General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 8/28/13
Provided By Suzanne
Laura: You don't know how happy I am to be here with you and with my beautiful little baby granddaughter! I really missed out with Aiden. But with this one, I get to be grandma right from the get-go, don't I?
[Baby crying]
Both: Ohh.
Laura: Oh, oh, oh. Baby.
Lulu: Scott gets to be step-grandpa.
Laura: Ah.
Lulu: He and I have had our differences, but I hope he knows that he's welcome to come visit.
Laura: Thank you, sweetheart. I will definitely tell him that... if I knew where he was.
Tracy: Hi, Luke. It's me. Um, I don't know if you've heard the good news, but... I am finally back in charge of ELQ. I -- I just wanted to share the good news with somebody. But I can only assume, since you haven't returned any of my calls, that you must be... ad!
Luke: You know better than to make assumptions, Spanky.
Patrick: And then what?
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Felix: Where the hell have you been?! I've been trying to call you all morning.
Sabrina: Um, me?
Patrick: We slept in.
Felix: [Chuckles dryly] Okay, little-known fact -- how cute you think you are is inversely proportional to how cute you actually are.
Patrick: I'm so sorry about that.
Felix: [Scoffs]
Sabrina: You were saying.
Felix: Okay, only that something major went down at our apartment last night.
Sabrina: What happened?
Felix: It's the Britch. She's gone.
Britt: Morning. [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: Of course. You're welcome. Hey!
Michael: Hey.
Elizabeth: You look exhausted! Did you not make it home last night?
Michael: No, I never made it home. Look, um, there's something I need to -- to tell you. It's about AJ
AJ: [Retching] Oh -- [Sniffles] [Grunts] [Breathing heavily] [Chuckles]
Dante: AJ! Here's some coffee for you. You're gonna need it after the bender you went on last night.
Anna: Good morning, AJ Try this again. Did you murder Connie Falconeri?
Patrick: Whoa, whoa, hey. What -- what do you mean? Where -- Britt's gone?
Sabrina: Gone where?
Felix: Uh, can't say for sure. Most likely scenario -- the commissioner hauled her lying ass down to the slammer.
Patrick: Britt's in jail?
Sabrina: For what?
Felix: Aiding and abetting, accessory after the fact. Turns out, her crazy mother is the perp who attacked Duke Lavery.
Patrick: Liesl Westbourne, Britt's mother, is the one who tried to kill Duke?
Felix: Well, it turns out she's no longer Liesl Westbourne. Okay, the commissioner asked me to keep this on the Q.T., But y'all two need to know what's what. Brace yourselves. This is big.
Nikolas: I hope the room was to your liking.
Britt: Are you kidding? The bathroom is bigger than Sabrina's entire apartment! This compound of yours is --
Nikolas: Uh, estate. We like to call it...
Britt: Oh, oh. Estate. It's pretty hard to believe! I mean, it's totally gothic! It's like something out of "Jane Eyre" or batman! [Gasps softly] Oh, my God. Are you batman?
Nikolas: I do have a butler named Alfred.
Britt: Shut up. [Chuckles] Um...seriously, though, thank you, uh, for springing me out of jail yesterday. If you hadn't have picked up, I don't know who I would've turned to.
Nikolas: Not Patrick?
Britt: Mnh-mnh. Um, things with Patrick are complicated.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] And things with you and I are anything but!
Britt: Well, give it time! It's only noon!
Nikolas: I'm always happy to help a friend, Britt. And that's what you and I are, no matter what Elizabeth or anyone else tries to tell me.
Elizabeth: Look, Michael, I don't want to talk about AJ Right now.
Michael: Elizabeth, I --
Elizabeth: I'm sure he woke up with a massive hangover this morning, going on and on about how sorry he is. But after what he said to me last night...about Jake, I have nothing to say to him.
Michael: You don't understand.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Michael: Look, AJ Is, uh -- he's been at the police station all night.
Elizabeth: Why?
Michael: Dante brought him in on, uh... suspicion of murder.
AJ: I told you I don't remember a thing about last night.
Dante: Oh, yeah -- 'cause you were drunk.
AJ: Yes, bec-- because I was drunk.
Dante: Well, you know what? That's great, AJ You know what? I'm gonna tell that to my mother and father. I'm sure that'll make them feel a whole lot better.
AJ: I swear to you, I'm --
Dante: Do you understand what's happening here?!
Anna: Detective, please bear in mind that Mr. Quartermaine is suffering from a hangover, which makes noises sound a lot louder.
Dante: Oh, I'm sorry, commissioner! I will bear that in mind! You know what? These can actually speak for themselves. AJ Quartermaine... you are familiar with Constanza "Connie" Falconeri, I believe. Note the severe trauma where you blew a hole in her chest.
AJ: [Vomiting]
Tracy: I was convinced you were dead.
Luke: Well, I said I'd be back for the birth of my grandchild. I try to be a man of my word.
Tracy: How are Lulu and the baby?
Luke: Lulu's great. The kid came early, but she's okay.
Tracy: That's wonderful. Congratulations, Luke.
Luke: And to you! I hear you're back in the big seat at ELQ! [Chuckles] Way to go, pretty lady!
Laura: Excuse me for a second.
Lulu: Oh, yeah. No, I got it.
Scott: [Sighs]
Laura: Scotty, where have you been? I've left message after message, and then when I finally got to our room, you hadn't even left a note for me!
Scott: One good turn deserves another. You ran off with your ex... so I ran off with mine.
Patrick: So, Britt's mom is the one that kept Duke in prison in Switzerland.
Felix: The one and the same.
Patrick: So that means that she's working with Faison.
Sabrina: Wait, she put Emma's grandfather into a coma --
Patrick: Using Propofol, which is what she used on Duke.
Sabrina: Has Britt known about this all along? Were she and her mother targeting Patrick this whole time?
Felix: Well, how long mama doc and baby doc have been in cahoots is anybody's guess. All I know is last night, I tossed the commissioner my keys so she could go question our humble house guest. I-I didn't want to interrupt, so I-I stayed in the on-call room. When I returned this A.M., Brit was gone. Her bed hadn't been slept in -- all signs that Dr. Britchy west-scorn got what she deserved! So can we celebrate --
Patrick: Hold on. Stop. Felix, enough, okay? That's my child you're talking about!
Britt: I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.
Nikolas: [Grunts] With you? I think I can handle it.
Britt: Mm. Don't be so sure. My alleged wrong-doings now go beyond getting pregnant to trap a man. Commissioner Devane actually believes that I am a conspirator in my mother's mad, diabolical plan du jour.
Nikolas: Mm. Guilt by association. Unfortunately, we can't choose our families. Believe me -- I know that more than anyone.
Britt: So, you believe me?
Nikolas: I choose to trust you. And I sincerely hope that you will honor that trust by telling the truth.
Britt: Okay.
Nikolas: Okay. Good. So let's level with each other. Has your mother got you mixed up in anything?
Elizabeth: Murder?! Well, that's absurd. AJ Didn't kill anyone.
Michael: It was Connie.
Elizabeth: Connie's dead?
Michael: Yeah. Uh, she was shot last night in her office.
Elizabeth: Oh, my God! Michael, I'm -- I'm so sorry! How's your dad -- I mean Sonny?
Michael: Well, he's the, uh -- the one who found her, so...
Elizabeth: Oh, my God.
Michael: Yeah, he was a wreck, and, uh, he went after AJ, But Dante and I were able to step in before things got too...bad.
Elizabeth: Wha-- how bad?
Michael: My dad would've killed AJ If I didn't beg him not to.
Elizabeth: Well, thank God you were there. Why did Sonny think AJ Had something to do with this?
Michael: Connie.
Anna: All right. Steady on. We don't want you being sick again.
Dante: Oh, that's my bad. The pictures weren't a good idea. Let's try something else.
AJ: Please.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Anna: What have you got there, detective?
Dante: You know, it's just everything you ever wanted to know about Alan Quartermaine Jr. I mean, all the things we're familiar with -- you shooting your own father -- kidnapping Michael, Morgan, and Kristina -- the drunk driving accident that caused your brother Jason to have permanent brain damage.
AJ: What's your point?
Dante: [Chuckling] Why, you were a loan shark? Oh, that's before you torched my father's warehouse. And you did the same thing to your family's gatehouse. Uh, you did it again to a strip club called the oasis, and then you drove your car into it. [Chuckles] Pyro much?
AJ: What exactly does --
Dante: Sit down!
Anna: All right.
Dante: The point of this is that we should've seen this coming! Everyone knows you're a screw-up, AJ! We just thought you were too incompetent to actually do anything lethal! Well, we all stand corrected!
Anna: All right, detective. Thank you. That's enough. That's enough.
AJ: Should he even be here?
Anna: Yes! Detective Falconeri is still the arresting officer in the case.
AJ: Yeah, but he's also a-a family member of the victim!
Anna: By all accounts, he and his brother are the only reason you're not in a drawer next to Connie.
Dante: Hey, you know, I-I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let's start again.
Anna: Yes.
Dante: Shall we? Come on. Let's start again, AJ You pull yourself together. We'll tell you what we know. Yeah?
Anna: Mm-hmm!
Dante: So, Michael says you were drinking at the floating rib. You and Elizabeth got into it. She took your keys. Bartender called you a cab. The cab dropped you off at your residence at 66 harbor view road. Little while after that, Michael showed up. You weren't there. A few hours later, you stumble in and black out. See, AJ, Those hours that you can't account for are the hours in which Connie was murdered. Where did you go?
AJ: I-I don't know.
Dante: Do you think maybe you went to Connie's office?
AJ: I don't know!
Dante: What'd you do with the gun?
AJ: I don't have a gun!
Anna: Does anyone residing at the Quartermaine mansion own a weapon?
AJ: Yeah. Yeah, somebody does.
Anna: Who?
AJ: Tracy.
Luke: Again with the slapping?
Tracy: You are so lucky that that's all you're getting. I thought you were dead in a ditch somewhere!
Luke: Sorry to disappoint.
Tracy: And now I find out that -- no, you were just ignoring my calls all this time!
Luke: I-I-ignoring? I've been busy trying to find a way to stay alive!
Tracy: I had my bags packed, Luke! I had money, I had a passport -- everything I needed to go with you!
Luke: Yes, and if you had, whose name would be on your office door right now? Tracy, you can't give up ELQ! And I needed to focus on finding Jerry.
Tracy: Well, you're standing here, so I can only assume that you found the cure.
Luke: Not exactly.
Laura: You ran away with your ex?
Scott: Yeah. Lucy.
Laura: I see. Where'd you go?
Scott: New Mexico -- some touchy-feely spa there. Lucy is trying to pilfer some lifestyle guru for deception -- you know, the spa that she's trying to get off the ground with her partner. What's her name? Oh, yeah! Same as yours.
Laura: I'm sure that Lucy understands why I wasn't available.
Scott: No. No, she doesn't, and neither do I.
Laura: Scotty, look, I -- I can see that you're really upset.
Scott: I am.
Laura: Okay, but the point is that I'm here now. I-I had to help Luke, and I did as best I could but -- but I'm here now, and... I am 100% in our marriage.
Scott: No, you're not! Quite honestly... neither am I -- not anymore.
Laura: [Exhales] What are you saying?
Scott: I want a divorce.
Patrick: I understand that Britt made things very difficult for everybody, but I draw the line at you patting yourself on the back when my son is about to be born in prison.
Sabrina: Patrick, that's not what he meant!
Felix: No. Dr. Drake, you're right. I wasn't thinking. I just keep forgetting the baby she's carrying is yours, mostly because I don't believe it's true!
Patrick: Yeah, I understand that, Felix. But you know what? The DNA test -- that doesn't agree with you.
Sabrina: Patrick, I'm sorry.
Patrick: Look. Sabrina, if Britt is in prison, I have to bail her out. I can't have my son being born in prison.
Sabrina: Of course not. Go, and I'll call administration and let them know what's going on, okay?
Patrick: Thank you.
Sabrina: Okay.
Felix: Actually, that time, you two looked really sweet. Ow!
Sabrina: You think you could've handled that any differently?
Felix: Okay, look. I'm sorry I upset Dr. Dreamboat. But I stand behind what I said. If Britt is involved with her psycho, fugitive mother, then the best thing for you, Patrick, Emma, and that baby is for commissioner Devane to lock her up for good!
Britt: If you're asking me if I knew my mother tried to poison Duke Lavery, then no. That one took me by surprise, too.
Nikolas: So, if you weren't helping her, then why did you lie to the police about when you saw her last?
Britt: Whoa. So much for trusting me.
Nikolas: Britt, I'm trying to help you. And the only way that I can do that is if you're honest with me.
Britt: Wow, you really are looking out for me, aren't you?
Nikolas: Is that such a surprise?
Britt: I'm just not used to it. I know my mom has done some terrible things. But, I mean, she's -- she's still my mother. So... I told the police that she left a day earlier than she really did. I wanted her to get away. I didn't want to see her behind bars.
Nikolas: I can understand that.
Britt: And, besides, I mean, in her own way... she's always looked out for me, especially when it came to this baby.
Nikolas: How so?
Laura: You want a divorce? Isn't that kind of ridiculous? I mean, we just got remarried.
Scott: That's -- that's my point, is that, uh, we're -- we're not even back from our honeymoon five minutes, and you run off with Spencer again!
Laura: Oh, for God's sake! The man is dying! He needed my help!
Scott: It's -- it's okay, Laura. It just -- it confirmed everything that I always knew that I was afraid to admit -- that Luke will always... always come first with you.
Laura: That's not true. It isn't! I-I did this for Lulu! I chose you. I married you!
Scott: Can you honestly say, if the shoe was on the other foot and you were married to Luke, and if I was dying, w-would you drop everything and come save me?
Laura: Yes! Absolutely! I would! I would! But the thing is that that would never happen, because I wouldn't be married to Luke, because Luke and I just...don't fit anymore!
Scott: Neither do we.
Tracy: So, whatever Sean gave you was temporary.
Luke: But it has been confirmed that Jerry is working with this whacked-out doctor to find a permanent cure. And that's why I have to go.
Tracy: You're leaving?
Luke: The clock is ticking, Tracy.
Tracy: But what about... the baby? Lulu?
Luke: If I am gonna see that baby's first birthday, I have to get on the road. But I couldn't go... without seeing you first.
Anna: So, Tracy's gun was at the Quartermaine mansion. Do you know where it is now?
AJ: I-it's probably still there! I mean, she keeps it locked up in a safe!
Anna: Uh-huh. we'll see what she has to say.
Dante: Hey. How's, uh, my lovely wife and my beautiful, little, nameless daughter?
Lulu: She's doing great! But you know what? She misses her daddy.
Dante: Daddy misses both of you, too.
Lulu: Any chance you'll be able to make a personal appearance?
Dante: No, I'm afraid not.
Lulu: But you've been working the case all night.
Dante: I know. And all I can tell you is that something really bad went down last night.
Lulu: Sounds serious.
Dante: It is.
Elizabeth: But when Sonny confronted AJ, He denied it, right?
Michael: Well, he was too drunk to really say much of anything, though.
Elizabeth: Michael, you don't think he did this, do you?
Michael: No, I hope -- I hope not. I'd like to think he's not capable of something like this, but I-I know how angry he was at Connie. But he had so much hate in his eyes. Um, I'm not gonna lie to you. It was scary.
AJ: They're lucky I wasn't armed myself. Because I swear to God, if I was, I would have killed Connie right then and there.
Anna: So, once we have Tracy's gun, it won't take long to match it to the bullet that killed Connie, at which point your life will become significantly better...or irretrievably worse, of course. I'm sorry -- did I say something funny?
AJ: [Sighs] No, I just -- I think it's really great that you think my life could get any worse.
Anna: Well, you're not at Pentonville yet, are you? So there's still a ways to go. You can make things easier for yourself, you know, AJ
AJ: How?
Anna: Cooperating with the investigation goes a long way at trial!
AJ: I am cooperating, the best that I can! I mean, I honestly --
AJ: [Chuckles]
Anna: You just remembered something, didn't you? Care to share?
Tracy: Okay. Goodbye.
Luke: Goodbye? Forget goodbye. How about good luck? [Sighs] Listen. I kno-- I heard and I understood what you said. You want the whole enchilada, and -- and you deserve it. But that's more than I can ever give you, especially now. So I was just hoping... that today, we could put all that aside. Just one for the road, huh?
Scott: I know that your heart was never in this marriage, and I -- it's why I tried to... force you to the altar. I -- I just thought if I could get a ring on your finger, that... we could get that love back that we had when we were kids! Or maybe even get our youth back again!
Laura: We did, Scotty. We -- we love each other, and that --
Scott: No. Listen. My love for you, it -- it's -- [Sighs] It's never gonna be enough for you.
Laura: Scotty... if I have --
Scott: Listen. Laura... I can't be that guy going 15 rounds to get you to love me the way I love you! And I think... that you are also tired... of me being that guy.
AJ: No, I didn't remember anything.
Anna: Are you sure? Why don't you just describe --
AJ: I'm not gonna say anything until Diane gets here.
Anna: Okay. That's your right, of course. So I will just leave you to weigh your options, then. Patrick. What are you doing here? Is everything all right?
Patrick: Is it true about Britt's mom?
Anna: Oh. Felix --
Patrick: And is she responsible for attacking Duke and Robert?
Anna: [Sighs] That's the working theory, yes.
Patrick: [Sighs] Is Britt involved? Anna, you got to tell me. Is Britt involved? Is she harboring her mother?
Anna: We're not sure. We do know that she lied about the last time she saw her mother, because there was evidence that Obrecht had been in her apartment. And that's why we brought Britt in for questioning.
Patrick: She's gonna be giving birth in the next couple days, and I don't want my son being born behind bars.
Anna: Oh, y-you didn't hear? Britt was released...with a little help from Nikolas Cassadine.
Britt: My mother's been guiding me through this pregnancy from the beginning.
Nikolas: Isn't that your field of expertise? Why would you need guidance?
Britt: Well, see, the thing is that sh-she's --
[Cell phone ringing]
Britt: Um --
Nikolas: Oh, I'm sorry, but I-I do have to take this. Excuse me. Hey, Lulu. What's up?
Lulu: Okay, I know that I should've called you last night, but things got really crazy.
Nikolas: Crazy how? What happened last night?
Lulu: You became an uncle again.
Laura: I don't think we have to throw away everything that we have. I think we can do better. I can do better.
Scott: We -- we tried! Didn't work!
Laura: Well... we're gonna try harder. [Chuckles tearfully]
Scott: I don't think we can. [Sighs] We're in, like... some endless loop! I mean...the only way to escape is... one of us has to break out. So... I'm -- I'm letting you go, Laura... for both of our sakes.
Laura: [Crying] Where are you gonna go?
Scott: I-I'm not gonna go anywhere! I -- this town needs a D.A. To clean up the crime once and for all!
Laura: Well, okay. Well, you're gonna be fantastic at that.
Scott: I'm glad I have your vote.
Laura: [Sighs]
Scott: I just want what's best for you.
Laura: [Crying] And I want what's best for you!
Scott: Well, I wish we could've done it together.
Laura: Me, too!
Scott: Listen, you -- you tell Lulu congratulations.
Laura: Okay. I will. [Continues crying]
Nikolas: I take it my new, little niece is in good health?
Lulu: Get your butt over here! She can't wait to meet you.
Nikolas: All right. I'm on my way. I'm really sorry, but I have to go.
Britt: Oh, no, no, no. Maxie had Lulu's baby already?
Nikolas: Yeah, and apparently, everything is fine.
Britt: Oh, that's great! That's great. Yeah, I used to be Lulu and Maxie's O.B., Once upon a time. Uh, anyways, um, you should get going, uncle Nik!
Nikolas: [Chuckles]
Britt: Give everybody my best.
Nikolas: I will. I will. And, uh... we'll finish our conversation when I get back. I promise.
Britt: Sure thing.
Nikolas: Yeah.
Luke: Are you okay?
Laura: [Inhales deeply] Yes! [Exhales] I'm fine! I'm fine. What about you?
Luke: Oh. No worse than yesterday.
[Cell phone ringing]
Laura: Oh. [Sighs]
Luke: Do you want to get that?
Laura: No. It's nothing. Oh, it's just the doctors in Paris. They want me to come in for my yearly tests.
Luke: When?
Laura: I was supposed to do it last month, but I postponed.
Luke: You postponed to come and find me. That was a bad idea, Laura!
Laura: It's just a wellness evaluation! It's nothing!
Luke: It isn't nothing. It's important. You shouldn't be putting it off.
Laura: [Scoffs] I feel fine.
Luke: Well, I want you to stay feeling fine. This thing that I'm fighting... well, it's terminal unless I -- so it's even more important that you are here... and totally present for the kids... and our new -- our new grandchild.
Lulu: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?
Laura: Uh, your -- your dad is upset with me because I put off my, uh, wellness evaluation at the clinic in Paris.
Lulu: I would've been upset with you, too...if I'd known.
Laura: Sweetie, there's nothing to worry about, here! Really! It's a wellness evaluation! They give it to me every year!
Lulu: Which is why you can't afford to put it off.
Laura: Well, okay, then. I-I guess this is where I do the right thing, set a good example for you as a mother -- um... okay -- and do the right thing, so... the last thing I want to do right now, little one, is leave you.
Lulu: I love you so much, mom.
Laura: I love you so much. [Sighs] Okay. I guess the sooner I go, the sooner I can come back.
Lulu: Do you need help with your travel arrangements?
Laura: [Scoffs] Please. [Chuckles] I think I've traveled enough in my life that I can make a simple airline reservation.
Lulu: Call me when you get to Paris.
Laura: Absolutely. I will. And I want updates, young lady -- daily reports! Be prepared to text me with lots of photos of that baby.
Lulu: Okay. You can count on it.
Laura: Thank you, honey. [Sighs] I'm really glad that we got to be here...together... for the birth of our granddaughter.
Luke: Well, you're the one that made it happen. I wasn't always fair... or gracious. And I want to thank you... for everything.
Laura: We did a really good job. Take care.
Lulu: Were you ever going to mention... that you're dying?
Felix: I'm sorry I upset Patrick.
Sabrina: [Scoffs] Please. I'm over that.
Felix: Good! Then I take it back!
Sabrina: To be honest, if he hadn't been standing there, I probably would've high-fived you.
Felix: As well you should! I mean, come on -- with the Britch out of the way, there's nothing to get between you and Patrick. Isn't that everything you've always wanted?
Sabrina: Well...yeah, but not like that! Whatever Britt and her mother have done, that baby doesn't deserve to suffer for it!
Britt: Oh. [Groans softly] [Sighs] Mother. What have you got me involved in? [Chuckles softly] Nikolas is so sweet! Chuckles] So trustworthy. [Scoffs] I was this close to telling him Patrick isn't this baby's father. [Sighs]
Patrick: Nikolas bailed her out?
Anna: Yes. He was her one phone call, after which he arrived with a couple of high-powered attorneys in tow. And they made it abundantly clear that we weren't allowed to keep Dr. Westbourne here.
Patrick: You don't know where she went? I mean, she didn't get back to Sabrina, so...
Anna: You should probably check with Nikolas.
Nikolas: Elizabeth? Hey.
Elizabeth: Oh, Nikolas.
Nikolas: Hey! Hey! It's okay. I'm here. Okay? What's wrong?
Elizabeth: Connie Falconeri was murdered last night. They think it was AJ
AJ: [Sighs] [Exhales]
Dante: Tracy! Tracy. Sorry to bother you.
Tracy: Dante.
Dante: Alice let us in.
Tracy: W-why are you here? Why aren't you at the hospital with the baby? Is everything okay?
Dante: Yeah, everything's great with the baby.
Tracy: What do you want?
Dante: Is it true you have a gun?
Tracy: Yeah! It's legal! Why? Who ratted me out?
Dante: AJ
Tracy: Ah. [Laughs] Really? And what trouble is he trying to get me into now? Did he also mention that I have a license?
Dante: No, I know you do. I just need to see the gun.
Tracy: I don't suppose there's any chance you could... tell me what this is all about.
Dante: I'm sorry, Tracy. I can't.
Tracy: It's gone.
AJ: Oh, my God. I did it.
Lulu: Helena poisoned you when you came to rescue me?
Luke: Helena was a vengeful psychotic. She knew I was gonna kill her, so she arranged to have one last laugh on me from beyond the grave.
Lulu: So now you're gonna go after Jerry Jacks.
Luke: That's the plan.
Lulu: What are the chances that you can find him and get him to give you the cure?
Luke: Well, maybe it's a long shot. But those have always been my favorite odds.
Lulu: Mom knew everything. It must've been so hard for her to walk away just then.
Luke: She did the right thing. And so did you, by not letting her know that you had overheard us -- that you know the truth about me.
Lulu: She would've wanted to stay to support me, but she needs to be in Paris for that evaluation. She can't risk another relapse.
Luke: No, she cant.
Lulu: I love her... so much, and I know that it's not her fault that she got sick. But you're the one who's always been here when I needed you. [Crying] You always showed up when it mattered most, dad. I need you to keep showing up! So does my little girl.
Luke: I understand. But I'm not gonna -- I'm not gonna insult you by making a bunch of promises that I may not be able to keep. You are too much of a realist for that. You get that from me.
Lulu: My entire life, I have watched you do the impossible. So I choose to believe that you can do it again.
Luke: I'm sure as hell gonna try, baby.
Lulu: [Crying] I love you, dad!
Luke: I love you, daughter. My little mama.
Lulu: [Chuckles tearfully]
Tracy: Clearly, AJ is trying to frame me for something.
Dante: I don't think so. Tracy, in fact, I don't think you had anything to do with what AJ's gotten himself into.
Tracy: Which would be what?
Dante: Uh, you might want to sit down.
Tracy: No! I'll stand! Thank you! What is it?
Dante: [Exhales] We think that AJ used your gun to kill Connie last night.
Nikolas: Here you go.
Elizabeth: Thanks. I just can't believe AJ would do something like this.
Nikolas: I can't say that it's entirely unexpected.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] He's worked so hard to be a better man, one that would never resort to -- he just would never throw away his life like this.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, that's not what you told me before!
Elizabeth: Please, Nikolas!
Nikolas: You told me that AJ said that if he'd had a gun, he would've killed Connie.
Elizabeth: He was upset! He was blowing off steam! He didn't mean it!
Nikolas: Are you sure?
Anna: Right this way, please. You have a visitor.
Michael: Hey.
AJ: Hey.
Anna: AJ? Um, think about what we discussed, all right?
Michael: Okay, look. Uh, Diane's on her way. We both hope you listened to me and didn't say anything to the cops.
AJ: I haven't said a word. I...haven't remembered anything till now.
Michael: And w-what do you remember?
AJ: Michael, I think I did it! I think I killed Connie!
Felix: I hate to sound like a broken record, but we can't assume that Patrick is the father anymore.
Sabrina: Uh, no! No. We're not doing this again.
Felix: Oh, yes! No, no, no! This again! And let me tell you why! We now know that Britt's mother is a mad-scientist doctor with a rap sheet a mile long! There's no telling what tricks she had up her sleeve to help the Britch get exactly what she wanted.
Britt: [Chuckles]
[Door shuts]
Britt: Back so soon? How's the baby? Patrick. Uh, what are you -- what are you doing here?
Patrick: I could ask you the same thing, but I know all about what you and your mother have been up to.
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