis: There's some people that -- that, uh... might think that I'm in no position to judge... because I, uh -- [Clears throat] I did a little legal work for Jason. And I currently represent his boss. So people who live in glass houses really shouldn't look down on their daughter's hit-man husband.
Derek: [Chuckles] I have to say, I'm a bit surprised, you being a lawyer for the mob.
Alexis: You know, we don't usually use that word, "mob."
Derek: Mm.
Alexis: "Businessman" is typically how I describe my client Sonny Corinthos.
Derek: Wow. You really are involved in the,
Alexis: More involved than you might think. See, I had just ended a relationship with his business associate, and... Sonny is the father of my middle child.
Sonny: Ava Jerome.
Ava: I've so looked forward to meeting you. I've been in town for months. I spent quite a bit of time around your son, Morgan. He's a lovely young man. You must be very proud.
Sonny: Yes, I am.
Ava: I really wish that I had reached out sooner, when we had something to celebrate. Now, again, I'm... I'm very sorry for the occasion of my visit.
Sonny: I should've recognized you. From your picture. I got a file on you. We had you checked out when Morgan and Kiki first got together.
Ava: Checked out?
Sonny: Yeah.
Ava: Why would you do something like that?
Carly: You think Ava's out to get you?
Franco: Oh, I don't think. I know.
Carly: What would be her motive?
Franco: Revenge.
Carly: Revenge for what? Oh, before Monica kicked me to the curb, I did the same thing to Ava. I threw her out of the Quartermaines.
Carly: Is that what I walked in on the other night?
Franco: The only reason she was there at all was because of me, because of the lies she was telling to me about Kiki. I think Ava's days of freeloading have come to an end.
Carly: You're trying to punish her because of the whole Kiki thing.
Franco: For two decades, she allowed for me to long for a child that, it turns out, wasn't even mine. If all I do is throw her out of a mansion, I think I'm showing good judgment. I think I'm demonstrating restraint.
Carly: So you think she retaliated by messing with your finances?
Franco: I think that if Ava were humiliated, then her first instinct would be to respond in like kind.
Carly: Okay, but how could she do that? She's an art dealer. She's not some financial wizard. How does she put a hold on a million dollars worth of credit? It doesn't make any sense.
Franco: You don't know Ava very well, do you?
Carly: No, thank God.
Franco: There's not a thing in this world she's not capable of if she puts her crafty little mind to it.
Shawn: Morgan's mother-in-law? You mean Ava Jerome?
Max: That's her. Said she wanted to pay her condolences to the boss.
Shawn: I don't know if Sonny's up for that. You know, he's not exactly in the mood for sympathy.
Max: Yeah, he is in a bad way.
Shawn: Well, I think it's worse than that. I mean, this whole thing has messed with his head, man.
Max: Well, how do you mean?
Shawn: I went over there to talk to him about business. He called me Jason.
Max: Maybe it was just a slip. You know how many times he's called me Milo?
Shawn: No, he called me Jason because he thought I was Jason.
Max: [Sighs] I'm sure the boss was just distracted. Jason's who he used to give orders to, so it's just -- it's kind of an old habit.
Shawn: But the point is, Sonny's head is not in the game, man. Right when he's supposed to be focused.
Sonny: It's nothing personal. I have my guys run checks on everybody I'm dealing with. In my business, you can't be too careful.
Ava: I had no idea the coffee business was so dangerous.
Sonny: Well, it's just like any other industry. You never know who's gonna try to take over your territory.
Ava: And you were worried about me?
Sonny: [Sighs]
Ava: Well, I don't know whether I should be insulted... or flattered.
Sonny: Well, you can take it any way you want.
Ava: Maybe you were concerned that I wanted to horn in on your share of the espresso market? Or maybe you thought that I might be a member of the Jerome...crime family?
Sonny: Are you?
Ava: You said you ran a check on me. If I was part of A... Jerome crime family, I'm sure you'd know by now.
Sonny: Depends how well you covered your tracks.
Ava: Well, then I'd have to say not very well. After all, don't you think my first step would be to change my name?
Sonny: Not necessarily. You might have taken a calculated risk. You know, the last name Jerome is not that unusual...
Ava: Unless you're residing in Port Charles. I haven't been here very long, but I have learned that the name Jerome presses a lot of buttons in this town.
Sonny: Really?
Ava: You are not the first person to ask me if I'm one of those Jeromes. In fact, I had a very interesting conversation with a charming Scotsman named Duke Lavery. He had similar suspicions.
Duke: I think the best way to find out Ava's true purpose is to look into her contacts.
Anna: Mm.
Duke: I mean, if I can discover who bankrolled her art gallery, I can find out if there's a connection there to the Jerome crime family.
Anna: Well, it sounds like a theory.
Duke: Well, I'm glad you approve.
Anna: No, I'm not going that far. While I applaud your determination, you have been sick, and your only assignment is to rest. You've got to take care of yourself.
Duke: I can't rest any more. I'm gonna go mad. I'm losing my mind. Since Tracy took over at ELQ, all I've had is time on my hands.
Anna: Oh. I have to admit, I was kind of wary of you joining ELQ. Those Quartermaines, they are just so unstable. They're in a constant state of war. Sorry you got caught in the crossfire.
Duke: Well, now I have a real war to fight. So I might as well use the time to the best advantage. I might as well see whether the Jeromes are all dead, as everybody thinks, or if there may be a few stragglers.
Anna: Do you think we're being paranoid? I mean, it has been a long time.
Duke: I think it's worth looking into. And didn't Sonny say there were some outsiders nosing around his business.
Max: So you said you went to talk to Sonny about business.
Shawn: Yeah, I thought we'd deal with those jokers who started that gambling ring.
Max: You mean the one Morgan got caught up in? What's going on?
Shawn: Remember Vince, the guy Sonny shot in the leg?
Max: Yeah, I remember. Can I get that BLT now?
Shawn: Yeah, sorry. I forgot.
Max: Thank you. Mmm! So, you were saying?
Shawn: So, Sonny gave orders to run those bottom-feeders out of town, but they're back, putting out feelers, and we still don't know who they're working for.
Max: Mm-hmm. So what'd Sonny say?
Shawn: Sonny didn't want to get into it. So we have to take charge, for Sonny's sake. And we both know, if Sonny weren't crazy with grief, he'd be all over this.
Max: So, what's your plan?
Shawn: [Breathes deeply] We need to round up Vince, get him to tell us who he's, uh, reporting to.
Max: Come on, man.
Franco: Ava's good, but even she has her limits. I don't think she's alone in this.
Carly: And now you think she has an accomplice. Okay. Who? Who's helping her?
Franco: I think it's her new best friend Derek Wells.
Carly: Danny's bone-marrow donor?
Franco: Look, I know that I am predisposed to be jealous of the guy because he got to be Danny's savior and it wasn't me, but let me tell you something -- walking in on the two of them huddled together in the lobby of your hotel didn't do anything to make me like the guy any better.
Carly: Define "huddled up."
Franco: That's when two people are having a really intense conversation and are very close together. And she tried to make it sound like it was some art deal gone bad.
Carly: And you didn't buy it.
Franco: When was the last time you said to your art dealer, "no one can know that we're talking"?
Carly: Okay. Did you really hear those words or are you exaggerating maybe just...?
Franco: "The last thing that we need is for anybody to find out what we're really up to." Oh, come on. That doesn't make you a little suspicious, hearing something like that?
Carly: Well, of course that would make me suspicious. That would make me very suspicious, but we're talking about Derek Wells. He is a big, powerful businessman.
Franco: If he's a big, powerful businessman, then he's exactly the guy that could do something like put a hold on my finances.
Carly: Sure. But why would he do something like that?
Franco: Because Ava batted her beautiful, long eyelashes.
Carly: Hmm. If you're right... then that confirms my first impression about your ex.
Franco: Which would be? You don't want to share?
Carly: Uh... I may have hired my friend Spinelli to dig up dirt on Ava, after Morgan and Kiki were going out.
Franco: And what did your friend Spinelli find out?
Carly: Not a lot. I mean, except... something was going on between Ava and Silas.
Franco: And something was going on, and Ava was hiding something. It was that Silas was Kiki's father. And not me.
Carly: Yeah. I'm sure you wanted to do more than just throw her out of the mansion after you found that out, huh?
Franco: She took what little family I had away from me. She took away something precious. And here I am, on my birthday, all alone. Unless you want to stay here and celebrate with me.
Sam: At first, people tried to convince me to give up, but that only made me hold on a little bit tighter because I was sure that they were wrong, that Jason was coming back, that somehow, someway, he would fight his way back to me.
Silas: What changed your mind?
Sam: There's, uh... this man, a friend of mine. He, um -- he convinced me that I was living in -- in limbo... keeping my life on -- on hold, hoping for something that never was gonna happen, so I finally had to accept that Jason was gone.
Silas: Guess that's good.
Sam: Yeah, I guess. I mean, it's good until days like today, when I come down here and... I think about what I lost. I think about that I really never had a chance to say goodbye. I mean, Jason just left one day, and he never came home. I guess I just -- I've never had any closure.
Silas: Sometimes you don't get closure, Sam. The door doesn't just shut and suddenly you feel better? You have to make that happen. You have to shut that door yourself.
Sam: [Scoffs]
Silas: Force yourself to get over what you've lost and then move on. Otherwise, you'll never have any sort of life for yourself.
Sam: What are you trying to say to me? Are you trying to tell me that I should force myself to forget about Jason? Why? Why, exactly? So I can move on with you?
Derek: You have a child with Sonny? Corinthos?
Alexis: Well, she's not really a child. I mean, she's in college, for heaven sakes -- my middle child, Kristina.
Derek: I see. Well, you know, I'd heard of Sonny Corinthos, of course. It's just that I had no idea that you were, um... romantically involved with him.
Alexis: Well, I mean, it was more like a one-night thing.
Derek: Mm.
Alexis: And I got pregnant.
Derek: Oh. So there's no ongoing relationship.
Alexis: Well, there wasn't that, really. It was, uh, complicated. We worked together, closely, and, uh... well, somehow, I ended up living across the hall from him.
Derek: It was a proximity thing.
Alexis: Oh, yeah. Well, now I'm not sure exactly what it was. Well, you know, like I said, it was a combination of things, and, uh... ending up in this little game we used to enjoy playing where I got to be morally superior and he got to seduce me and try to knock me off my pedestal. And he did, and I ended up with a mobster's baby.
Derek: [Chuckles]
Alexis: You're appalled. Why wouldn't you be? I...had a baby with a random man in a bar and a baby with Sonny Corinthos.
Derek: Well, actually, um... I was thinking that Sonny and I have a lot in common.
Sonny: I understand there's a lot of bad blood between Lavery and the Jeromes.
Ava: So I gathered. He listed them for me. Um... Victor... Julius -- Julian... Olivia. All dead.
Sonny: Well, before they met the maker, my understanding is the Jeromes made Lavery's life a living hell.
Ava: Well, I'm sure you probably know that he himself was a mobster. Although, apparently, he put that behind him, which is to be expected, dating the commissioner of the police.
Sonny: You know what? What Duke Lavery does with his business, that's his business, but I got to take care of my own, so I got to -- I'm gonna have to ask you to get out of here.
Ava: Oh, please. I'll be more than happy to leave after I say what I came to say.
Sonny: Go ahead.
Ava: What I told you before is the truth. I am not associated with any crime family. But I do... have blood on my hands.
Sonny: Whose?
Ava: Connie's.. Unger-looking....
Anna: While I would like to know if your hunch if right about her, I am not going to encourage amateur sleuthing.
Duke: This is personal, Anna. I've got to see it through to the end. You understand. We both suffered, and we've lost enough at the hands of the Jerome family.
Anna: I know. I do have a special place of hatred in my heart.
Duke: And if there is a Jerome still around, even in the rather fetching form of Ava...
Anna: "Fetching"?
Duke: ...I'm gonna find them. More importantly, I'm gonna put a stop to them.
Anna: No. I do not like the sound of that at all.
Duke: Well, at the risk of pointing out a rather inconvenient fact... you're very short-staffed, and you got your hands full with the Connie Falconeri murder case. So the truth? You need my help.
Sonny: What the hell are you talking about? How do you have Connie's blood on your hands?
Ava: She was murdered. I feel responsible.
Sonny: Why?
Ava: I saw AJ That night... at the floating rib. It must have been just before... just -- just before she died.
Sonny: And?
Ava: We had a drink together. Well, AJ Had more than one. I tried to get him to stop. I should have tried harder. I just didn't understand the gravity of the situation. I didn't understand the destructive path that he was on.
Sonny: Did he say anything about Connie?
Ava: He was very distraught about the article that she printed... the one about my daughter not being a Quartermaine. He blamed Connie for the fact that he lost ELQ, and... it was completely irrational, but he...was just... enraged. That's why I say that I have blood on my hands. If I'd known how out of control AJ Was, I could've...warned someone. I could've tried to stop him somehow, and... maybe your Connie would still be alive. Sonny... do you think you can forgive me?
Alexis: How are you and Sonny alike? You knock up your lawyer, too?
Derek: Well, not that I'm aware of. His name is Irwin Kantrowitz. I'm certain he would've mentioned it.
Alexis: I should hope so.
Derek: No, I have to confess. The description of how Sonny... got off on his ability to seduce you, while aware of how much you wanted to resist him, the awareness of his power and his...desire to use it... let's just say I can relate.
Alexis: You can?
Derek: Well, isn't it more rewarding to win a game when your opponent is worthy? Puts up a good fight?
Carly: I don't know if, um... we're in a place where spending a private birthday celebration together would be such a great idea.
Franco: You don't like cake?
Carly: It's just a little, um...
Franco: Intimate. No, I get it. Carly, come on. Look, whatever... whatever new and confusing feelings I might be having, I know you don't return them, and I know that celebrating my birthday's probably not even on your to-do list. But it's Jason's birthday, too. We share a birthday, and I know you're thinking about him today.
Carly: I, uh... I went to the pier -- you know, where he died -- today.
Franco: You couldn't think of anywhere more cheerful to go think about Jason?
Carly: Well, yeah, I could. There was a place that we used to shoot pool, but, um... I just think that would've been a little harder.
Franco: I'm really sorry. I know you miss him, and I'm sorry for your loss. I loved spending Jason's birthday with him. And he hated parties -- everything that went with them -- the birthday cake, the candles, the singing. And I -- big sucker for it all -- and I always wanted to do that for Jason, but he... he never let me.
Franco: I will.
Silas: This isn't about me. Not about Jason, it's not about moving on. It's about you.
Sam: What, it's about me and how I would have to make my own closure while you conveniently happen to be standing next to me?
Silas: You really think I would do that? Hmm? Take advantage of you while you were grieving? Wow. I make an even worse impression than I thought.
Sam: Wait a minute. No, I'm not saying that I think that you would take advantage of me.
Silas: No, just that I would work any angle I could. Mm-hmm. You already made it perfectly clear that there is gonna be nothing that happens between us. And no matter how much of a bastard you think I am, I would never use your grief to try to make a move on you. You know all I wanted for you, Sam? You know, what I wanted is... I want to see you happy.
Sam: I am so sorry. I'm really sorry. That was really unfair of me. It's just that I have spent the past year grieving over Jason, and I have months panicking over Danny. I just -- I want the drama to be over. I want for Danny and me to finally be able to move on with our lives.
[Pager beeping]
Silas: Maybe you will.
Sam: Is it Danny?
Silas: The labs are back. This'll tell us if the transplant's working.
Sam: I have been praying for this day, but now that it's here, I am so scared.
Silas: I know. Whatever it is, we're gonna deal with it.
Sam: Okay.
Silas: I'll be there with you.
Sam: Okay.
Silas: Okay?
Sam: Yeah.
Silas: Come on.
Derek: [Cell phone rings] Sorry. I have to take this. Do you mind?
Alexis: No. GO.
Derek: Yeah. What? What do you mean they grabbed Vince?
Vince: Smells like bacon. Nice.
Shawn: You're not here to eat, Vince. We're gonna have a little conversation about what you didn't do. Sit down.
Vince: What's that?
Shawn: So, you were supposed to stay out of Port Charles. Now, we had what you may call an understanding -- at least, I thought we did. You know, I got to say, I'm really disappointed, Vince.
Vince: Is that right?
Shawn: See, Sonny let you walk. More or less. The guy shot you in the leg.
Vince: Don't remind me.
Shawn: But he let you live on the condition that you stay the hell out of town.
Vince: I did. I'm here on, uh... family business.
Max: Save it, Vince. We know all about your family business.
Shawn: See, your family is reorganizing -- you know, taking the gaming industry into different territories. You know, Vince, you are really lucky you are still walking around. I mean, you got to thank your lucky stars you're not fertilizer for messing with the Falconeri girls.
Vince: Yeah, I was sorry to hear that hot little blond number got popped. She was a nice-looking piece of tail.
Derek: I'm sorry. I have to go. There's some business that urgently needs my attention. So, will you keep me posted on the little guy?
Alexis: Of course.
Derek: Okay, yeah.
Alexis: Thank you for everything.
Derek: You're welcome.
Sonny: There's nothing to forgive. What happened to Connie should have never happened. It sure as hell wasn't your fault. That son of a bitch AJ was responsible, and there's nothing that you could've done to stop it.
Ava: We'll never know, will we?
Sonny: AJ wanted to kill Connie. He even came to my house... to do it. But he couldn't do it 'cause I stopped him. Then he got drunk enough to try again, so he hunted her down, to her office... and shot her like an animal. He shot her down like an animal.
Ava: I can only imagine how you feel. And if I were you, I'd want to put a bullet in AJ's head.
Sonny: I would've. But I couldn't do it 'cause of my son. I made a promise. So I let AJ live... and now he's gonna blame me because I found her?
Ava: Yeah. I can't think of anything more hideous than that. To end a woman's life and then try to blame the man who loved her.
Franco: Happy birthday, Jason.
Carly: Happy birthday, Franco. Go ahead. You need to blow out the candles. Make a wish. [Chuckles]
Franco: Do you want to know what I wished for?
Carly: You know, if you tell someone your wish, it won't come true.
Franco: Then I won't. I won't take that chance. It's something that I want very much.
Carly: Okay. Well, you've had your cake and candles. No singing, but you'll thank me for that. So you've had your birthday celebration, and, um, I should go.
Franco: Wouldn't want you to go into sugar shock.
Carly: That's impossible. I have a very high tolerance for sugar and all junk food. I mean, if something's bad for me, I love it.
Franco: So, thank you. Thank you for the room, thank you for the cake, thank you... thank you for everything.
Carly: Happy birthday.
Sonny: Can I ask you something? Have you told the police how AJ Was acting that night... when you saw him before he -- he shot Connie?
Ava: No. I haven't.
Sonny: Would you do that? Would you tell the police how angry AJ Was before he... before he killed Connie?
Ava: Yes. I'd be happy to tell the police. But I'll need you to do something for me in return.
Shawn: Mind your manners about Connie.
Vince: I was trying to pay her a compliment.
Shawn: Try harder. You know, you got off easy that time. But we can always make it a lot worse.
Max: We sure can.
Shawn: But we won't. That is, provided you tell us the name of your boss.
Duke: What did I tell you? A clean bill of health.
Derek: You better pray that Vince keeps his mouth shut about who he works for. I can't afford to be exposed.
Anna: Right, as usual, darling.
Sam: Hey. Okay. So, what do they say? Is the transplant working or is Danny rejecting it? Please, Silas, tell me my baby's gonna be okay.
[Knock on door]
Franco: Oh. Ah. Turns out you want cake after all. Oh, my God.
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