General Hospital Transcript Thursday 8/29/13
Provided By Suzanne
Maxie: Hey, there, Georgie-bean. You are just as beautiful as your aunt was, you know that? Yes, you are. Mommy loves you so much. Never forget that. I love you always and forever.
Lulu: I'll take my baby now.
Maxie: No. Please. No. Lulu, no. No. [Breathing heavily] [Groans]
Ellie: That little girl isn't Dante and Lulu's daughter. She's yours.
[Baby coos]
Sabrina: Oh. Sorry. I didn't realize -- Ellie?
Ellie: [Sniffles] Don't mind me. I'm just being that girl.
Sabrina: What girl?
Ellie: The girl who breaks down at work. It's completely unprofessional, but [Sniffles] I can't help it.
Sabrina: Well, do you want to talk about it?
Ellie: No. Yeah.
[Sniffles] Damian hates me.
Britt: Patrick. What are you doing here?
Patrick: I can ask you the same thing, but I already know everything that you and your mother have been up to.
Britt: How -- how could you -- how did you find out?
Molly: This is incredible. Wouldn't Find Sam's father.
Rafe: Not when our only clue to go on was the name Julian.
Derek: Face it, Ava -- someday somebody's bound to find out that [Sighs] I'm Julian Jerome.
Rafe: So, when does Danny boy get his transplant?
Sam: As soon as we get the okay from Silas. He's waiting on Derek's test results.
Alexis: All right, listen, don't get too excited, though, because they've said it's gonna take hours.
Molly: Well, then it sounds like a trip to the gift shop is required. Magazines, candy?
Alexis: You know what you can do for us? Go have fun, both of you. There's a music festival everyone's talking about. Go.
Molly: But I don't want to leave you guys.
Alexis: I'll call you. We'll call you as soon as we hear something.
Sam: Celebrate.
Alexis: And take pictures. Go.
Sam: Yes. Yes. Speaking of pictures, maybe we can finally tell Danny that this stranger was able to save his life, right?
Derek: Okay, okay, fine. If it'll get you to shut up, I won't tell those people who I really am.
Patrick: You did a really good job keeping this under wraps. I'll give you that. But the secret is out. Your mother tried to kill Duke Lavery, and she put Robin's father in a coma. God knows what else she's done. She's working with Cesar Faison. Do you know who Cesar Faison is and what he's capable of, what he has put Duke and Anna through? I mean, he imprisoned Duke just so he could get close to Anna! He impersonated him! I mean, we're talking full-blown psychopath! And your mother is his right hand!
Britt: "A," he's in prison now. And "b," I am not my mother.
Patrick: Close enough. I mean, God, I cannot believe that I actually started to trust you! I thought you were being sincere when you came clean the other day! I mean, I thought we were gonna actually do this, we were gonna do this, we were gonna raise this baby together, a mother and a father! You know what? That's never gonna happen! But I wanted it because that's what Emma's never gonna have!
Britt: I wanted that, too, Patrick, and I was sincere when we spoke the other day.
Patrick: What about the rest of it, huh? So, you came clean about the morning sickness. I asked you point blank after that if there was anything else and you said no.
Britt: I wasn't lying.
Patrick: Britt, you said no!
Britt: I wasn't lying!
Patrick: Your mother is working with a man who has waged war on Robin's family for years. You don't think that warrants a mention? What else are you hiding?!
Maxie: [Groans] [Groans]
[Door opens]
Mac: Maxie, what are you doing?
Maxie: I have to go.
Mac: No, no, no. Get back in bed now.
Maxie: Mac, you don't understand!
Mac: Maxie, please, please. Bed. Now. Come on. Let me help you. Will you, please? You just had a c-section last night. Come on. Come on. Attagirl. Oh, my gosh. [Sighs] Maxie, what were you doing? Where were you going?
Maxie: I don't know. I guess I'm still kind of out of it. [Sighs] Where's mom?
Mac: She went to your place to get you some clothes and some other stuff.
Maxie: [Sighs]
Mac: We thought you'd sleep in after all the sedatives they gave you.
Maxie: [Sighs]
Mac: Do you remember any of that, when you came to after surgery?
Maxie: No. Why? Did I do something crazy?
Mac: Well, it's not what you did. It's more what you said. You kept insisting Dante and Lulu's baby was yours.
[Baby coos]
Nikolas: Hey. Everything all right there?
Spinelli: Uh, uh, yes. Thank you for your concern. Just some...seasonal allergies.
Nikolas: Okay.
Spinelli: Enjoy your visit. [Sniffles]
Sabrina: Ellie, hate is a very strong word.
Ellie: Strong and accurate.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] Spinelli is crazy about you. And maybe he doesn't feel that way right now, because I'm guessing you guys had a fight. But he'll come around.
Ellie: No, he won't. Damian refuses to accept my apology. He won't even look at me. And I don't blame him.
Sabrina: It's really that bad?
Ellie: [Sniffles] I told an awful, terrible lie. And it's gonna hurt a lot of people.
Lulu: Are you ready?
Nikolas: I am honored to meet my baby niece.
Lulu: Hey, there, little girl. You see this handsome guy right here? This is your uncle Nikolas.
Nikolas: Oh, my God, Lulu, she's beautiful. Just like her mother.
Lulu: Not only is your uncle charming, but he speaks the truth.
Nikolas: [Laughs] Congratulations.
Lulu: Thanks. [Chuckles]
Nikolas: All right, so, come on. Don't keep in suspense. What's her name?
Lulu: oh, it is un-de-cided.
Nikolas: Original. I like it.
Lulu: Thanks. [Laughs] We're open to any and all suggestions.
Nikolas: Really?
Lulu: Yeah. Why? You have one?
Nikolas: Well, I mean, I'm kind of a little partial to -- to Nikolas myself because --
Lulu: I mean, of course you are.
Nikolas: Come on. It's a pretty -- it's a pretty name.
Lulu: Oh, yeah, well, Dante and I will consider it. Oh, I still feel bad for not calling you about this little pumpkin last night.
Nikolas: It's all right. Don't worry about it. You wouldn't have been able to reach me anyway. I was, uh, helping out a friend.
Britt: You're acting like I knew what my mother has been up to.
Patrick: Didn't you?
Britt: No! I had no idea that she was the one who put Robert Scorpio in a coma! And I sure as hell didn't know she was going after Duke Lavery!
Patrick: There is an empty bottle of Propofol in your apartment, Britt. That is your mother's drug of choice.
Britt: So?
Patrick: So, obviously you're working with her.
Britt: No, I wasn't! In fact, when I found the vial, I asked her to leave!
Patrick: Oh, when what you should have done was call the police.
Britt: She's my mother, Patrick! But yeah, if -- if I would have known the whole story, if I would have known everything that she's done, I'd have turned her in!
Patrick: Oh, really? You would have just turned her in?
Britt: [Scoffs] You -- you don't believe me?
Patrick: No more than I believe that you're in the dark when it comes to your mother and our baby.
Molly: Excuse me. Um, are you Mr. Wells?
Derek: I am.
Rafe: So, that thing you just said about not telling "those people" who you really are?
Derek: [Chuckles] It's a business call, kid. I'm trying to gain, um, an advantage with the, um, element of surprise. So, who are you two?
Molly: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Molly, and this is Rafe. Um, I'm Sam's sister.
Derek: Really?
Molly: Well, technically, half-sister, but we never count that.
Rafe: We just wanted to say thank you for what you're doing for Danny.
Derek: Oh, listen, no, um, thank yous necessary.
Rafe: Well, I'd get used to it if I were you.
Molly: Yeah, I still can't get over you being a match. A totally random person with no connections to our family whatsoever.
Derek: Yeah, it really is, um, something, isn't it?
Molly: Yeah, it is. I mean, the doctor said that the odds varied between 1 and 20,000 and 1 and 50,000.
Rafe: It really did seem impossible, but here you are.
Derek: Well, I'm just, um, I'm glad I can help.
Molly: Well, um, we're heading out for a little bit, but we'll be back.
Derek: Yeah. It was nice meeting you, Molly. And Rafe.
Molly: Oh! You should go in and say hi to Danny. Trust me. You are gonna love him.
Derek: Yeah.
Britt: My mother has nothing to do with our baby.
Patrick: You might want to consider your answers here. Also the one about you not ever seeing her.
Britt: My mother?
Patrick: Are we talking about somebody else?
Britt: I don't know what we're talking about! You're not making any sense!
Patrick: Okay, let me be clear. The Nurses' Ball, your big baby announcement? Your mother was there the whole time, and I know it.
Lulu: You invited Britt Westbourne to stay...
Nikolas: Yes.
Lulu: ...Like, in a bedroom, in your house?
Nikolas: Well, it's not as though I don't have plenty of room, Lulu.
Lulu: What is wrong with you?
Nikolas: Okay, I take it you're not a fan of Britt, either?
Lulu: Hmm. Is anyone?
Nikolas: I've heard all the warnings before, believe me.
Lulu: And you are ignoring them.
Nikolas: No, I'm -- I'm proceeding with caution.
Lulu: Well, I hope so. Better watch how she is with Spencer, and please do not let her pass that baby off as yours.
Nikolas: [Laughs] That might be a little difficult consider we never, you know...
Lulu: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Too much information,
Nikolas: I'm just stating the facts. And speaking of babies, isn't Britt the reason why we're here celebrating this little miracle? I mean, if not for her, baby Nikolas would be but a dream.
Lulu: Wow. You play dirty.
Nikolas: Isn't -- isn't Britt the doctor that was so successful in getting Maxie pregnant with your baby?
Lulu: Turns out that it's slightly more complicated than that.
Nikolas: How so?
Lulu: Don't worry. Everything is fine.
Nikolas: Really? Then why are you acting like that when you should be radiating with joy?
Lulu: [Sighs] It's just... Maxie seems to think that our little girl is hers.
Maxie: I said that the baby was mine? What else did I say?
Mac: You probably weren't thinking clearly after surgery and all the drugs.
Maxie: Was I calling the baby Georgie again?
Mac: Honestly, I don't remember. I don't think so. But what had your mom and me worried was that you told us Spinelli was the baby's father.
Sabrina: Look, if you want to tell me to mind my own business, feel free.
Ellie: No. No, no, it's not that. Believe me, I wish I could confide in you about everything. But it wouldn't be fair, not to the people involved and not to you. I know it would weigh on your conscience as much as it weighs on mine.
Sabrina: I just wish I could help.
Ellie: [Exhales deeply] Bottom line -- I wasn't truthful to Damian for months about something huge, something life-altering.
Sabrina: And you finally told him?
Ellie: And I don't think he's ever gonna be able to forgive me.
Sabrina: Look, coming clean had to count for something, though -- make the blow a little easier.
Ellie: Not so far.
Sabrina: Just give it a little time. Britt confessed to Patrick about lying to him, and afterwards, his whole attitude towards her changed. Patrick actually started to trust Britt.
Britt: How did you know my mother was at the Nurses' Ball?
Patrick: I met her.
Britt: What?
Patrick: Wow. Clearly she didn't tell you that. Yeah, my father and I ran into her at the airport. Obviously I didn't know who she was at the time, but she had something very important to tell me about my dead wife.
Britt: My mother talked to you about Robin?
Patrick: She was very touched about paying tribute to her. She actually even congratulated me on the baby, which, if I would have known, I would have congratulated her back, because obviously that's the grandmother.
Britt: Patrick, I did not know that she --
Patrick: Don't tell me that you don't know what's going on, Britt. You were clearly conspiring to use this baby against me.
Britt: Yes. We were.
Sam: Derek Wells -- he's quite the successful businessman. His associates seem to respect him.
Alexis: Yeah, like I said, I didn't do a lot of digging, but from what I can tell, he likes to keep a low profile.
Sam: Mom, as long as this transplant goes through, [Smooches] That's all I care about.
[Door opens]
Sam: Right?
Derek: Am I interrupting?
Alexis: Mr. Wells.
Derek: Really? We're still doing this? I really think you need to start calling me Derek.
Sam: Yes. [Chuckles] Derek. Of course. Mom, I mean, at this point, he's practically family.
Alexis: Yeah. Derek.
Sam: Derek, will you please meet my son, Danny? This is the little boy's life you're gonna be saving.
Derek: Oh. Well, hello, Danny. [Chuckles] He's a good-looking kid.
Sam: Yeah. Yes. Actually, I think he is.
Derek: He has a lot of his -- a lot of his mom in him.
Sam: [Chuckles] Actually -- actually, I think he looks a lot like his father.
Derek: You really haven't mentioned his father. Why is that?
Sam: Um, he, uh, he passed away last summer.
Derek: [Sighs] I'm sorry for you and your son.
Sam: Thank you.
Derek: I mean, growing up without a father is, uh...
Sam: No, I-I know about it. It's been pretty rough, but, um, we're gonna be just fine. Aren't we, Danny?
Derek: Do you mind if I, uh...
Sam: Hold him?
Derek: Yeah.
Sam: Yes. Of course. [Chuckling] Yes. Say hi to Daniel. He's heavy. Watch out.
Derek: Hey, little man. How are you? [Laughs] He sure is sturdy.
Sam: Yes, I know. Sometimes I think he's stronger than I am.
Derek: Does he have any grandfathers in the picture? Hmm?
Sam: No. No, just, um, just a couple of uncles.
Derek: [Sighs] You're my little man. Sorry, Ava. [Sighs] [Chuckles] Here you go.
Sam: Thank you.
Derek: Um...
Sam: Come here, baby.
Derek: You know, there's, uh... there's something I-I should probably...I should probably tell you.
Nikolas: I'm sorry. You're gonna have to back up for a minute. Maxie thinks the baby is hers?
Lulu: Not really. She was on who knows how many drugs when she said it.
Nikolas: Well, then why are you so concerned?
Lulu: Before the baby was born, there were some incidents that made us think maybe Maxie was getting a little too attached.
Nikolas: Like what?
Lulu: Like when Maxie would talk to the baby, she called her Georgie.
Nikolas: After her sister?
Lulu: Yeah. And then Mac said that right after surgery, Maxie not only insisted that she was the mom, that Spinelli was the dad.
Nikolas: Spinelli. Yeah.
Lulu: Why are you saying it like that?
Nikolas: Well, he was here earlier, and he was looking in at the baby and seemed to get a little choked up for some reason.
Lulu: Again? He was just emotional last night.
Nikolas: Well, I mean, you know, babies tend to do that to people.
Lulu: Mnh-mnh. No. He's giving me a weird vibe.
Nikolas: About what?
Lulu: I just... I just want to know why Spinelli was here. That's all.
Maxie: I said that? That Spinelli was the baby's father? [Sighs]
Mac: You were so upset that you couldn't see her. The doctor had to sedate you. It was awful seeing you in so much pain.
Maxie: Well, I'm sorry.
Mac: Oh, sweetheart, don't be sorry. Your mom and I just wanted to make it better for you. So we called Kevin. I mean, he said your reaction was completely normal. The mind does strange things after giving birth. And because you're a surrogate, I mean, you may be even more susceptible to a post-partum event.
Maxie: An event? So, I'm -- I'm crazy?
Mac: No! No.
Maxie: No, but I need a shrink?
Maxie: Maxie, you have been through the wringer, sweetheart. You deserve a medal, a gold medal for what you did for Dante and Lulu. But you did it for Dante and Lulu. The baby you gave birth to belongs to them. Do you understand that?
Ellie: Look, Sabrina, I really appreciate you trying to help, but my situation with Damian is completely different than that of Patrick and Dr. Westbourne's. For one, Damian and I were in love. He trusted me, and I violated that trust.
Sabrina: You're not the only one who's made a mistake. Look, I was there, remember? I was your nurse the night you got hit by that car. And I'll never forget trying to reach Spinelli over and over, and he wouldn't pick up. Why?
Ellie: [Sighs] Because he was having intercourse with Maxie.
Sabrina: While you were in the hospital alone and paralyzed. Okay, look, I'm sorry. I know -- I know that this is none of my business, but you forgave Spinelli. Shouldn't he be able to do the same thing for you?
Ellie: While Damian's actions hurt me terribly, Sabrina, this is so much bigger than that. And it's not just about the two of us. It's about Maxie and her baby, too.
Britt: My mother was here for the Nurses' Ball. She even helped me get ready for my big announcement. But we weren't conspiring against you. We were conspiring, if you can even call it that, to use this baby as -- as a way that I could get you back. I was in love with you, Patrick, and my mother knew that, and so she encouraged me to give you the big news.
Patrick: [Scoffs] "Give" the big news? No, no, you dropped it like an atomic bomb in public, in front of everybody when I'm honoring my dead wife.
Britt: My mother believes in making a statement.
Patrick: Is attempted murder a statement, also?
Britt: Okay, I told you I didn't know about that!
Patrick: Oh, but you knew enough to let her go, Britt. You knew enough to be questioned by the police. My God! You're eight months pregnant with my baby!
Britt: I'm aware!
Patrick: Are you aware of that? Because this isn't the action of expectant mothers! If it wasn't for Nikolas and all his money, you would have woken up in jail this morning! Do you understand that?!
Britt: But I didn't!
Patrick: No, but you could have! And that's the point, because your mother is dangerous! No, she's a lethal woman!
Britt: And that's my fault?
Patrick: It is if you choose to have any connection with her at all in any capacity! So, let me be clear about this. Your mother will never come near my son. I will make sure of that. Do you understand?
Alexis: Uh, well, if you have something to tell us, we're all ears.
Sam: Oh, God, no, no. Please don't tell me you've changed your mind.
Derek: What? Oh, no, no. I would never -- I would never change my mind on something so important. I...
Alexis: All right, well, then what is it?
Derek: Uh... look, I-I just wanted to say that, um... [Chuckles] I just wanted to say that I hope that Dr. Clay gives me the, uh, green light. It would be an honor and a privilege to save your son's life.
Sam: Thank you so much. You -- you have no idea how grateful I am. I wish there was some way that I could repay you.
Derek: Well, Danny living a long, happy life would be... enough.
Sam: Well, I am so sorry I jumped to conclusions. I just -- I'm a little anxious right now.
Derek: Yeah, well, me, too, kiddo. Me, too.
Sam: Hey, mom, I, uh, I want to go find Silas. Would you mind watching Danny for a little bit?
Alexis: Oh, yeah, sure. Come here. Come here, sweet pea. Oh, that's a good boy.
Sam: Okay. I'll be back.
Alexis: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Derek: [Clears throat]
Alexis: So... I'm sorry. I don't have the manual for small talk with my grandson's donor.
Derek: Oh, well, I'll lend you mine.
[Both laugh]
Alexis: Excellent.
Derek: He's a cute kid.
Alexis: Thank you.
Derek: What is that?
Alexis: What?
Derek: Are you investigating me?
Sabrina: What you say Maxie's baby, you mean Dante and Lulu's, right?
Ellie: Right. Yeah, of course. No, I should have said Maxie and the baby. Anyway... before I fell in love with Damian, I was always so ethical. I knew the difference between right and wrong, and I would have never lied or resorted to treachery of any sort.
Sabrina: Well, something obviously had to happen to change that.
Ellie: I overheard a conversation between Maxie and her father in which she strongly indicated she was hiding something.
Sabrina: About the pregnancy?
Ellie: I couldn't stop thinking about it. I even convinced myself that it was my duty to uncover the truth and that I was pursuing said truth for the most noble reason. You know, that -- that Dante and Lulu deserved to know if something was wrong with their child.
Sabrina: Well, they do deserve to know.
Ellie: Maybe. got so that I didn't even recognize myself anymore. Do you know what I did? I tricked Damian into helping me hack into the medical database of the hospital, all so that I could access Maxie's records.
Sabrina: Wow.
Ellie: I know. Tell me about it. I completely broke my own code of ethics.
Sabrina: Look, yes, but... [Sighs] Isn't it -- isn't it justified when, as you said, you were doing it to protect Dante and Lulu?
Ellie: [Sighs] That's the thing, Sabrina. When -- now that I have a chance to look back and examine my actions, I don't... I don't know if my intentions were nearly so pure. I think -- I think I did what I did because... I was just jealous of Maxie.
Mac: Maxie, I need to know. Are you aware the baby isn't yours?
Maxie: [Sighs] Of course I am. I carried that little girl for Dante and Lulu. She's -- she's not mine or Spinelli's.
Mac: Okay. Okay. Good. I knew in my gut it was just some post-op confusion, but I just had to make sure.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Maxie: Thanks for looking out for me, Mac.
Mac: [Chuckles] Always.
Maxie: So, um... where's the baby now?
Mac: Uh, NICU.
Maxie: I thought she was fine.
Mac: She is. She is. Just a precaution because she arrived early. I checked on her myself. She's 100% healthy and right where she belongs -- with her mother.
Lulu: Did mom call you?
Nikolas: Yeah, she did, from the airport. I'm kind of upset about it. I could have sent her back to Paris on a private jet.
Lulu: You know she likes to take care of things when she can.
Nikolas: I'm just grateful she elected to go back when she did.
Lulu: Why? Are the doctors worried about her?
Nikolas: Oh, no, it's just her annual checkup is -- it's important, and she'd already put it off for a month. I'm just glad that I didn't have to pressure her.
Lulu: You're welcome.
Nikolas: You convinced her to go?
Lulu: Yeah. With an assist from my dad. [Voice breaking] He always knows how to get through to her.
Nikolas: Lulu, what's wrong?
Lulu: I think I'm having an emotional reaction to new motherhood.
Nikolas: No.
Lulu: Yeah, they -- they say that that can happen on --
Nikolas: Lulu, you got emotional about Luke.
Lulu: He's sick. He could be dying.
Britt: Are you threatening me?
Patrick: Stating a fact.
Britt: My mother would never hurt her own grandchild.
Patrick: Do you know that? Really? Because I don't. And if she's working with a man like Faison, she's capable of doing anything.
Britt: This is insane.
Patrick: No. Your mother is insane. She lost her medical license for doing unspeakable things to patients. And to me, that is worse than Faison, except Faison is in jail. Your mother's free to run around and hurt anybody, including me or anybody connected to Robin, and that is on you.
Britt: Me?
Patrick: You. You let her walk away.
Britt: She's my mother, Patrick!
Patrick: I don't care! I will not risk my baby around her!
Britt: And I would?!
Patrick: If you let him get near that psychopath, yes, you will.
Britt: He's my baby, too.
Patrick: Not if I have anything to do with it.
Britt: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Patrick: I'm gonna fight for full custody to my baby.
Britt: You can't have full custody. I'm the mother.
Patrick: Yeah, but your mother tried to murder someone -- two someones, actually -- connected to my family.
Britt: How many times do I have to tell you, Patrick, I am not responsible for my mother's actions!
Patrick: You're right, Britt. You're not. But you are responsible for the safety of your child.
Britt: She lives in Europe, for God's sake! I rarely see her!
Patrick: Wow. See, that's -- that's really strange, because she's been here with you twice in the last six months.
Britt: Fine!
Patrick: [Scoffs]
Britt: But I still maintain that she's not a threat!
Patrick: Oh, my God.
Britt: But I will keep my baby and my mother apart, okay?! What?!
Patrick: It's unbelievable to me! You actually expect me to trust you when you've lied about absolutely everything!
Britt: Maybe you are not understanding me, Patrick. I am the mother. I have legal rights.
Patrick: I'll arrange for supervised visits.
Britt: Supervised visits?!
Patrick: I cannot risk my baby's safety when your mother has any chance of being anywhere near it.
Britt: I cannot believe this is happening.
Patrick: I don't trust you, Britt, and I will do anything to keep my baby safe. Do you understand?
Britt: Even full custody?!
Patrick: Full custody. Yes.
Britt: Well, you're not gonna get it.
Sabrina: Jealousy is a killer. Trust me. I've been there.
Ellie: Damian was in love with Maxie for years, and even though he chose me, those feelings of insecurity never really went away.
Sabrina: And I'm sure what happened on new year's eve didn't help.
Ellie: [Sighs] Exactly. I just wanted so badly to prove to him that he made the right choice, you know, that -- that I was the right choice. And I just thought that if I could show him...
Sabrina: By uncovering what Maxie was hiding.
Ellie: [Sighs] I just wish I never found out.
Sabrina: Did you confront her about it?
Ellie: Yeah. And somehow she convinced me to keep it a secret, too, even though I knew it was so, so wrong. [Scoffs] And now the very lie that I told Damian to hold on to his love is -- is the reason that I lost it.
[Footsteps approach]
Sam: Hey, there.
Spinelli: Gracious greetings.
Sam: What's with you?
Spinelli: N-nothing. Um... how's young Daniel?
Sam: He's gonna be okay.
Spinelli: I am most confident in that, as well.
Sam: No, no, Spinelli, really. Danny's gonna be okay. We found a donor. [Chuckles] It's a miracle. Yeah.
Spinelli: I'm not sure if it's a miracle. You know, young Danny has a remarkable capacity to endure... just like his dad. I can't tell you -- I-I haven't had a thing to smile about today, so thank you so much for changing that. [Chuckles]
Sam: What are you talking about? What about Maxie? I heard she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
Spinelli: Yeah, it's wonderful news, indeed, for -- for Dante and Lulu.
Sam: Hey, are you sure you're okay?
Spinelli: You know, Ellie and I hit, uh, hit a rough patch, so to speak, so...
Sam: Oh. Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Spinelli: I-I am, too. But that's nothing for you to worry about. You have much more important and joyous things to focus on.
Sam: Finally.
Spinelli: I'm so happy for you.
Sam: Yes, actually, but I'm -- I'm not completely out of the woods yet. We still need confirmation that the surgery's gonna happen. I was, um, looking for -- for Dr. Clay. Have you seen him?
Spinelli: No, but go, go, go. I'm seeking answers myself, so...
Sam: Okay. [Sighs] Okay.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Mac: One giant vanilla milkshake coming up.
Maxie: [Chuckles] Uh, 2% milk, please.
Mac: You got it.
Maxie: [Groans]
Nikolas: God, Lulu, I-I... I don't even know -- I don't even know what to say to you right now, 'cause I-I've always thought of Luke as invincible, you know?
Lulu: Yeah, you and me both. [Sniffles]
Nikolas: Yeah. So, what's going -- is he in any pain or...
Lulu: Not that he shared with me, but, uh, once I knew, I could see it. He looks really, really weak. He doesn't look like himself.
Nikolas: Yeah, well...
Lulu: [Voice breaking] I'm really scared.
Nikolas: I know, I know, but if anyone -- anyone -- can find their way out of this, trust me, my money is on your father.
Lulu: Were you always this terrible of a liar?
Nikolas: I-I guess. Lulu, I'm sorry.
Lulu: [Sniffles] It's just been, like, this whirlwind. You know, one second I am welcoming my daughter into the world... and the next, I'm with my dad and I'm saying what might be goodbye. I-I don't know -- I don't know what to do. I don't know how to feel.
Nikolas: I know. I know you don't. But all I can say is just try and focus on the positive right now. That's all you can do.
Lulu: Yeah, well, she makes that part easy. [Chuckles]
Nikolas: [Chuckles]
Lulu: What?
Nikolas: Nothing. It's just... I'm just -- I'm thankful that most of my family members are... are dead. For once, we can't blame this on the Cassadines, right? Right? Lulu, no. Come on. Really?
Lulu: It was Helena.
Nikolas: How?
Lulu: She got to him before he killed her. She switched out his earring with one that had traces of polonium-210.
Nikolas: Radiation poisoning?
Lulu: I mean, you got to give Helena props, right? She's creative. She is thorough. It's -- it's ironic, isn't it, that after all these decades, [Voice breaking] My father finally feels free of her and meanwhile, Helena may have done him in.
Nikolas: Come here. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Lulu: [Sighs]
Alexis: I'm an attorney. I come by paranoia naturally.
Derek: Hmm. So, um... you were investigating me.
Alexis: No. Not -- not at all. I-I was just curious about the man who's giving my grandson his DNA.
Derek: I see. You, um, find anything you don't like in that file?
Alexis: No. Besides, what would it matter, really? I mean, would it really matter if you were hiding any deep, dark secrets?
Derek: [Chuckles] It might.
Alexis: I'm intrigued. So, what is your deep, dark secret?
[Door opens]
Sam: Mom.
Alexis: Sam.
Sam: Hey.
Alexis: Anything from Silas?
Sam: No, but his nurse did say that he was on his way. We should know any minute now if we are all clear.
Derek: [Sighs]
Mac: Spinelli. Maxie's awake and on the mend. Even requesting a vanilla milkshake.
Spinelli: I am most eager to visit with her.
Mac: Oh, I know she'd be happy to see you. Come on. Maxie, you got a visitor. Maxie?
Lulu: [Sighs] I don't want to leave her right now.
Nikolas: I know, but she's fast asleep, and you really need a break.
[Door closes]
Maxie: [Groans] [Sighs]
Ellie: [Sniffles] I should have never kept the truth from Damian.
Sabrina: Look, I don't know all the details, but it sounds like to me your biggest fault is how much you love Spinelli.
Ellie: More than anything.
Sabrina: And that isn't wrong. But love sometimes makes us do crazy things. I speak from experience.
Ellie: [Sniffles] You've compromised your principles for love?
Sabrina: [Scoffs] You were there, remember? When we tested Britt's DNA sample without her consent? [Scoffs] I still can't believe the baby turned out to be Patrick's.
Britt: Do you hear me? You will never get full custody of this baby.
Patrick: We'll see. Expect a call from my lawyer and soon, before you --
Britt: Patrick, you are making a big mistake.
Patrick: No, I'm protecting my son.
Britt: He's not your son!
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