GH Transcript Tuesday 8/27/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 8/27/13


Provided By Suzanne

Carly: Michael, it's mom. I'm just checking in. I have been everywhere, and I have found no sign of AJ Look, if you find AJ, no matter what condition he's in, call me, please.

Kiki: I don't even know why we're here, Morgan. Franco escaped out of a window to leave this place. Why would he hang around?

Morgan: Yeah, well, maybe someone saw him. I mean, a guy goes flying by in a hospital gown, you'd probably notice, wouldn't you?

Kiki: Probably. So?

Morgan: So, maybe you'd stop him, bring him back here.

Kiki: [Sighs] I guess it's possible.

Morgan: Look, I mean, we made all these fliers. We might as well put them up just in case. Excuse me.

Ellie: What is it?

Morgan: Um, we're looking for this guy. He's a patient here, and, uh, he took off. Have you seen him anywhere?

Ellie: No. Sorry.

Kiki: This is driving me crazy. where the hell is he, Morgan?

Franco: I'm definitely your dad. Ava kept me from you from all those years.

Kiki: And Ava lied. Ava lied to you, she lied to us. And I'm so sorry that I have to hurt you like this, but... you're not my biological father.

Franco: [Breathing quickly]

Spinelli: She is so beautiful, isn't she?

Lulu: Yeah. She is. [Gasps, chuckles] She always makes that face, like she's sizing up the situation, figuring everything out. [Chuckles] She gets that from her dad.

Ellie: That's just it, Damian. That little girl isn't Dante and Lulu's daughter. She's yours.

Spinelli: Where did the proud papa get off to, anyway?

Lulu: Work. Unfortunately, he got called away on a case.

Dante: Ma.

Olivia: [Sobbing] Dante.

Dante: Ma, I'm sorry. Ma, I'm sorry.

Olivia: Who would do this to Connie?

Dante: I don't know. But I'm about to find out, okay?

Olivia: What are you saying? Are you saying you know who did this?

Dante: I got a lead, but it's not concrete.

Olivia: Who? Who is it? Who is it?

Dante: You know I can't tell you that.

Alexis: Listen, we're gonna let Dante do his job, all right? I'll stay close.

Dante: Thank you.

Olivia: You find who did this. You make them pay!

Dante: Don't worry. I will get him.

Olivia: [Sniffles, sobs]

Sonny: Get up on your feet, you worthless bastard.

AJ: [Groaning] Sonny, what? What is it?

Sonny: You're gonna ask me that?

AJ: What --

Sonny: You spineless bastard! You want to play innocent with me? I'm gonna tell you what it is! You killed Connie...

AJ: Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, hey.

Sonny: ...So now...

AJ: Sonny.

Sonny: ...I'm gonna kill you.

AJ: No. Sonny, no.

Sonny: No?

AJ: Please.

Sonny: Huh?

AJ: Come on, come on, Sonny. Put that away.

Sonny: Where -- where you going? Where you going? You got no place to hide. You're not getting out of here alive.

AJ: Please, you got this wrong.

Sonny: I don't want to -- I don't want to hear it! Okay? You got something to say? 'Cause these are your last words. Say it... before I end...

AJ: No.

Sonny: ...Your miserable life.

AJ: Come on, Sonny, please.

Lulu: Dante didn't give me many details, only that it was a shooting. I'm guessing it's all hands on deck.

Spinelli: That's most unfortunate. I can't imagine any new father wanting to leave his daughter's side.

[Baby coos]

Lulu: Which means he will hurry back as soon as he can.

Spinelli: Of course. I mean, Dante is -- he's most devoted.

Lulu: Well, in the meantime, my baby and I are not hurting for company.

Spinelli: Were you able to visit Maxie in recovery?

Lulu: Mac said that she wasn't receiving visitors. She had been sedated.

Spinelli: That's a most concerning word. Did he give a reason for the induced slumber?

Lulu: Did you not know? Maxie suffered a crisis after the cesarean.

Spinelli: A-a crisis? But all seemed to be going well.

Lulu: Maxie started hemorrhaging when they were closing her up. It was pretty bad.

Spinelli: I was in the observation room. She smiled at me! So I thought she was fine, so I left. That must have been when it happened.

Lulu: It's okay. She's okay.

Spinelli: I should have stayed with her.

Lulu: No. No, no. You couldn't have known. None of us did. Dr. Chu stopped the bleeding, and she's gonna be okay.

Spinelli: I'm grateful and relieved. I just... I can't believe that Maxie was fighting for her life and I didn't even know.

Lulu: Yeah, I felt the same way. Maxie had a c-section delivering my daughter, and, I mean, she went through all of this because of Dante and me.

Spinelli: But you're certain she's gonna recover, right?

Lulu: Absolutely.

Spinelli: Did you -- did you get to see her, though? Right. No. Right. She was already sedated. Um, I'm sorry. I'm just a little scattered.

Lulu: No, it's okay. I understand. I-I've been totally freaked out. Especially since Mac told me that, uh, Maxie had been agitated.

Spinelli: Agitated?

Lulu: She kept talking about the baby.

Spinelli: May I inquire what about the baby?

Lulu: Um, apparently she kept saying that the baby was hers. But to be honest with you, none of this surprises me.

Spinelli: It doesn't?

Lulu: In the last few months, whenever we would talk about the baby, I felt like Maxie was getting really attached.

Spinelli: Well, I mean, I guess that explains it, then.

Lulu: Not all of it. Maxie said one another thing. She didn't just say that the baby was hers. She said that it was yours, too.

Morgan: Mom, what are you doing here? Did something happen to joss?

Carly: Uh, other than the fact that she's spending a month with her father in Australia.

Morgan: Oh, right. Um, I'm sorry.

Carly: She'll be happy to know you thought about her.

Morgan: Yeah. Um, so why -- why are you here? Is it dad?

Carly: AJ AJ

Morgan: Right. Right, right, right. Yeah, Michael's been worried about him.

Carly: With good reason. I mean, I told Michael I would help him search. I have been in every bar on every block on van Ness. I thought I should check the E.R.

Morgan: Uh, Michael thinks AJ's been drinking again. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Just with the whole Franco crisis, I feel like --

Kiki: I knew all about AJ Michael told me.

Carly: So, uh, what is this Franco crisis?

Kiki: Franco's missing.

Ellie: [Sighs]

Ellie: [Sobbing] Can you ever forgive me?

Spinelli: Ellie, to be absolutely Frank, I-I can't even look at you right now.

Ellie: [Sniffles]

Franco: Don't do anything I wouldn't do. I'm just saying. It's a long way down.

Dante: Hey.

Michael: Bro, what's up? Oh, uh, I got your text. Maxie had the baby. Congratulations.

Dante: Yeah. Thanks.

Michael: Yeah. I can't wait to meet my new niece. I'm probably gonna stop by there first thing tomorrow morning. Probably got your hands full with all the descending relatives, right? Actually, why -- why you here? Shouldn't you be at the hospital, or are you trying to avoid diaper duty?

Dante: No, I'd love to be doing that right now. Uh, I need to talk to AJ, Ask him some questions.

Michael: About what? About what, Dante?

Dante: About a murder.

Michael: Murder? Who -- who was killed?

Dante: My cousin, Connie.

Olivia: [Sobbing] I need to see Sonny. God, he's got to be in pieces right now. Where the hell could he have gone?

Alexis: I've never been very good at anticipating where he goes or what he does, but I can guarantee that he's not handling his grief very well.

Olivia: No, he is not.

Alexis: My point is, whatever he's doing, he's not thinking clearly.

Olivia: No. It just doesn't make any sense. You think he just wandered off? I mean, he was in there with Connie. He called 911. Where the hell did he go?

AJ: What are you saying? Connie's dead?

Sonny: Yeah, she's dead!

AJ: Come on.

Sonny: Bleeding all over the floor of her office. I tried to save her, AJ But I couldn't! You know why?! Because she was shot! You put a bullet in her! And now... I'm gonna put a bullet in you!

Ellie: Didn't anyone teach you not to sneak up on people on roofs? You scared me.

Franco: Yeah, I get that a lot. Unlike you. Probably never scare anybody, do you? Heard you coming from two stories down.

Ellie: Are you even allowed to be up here? You know, this is a restricted area.

Franco: What are you doing here?

Ellie: Well, I work here.

Franco: Well, I pay to be here, so that's the money they pay you with. So, technically, I'm your boss. I say you're the one that's not allowed up on the roof.

Ellie: It doesn't work like that.

Franco: You sure?

Ellie: The point is, you shouldn't be up here, because it's not safe.

Franco: That's why I like it.

Ellie: I'm sure your loved ones wouldn't be happy to hear that.

Franco: What makes you think I have loved ones?

Ellie: Of course you have them.

Franco: I think you're confused.

Ellie: Franco, right? Yeah, well, people are looking for you, so...

Franco: Who gave you this?

Ellie: Your daughter.

Franco: Lauren Katherine "Kiki" Jerome is not my daughter, no matter what her mother would have the world believe. And I did believe. Now the only person in the world that I actually care about is out of my life.

Ellie: [Scoffs] What a coincidence. Same thing just happened to me.

Spinelli: So, am I to understand that in Maxie's post-partum delirium, she claimed that your baby was hers and...mine?

Lulu: This was all according to Mac, but he did emphasize that Maxie was pretty drugged up, not exactly coherent. But I don't know. I don't know how to make sense of all of this. What about you?

Spinelli: Me?

Lulu: Can you think of any reason why Maxie would say that?

Michael: C-Connie's dead?

Dante: Yeah. She was shot in her office. That's where I just came from.

Michael: Why -- why do you want to talk to AJ? Dante, come on. AJ wouldn't -- wouldn't do this.

Dante: Michael, Michael, given AJ's state of mind recently, I don't think anyone's sure what he can do.

Michael: He just lost ELQ. That doesn't mean he's gonna do something like this.

Dante: And -- and he was upset at Connie for writing that article.

Michael: It doesn't mean he's gonna kill her!

Dante: Michael, he broke into Sonny's house the day the article came out. He confronted Connie, threatened her. You were there.

Michael: He wouldn't do -- he wouldn't do this. What makes you think that -- that AJ Did this, besides a run-in in the past?

Dante: Connie pointed to AJ

Michael: What?

Dante: Her blood, Michael. She wrote his name in her own blood.

Olivia: I really wish I knew where Sonny went.

Alexis: Okay. Let's find him. I'll call Shawn.

Olivia: It just -- it doesn't make any sense. He was in there with her. Where would he go? He wouldn't leave her alone.

Alexis: She's not alone.

Olivia: She's in there with strangers. She needs to be with her family.

Alexis: Listen, it's not a good idea, and this is why -- listen, listen -- because the police need to do their job.

Olivia: I won't be trouble. I need to be with my cousin!

Alexis: Olivia.

Officer: I'm sorry, ma'am. You can't come in here.

Olivia: Listen, listen, she's my cousin. Listen, my son's a cop, so I totally understand how this works. I promise I won't even get in the way. You won't even know that --

Alexis: Olivia, you need to sit down.

Olivia: [Gasps] Oh, God!

Alexis: Let's go sit down, all right?

Olivia: [Sobbing] Who would do this to her?

Alexis: Help me.

Olivia: Wait a minute. Wait. What is that?

AJ: Sonny, please don't do this. Please, please don't do it. Please.

Sonny: Begging's not gonna save you now.

AJ: Lis-- listen. Listen to me. I...

Sonny: You thought you could get away with it, AJ, And you couldn't. You might have killed Connie, but she's taking you down. You know why? She named you! She wrote your name... in her own blood.

AJ: Sonny, this is wrong. This is all wrong.

Sonny: I want to hear you say it.

AJ: Say what?

Sonny: I want to hear you say what you did to Connie. I mean, come on. We all know you hated her, AJ You blame her for losing ELQ. But you didn't need her for that. We all know that that's what you're great at -- losing. That's what defines you.

AJ: Please. Listen --

Sonny: You couldn't even kill her when she was unarmed on the first try! Then you went back and you had to finish the business!

AJ: No.

Sonny: Confess and die with a clear conscience.

AJ: [Breathing heavily] [Sniffs]

Sonny: You're not gonna do that, right, AJ? I figured that, so I'm gonna -- I'm gonna give you a choice that you would understand. Confess and die quickly, or don't and I will make it so slow and ugly for you. Confess! Now!

AJ: [Sniffs]

Carly: He climbed out of a hospital window?

Kiki: We went in his room. His bed was empty. His window was open.

Carly: So, this whole routine about him being a changed man is just one big lie. He doesn't want to face his charges. He's running the first second he gets.

Kiki: No, no, no. That's not why. I-I think it was because he was upset that he couldn't be Danny's bone-marrow donor. He thought it was the one good thing he could do to prove that he was worthy of being my father, then he found out that he isn't.

Franco: Kindred spirits. What are the odds of you and I meeting together like this on the rooftop? It's cool. I could use some advice. What did you do when you found out that your kid is not your kid?

Ellie: What? No. No. I don't have any kids. I don't even want kids. Not really. I don't know. I don't think so.

Franco: [Scoffs] Who'd want to bring another ginger into the world? It's rough on you guys, right?

Ellie: Um, no. I was referring to your description of losing the person you care most about, which, in my case, is my boyfriend. Was my boyfriend.

Franco: That sucks. I'm sorry. How'd he die?

Ellie: What? He didn't die. He's very much alive. He just doesn't want anything to do with me.

Franco: Why? What'd you do?

Ellie: What do you assume I did something wrong?

Franco: Didn't you?

Ellie: [Sighs] Okay. I did. But you really shouldn't make assumptions, you know. It's rude.

Franco: Only...

Ellie: Only what?

Franco: Well, might have been rude, but I was right. Come on. You can tell me all about it. What'd you do that was so bad?

Ellie: I lied to the man that I love most and completely destroyed our relationship, okay? And I don't think he's ever gonna forgive me.

Spinelli: I'm afraid I can't shed any light on the intent of Maxie's ramblings. But, you know, maybe we're not -- we're not meant to. Even when she's lucid, Maxie's thought process is elliptical at best. Trying to look for deeper meaning in her drug-fueled haze might just be a cause of grief and frustration.

Lulu: Still...high on medication, there just has to be a reason why she would say that my baby is hers -- and yours. Do you think that this could be because of you?

Spinelli: I don't -- I don't follow.

Lulu: Maybe Maxie has got some residual feelings for you. Maybe she still cares about you.

Spinelli: I-I doubt that's the case. Maxie and I have been over for so long. There's aquariums of water under that bridge. Yeah. I don't see us getting back together.

Lulu: Well, of course not. You're with Ellie.

Spinelli: [Scoffs]

Lulu: Oh, I'm sorry. Are you still fighting?

Spinelli: Uh, no, no. We're not fighting. We're over.

Franco: Your lie was really that bad?

Ellie: I told myself I was equivocating for the most noble of purposes -- to protect someone, but that justification just rings hollow now. I hid something from Damian that he had the right to know. And not just that, by keeping this information secret, I may have just ruined six lives.

Franco: Six?

Ellie: Yes.

Franco: Wow, you're efficient.

Ellie: It's not funny.

Franco: No, it's not. A lie like that is really serious. A lie that hurt so many people, I think it requires something equally serious.

Ellie: It -- it sounds like you have some advice for me.

Franco: Yeah, I do. You want my advice?

Ellie: Yeah, I mean, at this point, I'm willing to entertain any ideas. I am dying to make it up to Damian.

Franco: It's an interesting choice of words, 'cause as I see it, you only have one choice. You should jump.

Michael: Connie wrote AJ's name in her own blood? There's no mistake?

Dante: I saw it with my own eyes. And now I need to see AJ I know your impulse is gonna be to protect him, but that would be a mistake.

Michael: The kind of mistake you made with dad?

Dante: The kind of mistake I made and regret. But, Michael, I hate that this is happening to you, that you're here right now. I wish to God you weren't, but you are, and you need to cooperate. Connie is dead. I need to see AJ

Michael: He's -- he's passed out in the den.

Dante: Thank you.

Michael: He's not gonna be much of a help to you, though.

Dante: Why is that?

Michael: He was drinking, okay? I'm trying to sober him up right now.

Dante: I still need to talk to him.

Michael: Wait, uh, does dad know that Connie's dead?

Dante: Yeah, Michael, he -- he made the 911 call. I'm pretty sure he found her.

Michael: Dad found Connie dead?

Dante: Yeah, I haven't heard the tape, but everyone says it sounded like his voice on the other end of the line. He wasn't at the scene by the time I got there.

Michael: If dad saw what you saw, AJ's name, he's gonna come straight here.

Alexis: We're gonna have to stand over here.

Olivia: Connie was trying to tell us something! She's trying to say that AJ Did this.

Alexis: Look, that's a possibility. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We don't know anything yet.

Olivia: I know everything I need to know. AJ had a massive hate-on for Connie ever since she ran that story about Kiki and ELQ. AJ did this. AJ did this, and Connie is trying to tell us.

Alexis: Sonny called 911, so he must have seen it.

Olivia: That's where he went. Sonny went after AJ

Alexis: So did Dante, so don't panic, all right? He's not gonna let Sonny hurt AJ

AJ: Damn it, Sonny! Listen to me!

Sonny: There's only one thing I want you to tell me.

AJ: What the hell do you want from me?!

Sonny: Admit it!

AJ: What do you want?!

Sonny: Confess what you did to Connie!

AJ: I don't know what you want to hear from me, Sonny! Ah! Ah!

Sonny: I don't want to hear anything, then! You can't come clean?! I figured! I'm tired of playing these games right now. You know what? It's time. Get your head down. Get your head down!

AJ: No, please.

Sonny: Come on, you bitch!

Michael: Dad, dad, stop!

Ellie: You want me to kill myself?

Franco: I don't "want" anything. I don't care what you do. I'm just telling you how you can get forgiveness for your transgression.

Ellie: And what good is getting forgiveness if I'm not even around to enjoy it?

Franco: I don't think you understand the impact that a lie has on the lied-tos -- the lie-ee? Do you say that? It doesn't matter. Look, here's the thing. If your lie was as big and as devastating as you say, then you're never gonna be able to repair this relationship. Trust me. I know that.

Ellie: Oh, really? And what makes you an expert?

Franco: For 21 years, I was kept from my child. And then it turns out that her mother was lying to me. She's not my child. I don't even have a child. And for 21 years, I longed for something, for someone. I imagined what it would be like to be with her, and that's gone. And now I want -- I want restitution.

Ellie: You want restitution? Like what? What? Do you want your ex to jump off a building, too?

Franco: No, death would be too good for Ava Jerome.

Ellie: Oh, but it's okay for me. Look, I don't know much about your situation --

Franco: I don't know anything about it, either. I don't know why Ava lied to me. I don't know why she tried to convince me that she was pregnant. Couldn't have been for child support. She never asked me for a dime. It wasn't to try and keep a hold over me. She got rid of me first chance she got. The only thing I know for sure is that Ava was only thinking about Ava. She didn't care that she screwed me over in the process. Doesn't care that she screwed Kiki over in the process.

Ellie: Okay, well, I suspect that there may be another side to the story, one that is perhaps more forgiving to the person who lied to you.

Franco: You've never met Ava Jerome.

Ellie: No, you're right. I haven't. But I really don't understand how you're drawing a parallel between her actions and mine.

Franco: [Chuckling] Really?

Ellie: Yeah, really.

Franco: You don't see it?

Ellie: No.

Franco: She's a liar. You're a liar.

Ellie: Oh, no, no, no, no. I'm not a liar. I made one mistake. And yes, it was horrible and completely destructive, but it's not worth giving up on Damian, and it's certainly not worth killing myself over!

Franco: Well, I guess you just have no flair for the dramatic.

Ellie: I don't need to become a martyr to get redemption. Is that what you're thinking about? I thought you were on some big forgiveness tour. Haven't you wrought havoc on scores of people? I mean, according to your logic, you should have committed seppuku like 10 times over.

Franco: It's really messy. There are other ways.

Ellie: But instead you are set on proving yourself worthy of a second chance, aren't you?

Franco: Well, yeah.

Ellie: Yeah, well, so am I. Damian is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And if I just surrender now and -- and slink off into the night, then I'm doing as great a dishonor on our love as I am on my lie.

Franco: What I said before about you having no flair for the dramatic, I was wrong. You're pretty good at it.

Ellie: You are free to mope around about all the wrong that has been done to you, completely forgetting about all the wrong that you've done to others. But not me. I will fix my life.

[Door opens, closes]

Lulu: I hope you won't mind if I hold on to hope that you and Ellie work it out. You guys were such a happy couple. And actually, you seemed really happy when you were with her. I think you've grown a lot in her presence. She was really good for you.

Spinelli: I'm not so sure.

Lulu: I better get back to the baby, keep her company while she waits for her dad to get here.

Spinelli: Okay.

[Door opens]

Spinelli: [Sighs deeply]

Morgan: I think we covered everyone on this floor, and it's getting kind of late, so we should probably pack it in.

Kiki: We still have no idea where Franco went.

Morgan: Well, he's bound to show up sooner or later. The cops are all over it.

Carly: And the cops are better equipped to handle this.

Morgan: Yeah. My mom's right.

Carly: And coming from Morgan, that's saying something.

Kiki: Okay, fine. Yeah. I guess we can get a fresh start in the morning. If you or Michael find AJ Or Franco, will you let me know?

Carly: Of course.

Kiki: Thanks.

Morgan: Thanks, Mom.

Ellie: Hi. There is a patient on the roof. He doesn't seem suicidal, but he is definitely acting weird.

I'll call security. Did you get a name?

Ellie: Just one. It's that weird guy, Franco.

Alexis: Okay, I can't reach Shawn, which means anything or nothing in regards to Sonny, and I'm sure he'll come back here any minute.

Olivia: I know where Sonny went. He's gunning for AJ, And I don't need no psychic vision to tell me that. In fact, I don't need these psychic visions period! What the hell good are they? I-I saw my cousin lying on the ground covered in blood, and I couldn't do a damn thing to stop it!

Alexis: Olivia, you're suffering a terrible loss.

Olivia: I know, but I knew! I knew that Connie was gonna die! What good is it if I can have these glimpses of the future if [Sniffles] I can't even help the people that I love?

Alexis: I wish that I could explain this -- this gift --

Olivia: It's not a gift! It's a torture!

Alexis: Olivia, we know one thing for sure. What happened to Connie is not your fault. We don't know who's to blame.

Olivia: [Sniffles] The person to blame is AJ Quartermaine. I hope to God he is getting what he deserves. I hope Dante's late. I hope Sonny kills him.

Sonny: Get out of here.

Dante: Drop the gun, Sonny.

Sonny: I need to do this, Dante.

Dante: Sonny, I mean it. You got to drop the gun.

Michael: Dante.

Dante: Sonny, drop the gun.

Sonny: Do you know what happened?! He killed Connie!

Dante: I know. I was just at her office.

Sonny: Then you know AJ Did it! She wrote his name in her blood! She named AJ!

Dante: That's why I'm here, Sonny. I need to take AJ In. You let me handle this right now, okay?

Sonny: No, no. He murdered my fiancée. I'm gonna handle it. You understand me? I'm gonna kill him right now!

Dante: He's gonna pay, Sonny.

Sonny: I don't care!

Dante: He's gonna pay, Sonny.

Sonny: No one's gonna stop me!

Dante: He's gonna stand trial, and he's gonna get convicted.

Sonny: I'm gonna kill him right now, and you're not gonna stop me! No one can!

Michael: Not even me, dad?

Sonny: Michael, I'm asking you. I'm your father. Walk out of here and leave. I don't want you to see this.

Michael: Dad, I'm not going anywhere, okay, so if you want to murder AJ, you got to do it right in front of me.

Sonny: Okay, look, this has to be done. I can't let AJ get away with this. [Voice breaking] He murdered Connie. He's gonna pay now! Michael, he's gonna pay!

Michael: Dad, I know, I know that you loved Connie, okay? But I love you, too! So does Dante! So does Morgan and Kristina! If you do this, you're gonna be taken away from us!

Sonny: It doesn't -- it's not about me, Michael!

Michael: This matters to me, okay?! This matters to me! If you do this, you're gonna be going to prison for the rest of your life. I'm gonna be losing both you and AJ And I know that doesn't mean anything to you, but it means everything to me. Look, I'm -- I'm your son. I'm your son, okay? And I am proud of that. And I am proud of you. And I'll never forget that I'm named after you, dad. Okay, but like it or not, I am AJ's son, too.

Sonny: [Voice breaking] Don't ask me to do this.

Michael: I am asking you, dad. I am begging you. Look, look, if AJ did this, if he killed Connie, he's gonna pay, okay? With Dante, the commissioner, the courts -- they'll make sure it happens. It's just... dad, if it's you -- if you kill AJ, then everyone who loves you is gonna pay the price.

Sonny: I'm sorry. I --

Michael: And I will never look you in the eyes ever again, okay? We won't be father and son anymore. Nothing! You'll be nothing to me. Just -- just don't do that. Put the gun down. For you and me.

Alexis: What's going on?

Olivia: I'm just thinking. [Sniffles] The last time I saw my cousin... we fought. [Sniffles] And now I'm never gonna be able to make that right. I'm never gonna be able to tell her that I'm sorry.

Alexis: All right. All right.

Olivia: [Sobbing]

Alexis: It's okay.

Michael: Dad? Don't.

AJ: [Breathing heavily] [Gasps] Oh, God. Oh, God. Thank you.

Sonny: Don't thank me.

AJ: Ah!

Sonny: Spineless bastard. You got to thank Michael, 'cause he's the only one who could have saved you tonight. He's all yours.

AJ: [Groans]

Sonny: It's on you. Put him away.

Michael: Dad, wait.

Sonny: It's okay, Michael.

Ellie: [Sighs]

Spinelli: Oh! Thousand apologies.

Ellie: I was just on my way to see you.

Spinelli: I was just leaving.

Ellie: Damian, do you think you could spare just a few minutes to talk to me?

Spinelli: Ellie, I-I have nothing left to say.

Ellie: Okay, that's fine, but I do.

Spinelli: Perhaps I don't care to hear it.

Ellie: Okay, well, that is certainly a possibility, but in the off-chance that you do, please, can I just say my piece?

Spinelli: You have until the elevator arrives.

Ellie: Okay, well, it won't take long. I just want to tell you that, Damian, I love you so much, and I won't give up on us.

[Door opens]

Franco: Look who changed her mind.

Carly: Changed my mind about what?

Franco: Wow. Can't a guy spend some time alone on a roof?

Carly: You're not gonna be alone for long. Security's on their way up.

Franco: What are you? The advance team?

Carly: No. I just heard, you know, this was, um, the place to be. Also heard you had a rough couple hours.

Franco: Oh, okay, so this is sympathy.

Carly: No. Pity. Let's just call it pity.

Franco: That would be better. Thank you.

Carly: I know you really wanted to help Danny, so it must have hurt finding out you weren't a viable match.

Franco: Sucks more for Danny, don't you think?

Carly: I also know about Silas clay.

Franco: Oh, what? That my daughter's not my daughter? Yeah. You know wt? I only really got to know her for, like, a few months, so no great loss, okay? Don't get me wrong. I mean, I-I did...really want to get to know her. I did. I knew it was too late for potato-sack races and whatever else fathers -- what do fathers do with their daughters?

Carly: Lots of things.

Franco: Yeah, well, whatever those things are, I know that I missed the boat on all of them. But I just wanted to be her friend. And I wanted to prove to her that there's more to me, you know? I'm not the notorious Franco anymore. And what better way to do that than to save my nephew's life? Which I would have done regardless, by the way.

Carly: Of course.

Franco: [Sighs] And now what... who am I gonna prove myself to now?

Carly: What about me?

Carly: You came to Port Charles and you said you wanted to atone. You said you wanted to make amends to all the people that you've hurt, including me. And I got to tell you, you haven't even scratched the surface there yet.

Franco: Great work takes time.

Carly: Then I guess you better get cracking. You need to focus. Forget about all the easy ways out. Forget about why you came up here. Get back on track. You say you've changed. Make me believe it.

Lulu: [Humming]

Ellie: What I did was awful and completely reprehensible and a million other adjectives, none of which are good. But our relationship was good. It -- it is good. And I won't let it go without a fight.

Spinelli: [Sniffs]

[Elevator bell dings]

Carly: [Sighs]

[Door opens]

Carly: You coming or not?

We knew that one day we would see the end we never thought it was now it seems impossible to comprehend but this can't be...

AJ: Thank you. You saved my life, Michael. If you hadn't have stepped in, Sonny would have killed me.

Dante: You know what? You can thank him later. My cousin is dead. And you're gonna answer for it.

Olivia: [Sobs]

Singer: So now I will say my goodbyes I'm letting myself cry again praying that you'll fly again one day I will find your eyes and it's incomplete.

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