General Hospital Transcript Friday 8/23/13
Provided By Suzanne
Sonny: [Sighs]
Olivia: Oh, God.
Sonny: What?
Olivia: It's that damn puppy, again. What are you doing here, huh? What are you doing here? I thought you were gone. What are you doing back here again now?
Sonny: What are you talking about? What are you doing?
Olivia: That's the dog. The damn -- the wolf puppy -- the little puppy I thought Maxie was gonna give birth to.
Dante: All right. This is getting ridiculous. What are we gonna name this little munchkin?
Lulu: What about jackalyn?
Dante: Jackalyn. Uh, I don't know. Where did you get that name from?
Lulu: I don't know. I just looked at her and the name popped in my head. I thought it was perfect. You don't like it?
Dante: It kind of reminds me of Spinelli.
Spinelli: Uh, I fail to see what Dante and Lulu's daughter has to do with me.
Ellie: That's just it, Damian. That little girl isn't Dante and Lulu's daughter. She's yours.
Spinelli: I-I'm sorry. What?
Ellie: She's...yours. That baby is...yours.
Spinelli: Mine? No, she isn't.
Ellie: Yes, she is. That little girl in there is your daughter -- [Sniffles] Yours and Maxie's.
Felicia: Oh, God.
Mac: How's Maxie?
Felicia: Is my daughter going to be all right?
Michael: AJ?
Sam: [Laughs]
Alexis: This is amazing.
Sam: I know.
Derek: Good news, I hope.
Alexis: It's -- it's the best. The donor drive was a success.
Sam: We have a bone-marrow match for Danny.
Derek: What? You're kidding. That's amazing! Well, how soon can he get the transplant?
Alexis: That depends on you.
Derek: I don't follow. Why would scheduling the surgery depend on me?
Alexis: Because you're the match.
Derek: Me? [Laughing] I-I'm the match? You -- are you serious?
Sam: The lab tested all the volunteers, and you were the only one who came back as a match.
Derek: But I'm not related to Danny or any of you.
Alexis: Uh, we know.
Sam: Yeah, right. Uh, but the doctors did tell us that there is a possibility that anyone could be a match, and that's why we had everyone tested.
Derek: Yeah, yeah, but what -- what are the odds of that?
Alexis: 1 in 50,000. That's what the doctors told us. Somehow, it's you.
Connie: Julian. There was a son named Julian. And now he's calling Ava? I know wt I heard, Julian. Sonny needs to hear it, too. AJ, What are you doing here?
AJ: [Slurring] What do you think?
Connie: AJ, You're drunk.
AJ: Sure I am. You know what? I got myself a little bit of liquid courage, and I drank it down, and it took me right here to you.
Connie: Okay, be careful with --
AJ: Don't tell me what to do!
Connie: Okay.
AJ: You know why I drank? 'Cause you, Connie -- or is -- is it Kate? Which -- which do you prefer? Guess it doesn't really matter, 'cause the damage is the same.
Connie: Please. You don't want to do anything --
AJ: You know, this all started with you. And this is gonna end with you. Right here and right now.
Olivia: That means something. It -- it means something about our granddaughter that that puppy's showing up again.
Sonny: What are you talking -- why are you -- a dog? What are you talking about?
Olivia: The dog in the poster! The -- okay. It changed.
Sonny: It -- the poster?
Olivia: Yes. Sonny, I-I'm telling you. I was looking at the poster, and it was a picture of a little wolf baby dog, and it said, "I want my mommy."
Sonny: Were you having one of your visions?
Olivia: I guess it must be.
Sonny: Maybe you're just wound up because of your granddaughter was --
Olivia: No. I'm not wound up. I'm telling you, I looked at the poster, and I saw a little dog -- a little baby wolf dog, and it said, "I want my mommy." And it's got to mean something about our granddaughter.
Sonny: It means nothing. Our granddaughter's healthy right now. We saw her. It's not a dog.
Olivia: Okay, it's not exactly a dog. It's like -- it's some little wolf puppy or something. Like I said, it's like some kind of little wild animal that I don't know what the name of it is.
Sonny: A dingo like in the movies?
Olivia: Not a dingo. It's something else.
Sonny: Okay. Whatever it is, Olivia, it's gone.
Olivia: Okay, look. When I saw the dog before, it was when Maxie was first pregnant with the baby, right? And then she tripped over that dog on new year's eve. Remember that?
Sonny: And you haven't seen it since?
Olivia: No. And so that's what I thought it was. I-I-I thought it was just meaning that Maxie was gonna trip over the puppy.
[Sighs] So why is this little wolf dog showing up again now? And why is it asking for its mommy?
Lulu: Jackalyn reminds you of Spinelli?
Dante: Yeah, well, that was -- that was his nickname -- the jackal. That -- he had it in his logo for his P.I. Firm.
Lulu: Right, right. I don't know.
Dante: No, I do. I think we pass on that name, 'cause I don't want to think of Spinelli every time I look at my daughter.
Spinelli: Ellie, I-I realize that I've been -- I've been too focused on Maxie -- filling in for Dante at childbirth class, sitting vigil at her labor -- yes, I-I-I overstepped, and you're right to point that out, but I'm not delusional. I don't -- I don't think that adorable little child is mine.
Ellie: Damian, please, just listen to me. I'm not speaking metaphorically about this child being yours. I'm talking empirically, scientifically, biologically. Maxie lost Dante and Lulu's baby. And the baby that she's been carrying this entire yours.
Spinelli: But that's not possible.
Ellie: Yes, it is possible. Don't you remember what happened on new year's eve? Damian, you had intercourse with Maxie. And she conceived your baby.
Dr. Chu: Your daughter will recover.
Felicia: Oh, thank God.
Mac: What happened? We -- we were told Maxie had a routine c-section, and the baby's been in NICU for over an hour. Are you saying Maxie's been in the O.R. All this time?
Dr. Chu: I'm sorry that no one was able to come out here and brief you, but it was all hands on deck. Your daughter hemorrhaged. We almost lost her.
Felicia: But she'll be all right. You just said she'd recover.
Dr. Chu: Oh, yeah. We were able to stabilize Maxie and stop the bleeding. [Chuckling] Your daughter's one hell of a fighter.
Felicia: [Voice breaking] You said the same thing. Thank God you were right. [Laughs]
Kiki: Michael, I wasn't expecting you here. I...
Michael: Oh, I-I was just looking for AJ Uh, have you -- have you seen him, by any chance?
Kiki: No. Why? Did something happen?
Michael: [Sighs] Well, I-I found this and this, and now he's missing.
Kiki: This is such a mess! My dad's missing, too.
Connie: Okay, AJ [Chuckles] You're not thinking clearly. The alcohol's making you do this.
AJ: Really? Why? 'Cause I-I couldn't possibly be this strong? Huh? I couldn't possibly take some action? What did you think? Did you think I was just gonna let you ruin me? See, everyone always thinks they can just walk all over me, you know, and just get away with it and I'm not gonna fight back, especially you.
Connie: I don't think that.
AJ: Yeah, you do. You do, huh? You know, what did you think -- you could print a story like that and I'm just -- just gonna slink away like I always do, huh? Well, no more! No more. Not this time. No. This is the last time anyone messes with me.
Dr. Chu: Maxie lost a lot of blood, but she'll be okay.
Felicia: When can we see her?
Dr. Chu: Uh, they'll be taking her down to recovery in a few minutes. You can see her there. They've sedated her, so she'll be groggy.
Mac: Well, as long as she's all right, that's all that matters.
Dr. Chu: What -- what Maxie did for her friends -- carrying that baby for them -- was truly heroic. You have an amazing daughter.
Mac: Thank you.
Dr. Chu: Yeah.
Felicia: If she's amazing, it's because of you. [Sniffles]
Mac: You're absolutely right.
Felicia: [Laughs]
Mac: Come on. Let's go see our girl.
Felicia: Okay.
Spinelli: Yes, on -- on new year's eve, Maxie and I, we --
Ellie: ...Were together.
Spinelli: But you told me yourself that she conspired with Dr. Westbourne -- that they implanted a second of Dante and Lulu's embryos so that Maxie would not have to tell them that they lost the first.
Ellie: I know what I told you. And that was Maxie's plan, but...when she approached Dr. Westbourne, they discovered that Maxie was already pregnant... with your baby.
Spinelli: So no imp-- no implantation, then? Because she... oh, my God. [Chuckles] [Voice breaking] That's my daughter? That little -- that little bundle I had in my arms was mine? [Crying] Ellie, I-I've -- I've never felt anything like this. Never. It's --
Ellie: It's huge.
Spinelli: It's incredible. I -- it's -- it's beyond the realm of comprehension. I-I don't understand. What -- why didn't Maxie tell me?
Ellie: She was determined for you never to know. She didn't tell a soul. The only people who were in on the secret were herself and -- and Dr. Westbourne.
Spinelli: And, apparently, you.
Olivia: ...Our granddaughter.
Sonny: Stop pushing all the buttons. We're already going down. What are you doing?
Olivia: I can't wait, Sonny! I got to get back to that baby.
[Motor whirring]
[Motor stops]
Olivia: What floor are we on? And why aren't the doors opening?
Sonny: Because we're stuck.
Alexis: I'm very sorry that I yelled at you the other day about you bumping the story off the front page.
Sam: Yeah, does it seem opportunistic that I would like to apologize now that you're, um, a match?
Derek: Please, I really felt terrible about having to bump the article. That's why I came to get tested.
Alexis: Out of guilt or because it was a gesture?
Derek: Gesture? What do you mean gesture?
Alexis: No, no, no. I-I'm just trying to -- to find out if you're actually gonna go through with this and let Dr. Clay take your bone marrow and give it to Danny.
Derek: Ms. David, I never would have gotten tested if I weren't willing to donate.
Alexis: It's a fairly difficult surgery.
Derek: I'm committed, no matter what it takes. I'm just still amazed that I'm a match.
Sam: Now there's a front-page story for you. The man who...ran a story about the donor drive -- he has enough of the same DNA to save a little boy's life!
Derek: I'm -- okay, I'm just, um...happy to help.
Alexis: Thank you, Mr. Wells.
Michael: What? Your -- your dad's missing?
Kiki: Sorry, Franco. It's -- yeah, he escaped from the hospital without anyone noticing.
Michael: Well, have you called the cops?
Kiki: Morgan's at the station. I just came here to check to see if he came home. No such luck, and I just really hope he doesn't hurt himself or someone else.
Michael: Yeah. I'm hoping the same thing about AJ
Connie: Look, AJ, I'm -- I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. I regret that the story had such a negative impact on your life.
AJ: Ne-negative impact?
Connie: I swear on my life I never meant to hurt you. And I'm gonna do whatever I can to make amends. So let's just figure out a way to make it better.
Sonny: Connie? Are you there? I was -- I was on my way to see you. Can you hear me?
Connie: Put the gun down, AJ Marching into my office with a gun is no way to settle this. So let's talk it out and see what we can do.
Sonny: Connie, can you -- look, I'm, uh -- I'm stuck in an elevator. Connie, can you hear me?
AJ: Who the hell's that? What is that?
Connie: It's nothing.
AJ: Who is that?
Connie: It's the metro court terrace. It happens sometimes.
Sonny: All right, listen. I'm gonna get out of this elevator, and then I'm gonna come see you.
AJ: [Chuckles] Oh, Connie. Connie, what are you gonna do now, huh? Huh? Sonny's not gonna come rescue you this time. Sonny's not the big man with the big gun! Huh? Damian. But I-I just -- I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong and Maxie was keeping a secret. I was afraid that -- that there was something wrong with the baby. So...I investigated. [Sighs] And I tricked you into helping me hack into Maxie's medical records. That's when I discovered that Maxie miscarried. And I-I confronted her about it, but, of course, she denied it, so I-I threatened to go to the lab and check Dante and Lulu's remaining embryos, and that's when she confessed... [Sighs] That you were the father.
Spinelli: You told me it was Dante and Lulu's baby.
Ellie: I lied.
Spinelli: Why? Why would you lie to me?
Lulu: We love Spinelli, but we don't want daddy thinking of him every time he looks at you.
Dante: No. Let's get to know this little angel a little bit better. We'll come up with the right name.
Lulu: I know a name that won't work. Georgie.
Maxie: Mom.
Felicia: Right here, sweetheart. We are so proud of you.
Mac: Yeah. You came through with flying colors.
Maxie: Wh-where's Georgie?
Mac: What do you mean, honey?
Maxie: I was with her. Georgie was here.
Lulu: What are we gonna name you, little miss? Maxie wanted us to call you Georgie after her sister, but we told her that she should save that name for her own little girl. Still, I'm sure that Georgie sounds familiar. I know that Maxie's been calling you that for the last few weeks.
Dante: You were worried she was getting a little too attached to her?
Lulu: I was worried about a lot of things, from the size of our apartment to what baby clothes we should buy. I was especially worried about Maxie's pregnancy heels that were only 3 inches high. This is her idea of sensible. And while I know that you are too sweet and supportive to call me out on it, we both know that I bring new meaning to the words "control freak" when it comes to her.
Dante: I think you're just being a conscientious mother. If you felt that Maxie was getting too attached to her, then that's probably what was happening. Do you think that's gonna be a problem going forward?
Felicia: Sweetheart, there was a problem with the delivery. You had a c-section, and then you hemorrhaged.
Mac: You fought hard. You fought hard, but you came back to us.
Maxie: But Georgie -- she -- she showed me...
Mac: Maxie, Maxie, they gave you a lot of pain killers, okay? You might be a little confused for a while.
Maxie: No, no. It's okay. I remember. I-I came back for my baby. Where is she? Where's my baby?
Olivia: Something could be wrong with our grandbaby, and I can't warn anyone, 'cause we're stuck in the damn elevator.
Sonny: Olivia, can you get a signal? I got to -- I got to call Connie back.
Olivia: I got nothing. I got nothing, but you're more than welcome to try.
Sonny: There's got to be a help button here.
Olivia: I already tried that, Sonny.
Sonny: Well, they have to answer. 'Cause they can't leave us locked in here like this. Open the damn door!
Olivia: Okay. We're stuck between floors, Sonny. The doors are not going to open, but we're in a hospital. Okay? So it won't take them very long to understand --
Sonny: Olivia. Olivia. If they don't open -- if they don't open the door, I'm gonna freak out. You know that. Get me out of here!
Michael: Yeah, I don't -- I don't know if I told you this or not, but... [Sighs] AJ's an alcoholic.
Kiki: I didn't know.
Michael: Yeah, he was pretty bad. You know, he was in and out of rehab when he was younger, and he was in some pretty bad accidents. And he's been sober ever since he's been back, or, well, at least I-I thought that he was.
Kiki: You think he's been drinking this whole time without you knowing?
Michael: I-I hope not. I just -- he hasn't been acting any differently or anything like that, it's just -- only until recently. Elizabeth found him at the floating rib getting completely hammered, and -- and she tried to get him to come home. He turned on her. He got vicious, so she -- she took his keys and she, uh -- she took off.
Kiki: She took his keys so he's not driving. That's -- that's good. That's something.
Michael: Yeah. The bartender said that he called for a cab, and the company records show that he was dropped off here. But when I got here, all I found was a bottle and the paper with your -- your headline in it.
Kiki: I was there the day of the vote. I saw how much ELQ meant to AJ, And now he's lost it because of me.
Michael: No, it's not -- it's not your fault, okay? AJ Was outmaneuvered, that's all. It's just if it was any other job, any other company, AJ Would have been okay. It's just that ELQ was like his -- his symbol. You know, his -- his chance to prove that he was just as good as the rest of the Quartermaines. Even though the Quartermaines aren't all that great.
Kiki: Some of them are.
Michael: Anyway, um, the loss much have been too much for AJ, And... the safe'spen.
Kiki: Do you think that could have been AJ?
Michael: I don't know what he -- I don't know what he'd want from the safe.
AJ: You thought you could screw me over, didn't you? Huh? You thought wrong.
Connie: [Crying] AJ, please, please. You don't want to do this, okay? Think of Michael -- what it would do to him. He loves you.
AJ: Michael loves Sonny!
Connie: He loves you, too.
AJ: No, why would he? Why would he love me, huh? Everybody's told him from the time he was little that I was a loser and a drunk and I wasn't fit to be his father. You -- you prove them all right. Huh? You destroyed everything that I built. You took away the last chance I had with my son. Oh, no -- oh, oh, I'm sorry. I mean -- I mean Sonny's son. Michael Corinthos iii just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? You know, he was even named after Sonny. Did you know that? Considers him his father, huh? He loves him. He's proud of him. [Scoffs] He thinks that Sonny's a big man. And he thinks I'm nothing. Because of you.
Connie: No. You are wrong about that, AJ You can fix this. You can.
AJ: You -- you told me that I didn't have the guts to get payback.
Connie: What? I never said that.
AJ: Yeah.
Connie: I would never say that. I don't feel that way.
AJ: No, that's exactly what you said, and you believe it, too. Otherwise, you wouldn't have written that article. Yeah, you dared me to get payback for destroying my life. Well, guess what, bitch? It's payback time.
Connie: AJ, Please. Please don't.
Michael: There's money, some old jewelry, documents. I still don't understand what AJ Would want with any of this.
Kiki: Maybe it had to do with ELQ or the will or the charter. He's probably trying to fight the takeover.
Michael: Yeah, maybe.
Kiki: Or if he's that wasted, he could be thinking anything. I don't know.
Michael: Yeah, that's exactly why I need to find him. He's out there right now completely drunk thinking that he lost everything.
Kiki: I get that. Well, I know that Franco isn't wasted, but he did just have brain surgery. And he lost a daughter that he never really had.
Michael: Yeah. Anything could happen to either of them.
Kiki: I'm really scared, Michael.
Michael: Yeah. Me, too.
Sonny: Olivia, I'm starting to feel -- I'm starting to freak out right now.
Olivia: Okay. Sonny. Look at me. Look at me. Okay? Hey, hey, hey! Hey! Look at me. Look in my eyes. Sonny, it's okay.
Sonny: I got to get out of here.
Olivia: It's okay. You're gonna be okay. It's okay. Just look at me.
Sonny: No, I don't know.
Olivia: Look at me. Okay? I'm here.
Sonny: I'm feeling trapped here.
Olivia: I understand.
Sonny: You know what happens.
Olivia: Yes, I do. I understand.
Sonny: [Breathing rapidly]
Olivia: Sonny, it's okay. Just stay with me and look into my eyes and breathe. You're gonna be okay, Sonny.
Sonny: I know. I just got to get out of her.
Olivia: Listen to me. Listen to me! Sonny. Deke is not here right now. That's son of a bitch is dead and gone and he's buried and you are safe. You are safe here with me. It's just you and me here. And you know you can trust me, right? You know that.
Sonny: [Sniffles]
Olivia: You know that, right?
Sonny: Yeah.
Olivia: Okay. So stay with me. Look in my eyes. I am gonna get you through this. You can do it. Okay? Okay.
Alexis: I am sorry. I barely know you. [Chuckles]
Derek: No need to apologize. It's always flattering to be hugged by a beautiful woman.
Alexis: Yeah, uh, well, I'm just really -- we're really grateful to you. Uh, not that there's any guarantee, because we've been warned by the doctor that, uh, even if there is a match, that Danny's going to have to go through a long process, and there are ri-- which is -- you've just really improved the odds tremendously.
Sam: Yeah. We -- we can't thank you enough. You're giving Danny a fighting chance.
Derek: Well, I just hope that my bone marrow works. Although, um, I probably should warn you, um... your son might grow up to love fast cars and single-barrel bourbon.
Sam: [Chuckles] I really don't care what he grows up to love as long as I see him grow up. I didn't -- I didn't think this was gonna be an option until you.
Derek: Listen, how -- how can I help this, uh, go as fast as possible?
Alexis: Does Dr. Clay even know there's a donor?
Sam: Uh...I don't know. I don't know. I should probably go and tell him, though. I cannot wait for you to meet him, Mr. Wells.
Derek: Hey, if your son's gonna be using my bone marrow, I think it's time you start calling me Derek.
Sam: Okay, well, thank you, Derek.
Alexis: [Sighs] So, uh, I get the feeling that you don't want us to make a fuss over you.
Derek: [Chuckles] Well, let's just say that you can, um, thank me by keeping this low-key.
Alexis: Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course. Um, I mean, you don't see this from my behavior, but I-I like things understated as well.
Derek: And I-I can't even imagine how hard this has been for you, though.
Alexis: It's been really hard. I mean, the hardest part is -- is there's so many ups and downs and, uh, you know, things soar and then they plummet. We actually had a donor, and, uh, it was a blood relative, and it turned out that he had cancer cells in his brain, and it, uh, made him illegible.
Derek: [Sighs] Well, that must have been a blow.
Alexis: It was a blow. Uh, Sam, of course, was devastated, because we had been through everyone in the family except her -- uh...
Derek: Except...?
Alexis: [Sighs] Except her father.
Spinelli: How could you not tell me that Maxie was carrying my child?
Ellie: Damian, I wanted to so bad. But Maxie begged me not to say anything. She was ashamed that she lost the first baby, and she was so afraid of disappointing Dante and Lulu. They were so invested in the baby. She told me they'd be devastated, and I believed her. So I collaborated with Maxie to keep it a secret.
Spinelli: Ellie, you barely know them. And... I'm supposed to be the person you love. Why would you not tell me that I had a child?!
Ellie: I'm sorry!
Spinelli: Okay, stop apologizing and just give me -- give me a reason that I can understand. How -- how could you not tell me? How could you deny me my own child? How could you keep something so momentous, so life-changing from the person that you say you love?!
Ellie: [Crying] Because I was afraid of losing you.
Lulu: I'm not really sure where Maxie is on her attachment to our little miss, but I'm thinking that now that she's not carrying the baby, she's letting go.
Dante: I hope so.
Lulu: I know Maxie. She'll be fine.
Maxie: Where's my little girl?
Felicia: She's with Lulu and Dante. And she's absolutely perfect.
Mac: Maxie, you did an amazing job carrying the baby for them, but right now, you've lost a lot of blood and you're confused.
Maxie: No, no. I remember. I saw her. She's beautiful.
Felicia: Everyone says that she's beautiful and wonderful, and you've been an amazing surrogate.
Mac: But Maxie, the baby belongs to Dante and Lulu.
Maxie: No. No, she doesn't. She's mine.
Derek: Are you telling me that, um, Sam's father refused to get tested?
Alexis: No. Uh, I'm telling you that Sam's father didn't get tested because I-I don't know who he is.
Derek: Sam's adopted.
Alexis: No. I only knew Sam's father for one night.
Derek: Oh, gosh. I'm -- I'm so sorry. You -- you don't need to give me an explanation.
Alexis: Uh, it's okay. Um, I didn't, uh, remember much about Sam's father until Danny got sick, and then I-I remembered that I met him in new Hampshire.
Derek: New Hampshire? Really? I, uh -- [Chuckles] I don't know why that I thought you were from New York.
Alexis: No, I-I worked in New York for several years. I went to school in new Hampshire -- a boarding school.
Derek: Which, uh -- which school was that?
Alexis: Briarton-griggs. It's an all-girls school.
Derek: Oh.
Alexis: Uh, and then I remembered something else about him. I remember his name. You know, it wasn't a common name like tom or mike. It was more unique than that.
Derek: So, what was his name since it wasn't, uh, tom or mike?
Alexis: Julian.
Michael: I miss you.
[Cell phone rings]
Kiki: I-I have to take this. Morgan? No. No, Franco isn't here. Okay, yeah. Uh, I'll be there soon. Thank you. I have to go, Michael. Morgan's waiting for me.
Michael: Kiki. Do you believe Morgan?
Kiki: I asked him, point blank, and he denied it.
Michael: And that's enough for you?
Kiki: I married him, Michael. I made a vow to him. I have to make this work.
Michael: That's exactly what Morgan's counting on.
Kiki: Morgan's a good husband, okay? I was at the hospital, and he was there for me when I really needed him. Morgan's good to me. And I have to be good to him, too.
Sonny: Yeah, thanks.
Olivia: You okay now?
Sonny: Yeah, I'm better. Uh, 'cause of you.
Olivia: Yeah?
Sonny: I'm, uh --
Olivia: Don't say it. You don't have to say anything. I understand. Connie's in your heart. She's your girl. That's okay. We You know, and we got our son and we got a beautiful granddaughter now.
Sonny: Olivia Falconeri, you're one hell of a woman.
Olivia: Even though I got us stuck in this dumb elevator?
[Door opens]
Sonny: I'll be damned.
Olivia: I told you they'd get us out of here.
Sonny: [Groans]
Olivia: [Sighs]
Sonny: [Sighs]
Olivia: You see that? Look at you.
Sonny: Yeah?
Olivia: Good as new. Get out of here. Go find my cousin, okay?
Sonny: You sure?
Olivia: I'm positive. I'm gonna go check on our grandbaby and make sure that that dog I saw wasn't trying to warn us about anything.
Sonny: Yeah. Make sure you take the stairs, 'cause that's what I'm gonna do.
Olivia: I'm gonna risk it, okay? I promise I'll only press one button at a time.
Sonny: Thank you.
Maxie: Where is she?
Felicia: Sweetheart, I know how hard this has been, carrying her all these months, all the pain that you've suffered, but that little girl is Lulu and Dante's biological child.
Mac: They created her, and you did an incredible job. But the baby doesn't belong to you. They're her parents.
Maxie: No. She's mine. And I want her.
Mac: Okay, Maxie. You need to calm down, please.
Maxie: N-no. I-I want my baby.
Felicia: I'm calling a doctor.
Mac: That's a good idea. Sweetheart, please, calm down.
Maxie: No! You're not listening to me. She is mine -- my baby -- mine and Spinelli's.
Spinelli: You were afraid of losing me? So you lied to me about my own child?!
Ellie: Damian, you were in love with Maxie for years. And when she finally decided that she loved you, too, if you hadn't been with me, you'd have gone back to her. I mean, you slept with her when you thought that I broke up with you.
Spinelli: I thought you forgave me.
Ellie: I did forgive you. But I didn't forget. And then I told you that I didn't want children, and we argued bitterly. So when Maxie revealed that you were the father of her child, I couldn't help but wonder how long it would take before you left me for her and -- and for your child.
Spinelli: [Sniffles] That's why you told me you'd reconsider having a family.
Ellie: [Crying]
Spinelli: You told me you were willing to have a baby because you loved me. But that wasn't it at all, was it? It was because of your guilt. Because you were allowing Dante and Lulu to take my child and raise it as their own.
Ellie: Damian, I wanted to tell you.
Spinelli: But you didn't, did you?!
Lulu: I don't think I've ever been happier.
Dante: Me neither.
Spinelli: [Muffled] Oh, my God, Ellie! How could you do this to me?! God, I don't -- I feel like I don't even know you at all!
Ellie: No! Don't say that. I --
Spinelli: Don't touch me!
[Door opens]
Dante: Hey, what the hell's going on out here?
Derek: Sam -- Sam's father's name is Julian? You're certain about that?
Alexis: I'm positive.
Derek: Hmm.
Alexis: I wasn't until, uh, my daughter suggested that I-I get hypnotized.
Derek: Hyp-- hypnosis?
Alexis: Yes. [Chuckles] I was a skeptic, but not anymore. It turns out I was an easy subject -- went out just like that, and, uh, I remember the car. I remember the song that was playing, and I remember his friend knocked on the window and called him Julian.
We're taking off. You hear me, Julian?
Alexis: Derek. You okay? Uh... [Chuckles]
Maxie: What are you doing? No! No. Where's my baby?
Dr. Chu: The sedative should take effect any moment. She needs her rest.
Maxie: No, I want my baby. She's mine. And Spinelli is her father.
Dante: We can hear yelling inside the room. What are you -- what -- the baby's sleeping.
Ellie: I'm so sorry.
Lulu: So what's the problem? What on earth are you two fighting about?
Spinelli: We were fighting about the baby.
Michael: AJ, where are you? Look, I'm at the house. Just -- just come home, please.
AJ: [Panting]
Michael: AJ, what's going on? Where have you been?
Sonny: Connie? You there? Connie. You in there?
Olivia: Oh, God. Oh, God. What is that?
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