General Hospital Transcript Friday 8/30/13
Provided By Suzanne
Michael: Let's go over this again. W-what do you actually remember about last night? Because you -- you were drunk out of your mind!
AJ: Yeah, I know. I-I was -- I was hammered. But I-I clearly remember grabbing Tracy's gun out of the safe! Michael, I must've done it. I killed Connie. I have to confess!
Dante: Oh. Hey!
Lulu: Hey.
Dante: Hey! You okay?
Lulu: [Voice breaking] Hey. I'm just glad that you're here.
Dante: Yeah! I'm sorry I took so long at the P.D. It was just -- it was pretty bad. I got a lot to tell you.
Lulu: Yeah, I have a lot to tell you, too.
Dante: Uh, w-w-w-what? What, about -- not about the baby?
Lulu: No, no. No, not about the baby. Our daughter is -- she is the one perfect thing in our life right now. [Chuckles]
[Baby fussing]
Nurse Gloria: Excuse me. Are you her mother?
Maxie: Yes. I'm her mother.
Morgan: All right. Last call, Mrs. Corinthos. Summer's almost over. Don't you want to go swimming with your brand-new, totally buff husband? Hmm? Come on! Come on. Put your suit on! Or better yet, don't put your suit on.
Kiki: Morgan, stop! I'm not in the mood!
Morgan: What's wrong, babe? What -- are you still worried about Franco? You talked to my mom! She told you he's back in the room at the hospital, and he's fine!
Kiki: Okay, "fine" is relative. Franco may be physically okay, but that doesn't mean emotionally he is. He just found out 20-plus years, he was lied to! He was told that I was his daughter, and now I'm not!
Morgan: Yeah, well, I'm sure it was a shock, but he's had time to process --
Kiki: I just feel bad for him! My mom lied to him over and over and over again, for so many years!
Ava: Hello?
Kiki: [Sighs]
Britt: Do you hear me? You will never get full custody of this baby!
Patrick: We'll see. Expect a call from my lawyer, and soon, before your mother can do any more damage.
Britt: Patrick, you are making a big mistake!
Patrick: No, I am protecting my son!
Britt: He's not your son!
Patrick: What did you say?
Britt: [Exhales] I said he's not your son. This isn't your baby.
Patrick: Yeah, I-I-I get it, Britt. You're carrying the child. But make no mistake -- he is just as much mine as he is yours. And if I decide that to keep him safe from your mother is to file for full custody, that's exactly what I'm gonna do!
Britt: I can't lie anymore! I can't!
Patrick: That's exactly what you said last time you were "done" lying, and the time before that! You're pathological, which is another reason why I'm gonna file for sole custody of that baby!
Britt: I'm telling you. You can't have this baby, because it's not yours. Pay attention. You are not the father!
Nurse Gloria: Sorry. I didn't know who you were. I just came on shift. I'm a part-timer covering for another nurse. I'm Gloria.
Maxie: Hi.
Nurse Gloria: I see you've got your I.D. bracelet.
Maxie: Yeah. Right here. [Groans softly]
Nurse Gloria: C-section?
Maxie: Yeah. It was kind of unexpected, which was good. It didn't give me too much time to worry about how much it was gonna hurt.
Nurse Gloria: Well, this little angel's gonna make you forget all about the pain. Go ahead! Pick her up!
Maxie: Hi.
Nurse Gloria: [Chuckles]
Maxie: Oh. She's beautiful.
Nurse Gloria: She really is. Has she latched on yet?
Maxie: Latched?
Nurse Gloria: Have you had a chance to nurse her? It's almost her feeding time. I can help you if you want to feed her!
Maxie: Yes. I want to feed my daughter.
Dante: It's been a hell of a day.
Lulu: [Sighs] So, tell me about the shooting.
Dante: Well, the commissioner's ordered a-a media blackout -- no... press, no twitter. She wants to...get ahead of the investigation before any of the news breaks.
Lulu: Are you afraid that I'm going to leak it?
Dante: [Sighs] Yes. I am. No, I think I can trust you.
Lulu: Oh, good. [Chuckles]
Dante: This is a mess. This is a complete mess.
Lulu: Well, um, you said that Sonny is the one who called it in?
Dante: Yeah. He did.
Lulu: Who got shot?
Kiki: Get out! I don't care about any new stories that you may have about any fathers that I may or may not have.
Ava: That's not why I'm here.
Kiki: I don't care why you're here. I don't want you in the same room, house, or city as I am. I can't stand the sight of you! Do you understand?
Ava: Yeah. Well, then, I guess it's a good thing I didn't come down here to try to explain to you the --
Kiki: You came to manipulate me, though, right?
Ava: Kiki? Would you please just let me finish? I thought you both would want to know that the police just left the house.
Morgan: The cops? W-why were they here?
Ava: They were searching for a murder weapon.
Kiki: A murder weapon? Who was murdered?
Lulu: Connie. Oh, my God! Seriously?
Dante: Yeah. Yeah, I'm afraid so.
Lulu: Well, what happened?
Dante: I-I don't know. That's what we're trying to figure out.
Lulu: This is -- I still remember the first day that I went to work for her. She was still, uh, Kate Howard. All icy perfectionism and OCD. She -- [Voice breaking] She hated my hair, and she hated my clothes, and... she hated my shoes. And she actually told me straight out that I was hopeless and that she was only taking me on as a charity case. She was impossible to please. And I learned a lot from her. And somebody shot her!
Dante: Yeah, it's -- it's... just shocking for everyone.
Lulu: Poor Connie. [Sniffles] Oh, my God. Your poor mom!
Kiki: Oh, my God! Your poor father!
Morgan: He loved her so much. God, he must be a mess.
Dante: Sonny and my mom are -- are a mess... over Connie. Michael's a wreck, too.
Lulu: Why Michael? I-I mean, I know that he liked Connie. All of Sonny's kids did, but I didn't realize that they were especially close.
Dante: It's not that.
Morgan: W-w-wait. Why were the cops looking for a murder weapon at the Quartermaine's? Who do they think killed her?
Dante: We've pulled in a suspect. We think AJ shot Connie.
Lulu: AJ?
Kiki: AJ AJ Quartermaine, Michael's biological father?
Ava: Apparently, the cops came to the house last night and picked him up. And then they came again this morning to search for a murder weapon and to take everyone's statements -- not that any of us had the slightest idea.
Morgan: W-wait, wait. S-so why do they think that AJ did it?
Dante: AJ was drunk, and he was enraged... with Connie, because she published this article about Kiki that made him lose ELQ.
Lulu: A-and this is supposedly his motive for murder? A lot of people get slammed by the tabloids. They don't pick up a gun and shoot someone.
Dante: Right, but he did have motive, and he did have opportunity. We just can't find a weapon. But there is a gun missing from the Quartermaine safe.
Lulu: There's a missing gun.
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: Is that enough to implicate AJ?
Dante: No. We think it was AJ because Connie told us it was.
AJ: Connie wrote my name in her blood while she was dying, Michael! I mean, there's no getting around this! What else can I do?
Michael: You wait for your lawyer, okay? Diane texted me. She's gonna be here soon. Let her handle it!
AJ: Diane can't change what happened!
Michael: You just admitted that you don't even remember what happened, okay? You were drunk, disoriented, and for part of the night, you were passed out cold!
AJ: You know, a-a-at least mom doesn't have to be here to watch. She doesn't even know what's happening! You know, by the time she gets -- she gets back from her -- her medical conference in Argentina, I'll have confessed.
Michael: You cannot confess to something you don't even remember doing!
AJ: There's no sense in dragging this out, all right? I want you to go get Anna Devane, please. I have to admit that I killed Connie.
Diane: That is the last thing you are going to do. I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, boys, but I had to extricate myself from Manolo back in St. Barths. And when I say that, I mean that literally. The man was an animal. [Laughs] Bless his heart. But I did not leave him alone in a hot tub just so I could come back and hear my client use the "c" word. Confess! Not gonna happen! Never gonna happen, AJ! Allow me to demonstrate. Michael? What are the only words one should ever say to any member of law enforcement, either before or after one has been read one's Miranda rights?
Michael: I'm not saying anything without my attorney.
Diane: And why is it so important?
Michael: Because anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law, so the less you say, the less there is for your attorney to get declared inadmissible.
Diane: Like you sprang from my own loins! I'm so proud of you! Hear that, AJ? No confessing to anything, ever.
AJ: I understand that, but I remember taking the gun out of the safe!
Diane: Right. And the police assume the same thing. But my sources tell me that, yes, detective Falconeri did go to the Quartermaine mansion and, yes, discovered that a gun registered to Tracy Quartermaine was indeed missing from the safe. Now, there is no proof that that is the same gun that was used to kill Connie Falconeri. And if it is, there's no proof that you're the one that took it, AJ!
AJ: It's the same caliber as the one used to kill Connie! Diane, I remember taking it out of the -- I remember taking it out of the safe.
Diane: But do you remember killing Connie?
Kiki: I-I can't believe that the police think that it was Michael's father who did this. Poor Michael!
Morgan: What do you mean, poor Michael? What about my dad? Okay, AJ Killed his girlfriend.
[Sighs] I got to go see him.
Kiki: Do you want me to go with you?
Morgan: No. Thanks. I -- my dad's not gonna want a lot of people around right now.
Kiki: O-okay. Then I'm probably gonna go to Franco's, at the hospital, to visit him.
Ava: Oh, Kiki. Must you?
Kiki: Yeah, actually, I must, because he's still suffering from what my mother did to him -- you know, the 20-plus years of being lied to.
Morgan: Well, that's -- that's sweet of you to worry about him, babe.
Kiki: Yeah. Um, please...tell your father how sorry I am about his girlfriend.
Morgan: Yeah, I will.
Ava: Goodbye, Kiki.
Morgan: And thanks, Ava, for letting us know what happened. If you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna get changed.
Ava: Not so fast! I do appreciate your desire to comfort your grieving father. But your new mother-in-law would like to have a little chat.
Lulu: Sonny found Connie?
[Sighs] That is so horrible!
Dante: Yeah. He was gone by the time the uniforms reached the scene. He went to find AJ
Lulu: Ohh, that's not good.
Dante: No! It got ugly. And it was gonna get even uglier if Michael hadn't talked him down.
Lulu: Wait. You know this how?
Dante: I was there, uh, to take AJ Into custody, which I did.
Lulu: [Sighs]
Dante: But Sonny -- I mean, uh, you should've seen him. He -- he was he was completely wrecked.
Lulu: I was working for Kate -- um...for Connie the first time that she and Sonny got engaged, the first time that she got shot. And this? This is -- it's like -- it's so sad! Connie was this -- [Sighs] She seemed so glamorous on the surface. And underneath, there was all this pain. She just had such a short, hard life. Wait -- you said that there was a press blackout.
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Lulu: Do you think that Maxie knows?
Nurse Gloria: I am so glad you're gonna breast-feed your little girl. It really is the best for the baby. I'm sure your doctor spoke to you about it. Don't be nervous. It's the most natural thing in the world.
Maxie: Um, how will I know if I'm doing it right? What if I can't do it?
Nurse Gloria: You can do it. You're her mother, aren't you?
Maxie: Yes, I'm her mother.
Spinelli: Maxie, what are you doing?
Nurse Gloria: Are you the father?
Spinelli: Um -- let's just get her back in her crib, yeah?
Maxie: Uh, Spinelli? Wait. I-I can explain. Um...
Spinelli: Shh. There you go. Um... she, uh -- she shouldn't be out of her bed. You need -- you need rest, okay? Come on. I'll get you back to your room.
Nurse Gloria: What about the baby?
Patrick: No. No, no. What you just said about me not being the father -- that's just not true. You're just lying again.
Britt: How can you say that? [Chuckles tearfully]
Patrick: What do you mean, how can I say that? Is that shocking to you that I would think you're lying? That's all you do! You lie!
Britt: Exactly! That is my point, Patrick! I lied when I told you you were the father of this baby!
Patrick: But now you're telling the truth?! When I decide that I'm gonna take sole custody of our child, all of a sudden, it's not mine?!
Britt: You've been on me since day one, doubting this was your baby! I mean, s-Sabrina and Felix practically made it a holy cause, trying to prove you weren't the father! Congratulations. You were right all along.
Patrick: Of course I questioned whether the baby was mine, but that was before the paternity test, which proved that I was the father, right? So, what do you say about that?
Britt: Well, paternity tests aren't always accurate, Patrick, and they can be faked.
Patrick: Oh, right, right. Your little buddy Brad, right? Oh, I'm sure he's faked a bunch of other test results. But Felix made sure that he was nowhere near Ellie when she got those test results!
Britt: Brad didn't have anything to do with it! He -- he didn't fake the paternity test! My mother did!
Patrick: Your mother?
Diane: Wait. Don't answer that. Michael? I'm gonna have to ask you to wait outside.
Michael: Look, I think I should be here in case he does something that --
Diane: I know you understand the concept of attorney-client privilege. Unfortunately, those privileges do not extend to family members. Now, if this goes to trial, you will most certainly be called as a witness, and I do not want you compelled to testify to anything detrimental to our case. I also don't want you to risk perjuring yourself, nor do I want you to incur a contempt citation, should you not want to answer any questions. All this by way of saying the best thing you can do for AJ Right now is to wait outside.
AJ: Hey. It'll -- it'll be okay. Just -- just go.
Michael: Okay. I'll be right outside if you -- if you need me, dad.
AJ: Okay. You just called me dad.
Michael: Yeah, you're right. I did... because you are.
Ava: You could've given me a heads-up before you dragged my daughter off to the courthouse for a quickie wedding.
Morgan: I'm sorry, Ava, but I didn't have a lot of time.
Ava: Well, I have to admit I'm a little miffed. I thought we were in this together. I even gave you money for the engagement ring! You couldn't even call me, text me? A mother does like to know when her only daughter is getting married, especially when I've supported you from the get-go.
Morgan: I know, and I'm sorry! Seriously, I am! But I woke up, and -- and -- and the news about Kiki not being a Quartermaine was everywhere! So I had to marry her! I had to marry her before she saw the newspaper and found out that she and Michael weren't related!
Ava: In other panicked.
Morgan: You're damn right I did, 'cause if she would've seen that headline, she would've gone straight to Michael.
Kiki: Michael?
Michael: Hey!
Kiki: I heard about AJ
Diane: You say you remember taking the gun out of the safe. What else do you remember?
AJ: [Sighs] [Exhales] It's so hazy! I --
Diane: Do you remember going to the office to kill Connie Falconeri?
AJ: Yes. I remember.
Dante: As soon as we feed pretty, little nameless, we should go talk to Maxie.
Lulu: Yeah. We need to tell her about Connie before someone else does.
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Lulu: Excuse me? We were gonna do that.
Nurse Gloria: I beg your pardon? Who are you?
Dante: Uh, we're the parents!
Lulu: [Scoffs]
Nurse Gloria: No, you're not.
Dante: Yeah, we are! I'm Dante Falconeri. This is Lulu Falconeri. That's baby Falconeri. You're holding our daughter right now.
Lulu: Yeah, I was the one that should've fed her! I am her mother!
Nurse Gloria: I don't understand. Who was the other woman, then?
Dante: What other woman?
Maxie: Spinelli, please let me explain. I just wanted to see the baby. It was the nurse's idea for me to feed her. She kept going on and on about how it was what was best for the baby, but I-I didn't do it! Nothing happened! So, please! I didn't do anything wrong! Don't -- don't tell Dante and Lulu.
Spinelli: Tell them what?
Maxie: That I -- that I tried to nurse their baby.
Spinelli: But she isn't their baby, is she? She's yours. ...And mine.
Maxie: You're confused. You don't know what you're talking about.
Spinelli: Ellie told me the truth... finally -- the whole sordid tale.
Maxie: I don't know what you think you know --
Spinelli: That story you... confessed... about after the miscarriage, how you used one of Dante and Lulu's remaining embryos? That was a total lie. The truth is even worse -- that you were intending to steal an embryo, but you didn't have to, 'cause you were already pregnant.
Maxie: Spinelli --
Spinelli: I -- I slept with you because I thought my girlfriend rejected me. Meanwhile, she was lying in a ditch after being hit by a car, but... however -- however misguided our drunken tryst was that night, we conceived a child! [Crying] A child! And you've known all these months! And all these months, you've lied to Dante and Lulu, and allowed them to believe that the baby -- our child, that -- [Sighs] That beautiful, little girl, that -- that perfect, tiny, little creature down the hall was theirs! [Shakily] H-how?! No, please! Please! Make -- make me understand, because right now, it is beyond my capacity. Maxie, how could you watch them? How could you watch them fall more and more in love with a child that wasn't theirs? And how -- how could you do this to me?
Nurse Gloria: She's a pretty, little blonde. She just had a c-section.
Lulu: Yeah, that's our surrogate, Maxie. She just gave birth, but she's not the mother. I am the mother.
Nurse Gloria: Oh, dear. I am so sorry. I-I asked her if she was the mother, and she said yes! She'd obviously just given birth! Otherwise, I -- never mind.
Dante: Wha-- that's -- that's why you what? What -- what -- what happened? What did you do?
Nurse Gloria: The surrogate held the baby. It was time for her to be fed! I asked her if she wanted to breast-feed, and... she said yes.
Lulu: [Scoffs]
Britt: My mother is a doctor.
Patrick: No. No. She's unlicensed, and she's wanted by the WSB.
Britt: Well, she still knows her way around a lab, and faking the paternity test results is a piece of cake for her.
Patrick: No, this can't be happening. After months, this --
Britt: You were the one who just said that you thought my mother and I were conspiring together! And you were right! She pushed me to reveal my pregnancy at the Nurses' Ball. And she was the one who made sure my paternity test came out the way I needed it to.
Patrick: Why? Are you -- wh-why?
Ava: Oh. Oh, yes. I see! So, you rushed Kiki into marriage...before she could find out the truth.
Morgan: Yes, Ava. I know it wasn't right or fair. But I was afraid to lose her, all right? I was afraid if Kiki knew she and Michael weren't cousins, that they -- that they weren't off-limits, that she would just -- she would break up with me!
Ava: And she would choose Michael over you. And isn't Kiki upset now that she knows the truth?
Morgan: I didn't tell her.
Ava: Morgan!
Morgan: W-- [Sighs] As -- as far as Kiki knows, I-I didn't know she wasn't a Quartermaine when we got married!
Ava: Well, how did you explain the quickie wedding?
Morgan: I just -- I-I told her I was carried away and that I loved her, and I couldn't wait, which -- which is all true, Ava. I swear.
Ava: And so everything's okay?
Morgan: No. I-I -- [Sighs] Michael doesn't buy that -- that I didn't see the newspaper article before we got married. And he's making a lot of noise about it, but -- but -- but Kiki does, for now. And as long as she does, then our marriage is safe.
Ava: [Sighs] Yes. Your marriage is safe... unless I decide to tell Kiki the truth.
Kiki: How are you doing?
Michael: [Sighs] Well, it's like a slow-motion train wreck, and there's no stopping it or lessening the damage, just -- I mean, AJ Loses ELQ. He blames Connie. He starts drinking. He opens up the safe.
Kiki: How do you know that it was AJ Who opened up the safe? Couldn't it have been anyone?
Michael: We really shouldn't be talking about this, actually.
Kiki: I don't even know how to ask you this right now. Is there a chance that AJ Did it?
Michael: I-I don't know. I hope that he's innocent, of course -- that it's some kind of a huge mistake. I mean, he's worked so hard to turn his life around. But, then, he -- he's done stuff like this before in the past, mostly when he's been drinking, and...the way he was acting last night -- I don't know. I-I -- [Sighs] I don't know. But he's in there with his lawyer right now, and I just -- I hope she can help him.
AJ: At first, I-I couldn't remember anything. It was just a -- it was a complete blackout. And now it's like -- it's like bits and pieces are -- are coming back to me.
Diane: Okay. You recall taking the gun from the safe. You just stated that you remember going to the office to kill Connie. What else do you remember?
AJ: It's just, it's so -- it's so jumbled! I --
[Both sigh] Yeah, I-I remember the feeling, though. It was -- it was just pure rage. I -- it was like a rage that just controlled me. I remember thinking to myself that I was not gonna let Connie get away with what she had done to me and what she had done to ELQ by printing that article. I was gonna make her pay.
Diane: So, what did you do?
AJ: I-I-I went there. I remember... we argued.
AJ: Don't tell me what to do!
AJ: I was so angry. And I can remember that I had -- I had the gun in my hand, pointing it at her.
Diane: And then...? AJ! Do you remember... pulling the trigger?
AJ: I remember going to Connie's office. I-I remember pointing the gun at her.
Diane: Think...carefully. Put aside your emotion -- what you fear you might have done. Do you remember firing the gun at Connie?
AJ: No. No. I wanted to kill her, but I do not remember pulling the trigger. But, Diane, she wrote my name in her blood while she was dying. I mean, I must've killed her! What other explanation is there?
Michael: Look, what are you even doing here?
Kiki: W-well, the -- the police were at the house, and my mom stopped by the boathouse to tell me and Morgan. Just the second I heard, all I could think about was you and how worried you were last night, so I wanted to see how you were doing.
Michael: And, uh, how did Morgan feel about you coming to check on me?
Kiki: I didn't tell him. I-I lied to him.
Morgan: Why would you tell Kiki I lied to her?
Ava: Maybe my daughter deserves to know the truth. Maybe she deserves to know she got married under false pretenses.
Morgan: I thought you were on my side!
Ava: Oh, I am, honey. But you know that my relationship with Kiki is on the rocks. She's very upset with me for lying to her about Franco being her father. My telling her the truth about her marriage could go a long way to help healing our relationship.
Morgan: And you'd screw me over just like that.
Ava: I'm just trying to be a good mother.
Morgan: No. No, no, no. No, no. I-I can't lose Kiki. Ava, please. I'm begging you. Don't do I
Ava: Okay. All right! Okay! [Chuckles] Down, boy. I won't tell her. ...Provided you do something for me.
Britt: Do you have any idea... how devastated I was when you dumped me?
Patrick: Oh, come on, Britt. I didn't dump you. I put an end to what was barely a relationship.
Britt: My mother... knew how much you hurt me. And regardless of what you've heard, my mother is human. She saw that I was a wreck. She knew that we had had unprotected sex. And she jumped on that. She thought that if I had your child... even a child that wasn't yours, that that child would bring us together. She was trying to help, because I loved you. She... happened to be in town when Sabrina and Felix... and you... were breathing down my neck about a paternity test, and... my mother was the one who came up with the idea to fake it. I know what I did, Patrick. And... I'm not proud of it. But I want you to understand. I know the means were devious... but the feelings were real. I loved you... so much. And there wasn't anything I wouldn't do to win your love.
Lulu: Did Maxie breast-feed my baby?!
Nurse Gloria: No. No. Oh, no. The -- the young man came in. He stopped her.
Dante: What young man?
Nurse Gloria: I'm sorry. I don't know! I assumed he was the father!
Dante: No, I'm -- I'm the father!
Lulu: This is out of control. We have to talk to Maxie right now.
Dante: Okay. We will handle this right now. Listen -- Maxie has no authority to be in here breast-feeding our child, okay? Do you understand me? No one should be coming in this room to be with our baby, okay? No one. No one enters this room except for us to be with our child. Understood? Let's go.
Maxie: Spinelli, please. You have to understand. I wanted to give Dante and Lulu a baby -- their baby. I promised them that I could do it. And they didn't trust me at first, because Lulu thought I was too irresponsible, too unreliable. But she changed her mind! She trusted me to carry their baby. I was terrified that I was gonna make a mistake! Don't you remember during Christmas, when I came down with that terrible case of dread?
Spinelli: I remember trying to comfort you.
Maxie: Well, when I finally found out I was pregnant, I thought I could relax, that everything would be okay. I should've taken better care of myself, better care of that baby, but then that damn dog and -- and I tripped! I had a miscarriage! I couldn't let Dante and Lulu down. I wanted to fix things before they came back from looking for Luke in Europe. I was desperate to get pregnant again. And then... uh, when Dr. Westbourne told me I already was pregnant --
Spinelli: With my child!
Maxie: [Crying] You have to know that my first instinct was to tell you! I looked for you that day! You told me that you and Ellie had made up. She had forgiven you for sleeping with me, and you made your choice. You were happy with her. You loved her.
Spinelli: Yeah, I was lacking some pretty pertinent information!
Maxie: I couldn't ruin your life again. I had jerked you around for so long -- used you. You were finally happy with someone! And even though I hated that it wasn't me... how could I drop a bombshell that you had given me a child? I couldn't do that! And I -- I couldn't let Dante and Lulu down. So when they came back from Europe... I told them that their baby was fine. Nobody was ever supposed to know the truth.
Spinelli: Well, now I do.
Patrick: I don't even know what to say right now.
Britt: Now you know the truth.
Patrick: No, I don't know the truth. I have a supposed confession saying that the baby's not mine after months insisting that it is, which, to me, is just another one of your lies.
Britt: Take another DNA test, Patrick. Compare blood samples to my blood test, and you will find out. I am not lying. And for the last time, this baby is not yours.
Patrick: Okay. Okay, so, if it's not my baby, right -- it's not my baby? Then who's the father? Hmm?
Spinelli: I know now that I have a child. [Chuckles softly] That little girl -- that little girl is ours! Yours and mine! She is alive and well and a part of me! And that is a-a profound... life-altering truth, and there is no way of un-knowing it!
Maxie: I never meant to put you through this.
Spinelli: Wait, th-this can't be a total shock to you, Maxie! You must've realized that, at some point, I might find out! How did you think that was gonna work?! How did you think that would play out?!
Maxie: I don't know. I thought that I --
Spinelli: You know, whatever you thought... you were wrong. Your plan, Maxie, isn't working. You are attached to this baby that you just gave birth to. Of course you are, as am I! Y-y-your body is telling you that you are her mother! And as for me... ...just knowing... that I have a child in the world... something that I was beginning to think would never happen... awe-inspiring. And then to see her... and -- and -- and then to hold her, however briefly -- Maxie, she's beautiful. And we made her! You, my -- [Sniffles] My first love... who loved me in return.
Maxie: Spinelli, please.
Spinelli: Did you really think... that you could give our baby to Dante and Lulu, and there would just be no consequences?!
[Door opens]
Morgan: Okay, I-I-I don't want to lose Kiki. I'll do anything. What do you want from me?
Ava: Anything?
Morgan: Yes. Anything.
Ava: Well... I'll just think about what that's going to be. And we'll leave it like that for now.
Morgan: So you're not gonna say anything to Kiki?
Ava: Not yet. But just remember you owe me one. Oh...and do give your father my condolences.
[Door shuts]
Kiki: I-I wasn't planning on lying to Morgan. It just came out. If he knew I was coming to see you, he would be upset, right? But...I had to. I wanted to.
Michael: Well, I-I'm still convinced that Morgan's lying. He knew we weren't cousins when he married you.
Kiki: I don't want to talk about that, Michael.
Michael: Yeah, you're right. You're right. I'm sorry. Truth is, I'm a lot more worried about AJ right now. I mean, he's facing a murder charge.
Diane: There could be a million reasons why Connie would write your name in her blood.
AJ: Such as...?
Diane: I don't know. But it is my job to find at least one. And I will.
AJ: I hope you can.
Diane: Look. AJ, if you honestly can't remember killing Connie, then any presumption of guilt on your part, at this point, is very premature. All the evidence they have against you is circumstantial. They don't have any witnesses! They don't even have the murder weapon.
Morgan: Dad, I heard what happened, and I'm so sorry. I didn't really expect you to answer the phone. I just wanted you to know I'm heading over, and I'll see you soon, all right? What the hell?
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