GH Transcript Wednesday 9/4/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 9/4/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Sam: What are we doing?

Silas: I have no idea. You want to do it again?

Derek: Why are you staring at me?

Alexis: [Chuckles] Sorry. You know, you do look familiar. I don't think it's possible that we've met before, is it?

Morgan: You do know, don't you, that you're my wife? I'm your husband, not Michael!

Kiki: Yes, I do know that!

Morgan: Then you might want to start acting like it.

Kiki: [Sighs] Michael, what are you doing here?

Michael: I need to talk to my brother.

Morgan: Dad. Dad.

Olivia: [Crying]

Nikolas: I want to know why Patrick Drake, an otherwise reasonable man, got so riled up that he started to manhandle you. Is it this business with your mother?

Britt: Not exactly.

Nikolas: Then what was it?

Britt: Oh, he just got upset over something I said.

Nikolas: Such as?

Britt: The truth.

Nikolas: The truth about what, Britt?

Britt: My baby...and how Patrick isn't his father.

Felix: Whoa!

Brad: What the hell?!

Felix: Whoa, whoa, hey.

Patrick: You lied to me! Manipulated me the entire time!

Felix: Look, look. Clearly, I'm missing something here, but, Patrick, have you lost your mind? What's going on?!

Patrick: Ask him. And while you're at it, ask him how he and Britt manipulated me, conspired against me to pass off his baby as mine.

Sabrina: Slot "B"? There is no slot "B." Sabrina, you graduated first from your class from nursing school. You can put together a changing table. Oh, I hope you appreciate the things I do for Britt's baby, Patrick, because I swear I could deck whoever wrote these instructions.

Felix: Stacy, can you get me two ice packs? Thank you. I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but I promise you, Brad did not sleep with Britt. He gives new meaning to the phrase boy-crazy.

Patrick: You know what, Felix? I didn't say he slept with her. There's another way to get a woman pregnant, isn't there, Brad?

Nikolas: Just to clarify, you lied to Patrick, you lied to me, and to...everyone?

Britt: [Sniffles] Yes. Yeah. It's true. Patrick is not my son's father.

Nikolas: Okay. But you -- you didn't know the entire time, right? You did? You -- there was never a question that Patrick wasn't the father? Yet I defended you, Britt, and gave you a shoulder to cry on, a place to stay. Hell, I just threw Patrick out of my house. Come on.

Britt: [Crying] I'm sorry. It was never supposed to be this way.

Nikolas: [Sighs] What, you weren't supposed to lie to Patrick, or he was never supposed to learn the truth? I mean, seriously, what was your plan, Britt? Were you gonna go on letting the man bond with your child and then rip him away from him?

Britt: No! No, I would have never told him anything. But he threatened to take my son away.

Nikolas: So then, what -- what was that? Payback?

Britt: No. It was just the truth. I mean, everything -- this whole situation -- it's just -- it went so wrong so fast, and I had no choice but to tell him this child belongs to someone else.

Brad: I don't know what you're talking about, Dr. Drake.

Felix: Patrick, what are you saying?

Patrick: I'm saying you were right, Felix, the entire time. The baby's not mine.

Felix: It's not?

Patrick: Britt told me everything -- how, for in exchange for a promotion, you made a donation to get her pregnant. Well, I hope you enjoy it. This little song and dance between me, you, and Britt is over, finally and forever.

Felix: Is it true? Did your demon seed get the Britch pregnant?

Morgan: How's he doing?

Olivia: I don't know. I just got here, and I got a little...sidetracked by the photo. [Sniffles] I've been calling him and calling him. I left a half a dozen messages. He's just not picking up, and I know that with a loss like this, you got to take some time to sit with it, but [Sighs] I got to start making some decisions. I got to start planning a funeral. God. I can't believe she's gone... and that AJ is the one that shot her.

Morgan: Listen, that guy deserves whatever he gets.

Olivia: Yes. AJ should have been safely locked away in Pentonville. You know, he got out the first time, because he's a Quartermaine, but if he thinks that's gonna happen again --

Morgan: AJ's not gonna go free again, okay? Not since I found the murder weapon.

Kiki: Morgan's not home.

Michael: Damn it! Do you know where he went?

Kiki: Michael, what's going on? No, I don't.

Michael: Morgan claims he found a gun, and he turned it in to the police station. And guess what. It's the murder weapon.

Kiki: Okay, yes. I -- wait. I knew about the gun. They proved that it was used to kill Connie?

Michael: According to the commissioner, the ballistics is a match. And it has AJ's prints all over it.

Kiki: Well, I was here after Morgan spotted the gun, and I tried to tell him that --

Michael: What do you mean?

Kiki: After I came from seeing you at the police station, Morgan had just seen the gun, and he was about to --

Michael: Wait, wait. Are you telling me that nobody actually witnessed Morgan finding the gun?

Derek: You know me from somewhere? Wow. You wound me. Our night at the Floating Rib wasn't that long ago, and here I thought we'd hit it off.

Alexis: Yeah. No, I mean, that -- that's not it.

Derek: Oh, well, what?

Alexis: I'm not sure.

Derek: Okay. Well, as much as I enjoy a good game of 20 questions, I do have a baby to save.

Alexis: Right. Danny takes priority.

Derek: Mm-hmm. You were gonna show me the way to the exam room.

Alexis: Right. Sorry.

Sam: No, wait a minute. Seriously, what -- what are we doing?

Silas: I'm not sure what you call it upstate, but in the city, we refer to it as kissing.

Sam: No. No, no, no, no, no. Wait. I-I-I can't do this. You're Danny's doctor, and I will be forever grateful for everything that you've done for us, but we -- we can't -- we can't do this.

Silas: Sam, wait, wait. I like to think I'm not just Danny's doctor. Because you're not just... another patient's mother to me. If I was being even remotely honest with myself, I'd have to say that... I feel something for you. If I had to bet, I'd say you feel it, too.

Morgan: I'm going to see my dad, and I'm leaving him a message, and I drop my phone in the grass by the boathouse. And then I go to pick it up, and that's when I see the gun in the weeds. You know, so I'm guessing that AJ went to throw it in the lake, and he just --

Olivia: He was too drunk to throw straight.

Morgan: Right.

Olivia: You know, I heard all those stories about how he kidnapped you and Michael and Christina. I just thought it's unfathomable that anyone could ever allow this guy to go free. But then I actually met the guy.

Morgan: Let me guess. It didn't seem like such a bad guy?

Olivia: The night of your father's birthday, Sonny and I ran into AJ at the Metro, and AJ got in Sonny's face and Sonny hit him, and -- and seeing AJ laying there on the floor like that, he just seemed more, like, pathetic than actually dangerous. Shows how wrong I was.

Morgan: Olivia, Olivia, this is not your fault, okay? This is all on AJ. He's the one that pulled the trigger. Now the cops have the gun, and he'll pay for it.

Olivia: He better. From what I heard, he's been hiding behind his family name all his life, but this time, my cousin deserves justice.

Morgan: I agree. And that's why I turned the gun over to the cops. It's all I could do. Even if my wife tried to convince me otherwise.

Michael: Don't you get it? We only have Morgan's word that he didn't have the gun this whole time.

Kiki: What are you saying? You think Morgan set up AJ for Connie's murder?

Michael: I don't know. Maybe.

Kiki: Why would he do that?

Michael: Because of the way we feel about each other.

Sabrina: Done. Only...are there supposed to be leftover parts? Oh, welcome home! Emma's fast asleep, and I managed to get the changing table ready for

Patrick: You were right.

Sabrina: What happened?

Patrick: You and Felix were right the whole time.

Sabrina: Wait. What are you talking about?

Patrick: Britt was lying. [Sighs] I'm not the father of the baby.

Britt: So, now you know the truth about me and my son.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Britt: Say something.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] I-I -- I'm at a loss for words, really. I-I don't...

Britt: So, you think I'm a horrible person, don't you?

Nikolas: [Sighs] I need to go check on Spencer.

Felix: You swore to me that, as far as you knew, Patrick was the father of Britt's baby.

Brad: I know what I said.

Felix: You swore to me that you didn't know what was going on with Britt and her crazy mother.

Brad: Look, Felix, I-I --

[Cell phone rings]

Brad: Damn it. I, uh -- I-I need to take this.

Felix: By all means.

Brad: [Sighs] Nice of you to give a guy a heads up, Britt.

Britt: If I had any idea it was coming to this, I'd have warned you, okay? But my back was against the wall. Patrick threatened to take my baby away. I had no choice but to tell him you were the father.

Sam: I don't. Look, you -- you don't think there's something romantic going on here, do you?

Silas: I don't know what I think right now, but stranger things have happened.

Sam: Well, I-I do apologize if I have, uh, misled you in some way.

Silas: It was a kiss. There's nothing misleading about it.

Sam: No, obviously, I-I'm confusing something with all of my emotions with everything that you've done with me and Danny, and -- and that's what -- that's what happened.

Silas: Who are you trying to convince, Sam?

Sam: You're my son's doctor. And that's what you need to be, 'cause that's who you are.

Silas: So now you're putting me in that box.

Sam: Look, obviously, I can only think about one thing right now, and that's saving my son's life. I-I can't even think about this, if -- I mean, even if I wanted to.

Silas: Even if you wanted to.

Sam: Yeah. Look, Derek's getting prepped, and you should -- you should probably go do whatever it is that you need to do.

Silas: I'll take the hint. For now.

Nurse: Excuse me. Are you a friend of Dexter Walls?

Alexis: Dex-- oh, you mean Derek Wells. [Sighs] I cannot read that man's handwriting. Can you have him complete these forms again, legibly this time?

Alexis: Sure. Anything to move the process along. Oh. If she thinks his handwriting is bad, I hope she never has to see my legal...briefs.

Kiki: You honestly think that Morgan would frame AJ to get back at us?

Michael: You know how threatened Morgan is by our relationship.

Kiki: That's beside the point. AJ's prints were still on the gun.

Michael: So? There's ways to make that happen. I mean, you all live together.

Kiki: Okay, do you realize what you're saying right now?

Michael: Well, maybe Morgan wants me focused on something else besides you.

Kiki: If Morgan framed AJ, then why stop there, Michael? Why not say that Morgan was the one that killed Connie?

Michael: That's ridiculous. That's not what I'm saying.

Kiki: That's my point. It's ridiculous. Morgan did not frame AJ. He found a gun, and he did the right thing by calling the cops.

Michael: Yeah, well, he could have warned me first instead of going straight to the police.

Kiki: No, I get it. I get it. That was my first instinct, too.

Olivia: Why would Kiki try to keep you from turning in the gun? Why would she try to protect AJ? I thought her not being a Quartermaine was the thing that started this all in the first place.

Morgan: It's not about AJ. She wanted to protect Michael.

Kiki: I didn't want you to have to watch AJ charged with murder. But Morgan made me realize that I was defending the wrong person. Sonny lost Connie. Connie lost her life. They deserve justice.

Olivia: Well, I'm sure as soon as Kiki had a chance to think it through, she realized it was the only thing for you to do to call the police about the gun.

Morgan: It's true. It's true. I got Kiki to see that she was wrong. But then the next thing I know, she just runs to the police station to see Michael.

Kiki: First, I tried to get Morgan to bury evidence for your sake, and then I --

Michael: Unless you skipped the part where you told him to hide the gun or wipe the prints, all you did was ask him to wait.

Kiki: The point is, is that I didn't immediately support Morgan's choice to call the police.

Michael: Well, thank you for that.

Kiki: I was wrong.

Michael: Well, I appreciate you at least considering keeping it quiet.

Kiki: Morgan doesn't appreciate it. And he certainly didn't appreciate the fact that I was at the police station.

Olivia: I wouldn't read too much into it, honey. I'm sure Kiki just wanted to go help out her friend.

Morgan: Then why did she lie to me about it?

Sabrina: I don't understand. How can -- how can it not be your baby? We ran the --

Patrick: Ran a DNA test? Yeah, for all the good that did.

Sabrina: Okay, so, then, we'll run another one, and --

Patrick: What's the point? Right? Britt and Brad are just gonna fake it like every test they did. I swear to God, if I wasn't at the hospital, I would -- I would have hit him again.

Sabrina: You hit Brad?

Patrick: I didn't hit him hard enough.

Sabrina: Okay, Patrick, tell me exactly what happened.

Patrick: They lied, okay? Britt was lying the whole time, and Brad's just as guilty as her. the father of her baby.

Brad: You just made my life a hell of a lot more difficult.

Britt: Yeah, well, I think you've been more than fairly compensated. It's not like I'm asking you to have any role in this kid's life.

Brad: Oh, is that supposed to make me feel better?

Britt: Well, if it's any consolation, I just torpedoed my own love life along with yours, so... Patrick wants absolutely nothing to do with me.

Brad: Yeah, well, I'm starting to get how he feels. Hey --

Felix: Unh-unh. I don't want to hear it, Brad, unless it's an answer my number-one question -- are you or are you not the father of Britch's baby?

Brad: Yeah. I am.

[Door opens]

Britt: How's Spencer?

Nikolas: He's fine.

Britt: Good.

Nikolas: You know, when I was tucking him in, I couldn't help but think about my nephew, Aiden. I ever tell you that story? I don't think so.

Britt: No, I don't think so.

Nikolas: No? Well, I was led to believe that he was my son.

Britt: Elizabeth lied to you?

Nikolas: Oh, no. She -- she didn't know. See, my grandmother manipulated the paternity test. Does that sound familiar?

Britt: Nikolas, I don't know --

Nikolas: Oh, yeah. The whole time that Elizabeth was pregnant, I believed that Aiden was my son. The -- the first time that I held him in my arms, I thought I was his father. Hell, I even put in a nursery upstairs for overnight visits. I recited long passages of "The Aeneid," which could quite possibly be the most boring poem in the history of poems, guaranteed to put anyone to sleep, even a fussy little baby. And I understand that reciting Latin poetry might seem arbitrary and peculiar to you. I understand that, but my uncle used to do that for me, you know? It was one of the few harmless traditions that the Cassadines had. The point is I did it to bond with my son. Except he wasn't my son, Britt. You understand?

Britt: I'm sorry.

Nikolas: Sorry for me, perhaps, but you obviously weren't so sorry for Patrick.

Britt: No, actually, I'm --

Nikolas: You see, I know exactly what it feels like to bond with a child only to have it ripped away from you. Now, I know it didn't start out that way with you with Patrick, but was that not your plan? I mean, if -- if the walls weren't closing in on you, you would have let Patrick go on bonding with that child, and how long were you gonna try and keep that up? A year? A decade? Forever? [Chuckles] I-I don't know what would be worse. My grandmother had reasons for doing what she did. Now, those reasons were completely insane. I'm curious as to what your reasons were for doing something so terrible.

Morgan: I'm sorry, Olivia. You don't need to be hearing all this. You got enough going on right now.

Olivia: Honey, I know what you're going through. I know that it hurts when the person that you love is pining away for somebody else. I know because I've been there. You know, Connie and I were so close. We were cousins, but we were -- we were more like sisters. We were like best, best friends. And we were both in love with your father. [Chuckles] [Sniffles] And then, when she got ill, and she had to stay away from him for a while, Sonny and I got a little closer. And then Connie wanted him back, and I did what I thought was right. I stepped aside, but -- but I resented her. And she knew it. And we did not end on the best of terms. [Sniffles] Things were said that, um -- that I'll never be able to take back. Please don't do that to yourself, Morgan. Don't make that mistake with your brother.

Michael: I'm sorry. I would never ask you to lie to Morgan.

Kiki: What I did is not your fault.

Michael: I don't want to cause any trouble for you.

Kiki: I-I knew how Morgan would react if I was going to see you, so I didn't tell him, and I went anyway. Because I-I wanted to see if you were all right.

Michael: [Chuckles] Well, thanks for worrying about me.

Kiki: I'm still worried.

Michael: Yeah. Me too. I mean, the police have the gun and the prints. Now they've formally charged AJ with Connie's murder.

Britt: Patrick's the first man I ever thought could be the one. I mean, I've had my fair share of attention, and, you know, I'm pretty comfortable with my sexuality, but...sometimes I can be too assertive. At other times, I can be standoffish. And I guess that makes me a bitch, which a lot of people at work like to call me. It's funny, if I was a guy, they'd call me "boss."

Nikolas: What is this about? Some unequal treatment of the sexes?

Britt: [Sighs] Whatever the reason, I was always just the girl you called for a good time, quick fling, no strings attached. And the nice guys, the good, honest ones, they stopped showing up at my door by the time they turned 30 -- other priorities, you know -- settling down, starting a family. Apparently, I wasn't marriage material.

Nikolas: Is that what you wanted?

Britt: I didn't think so. And then I got transferred to Port Charles, and I met Patrick, and he actually tried to get to know me. And I...gushed to my mother about him, and she encouraged -- she practically insisted that I pursue him. And I did. And I-I fell for him. Hard. I thought that this was my chance at a happy ending -- the one I deserve like everyone else.

Nikolas: Did Patrick reciprocate your feelings, at least, in the beginning?

Britt: No. Uh, I was just a fling, like I was with every other guy. I was just something casual for Patrick to help get over his dead wife until he was ready to move on to something real. Basically, I was the relationship equivalent of training wheels.

Nikolas: I see. And that wasn't enough for you.

Britt: Well, Patrick dumped me. And I didn't want to lose him. And I...mistakenly confided in my mother, and she insisted that not all was lost, and I was so stupid to go along with this whole scheme of -- of having a baby to lure Patrick back. I-I-I don't know what I was thinking. I-I knew it wasn't right, but... I did it anyway. I just -- I couldn't shake my feelings for him.

Nikolas: So, the end was supposed to justify the means.

Britt: Didn't work, did it? This baby did not make Patrick love me. Well, anyways, um, now you know the truth -- why I did what I did. I mean, I'm sure you don't understand it. I barely understand it myself.

Nikolas: [Sighs] Well, Britt, just because you didn't get what you want, it didn't give you the right to uproot Patrick's world, you know?

Britt: Look, you don't have to say anything else, okay? I can see it in your eyes. I'm just gonna get my things, and I'll get out of your life.

Felix: I can't believe I fell for that sob story. I felt sorry for you. I almost --

Brad: Almost what?

Felix: Forget what I almost. You went along with Britt's story that Patrick was the baby daddy. What else did you lie about? Was that touching tale about you being bullied in high school a lie to soften me up?

Brad: No, that was all true.

Felix: Don't even. I'm not gonna believe a word out of that mouth again. [Chuckles] At least I know I was right about you all along. So here's the deal. We work in the same hospital, but you don't look at me, you don't talk to me, we keep our distance from now on.

Silas: I need you both in exam one to assist with a PBSC donation. Thank you.

Alexis: Oh. Sorry. Uh...they couldn't read your handwriting, so they asked if you could fill out, uh, this again.

Derek: Really? Well, why don't you just fill out the answers for me while I put on my gown.

Alexis: Well, act-- you could, uh -- perfectly capable of doing it yourself, so I'll just wait for you after the procedure.

Derek: Aren't you gonna wish me luck? Good luck.

Sabrina: I can't believe this. I mean, I can, because Britt is a liar and Brad is a snake, but how could they do this to you?

Patrick: And you wonder why I hit him? [Chuckles]

Sabrina: He-here. Let me get you some ice for you hand.

Patrick: My hand's fine.

Sabrina: No, you're not fine. Look, I'm not saying that I blame you, but you can't just go around hitting people, okay? Especially not at the hospital. What if Brad presses charges?

Patrick: Let him. They played me. They made me think that that baby was mine. They made me believe that... [Sighs] Damn it. They made me believe that I was gonna be a father, again, to a little boy, and that I wanted to do better by him than my dad did by me and than my dad did by Matt. I wanted to be there for him. I wanted to be supportive of him. [Sighs] They just lied to me. I'm sorry.

Sabrina: I'm sorry.

Patrick: Everything was a lie. Everything they told me was just...

Sabrina: It doesn't change how you felt... or what you lost.

Patrick: God, I guess there's one good thing about it. I guess -- I guess Britt will be out of our lives for good. She's somebody else's problem now.

Britt: Um, could you call the launch? I'm all set. Um... I just want to say thank you for getting me out of that tough situation at the police station and letting me stay here in your home. But most of all, I want to thank you for being my friend when no one else would, for giving me a chance. I'll never forget that. Even if I blew it. Uh, goodbye, Nikolas.

Nikolas: Britt, wait.

Britt: What?

Nikolas: [Sighs] What's your plan? Where are you headed?

Britt: I don't know. I haven't really thought it through. I mean, Kelly's rents out rooms. I'll probably just --

Nikolas: No, no, no. Look, I'm not throwing out a pregnant woman in the middle of the night. It's bad manners.

Britt: Seriously?

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Look, I'm OCD when it comes to etiquette. Ask anyone who knows me.

Britt: So, you're just being polite?

Nikolas: Putting you out under these circumstances, no matter what you've done -- I'm just not that guy.

Britt: No, you're not. You're one of the nice ones.

Nikolas: You can stay here for now.

Britt: Thank you.

Nikolas: You're welcome.

Olivia: Family comes first, always.

Morgan: [Chuckles] You sound like my dad.

Olivia: Yeah. I think that family means so much to your father, because he didn't really have any of it growing up. You know, family -- family are the people that always have your back, no matter what -- no matter how mad you are at them, no matter how mad they are at you. That means something. And from what I've seen, you and Michael really have that. Look, I know Max said not to disturb Sonny, but I feel like I got to make sure he's okay, and we got to make some plans for the service. He would hate himself if he wasn't part of it, so...

Morgan: I'll be here if you need me.

Olivia: Thank you, sweetheart.

Morgan: Mm-hmm.

Kiki: When's the last time you slept?

Michael: I'm fine.

Kiki: When?

Michael: A couple days.

Kiki: No wonder you look like you're about to fall over. Sit down.

Michael: [Sighs]

Kiki: Mikey, sit. Look, you're a lot taller than I am, okay? If you collapse, I won't be able to catch you. And if you just hit the deck, I'll feel pretty bad about it.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Kiki: Please sit down.

Michael: All right. [Sighs] Just, uh, wake me up if I nod off.

Kiki: No promises. You need your rest. [Chuckles]

Michael: You know, my parents knew this would happen. Not this specifically, but they knew AJ would screw up and spiral. He's done it all his life. He's done it all of his life. He -- he gets straight for a while and then he crashes. I mean, he left my uncle Jason brain-damaged. He shot my grandfather in the back, so why -- why should this come as any surprise to me?

Kiki: Do you think that AJ did it?

Michael: I don't know what to think, but he was drunk off his ass, and he didn't give a damn who he hurt.

Kiki: Then why are you standing by him?

Michael: Because I have to. He needs me. And don't -- I-I called him "Dad" today. He was just there in the interrogation room looking so sad, and I-I -- it's kind of pathetic, 'cause I knew how much it would mean to him, so I said it. But I have no memories of AJ as my -- my dad. I mean, my dad's Sonny. He taught me how to swim. He taught me how to drive a speedboat. He taught me to just -- to take responsibly for my actions, right or wrong. He's loved me all my life, at least as long as I can remember, and AJ says he's this violent thug. And he goes on and on about how he stole me, but the truth is, my father, Sonny -- I love him. I-I love him. And I respect him, and he's going through hell right now, because he just lost somebody that he loves. And I'm running around trying to -- to take care of AJ when, deep down... I think he might have done it.

Silas: Mr. Wells, I want to thank you again for what you're doing here today.

Derek: Uh, yeah. Well, I'm just glad I can help.

Silas: Well, hey, let me tell you what's gonna happen. Nurse DuBois is running two I.V. lines. Your blood is gonna be removed from one arm and pass through the machine which separates out the blood-forming cells. The remaining blood will be returned to you via the other arm. Or lab tech, Mr. Cooper, the gentleman with the soon-to-be-black eye, will be monitoring the equipment at all times. Any questions so far?


Silas: Good. As soon as Nurse DuBois is done, we'll be ready to roll.

[Taps on door]

Sam: Hey. Have they started?

Alexis: Yeah. I think so.

Sam: I still can't believe Derek is doing this for us. Mom, did he seem, um, I don't know, nervous to you at all?

Alexis: You know, I don't think there's much that phases Mr. Wells. I mean, he didn't even blink once when I walked in on him in his underwear.

Sam: Huh? I'm so-- wait a minute.

Alexis: [Chuckling] Not my most graceful moment.

Sam: Ah! Um, okay, speaking of, um, not-so-graceful moments, I've got one for you.

Alexis: Okay.

Sam: Uh-huh. Ready?

Alexis: I'm ready.

Sam: Okay. I kissed Dr. Clay.

Alexis: Like kiss kiss?

Sam: Yeah, like kiss kiss. I don't know.

Alexis: Where did that come from?

Sam: I have no idea. I don't know. I guess I feel like I've been running on empty for the past year. You know, losing Jason, and Rafe -- everything that happened with Rafe, and Danny getting sick. I just -- I felt like, for the first time in a very long time, I could breathe, and I guess -- I don't know. I guess I just -- I got a little carried away.

Alexis: And that's it? You don't think it's possible that you might have some feelings for Dr. Clay?

[Elevator bell dings]

Sam: This kiss was totally random, and I was too exhausted and relieved to think straight. My focus has to be on my son.

Alexis: Okay. I mean, I'm not trying to butt in here. It's just I -- you and Silas have come a long way, and, clearly, your relationship is not professional -- more than professional.

Sam: Fine, Mom. No, fine. He is my friend, and that's all he can be right now.

Alexis: Okay.

[Elevator bell dings]

Felix: I'll take the stairs.

Brad: Fe--

Sam: Hey. Thank you. Both of you, of course.

Sabrina: Better?

Patrick: My hand's better.

Sabrina: One thing at a time. [Smooches]

Patrick: I have no idea what I'm gonna say to Emma. How am I gonna tell her that she -- she's not gonna have a little brother? She's been jerked around so much this entire time.

Sabrina: We'll figure it out. Together.

Patrick: You're leaving? I want you to stay. Please.

Singer: I can't make you stay take us back to yesterday when words were spoken and hearts weren't broken but we are broken now and we all fall down and where is redemption now?

Michael: I'm sorry.

Kiki: It's okay.

Michael: I should probably go.

Kiki: I hope, um -- I hope you'll be okay.

Michael: Thanks.

Singer: And we all fall down and we broke our vows

Olivia: Morgan!

Morgan: What's wrong?

Olivia: I don't know. Your father left this. I don't even know what it means.

Morgan: "I'm sorry. I can't do this. Goodbye."

Olivia: God, Sonny, what have you done?

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