General Hospital Transcript Friday 9/6/13
Provided By Suzanne
Judge Powers: The defendant is facing multiple murder charges. I'll need to refer to my notes here.
Diane: Actually, your honor, that won't be necessary. I move to dismiss all charges.
Judge Powers: [Laughs] On what grounds?
Diane: Regardless of Franco Quartermaine's actions, he is not responsible for those crimes.
Judge Powers: Enlightened me, Ms. Miller. If your client is not responsible, who is?
Diane: I'm so glad you asked, your honor, and I will be happy to show you.
Carly: What the hell is that?
Franco: It looks my 8th-grade art project.
Carly: I hope you flunked.
Lazaro: Your honor, we're not here to play show-and-tell. We're here to put the defendant on trial for multiple crimes.
Diane: A trial would amount to a gross miscarriage of justice, your honor.
Lazaro: No more gross than whatever's in that jar.
Diane: In this jar is the proof that Franco Quartermaine, A.K.A. Robert Frank, is innocent. The true culprit, liable for all of that death and destruction, is not my client... but his tumor.
Britt: Thought I recognized the stench of industrial-strength relaxer. Now kindly take your chemically treated rough and holier-than-though attitude back to the mainland and inflict them on someone else.
[Door slams]
Sabrina: I'm not going anywhere.
Emma: Hurry, daddy!
Patrick: I'm coming. What's the rush?
Emma: I want to get back to decorating baby brother's room. Where's the changing table? Did Sabrina finish putting it together?
Patrick: We had to take it back, sweetheart.
Emma: But babies need changing tables, daddy.
Patrick: Well, not here, they don't.
Emma: Why not?
Patrick: Okay, listen. [Sighs] We have to have a little talk about your little brother.
Nikolas: Bradley cooper. Time for you to man up.
Brad: Man up?
Nikolas: That's right.
Brad: Um, I think if you look closely, you'll find that I'm all man, even in the midst of a day as bad as this one.
Nikolas: Well, it's about to go from bad to worse unless you do what you're told.
Brad: I'm open-minded. Your order to give is...mine to take.
Nikolas: He's your order. Step up and take care of your son.
Michael: All right. Thanks, Enrique. I understand.
Morgan: Well, what's going on? Any sign of dad down on his island?
Michael: [Sighs] His rooms are still closed up. Enrique sent somebody to the beach to check for him. No sign of him.
Olivia: We've checked all of Sonny's usual places. You guys, we're running out of time. The longer that Sonny's left on his own, the bigger the chance he's gonna do something terrible to himself.
Lazaro: Your honor, this is revolting.
Franco: Oh, now, now. This is my tumor we're talking about.
Lazaro: If that is indeed a tumor, and if it is the defendant's, it still has no bearing on this trial! It's a cheap, obvious stunt that absolutely reeks of Diane miller.
Franco: And formaldehyde.
Britt: You might want to get your prescription checked, Sabrina.
Sabrina: I can see just fine, thank you.
Britt: No, I meant your anti-psychotics, because you clearly have no grasp where you are.
Sabrina: Nikolas Cassadine's mansion.
Britt: Exactly, where I am a guest and you are trespassing. Now get out.
Sabrina: Not until I say what I came here to say.
Britt: I don't care what you have to say. I am extremely pregnant, extremely alone, and extremely fed up with you and your roommate and your high-and-mighty boyfriend that used to be mine. Patrick already gave me an earful. I have had it.
Sabrina: Oh, well, you know what? That's too bad, because you're about to get an earful from me. How could you cheat Patrick out of his son?
Britt: It's not his son!
Sabrina: You know what? It was bad enough that you dangled him in front of Patrick and made him fall in love with that baby, but you did that to Emma, too. You let them imagine a life with a little brother and a son, and that was all a lie. That baby was never gonna be a part of their lives, and you knew it!
Britt: And your point?!
Sabrina: My point is how can you do this to a man that you claim to love?
Patrick: Well, before we have a little chat about your brother, you, uh -- you want something to drink or some ice cream or something?
Emma: Daddy, just tell me. What's wrong?
Patrick: Okay. Okay. Look, um... [Sighs] I didn't think this was gonna be so difficult to tell you.
Emma: There's no baby again, is there?
Patrick: No. Well, not exactly. I mean, Britt's still having a baby.
Emma: And he'll come live with us?
Patrick: No, he's not gonna come and live with us.
Emma: Why not?
Patrick: Because I'm not the father of Britt's baby. It's -- it's someone else.
Brad: I-I-I don't know what Westbourne told you, but, uh, this --
Nikolas: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're the father of the baby. Is that not the case? Britt told me that the two of you struck a deal. Right? She would secure your promotion here at the hospital in exchange for your...DNA.
Brad: I-I-is that judgment I hear? [Chuckles] That's rather rich, prince Nikolas, coming from an heir to a legacy of inbreeding, fratricide, and, uh, fringe meteorology. Oh, yeah. I read the whole tell-all about your family, and, you know, frankly, I'm shocked that the so-called white sheep of that mad clan --
Nikolas: Playing the class card won't get you off the hook here, pal. You won't shirk your responsibility with your son. I don't care what arrangement you made.
Brad: Hey, hey, hey. That kid is not my responsibility.
Nikolas: Really? Tell me how you can say that.
Olivia: What if he's already done it? You guys, what if it's already too late?
Dante: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Would you calm down? Just try to clear your head -- for Sonny's sake, okay?
Olivia: Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry, boys. I shouldn't be freaking out like this.
Michael: Oh, hey. It's okay. We're all on edge.
Olivia: I just don't get it. How could this thing get so out of control? I mean, I-I thought that Sonny and Connie put this whole thing behind them -- all of this stuff with Joe Jr. And with Connie's son and with the D.I.D.
Morgan: Yeah. I mean, from what I could see, they looked pretty happy.
Olivia: Well, yeah. They were happy. They were finally gonna make good on the promise that they made all those years ago when they were kids. Then that stupid article about Kiki came out.
Michael: Wait, what do you -- what do you mean? What does that article have to do with anything?
Sonny: [Sighs] Connie, this is -- it's all me. Everything I touch, I destroy. Every woman that I love, I... I hurt. Not anymore. I'm not gonna let you die for nothing. This has to end now... with me.
Connie: [Echoing] Hey. It's me, baby. I'm back.
Sonny: Connie.
Michael: I don't understand. Did my father have a problem with Connie's article about Kiki not being Franco's daughter?
Morgan: Who cares? What does that have to do with anything?!
Michael: Okay, why don't you just calm down, all right? We're trying to figure this whole thing out.
Morgan: Well, what is there to figure out, Mikey?!
Dante: Morgan.
Morgan: Okay, why are we sitting here gossiping about dad and Connie's problems?! They don't matter, all right?! Connie's dead! And dad's gonna be, too, if we don't find him soon!
Sonny: Connie. You're alive.
Connie: I'm back.
Sonny: I love you so much.
Connie: I love you, too, Sonny.
Sonny: I never stopped.
Connie: I know. Neither did I, not for one second.
Sonny: Don't leave me again.
Connie: Oh, Sonny. I never meant to leave you in the first place. I'm so sorry.
Sonny: No, hey. It's not your fault. You could have never known --
Connie: No, I knew how you felt about me running the article, and I printed it anyway. I made you doubt my love for you.
Sonny: It was -- it was my fault. I --
Connie: You don't have to doubt me, Sonny. I loved you then, and I love you now. I always have, and I always will.
Britt: How could I lie to Patrick like that when I claim I love him? Go to hell.
Sabrina: No wonder Patrick washed his hands of you.
Britt: Patrick would have never left me if you hadn't weaseled your way in between us in the first place. Oh, but that's right -- you couldn't turn his head with your looks, could you? So you created your little whisper campaign.
Sabrina: Wow! You've rewritten history so many times that you actually believe it yourself.
Britt: You deny that you wanted Patrick the entire time that I was with him?
Sabrina: Look, I don't deny that I had feelings for Patrick, but I knew that he was still mourning his wife. I even kept quiet when it was clear to me and everybody else that being with you was the worst mistake Patrick could ever make.
Britt: Oh, right, of course -- because how could Patrick pass up perfect little Sabrina? You call me the Britch, but, honey, I ain't got nothing on you.
Sabrina: You know, I knew that you were awful for Patrick, but he was able to make that decision on his own when he realized that you hated his little girl.
Emma: What do you mean? Why isn't the baby yours?
Patrick: Well, sometimes when parents are expecting a baby, they, um -- they get confused who the dad is.
Emma: How?
Patrick: [Sighs] Sometimes they think it's gonna be one person, and it turns out that it's another person. It's like a mix-up. You know when you brought your friend's backpack home from school and it looked exactly like yours but then when you opened it up inside it, you realized that it wasn't yours?
Emma: A baby isn't a backpack, daddy.
Patrick: [Chuckles] I know it's not, baby.
Emma: This is silly. How did everyone get so confused?
Patrick: Doctors do little tests on babies when they're still growing inside their mommy's stomach, and, um, sometimes they get them wrong.
Emma: So, you failed the test?
Patrick: I guess you could kind of say that, yeah. But the important thing is, is that Britt's baby isn't going to be part of our family like we thought.
Emma: Whose family does he get to be a part of?
Patrick: [Sighs] A man named Brad.
Emma: He's not gonna be as good of a daddy as you.
Patrick: [Smooches] Thank you for saying that, sweetheart. He's gonna be just right for Britt, though.
Nikolas: In what universe is the baby you share with Britt not your responsibility?
Brad: The universe in which --you know, it's like --
Nikolas: No, no. I don't know what it's like.
Brad: Look, Westbourne and I had an agreement, okay? She supplied the promotion. I supplied the sperm.
Nikolas: Mm-hmm, which makes you the baby's father.
Brad: No. There was no discussion of hand-holding, child-birthing, diaper-changing, or child support. Drake was gonna handle all that.
Nikolas: Well, that ceased to be the case once he found out that he wasn't the father and that you were.
Brad: So what?
Nikolas: So, you're gonna see to Britt and that baby's every need, starting with putting a roof over their head. Britt's moving in with you.
Brad: [Chuckles]
Judge Powers: Ms. Miller, is it your contention that brain tumor caused the defendant to commit the litany of crimes for which he's been charged?
Diane: It is, your honor, and this tumor is the genuine article.
Lazaro: Are we supposed to take your word for that?
Diane: These affidavits, your honor, are from accredited neurologists. They confirm the authenticity of the tumor -- that it did come from Franco Quartermaine -- and the site from which it was removed. Without the malevolent influence of this tumor on his cognitive and sensory faculties, along with his personality, none of the crimes attributed to him would ever have been committed.
Lazaro: Your honor, the defendant's crimes go back years.
Diane: Indeed. And medical analysis of this tumor has determined its existence predates any allegations of crimes done.
Lazaro: How convenient.
Diane: The tumor has been growing, your honor, bit by bit, insidiously. All these years, Franco has been at war with himself -- a war against his darker impulses spurred on by this tumor.
Lazaro: This man cannot be allowed to escape trial on the defense that his tumor made him do it.
Diane: I can cite precedent, your honor -- Trichter vs. The state of New York, Glickfeld vs. The United States of America.
Lazaro: Whose combined crimes don't add up to half of what the accused is charged with here.
Diane: Bottom line, your honor -- my client cannot be held responsible for any crimes while he was afflicted. The charges must be vacated. He must be released. Release my client, your honor. Free Franco.
Patrick: What are you thinking about, sweetheart?
Emma: I wonder if the baby will miss us.
Patrick: That's a good question. I don't know what the little guy's gonna be thinking... but I do know that he missed out on having the best big sister in the entire world that anybody would be lucky to have.
Emma: I guess.
Patrick: [Chuckles] I know you're disappointed. This whole situation's giving you a little whiplash.
Emma: What's whiplash?
Patrick: Whiplash is the feeling you get when you think you're gonna get something and then you realize that you're not gonna get it.
Emma: It's not fair.
Patrick: No, it's not fair. And I know it took you a little bit of time to warm up to the idea, but you were looking forward to having a little brother, weren't you?
Emma: You were excited, too. You really wanted to have a little boy -- someone to play catch with and take camping. You must have whiplash, too.
Patrick: [Sniffles] Yeah. I got a little whiplash.
Emma: Maybe you could still have a baby boy -- your own baby boy with Sabrina.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Britt: I do not hate Emma. I am not fond of the little brat, but I do not hate her.
Sabrina: You treated Emma like the enemy.
Britt: She treated me like I had cooties.
Sabrina: You called her names, Britt -- a little girl. And then you turn your head when she runs away to escape your bullying.
Britt: I tried to be nice to that kid, okay?
Sabrina: Oh, come on!
Britt: But I didn't stand a chance next to you, the maker of rainbows and everything nice!
Sabrina: You frightened her. And then she ran away at night in the dead of winter. Do you have any idea what could have happened to that little girl?
Britt: She's a spoiled little brat, okay?
Sabrina: Oh, well, that's something that you obviously managed to say in front of Patrick. Oh, yeah. He finally saw you for the bitch you are and dropped you. But instead of taking no for an answer, you hatched up this little plan to trap him and recruited Brad to help.
Brad: Dr. Westbourne can't move in with me.
Nikolas: And yet she is, so you better make room.
Brad: I live in a railroad apartment. There's barely enough room for me, let alone Britt or --
Nikolas: You should have thought of that before you started doling out sperm samples.
Brad: Why do you care where Britt lives? Wh-what are you -- in love with her or something?
Sabrina: You know, it would have been one thing if you had actually gotten pregnant after jumping Patrick in the shower, but this? What kind of person thinks of a plan as sick as this?
Britt: Apparently, you're looking at her.
Sabrina: You knew that in order to redeem yourself with Patrick, you had to prove that you could be a parental figure, so instead of doing the hard work of rebuilding a relationship with Emma, you go and take the easy way out and go and get pregnant yourself.
Britt: You think this is easy?!
Sabrina: Oh, but it backfired, didn't it? You were found out, ostracized, and dumped. And now you're alone and pregnant by a guy who probably wants even less to do with you than Patrick.
Britt: Ohh. Yeah, exactly. I got everything I had coming to me. Aren't you happy? [Groans]
Sabrina: You know, I really should despise you for everything that you've done. But the truth is I pity you and that poor baby you're carrying. With you as a mother, that little boy is in for a lifetime of nothing but grief.
Britt: [Groans] Damn.
Sabrina: Yeah. The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Britt: It's not the truth, you moron. It's my baby.
Sonny: Everything that happened was on me.
Connie: No, Sonny.
Sonny: You told me not to get between my -- my sons Michael and Morgan, that I would hurt them both, and I didn't listen.
Connie: It wasn't my place to tell you how to raise your boys.
Sonny: You knew I was making a mistake. I didn't listen. I-I wanted to protect my son. Instead, I helped him marry someone who doesn't love him -- not real love, like what we have.
Connie: Sonny, what are you doing?
Sonny: Two weddings -- two weddings -- two weddings, two times we should have been married -- making promises to each other every time. I lost you. Maybe I can find you again. I'm gonna be with you now, Connie.
Kiki: Michael's right. Morgan, you need to chill.
[Cell phone rings]
Dante: Uh, yeah. Falconeri. What do you got?
Kiki: Listen to what your brother Dante said. We all need to stick together.
Michael: Kiki, it's okay. Morgan's right. I didn't mean to get under your skin.
Morgan: It's not about getting under my skin, Michael. It's just about finding dad, so can we please just drop everything else?
Michael: Of course. Yeah. Consider it dropped.
Olivia: What is it? Dante, is it Sonny?
Franco: You really think this is gonna work?
Diane: Well, I can't take all the credit for dreaming this up on my own. There is a font of recent legal precedent in neuroscience that backs me up.
Judge Powers: Approach. It would seem that your contention is not without merit and warrants further examination.
Lazaro: Then Ms. Miller can make her case at trial. She cannot circumvent due process.
Diane: I'm attempting to do no such thing, your honor -- merely to exercise my client's legal rights.
Lazaro: And what about the rights of Franco's victims? The ones he stands accused of traumatizing and murdering deserve their day in court, and their families deserve to be heard from.
Carly: I'm one of his victims. I can tell the court what you need to hear.
Brad: Come on. Level with me, prince. You got a thing for the Britch?
Nikolas: Call her by her proper name or not at all.
Brad: Lighten up. She likes it.
Nikolas: No, she doesn't, actually, and neither do I.
Brad: Um, because you won't have your lady's honor besmirched?
Nikolas: My friend's honor.
Brad: Sure. You're such great friends, you can't wait to unload her on me. Well, wh-what's wrong? Didn't she live up to your lofty standards? Sure, it was fine when she was the poor, abandoned mother-to-be, but once you got a look inside of what makes her tick --
Nikolas: Bottom line, Brad -- you're the dad, so Britt and the baby are now your responsibility.
Brad: I don't see it that way. And if Britt has a problem with that, she can take it up with me herself.
Sabrina: Do you really expect me to believe this? After the fake morning sickness and the fake DNA test, now you're faking Braxton hicks?
Britt: [Voice breaking] Sabrina, I'm not faking. Something is wrong.
Sabrina: Okay. You know what? Look, if you want to continue to play this game, go ahead. Keep playing. But you're gonna play all by yourself.
Britt: No! Sabrina, Sabrina, please! I'm not -- Sabrina, I'm not faking! Something's wrong. [Crying] Please don't go. Please don't go.
Emma: You and Sabrina can have your own baby. And this time, when the doctors do the test, you can study extra hard and make sure the baby's yours.
Patrick: Well, I --
Emma: Wouldn't you like that?
Patrick: Yeah, I think that would be very nice. But I think that parents need to talk about having a baby together to make sure it's the right situation, and I think for Sabrina and me, it's a little premature.
Emma: But you love Sabrina, right?
Patrick: Yeah. I do love Sabrina.
Emma: This much?
Patrick: More than that.
Emma: This much?
Patrick: That much! Yes. Do you love Sabrina?
Emma: Even more than this.
Patrick: Yeah? Wow. That's a lot.
Emma: So, if you love Sabrina and Sabrina loves you, maybe it's not pre-- pre-- um...
Patrick: Premature. It means when something happens too soon.
Emma: Since you love Sabrina, maybe someday it won't be premature to have a baby brother.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Maybe, baby. [Smooches]
Olivia: Dante, who was that on the phone?
Dante: That was the P.D. they may have spotted Sonny. Michael, Morgan, you guys want to come with me?
Olivia: Wait, wait. You're not gonna tell me where you're going?
Dante: Why don't you stay here in case he comes back here and we miss him, okay?
Olivia: Okay. I'll wait.
Dante: Kiki, do you mind waiting here with my mother?
Kiki: No prob. I hope you find your dad.
Dante: Thanks. Let's go.
Dante: Uh, just one thing you guys should know before we go.
Morgan: Why? What's going on?
Michael: Someone thinks they saw dad, but either he's injured or --
Dante: Gunshot victim admitted to the E.R. matching Sonny's description. Let's go to the hospital.
Connie: Sonny, don't do this.
Sonny: I have to, 'cause I don't think I can live without you.
Connie: You've lived without me before for a very long time. You can keep living without me. Think of all the reasons to live -- Michael, Morgan, Dante, Kristina.
Sonny: But I won't have you.
Connie: But you have me now, hmm? In the place we were gonna get married.
Sonny: Supposed to. That's not gonna happen again.
Connie: Says who? You're here. I'm here. Put the gun down, Sonny. Live. Marry me.
Diane: So, you and Carly.
Franco: We're getting along better-ish.
Diane: But she is Carly, after all. Is she about to save our case or ruin it?
Carly: I do.
Franco: I wish I could tell you, but right now, she's just a mystery.
Judge Powers: Ms. Jacks, you stated you were one of the defendant's victims. Please elaborate.
Carly: Well, I'm not gonna list all of Franco's crimes. It's in the file right in front of you. I can tell you there was no end to the pain that Franco caused my friends, myself -- worst of all, my children.
Judge Powers: It is Ms. Miller's position that the defendant's actions were caused by a brain tumor and since it's been excised, he's no longer a threat to anyone. How do you feel about that?
Carly: I'm not a doctor.
Judge Powers: No, but you've had dealings with the defendant before and after the surgery, correct?
Carly: I have.
Judge Powers: Then can you attest to any change in his personality positive or otherwise?
Carly: Yes. Positive.
Judge Powers: Then you are confident that your family is no longer at risk?
Carly: I-I have not observed any violent behavior.
Judge Powers: Let me put it this way. Do you trust the defendant in the presence of your children?
Carly: No, I do not.
Lazaro: Your honor, I must renew my objection for the defense's motion for dismissal.
Carly: Excuse me. I would to like --
Diane: Your honor, Ms. Jacks was the one witness --
Franco: Let her talk. Let her talk. Hey. Forgive me. I'm sorry, your honor. It's just that Ms. Jacks has something to say, and I, for one, would like to hear it. Dot you want to hear what she has to say?
Diane: Mm.
Judge Powers: Ms. Jacks, you wanted to add something.
Carly: I do. Uh, I, uh... I wanted to say that before the surgery, I witnessed behavior that I didn't think was possible -- guilt, remorse. Franco stated that he wanted to make amends, you know, tumor or no tumor.
Judge Powers: For example?
Carly: When he found out his nephew had leukemia and needed a bone-marrow transplant, Franco desperately wanted to help. The only thing he wanted more was a relationship with his daughter. She had been kept from him her whole life. And then after he found out that he couldn't help Danny, he also found out that his daughter wasn't really his.
Judge Powers: And how did he respond to these disappointments -- with anger or rage?
Carly: Both, but not against anyone -- I mean, not that I saw at all.
Judge Powers: What did you see?
Carly: I saw Franco at his lowest point, thinking about ending it all. Franco -- this Franco... is haunted by the things that he's done. So, when I look at... him and I think about the monster he used to be, I just don't see that man anymore.
Judge Powers: And yet you express reservations.
Carly: Yes. Yes. I-I-I do. I-I mean, I see this, and I don't understand. Did you choose to commit all those crimes, or did the tumor make you do it? I don't know. I don't know, okay? I-I-I --
Judge Powers: As someone who observed the defendant from a unique vantage point, what do you think?
Carly: I think... he could be a better man. But then I wonder... is this some kind of a game? Is this tumor just a convenient excuse? I mean, is Franco still that genius psychopath? Does he have me fooled?
Sonny: You want to marry me?
Connie: [Chuckles] Don't you?
Sonny: It's what I always wanted.
Connie: Then what are you waiting for? Hmm? Make me your wife.
Dante: [Sighs] Wasn't him.
Morgan: Then who was it?
Dante: Some other poor bastard same height and build as Sonny who tried to stop a robbery.
Michael: Meanwhile, dad's still out there.
Dante: We'll find him, okay? Why don't you guys head back to Sonny's house? We'll regroup later.
Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going?
Dante: I'm in the hospital. I got five minutes. I'd like to see my wife and my child.
Michael: Should we wait, or...?
Dante: No. You guys go back to Sonny's place, okay? Check in with Kiki and my mother. Who knows? Maybe they stumbled upon a lead while we were gone.
Kiki: I found some iced tea in the fridge.
Olivia: Thanks. Kiki, what are you doing?
Kiki: What do you mean?
Olivia: What are you doing in Connie's dress?
Kiki: What dress?
Olivia: Her wedding dress!
Kiki: [Chuckles] Olivia, I don't know what you mean.
Olivia: Okay. I got to go. I got to go.
Kiki: Have to go where?
Olivia: I think I know where Sonny is.
Sonny: I don't think I've ever seen you look more beautiful.
Connie: Right back at you, handsome.
Sonny: You ready?
Connie: You remember your vows?
Sonny: Every word. Do you?
Connie: Michael "Sonny" Corinthos...
Sonny: Constanza Louise Falconeri...
Connie: ...I take you to be my husband and my partner from this day forward...
Sonny: ...I will be true to you and cherish you.
Connie: ...Share my thoughts, my hopes, my dreams with you.
Sonny: I will spend the rest of my life with you.
Connie: You're my best friend. I will love you forever.
Sonny: I love you... forever, in this life...
Connie: And the next life. You may kiss your bride.
Patrick: Hey, Sabrina. It's, uh -- it's me. I know you're still at work. I just wanted to let you know that I told Emma about Britt and the baby. And I wish you were here, 'cause it wasn't easy, but, uh...
Emma: Daddy?
Patrick: I got to call you back. What's up, buddy?
Emma: You don't have to wait to get a little boy to play catch.
Patrick: [Chuckles] You are the best.
Emma: [Giggles] [Laughs]
Patrick: This is awesome. What do you say we go outside and play a little catch, huh?
Emma: Yeah. [Laughs] I love you, Daddy.
Patrick: I love you, sweetheart.
Brad: Uh, detective Falconeri, I need to speak to you about something.
Britt: [Groaning] [Breathing rhythmically]
Nikolas: Hey, what's going on?
Sabrina: We're baking a cake. Britt's in labor.
Britt: [Breathing continues]
Judge Powers: Thank you for your statement, Ms. Jacks. You've given me much to consider. I need a day to review the materials the defense has provided as well as Ms. Jacks' testimony before I can rule on the motion to dismiss. Mr. Lazaro, please feel free to use this time to fashion a rebuttal.
Lazaro: I have already started, your honor.
Judge Powers: I wait with bated breath. Ms. Miller, next time, photographs. Court is in recess. [Bangs gavel]
Bailiff: All rise!
Diane: Well, I guess we know where Carly stands.
Franco: Do we? I don't think I have any idea where Carly stands.
Carly: I guess I owe you an apology.
Franco: For what? You were asked to tell the truth. That's what you did.
Diane: Oh, I'm so glad you can be so sanguine about it. I hope you feel exactly the same way when you're serving a life sentence in Pentonville, because I'm pretty sure that that's exactly what your testimony just assured.
Connie: How does it feel to finally be married?
Sonny: It feels right.
Connie: Remember that feeling. Keep it with you.
Sonny: Don't go. Stay.
Connie: I'll always be with you, Sonny -- in your heart and in your memory.
Sonny: Connie. I want more.
Connie: I wish I had more to give. I love you, Sonny. Goodbye.
Sonny: [Sighs]
Kiki: Hey! Did you find your dad?
Morgan: No, it wasn't him.
Michael: Where's Olivia?
Sonny: Connie... I love you... in this life and the next.
Olivia: Sonny! No!
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