GH Transcript Thursday 8/22/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 8/22/13


Provided By Suzanne

AJ: [Sniffs]

[Breathing shakily]

Elizabeth: Right now, I want to take care of you.

AJ: Yeah. Yeah, well, like -- like you took care of Jake?

Michael: AJ? What are you doing?

Derek: Hey, Ava. It's Julian. Call me. We need to talk. Ms. Falconeri.

Connie: That's me. Who's Julian?

Mac: [Chuckles]

Sonny: What's funny, Mac?

Mac: It was hard enough getting used to Sonny Corinthos, the parent. Sonny Corinthos, the grandparent...

Olivia: [Laughs] I got to admit, I'm having a bit of a hard time getting used to grandparent myself.

Laura: Believe me, once you get that beautiful baby girl in your arms, you're not gonna care what she calls you.

Olivia: [Laughs]

Luke: And speaking of that, what are we doing standing out here?

Sonny: Well, it's time for that sweet little girl to meet her favorite grandpa.

Laura: Oh.

Mac: Oh. Oh! Oh!

Lulu: Can you believe this?

Dante: No.

Lulu: She's ours!

Dante: [Chuckles]

Lulu: She's this perfect little piece of you and me.

Dante: Hey.

It's time to move her to the NICU.

Lulu: [Smooches]

Dante: [Smooches] [Clears throat] There you go. You got her?


Dante: Okay.

Lulu: [Laughs]

Dante: [Sighs]

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Dante: I can't wait to show her to everybody.

Lulu: I know. Is that what we're gonna say? "Hey, mom and dad, meet your granddaughter -- her."

[Both laugh]

Dante: We got to figure out a name for her.

Lulu: Yeah. She needs a name.

Mac: Hey.

Alexis: This is an interesting, uh, destination for a honeymoon.

Felicia: [Chuckles] Oh, yeah. Uh, Maxie just had Dante and Lulu's baby.

Sam: Wow. The baby came early.

Alexis: Is everyone all right?

Felicia: It was a little tense at first, but everything's fine now.

Sam: Congratulations.

Mac: Thanks.

Alexis: So, you're married and grandparents on the same day. That's...

Felicia: Well, technically, we're not the grandparents.

Mac: But we're proud just the same.

Felicia: Mm-hmm.

Sam: Have you been able to see Maxie yet?

Mac: No. But, um, she should be out any minute.

Spinelli: Excellent work, Maximista. I knew you could do it. I'll see you on the other side.

[Machines beeping]

Dr. Chu: She's crashing.

B.P.'s dropping. Heart rate's to 180 and rising.

Dr. Chu: She's hemorrhaging. We're losing her.

Maxie: Hello? Hello?

[Scoffs] Rude much? Um, not to be demanding, but couldn't I at least get a wheelchair? I did just have my uterus cut open. Or am I supposed to cartwheel to recovery? I guess this girl needs more attention than me. Wait a minute. She looks kind of familiar. Was she in the last issue of crimson? Oh, my God. That's me.

[Footsteps approaching]

Elizabeth: Hey, buddy. What are you doing awake?

Cameron: I can't sleep.

Elizabeth: Come here. Mm. Me neither.


Cameron: Are you crying?

Elizabeth: No, baby. It's just my allergies.

Cameron: Will you be better tomorrow?

Elizabeth: Of course I will. As if I'd miss our date to the movies.

Cameron: [Chuckles] I'm too young to date. You'll be on the date with AJ

Elizabeth: Yeah, you know, um, he might not be able to make it tomorrow. But you, Aiden, and I are still gonna go.

Cameron: Maybe he can come next time.

Elizabeth: Maybe.

Cameron: I like AJ So does Aiden. He said he'd take us sailing.

Elizabeth: Wow. Sailing. What's not to like about that?

Cameron: We like him for another reason, too.

Elizabeth: Why's that?

Cameron: He makes you smile.

AJ: Michael?

[Slurring] What are you doing here?

Michael: What's with the gun?

AJ: This? This is a family heirloom.

Michael: You've been drinking.

AJ: [Chuckling] No. No, not really. I mean, not a lot, anyway.

Michael: Well, it seems like a lot to me. Give it to me.

AJ: No. [Chuckles] No, I-I need this.

Michael: Need it for what?

AJ: [Chuckles]

Derek: I'm sorry. What was that?

Connie: Just now, while you were on the phone, you called yourself Julian while leaving a message for Ava. Ava Jerome, I assume?

Derek: [Chuckles]

Felicia: How's the little guy dog?

Sam: Oh, uh, he's, um, doing better than me, that's for sure. He's -- he's tough.

Alexis: He's going to come through with flying colors.

Sam: Once we get a bone-marrow donor.

Alexis: Which could be as early as tonight. We're waiting for the results for some more from the donor drive.

Felicia: I know all too well about the importance of expanding donor rolls. If there's anything we can --

Alexis: You have done plenty already just by getting tested. Thank you.

Sam: Like the rest of Port Charles.

Alexis: [Sighs] It has been incredible, really, I mean, how many people came to show their support for Danny, even people that you wouldn't expect to bother, like that Derek Wells character.

Derek: Your eavesdropping skills need work.

Connie: So that message wasn't for Ava Jerome?

Derek: Oh, it was, but, um, I didn't call myself Julian. I was referring to some pieces that I'm having Ava procure on my behalf. The name of the artist is, uh, Julian.

Connie: I've never heard of him.

Derek: Oh, well, neither did I, but, uh, apparently, he's up and coming.

Connie: Julian who?

Derek: Just Julian. Like Franco. [Chuckles] You know those pretentious artist types. So, now that I have, um, satisfied your curiosity, maybe you could do the same for me. Is there a reason you're here eavesdropping on my private conversations again?

Connie: Yes. I need you to help me fix things with Sonny.

Dante: Doctor said she's gonna be -- gonna be fine.

Yeah. Your daughter's in great shape. She's just a bit on the early side. But everything that you see now is just precautionary.

Dante: How long is she gonna have to...stay in here?

Only a couple days.

Lulu: Can we hold her?

Uh, let's just give her a few minutes to acclimate herself. Then you can get down with the bonding.

Lulu: [Chuckles]

But from the looks of it, you're gonna have a little bit of competition.


Ellie: Damian, what are you -- what...?

Spinelli: Hey.

Ellie: Were you just in the O.R.?

Spinelli: Uh, yeah. I wa-- no, the -- the viewing room, to be exact. Yeah.

Ellie: Oh. What, were you viewing a procedure?

Spinelli: Maxie's. Oh. Um... uh, a situation developed, and they had to move her to the --

Ellie: No. No, no. Not the baby.

Spinelli: No, no, no. The wee one's fine. Um, when labor started, the heart rate dropped, and they realized the cord was wrapped around her neck.

Ellie: Oh, my gosh. So, they had to perform an emergency c-section to deliver her safely.

Spinelli: And deliver her safely they did.

Ellie: [Sighs]

Spinelli: God, she passed her Apgar with flying colors, and she's now currently residing in the NICU.

Ellie: Oh, well, that -- that's wonderful news. Um, but what about Maxie? I mean, is she in post-op already?

Spinelli: Uh, well, if not, she should be arriving momentarily.

Ellie: She must have been so scared.

Spinelli: Emotions were running high. fact, Maxie attempted to halt the procession into the operating room.

Ellie: What? Why?

Spinelli: She had something of supposed dire import to tell me.

Maxie: Wh-what's going on? Okay, something freaky is happening, because I'm standing here, but I'm also on the table, too. Which I'm pretty sure means I'm dying. Lulu! Dante! Somebody help me! What are you doing?! Help them!

Georgie: I'm not here to help them. I'm here to help you.

Maxie: Georgie. Again?

Georgie: Is that any way to greet your baby sister?

Maxie: Am I dead?

Georgie: No. You'd know if you were.

Maxie: [Sighs] Good. 'Cause for a second there...

Georgie: Maxie, you're close. It can all be over soon if you don't do something about it.

Maxie: What am I supposed to do? I'm not a doctor. I can't perform surgery on myself.

Georgie: You can fight. You have been described as a spitfire since the day you were born. Don't let that fire go out now.

Maxie: I'm not sure it's worth it.

Georgie: You did not just say that. Since when is your life worth nothing?

Maxie: Georgie, I am so tired of the lies, of pretending that I'm happy when I feel sick. If I go now, Dante and Lulu can have their daughter and nobody will know that she's not theirs.

Luke: Why, thank you, my friend.

Sonny: So, um, are you gonna -- are you gonna tell us the name, or are we gonna have to guess?

Dante: We're weighing our options, right?

Olivia: Whatever her name is, she is just absolutely gorgeous.

Laura: The most precious baby I have ever seen.

Lulu: Besides me.

Laura: Oh! Uh, yes. Of course. [Chuckles]

Luke: I can't wait to take her ice fishing.

Sonny: Ice fishing?

Luke: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: No. That little girl is gonna -- she's gonna be making sand castles on my island.

Dante: [Chuckles]

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Luke: Your island? No way, man. She is gonna be traveling. She's gonna love the islands of the Aegean sea.

Sonny: Really? No, I think my islands are -- oh, you've never been.

Dante: No, I haven't been invited.

Sonny: It's better, no?

Lulu: You know, I think that she will love both things equally, just like she will love her grandfathers equally.

Sonny: Maybe.

Lulu: [Laughs]

Laura: Tell us everything, sweetie.

Olivia: Yes. How did the c-section go?

Lulu: Uh, it was great, but not that I could see anything, but... [Chuckles]

Olivia: Trust me, that is not something that you want to see.

Lulu: But I was with Maxie, and I held her hand, and then we cut the cord.

Olivia: Oh, that is so beautiful.

Laura: Together?

Dante: It really -- it really was.

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Olivia: And there were no complications?

Dante: Mom, would you please stop with this?

Olivia: What? What? A woman isn't allowed to be relieved that her grandbaby isn't a dog?

Dante: Oh. She -- it's a vision. She's talking about a vision that she had.

Laura: A vision?

Olivia: Yes.

Luke: What did you see?

Olivia: I saw Dante and Lulu's baby, only -- only it wasn't a baby. It was like -- a little wolf dog. Isn't that crazy?

Ellie: Uh, what was Maxie trying to tell you?

Spinelli: I'm -- I'm not sure. They -- they wheeled her off before she could get the words out.

Ellie: Well, it must have been of utmost importance if she was willing to delay her surgery.

Spinelli: I-I mean, Ellie, I wouldn't waste your time trying to decode Maxie's thought process. It's complicated on a good day.

Ellie: No, Damian. Not necessarily. I think I know what Maxie was trying to tell you.

Michael: You know, I'm not hearing an answer. Why do you need the gun?

AJ: I just -- I just do.

Michael: For...?

AJ: I don't know.

Michael: Well, you know what? I have an idea of what you can do with it. Open your mouth, put it in, and pull the trigger...

AJ: What?

Michael: ...And end your miserable life.

[Doorbell rings]

Elizabeth: Who is it?

Michael: Michael.

Elizabeth: Oh.

Michael: Hey.

Elizabeth: Hey. Come in.

Michael: I'm, uh, sorry for stopping by so late.

Elizabeth: No, no. It's okay. Uh... did you find your dad?

Michael: I looked everywhere. I mean, hopefully my mom can track him down.

Elizabeth: Carly's looking for him?

Michael: Yeah. She could tell how worried I was. I, uh -- I take it you didn't have any luck.

Elizabeth: Actually, I did, if you can call it that.

Michael: What? You found AJ? Where?

Elizabeth: At the bottom of a glass of vodka.

AJ: What did you say?

Michael: [Chuckles] What, now you're deaf and worthless? You know, everyone kept trying to tell me, over and over again, but I didn't want to hear it.

AJ: You didn't want to hear what?

Michael: That you'd let me down. That you'd disappoint me. That you should have never come back.

AJ: Michael, please, I --

Michael: They said that I would be better off with you dead and gone. And you know what? They're right. So, uh, why don't you do me a favor, okay, and put us both out of our misery and just -- just kill yourself and be done with it. with the paper?

Sam: He owns it.

Alexis: Along with a host of other enterprises. He had originally agreed to put Danny's story on the front page, but --

Sam: Yeah, he did, but a more important story took precedence.

Alexis: Obviously, he's not her favorite person.

Mac: Yeah, but he agreed to be tested as a potential match.

Alexis: Yeah. It was his idea. I may have guilted him into it, slightly.

Felicia: Well, guilted or not, it sounds like there's a heart in there somewhere.

Mac: And maybe some useful bone marrow, too.

Sam: Well, that would be amazing. But he's a long shot, just like everyone else.

Alexis: Anyone who isn't a relative.

Derek: You want my help with Sonny? Corinthos?

Connie: That's right. Like most unpretentious people, he does have two names -- a first and last.

Derek: [Chuckles] And what exactly would I be doing with this Mr. Corinthos, the, uh, crime lord?

Connie: Coffee importer.

Derek: Let me guess. Sonny's business came between you two.

Connie: No, yours did when you ran that ELQ story over my loud objections.

Derek: Oh. So, it was Sonny's confidence you broke when you wrote the piece.

Connie: Yes, that's right.

Derek: Huh. Well, you know, I am surprised he doesn't understand. Sonny is an entrepreneur, is he not? I mean, you were just trying to save a failing business.

Connie: By going back on a promise I made to him. He trusted me. I broke his trust.

Derek: Maybe you're better off.

Connie: Excuse me?!

Derek: A woman like you is, um, wasted on someone as un-evolved as Sonny.

Connie: He's not a caveman.

Derek: Close enough. Sonny should find someone more his speed... and spend his time with her.

Olivia: I cannot believe that my little baby who was afraid of slugs and centipedes --

Dante: Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Lulu: Wait, he was?!

Dante: I wasn't afraid of them. I wasn't afraid of them. I was a little bit cautious. It was a long time ago.

Luke: Little bit cautious with centipedes.

Olivia: Well, no, no. I'm serious. I can't imagine having to watch my friend get cut open and not only be praying for the safety of the baby but the safety of my friend.

Dante: Well, it was, uh -- it was nerve-wracking, but, honestly, like Lulu said, we didn't see much of it. And Spinelli was in the viewing room with me.

Sonny: Spinelli? What was he doing in the O.R.?

Dante: He was worried about Maxie. And, to be honest, I was grateful. When you -- when you're looking at your baby that you love and her life is at stake, you take support wherever you can get it.

Maxie: The baby's okay, isn't she? Did you see -- I got to cut the cord?

Georgie: I saw.

Maxie: So surreal. After all these months, I was letting her go. Literally. Maybe it's time to just let me go, too.

Georgie: You can't believe that.

Maxie: Why not? My daughter's taken care of. She's safe with two parents who will absolutely adore her, and if I die, my secret will just go with me.

Georgie: It won't.

Maxie: What do you mean?

Georgie: Come with me. I'll show you.

Felicia: I wish we'd hear something about Maxie.

Mac: Hey, I'm sure stitching her up takes time.

Felicia: I know, but so much time? I think we need to talk to somebody.

Mac: Okay. Let's go get some answers. Uh, listen, keep us posted about the donor drive.

Alexis: Absolutely.

Mac: Okay.

Felicia: All right. We'll be thinking about you. We wish you luck with the donor.

Sam: Thank you.

Alexis: Thank you.

Sam: Mac and Felicia... can you give Maxie a big hug for me, please?

Mac: You got it.

Sam: Thank you.

Spinelli: Ellie, I have the utmost faith in you, but how could you possibly know what Maxie was gonna tell me? You weren't there.

Ellie: No. No, I know I wasn't there. But... Damian, I know something. It's something big, and it has to do with Maxie.

Georgie: You see? You're not the only one keeping this secret. If you died, the truth can still come out.

Spinelli: You care to elaborate?

Maxie: No! She doesn't.

Georgie: Maxie, you can't stop her. She's about to have the courage to do something you haven't.

Spinelli: Ellie?

Maxie: Damn it, Ellie! You stay out of this, if not for me, than for you! You will lose him.

Georgie: Maybe she's willing to take that risk.

Maxie: Make her stop.

Georgie: I can't stop her, and neither can you. But maybe, if you weren't in that O.R. Room giving up...

Spinelli: Ellie, you're scaring me. What's going on?

Ellie: Maxie's been lying to you... about the baby.

Michael: Wait, AJ Was drinking?

Elizabeth: At the floating rib.

Michael: How much? How much did he have?

Elizabeth: A lot. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't.

Michael: What you just -- you just left him there?

Elizabeth: I took his keys so he wouldn't hurt anyone else.

Michael: You could have called me or something. I would have -- I would have picked him up.

Elizabeth: I know. And... [Sighs] I'm sorry. I just wasn't thinking clearly. Things got really heated between the two of us. Your dad said some things he shouldn't have.

Michael: Like what?

Elizabeth: Things about Jake. Bottom line -- AJ went too far, and so I left.

Michael: Elizabeth, I'm sorry.

Elizabeth: It's not your fault.

Michael: Look, whatever AJ Said, I'm sure he didn't mean it.

Elizabeth: I hope to God that's true.

AJ: Michael, why are you saying that?

Michael: Well, because you need to hear it.

AJ: Huh?

Michael: You need to know you had your chance, and you blew it.

AJ: What chance?

Michael: With me. I mean, you promised me everything I never had, you know? A relationship with my real father, a-a place in the family where I came from.

AJ: You -- you have that.

Michael: Yeah, right, I do. Like I want any part of this. Look, just face it, AJ All your dreams went to hell, okay? Just like everything else you touch.

AJ: No.

Michael: I-I-I don't want anything to do with you.

AJ: Wait, you don't mean that. Michael, whatever happened, we can get past it. You're my son.

Sonny: Actually, he's my son.

Michael: See, yeah, that's -- that's my father, okay? Not you. You'll never be anything to me.

Michael: Uh, hi. I'm, uh -- I'm calling about a customer tonight. He might -- he might still be there. His name's AJ Quartermaine. He got a cab? When? Okay, do you have any idea where it took him?

AJ: You get out of here. You're not welcome here.

Sonny: No, I think I'm gonna just stick around.

AJ: Michael, Michael, get away from him!

Michael: What? You mean my real father?

Sonny: [Chuckles]

Michael: The one raise me, the one who took care of me while you were off hiding like some coward?

AJ: You're not his son.

Sonny: I could have sworn that you signed over your parental rights.

AJ: You hung on a meat hook!

Sonny: Yeah, yeah...

AJ: Yeah. He threatened to kill me, Michael. Do you know what he said to me? You know what he -- he said he'd make it look like I died in a car crash.

Sonny: Like the drunk you are.

AJ: And what are you, huh? A scum-of-the-earth mobster, makes your money off guns and whores? [Spits]

Michael: Well, you know what, AJ? At least he makes money. I mean, you, on the other hand, can't even hold down a job, let alone the family business.

Sonny: You're lucky that your mommy lets you live here.

Michael: [Chuckles]

AJ: Michael, I'm gonna get it back -- ELQ. I'm gonna -- I'm gonna get it back. It's just I lost those votes. If I hadn't lost --

Connie: But you did. You're welcome.

Connie: You created this mess. You're gonna fix it.

Derek: Mm, I don't know. I make it a point not to get involved in my employees' personal lives.

Connie: Too late, Derek. I need you to tell Sonny that I tried to pull the article.

Derek: You already did this, am I wrong?

Connie: I did, but let's just say it would help if you chimed in.

Derek: Eh, these coffee-importer types -- temperamental is putting it mildly. Now, saying the wrong thing could get me brewed.

Connie: Oh. Is this fear from the great Derek Wells?

Derek: Well, your story did bring up circulation, and I suppose one good turn deserves another.

Connie: [Sighs] Thank you.

Derek: Where can I find this, um, Mr. Corinthos?

Connie: He's at the hospital. His granddaughter's being born.

Olivia: God, I cannot wait to get my hands on those precious little cheeks.

Sonny: She really is cute.

Olivia: [Sighs] The universe really works in some strange and mysterious ways, huh? You know, if you would have told my gum-snapping, stoop-sitting self that you and me would be here with a grandchild between us...

Sonny: You'd have popped me.

Olivia: Yeah, I probably would have.

Sonny: [Chuckles]

Olivia: But I'm so damn glad that we are and that we do.

Sonny: Yeah. Me, too.

Olivia: And I think that, uh, there's someone else that would probably really be interested in hearing this news. You and Connie -- you got a lot to talk about.

Dante: Glad you made it.

Luke: Yeah. So am I.

Dante: This one here didn't think you were.

Lulu: Not true. I had complete faith in my father.

Dante: Oh.

Lulu: Okay, fine. I was a little worried. You cut it close.

Laura: Well, he's here, so there's no harm done, right?

Lulu: Did mom tell you the drama? We thought you were sick and that Tracy was covering for you.

Luke: Well, I hope you went easy on her.

Lulu: On Tracy? Um, she took it like a champ. Where were you?

Luke: I was with Holly.

Lulu: Oh, you saw Robert.

Luke: Mm.

Lulu: How is he?

Luke: No better. No worse.

Lulu: I'm so sorry. I know he's your best friend. I wouldn't wish the pain of losing a loved one on anyone.

Luke: Well...

Spinelli: If you're talking about the miscarriage and what happened after, I'm not sure there's anything left to say about that. Yeah, it's true. She didn't tell me herself, but...I know that she got pregnant again by implanting one of Dante and Lulu's other embryos.

Ellie: Right, I-I know. Damian, that's not exactly what happened.

Spinelli: Well, then, what did?

Maxie: Oh, this is it. It's over!

[Cell phone rings]

Ellie: It's Brad. The DNA tests from Danny's donor drive are in.

Spinelli: Well, is there a match?

Ellie: I don't know. I' have to examine the results. But, Damian, I would really like to finish this conversation.

Spinelli: Okay, we will. Um, Danny takes precedence, though. Just find me when you're through, okay?

Ellie: Okay.

Georgie: Another bullet dodged.

Maxie: Or maybe the universe wants the truth to stay hidden. Maybe I'm supposed to die.

Georgie: You're supposed to destroy Spinelli?

Maxie: Spinelli will survive.

Georgie: Okay. And what about them?

Dante: Thank you for coming, ma.

Olivia: What? Are you crazy? I wouldn't have missed this for the world.

Sonny: Um... you know, it's not easy being a father. But I got to tell you, it's... the greatest thing you'll ever do.

Dante: Thanks.

Lulu: What? You're leaving so soon?

Laura: I want to find Scotty and tell him the good news.

Luke: Stop worrying so much. I'll be back soon.

Lulu: Well, I will stop worrying when you stop smoking that junk.

Luke: When did you turn into the health police?

Lulu: Since I want you around for me and your granddaughter for a long, long time.

Luke: [Sighs]

Felicia: Mac, something's wrong. Why isn't Maxie in recovery yet? And why hasn't anybody told us anything?

Mac: Hey. Come here. Sit down.

Mac: Don't forget -- a c-section is major abdominal surgery. Okay? She's fine.

Georgie: It's their wedding day. On top of that, you gave birth. Mom and Mac should be overjoyed. But instead, look at them. They're worried sick.

Maxie: It's not my fault something went wrong.

Georgie: It is your fault if you decide to give up. Maxie, they love you! What do you think it would do to them if they lost you?

Maxie: They'll survive. They have each other. And they would have one less screw-up to look after.

Georgie: That is not how they see you, and you know it. Just listen.

Felicia: Mac, do you think that Maxie...

Mac: Hey, hey, hey. Nothing is gonna happen to our girl.

Felicia: Mac, I seriously don't think that I could handle that. [Voice breaking] After Georgie, I can't lose Maxie again. [Crying] I can't. [Sniffles]

Mac: You won't. You won't, okay? If something happened, and we don't know that it has, Maxie has been a fighter her whole life. That's not gonna stop now.

Dante: Hey.

Spinelli: Uh, hey. I must have taken a wrong turn.

Lulu: Oh, you weren't looking for us?

Spinelli: Uh...Maxie.

Lulu: She is in recovery.

Spinelli: Actually...she isn't. I just checked.

Lulu: That's strange.

Dante: Well, no. Maybe they moved her to a room. Maybe you just missed her.

Spinelli: Right. Uh, yeah, I'll -- I'll go inquire at the desk.

Dante: Hey. Uh, you have a second? You want to meet our daughter?

Spinelli: [Chuckles]

Olivia: You're not getting through to Connie?

Sonny: No. I...

Olivia: She's probably at the office.

Sonny: [Sighs] I was calling Michael. You know, I wanted to let him know that he's an uncle. He's not picking up.

Michael: Thank you. The cab just dropped him off at the house. I must have just missed him.

Elizabeth: So, are you going back?

Michael: Yeah. I don't want to leave him alone tonight, you know?

Elizabeth: Michael, I'm really sorry.

Michael: Why?

Elizabeth: I should have stayed with him.

Michael: [Sighs] He's an adult. You know, he should be able to take care of himself.

Elizabeth: But obviously, he can't, and I left him.

Michael: [Chuckles] Look, you had every right after he brought up Jake. Look, this isn't an excuse or anything, but he's -- he's really going through a hard time.

Elizabeth: I know.

Michael: And he cares about you. He does. And...when he wakes up tomorrow, I know he's gonna be kicking himself for what he said. I just -- I hope you give him a chance to make it up to you. [Sighs] Well, I got to go.

Connie: You know, I got to tell you, you really saved my bacon, AJ If you hadn't botched your shot at resurrecting your family's business, then my business would have gone under. So thank you.

AJ: This is all your fault.

Connie: Oh, please, please. Hold your applause.

AJ: If you hadn't run that article, then none of this would have happened.

Sonny: Not today, but it would have happened eventually.

Michael: Yeah, my dad's right. You would have failed eventually, because it's just -- it's what you do.

Connie: You're just not meant for life's greater challenges. No biggie.

AJ: What is that supposed to mean?

Connie: Shake it off. Go play a round of croquet or something.

AJ: I had everything. You took it away from me -- everything!

Connie: Okay. So pay me back. Oh, wait. You already did that. Epic fail.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Sonny: [Chuckles]

AJ: I can still make you pay.

Connie: All right, AJ Give it your best shot. That's what I thought. AJ Quartermaine -- the spineless wonder. [Sighs] Come on, boys. Why don't we get out of here and go get us some ice cream, huh? Just one big happy family. What do you say? Ciao.

Derek: Ms. Falconeri.

Olivia: What do you want?

Derek: I just came from seeing your cousin.

Sonny: Who's this?

Olivia: Derek Wells. Connie's boss.

Derek: Oh, you must be Sonny. I've seen your picture around the office and in the newspaper. In any case, it's, uh -- it's good luck I ran into you. I understand the ELQ piece caused some, um, tension at home. I would just like you to know that it was my call to publish the story. Connie asked me not to do it. She, uh, practically got down on her knees and begged. I wouldn't budge. You know, if I were you, uh, I'd hold on to that one. Never let go of a woman who would do anything for you.

Sam: Ellie. Ellie. Do you have any word on the last run of DNA testing?

Ellie: I should really let the doctor deliver that news.

Alexis: Ellie, please. We really need an answer.

Ellie: Yes.

Sam: Yes?

Ellie: There's match.

Sam: Oh!

Alexis: Oh, thank God! Yes!

Sam: Can you believe it? Mom.

Alexis: I think I can.

Sam: I think so.

Derek: Oh, good news, I hope.

Alexis: Uh, we've found a donor match.

Derek: What? You're kidding me. That's amazing! Well, how soon can they -- can they schedule the transplant?

Alexis: That depends on you.

Sam: You, yeah.

Derek: Uh, I don't follow. How does scheduling a surgery depend on me?

Alexis: Because you're the match.

Connie: Why is Derek so interested in Sonny's business?

Michael: AJ, you here?

Derek: Ava, it's Julian. Call me. We need to talk.

Sonny: There was a mob family in the '80s who pretty much ran Port Charles, and they were called the Jeromes.

Connie: What? I-I -- why haven't I heard of them?

Sonny: The father was named Victor Jerome. He's dead. So are two of his kids -- Olivia and Julian.

Connie: Julian. There was a son named Julian. And he's calling Ava. I know what I heard, Julian. Sonny needs to hear it, too. [Gasps]

Luke: I'm not sure how much longer I can stick around. I've got to get back on the trail of that cure, so if I disappear without any goodbyes...

Laura: Yeah. I will try to run some interference for you with Lulu, but you know how she is.

Luke: She's like her mother.

Laura: Oh, I think she's a bit like her dad, too.

Luke: [Chuckles]

Laura: [Chuckles] Listen, Luke, please -- please travel safely, and if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to call me.

Luke: And don't you be jumping out of any airplanes on my behalf. [Smooches]

Laura: I won't.

Luke: Take care of yourself.

Laura: You, too.

Spinelli: I-I am at a loss for words.

Dante: Well, there's a first for everything, right?

Spinelli: She is so beautiful. And I-I-I know it's not genetically possible, but if I might be so bold, she bears a slight resemblance to Maxie.

Lulu: Well, she's got plenty of Maxie in her.

Georgie: And Spinelli, too.

Spinelli: You know, speaking of Maxie, I should -- I should really go find her, so...

Lulu: Okay. Can you let her know that we will come see her soon, okay?

Spinelli: Yeah. [Sighs, sniffles] Uh, congratulations, guys. Wow.

Dante: Thanks, Spinelli. All right. This is ridiculous. We have to come up with a name for this little munchkin.

Lulu: What do you think of jackalyn?

Olivia: You know, that Wells guy just rubs me the wrong way.

Sonny: Yeah, there's something -- I don't know -- wrong with him.

Olivia: I mean, he says all the right things, but I-I...

Sonny: There's something about him that gives me the creeps.

Olivia: Oh, God.

Sonny: What?

Olivia: It's the damn puppy again.

Spinelli: Hey.

Ellie: Hey.

Spinelli: Did you -- did you see the baby?

Ellie: [Chuckles] Yeah. She's gorgeous.

Spinelli: Those eyes -- wise beyond her years... [Chuckles] Or minutes, as it were.

Ellie: Damian...

Spinelli: What's wrong?

Ellie: It's time we finish our conversation.

Maxie: What are you trying to do to me?

Georgie: [Voice breaking] Show you what you'll be missing -- mom and Mac, Spinelli, your daughter. Maxie, please don't leave them. Please.

Maxie: [Sighs] [Sniffles]

Georgie: [Smooches] [Smooches]

Felicia: Did you feel that?

[Door opens]

Felicia: Oh, God.

Mac: How's Maxie?

Ellie: It's about the baby.

Spinelli: Yeah. I-I gathered that much, but I-I fail to see how Dante and Lulu's baby has anything to do with me.

Ellie: That's just it, Damian. That little girl isn't Dante and Lulu's daughter. She's yours.

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