General Hospital Transcript Thursday 9/5/13
Provided By Suzanne
Nikolas: Hey, Elizabeth. It's Nikolas. Uh, I just saw the paper about AJ I just wanted to make sure everything was all right. Uh, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call.
Britt: All right.
Nikolas: Bye.
Britt: Well, I'm -- I'm not picky. Really, any available two-bedroom will do. I just want to see as many as possible today. Oh, great! Thank you so much!
Nikolas: What are you doing?
Britt: I'm leaving.
Sabrina: Well, at least you'll have work to focus on today -- keep your mind off of everything.
Patrick: Let's hope.
Sabrina: Okay! I'll be thinking about you! Have a good day!
Patrick: Thank you. It will be better, knowing that you're here. Bye.
Felix: Did he tell you?
Sabrina: What? Oh, you mean that Britt lied to him for months, and that he's not her baby daddy after all?
Felix: Yeah, and that that ass-face is.
Britt: I appreciate your offer to let me stay here. It was...very chivalrous.
Nikolas: But you've decided not to accept?
Britt: Considering the circumstances, I-I think it's best if I found my own place.
Nikolas: Forget it. You're not going anywhere.
AJ: Hey, Michael, you came!
Michael: Yeah! Did you think I wouldn't?
AJ: Hey, man, after last night, I wasn't sure what to expect.
Kiki: "How are you holding up?" Morgan! Why didn't you come home last night?! I was so worried about you! Look, I know that you were upset about Michael, but --
Morgan: This has nothing to do with Michael. It's about my father.
Olivia: [Crying] Please, God! Please let him come home!
[Door shuts]
Olivia: Sonny?! Dante, did you find your father?
Dante: No. I'm sorry, ma. There's no sign of him anywhere.
Olivia: We got to find him! I'm so afraid Sonny's gonna kill himself!
AJ: After they found the murder weapon with my fingerprints on it, I-I didn't know what to expect.
Michael: I said I'd stand by you.
AJ: Michael, I obviously killed Connie, even if I was too stinking drunk to remember it! Some father you have, huh? I just -- I want you to know that I wouldn't blame you if you couldn't...stand by a murderer.
Carly: Knock, knock. Hi. I just came by to see how you were feeling. What's up with the clothes?
Franco: Well, I'm told they make the man. Dr. Drake will be by in a little while to issue my walking papers. I am a free man... just in time to go to prison for the rest of my life.
Britt: You don't have to worry. It's not like I'll be living in a cardboard box. I have retained a very reputable realtor, and she's lined up several places for me to look at, so --
Nikolas: Yes, I heard that. Nevertheless, you can't spend all day running back and forth between places. I mean, come on. You're huge right now, Britt. You can't --
Britt: Thanks.
Nikolas: I-I-I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. I'm fairly certain that none of the baby books advise frantic real-estate searches in the last gasp of pregnancy.
Britt: I would feel better if I found a place to stay.
Nikolas: You already have a place to stay...for now.
Britt: Really? Is that a royal decree, your highness? I hate to break it to you, but I'm not your subject. And I need to find a place to stay before my baby is born.
Nikolas: I already told you. You're in no condition.
Britt: The only way out of it is having this kid. And as soon as I do, I'm gonna need a place to take him home to, a-a-among a ton of other things. I don't even have a car seat to drive him away from the hospital! It's not like anyone's gonna be giving me a baby shower.
Nikolas: Britt, you know if there's anything that you need --
Britt: What? You'll give it to me? I appreciate your impulse, prince. It's very gracious. It's just another example of your flawless manners. But...let's be honest.
Nikolas: I was under the impression that honesty wasn't one of your strong suits.
Britt: My point exactly. Ever since I told you what I did to Patrick, you can't even look at me. You say you want me to stay, but, really, you want me gone... in the worst way.
Sabrina: How could you hurt somebody the way that Britt hurt Patrick, and claim to love them? [Scoffs] Love him?! She destroyed him!
Felix: Yeah, he did look like one sad panda.
Sabrina: You know, he believed that this child was his son. He started dreaming of all the things that they could do together, not knowing that Britt had gone shopping for someone else's sperm just to lure him in.
Felix: Not someone -- that freak, Brad, I mean, who gave a "donation" for a promotion. I mean, how low can you go? To think, I almost --
Sabrina: You almost what?
Diane: Bradley cooper, head of the hospital lab?
Brad: Who wants to know?
Diane: Diane miller, attorney at law.
Brad: Hey, those charges were dropped!
Diane: Well, good for you! You have me confused with someone else. You and I spoke several weeks ago about an important matter for one of my clients. I believe you're holding something for me?
Brad: Oh, right! [Chuckles] Th-that attorney at law.
Diane: [Laughs]
Brad: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I-I remember, and I-I do have the item in question. I'd, uh -- I'd gladly give it to you, except that it's against hospital policy. I'd be...risking my job.
Diane: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I brought cash. Threw in a little something extra for your trouble.
Brad: Be right back.
Franco: I'm being discharged just in time for my pre-trial hearing.
Carly: You're due in court?
Franco: Well, I kind of have to answer for all those pesky murders. Uh, looks like I'm just gonna trade one institution in for another one.
Carly: You don't know that.
Franco: It's a pretty good bet, don't you think? I know I didn't like prison the first time. I'm almost certain I'm not gonna enjoy it for the rest of my life.
Carly: So you think you'd be better off if I'd let you pull the trigger?
Franco: Quick and clean. Well... probably not clean, but would've saved the taxpayers a bunch of money.
Carly: Joke all you want. I'm not gonna apologize for caring whether you live or die.
Franco: I'm just not really sure why you do.
Patrick: [Sighs] Morning.
Franco: Is it really? You look so sad! You miss me already?
Patrick: I know you're scheduled to be released today. I'd like to do one more exam to make sure there's no other complications.
Carly: I'll -- I'll let you have your time! Elizabeth? You okay? Yeah, I heard.
Michael: I'm not going anywhere, dad.
AJ: I can't tell you how much that means to me.
Michael: I'm not gonna be the only one here supporting you, either.
AJ: Yeah, well, you're the only one here now.
Michael: Diane's on her way. Grandmother's leaving her medical conference early. She's getting the first flight out of Buenos Aires.
AJ: God, mom has to fly home for yet another disaster, courtesy of yours truly.
Michael: The point is you're gonna have people here for you, people who care about you.
AJ: Yeah. Just not Elizabeth.
Carly: It's awful. I mean, Connie and I were never friends, but, my God, she was robbed of her life. It's -- it's tragic, you know?
Elizabeth: Yeah, it is.
Carly: I can't imagine how Sonny's handling this. I mean, he cannot deal with grief. And the fact that it was AJ? It's just typical!
Elizabeth: Typical?
Carly: Yeah! This is exactly what AJ Does! He stands up, and he announces to the world that he's a changed man, and he goes on and on and on until he finally convinces someone to believe in him! And then he crashes and burns! Usually, it's in the bottom of a bottle. Sometimes, it's sober. And then someone winds up what -- brain-damaged? Dead? And there's AJ, Standing in the wreckage, going, "what? What? I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to!" It's pathetic, and it's ugly, and, worst of all, Michael's around now to watch it all happen.
Elizabeth: Have you spoken with Michael?
Carly: No, not since AJ Was arrested! I -- [Scoffs] I don't know what to say! I mean, I don't want to add to his pain and say I told you so! Michael wanted to give AJ A chance! You know why? Because Michael's a good kid! Michael's generous, and he's fair! And I knew AJ Would do this! I knew he would disappoint Michael! Whatever. I guess it's, you know -- Michael needed to find out the kind of man AJ Is. You need to find out, too.
Felix: I take no joy in this, okay -- not as much joy as I would under other circumstances. I mean, I love being proved right! I especially love being vindicated when it comes to the subject of the evil Britch, but not when my being right means people we care about -- namely Patrick and Emma -- are gonna get hurt.
Diane: [Whispering] Mr. Cooper!
Brad: Ah. Sorry. I'm not having a very good day. Uh, actually, yesterday wasn't so great, either. Anyway, here is the item you requested.
Diane: Pleasure doing business with you.
Nikolas: I have to admit, you have done some pretty despicable things.
Britt: Please, don't sugar-coat it.
Nikolas: No matter how I feel about what you've done, there are certain facts that cannot be changed...the most glaringly obvious being that you are about to give birth. I can only imagine the toll that apartment hunting and moving and trying to put together a nursery might have on you. And I believe it's too much to handle on your own.
Britt: I...appreciate your concern, but...I am a doctor.
Nikolas: Yes, I'm aware of that. And if you had a patient in a similar situation, would you advise this course of action? Come on. Admit it. Any undue stress right now would not be good for you or the baby.
Britt: You know what? You can go and be armchair O.B. all you want, but I know my own body, okay? I am v-very capable of looking at a few apartments! I mean, besides, why do you care, anyway? None of this is your responsibility!
Nikolas: You're right. It's not my responsibility. It's the dad's.
Sabrina: Not to take away from you moment of triumph -- you were definitely right about Britt -- but... you never answered my question!
Felix: No, I will not trade bedpan duty with you.
Sabrina: Nice try. What's the deal with you and Brad? What did you almost do with him that's so bad that you don't want to admit it to me?
Felix: Okay. Look. [Sighs] Before Patrick came in to drop the bombshell about Brad the dad... I was talking with him.
Sabrina: Brad.
Felix: Yeah. He almost seemed vulnerable! And for a second, I thought there was a real human being inside that... predatory, lizard-like exterior.
Sabrina: What exactly happened?
Felix: We had a moment of connection.
Sabrina: What kind of moment?
Felix: We almost kissed.
Carly: I care about you. How could I not? Your precious, little boy saved Josslyn's life, and... we're always gonna be connected! When I saw that you were going out with AJ, I was worried about you. I knew you were gonna try and save him!
Elizabeth: Is that what I was doing?
Carly: I knew AJ was gonna fail you. At least things didn't get too far. And now you've seen his true colors.
Michael: I know you said something to Elizabeth. It was... about Jake?
AJ: [Sighs] I was, uh -- I was at the floating rib, and I was falling off the wagon, hard. She was trying to help me, but she was getting in the way of my drinking, so I decided that I'd found the perfect way to get rid of her. I-I threw her dead child in her face. I basically said that it was her fault, that she was a bad mother because she let her child die. I mean, what kind of piece of scum says something like that, I mean, to anybody, let alone the woman that he cares about? [Scoffs] Yeah, I'll tell you who does it. The same person that would kill somebody for writing an article that he didn't like... which is why I-I've decided, Michael, that I'm -- I'm gonna plead guilty.
Dante: Sonny's going through a rough time right now, mom! That doesn't mean he's gonna try and kill himself.
Olivia: [Sighs] Okay. No. Nobody has seen him since the night Connie died. Who the hell knows when he wrote this note or what the hell he's done since?!
Dante: Okay. Look. Stop jumping to conclusions, okay? The woman he loved was murdered. He's angry. He's sad. He had to get out of here to clear his head.
Olivia: I don't buy it! No! I've known him since we were little kids! I look at this -- it says, "I'm sorry. I can't do this. Goodbye." That means one thing to me! Sonny has gone to a very, very dark place. [Sniffles, sighs] We got to find him before it's too late!
Morgan: I-I went to go see my dad, but he wasn't there. He was missing.
Kiki: Where'd he go?
Morgan: I don't know! That's why they call it missing! [Exhales] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm fried. Olivia and I spent the whole night looking for him, and Dante, too.
Kiki: So, he just took off, and nobody knows where he went? He -- he didn't tell anyone where he was going?
Morgan: No, he left a note, and Olivia found it, but it didn't sound good.
Kiki: What do you mean?
Morgan: [Sighs] It said goodbye, like he didn't -- like he didn't want to go on living anymore.
Kiki: Maybe that's not what he meant!
Morgan: No, no, no! No! You don't know my dad. He's got a mental illness. He's bipolar, which means he can be -- he can be manic, or he can be really, really depressed. I mean, he takes medication for it, but, you know, dealing with something like Connie's death -- [Sighs] I don't know. I-I-I'm just -- I'm scared!
Kiki: Hey! Hey, hey! I'm so sorry! Why didn't you call me?
Morgan: Because you had other things on your mind.
Kiki: Okay, yeah. Yeah. I-I was worried about Michael and AJ, but you are my husband, okay? You come first. I'm here for you no matter what.
Michael: AJ. Dad. Look, you cannot plead guilty! You'd be taking away all of your options!
Diane: Listen to Michael, AJ. He is particularly well-versed in this aspect of criminal law.
Michael: Diane. Thank God. Maybe you can talk some sense into him.
AJ: This is my decision! I've made up my mind.
Diane: Oh, really?! When were you planning on informing your attorney? We've been over this, AJ You plead guilty, you tie my hands. You plead not guilty, and I can work my magic. Worst-case scenario, we plead you down a lesser charge, a lighter sentence. Best-case scenario, outright acquittal.
AJ: After what I did?
Michael: Unless you remember something, you still don't even know what you did.
Diane: This -- the guilt, the remorse, whatever you may feel -- that is for you to take up with your shrink or your minister. But this is a court of law. And you pleading guilty to first-degree murder leads you down one road. That's spending the rest of your life in prison.
Michael: And trust me, AJ. You don't want to spend six months in Pentonville, let alone the rest of your life.
AJ: Listen to me. I'm so sorry. You know, I got that second chance. I wanted to prove myself at ELQ to you. I wanted to be that father that you deserve, and I failed!
Michael: Failing isn't falling down! Failing is refusing to get back up! Look, whatever happened that night during your blackout -- that was you falling down. But this -- this is your chance to stand up! Look, listen to Diane! Let her fight for you!
AJ: Michael, it's not gonna work. Look, that good man that I wanted to be -- it means nothing, not to you and not to Elizabeth. Man, I tried so hard with her, and I ruined everything! I-I blew it, and she's done with me! Don't you get it? She gave me a second chance, and I just -- I threw it away! And she knows who I am now. I'm a person that could kill someone.
Diane: Oh, please! Would you stop wallowing?! This is totally counterproductive! We haven't even begun to fight!
AJ: Look, it's just -- it's over! I've got nothing left to fight for! I've lost everything.
Carly: Connie's death was a tragic waste. Learn from it. AJ hurts everyone around him. I hope, for your sake, it was a clean break.
[Cell phone ringing]
Elizabeth: Hello.
Michael: Elizabeth, it's Michael. This is an emergency. I need your help.
Elizabeth: Michael, what's going on?
Michael: I'm at the courthouse. AJ's about to plead guilty against his lawyer's advice.
Elizabeth: He is?
Michael: A guilty plea means he goes to prison. Diane won't have any leverage to bargain some kind of a reduced sentence. It's a murder. He's gonna -- he's gonna get life.
Elizabeth: That's very sad.
Michael: Look, I know things are bad between you two right now. And you're hurting, and you have every right to. But if you could please come to the courthouse today, now... you might help AJ Change his mind about his plea.
Elizabeth: Why?
Michael: Well, because he feels like he's lost everything right now and that he deserves this, and you're part of that reason... because of how he hurt you with what he said about Jake. And it -- it was horrible. I know.
Elizabeth: Do you?
Michael: Look, I'm not asking you to stand by AJ's side or forgive him for what he did. Just -- if you could come to the courthouse... you might stop AJ from throwing away what's left of his life.
Diane: When the judge asks you how you plead, you utter two words -- not guilty.
AJ: Diane, they have the murder weapon with my prints on it!
Diane: They've got nothing! That gun has been owned by your family for years! There could be 100 reasons why your prints are on it!
AJ: What about the fact that Connie wrote my name in her blood?
Diane: Okay, I've been thinking about that. Connie was with Sonny that night. We know that because Sonny called in the shooting.
AJ: So?
Diane: So Sonny Corinthos has been having a passionate, highly screwed-up affair with poor Connie Falconeri. Now, maybe they had an altercation, right? Sonny Corinthos is no stranger to guns, and his antipathy for you is legendary. So he writes your name in her blood. Presto -- the perfect crime.
AJ: And you don't think that's a bit of a stretch?
Diane: I leaves room for reasonable doubt, which is all I need to convince a jury. We have a chance here, AJ But not if you continue this self-recrimination. Whatever mix of self-pity and remorse you are feeling because you drank and you dissed your girlfriend -- it's not gonna be made better by you sending yourself to prison.
Bailiff: All rise! This court is now in session, the honorable judge Powers presiding.
[Gavel bangs]
Judge Powers: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. What's first on our agenda today?
Lazaro: Alan James Quartermaine, Jr., your honor. The charge -- murder in the first degree.
Judge Powers: Mr. Quartermaine, to the charge of murder, how do you plead?
Sabrina: How could you let your lips anywhere near his?!
Felix: He tricked me! I mean, Brad is a master con artist, so skillful I didn't even see him coming. And, so, in a fleeting moment of stupidity, I bought into his sad...surprisingly convincing story.
Sabrina: His sad, surprisingly convincing story?
Felix: None of it matters anymore now, I mean, because he fully supported britch's lie about Patrick being the baby daddy. It means everything else he told was a lie, too.
Sabrina: Okay, then. Well, why don't we just agree to never speak of this again?
Felix: Fine by me.
Sabrina: Okay. I'm gonna go find Patrick, make sure he's doing okay.
Felix: Okay. And I'm not gonna buy into Brad the dad's lies ever again.
Brad: They weren't lies.
Britt: The dad -- you mean Brad.
Nikolas: Yes. He is the child's father, is he not? Even if you're -- if you're not together, he does bear some of the responsibility.
Britt: I am fully capable of taking care of myself.
Nikolas: Right, but it's -- it's not just you anymore, Britt. There's a child now, too. And Brad needs to make sure that you're taken care of, that the -- that the child's taken care of. And that means helping you find a place to live! You know, he can keep the appointment with the realtor! Send him off to get diapers and a car seat.
Britt: It's not gonna work!
Nikolas: What do you mean? Why not? Why --
Britt: Because Brad has nothing to do with this baby!
Franco: All better?
Patrick: Everything looks good. The removal of the tumor was successful. As far as I can see, there's no complications.
Carly: Uh, uh, what about the cancer cells, the reason he couldn't be Danny's donor?
Patrick: As of right now, with everything that Franco's been through, I think the best thing we can do is just... watch and wait. Check back in the next few months. If anything changes, then we'll talk about treatment then.
Franco: So that's it?
Patrick: That is it. You are free to go.
Franco: I suppose, in a manner of speaking. Dr. Drake, I'd really like to thank you. Did a great job.
Patrick: [Exhales]
Franco: Probably saved my life. I'm sure someone somewhere out there in this great, big universe is grateful for that.
Patrick: Good luck. I'll file your discharge papers.
Franco: Ooh! Look who's free to go to jail!
Carly: Okay, you keep saying you're a changed man. Maybe the jury will believe that.
Franco: Well, I suppose, you know, can't really judge a book by its cover. I mean...look at you. Who'd have thought that underneath, sophisticated exterior lies a naive Pollyanna?
Carly: [Laughs] I'm far from naive. But I didn't talk you off the roof the other night to watch you go to prison.
Franco: Well, then, maybe you shouldn't watch at all.
Carly: So, um, how -- how are you getting to the courthouse?
Franco: Diane is sending a car.
Carly: Sending a car? She should be here to take you herself! Why is she sending a car?
Franco: She's got another case. I'm really worried. I think this suit's gonna make me look like a Mormon missionary.
Carly: Um, I -- wait. [Chuckles] I'm gonna, um -- I'm gonna go and let you get dressed.
Franco: Whoa. Hold on. Hold on. Will you come with me?
Carly: Let's not get carried away, all right? You know, just 'cause I didn't want to see you flattened like a pancake doesn't mean we're going steady or anything.
Franco: Of course not. Look, I-I don't know how things are gonna go in court today, but I don't think they're gonna go well.
Carly: Aren't you scared?
Franco: And alone. I'm completely alone. Ava betrayed me... and I lost my daughter. Carly, when you expressed an opinion as to whether or not I lived or died, you became my closest friend.
Carly: Friend?
Franco: You're my only friend!
Carly: [Chuckles] Well, I -- you know, that's, uh -- I don't know about that.
Franco: Well, I think you owe me, at the very least, for trying to have me killed. Come on! What do you say? Give your friendly serial killer a break.
Simon: Is Dr. Drake in?
Patrick: Simon! Hey, buddy! What are you doing here? He doesn't have a follow-up today, does he?
Mom: No, he just wanted to thank his favorite doctor for taking such good care of him.
Patrick: Oh, you don't have to thank me. I'm just glad you're feeling better. What's this? This is your favorite car. This is the one you carry with you everywhere you go!
Mom: Simon wants you to have it.
Patrick: Really? I'm honored, buddy. This is amazing. But do you know what? I don't have a garage, and this is such a nice car that I would not have anywhere to keep it. So can you do me a favor? Can you hold on to it for me? Yeah? But you got to promise to bring it back every time you have a follow-up so I can make sure you're taking good care of it, okay?
Simon: Okay.
Patrick: Okay? Give me a hug.
Mom: I hope you have a little boy of your own one day, Dr. Drake. You're a natural. [Chuckles]
Felix: Was I not clear? I have nothing to say to you ever again.
Brad: Well, too bad. You need to know I wasn't lying about everything.
Felix: Bitch, please! Next, you're gonna tell me that you weren't conspiring with the she-wolf and that you didn't donate your precious bodily fluids for a promotion and that you're not the father of that pitiable baby! Is -- is that what you're telling me?
Brad: [Sighs]
Felix: Come on! Spit it out!
Brad: [Sighs]
Nikolas: What do you mean, Brad has nothing to do with this baby?
Britt: I mean... we don't have that kind of relationship, you know? Brad wanted a job, not a baby! He didn't want to be involved in this baby's life!
Nikolas: Of course! Why -- why would he? [Chuckles softly] Supposed to be Patrick's baby. He was supposed to be the dad.
Britt: Right.
Nikolas: [Sighs] Whatever. The circumstances have changed. It -- it doesn't matter what Brad wanted. You know, whatever his motivation, he -- he helped you make this baby, right? Right?
Britt: Yes.
Nikolas: So it's half his? Okay. Well, then he should support that baby and help the baby's mother with whatever she needs!
Britt: Just like that?
Nikolas: Just like that. He needs to man up and -- and do what dads do!
Britt: Well, that wasn't the deal. I can't just -- I can't just go to him now and say that the rules have changed.
Nikolas: Fine! Then I will.
Britt: What?
Morgan: Dante, is there any word from dad?
Dante: No. I just heard from Shawn, though. I sent him to Bensonhurst to take a look there. I figured Sonny might've gone back to the place that he and Connie first met, but he wasn't there.
Morgan: Then where the hell is he, because Olivia and I looked everywhere -- the coffeehouse, the restaurant! He's not there!
Dante: Take it easy. Shawn's back. He and Max are combing the city. I called Kristina, left her a message, but I haven't heard back from her.
Morgan: She texted me this morning. She hasn't heard from dad.
Dante: Okay.
Olivia: I'm so glad you guys are here! This is a family matter. We all got to put our heads together.
Dante: Yeah. You're right. We got to call Michael.
Morgan: What?! No!
Judge Powers: Mr. Quartermaine.
Diane: Two words, AJ -- not guilty!
Judge Powers: What's it gonna be, Mr. Quartermaine? How do you plead -- guilty or not guilty?
Michael: AJ! Look!
AJ: Elizabeth.
Judge Powers: Mr. Quartermaine, the court is waiting. How do you plead -- guilty or not guilty? Ms. Miller, is there a plea in our future?
Diane: Absolutely, your honor. AJ! You have to enter a plea! You know what to say!
AJ: Your honor... I plead... not guilty!
Diane: Right. Well, now that my client has entered his plea, may we please move to the issue of bail?
Lazaro: Your honor, bond in this case would be unthinkable. Mr. Quartermaine has fled the country on a previous indictment and had the resources to disappear for years. Who's to say he won't do the same thing this time?
Judge Powers: I'm inclined to agree with you, Mr. Lazaro. Bail is denied. Mr. Quartermaine will be held in custody at the PCPD while he awaits trial.
Diane: Your honor --
Judge Powers: We'll take a short break before the next case.
Bailiff: All rise!
Diane: [Exhales] Right. Well, I'm sorry about your bail, but at least -- at least you listened to reason!
Michael: Well, it sucks you have to spend the night in lockup, but at least there's a chance it won't be for too long.
Morgan: Why would we call Michael? He's busy with AJ, The guy that killed Connie, remember?
Dante: Let's not hold Michael responsible for something AJ Did.
Morgan: All I'm saying is that if Michael wants to go down to the PCPD to hold AJ's hand, then let him!
Kiki: The most important thing is to find your dad! Michael might have some idea --
Morgan: What is Michael gonna do to help find dad that we can't?!
Dante: For starters, Michael knows Sonny better than we do! I'm sorry, but it's a fact! Michael grew up in this house! There might be someplace that he and Sonny used to hang out, some spot that has some kind of significance to them that we don't know about!
Olivia: Morgan, honey, I know there's a lot of tension between you and Michael right now, but you got to focus on what's important. Sonny could be in real trouble, okay? You got to put the whole thing in some kind of perspective, here. You got to remember how much you love Sonny, how much you need him here with you. Honey... I would give anything for two more seconds with Connie, just to talk, just to have coffee, maybe even -- even have a fight! But I'm never gonna get to do that! Never. And it breaks my heart. I never want you to have to feel that way about your father, okay?
[Cell phone ringing]
Michael: Morgan? What's going on?
Morgan: Can you come over to dad's? We need you.
Michael: Uh --
Michael: I-I have to go. But I'll come see you as soon as they let me. But in the meantime, follow Diane's instructions. Don't talk about the case to anyone but her, okay?
AJ: Okay.
Michael: All right. Thanks.
AJ: Listen -- thank you so much for coming.
Time to take you to your cell.
AJ: C-can you please just give me a minute? Please.
One minute.
AJ: Thank you. Elizabeth, thank you so much for coming. Listen, I have to tell you what I said about Jake -- I didn't mean any of it. None of it's true! Look, I know that you were just trying to help me, but I was drinking, and -- and I just wanted to say the meanest, cruelest thing I could to push you away. I-I didn't think I needed or wanted your help. But you were exactly what I need, just like you are right now. I just -- I -- I want to thank you for standing by my side.
Elizabeth: AJ, that's not what this is.
Diane: I just finished with my first client. You're next on the docket.
Franco: Oh, goody.
Diane: Well, don't worry. I've got everything under control.
Franco: Diane wants me down at the courthouse. You coming or not?
Carly: Well, I was, you know, gonna count all the stemware at the metro court. But your hearing may be slightly more interesting. Get dressed. We have to go.
Britt: Nikolas! Nikolas, I do -- I do not want you to say anything to Brad! I don't need you to fight my battles for me.
Nikolas: You may not, but I do, and for my own peace of mind.
Britt: Peace of mind? What --
Nikolas: Look, I-I need to know that you are taken care of and that your child is taken care of. Do you understand? It's the only way that I'll feel comfortable with letting you leave this house. End of discussion!
Britt: [Sighs]
Brad: I never said I wasn't the father of Westbourne's baby.
Felix: Oh! So that part about "everything was not a lie" isn't exactly true.
Brad: What I meant was I wasn't lying about getting beat up with that tap-dancing trophy, how -- how those kids bullied me, the -- the scar on my head! Yeah, I-I wasn't lying about those defenses I've built to keep myself from getting hurt! But most of all... [Sighs] I wasn't lying... about my feelings for you.
Sabrina: Hey. How you doing?
Patrick: I'm just trying to figure out what sucks more -- the fact that I feel like a chump because Britt played me like a deck of cards... or trying to get used to the fact of not having a son.
Sabrina: I think I know the answer to that. I think you do, too.
Patrick: [Sighs] As difficult as it would've been co-parenting with Britt, I kind of got used to the idea. Even more than that, I actually looked forward to being a father to a little boy, you know? Welcoming a-a life into my family and not just... mourning a death.
Sabrina: Could still happen for you... someday.
[Both chuckle]
Patrick: I know, I know. Happy about the opportunities, for sure. But it's just -- it's -- it's tough right now. I got to get out of here. I got to go get Emma.
Sabrina: I just wish there was something I could do to help you.
Patrick: Thank you, truly. I'll see you later.
Sabrina: Maybe there is.
Brad: I mean it! That -- that talk we had last night -- man, I never do that! I'm not that open with anyone! But... you're different, Felix. And -- and I really do care about you.
Felix: Well, then, you should've thought about that before you conspired with the Britch. Because of what you've done... I could never return your feelings.
Brad: W--
Britt: Actually...there's been a slight change of plans. I-I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it today. Can I give you a call a little bit later? Okay. Great. Thank you so much. [Sighs] Ohh! Okay. What was that? Ohh. [Winces] Ohh. Okay, probably nothing. [Breathing heavily]
[Door shuts]
Britt: Nikolas? [Exhales] Did daddy... turn you down?
Sabrina: Oh, I'm not Nikolas. I'm your worst nightmare.
Brad: Felix?
Nikolas: Bradley cooper? It's time for you to man up.
Elizabeth: I don't know how I feel about you right now... or what to believe about what you did or did not do. But just so you know, I can't make any promises.
AJ: I-I don't expect you to.
Elizabeth: And please don't expect me to show up day after day and stand in your corner. All I know is that... I had to be here today.
AJ: That's enough. I can hold on to that.
Time's up.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Michael: "I'm sorry, I can't do this. Goodbye."
Morgan: Michael, you don't think dad is --
Michael: When dad gets like this, it's -- it's pretty bad.
Olivia: Yeah! That's what my gut is telling me, too!
Dante: Okay. Come here.
Olivia: What?
Dante: Think about everything Sonny has been through, okay? Look, ma, he understands loss, okay? And he can deal with pain. No matter how bad it is, he's not gonna knuckle under, okay? I promise you we will find him.
Olivia: I wish I could believe that.
Morgan: I'm sorry I had to pull you away from AJ.
Michael: No, I'm glad you called. We got to put everything that's going on between us aside now. We have to pull together for dad's sake.
Diane: Good. You're just in time.
Judge Powers: Next up is the people vs. Franco Quartermaine, A.K.A. Robert Frank. I am, uh, prepared to hear any pre-trial motions in advance of jury selection. The defendant is facing multiple murder charges. I-I'll need to refer to my notes here.
Diane: Actually, your honor, that won't be necessary. I move to dismiss all charges.
Judge Powers: [Laughs] On what grounds?
Diane: Regardless of Franco Quartermaine's actions, he is not responsible for those crimes.
Judge Powers: Enlighten me, ms. Miller. If your client is not responsible, who is?
Diane: I'm so glad you asked, your honor, and I will be happy to show you.
[Spectators murmur]
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