General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 9/11/13
Provided By Suzanne
Patrick: There you are.
Sabrina: Hey.
Patrick: I missed you last night. I thought you were coming over.
Sabrina: Oh, yeah, things got pretty crazy, and then by the time they weren't crazy anymore, it was too late to call.
Patrick: Oh, yeah? Hot date?
Sabrina: [Chuckles] Not exactly.
Patrick: What were you doing?
Sabrina: I was delivering Britt's baby.
Patrick: So, if it's not my baby, right? -- It's not my baby? -- Then who's the father? Hmm? Who's the father, Britt?
Britt: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Nikolas: Knock, knock. Someone wants to see his mommy. Britt, you all right?
Maxie: [Sighs] My little girl.
[Knock on door]
Anna: Maxie? Hi, sweetheart. You all right?
Lulu: I can't figure you out. Where are those mischievous Spencer eyes, hmm? The Corinthos dimples? My mom's grin? [Chuckling] Okay. To be fair, you haven't started smiling yet. Hmm. Maybe you're just you -- your own unique, perfect self, and there is nothing wrong with that. Yeah.
Dante: How's Sonny doing?
Olivia: He seemed better when we got him home last night. Just tired to the point of exhaustion. Luckily, he hasn't woken up yet.
Dante: Well, good. He can -- he can probably use all the rest he can get.
Olivia: And I can try to figure out how the hell I'm gonna tell him about today's paper.
Monica: AJ? AJ, I'm sorry. I just got off the red-eye.
AJ: I'm all right. I'm all right.
Monica: Well, your current address says otherwise, and, uh, this paper says that you are pleading not guilty. Tell me that that is true, AJ Tell me that you did not kill Connie Falconeri.
Olivia: I mean, what kind of crap is this? He didn't do it? Lying cowardly son of a bitch.
Sonny: Olivia? Who you talking about?
Patrick: I can't believe you delivered Britt's baby.
Sabrina: Yeah, truthfully, I can't, either.
Patrick: Were you freaking out?
Sabrina: There wasn't any time to. Looking back, it was more of a rush than anything else... until we realized that the baby wasn't getting enough oxygen.
Patrick: Fluid in the lungs?
Sabrina: Thankfully, I was able to get him back to G.H. In time.
Patrick: Right. And how is he? Is he all right?
Sabrina: Yeah, he's good. Dr. Clay fixed him right up.
Patrick: And where was Brad?
Sabrina: Actually, Brad was here when we arrived at the hospital but not for long.
Patrick: What do you mean not for long? What, did he take off? Are you kidding me?
Sabrina: Nikolas, on the other hand, hasn't left Britt's side.
Britt: I was just having a bad dream. That's all.
Nikolas: Not surprising, given what you've been through the past 24 hours. How are you feeling?
Britt: I feel good.
Nikolas: Good.
Britt: I mean, I'm a little sore, but they told me everything looks fine.
Nikolas: Well, what do you know? That's exactly what they said to you. [Chuckles] You see? The nightmare's over. You and your son here are perfectly healthy.
Britt: I really can't thank you enough.
Nikolas: Don't.
Britt: No, I-I have to. Without you by my side, I-I-I wouldn't have been able to get through his birth, let alone the scare with his breathing.
Nikolas: Well, I was happy to have been there. Okay, fine, I was terrified. But if it helped you, then it was worth it.
Britt: It helped. It helped.
Nikolas: Good. Oh, I'm sure you are eager to hold this little guy, as he is eager to be held, since you're the one with the food.
Britt: No. I don't want him. [Sighs]
Lulu: How's Sonny?
Dante: [Inhales deeply] I don't know. He was still sleeping.
Lulu: Olivia's with him?
Dante: Yeah. Hopefully, she makes sure he doesn't sink as low as he did last night.
Lulu: Man, I can't even picture that. Your dad's, like, this force. He's so strong.
Dante: Yeah, that's an image I-I don't think I'll ever be able to forget.
Lulu: You must have been so scared.
Dante: Yeah. Scared. Sad. Angry. I told him not to take the coward's way out, that he had to stick around for her, 'cause she's gonna need him. Yeah. But you know what? I think your grandpa's gonna need you even more, little bambina. So, let's get you home. When did they say we could spring this little munchkin?
Lulu: Oh, um, they didn't. We can't take her home today.
Anna: Here.
Maxie: Sorry.
Anna: Don't be sorry. What you got there?
Maxie: Um, it's a push present from Dante and Lulu.
Anna: Oh, yeah?
Maxie: Even though there was no pushing, they, uh -- they gave it to me last night.
Anna: For carrying the baby for them? That's very sweet.
Maxie: Very.
Anna: Yeah. So, why don't you open it, huh? Hey, the Maxie I know never met a gift that she wouldn't want to tear into.
Maxie: I can't.
Anna: Why not?
Maxie: Because then it makes all of this so final... like I really have to say goodbye to the baby.
AJ: I wish I could tell you what you want to hear.
Monica: You killed that woman?
AJ: It's not that simple.
Monica: Yes, it is that simple, AJ Either you did or you didn't.
AJ: I don't know. I-I don't know what happened that night.
Monica: What does that mean?
AJ: [Sighs] I was wasted.
Monica: You drank?
AJ: Mom, after I lost ELQ and that stupid article came out --
Monica: You lost ELQ because Kiki wasn't your niece, and that caused you to drink?
AJ: It's the way that it happened. I mean, Connie could have given me a heads up, you know, instead of just detonating my life without any warning.
Monica: Oh, my God. I hope that's not the excuse you're using.
AJ: What do you want me to say? I'm sorry. I slipped. I drank until I couldn't feel anymore.
Monica: No, until you blacked out.
AJ: Yes, until -- I don't remember anything. Mom, wait, please. I'm sorry.
Monica: Not as sorry as I am. I have risked everything for you, AJ -- My marriage, my career -- my God, I let your father mourn for you -- to give you a second chance. Well, congratulations, my friend. You've just thrown that away.
Olivia: That Yankees player who's doping and lying about it. It's disgusting. How are you feeling?
Sonny: Like I'm waking up to nothing.
Olivia: I know. I miss her, too. Um, I squeezed you some orange juice, and I got your pills there on the table.
Sonny: I'm not hungry.
Olivia: That's too bad. You need to eat.
Sonny: [Sighs] [Sighs] [Sighs]
Olivia: Okay. I made some thick-sliced toast the way you like it, a nice omelet.
Sonny: I don't -- I don't want any.
Olivia: Come on, honey. Just a few bites. You'll feel better.
Sonny: I don't want to feel better, Olivia. After what I put you through last night, put my boys through...
Olivia: Sonny. We are fine. We're just so happy that you found the strength to hang on. [Voice breaking] Okay, when I think about the possibility of losing you, I... look at me. Sonny, we love you.
Sonny: Yeah, I know.
Olivia: You can't forget that.
Sonny: No, I don't.
Olivia: And if you ever feel something like that coming on again --
Sonny: I'm handling it. I'm handling it. I'm handling it.
Olivia: You're positive? You're positive?
Sonny: Yes, you want to see?
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: Look. [Sighs]
Olivia: Okay.
Sonny: See that?
Olivia: Okay. Okay. I'm glad. I'm glad that you're feeling a little better because we got to talk about a couple of things. [Inhales deeply]
Sonny: What's that?
Olivia: [Exhales deeply] We're kind of getting down to the wire, and I would really like your input.
Sonny: What?
Olivia: Connie's funeral.
Monica: You picked up that glass, and you drank it. This is yours, AJ
AJ: Put yourself in my position.
Monica: No, I don't have to. I've been there. Oh, you think it's just so intolerable that the only solution is the bottom of the bottle. Well, that isn't true, AJ The answer is in your heart and in your head.
AJ: I'm sorry.
Monica: You drank until you didn't even know whether or not you had killed somebody, because you couldn't remember!
AJ: Okay, I know! I screwed up.
Monica: God, it is not okay, AJ
AJ: I'm not as strong as you are.
Monica: Oh, bull! Did it ever occur to you what's going to happen to me or your son? What is Michael gonna do now?
Michael: I'm gonna stand by my dad. That's what I'm gonna do.
Dante: What do you mean we can't take her home? I thought you said she got a clean bill of health.
Lulu: Yes, she did. I'm sorry. Um, she's totally fine.
Dante: You're sure?
Lulu: Yes, she's fine. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Dante: Then why can't we take you home?
Lulu: Because we have to give her a name.
Anna: Your mom told me that this is hard for you, you know?
Maxie: Did she also tell you that they're sending me to a shrink? [Sighs] At least it's Kevin.
Anna: You know, I wish I'd had someone to talk to. I mean, our situations are completely different, I know, but when Robin was a baby, my life was so complicated, and... I couldn't be with her 'cause I would have put her in danger.
Maxie: So, you had to leave her behind?
Anna: Yeah. Yeah, I did. She was a very happy baby -- Robin. And the woman I left her with was wonderful. Every time I had to leave, it was unbearable.
Maxie: [Sighs]
Anna: Come here. And this baby -- you were carrying a baby for such a long time, and she was part of you.
Maxie: [Sniffles]
Anna: And now she isn't.
Maxie: [Sniffles] I miss her -- her flips and her hiccups.
Anna: Of course you do. It's natural.
Maxie: But it has to stop.
Anna: Yeah. It does.
Maxie: Lulu was scared of me.
Anna: Oh.
Maxie: Me.
Anna: Right.
Maxie: Not that I blame her.
Anna: You're gonna do better. You will, okay?
Maxie: How? I wish that I was more like Robin. She was so strong. [Sniffles]
Anna: Yeah. She was very brave, wasn't she? And driven... very smart. Smart girl. But, you know, all of that couldn't stop her from that postpartum depression she had. Remember?
Maxie: Yeah, that was awful.
Anna: Yeah, it was awful. And then it wasn't. Because she worked hard, and she had a lot of comfort from her family and from friends. She got through it. And you will, too.
Maxie: What if I don't?
Anna: Maxie, I have known you since you were born. You are every bit as strong as Robin was. And she would be the first to say that if she were here. You're not gonna feel like this forever, okay? I promise you that.
Sabrina: Nikolas held Britt's hand through the entire delivery, and considering how scary it was for me, I can't even imagine what it was like for him.
Patrick: Oh, good. Well, I'm glad he was there.
Sabrina: Yeah, me too. He kept Britt from strangling me. Who knows? Maybe he'll even stick around.
Patrick: What does that mean?
Sabrina: Well, Nikolas and Britt seemed pretty close, and I'm sure after last night, they're a lot closer. Maybe he'll end up raising that little boy -- with Britt, I mean.
Patrick: Like I was supposed to. [Sighs]
Sabrina: Patrick.
Patrick: No, I know. I know. It shouldn't feel wrong.
Sabrina: But it does. You spent months thinking about that baby, learning to love it. I understand that you can't just shut that off.
Patrick: But?
Sabrina: I think you need to start moving past this.
Nikolas: Yeah, the nurse said you might be...anxious getting started with the, uh --
Britt: The breast-feeding.
Nikolas: Right. Right. [Chuckles] But there's people here to help you with that, right? Uh...lactating consultants?
Britt: I-I won't be needing any -- any of them.
Nikolas: Right, of course. You're around this all the time. You know the drill.
Britt: No, I won't be needing them because I don't plan on breast-feeding.
Nikolas: Oh, okay. I guess that's fine, too. Look, I don't -- I don't even know why I'm -- I'm talking about this. I mean, I could fit what I know about the subject inside of a thimble. [Chuckles]
Britt: Oh, I know -- I know plenty, and breast-feeding is what every doctor would recommend. Nutritionally, you can't beat it.
[Baby fusses]
Britt: You can't beat it for... mother/child bonding, either.
Nikolas: Right, well, just out of -- out of curiosity, given all of that, why wouldn't you want to bond with your son? That idea of having another child. I wanted another child in my life.
Sabrina: It's our life, Patrick -- yours and mine. I had to accept it, too, and to say that it was hard is an understatement. But I did it because that's how much I love you. [Chuckles] We'd been together for, what, like, a whole five minutes when Britt dropped her bomb? We never got to just be a normal Cole, two people falling in love, and now we can, Patrick. Now we can just, like, focus on us -- you, me, and Emma. No drama, no craziness. Just us. I mean, doesn't that sound nice?
Patrick: Yeah, it does.
Sabrina: Yes, I know that you lost a potential son, and I'm not gonna minimize that. But you have this amazing daughter at home. You have an incredible life. Maybe instead of concentrating on what was never yours, you could be thankful for what is. 'Cause a lot of people aren't nearly as lucky.
Patrick: Sabrina.
Sabrina: I have to get back to work, but, um, I'll be around if you need me.
Lulu: Maybe we should have taken Maxie's advice. We should have named her Georgie.
Dante: Yeah, 'cause that really, really would have helped with the detachment process.
Lulu: Oh, uh, I didn't tell you.
Dante: What?
Lulu: I had a really good conversation with Maxie last night.
Dante: Yeah?
Lulu: Yeah, she was calm, lucid. She's seeing Dr. Collins to help her with her issues.
Dante: Oh, good. That's great.
Lulu: Yeah, it's really good. It's -- it's so good that I gave her the present we bought her.
Maxie: Thank you for having so much faith in me.
Anna: I have all the faith in the world in you. I do. That's what godmothers are for. Hmm? Unfortunately, this one has got to get back to work.
Maxie: The Connie case?
Anna: Yeah, among others. I was hoping that I was gonna see Patrick, maybe, while I was here, because I think he's having as hard a time as you are letting go.
Maxie: Letting go of what?
Anna: You probably don't know, do you?
Maxie: I've been a little busy.
Anna: Yeah. Britt Westbourne had her baby, and, as most of us suspected, Patrick's not the father.
Maxie: Britt had her baby?
Anna: Yeah. Last night, after confessing that she'd been lying to Patrick for months. So, I would imagine that it's as difficult, almost, for him to look at that child as it is for you to look at Dante and Lulu's.
Maxie: I'm confused, though. Um, there was a paternity test, so how did Patrick find out he wasn't the father?
Anna: Britt told him.
Maxie: Why?
Anna: I don't know the details, but I would imagine that, since she's a mother now herself, that perhaps she wants to be a better person. I'm gonna take off, okay? You look after yourself, all right?
Maxie: I will.
Anna: Okay.
Maxie: Thank you, Anna.
Anna: I know.
Britt: I'm going to be a terrible mother, just like mine was to me.
Nikolas: No, you're not. Don't say that. We're not destined to make our parents' mistakes. If we were, I'd be a kidnapper/murderer 10 times over. The stories that I could tell you about my father -- make your blood run cold, wouldn't it? In his case, freeze all together, but that's...
Britt: What?
Nikolas: Nothing. Never mind. The point is that I'm nothing like him -- not as a man, not as a father. I'm good to my son. Trust me, you'll be good to yours.
Britt: I can't. I-I just -- I-I-I can't. Please.
Nikolas: Okay. All right, I'll, uh -- I'll take him back to the nursery for now.
Britt: Thank you.
Nikolas: And, Britt? You're not your mother, okay? Can you remember that? Don't you worry, little guy. Your mommy loves you. She'll come around, okay?
Britt: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Britt: [Sighs] What do you want?
Maxie: Your silence.
Monica: I really cannot stay here and watch him behind bars. I'm sorry.
Michael: Monica.
AJ: It's all right. Let her go.
[Door buzzes]
Michael: [Sighs] Well, that was rough.
AJ: I deserved it.
Michael: How you holding up?
AJ: I've been better.
Michael: We got to get you out of here, find some way around these charges.
AJ: Yeah, I need to talk to you about that.
Michael: You're not gonna change your plea to guilty, are you?
AJ: No, Diane's been working on a strategy for my defense.
Michael: Yeah, there should be some sort of a loophole, considering you don't even remember what --
AJ: There's no loopholes, Michael.
Michael: Okay, so, what's the plan?
AJ: Diane intends on pinning Connie's murder on somebody else. On Sonny.
Sonny: [Exhales deeply]
Mr. Corinthos, we need a statement!
Mr. Corinthos, can you comment on AJ Quartermaine's plea of not guilty in your girlfriend's murder?
[Camera shutters clicking]
Patrick: Hey.
Nikolas: Hi
Patrick: Is that Britt's son?
Nikolas: It is.
Patrick: How's he doing?
Nikolas: Uh, he's fine. He had a little scare right after he was born, but the doctors say he's perfectly healthy now.
Patrick: That's good.
Nikolas: Yeah.
Patrick: He doesn't look anything like Brad.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] He doesn't look anything like Britt. Then again, to me, all babies look like Yoda. Look, if you're still believing that this might be your son --
Patrick: I'm not. I even had a new paternity test done. I know he's not mine. Just getting used to it now.
Nikolas: Yeah.
Britt: Am I supposed to know what that means?
Maxie: You told Patrick he's not the father of that baby.
Britt: So?
Maxie: So, I can't believe you did that to him.
Britt: I'd watch where you throw those stones, Maxie. At least I came clean. You're the one still keeping Spinelli in the dark.
Maxie: Not anymore.
Britt: He knows the baby you were carrying is his?
Maxie: Yes. But Dante and Lulu don't, and we want to keep it that way.
Britt: So, both of you are willing to give up your daughter?
Maxie: Look, we don't feel like we have a choice. Telling the truth now would just kill Dante and Lulu, and I can't do that. Ellie Trout has already promised to keep our secret, so that means the only person left who knows the truth is you.
Britt: And you think I'd out you?
Maxie: It's not like you haven't threatened to before. And since you've suddenly gone honest, I don't know. All bets are off. So, what do you say? Can I trust you not to break Dante and Lulu's hearts?
Lulu: Connie used to say that pressure was good for creativity.
Dante: Operation pick a baby name -- go.
Anna: How about Anna?
Dante: Hey. Hey, that would actually work, because I'm gonna be taking orders from her, too.
Anna: Yes, you are. Congratulations.
Dante: Thank you.
Anna: You know I was kidding about the name. Because you might want to find something with a bit more significant.
Lulu: Yeah, do you have any idea what that would be?
Anna: No. I have nothing. And this is a gift for the baby. I would have had it monogrammed, but...
Dante: Ah, yeah, yeah. Very funny. Rub it in. Yes.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Dante: Well, baby girl, this is Anna Devane...
Anna: Aww.
Dante: ...Best boss to have and a pretty good friend, too.
Anna: She's gorgeous. Look at those cheeks. Oh, this time is so precious. Enjoy every moment.
Lulu: We will.
Anna: [Chuckles]
Lulu: Come here, baby girl. Let's go open up the present. What do you think?
Dante: [Sighs]
Anna: Dante, it's gonna be so hard for you to tear yourself away from her.
Dante: I know. I know. It is, especially now that AJ's decided to plead not guilty.
Anna: He can claim he's innocent, but the evidence tells another story.
Michael: Are you serious? Diane's gonna try and pin Connie's murder on my dad?
AJ: She made some good points.
Michael: Like what?!
AJ: That Sonny was furious with Connie. I mean, she told me that herself, Michael. Come on. Sonny was in the office right after she was shot. Hell, he -- he called it in.
Michael: She was his girlfriend.
AJ: Oh, then why did he leave the crime scene?
Michael: Because he's looking for you!
AJ: Exactly, to try and kill me. And he would have succeeded, too, if you hadn't have stopped him. I mean, let's face it -- Sonny does have quite a propensity for violence.
Michael: Yeah, when he's protecting the people that he loves!
AJ: Okay, okay. The point is this -- he despises me, and Diane thinks that she can -- she can sell the idea that Sonny killed Connie, and he wrote my initials in her blood to try and frame me.
Michael: You don't actually believe that, do you?
AJ: It doesn't matter --
Michael: It matters to me.
AJ: Look, this isn't about arresting Sonny or anything. It's just about building a reasonable doubt.
Michael: Yeah, at my father's expense.
AJ: Well, guess what. You know what? Sonny's a big boy. He can handle it.
Michael: [Scoffs] You have no idea what he's going through.
AJ: Michael, I'm sure Sonny's been suffering.
Michael: "Suffering"? Okay. He almost killed himself last night.
Sonny: What'd you say?
Mr. Quartermaine's lawyer claims he's innocent, despite the damning evidence.
Sonny: And by "damning," do you mean the victim writing AJ's name in her own blood?
[Camera shutters clicking]
If it even was the victim. Ms. Miller's accusing you. She says that you killed ms. Falconeri, then wrote the initials to frame Mr. Quartermaine.
Did you do it?
You and Connie had been arguing, correct?
Reporter: Did you really kill the woman you claimed to love?
[Camera shutter clicking]
Monica: I got a message you wanted to see me?
Everett: Please. Sit.
Monica: Oh, I'm -- I'm fine.
Everett: Very well. The other board members and I just had an emergency meeting.
Monica: About?
Everett: You. Or, more specifically, your son.
Monica: Uh, AJ has been charged with a crime, but last time I checked, you are innocent until proven guilty.
Everett: That's true, but you must admit it's a distraction your staff doesn't need. Gossip and speculation have been rampant.
Monica: [Chuckling] Oh, come on. What else is new?
Everett: This isn't your run-of-the-mill scandal, Dr. Quartermaine. You're the face of this hospital. The arrest of your son -- it's --
Monica: Yes?
Everett: It's tarnished G.H.'S reputation.
Monica: What exactly are you saying, Everett?
Everett: The vote was unanimous. I'm asking you to step down from your position as chief of staff.
AJ: I'm sorry. I-I didn't know you were going through all that with Sonny.
Michael: I shouldn't have said anything. It's a private family matter.
AJ: Well, I'm family. Look, Michael, seeing Sonny like that -- I just -- [Sighs] I mean, you got one father in jail, the other one trying to kill himself. How the hell are you still standing?
Michael: Look, my father's overwhelmed -- okay? -- With grief, guilt, anger. And he thought the only way out of that pain was a bullet.
AJ: Were you the one who -- did you talk him out of it?
Michael: Me and my brothers. Okay, but he's still on shaky ground. The last thing he needs right now is to be accused of the unthinkable. Look, my dad -- he would never kill Connie. He loved her.
AJ: I don't know what to do.
Michael: You have to tell Diane to stop before my dad finds out about this.
Sonny: Go ahead. Say it again. I dare you.
Reporter: [Coughing]
Sonny: Say it again!
Olivia: Sonny, stop it! Stop it! Let him go.
Reporter: [Coughs]
[Camera shutters clicking]
Reporter: [Panting] Did you get that?
Sonny: Yeah, we got it. Come back to my house. See what happens. Come back!
Olivia: [Sighs]
Sonny: [Shatters vase]
Olivia: Please. You're scaring me.
Sonny: I was -- everything I had not to kill AJ -- It took everything I had. I had the finger on the trigger. He was right there, but I took the gun down for Michael.
Olivia: Okay. Okay, Sonny. Just -- please, please -- just get --
Sonny: Move.
Olivia: Get ahold of yourself.
Sonny: Now he's accusing me of killing the -- the person that I love? He ain't getting away with it!
Dante: So, Diane is going around saying that my father killed Connie?
Anna: I released a statement to the contrary.
Dante: Thank you.
Anna: Mm-hmm. Sure.
Lulu: Wow. Anna, thank you so much for this blanket. Okay, wait. You have to feel this, Dante. Feel this.
Dante: Oh, wow.
Lulu: It's amazing.
Dante: Do they make these for adults?
Anna: Yeah, well, I gave one to Emma when she was a baby, and she still sleeps with it, so...
Dante: Yeah, I don't blame her.
Lulu: Well, I know that our daughter will like it as much as she did, so thank you so much.
Anna: You're very welcome. I'm so glad I got to meet your little angel. I got to get back to the office.
Dante: Back to the grind.
Anna: Yeah. I got to find justice for your mother's cousin somehow. And you guys need to find a name for this little beauty -- a meaningful one. Please, get to work.
Dante: Okay. Thanks. [Grunts] Okay, you.
Lulu: I think I know what we should name her.
Dante: Yeah, I think I do, too.
Britt: I won't tell Dante and Lulu the truth.
Maxie: How do I know I can trust you?
Britt: Because I'm in no position to judge or rat you out -- not after what I did to Patrick.
Maxie: Anna Devane thought impending motherhood might make you want to be a better person.
Britt: Maybe. But that's not why I told Patrick the truth. He threatened to take my baby away from me.
Maxie: Patrick wanted sole custody?
Britt: And until that moment -- until I thought I actually might lose my son, I hadn't realized I'd grown to love him.
Maxie: It's funny how that happens, huh? Where is your baby, anyway? Don't you want him in here with you?
Nikolas: Believing that you're a father, planning for that, and then finding out that it doesn't exist -- I really am sorry. I-I do know how that feels --
Patrick: It's not good.
Nikolas: No. [Chuckles] I was gonna say "devastating," but, no, it's -- you're right.
Patrick: How did you deal when you found out that you were losing Aiden?
Nikolas: I just tried to concentrate on what was good in my life, Spencer being at the top of that list. Elizabeth and I left things in a way that actually...made it worse, but somehow, I found a way to appreciate what I still had, rather than missing what was -- wasn't mine to begin with, you know? I'll see you.
Britt: I sent him back to the nursery.
Maxie: Why? Don't you want him in here with you all the time? I mean, I know I would.
Britt: Do you ever think about what would have happened if you had -- if I, for that matter, would have told Dante and Lulu the truth from the start?
Maxie: Only about every five seconds, but it's too late for that now, so it doesn't matter anymore.
Britt: I'm sorry, Maxie. I really am. I guess we both know what it's like to lose someone.
Maxie: Britt, we are not in the same boat -- not even close. Sure, you're not with Patrick anymore, but you still have your baby. You get to take him home and laugh with him, be with him every day. I gave my child away.
Britt: How?
Maxie: Because, as hard as it was for me -- and trust me, it was the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life -- it would be worse for Dante and Lulu. They love that little girl so much. What would happen to them if they lost her?
Sabrina: That's a perfect name for your daughter.
Dante: Thanks. So, we're good to go out into the world?
Sabrina: Yeah. You're free. Enjoy.
Dante: Thank you.
Lulu: Oh, we definitely will. This is happening. We're a family.
Dante: Yeah, you better believe it.
Lulu: Okay, Falconeri clan, are we ready?
Dante: Are you kidding me? Us? We were -- we were born ready.
Lulu: [Groans]
Dante: What?
Lulu: Don't you think it's a little early to start laying on those cheesy lines?
Dante: Look at her. She loves it. I mean, she's sleeping, so she doesn't really know --
Lulu: You should ask her again when she's 13.
Dante: I will. I'll ask her when she wakes up, and I'll ask her when she's 13.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Dante: You love it. [Smooches]
Lulu: [Sighs]
Dante: After you, ladies.
Maxie: Goodbye.
Maxie: [Sighs] [Sighs] "Thank you for giving us the gift of a little girl. We will thank you with every one of her smiles and love you with every beat of her heart. Love, Lulu and Dante." [Sighs]
Britt: Thank you for bringing him back. I'm sorry if I'm giving you whiplash.
Nikolas: No. Just out of curiosity, what changed your mind? Finally believe you're not your mother?
Britt: Uh, I'm getting there, thanks to you and a visit from an old patient.
Nikolas: Smart patient. Yeah?
Britt: [Sighs]
Nikolas: Here you go. Slide my hand out there. There you go.
Britt: Hello, you. Remember me? I'm your mommy. [Chuckles]
Sabrina: Whoa! [Chuckles] What are you doing?
Patrick: Apologizing. You were right. I need to focus on what I have and not what I lost. And thank God I still have you. I love you.
AJ: I don't know what to say.
Michael: Say you'll call off Diane. Say you'll -- you'll tell her to come up with something else.
AJ: Michael, she swears that shifting the blame to Sonny is my best defense. I mean, do you want me to go down for murder?
Michael: No, of course not, but I don't want my father to be your scapegoat, either.
AJ: I'm your father, too.
Michael: Yeah, I-I know that, of course. That's why I'm here. I want to help you. But there's got to be another way.
AJ: What if there isn't? What if this is my only shot at avoiding a life sentence?
Olivia: Hey, Sonny. Look who came to see you. Can you believe it? Our granddaughter's here. Oh, you guys, she's about eight dozen times cuter than the last time I saw her.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Dante: I told you she was cute, right?
Lulu: Yeah, you won't get any arguments from us.
Olivia: [Chuckles]
Lulu: Do you want to see her, Sonny?
Olivia: [Sighs]
Dante: So, how's he doing?
Olivia: He's not great. Not great. He heard about AJ's defense.
Dante: He did -- what -- how?
Olivia: Reporters showed up at the house.
Dante: Are you kidding me?
Olivia: No. He totally lost it. [Sighs] Thank you for coming, honey. He really needs this.
[Baby fusses]
Lulu: Hey. [Chuckles] She looks pretty happy, grandpa. [Chuckles]
Olivia: I just -- I cannot -- I can't get over this. [Sighs]
Dante: It's unreal, right?
Olivia: Yeah. This precious little creature is ours. I mean yours.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Olivia: She's yours. She's totally yours, but I get visitation rights, right? [Chuckling] Oh. So, what are we gonna call this little angel?
[Baby coos]
Olivia: You guys did give her a name, right?
Lulu: Yeah, we did.
Dante: We named her, uh -- named her Connie.
Olivia: [Chuckles, sobs]
[Connie coos]
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