GH Transcript Monday 8/26/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 8/26/13


Provided By Suzanne

Dante: Hey. Hey, what are you guys doing? We can hear you inside the room. The baby's sleeping.

Ellie: I'm so sorry.

Lulu: What is the problem? What on earth are you two fighting about?

Spinelli: We're fighting about the baby.

Lulu: Our baby?

Spinelli: No. My baby.

Sam: Hey!

Silas: Hi. I was just on my way to see you and Danny.

Sam: Silas, I have the most amazing news. We found a donor!

Alexis: Uh, some things about that night became very clear to me. The car, the song that was playing on the radio, and his friend definitely called out his name.

We're taking off. You hear me, Julian?

Alexis: Derek? You all right? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Derek: I, uh... I-I just remembered something. Um...

Alexis: What is it?

Michael: AJ, what's going on? Where have you been?

AJ: [Breathlessly] Michael, what are you doing here?

Michael: I was looking for you. I-I know what happened.

AJ: No, you don't. No, you have no idea what happened.

Olivia: Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Oh, God! [Gasps] Oh, God. Connie!

Ma'am. Are you all right?

Olivia: You've got to help her. She's been hurt! Please! She's been hurt so badly! [Sobs] She was right here.


Olivia: My cousin. My poor cousin. [Crying]

Sonny: Connie, you in there? Connie, are you in there? Hey. Hey. Talk to me. You're still alive. Thank God.

Connie: I knew you'd come.

Dante: Your baby? What are you talking about?

Ellie: That little girl isn't Dante and Lulu's daughter. [Sighs] She's yours.

Spinelli: I-I'm sorry. What?

Ellie: She's...yours. That baby's... yours.

Spinelli: Mine. No, she isn't.

Ellie: Yes, she is. That little girl in there is your daughter -- yours and Maxie's.

Spinelli: Uh... uh, my baby, as in the one that I will have one day and that Ellie does not want to have. Observing you two with your... with your beautiful, miraculous baby made me realize how much I aspire to be a father... and how deep the divide is that separates Ellie and I on that topic. So that's what we were fighting about, for which I am sorry. More sorry than I can possibly say.

Sam: [Sniffles] I'm sorry. I'm guessing -- I know you're not really a PDA kind of guy.

Silas: Yeah, I'm not really a hugger. But there are exceptions, and I'm so happy to find out you discovered a match.

Sam: Yeah.

Silas: It's a new experience, seeing a smile on your face.

Sam: I, um, I haven't really had much to smile about lately. I didn't think we were gonna find a donor for Danny.

Silas: So, who is the lucky recipient of a hollow needle in their pelvic bone?

Sam: Amazingly, it was somebody who turned up for the donor drive.

Silas: That's lucky. Who is it?

Sam: Remember I told you about that guy who bumped the story about the donor drive off of the front page of the paper?

Silas: Yeah.

Sam: Yeah. Derek Wells. He's gonna save my son's life. I can't believe it. I thought it was so random. The only reason why Derek came to the drive was because he felt bad for bumping us off of the front page of the paper, but... he's a match. I mean, what are the odds?

Derek: [Chuckles] I don't know how to say this, but... when you were telling me your story about how you don't know who fathered your daughter, I, uh, realized that, uh --

Olivia: No, you don't understand. You don't understand. This has happened to me before.

Ma'am, I'm sorry, but there was no one on the floor.

Olivia: No, I know what I saw. I saw my cousin's blood.

Alexis: What is going on? What is going on here?

Olivia: It was horrible. I've got to go find her.

Alexis: Stop! Stop! Stop. Just focus and tell me what's going on.

Olivia: I saw Connie. I think my cousin's in terrible trouble. [Sniffles]

Connie: I knew you'd find me.

Sonny: I'll always find you.

Connie: Oh. I love you so much, Sonny.

Sonny: I love you, too.

Connie: Oh. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I betrayed you.

Sonny: Don't think about that right now, okay? We're gonna get -- we're gonna fix this, okay? We're gonna fix this. We're gonna get you out of here.

Connie: We'll be together.

Sonny: We'll be together for the rest of our lives. You understand me?

Michael: Come on. Come here.

AJ: Get off me. Get off me. You don't know. [Grunts]

Michael: Yeah, I think I do, actually. Elizabeth told me.

AJ: Oh, God, Elizabeth.

Michael: She found you drinking at the floating rib, and you said some pretty cruel things to her about Jake.

AJ: What, are you checking up on me? Don't bother.

Michael: The bartender told me you called for a cab and that it dropped you off here. And I came here looking for you, and all I found was an empty vodka bottle and an open safe. So where'd you go?

Sonny: You got to keep breathing. You got to keep breathing. Okay? You got to hold on. You got to just hold on, okay?

Connie: I put you through so much.

Sonny: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You got to hold on.

Connie: I never stopped loving you.

Sonny: Listen to me. Listen to me. You -- you hold on. I'm gonna help you, okay? Put your head down. Put your head --

Connie: No.

Sonny: Put your head down. Come on. It's okay. It's okay. It's all right. I'm just gonna make a call, okay. Listen.

Connie: [Sobs]

Sonny: No. Put your head down. Put your head -- I'm gonna get the son of a bitch who did this.

Connie: [Crying]

Michael: AJ, Come on. Didn't you tell me --

AJ: Always "AJ"

Michael: Let's focus, okay. I need you to tell me exactly where you went.

AJ: You never call me "dad." You know, they -- they took you from me. They stole you. And now they stole you again 'cause I lost ELQ.

Michael: Nobody stole me, okay? I'm right here, all right? Look, I just need you to tell me why you opened the safe, what did you take, and where did you go.

AJ: Just leave me alone, all right, Michael?

Michael: AJ! AJ!

Michael: AJ AJ, can you hear me?

Ava: I heard a crash. What the -- what the hell happened?! He lost his balance and passed out. He's -- he's drunk.

Ava: Oh. I was afraid of that.

Michael: What do you mean?

Ava: I saw him at the floating rib earlier. He was really throwing them back.

Michael: You saw him drinking and didn't stop him? He's an alcoholic.

Ava: Well, I pointed that out to him. He's a big boy. He didn't listen to me. He was very agitated. He was very upset about Connie Falconeri. He needed a drink.

Michael: Well, he obviously didn't just stop at one. He swore that he was sober for years. [Sighs]

Ava: Okay. Well... let's see if we can't get him over to the couch. Wake him up.

Michael: AJ AJ, you need to get up, all right? We have to get you off the floor. Come on.

AJ: [Groans] Michael, what are you doing?

Michael: Come on.

AJ: [Groans] [Grunts]

Ava: There you go. Well done.

AJ: [Panting] [Grunts] He's gonna have a massive headache in the morning.

Michael: Yeah. Probably plenty of regrets.

[Cell phone ringing]

Ava: Oh, excuse me. I have to take this.

Michael: Okay, what do you think? Should we try and get you upstairs?

Ava: This is Ava Jerome. How can I help you?

Derek: I'm at the hospital. Um... something's come up. I need to see

Silas: So, Derek Wells -- where is he now?

Sam: He's here in the hospital.

Silas: Here?

Sam: Mm-hmm. [Chuckles] What are we waiting for? Let's go find him.

Sam: How soon can we do the transplant?

Silas: Well, we have to do a full work-up on him, all right? We need to run some labs to make sure he's up for this procedure both mentally and physically, but once that's done, we're good to go.

Sam: Oh, I can't believe this is happening.

Silas: Yeah. I'm happy for you. You know, after Franco was eliminated as a donor, Danny needed to catch a break. This is it.

Sam: Thank you, Silas, for keeping Danny going while we were going through all this stuff. That's what I do, you know. But I hope you know that Danny's a very special case.

Sam: He is special, isn't he?

Silas: Yeah. Hey, look, let's go find this guy Wells.

Sam: Okay.

Dante: Hey. I'm sorry that you guys are having problems. I am. But, uh... I just wonder if you can take it somewhere else, just 'cause our kid's sleeping.

Lulu: Baby girl Falconeri needs her rest. She had a tough day. We really just want to go check on Maxie.

Spinelli: Yeah, I'm eager to speak to Maxie, as well. Uh, but yeah. Uh... you two go, and I promise we'll keep our voices down.

Dante: Thanks.

Spinelli: Yeah.

Lulu: Look, I know this is none of my business, okay, but on today of all days, I just have to say don't totally dismiss the idea of having a baby, okay? You see this tiny little person, and your heart just wants to burst out of your chest because it's filled with so much love. And all you can think is, "we made that -- us." If it weren't for the two of us -- and Maxie, of course -- the baby wouldn't be here. That is the most amazing, beautiful feeling. Everyone should be lucky enough to feel that way.

Ellie: Why?

Spinelli: [Sighs]

Ellie: Damian, why didn't you tell them the truth?

Ava: Very well. I'll see you soon. I have to go.

Michael: Any idea what I should do about him? You know, he could possibly wake up and take off, drunk.

Ava: Well, at least he had the good sense to take a cab home from the bar, right?

Michael: Yeah, when he got here, though, he drank a full bottle of vodka and took off somewhere. I have no idea where he went or how he got there. He did it once. He can do it again.

Ava: Well, just do whatever you need to do to sober him up. Coffee, a meal, a shower. I would put a pot of coffee on for him myself, but I-I really do have to go. I'm sorry. It's business. I just need to send this text before I get in the car.

Michael: Thanks for helping me get him off the floor, at least.

Ava: You're very welcome. And, Michael... look on the bright side. Wherever AJ Went, he got himself home safely without hurting himself or anybody else, as far as we know.

Olivia: Connie, you're still not picking up. God, I got to find her.

Alexis: Oli-- Olivia! You need to calm down.

Olivia: Okay.

Alexis: All right, now, where do you think she is? Do you think she went to her office?

Olivia: Yeah, probably. She's working all the time. That's where Sonny went to look for her, too.

Alexis: Okay, well, he probably found her. You know, he would call you if something were wrong, right? I know you have these things, and they're not always 100% accurate, right? They can be misinterpreted.

Olivia: Sometimes I misunderstand my visions. But this was not that. Alexis, this was very clear. [Sniffles] Something's wrong. All right, I'm gonna call him, okay? We're gonna find out that he's with her right now.

Olivia: Okay. I hope so.

Sonny: This is Sonny. I can't talk right now. You know what to do.

Olivia: What's wrong?

Alexis: He's not picking up.

Sonny: You got to breathe, okay. No, no, no, no. Hey, listen. Listen. We're gonna be together for the rest of our lives. We're gonna wake up every morning, and I'm gonna look at you, and I'm gonna t--

Connie: [Whimpering]

Sonny: I'm gonna tell you how much I love you. You understand me?

Connie: [Crying]

Sonny: Okay. Listen to me. You got to talk to me, okay? Who did this to you? Can you tell me that? Can you tell --

911. What's the nature of your emergency?

Sonny: Sonny Corinthos. Listen, there's a -- I need an ambulance. Court -- there's a gunshot to the -- to the stomach. It's pretty bad. The metro court. Third floor. Hurry up.

Connie: [Whimpers]

Sonny: No. [Whimpers]

Dante: Hey.

Mac: Hey. How's the baby?

Lulu: Terrific. Fabulous. I may be a little biased.

Dante: No, you're telling the truth. She's amazing. She didn't need to be in the incubator. They got her in NICU for a little while to make sure everything's okay, but it sounds like she'll be coming home pretty soon.

Mac: That's great.

Lulu: How's Maxie? Is she awake?

Mac: You probably don't know this, but there were some problems after the delivery.

Lulu: What happened?

Mac: When they were closing Maxie up, she started hemorrhaging.

Lulu: What?

Dante: Is she okay?

Mac: She's gonna be fine. You know, it was touch and go for a minute, but you know how strong Maxie is.

Dante: Yeah.

Lulu: Oh, thank God. If something happened to Maxie when she was giving birth to our child, I could never live with that.

Dante: Can we see her?

Mac: Maxie's sleeping right now. Felicia's in with her.

Lulu: I can imagine she must be totally spent.

Mac: Actually, she was pretty upset, you know. They sedated her.

Dante: Yeah. Sure. After what she went through.

Mac: Mostly, I think she was confused.

Dante: Confused?

Mac: And full of pain meds. The operation was quite an ordeal for Maxie. She, uh...I don't think she was expecting that.

Lulu: Is there something you're not telling us?

Mac: Maxie was asking for the baby. She seems to think it was hers.

Spinelli: Apparently we still agree on one thing. The impossibility of telling the new parents the truth.

Ellie: You started to -- or I thought you did -- when you said we were fighting about the baby.

Spinelli: How could I explain my real meaning? Dante and Lulu were glowing with happiness. Am I just supposed to blurt out that that sweet -- that sweet little girl in there is actually mine and Maxie's? How do I deliberately smash their heart into a thousand pieces?

Ellie: I know! That's how I felt!

Spinelli: Ah. I very much doubt you have ever felt like I feel like right now.

Ellie: [Sighs] Point taken. Just to clarify, when you said that you can't tell them the truth... did you mean now... or always? I mean, are you saying that you're gonna hide the truth from Dante and Lulu...forever?

Ava: Derek.

Derek: Yeah, uh, thank you for coming.

Ava: What happened? You sounded positively unhinged on the phone. Is your cover blown?

Derek: Um, n-not exactly.

Ava: Well, what is this? You completely lose your cool. You summon me down here for a very public meeting when in theory we barely know each other. Now is certainly not the time to be cryptic.

Derek: Okay, forgive me for not being as coherent as you'd like.

Ava: Just tell me what the hell is going on.

Derek: Okay, um, you know the sick kid with leukemia?

Ava: Yes. Of course. M Morgan's son. Related to the Quartermaines. Kiki was tested as a donor when she was still supposed to be a "Q."

Derek: Yeah. Yes. Uh, well, I got tested as a donor, as well, and it turns out that I am a, um, match.

Ava: Oh. Well, that's quite a coincidence. You're not even a blood relative.

Derek: Actually, it's, uh, it's not a coincidence. I am a blood relative. I am the kid's... grandfather.

Alexis: He's probably not picking up because he's with her right now and all is well.

Olivia: All is not well when I see a vision of my cousin lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. Okay, I know that my visions are not always literal, but this was -- this was unmistakable, Alexis. Something's wrong. I know something is wrong. I've got to get over there.

Alexis: You're not going anywhere in that condition. I'll drive you. Let's go.

Olivia: I hope it's not too late.

Michael: The coffee should be ready in a few minutes. [Sighs] Okay, look, AJ, you need to wake up, okay, and you got to talk to me. Tell me where you've been. Look, I know -- I know things seem really bleak right now, but drinking is not the answer, okay? You can't just -- you can't just give in. Okay, we need to look forward. Look, I'm with you, dad, okay. I'm with you. We can fix this. We can rebuild.

AJ: You can't fix anything. It's too late. You can't fix it. Can't fix it.

Sonny: Hey, don't. Don't you die. Don't do this. You got to open your eyes. [Sobs] Hey. Don't -- don't go, okay?


[Breathes deeply]


[Heartbeat quickens]

Ava: You're joking, right? How in the hell are you the grandfather of Sam Morgan's baby?

Derek: Uh, because I had sex with the kid's grandmother.

Ava: You serious?

Derek: Completely. Sam's mother is Alexis Davis, and when she found out that I was a match for Danny, she was visibly relieved and not to mention a little giddy. I mean, seriously, what are the proper boundaries when you find out that a virtual stranger is gonna save your grandson's life?

Ava: Yeah, except according to you, you're not a stranger.

Derek: [Sighs] Alexis told me that she was unable to locate Sam's father or, obviously, have him tested because Sam was a result of a one-night stand that she had while she was attending boarding school in new Hampshire.

Ava: New Hampshire. Where you went to school.

Derek: And the only thing that she could remember about that night was that the guy's name was Julian.

Ava: Well, that's not very flattering, is it?

Derek: Oh! Hilarious! Can you try to be serious about this for a second?

Ava: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Are you sure about this, Julian? The story sounds very vague.

Derek: I remember that night. As soon as she talked about being in the car and my friend knocking on the window and telling me they were leaving, I flashed on the memory, and I realized that it was me. I...[Chuckles] Had a one-night affair with Alexis. I never saw her after that. I just left school, and I moved on with my life. I had no idea that she, uh... that she got pregnant. That girl, Sam, is, uh, is my daughter. [Sighs] [Sighs]

Spinelli: I-I don't know what I'm gonna do. I-I haven't even processed the -- the incredible fact that I'm a... [Voice breaking] I'm a father. How could you put me in this position?!

Ellie: [Crying] I'm sorry! I never meant to hurt you!

Spinelli: What am I gonna do?! How can I possibly tell them?! W-w-what would I say?!

Ellie: I understand how difficult this is for you, Damian, but you have to tell them right away because the longer you hold this secret in, the worse it's gonna be.

Spinelli: Are you serious?! It is because of you and Maxie that it's gone on this long! The right time to tell them and me would have been the -- would have been the minute you found out!

Ellie: I know that! And no matter what you think, I had every intention of doing that, but I waited, and I wavered, and then I allowed my doubt and second thoughts and my own fear to creep in, to overcome my better judgment, and I'm sorry. But please, please don't make the same mistake that I did.

Spinelli: You are in no place to be giving advice, Ellie.

Ellie: Actually, I think I'm uniquely qualified. Because I know exactly how it feels to keep this secret, and I know what it's cost me. Damian, this has been tearing me up for months! I have wanted to tell you so many times, and I started to, but I just couldn't because I'm scared... because... 'cause I love you... so much. Can you ever forgive me?

Lulu: I guess we were just being overly optimistic before. We should have know that Maxie's attachment to our baby wouldn't just disappear. She carried her for nine months. How could she not be connected?

Dante: Right. So it's just gonna take some time.

Mac: No, I think there was more to it than that.

[Cell phone rings]

Dante: Sorry. Hang on one second. Falconeri. Yeah, what's up, Charlie? Uh, okay. Yeah, yeah. I'll be right there. I got to go.

Lulu: No, you don't. No, we just had a baby. Tell them to get someone else.

Dante: There's been a shooting, okay.

Lulu: Who?

Dante: I don't know, but Sonny's the person who called it in.

Sonny: AJ

AJ: I blame you and you alone for destroying my life!

Sonny: AJ, get your hands off her!

Michael: It wasn't fair that you were forced out of ELQ, okay, but that does not mean that we're finished. I mean, l-let Tracy have the company, you know. Let her build it up or run it into the ground. Who cares, you know? We -- we can start our own company. Our own brand-new company. We won't owe anybody anything. Just -- well, except whoever provides the financing and... look, the point is -- is we can rebuild, okay? We c -- we can fix this. Okay, but first -- first you have to get sober, all right? So let's just sit up.

AJ: [Groans]

Michael: All right, I'm gonna go get the coffee, some aspirin, and, uh, lots of water. Just... just promise me you're not gonna take off, right?

AJ: Oh.

Michael: Even though you're not really capable of walking. All right.

AJ: [Sighs]

Dante: I'll be back as soon as I can. And, uh, kiss that little baby for me.

Lulu: I will. I hope everything's okay with Sonny.

Dante: Me too. God knows what mess he's gotten himself into now.

Sonny: That son of a bitch. AJ Quartermaine is not gonna t away with this. I promise you... ...on my love for you.

Mac: I'm, uh, sorry Dante had to leave, you know. Being married to a cop can be difficult, so Felicia tells me.

Lulu: I'm hoping things will be different now that the baby's here, but that might just be wishful thinking. Like believing that Maxie would just get over her attachment to the baby right away. I've been worried about Maxie for a while now. And whenever I would ask her about it, she would just --

Mac: You asked Maxie if she was getting too attached?

Lulu: Well, not in so many words. Obviously this is awkward, 'cause Maxie did something amazing and generous, and my daughter wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. I mean, not to mention the sacrifices she made. She was haunted by the fear of stretch marks and reduced to wearing what she calls "safety heels."

Mac: 3 1/2-inches or less. She mentioned it repeatedly.

Lulu: Maxie makes a point of playing shallow and vain. And underneath, she is -- she's this loyal, incredible friend. So how was I supposed to say to her, "oh, hey, Maxie, don't love my baby that you're carrying inside you too much." But I did question some of the things that she said. Like when she started calling the baby "Georgie." But she always had this reasonable or, at least, maxie-esque excuse. But I knew that there was something more to it. Sometimes I felt like Maxie really convinced herself that this baby was hers.

Mac: Actually, today, Maxie thought that Spinelli was the baby's father.

Lulu: Spinelli? Why would she say that?

Mac: Uh, I don't know. Maybe it was shock or all the drugs talking. But, um, she probably won't even remember when she wakes up.

Lulu: Dr. Chu is certain that she will recover.

Mac: She's stable and strong. Right now, it's a matter of letting her rest.

Lulu: [Sighs] I feel like I should stay here. I owe Maxie so much.

Mac: You know what? Hey, um... I'll let you know if there's any changes, okay? Now go. Go be with your daughter.

Lulu: Thanks, Mac.

Mac: Okay. [Sighs]

Spinelli: Forgive you? Ellie, to be absolutely Frank, I can't even look at you right now.

Ellie: [Sniffles]

Spinelli: Even if it was Maxie's idea to lie to me... you were the one I loved.

Ellie: "Loved"? As in... past tense? Damian...

Spinelli: You told me the truth. Now go. Damian. [Sniffles] I love you. And I'm so sorry.

Sam: Silas, this is Derek Wells, the donor-to-be. Derek, this is Danny's doctor, Silas clay. He's, uh, he's gonna be doing the procedure.

Derek: Oh, uh, please call me Derek.

Silas: It's very nice to meet you.

Derek: Oh, uh, you, too, Dr. Clay.

Silas: And very generous of you to donate your bone marrow. I promise you won't feel a thing.

Derek: [Chuckles] Why don't I believe you?

Silas: Was it that obvious? How about you? You want to give up any expendable organs? No? Then what are you doing here, Ava?

Ava: Derek is a client.

Sam: That's right. That's right. You were buying art from her. I saw you two together at the newspaper. Are you sure about this? A-are you sure you haven't changed your mind or anything?

Derek: Of course not. Why would you say that?

Sam: I don't know. It's just the look the face, the way you're looking at me.

Derek: Um...

[Camera shutter clicking]

Olivia: Let me through. I'm Connie Falconeri's cousin. This is her office.

You can't go in there.

Olivia: Oh, my God!

Alexis: Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Olivia: Connie! What happened to her?! Is she okay?!

Alexis: Charlie? Charlie, what is it?

Olivia: What?! What is this?! Wh-- let me go!

Alexis: She's gone, Olivia.

Olivia: What? No! No!

Dante: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey, what happened? What happened?

Olivia: She's gone.

Dante: She's what?

Olivia: She's dead. [Crying]

I'm sorry, detective. We couldn't let your mother enter the crime scene.

Dante: No, no, no.

Olivia: I got to get in there. I got to see her! I got to be with her!

Dante: No, you don't need to see her. You don't.

Olivia: Who would do it? Who would do this? My cousin. My best friend. [Sniffles]

Spinelli: [Chuckles] She's so beautiful, isn't she?

Lulu: Yeah. She is.

Derek: Oh, uh, I'm sorry if it seemed like I was staring. I'm fine. I'm just, um... I'm glad that I can help your son.

Sam: Glad. Not as glad as I am.

Silas: Look, I have quite a few things to prepare before we get going. Would you mind meeting me here tomorrow morning, and we'll get the ball rolling?

Derek: Of course. I'll clear my schedule.

Silas: Great. How's 9:00 a.m. for you?

Derek: Look forward to it.

Silas: I wouldn't do that. The tests are pretty boring. Ava.

Ava: Dr. Clay.

Silas: I'm gonna go back and check on Danny, okay?

Sam: Yeah. I'm gonna come with you. Um, Derek, I really, really can't thank you enough. Thank you so, so much. Thank you. Do not even think about getting close to that girl.

Derek: What? I had no intention --

Ava: I saw the way you were looking at her. She cannot know you're her father without everybody knowing that you are Julian Jerome and very much not dead. And then all of our plans will go up in smoke.

Olivia: [Crying] I don't understand. [Sniffles] Who could do this? Why would anybody want to kill Connie?

Dante: Where's Sonny?

Alexis: I haven't seen him. Why?

Dante: Well, he's the one who called this in.

Alexis: All right, look. I know you need to question him, and as his attorney, I can spout a bunch of legal precedents, but I'm talking to you now as the mother of his kid and to you as his son, you need to go gently on him, please, because he's gonna be grieving, and he doesn't handle his grief well.

Olivia: Why should he?! Why should he handle this well?! Why should anyone handle it well when something like this happens?! This should not happen! This should not happen!

Dante: Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Okay? I'm gonna work this out and figure out what happened, okay? Can you stay with her, please?

Alexis: Of course.

Olivia: [Sobs]

Dante: Where's Sonny?

I don't know. He wasn't here when we arrived. Maybe he went after the shooter.

Dante: What makes you say that?

Take look. Look like she tried to identify her assailant.

Sonny: Get up on your feet, you worthless bastard.

AJ: [Grunts] Ow. [Grunts] Sonny, what -- what is it?

Sonny: You're gonna ask me that?! You're gonna ask me what it is?

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