GH Transcript Tuesday 9/3/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 9/3/13


Provided By Suzanne

Nikolas: This is ridiculous. Dr. Clay was supposed to be here over an hour ago. Time is not on our side. We need to know right now if Mr. Wells is a viable donor for Danny. How long does he expect you to wait?

Sam: Have you met Dr. Clay?

Alexis: He'll get here when he gets here.

Derek: Well, I say we pool our resources, buy the hospital, and institute a new policy -- late doctors get the rack.

Nikolas: I like the way you think. Alexis, what...

Alexis: I'm drawing up the papers right now.

Sam: What if there's a glitch or something? Wh-what if Silas -- Silas found out that Derek can't be a donor?

Silas: [Sighs]

Diane: So, when anyone asks you a "yes" or "no" question, your answer is "yes" or "no." There is no elaborating. AJ!

AJ: I'm sorry. I-I was just thinking about Michael.

Diane: Right, well, Michael isn't the one facing murder charges for killing Connie Falconeri. Let him worry about you.

AJ: Yeah, I know. I just -- I mean, God knows what my son thinks of me now.

Kiki: I'm really, really sorry about AJ, Michael.

Michael: Well, thanks for coming down here. I mean, you didn't -- you didn't have to.

Kiki: No, I wanted to. I... I should go.

Michael: Oh, yeah. Morgan thinks that you're with your dad. Right. Uh, sorry, Franco.

Kiki: Oh, no. It's okay. Everyone's still getting used to Franco not being my father. If anything happens or if you need me, just...

Michael: I won't call you.

Diane: Your son thinks, right now, that you are in the need of the services of a top-flight defense attorney, which is, of course, why he retained me as your counsel of record. As to your personal relationships, I'm sure you can get back to those at any moment.

AJ: You sound confident.

Diane: With good reason. The police are grasping at straws. They don't even have a murder weapon. No gun. No case.

Morgan: What the hell? That's it. That's the gun everybody's looking for.

Felix: Brad -- just who I was looking for.

Brad: What? Did I finally catch your eye?

Felix: No. We're gonna talk about your friend the Britch and whether or not Patrick's the father of her baby.

Britt: For the last time, this baby is not yours!

Patrick: Okay, fine. Fine. So, if it's not mine, then whose is it?

Britt: [Sighs] Not yours! Congratulations. You're off the hook, Patrick. You and Emma and Sabrina can all go and live happily ever after.

Patrick: Oh, Britt, give it a rest! You've been convincing everybody for several months that the baby is mine. Now, all of a sudden, I want full custody, and you're telling me that your mother faked the DNA test, and you just expect me to believe that?!

Britt: You believed she was holding Duke Lavery prisoner. Is faking a DNA test that big of a stretch?

Patrick: Okay, fine, Britt. Then make me believe it. Make me believe it. Who's the father?

Spinelli: Did you really think that you could just give our baby to Dante and Lulu and there would be no consequence?

Lulu: Are we interrupting?

Maxie: [Sighs]

Spinelli: Um, we were just discussing something. But we should bring you in on it.

Silas: How's everybody doing?

Nikolas: Are you serious right now?

Silas: Is something wrong?

Derek: Well, it's just that you've, uh [Chuckles] Kept us waiting here for quite some time to let us know if my bone marrow will actually be able to save this child's life.

Silas: I had another patient to see.

Nikolas: So, that's it? No -- no apology? Nothing?

Silas: Why would I be sorry for treating another patient?

Alexis: Um, you're gonna have to excuse us. We're just really anxious to hear the results. I'm sure you can understand that.

Silas: Of course. Despite popular opinion, I do care about my patients -- this little guy in particular.

Alexis: Okay, so, does Derek get the go-ahead or not?

Silas: I ran every test twice just to be sure, and, no, I won't apologize for being thorough.

Sam: Come on, for God's sake, Silas, please, just tell us.

Silas: We're good to go. Mr. Wells is cleared for...

Sam: Thank you!

Silas: ...Donation.

Sam: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Michael: I know what AJ Was capable of back then. I know what he's capable of right now.

Anna: You don't think he's capable of killing Connie?

Michael: Back then, maybe. But he's worked so hard to be a better man. Look, I-I don't -- I don't think he did this.

Anna: I know this is difficult for you, but I have to follow the evidence, and I can't let AJ Go at this time.

Diane: Actually, you can. And you will, because you've got nothing.

Morgan: Can't leave that lying around. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Kiki: Morgan, you're not back from your dad's already, are you?

Morgan: No, I haven't left yet. I was about to, then that happened.

Kiki: [Gasps] Oh, what -- what is that doing there?

Morgan: Well, I have a hunch it's Tracy's, and if it is, it's probably the gun the cops think AJ Used to kill Connie.

Kiki: Are you serious?!

Morgan: Well, I can't be positive, but why else would a gun be laying around outside our crib unless AJ Dropped it here after killing my dad's girlfriend?

Kiki: Geez, I really hope there's another reason.

Morgan: Well, if there is, it's not gonna take the cops long to figure it out. I'm calling them now.

Kiki: No, no, no. Wait. Y-you might not want to do that.

Felix: Now tell me what you know.

Brad: The same as you. As I recall, you had everybody's favorite lab tech, Ellie the wonder-nerd, running unauthorized lab tests. Uh, couldn't have messed with it, 'cause you, oh, so, coyly announced you were taking a shower, remember? Oh, which, by the way, you are an artiste with soap suds.

Felix: You'd think I'd be used to your lame come-ons by now.

Brad: [Chuckles] Whatever. But thanks to you, I was nowhere near that test.

Felix: But you told me that Britt was hiding something about that baby.

Brad: Yeah, and I also told you the keeper of all of Westbourne's deep, dark secrets is her mother.

Felix: Well, the dowager brutchess flew the coop.

Brad: Better make nice with Westbourne, then.

Felix: Nuh-unh. Not gonna happen. While she's ensconced on Spoon Island under prince Nikolas' watchful eye? Mnh-mnh. That just leaves you, Brad. Now tell me what you know.

Britt: I already agreed to another DNA test. We can -- we can get the fish girl to take our samples and run the test right in front of us so you can see, for once and for all, you have no claim.

Patrick: I want the name of the father.

Britt: Why?! What does that matter?

Patrick: What does it matter?! For months, I believed that I was gonna be a father. I ignored every misgiving that I d about the situation because I wanted to do right by the baby. And now you're telling me that I'm -- that I'm not the father! I fell in love with that baby. If you're telling me that that's not true, then I need to know who it is! I want a name, Britt, and I won't leave until I get it!

Britt: Fine! If you want a name, I'll give you a name.

Spinelli: This is not gonna be an easy conversation to have, but have it, we must.

Dante: You know what, Spinelli? I understand that you're close with Maxie and everything, but, with all due respect, this has nothing to do with you.

Maxie: Actually... [Sighs] ...If this has to happen, then Spinelli should be here.

Dante: Okay. If that's the way you want to do it.

Spinelli: I'm not quite sure how to start.

Lulu: It's okay. 'Cause we already know.

Maxie: You do?

Lulu: Yeah, a nurse from NICU told us.

Spinelli: Um, told you what, exactly?

Lulu: About Maxie almost breast-feeding our baby.

Dante: Yeah, the nurse thought you were the mother, and you didn't correct her.

Lulu: We got the impression that if Spinelli hadn't intervened, you would have gone through with it.

Maxie: [Sighs] Yes, I did act like the mother, and there is a good reason for that.

Morgan: I have to call the cops, Kiki.

Kiki: I'm not saying don't call the cops. I'm saying think about it first.

Morgan: What is there to think about? The cops think AJ Killed Connie with the gun he stole from Tracy, and now -- poof -- a gun literally lands on our doorstep. I mean, it's a no-brainer.

Kiki: Just say it is the murder weapon. Think about what this will do to Michael. He's already so upset that his father --

Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. How do you know how Michael feels about this?

Kiki: It's his biological father. You don't have to be Freud to figure out that he might be upset about it.

Morgan: So, you're asking me to forget that I saw the gun so that Michael can go on with his happily ever after with his drunk-ass killer dad?! A woman is dead, Kiki, and not some stranger -- my dad's girlfriend.

Kiki: You're forgetting a little detail. Sonny is Michael's father, too. He is torn in two.

Morgan: Well, too bad for him! Too bad for Mikey. Okay, I'm sorry that he drew the short stick when it comes to his bio-daddy, but I'm not about to let a killer walk so that him and AJ Can go on with their little bonding saga, all right? Michael's better with AJ Behind bars, anyway.

Kiki: Are you sure about that?

Morgan: No. But even if he's not, I'm calling the cops.

Diane: Michael, why don't you go keep AJ Company for those few remaining moments that our esteemed police commissioner still has him in custody?

Michael: I'll let you two talk.

Anna: You know what? You might want to check your watch, counselor, because I have plenty of time with your client before I have to charge him or let him go.

Diane: To what end?

Anna: To what end? I don't know. I was thinking maybe conviction and imprisonment for murder of an innocent woman. Something like that.

Diane: Okay. I get it. I do. I am absolutely sympathetic. You are a very strong woman in a very high-profile job. And let's face it -- your tenure is about to buckle from the strain of an unsolved assassination attempt, and we certainly know it's not going to survive the added pressure of an unsolved murder case. Now, you are just trying to throw the book at the easiest target you can find, and we both know that the easiest target is AJ Quartermaine, but I'm not gonna let you barbecue my client just to save your butt.

Anna: Your client has the means, motive, and opportunity. There is a well-documented antipathy between your client and the victim, including a physical confrontation witnessed by Sonny Corinthos.

Diane: Oh, Sonny Corinthos, well, there's an impeachable witness.

Anna: And the evidence at the crime scene.

Diane: "AJ" written in blood?

Anna: It's hardly circumstantial, is it?

Diane: That grisly little tidbit won't even stand up to a pre-trial motion.

Anna: Well, that remains to be seen.

Diane: You don't even have a murder weapon. Just let my client go, commissioner, before this becomes your biggest embarrassment yet.

AJ: What the hell's going on out there?

Michael: Diane was insisting that Anna let you go.

AJ: Yeah, well, I think Anna's gonna be pretty hard to convince.

Michael: Yeah, I wouldn't want to get caught between those two, but, still, Diane's the best. I'm glad she's on your side.

AJ: Yeah, I know. She's a shark. Look, you know, she may have to let me go. I mean, Diane said, "no gun. No case."

Diane: It's so simple, commissioner. You could let my client go and be out there hunting down the real killer of Connie Falconeri instead of following baseless charges where you will lose on acquittal.

Anna: Thank you.

Diane: What is that? Is he -- is he taking lunch orders? I'd like some dim sum myself. My client -- actually, my client's not gonna be staying.

Anna: You know what? You're free to go, but your client has to remain. In the meantime, I am bringing a gun to ballistics for analysis.

Diane: What gun is that?

Anna: One that was discovered where your client lives by my unimpeachable witness' youngest son, Morgan Corinthos.

Brad: Why should I subject myself to this -- this interrogation? Is it gonna change how you feel about me?

Felix: You want me to change my opinion of you? Give up the Britch.

Brad: I could hand you Westbourne's ass on a silver platter, and you still wouldn't give me the time of day. I'm just a means to an end, and you've never seen me as anything more than that.

Felix: Like what? How else should I see you if not as some bloodthirsty, broken-down, horn-dog lackey?

Brad: How about as a boyfriend?

Patrick: I'm waiting, Britt. Who's the father?

Britt: Will you please just back off, okay? I will tell you what you want. Just stop hounding me.

Patrick: Oh, yeah. Well, stop biding your time so you can just come up with another lie.

Britt: I'm not lying!

Patrick: 'Cause somebody had to help you get pregnant, right? Because you can't do it on your own, and when we were in a relationship, you were all over me like glue, so what did you do? Sneak off with a stranger for a couple minutes, get pregnant, and then keep it a secret?

Britt: Who says I had to sleep with him?

Patrick: [Chuckles]

Lulu: You don't have to explain, okay? It is only natural that you would be attached to the baby. You carried her for nine months. You're bonded. It makes sense that it would be hard to let go, but that's what you have to do, because she's not your daughter. She's ours.

Maxie: No, you don't understand.

Lulu: You're right. I don't understand. Because I can't carry my own child. I could never give another family, not even my own, this beautiful gift that you have given me and Dante, but when it is time to leave the hospital, this baby is leaving with her parents -- me and Dante.

Dante: Stop. Look. If you can't accept this -- what's happening, what has happened, then we're gonna have no choice but to keep you out of our daughter's life.

Maxie: No! You can't do that.

Sam: Oh, my God. I'm so relieved. Hey. Come here, you.

Nikolas: I knew it would work out.

Alexis: Dr. Clay, how soon can Danny get the transplant?

Silas: Well, he needs to be prepped first, and that's gonna take a little while, but these are all good things.

Derek: [Clears throat] What kind of -- what kind of prep are we talking about?

Silas: Danny needs a round of chemo. Once that's done, he'll be ready to receive the donation.

Derek: Okay, and how soon can I -- can I make the donation?

Silas: There's no need to wait on the bone-marrow extraction, all right? It's a relatively simple procedure for the donor. You'll be in and out of here in a few hours.

Derek: Well, that sounds, uh -- sounds simple, right?

Nikolas: Well, not to me, it isn't. Thank you. My family owes you a great debt.

Derek: Well, it isn't often you actually get a chance to come to a child's rescue. How can I pass that up?

Nikolas: Well, if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to call me.

Derek: All right. Well, I'll, uh, keep that in mind.

Nikolas: Uh, if you'll excuse me, I need to get home. I have a houseguest to tend to.

Sam: Of course.

Nikolas: I'll see you later. Bye.

Patrick: Of course. Right. You're a fertility specialist. This is like a do-it-yourself project?

Britt: You want something done right...

Patrick: So, who's the sperm donor?

Britt: Why does it matter? It's not you.

Patrick: Tell me!

Britt: Fine! You want a name. Here's a name -- Brad, okay? Brad cooper.

Brad: Hypothetically speaking, if you knew that there was more to me than my sex drive, would you be interested in --

Felix: In what?

Brad: Being my boyfriend? Hypothetically?

Felix: [Sighs] Hypothetically -- I thought you saw me as just a piece of meat.

Brad: Hypothetically, what if you weren't? What if, hypothetically, I thought very highly of you?

Felix: How hypothetically highly?

Brad: Pretty hypothetically high. What if, uh...

Felix: What if what?

Brad: What if I thought I could be in love with you?

Michael: Hey. How'd it go with Anna? Is she gonna release AJ?

Diane: Not yet. We may have hit a snag.

Michael: How bad?

Diane: Anna may be coming into possession of some evidence, namely the murder weapon.

AJ: Wait, wait, wait. They found the gun? Where?

Diane: Apparently, Michael's brother Morgan found it on your mother's property.

Morgan: So, how's Franco?

Kiki: What?

Morgan: You went to go see Franco, right?

Kiki: Oh. Uh, yeah. He's fine.

Morgan: Really? He's just...chill with not being your father anymore?

Kiki: No, obviously, he's still really pissed that he's not my dad, and he's very disappointed that he can't be a bone-marrow donor for Danny.

Morgan: But other than that?

Kiki: Oh, I guess --

Anna: Morgan? Are you Morgan? I'm commissioner Devane.

Morgan: Oh, hi, commissioner.

Anna: Yeah.

Morgan: Um...

Anna: You have something for us?

Morgan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's right here.

Anna: Oh. Right, okay. Bag that, please.

Morgan: I would have walked right past it. If I didn't drop my phone, I would have completely missed it.

Anna: You didn't touch it or handle it in any way, did you?

Morgan: And get my fingerprints on it? Hell, no. I'm not messing with that thing, especially 'cause someone used it to kill my dad's girlfriend.

Anna: Well, let's not jump to any conclusions. Hello.

Kiki: Hi.

Morgan: Oh, this is Kiki.

Anna: Are you Kiki Jerome?

Kiki: Corinthos now.

Anna: Oh. Congratulations to both of you.


Anna: Yes? Oh.

What do you think, commissioner?

Anna: Yeah. Same caliber and description as the weapon missing from the Quartermaines'. Have it dusted, get ballistics on it.

I'll oversee the chain of custody myself.

Anna: Good. Thank you. Odds are it is the murder weapon. But, um, the question is whether AJ Stashed it himself.

Maxie: Please, you can't cut me out of this little girl's life.

Lulu: We don't want to do that, either.

Dante: But we will if we have to. We're her parents, and we're gonna do everything we have to do to protect her.

Maxie: I'm the last person you need to protect her from.

Lulu: Maxie, you know that I love you like a sister. Okay, you -- you're like family. I don't want anything to come in between that.

Maxie: Neither do it.

Lulu: But this is my baby. Please do not make me choose between you. Especially not now when I need you both more than ever.

Spinelli: What do you mean?

Lulu: [Sighs] I wasn't gonna bring it up until we got home.

Dante: Bring up what?

Lulu: My dad -- he's sick.

Dante: What?

Lulu: He might be dying. He just told me, and it's really, really bad.

Dante: I'm so sorry.

Spinelli: That's terrible.

Maxie: Yeah. I'm sorry, Lulu. I know how much your dad means to you.

Lulu: Yeah, you do. Because you are the person that I always vent to every time he disappears. And you know that no matter how much he frustrates me, I wouldn't trade my dad for the world.

Maxie: You won't have to.

Lulu: If I am gonna lose my dad, I cannot handle losing my best friend, too, and that is what will happen if you keep pushing this.

Spinelli: I'm sorry. [Sighs] There's something I have to say.

Dante: Spinelli, I get how close you are to Lulu and especially Maxie, but this is a family matter.

Spinelli: Indeed it is.

Dante: Okay, so, it has nothing to do with you.

Spinelli: Actually, it does. So, if you'll just hear me out, okay?

Lulu: Okay, you know what? It's okay. Spinelli has been there for us and for Maxie. We can just listen.

Spinelli: This is gonna be difficult, but I think it's best for all of us if we just...get it out.

Dante: Okay. Please, fire away.

Spinelli: I'm finding it harder than I thought to express it.

Lulu: Whatever it is, just, please, say it.

Spinelli: You're -- you're right. Maxie needs to take a step back from your family.

Michael: Wait. Morgan found the gun at the Quartermaines'?

Diane: Michael, we have come to yet another juncture where both you and AJ Will be better off if you are not in this conversation.

AJ: Michael, do what my lawyer says. Come on. Like you said, she's the best.

Michael: Take care of him, okay?

Diane: That's what you pay me for. Right. Sorry to pressure you, but we are now officially out of time. Do you remember firing the gun?

AJ: No. No. The last thing I remember was I was in Connie's office, and I pointed the gun at her... everything after that is a blank.

Diane: Okay. Well, then, let's just hope that the gun that Morgan found isn't the one that Anna is looking for.

Anna: Morgan, thank you so much for calling that in. You did the right thing.

Morgan: Yeah, I'm glad we could help.

Anna: So, I'm gonna need you to come down to the station and give an official statement.

Morgan: Okay. Do I have to do that tonight? I just -- I want to check up on my dad. He's really messed up over everything, you know?

Anna: Of course. Yes. As soon as you can.

Morgan: Okay.

Anna: You too, miss Jerome -- uh, sorry, Corinthos.

Kiki: Why me?

Anna: Well, you live here, don't you?

Kiki: Yeah, I do, but I didn't know about the gun until after Morgan found it.

Anna: No, I understand that, but you might have seen something or heard something that you don't think is important, and it could help fill in some of the blanks for us later on in the investigation.

Kiki: Okay, yeah. I don't think I'll be much help, but I'll be happy to cooperate.

Anna: Thank you. I could have taken your statement earlier when you were at the station, but, of course, the gun wasn't in evidence at that point, so... I promise you it'll be painless. Thank you so much. I'll be in touch.

Morgan: Why were you at the police station?

Felix: You're in love with me?

Brad: I said, "hypothetically, if -- if I was in love with you."

Felix: Well, then, I might say you have a funny way of showing it. Every time I turn around, you're cozying up to some new guy or trying to weasel your way into bed with some poor straight boy.

Brad: Am I supposed to become a priest 'cause you won't look twice at me? I mean, I can't pine forever.

Felix: I didn't even know you were pining for me in the first place.

Brad: See, I don't even know why I bother. You were always probably one of the cool kids, right?

Felix: You talking to me?

Brad: You couldn't possibly understand what it's like to pin your heart on a guy who you know, never in a million years, would want you like you want him.

Felix: Actually, I know exactly what that's like.

Patrick: So, Brad cooper is the father of your baby?

Britt: Yes.

Patrick: The lab tech Brad cooper?

Britt: Yes. I told you. It's not like I had to sleep with him.

Patrick: Oh, I actually believe that you didn't sleep with him. So, let me just get this straight for a second. If you're actually telling the truth for once and Brad's the father of the baby, what were you gonna do when the baby popped out and it looked like him?

Britt: I was gambling that it would look like me and that you'd believe that it was yours.

Patrick: And how did you convince him to do that? What -- what incentive did you give him?

Britt: A promotion. Remember when Ellie made this whole big stink about being passed over for chief lab tech? I made it happen for Brad, and in return, he gave me a baby to pass off as yours.

Patrick: How do you even have that conversation?

Britt: Brad and I had a deal. It was a simple business transaction.

Patrick: Who do you think you are?! You let me believe that I was having a son! For months, you led me on because -- why? Because you thought that I would fall in love with you? How could you do that? After everything I've been through, how could you use an innocent baby to win me back?

Britt: Okay, I don't need to deal with this anymore! I'm done!

Patrick: No, we're not done!

Nikolas: Yes. You are. Let go of my guest, or I'll break every bone in your hands and your days as a surgeon will be but a memory.

Silas: Well, I will go get Mr. Wells' paperwork started.

Alexis: I'm gonna go call Molly and give her the good news.

Derek: Well, I can't tell you how glad I am this is all working out.

Sam: You will never know how much this means to me. I-I-I wish that there was some way I could repay you. I wish I had the Cassadine fortune like Nikolas does, 'cause then maybe I could repay you in some way for what you're about to do for my son.

Derek: Just put it out of your mind.

Sam: I don't think that's -- that's quite possible. You know what? Uh, I didn't want to say this in front of, um, my mom and Nikolas... you know what? [Clears throat] Forget it.

Derek: What, are you kidding me? Come on. Hey. At this point, you can tell me anything, and it stays between us.

Sam: Okay. Ever since Danny was diagnosed, I've sort of been on this downhill slide, and, um, everyone's just been telling me that everything's gonna be okay and you're gonna get through this, and I think I-I believed it because I had to, but the longer this went on, the more I kept thinking to myself that I'm -- I'm gonna outlive my son. And then you show up out of -- out of nowhere, and you will never know how much this means to me.

Derek: I think I do know. [Chuckles] A little, at least.

Sam: Just, I don't -- I don't think I could ever thank you enough.

Derek: Well, I'll tell you what -- um, you do two things for me, and we'll call it even.

Sam: Okay, um, name it.

Derek: You take good care of that little boy of yours.

Sam: [Chuckling] Oh, twist my arm.

Derek: And let me be, um -- let me be your friend...and Danny's.

Sam: Yeah, of course. Done. Done, done, done, and done. Thank you.

Morgan: You told me you were going to the hospital to see Franco.

Kiki: Yeah. That's what I said.

Morgan: But you went to the police station instead?

Kiki: [Sighs] Yep.

Morgan: Okay. So, tell me something, then. Did you lie to me when you were telling me where you were going or only after you got back and told me where you'd been?

Kiki: When I told you where I was going.

Morgan: I see. Why did you go to the police station, Kiki?

Kiki: I think you know why, Morgan.

Morgan: I want to hear you say it.

Kiki: I went to see Michael.

Michael: Hey, sorry to interrupt. The commissioner's back.

Diane: Oh, did she bring anything with her, like a gun?

Anna: I did, as a matter of fact. And there are some things I would like to share with you about the weapon in question.

Diane: Great. We're dying to hear.

Anna: So, we've confirmed that the serial number matches the gun that was missing from the Quartermaine safe.

Diane: AJ, Your aunt Tracy will be so relieved.

Anna: And the caliber of the weapon matches the slug that was removed from Connie Falconeri's chest.

Diane: See, that, in and of itself, means nothing, because the violence in this city --

Anna: But the gun that was discovered on the property where your client currently resides was missing a round. So I am confident that ballistics will prove, without a doubt, we have our murder weapon.

Brad: Oh, no. No, no, no, no. You did not just equate my feelings for you with your crush on magic Milo? The guy's not even gay.

Felix: So? Unrequited love is unrequited love.

Brad: Just admit it. You'd rather have an imaginary relationship with a perpetually unavailable Milo than risk exploring the possibility of having a real relationship with a guy who could actually like you back.

Felix: You mean with you?

Brad: What's wrong with that?

Felix: You're a jerk, that's what.

Brad: Oh, right. A smart, capable jerk with a good job, good sense of humor, good to excellent bedroom skills, and a shredded bod. Yeah, terrible attributes to have in a potential boyfriend. But you know what? Keep treating me like something you stepped in. I'm used to it. I grew up getting bullied.

Felix: You were bullied?

Brad: Fat, Chinese, gay tap dancer. Do the math. [Chuckles]

Felix: You were a tap dancer?

Brad: [Scoffs] Please. I won the pan-pacific grand prix dancing championship when I was 13.

Felix: Get out!

Brad: Brought my trophy to school. The football team beat my ass with it.

Felix: Did it hurt?

Brad: Eh, I've always had a thick skull. Still do. Maybe that's why I'm such a jerk.

Felix: [Chuckles] Yeah. You are terrible.

Brad: [Laughs]

Felix: But you could choose not to be.

Brad: Yeah, but... if I become a nice guy and you still say no, then it's personal. Easier to stay a jerk and push you away.

Felix: Even if it means being alone?

Brad: You're alone, too. How's that working out?

Felix: [Sighs] It's one big ice-cream social.

Brad: Of course, we could... always try.

Felix: Try what?

Brad: Being alone... together.

Patrick: You have no idea what you're dealing with.

Nikolas: I believe I'm dealing with a trespasser. Fortunately for him, he's on his way out.

Patrick: She's all yours.

Nikolas: You all right?

Britt: Yeah. I'm okay. It just got scary for a minute.

Nikolas: Then maybe now you can tell me what the hell that was all about.

Maxie: You think that I need to take a step back?

Spinelli: You've developed an...unhealthy attachment to this baby. We should nip that in the bud. It could only cause future pain, so...obviously, breaking a bond like this will...take significant effort. Distancing yourself from this child will perhaps take more strength and will than you have. So, I will be support you.

Dante: Thank you, Spinelli. That's very kind of you.

Lulu: It really, really will be good for everyone.

Maxie: Wait.

Spinelli: Maxie...this is how it has to be.

Lulu: I know that this is gonna be hard, okay, but he's right. In the end, this is what's gonna be best for everyone. You know that I love you, right?

Maxie: I know. I love you, too.

Lulu: I'm never gonna forget what you did for us. We should go. We'll see you later, okay?

Maxie: [Sighs] I-I don't understand. Wh-why didn't you tell them?

Spinelli: [Voice breaking] The same reason you didn't. This baby isn't ours.

Morgan: Why did you lie to me?

Kiki: Because I knew it would upset you, Morgan.

Morgan: So, if you knew that it would upset me, then why would you do it at all?

Kiki: I was worried about Michael. I wanted to check on him.

Morgan: Yeah, well, we could have gone and checked on Michael together.

Kiki: Do you really think you would have been sympathetic after everything that your family's been through?

Morgan: So you lied to me. You lied to me to spare Michael.

Kiki: I was just trying to spare the both of us.

Morgan: Well, you're doing a hell of a job, Kiki. You really are. You do know, don't you, that you're my wife? I'm your husband, not Michael!

Kiki: Yes, I do know that.

Morgan: Then you might want to start acting like it.

Diane: It's a win-win. You will be able to now continue finding Connie's killer, bringing him to justice, and my client can go back to living a normal life once, of course, you've released him.

Anna: Why would I do that?

Diane: Because you still don't have anything tying my client to the murder weapon.

Anna: You're right. I don't.

Diane: Then what are you waiting for? Release my client and end this travesty of justice.

Anna: Actually...I think this travesty can continue. Forensics has pulled a set of fingerprints from the gun. There was only one set of prints, and the I.D. Is definitive. Those prints belong to your client. Alan Quartermaine Jr., You are under arrest for the murder of Constanza "Connie" Falconeri.

Brad: Just give me a chance.

Felix: [Chuckles] I've been wrong before.

Brad: Nothing wrong with being wrong once in a while.

Felix: Then why am I feeling regret in the pit of my stomach?

Brad: Maybe it's not regret.'s anticipation.

Nikolas: I want to know why Patrick Drake, an otherwise reasonable man, got so riled up that he started to manhandle you. Is it this business with your mother?

Britt: Not exactly.

Nikolas: Then what was it?

Britt: Uh, he was just upset over something I-I said.

Nikolas: Which was?

Britt: The truth. [Sighs]

Maxie: Of course this baby is ours. She's part me, part you.

Spinelli: How am I supposed to tell them that? They believe that you carried their baby for nine months. They -- they attached themselves to her. They loved her. They -- they dreamt up a whole life for her. How am I supposed to take that little girl away from them?

Maxie: [Crying] So, what? We're just gonna let Dante and Lulu raise our child? This lie is gonna go on forever.

Spinelli: Your lie, Maxie. You built a fantasy for Dante and Lulu, but now it's a reality that we all have to live with. So you have to learn to live without our child. As do I.

Maxie: [Crying]

[Door closes]

Sam: Thank you.

Derek: Of course. So, doctor, are we set?

Silas: We're all set. I have a very charming nurse waiting to handle your admission.

Derek: Well, here goes nothing.

Alexis: I'll walk you out.

Derek: I would like that.

[Door closes]

Sam: I mean, this is -- this is really happening? Please, please tell me this isn't a dream.

[Laughing] Ow.

Silas: That feel like a dream?

Derek: Why are you staring at me?

Sam: [Laughing] Okay. No, it's definitely -- it's definitely not a dream. It's definitely really happening.

Silas: I just realized something about you. You're almost as stubborn about hearing good news as you are about bad.

Sam: Are you kidding me? This isn't good news. This is great news, and this is all happening because of you.

Silas: I'm sorry. I didn't hear. What was that again?

Sam: Stop. It's true. I-I owe -- I owe you as much as I owe Derek. This is happening because of you.

Silas: If it wasn't me, Sam, it would have been another doctor.

Sam: Are you kidding me? Is that modesty I'm hearing right now?

Silas: You know me better than that.

Sam: Yeah, I do. I do. I know you pretty well right now. I know you diagnosed my son, you treated him long enough to where he could get a donor, you kept him alive for that, so don't give me this whole "I'm just doing my job, ma'am," because without you, my son would not be alive. Come on. Thank you.

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