General Hospital Transcript Monday 9/9/13
Provided By Suzanne
Ellie: Is that -- are you in possession of a glioma?
Cop: If that's fancy speak for a brain tumor, then yeah.
Ellie: Okay, well, whose is it?
Cop: Franco Quartermaine's. Consider it returned.
Ellie: Wait. I'm sorry. I don't -- I don't understand. Why was it taken from the lab in the first place?
Cop: Defense used it as evidence at his trial.
Ellie: Uh, okay, well, not that I'm in any position to be judging, but the person who loaned this out has questionable ethics at best. Let me guess. His name is Brad cooper?
[Elevator bell dings]
Brad: Oh, uh, detective Falconeri, I need to speak to you about something.
Dante: Uh, I'm sorry. Have we met?
Brad: Not officially. I'm Brad cooper, G.H.'S lab manager.
Dante: Cool. I'm sorry, man. I-I got a bit of a family crisis going on, and I just want to go catch a quick glimpse of my new baby girl.
Spinelli: How are you feeling?
Maxie: Not great. Make that terrible.
Spinelli: I can relate. But you know what you have to do. Maxie, if you don't have this conversation, you'll never forgive yourself.
Maxie: I'll never forgive myself anyway.
Spinelli: Well, go. I can take care of things where Ellie are concerned.
Maxie: Spinelli.
Spinelli: Yeah?
Maxie: Nothing.
Brad: Uh, yeah, I, uh -- I heard about the baby. A girl, right? Congrats.
Dante: Thank you.
Brad: Uh, what I have to say, it can't wait.
Dante: Okay. Uh, Brad, what -- what is this about?
Brad: Dr. Westbourne.
Britt: [Groans]
Nikolas: What's, uh, going on there?
Sabrina: We're baking a cake. Britt's in labor.
Nikolas: Like, now?! Are -- are you sure?
Britt: Ah!
Sabrina: We're sure.
Britt: [Breathing heavily]
Kiki: Did you find your dad?
Morgan: No, it wasn't him.
Michael: Where's Olivia?
Kiki: It was really weird. It was like she got some flash of inspiration and said she thought she knew where your dad was and tore out of here.
Sonny: I love you, Connie. In this life...and the next.
[Door opens]
Olivia: Sonny! No!
Sonny: Get out, Olivia. I mean it. Go.
Olivia: If you want me gone, you're gonna have to shoot me.
Lulu: You are doing such a great job, little miss. You're gonna get sprung soon. Do you know what that means? That means that you get to come home with daddy and me. Now, it's no palace, but it's cozy, which turns out to be a good thing, because I don't like to be more than five feet from you, let alone a whole room away.
[Baby coos]
Lulu: Yeah. We are gonna be there when you go to sleep, and we're gonna be there when you wake up in the morning.
[Baby coos]
Lulu: I can't wait.
[Door opens]
Lulu: Don't come any closer.
Maxie: Okay.
Lulu: I'm serious.
Maxie: I'm gonna wait outside for you. We need to talk.
Ellie: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
[Door opens]
Ellie: Hi.
[Door closes]
Spinelli: There's something we need to discuss. Do you have a minute?
Ellie: Yeah, of course. You know I always have time for you.
Spinelli: Uh... so, after a careful observation of Dante and Lulu and...their newborn, compounded by an outside, yet related factor, I've come to the conclusion that telling them the truth about the baby now would -- would be unacceptably cruel. They think that little girl is their own. They love her. I can't take her from them.
Ellie: And Maxie?
Spinelli: Is in agreement.
Ellie: Damian.
Spinelli: So, uh, now we need a commitment from you, as well, to take this information to the grave. It shouldn't be hard, right? You're an expert at keeping secrets.
Lulu: You know that you are not supposed to be here. Please do not make me call security.
Maxie: I won't. No more insisting the baby is mine. I promise. I know that she's yours. And...I'm sorry for making you think I didn't.
Lulu: I want to believe you. But after everything that's happened, I'm sorry. I don't think I can.
Dante: Dr. Westbourne? Do you know something about her mother?
Brad: I'm not sure what you mean.
Dante: Britt's mother, Liesl Obrecht, she tried to murder Duke Lavery, and she took off before we could apprehend her. Do -- I mean, you work with Dr. Westbourne. You have some information maybe that will help?
Brad: I have no idea where Liesl Obrecht is. I mean, this pertains to her to a certain degree, but it's more about, uh, Dr. Westbourne's baby.
Nikolas: L-labor? I mean, I knew her due date was soon, but I thought she had more time.
Britt: Yeah, well, I guess my baby got sick of everyone yelling at me, wanted to come out and tell them to shut up.
Nikolas: Okay, uh...okay. We just -- we need to get you to the hospital.
Britt: [Groans]
Sabrina: Okay, do you think you can make it to the dock? Is the -- the launch can turn around, right?
Nikolas: No, no.
Britt: What? What do you mean, no?
Sabrina: Okay, but you can get it to turn around, right?
Nikolas: No, the captain wasn't going to Port Charles. He was going to the other side of the harbor.
Britt: Oh, my God. Well, get another damn boat! You're a prince! [Groans] Oh, God.
Sabrina: How you doing?
Britt: How do you think I'm doing? I'm in labor with a phony twit who stole Patrick from me. As if things couldn't be worse.
Nikolas: ...Right now. It's an emergency.
Britt: [Breathing heavily]
Nikolas: All right, the boat's on its way.
Britt: Oh, thank God.
Nikolas: It'll be here probably within the hour.
Britt: Ow! [Groans]
Sabrina: I don't think we have an hour.
Kiki: I went to the kitchen, I grabbed some iced tea, and when I came back, Olivia freaked out.
Michael: Okay, define "freaked out."
Kiki: She asked me why I was wearing Connie's dress?
Morgan: You were wearing Connie's dress?
Kiki: No! Of course I wasn't! I feel really bad. I mean, maybe because of the grief, she's hallucinating or something?
Michael: She wasn't hallucinating.
Kiki: What do you mean?
Michael: Olivia gets these psychic visions. She has ever since some lunatic injected her with LSD.
Morgan: Yeah, I actually heard something about this, but I never got all the details.
Michael: Look, Kiki, I need you to think. Did Olivia say anything else about what she was seeing? Like, the dress -- the dress you were wearing?
Kiki: Just that it was Connie's wedding dress.
Olivia: What the hell are you thinking, leaving that note? We've all been worried sick, Sonny! Michael and Morgan and Dante -- they're all terrified.
Sonny: You weren't supposed to come here.
Olivia: Well, too bad. Now put down the gun.
Sonny: Can't.
Olivia: Wrong answer!
Sonny: You don't understand!
Olivia: Well, then make me understand. If you're gonna convince me that your life needs to be over, you're gonna damn well give me a good reason!
Sonny: AJ should be wiped off the face of the earth! Michael begged me not to shoot him! And because he's my son and I've screwed up his life, I didn't!
Olivia: Well, what are you -- what are you talking about?
Sonny: He begged me not to kill AJ! And because I'm his father, I didn't! But this is what I got to do now!
Olivia: Is to use the gun on yourself? No! Sonny, look at me. Look at me!
Sonny: What?!
Olivia: Michael asked you not to hurt AJ because he didn't want to lose him. So that's your solution is for Michael to lose you instead?
Sonny: It's not like that.
Olivia: Well, AJ's gonna be in custody! He's gonna be put in --
Sonny: I don't want to hear about AJ! I'm tired. I'm tired. I don't want to -- I don't want to do this anymore.
Olivia: Let me -- let me help you through this. We'll get through it together.
Sonny: I can't say goodbye to her. [Voice breaking] If you feel anything for me... you'll let me be with Connie.
Michael: It makes sense now that Olivia thought she knew where my dad was.
Kiki: Because she saw me in Connie's wedding gown?
Morgan: I don't know. I was away at school when dad and Connie were supposed to get married.
Michael: Well, disaster doesn't even begin to cover it. My dad was completely blindsided.
Kiki: Okay, if it was so awful, he wouldn't want to go back to the site of the wedding, right?
Michael: He might if it was the place they got back together.
Morgan: Where?
Michael: The haunted star.
Olivia: Don't you dare use my cousin as an excuse. She would not want this. She would not want you to join her in death, and you damn well know it.
Sonny: She was here, Olivia. She was... she looked so beautiful. It took my breath away. She was wearing a wedding dress all decked out. She finally married me. And we said we loved each other... and we'll spend the rest of our lives together. I-I have to keep my word.
Olivia: Not like this.
Sonny: Yeah, yeah, I do. I got to go to her. We're husband and wife. I...I can't let her be alone. It's the only thing I know how to do here. I got to do it!
Olivia: That is the most selfish thing I've ever heard in my life.
Spinelli: You look surprised.
Ellie: Yeah, I-I am surprised. Are you sure about this? I mean, you can really surrender that child, knowing she's yours?
Spinelli: I don't have a choice.
Ellie: But, Damian, watching Dante and Lulu raise your own flesh and blood --
Spinelli: Will be difficult.
Ellie: [Sighs]
Spinelli: Whose fault is that? You and Maxie have left me in an untenable position. Either I claim my daughter and break my friends' hearts, or I let her go and break my own.
Ellie: I am so sorry.
Spinelli: How could you let it get this far? If Dante and Lulu had just known from the start --
Ellie: I didn't know from the start!
Spinelli: You knew long before I did. Would it have been gut-wrenching? Absolutely. But Dante and Lulu -- they could have started over, but now it's too late.
Ellie: I-I just... if I could go back --
Spinelli: You can't. So, do I have your word? For the sake of my friends' happiness, will you forget you ever knew this baby was mine?
Ellie: What about your happiness?
Spinelli: Do I have your word?
Ellie: Yeah, I'll do anything you ask.
Spinelli: Good. This discussion is over.
Ellie: Damian, wait.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Maxie: I don't blame you for doubting me. But please try to understand. After the baby -- your baby -- was born, things were really mixed up for me. I don't know if it was the drugs or the surgery, or maybe it was both, but I just wasn't myself. And now I've had a full night's rest, and the meds are out of my system. I'm dealing with this, Lulu. I swear.
Lulu: I can't imagine how traumatizing this must have been for you. First going into labor early and then being wheeled off to an emergency c-section.
Maxie: Yeah, it was terrifying.
Lulu: Yeah, but, Maxie, you were having attachment issues long before all of that. You were bonding with my daughter in a way that made me feel uncomfortable.
Maxie: I know. I'm handling that.
Lulu: How?
Maxie: Uh, Mac made an appointment for me to see Kevin Collins.
Lulu: He's really good.
Maxie: Mac already talked to him a little bit about what was going on. I don't know if this will make you feel better or not, but... Kevin said what I'm going through is actually pretty normal, that most women, especially surrogates, suffer from postpartum issues.
Lulu: And what about the antepartum ones?
Maxie: We're gonna take care of that, too. Kevin's gonna do anything it takes to irrational attachment to your daughter.
Dante: I'm sorry, Brad, I don't mean to be rude, but, uh, like I said, I just -- I have a lot going on right now, and I don't have a lot of time to stand around.
Brad: Yeah, I understand, but this -- this is important.
Dante: [Scoffs] Okay, what's -- what is so important about -- about Dr. Westbourne's baby?
Brad: I'm assuming you haven't heard.
Dante: I guess not.
Brad: Well, it turns out Dr. Drake isn't the baby's father.
Dante: Okay. What does that have to do with me?
Brad: [Sighs]
Dante: Brad, what exactly are you trying to tell me here?
Sabrina: The contractions are coming too fast, which means by the time the boat gets here, it'll be too late.
Nikolas: What are you saying?
Sabrina: I'm saying we're not gonna make it to the hospital.
Britt: I-I-I'm sorry. What do you mean?
Sabrina: It's too late, Britt.
Britt: Well, then who is gonna deliver my baby?!
Sabrina: The phony, little twit who stole Patrick from you.
Britt: God.
Olivia: You want to off yourself?
Sonny: Yeah. Yeah.
Olivia: Be at peace with my cousin away from all the pain?
Sonny: Yeah, that's -- that's what I want to do.
Olivia: Yeah? [Voice breaking] What about me, Sonny?! Do you think I want to go on every day living without her?! Sonny, I went to your house last night to talk to you, to sit with you, to be with one other person that loved Connie the way I did. And you weren't there. And now you're telling me that you're never gonna be there? Sonny, if you pull that trigger, you leave me alone to mourn her and you, to plan her funeral and yours!
Sonny: You got Dante.
Olivia: So do you! And Michael! And Morgan! And Kristina! Sonny, God, your kids -- they love you, they adore you, and they depend on you! How can you think of leaving them?
Sonny: My children are grown.
Olivia: Okay. All right.
Sonny: Okay?
Olivia: You know who's not grown? How about your new little baby granddaughter? She had you wrapped around her finger just the other day. It's a whole, new precious, precious person who's just begging to be your pride and joy. Sonny, are you really ready to let that go?
Lulu: I'm glad you're seeing someone.
Maxie: I'm glad you're glad.
Lulu: And I'm so sorry that it's been so hard on you --
Maxie: No, don't apologize. Please. I'm sorry. This is supposed to be such a happy time for you, and... you were worried I was gonna steal your baby. Don't even say it hadn't crossed your mind. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get over this, Lulu. You have my word. This just can't come between us.
Lulu: I don't want it to. [Sighs] You scared me, Maxie.
Maxie: I know I did. It's just... feeling that baby grow all those months so close to my heart... but I was growing her for you. That child in yours, Lulu. [Sighs] Please, you are my best friend.
Lulu: You're my best friend, too. [Voice breaking] I mean, obviously, 'cause only a best friend would give me what you've given me.
Maxie: You don't regret asking me to be your surrogate, do you? Because I-I don't regret for one second doing it for you. Typical, selfish Maxie fashion. I think carrying that baby not only helped you, but it helped me, too.
Lulu: It helped you to do what?
Maxie: Focus on something wonderful after losing Spinelli.
Ellie: I'm working late tonight, so to avoid unnecessary contact, now would probably be a good time to go to the apartment and collect your belongings.
Spinelli: I'm sorry. I'm not sure what you mean.
Ellie: All evidence points to our relationship being over. Am I wrong?
Maxie: I needed to get out of myself, stop wallowing, and think about something bigger than me. Having this baby was the perfect way to do that. Making you happy makes me happy. I love you so much, Lulu, and you might not realize that right now.
Lulu: Of course I do.
Maxie: I would do anything, give up anything, for you.
Lulu: Well, I need you to get better.
Maxie: I will.
Lulu: 'Cause I need my baby girl to love you as much as I do.
Nikolas: Britt.
Sabrina: What are you doing?!
Britt: I am taking my pregnant self to the hospital.
Sabrina: No --
Nikolas: Br-Britt, you've got to lie back down.
Britt: No! I am delivering this baby in a sterile environment where there are doctors and, more importantly, drugs!
Sabrina: You're an O.B.
Britt: So what is that supposed to mean? That I have to deliver my own baby now?!
Sabrina: No, what I'm saying is, you of all people should know that your contractions are far too close to be able to get off the island and back to G.H.
Britt: You know what?! First of all, there is no way in hell I am letting you get near this, okay?
Sabrina: I'm a trained nurse.
Britt: No, you are a glorified candy striper! Seriously, she doesn't even know how to change a bedpan without an iident. I mean, how are you gonna deliver a baby?!
Sabrina: I've seen it done.
Britt: I've seen Nik Wallenda walk a tightrope. I'm not gonna cross the grand canyon. No! No! You two stop making eyes at each other. I am being rational right now. You are just trying to sabotage me and my baby and make me pay for every insult and slight that I ever dished out to you.
Sabrina: I'd call pinning a police officer's death on me more than a slight. Not to mention framing me for cheating on my final exam. Oh, and humiliating me at the Nurses' Ball.
Britt: She's never gonna let it go.
Sabrina: Do you want to know what I would never do?
Britt: She's never gonna let it go.
Sabrina: I would never put a child's life at risk -- or yours -- just to get back at you.
Britt: I can't do it.
Nikolas: Yes, yes, you can. You can do this. Yes, you can. I'll be right there next to you.
Dante: Is this situation a police matter?
Brad: Yes. Dr. Drake, he -- he punched me when he found out he wasn't the real father and...I was.
Dante: I-I think my -- my head's imploding a little bit.
Brad: Evidence right here.
Dante: Okay, so [Clears throat] You want to press charges. Is that right?
[Cell phone rings]
Dante: Uh, it's my brother. I-I really need to take this.
Brad: Family crisis.
Dante: Yeah. Look, you want to file assault charges, file a report, just head down the station, okay?
Brad: Thanks.
Dante: Yeah. Michael, what's up?
Michael: We think dad might be on the haunted star.
Dante: What would he be doing there?
Michael: It's a long story, but Morgan and I are headed there right now. Can you -- can you meet us there?
Dante: Yeah, yeah, I'll be right there.
Morgan: What the hell's he doing in there? We need to go.
Kiki: Are you sure you don't want to stay here with me?
Morgan: This is my family, Kiki.
Kiki: It seems like Michael and Dante can handle it.
Morgan: Okay, but whatever it is, I need to be a part of it, all right? This is important to me.
Kiki: I really hope your dad's gonna be okay.
Morgan: Thanks for saying that, for being here with me.
Kiki: Of course. I'm your wife. It's my job to be here, right? [Chuckles] For better or for worse.
Morgan: I love you.
Kiki: I love you, too.
Sonny: You're not being fair! It's my choice!
Olivia: I'm not being fair?! Connie is gone! She took your heart with her! I get that! Don't you see that that is what you would be doing to us, to me, to your children, and everybody who loves you? Please don't do that, Sonny. Don't make us live without you.
Sonny: I'd actually be doing you a favor.
Olivia: How can you say that?
Sonny: Because if I keep on... if I keep on living, the cycle is just gonna go on and on and on. And I'm just gonna keep on hurting... the people I love.
Spinelli: In truth... I haven't done much thinking about us. Been a little busy with this dilemma of paternity -- my daughter, Dante, Lulu, Maxie.
Ellie: I know. I know. I'm sure it's overwhelming.
Spinelli: That would be an understatement.
Ellie: And while I truly understand, Damian, you've been so cold to me and brusque...
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Ellie: ...Refusing to accept my multiple apologies. I just -- I had no reason but to assume I irreparably damaged our relationship.
Spinelli: Well, as I've said, I haven't waded that far yet.
Ellie: Do you think possibly you could wade there now? I mean, just let me know if there is any remote chance for us. Because, Damian, I love you so much.
Spinelli: I love you, too.
Britt: Ohh! I can't believe this is happening! I would much rather give birth in a mosquito-infested field than with that vengeful cockapoo. Sabrina hates me.
Nikolas: Well, no offense, but she did kind of have good reasons, didn't she?
Britt: Are you taking her side?
Nikolas: Nope, nope, not taking any sides. Not today.
Britt: Yeah, well, you need to tell her that.
Nikolas: Look, Sabrina was my nurse for a few days. She seemed extremely capable and professional. No matter what your past, she's not gonna hurt you. Come on.
Sabrina: I better sterilize these in case we have trouble getting the baby out. Kidding. [Chuckles]
Britt: [Mocking chuckle]
Sabrina: I'm gonna go scrounge up some more supplies.
Britt: Ah.
Nikolas: Um, yeah, yeah, help yourself. The linens are on the second floor, top of the stairs, turn left, third door on your right.
Sabrina: Great. Thanks.
Britt: Mnh.
Nikolas: Now, see? She's obviously not nervous. Otherwise she wouldn't be joking around like that.
Britt: Do I look like I'm in the mood to joke?
Nikolas: Okay, look, um, forget Sabrina. Epiphany says that I am a great birth coach, so I am gonna get you through this.
Britt: Yeah, says the guy who practically sprinted out of here to get Brad to take me off his hands.
Nikolas: Let me tell you what a piece of work that guy is. I sincerely hope the baby takes after its mother.
Britt: Do you?
Nikolas: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I left before. But now is my chance to make it up to you, okay? You can't count on Brad. You don't trust Sabrina. So I'm asking you to trust me. Can you do that?
Britt: Ohh, God!
Nikolas: Okay, all right.
Britt: Here comes another one.
Nikolas: I got you. All right, mama, let's do this. Come on. Breathe.
Britt: [Groans]
Maxie: Where's Dante? I think I should apologize to him, too.
Lulu: He's in the middle of a situation with his dad.
Maxie: Sonny must be devastated.
Lulu: You heard about Connie?
Maxie: Can you believe she's gone? I learned so much from her.
Lulu: I know you looked up to her.
Maxie: I'm gonna miss Connie. And if I feel that way, I can't imagine how Sonny must feel.
Lulu: It's awful.
Maxie: He has to face the rest of his life knowing that he can't be with her again.
Sonny: You know what?! I-I try to do the right thing!
Olivia: [Sighs]
Sonny: Bodyguards, bulletproof vests, bulletproof windows. I say to myself that... that I'm doing the best I can to protect my -- my family.
Olivia: You do.
Sonny: No, I don't! It's a lie. It's -- the truth is, I don't protect spit. I am what I am. I do what I do, and people I care about pay the price.
[Bottles shattering]
[Glass crunching]
Sonny: We were finally in a great place. We were gonna... we were gonna be together, and we were finally gonna get the shot that we always wanted. It should have
Olivia: Well, it wasn't. And for the record, it was Connie's choice to be with you. Because she loved you, Sonny. She loved you so much. It was her choice, not yours. She -- she knew the risks.
Sonny: Don't try to make this okay for me.
Olivia: I'm not making it okay for you. I'm making it okay for me! I don't want you to die! And Connie wouldn't, either.
Sonny: There's too much blood. I can't shake it off.
Olivia: I can help you, Sonny. Please let me help you.
Sonny: Olivia. Olivia. I'm not gonna ask you again. You need to get out of here now.
Olivia: You think I'm gonna make this easy for you, huh?
Sonny: Olivia.
Olivia: You think I'm gonna make it easy for you to kill yourself, huh? You go ahead. You go ahead and do it.
Sonny: You think I won't?!
[Hurried footsteps approach]
Morgan: Dad?! [Breathing heavily]
Olivia: You gonna make your sons watch, too?
Sonny: I want you guys out of here now.
Dante: That's not gonna happen, Sonny.
Morgan: Dad, what the hell? Just put down the gun.
Dante: Hey, hey. Let Michael take this, okay?
Morgan: But this is my fault.
Sonny: Enough! Don't pick it up! I don't deserve it! I don't deserve you cleaning up after me!
Michael: Dad, you don't deserve to live, either?
Sonny: No, no, I don't, not after what I put you guys through.
Morgan: Dad, come on. We can figure this out. We love you.
Dante: When things get tough, we don't just turn our backs on each other.
Michael: And we sure don't run away, either, do we? You taught me that. No matter how much damage you've done, you live through it. You live with it.
Sonny: [Smacks counter]
Michael: If not for yourself, dad, do it for everyone who needs you! Dad, you are the center of this family! Without you, we'd all just -- we'd all fall apart! I mean, look at me and Morgan! We were at each other's throats! But because we thought we might have lost you, it brought us closer together!
Dante: You pull that trigger, you, uh, take away our father... and my daughter's grandfather. What am I supposed to tell my baby girl, huh? "Sorry, baby, your grandfather's not here because he [Sniffles] Pointed a gun at his chest and then he pulled the trigger"? I'm not gonna have that talk with my kid. And you're not gonna take the coward's way out. You're gonna -- why don't you stick around for her and, uh, and for me?
Morgan: Dad, I'm sorry, okay? I asked you to do something to prove that you loved me. So now it's my turn. Just give me that chance, please, and put down that gun.
Olivia: Honey, your sons are begging you to stay in their lives. For God's sakes, please listen to them. Plea.
Sonny: [Sighs] [Sniffles]
Michael: We can make this work, dad. It's gonna be okay.
Dante: We will make this work. All you got to do is trust us. You think you can do that, dad? [Sniffles]
Maxie: What's that?
Lulu: Dante and I bought it for you before you went into labor. It's a push present.
Maxie: But I didn't push.
Lulu: True. But you did give us a baby. And this is our way of saying thank you. I wish that it could be big enough to show you how grateful we really are. Open it.
[Baby crying]
Maxie: That's her.
Lulu: Little baby, big lungs.
Maxie: Go ahead. I'll open it later. You should be with your daughter.
Lulu: Are you sure you're okay?
Maxie: I will be.
[Crying stops]
Ellie: Did I just hear you correctly? You still love me?
Spinelli: But I am furious with you, too, and I'm not... I'm not quite sure which emotion will win out.
Ellie: Okay, well, what does that mean?
Spinelli: That means maybe... maybe I don't collect my things tonight. Maybe we should leave it open.
Ellie: Okay.
Spinelli: Ellie, I need time. So maybe -- maybe we don't say we're breaking up. Maybe just on a break, okay?
Ellie: Yeah. That would be much more than -- than I expected.
Spinelli: See you around?
Ellie: See you. [Sighs]
Sabrina: Okay, this baby's just about ready.
Britt: Thank God. Where is my epidural?
Sabrina: Try not to focus on the pain.
Britt: Oh, yeah, okay! Okay!
Sabrina: Well, focus on how much you hate me instead.
Britt: Oh! Done.
[Soft music playing]
Britt: Oh, my God. I love this song. How'd you know?
Nikolas: Uh, yeah, sorry. I swiped your phone and got into your playlist.
Britt: Oh, back when you thought I was a decent person? Ohh! Damn it to hell! Oh!
Sabrina: No, no, no, no, no! No! Not yet! Don't push! Take it easy!
Britt: You take it easy! Ohh!
I wasn't looking for it I wasn't ready for the hurt I was stumbling but you were knocking on my door I tried, but I could not ignore
Sabrina: Okay, on three. Ready? One, two, three.
Nikolas: Push!
Britt: Aah!
You're such a wonderful surprise
I couldn't plan it if I tried you turn my darkest days to light like a morning sun
Britt: Thank you.
You're such a wonderful surprise
Dante: Come on. Let's get you home.
Morgan: Thank you, Dad.
Michael: Have some food, a little rest, it's all gonna come into focus, okay? You made the right decision, dad.
Dante: We need you. My little baby needs you.
Britt: Oh, my God. I can't believe you're finally here. Is he not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
Nikolas: Mm-hmm. Just like his mom.
Britt: I can't believe I just had a baby.
Nikolas: You were amazing, Sabrina. Thank you.
Sabrina: Britt did all the work.
Nikolas: This baby wouldn't be here safe and sound if it weren't for you.
Britt: You know, you had something to do with that, too.
Nikolas: Ah.
Britt: Thank you so much. I -- I couldn't have done it without you. Oh, my God.
Nikolas: What? What is it?
Britt: Something's wrong with him.
Lulu: Can you feel that weight that's been lifted from your mama's heart? Aunt Maxie is gonna get better. Yeah. She realizes that you belong to me and daddy. [Chuckles] Yes, she does. And nothing can change that.
Spinelli: Maxie? Guessing you spoke to Lulu?
Maxie: It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I... told her that I knew my attachment to the baby was wrong and that it was her child and not mine.
Spinelli: Did she believe you?
Maxie: I think we might be able to be friends again. What happened with Ellie?
Spinelli: I don't know what's in store for Ellie and me after a betrayal like that. But she did promise not to tell Dante and Lulu, so...
Maxie: So it's done? It's over? Our secret will stay just that -- a secret.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Maxie: Our baby will never be ours.
Spinelli: No. She'll never be ours, Maxie. No one will ever know that Dante and Lulu's daughter is actually our biological child.
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