GH Transcript Wednesday 8/21/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 8/21/13


Provided By Suzanne

Bartender: Listen, pal. You might want to slow down.

AJ: Why? You give me one good reason why I shouldn't drink myself to oblivion.

Elizabeth: How about me?

Kiki: I'm sorry to hurt you like this,'re not my biological father.

Franco: Of course I am, Kiki. Look, I've known you -- I've loved you since the moment that Ava told me she was pregnant. You are absolutely my daughter.

Kiki: I'm sorry, but I'm not.

Franco: You don't ever need to apologize to me. You are my child.

Kiki: No, Ava has been lying to you, Franco. She's been lying to the both of us. I'm not your daughter.

Franco: Why would she do that? Why would Ava lie to both of us for your entire life?

[Door opens]

Franco: It's just not true.

Ava: It is, Franco. Kiki isn't your daughter.

Carly: I can't stand by and watch you fall more and more in love with Kiki, knowing you're gonna get your heart broken. So, if you lied to get her to the altar, you need to fix it before it destroys all of you.

Morgan: Mom, that's not --

[Door opens]

Carly: It is!

Michael: What's going on here?

AJ: Elizabeth, what are you doing here?

Elizabeth: What do you think I'm doing here? I'm looking for you.

AJ: [Scoffs] Lucky you. You found me.

Elizabeth: AJ

AJ: [Sighs]

Elizabeth: How many have you had?

AJ: Not nearly enough, thanks to that bitch, Connie.

Tracy: I'm not one to give relationship advice. I always throw my lot in with guys that end up hurting me.

Connie: Yeah, you kind of do. I still can't believe you fell for Joe Scully.

Tracy: I wasn't even referring to him.

Luke: Oh, hey. We got here as soon as we heard Maxie was in labor.

Laura: Are we too late? Did we miss the birth?

Sonny: No, you didn't miss it. They're just -- there's been a complication.

Felicia: Focus on your breath, sweetheart.

[Alarm beeping]

Felicia: Slow and steady.

Lulu: What is happening?

Dante: What -- what does that sound mean?

Dr. Chu: This baby needs to come out now.

Maxie: This baby is coming out. I'm in labor.

Dr. Chu: We can't wait for you to deliver naturally. This baby's losing oxygen. We need to perform an emergency C-section.

Franco: You were the one who told me Kiki was mine. Even when you kept me from her, she was still mine. Who does this? Why -- why would -- why would you do something like this?!

Kiki: Because she's manipulative and sadistic. She's been lying to me my entire life, changing her story every time she thinks she can make a quick buck.

Ava: Kiki, that isn't true.

Kiki: First she told me that my father was dead. Then she finally told me that my father was you. Now you and I start to develop a relationship and she pulls the rug out from under us? Let me ask you a question. Why on earth would you do that?

Franco: I'd like to know the answer to that.

Morgan: Oh, I was telling mom about the wedding. She's not too thrilled.

Michael: No surprise there.

Morgan: If you're looking for my wife, she's at the hospital checking on her da-- I mean, Franco. Sorry. Even I can't believe that that's not her fath--

Michael: Look, Morgan, I got bigger things on my mind than what you did or didn't know about Kiki, okay? I need to stop AJ before he does something incredibly stupid.

AJ: Hey! Give me another one.

Elizabeth: [Sighs] Maybe you've had enough.

AJ: [Chuckles] Oh, honey, I'm just getting started. Hey, but at least you got yourself a front-row seat for my latest screw-up.

Elizabeth: Why are you doing this? You've worked so hard on your sobriety.

AJ: And look where it got me! Huh?! I get thrown out of ELQ, Sonny's latest girlfriend treating me like a chump! I lost everything because of her!

Elizabeth: But you didn't lose me. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere.

AJ: You know what? It didn't look that way when I saw you and Nikolas at the hospital.

Lulu: Mom! Dad! I can't believe you're here. Oh! Both of you.

Luke: I told you I'd be here. I'd do anything for you.

Laura: Sweetie, how come you're not in with Maxie? Sonny said there was some kind of a complication.

Dante: Yeah, it's, uh, it's worse than we thought.

Maxie: An emergency c-section? No, no, no, no. When I signed up to be a surrogate, I did not sign up for that.

Dr. Chu: I'm sorry, Maxie. We were hoping to avoid this procedure, but the baby is not getting enough oxygen. We don't have another option.

Felicia: Maxie, you're going to be fine, and so is the baby.

Mac: It's gonna be over soon, sweetheart.

Spinelli: [Stammers] The baby will be happy and healthy, you will be safe and sound, and Dante and Lulu will be new parents, okay?

Maxie: Spinelli, there's something that I have to tell you.

Connie: Luke Spencer hurt you? Last time I checked, you two were joined at the hip.

Tracy: Oh, we are. When he wants us to be.

Connie: A fair-weather friend.

Tracy: No, the opposite, actually. He needs me when the going gets tough. Now, to be fair, he's very supportive when my back is against the wall. All other times, catch-as-catch-can. He could show up, or he could disappear for months on end. Depends on his mood. But I...need more than that. I want more than he can give me.

Connie: Forget about him, Tracy. Kick him to the curb. You deserve better than that, and if he can't give that to you, then do whatever you got to do. Get him out of your life.

Tracy: Sadly, that...choice may be taken out of my hands.

Lulu: I am so glad that you could both be here. Where were you?

Luke: Oh, that doesn't matter. What's important is, I'm here.

Spinelli: Maxie, you don't need to say anything right now.

Maxie: Yes, I do. There's something that I have to tell you!

Spinelli: Okay, okay. Go ahead. What is it?

Dr. Chu: We have to get to the O.R. Now.

Maxie: No, no! I need one minute!

Dr. Chu: I'm sorry, but we don't have time.

Felicia: Maxie, whatever you have to say to Spinelli is just gonna have to wait until after the delivery.

Lulu: What's happening?

Dr. Chu: We have an O.R. Ready for Maxie right now.

Dante: All right. We're coming with you, then.

Dr. Chu: That's not possible.

Dante: What are you talking about? We're the parents of the baby.

Dr. Chu: Fine. If we can get a spinal in her, then one of you can be in the room with her.

Dante: You. You.

Lulu: No! But he's the father!

Dr. Chu: We can open up the viewing area for Dante, but that's the best I can do.

Dante: Hey, look, go.

Lulu: I love you.

Maxie: Spinelli, please, I have to tell you something.

Spinelli: It's not important right now.

Maxie: Yes, it is. If this baby doesn't make it --

Spinelli: Don't be silly. Of course she's gonna make it, okay?

Lulu: Are you okay? I'm gonna be with you the whole time, okay? You're gonna be just fine. You can do this.

Dr. Chu: Okay. Let's get her up there.

Felicia: We love you, Maxie.

Mac: See you soon.

AJ: [Slurring] Tracy kicked me out of my office, and I was feeling kind of down. Well, silly me, you know. I figured maybe you could make me feel better, so I went to go find you at work.

Elizabeth: When you saw me with Nikolas at the hospital --

AJ: And, you know, I mean, I guess princes -- princes don't work, do they? So, you know, he beat me to it. And there you were in Nikolas' arms again. [Scoffs]

Elizabeth: How many damn times do I have to tell you that I chose you and not him? You know Nikolas and I are still friends.

AJ: Oh, come on! You know, this friendship-card thing is really convenient, isn't it? You know, I mean, he just comes on to you again and again, and you -- you love the attention, right? But when I say anything about it, suddenly Nikolas is just a friend.

Elizabeth: I needed a friend today...because I was worried sick about you.

AJ: [Scoffs]

Carly: You're worried about AJ? What'd he do to screw up this time?

Michael: Tracy made him pack up his office today, and it was -- it was pretty bad. Now, Elizabeth and I, we can't find him, and she thinks he might fall off the wagon, so we're looking everywhere that he might be. That's -- that's why I'm here.

Carly: I wouldn't be surprised if he did fall off the wagon, but for your sake, I hope it's not true.

Michael: Yeah. Me, too.

AJ: So you're just crying on his shoulder, telling him what a failure I am. Oh, I bet prince Nikolas loved that one.

Elizabeth: That is not what happened, and you know it.

AJ: Oh, really? Tell me what I know. What do I know?

Elizabeth: Nikolas came to the hospital to check up on baby Danny. I asked for an update. We started talking. He mentioned that you had gotten kicked out of ELQ.

AJ: [Chuckles] I bet he did.

Elizabeth: And he was concerned that you would have a bad reaction.

AJ: Really? Well, hey... good for Nikolas. Because you know what? He was right.

Elizabeth: I was upset thinking about you, wishing there was something I could do to help you. And when you walked in, Nikolas was just hugging me. That's it.

AJ: Looked like a hell of a lot more from where I was standing. Hmm.

Elizabeth: My God! I knew you were gonna have this reaction when you walked out. I hate that I was right.

AJ: I doubt it.

Elizabeth: [Sighs] AJ It's not too late. Put the glass down. Let me take you home. I chose you. And right now, it's really important that you choose me. Can you do that?

Connie: Luke is dying?

Tracy: He came over to my house and collapsed in the middle of a conversation. One minute, we were bickering, and the next minute, he was lying on the floor. I called an ambulance, and... [Sighs] I got him to the hospital, and he had a battery of tests. I was convinced it was gonna be liver failure, but his actual condition is very rare and almost always...fatal. Luke didn't like the treatment option that General Hospital offered, so he went off in search of a cure.

Connie: I'm surprised you let him do it alone.

Tracy: I didn't. He put one over on me despite his saying that I am the bonnie to his Clyde. He decided to handle this without me. He left me a note. "I have to do this alone."

Connie: Well, Luke does strike me as the lone-wolf type.

Tracy: Maybe. But it didn't stop his other ex-wife from going off after him.

Laura: Hey, Scotty, it's me. Uh, I'm back in town, and, um, I'm actually at the hospital right now because, uh, Maxie's in labor. And, uh, thought you should know. [Sighs]

Luke: [Groans]

Laura: Talk to you soon.

Luke: [Groans]

Laura: Are you all right?

Luke: No, no. Sure. Sure. I'm fine. I'M... I'm having a little setback, but I'm okay. That swig that Sean gave me from that vial was only a temporary fix. I've got to find Jerry if I'm gonna get out of this mess alive.

Laura: We've got to find Jerry. You are not in this alone.

Luke: I appreciate that, darling, but we have to be realistic. At least if I kick the bucket, the important thing is I kept my word to Lulu. I was here for the birth of our grandchild.

Laura: Oh.

[Monitor beeping]

Dr. Chu: Lulu, good. Ready to begin.

Maxie: Lulu, I'm scared.

Lulu: You're gonna do great. I promise. Just a little while and we're gonna meet this beautiful baby.

Dante: [Mouthing] I love you.

[Heartbeat thumping]

Mac: Spinelli, will you stop pacing? You're making me nervous.

Felicia: Mac, leave Spinelli alone.

Spinelli: Maxie seemed troubled, right? She kept trying to repeatedly tell me something. What if she knows about some additional problem?

Felicia: Maxie's going to be fine. Now, you just have to stay strong and pray for the baby that she's carrying.

Spinelli: That seems insufficient. I just feel like I should -- I should be in the room to support her.

Mac: Spinelli, wait a minute. Wait a -- you can't -- listen. With two sets of grandparents, all right, uh, the three of us, Dante, and Lulu, there wouldn't be any room to deliver the baby.

Felicia: We just have to wait until she delivers the baby.

Spinelli: [Sighs]

Mac: Then we'll be able to see our daughter.

Felicia: Everybody's so worried about the baby, but that's my daughter in there giving birth, having major surgery.

Mac: Maxie will pull through, okay? She's a survivor. She has been all her life. The tougher things get, the more she shines.

Dr. Chu: Knife.

[Monitor beeping]

Maxie: Lulu, you know I love you, right?

Lulu: Of course. I love you, too.

Maxie: I'm really sorry about all this.

Lulu: What are you talking about? This complication is not your fault. It could have happened to anyone.

Maxie: No.

Lulu: Yes. And you are not just anyone. You are strong. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for. You and me together, we are a force to be reckoned with. So you and me and my little girl are gonna pull through this, because you and me, Maxie, are unstoppable.

[Heartbeat thumping]

AJ: Just get out of here, Elizabeth. Leave me alone.

Elizabeth: You know I'm not gonna do that.

AJ: Why? Why not? You -- you got a Cassadine prince waiting in the wings. What the hell you want with a Quartermaine deadbeat who can't even keep a job?

Elizabeth: Don't you get it by now? I don't care about those things. Your job and your money don't matter to me. You do.

AJ: [Sighs] How would I even take care of you?

Elizabeth: You don't need to! Right now I want to take care of you.

AJ: Yeah? Yeah, what? Like -- like you took care of Jake?

Carly: I haven't seen AJ

Morgan: Yeah, me, either.

Carly: But it's a big house.

Michael: Yeah. I'm -- I'm gonna look around, actually.

Morgan: That sucks, man. Glad my dad's not a drunk.

Carly: Knock it off, okay?

Morgan: What? You don't even like the guy.

Carly: No, I don't. I despise him. But I know this is a big deal, okay? AJ Can't handle disappointment. He self-destructs, and he drags down anyone he cares about. He's probably drinking, and if he's drinking, he's following his pattern, which means he's face down in a gutter somewhere, and that's gonna be hell on your brother. And Michael is the one I'm worried about.

Morgan: Do you ever not worry about Michael?

Carly: I worry about you. I really, really worry about you.

Morgan: Mom, but you don't understand.

Carly: I understand how AJ Imploding will affect your brother. I also understand how this affects him and you.

Ava: All I will say is this. Everything that I have ever done has been about protecting my family.

Kiki: Everything that you have ever done is about greed, and anyone that gets in your way, you throw under a bus.

Ava: But not you, Kiki. It's always been you and me against the world, hasn't it? We're family.

Kiki: You don't know the meaning of the word "family," and I want you to stay the hell away from mine.

Ava: What are you talking about?

Kiki: Morgan is my new family. Now that we're married, we are going to stay so far away from you.

Ava: Married?!

Kiki: [Exhales]

Carly: Before Michael came in here, you were about to tell me something. And let's be real -- we both know what it is. You knew Kiki wasn't a Quartermaine, and you kept it from her. There's still time to make it right. All you got to do is tell the truth.

Ava: You and Morgan are married? You just got engaged.

Kiki: After we got our license, Morgan convinced me that there was no reason we should wait. So, yes, it's official.

Morgan: And then Kiki -- she's gonna realize that Michael's not her cousin and that they can get together.

Ava: Yes, Morgan. This has all occurred to me.

Morgan: Well, you were supposed to take care of the Silas factor.

Ava: I am! I just ha-haven't gotten a plan in place quite yet.

Morgan: Well, I got to marry Kiki and fast before everything hits the fan.

Ava: This was Morgan's idea?

Kiki: Yeah. What about it?

Morgan: All right, suppose I knew -- and I'm not saying that I did. How will fessing up now solve anything?

Carly: Oh, honey. Take it from someone who's learned the hard way. Lies never turn out the way you want them to. They -- they haunt you, and they destroy everything. Save yourself the pain. Any luck?

Michael: Alice and I looked everywhere. He's definitely not here.

Morgan: All right, well, I should get going.

Carly: Hey, wait. We were having a conversation.

Morgan: Yeah, well, my wife's at the hospital, and I need to get to her. Seriously, Mikey, I hope everything's okay with AJ

Michael: Thanks.

Morgan: You know, you're still my brother. I know I don't always show it, but...I do love you.

Michael: [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Michael: Uh, you know it's bad when Morgan's acting sentimental.

Carly: He doesn't want to see you hurt, okay? Neither do I. I know you're concerned for AJ

Michael: I'm way past concerned, mom. I just hope Elizabeth can find AJ Before he does something he'll regret.

Elizabeth: What did you just say?

AJ: Come on. Come on. You told me the whole reason this place is even called the floating rib is 'cause of you.

Elizabeth: Don't.

AJ: Yeah.

Elizabeth: Don't say these things.

AJ: Yeah, Luke couldn't stand to see the name of the kid he killed flashing in neon. Your ex-father-in-law had a few too many and mowed little Jake down.

Elizabeth: Stop. Please stop.

AJ: We -- we -- we both know the truth, don't we, you know, what you tell me late at night, that none of this -- none of it would have happened if you were watching your son. Oh! Ah!

Luke: [Coughing]

Sonny: [Exhales deeply] Here you go.

Luke: Thanks.

Sonny: Yeah.

Luke: You got anything stronger?

Sonny: I wish.

Luke: Somewhere along the way, I lost my flask.

Sonny: You okay?

Luke: Corinthos, you and I have known each other a long time, long enough for you to understand that I hate owing people for things. So, when I ask you a favor...

Sonny: All you got to do is tell me what you want. I'll do it.

Luke: This granddaughter of ours... she's, uh, coming into the world with a whole boatload of enemies because of you and me.

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Luke: You have the means to protect her. I want you to keep an eye on Lulu and the baby when I'm not around.

Sonny: What do you mean, when you're not around?

[Monitor beeping]

Dr. Chu: I'm almost done. You're doing great.

Maxie: Please, please let the baby be okay.

Dante: What are you doing here?

Spinelli: Sincere apologies for the intrusion. I was just...I was worried sick about Maxie. I was hoping you'd allow me to stay.

Dante: Yeah. I could use the company. I don't know. I'm a little nervous myself.

Spinelli: The wee one will be fine. More than fine.

Dante: Yeah, it's -- it's not just that. I... if everything goes well -- and I pray that it does -- I'm gonna be a father.

Spinelli: I can't imagine anything more wonderful.

Dante: Or more terrifying.

Spinelli: [Chuckles]

[Monitor beeping]

[Heartbeat thumping]

Dante: I had a lot of family growing up, a lot of role models -- my grandfather, my uncles, coaches. And they were great. But, uh, you know, they weren't a father. And what this is, what that feels like, I... I don't know how to be a dad. Just...hope I can do right by my little girl.

Spinelli: I know you. You're a good man. You're gonna make a great father.

Olivia: So, Lulu must be over the moon that you and Luke got here in time for the baby's birth, huh?

Laura: Yeah. I think so.

Olivia: Something's wrong, huh? And I'm not talking about the baby.

Laura: What do you mean?

Olivia: That's pretty obvious. Luke's not looking so hot. Is he gonna be okay?

Laura: Yes! [Chuckles] Of course. He's gonna be fine.

Luke: And the old bitch got the better of me, man. She...she did it. I've got this one shot. And that's if I follow the trail to the end. There may be a cure. If not, I won't be here for the kid's first birthday.

Sonny: [Sighs] What can I do?

Luke: Well, only I can get myself out of this mess, but you could keep an eye on Lulu and the baby. Just -- just watch out for my family, will you?

Sonny: You have my word. I-I will protect Lulu and our grandchild with my life. As long as I run this town, no harm will be done.

Luke: Thank you, my friend.

Lulu: Hang in there, Maxie. She's almost here.

Dante: I think this is it.

Dr. Chu: Here she is. Bulb. Peons.

[Baby crying]

Lulu: She's perfect.

Tracy: I had no illusions about Luke Spencer. Wait a minute. I take that back. I did. I had one really significant illusion when I married Luke. That would be the real marriage, not the fake one he perpetrated on me for almost three years.

Connie: What a guy.

Tracy: Luke is a liar, a cheat, and a thief. But I knew it going in. My mistake was thinking that he could make a lasting commitment to me... give me his heart and his soul. He couldn't.

Connie: I'm sorry.

Tracy: [Voice breaking] And knowing all that... [Laughs] ...It doesn't change the way I feel about him. I can't shake the bastard! [Sighs]

Connie: I feel the same way about Sonny. Whatever's happening with he and Liv and the grandchild doesn't make me stop loving him, either.

Olivia: Grandparents, huh? How do you even say that word without aging a few decades, right? [Laughs]

Luke: I don't know about you, miss Falconeri, but I'm feeling as young and vibrant as a kid.

Olivia: [Laughs]

Laura: Ditto.

Mac: You know, it's hard to accept that Maxie's even old enough to be a surrogate.

Felicia: Yeah. It feels like yesterday that she was just born. I remember how it felt to hold her in my arms for that very first time.

Olivia: Dante was such a beautiful baby. They grow up so fast, don't they?

Mac: I'll say. Absolutely. So, I guess we're gonna be together for a long time. I guess, uh, we better get used to each other.

[Baby cries]

Lulu: Oh, my God! It's my daughter!

Maxie: Are you sure she's gonna be okay?

Dr. Chu: I'm positive. She's showing absolutely no signs of distress.

Lulu: You did it, Maxie. You did it.

Dr. Chu: Would you like to cut the cord?

Lulu: Yeah. [Chuckles] Together?

Maxie: Together.

Dante: Oh, my God. I'm a dad. I'm a father. That -- that's --

Spinelli: Well, get -- get down there, dad!

AJ: [Chuckles] There you go. Showing your true feelings.

Elizabeth: That was cruel.

AJ: Yeah. Well, I guess now you know the real me.

Elizabeth: You're right. I did turn my back on my baby that night. And that's all on me. But this... this is all on you. So go ahead. You can blame Connie or Tracy, Nikolas, anyone you want. But you're responsible for what happens next. You get to decide what you're gonna do about it.

AJ: Hey, hey, what are you doing?

Elizabeth: Call a cab. No one's getting mowed down tonight.

Michael: I'm gonna go look for AJ, okay? I'm gonna start with the bars on van Ness and work my way west.

Carly: I'll go with you.

Michael: Mom, that's -- that's okay. I can handle it.

Carly: You've handled enough, and you can let me help you.

Michael: You really want to go on a pub crawl through Port Charles looking for a man you despise?

Carly: Okay. [Chuckles] As much as I hate to admit this, AJ Is biologically responsible for your existence, so I kind of owe him for that. And, you know, I want to help for your sake.

Michael: Thanks, mom, really, but I can handle it.

Carly: I'm coming. Don't argue with your mother. Let's go.

Ava: Kiki, honey.

Franco: I'm very happy for you. And I really hope that you and Morgan are very happy together.

Kiki: Thank you. And, mom, you can save your breath. I don't want to hear another word that comes out of your mouth, because my life and my marriage is no longer any of your business.

Ava: Oh, Kiki.

Kiki: Goodbye. And, Franco, I am so sorry. I was actually really looking forward to getting to know you.

Franco: Yeah. Me, too.

Kiki: I don't even know how to explain why my mother did what she did. But hopefully you'll get a better answer than I can.

[Door slams]

Kiki: Morgan.

Morgan: Hey. Hey. I know you said you can handle this alone, but I was worried.

Kiki: I'm so glad that you're here!

Morgan: It's okay. What -- what happened?

Kiki: My mother.

Ava: Say something.

Franco: I really believed that she was my daughter. I think I still do. She must have been mine in another life.

[Monitor beeping]

Ava: I'm so sorry. Truly. I am. I just hope that, um, [Sniffles] We can...remain civil about all of this mess. [Gasps] You're hurting me.

Franco: Yeah, I know. You know, when the doctors told me that I was a changed man, I prayed that that was true. You, Ava, you should pray that they were right, because if they were wrong or if I relapse... guess who I'm gonna take my crazy out on?

Ava: Kiki. I know you're furious with me right now. But you need to know that no matter what I did, I do so love you, my little girl. Morgan, now that you're my son-in-law, I do expect you to look after her.

Kiki: [Sighs]

Morgan: Hey, how you doing?

Kiki: This obviously sucks. Not as much as it sucks for Franco, though. Do you know that he thought that I was his daughter from the moment my mom was pregnant? My whole life, he was thinking about me, envisioning me. He loved me. And now he thought that he was going to get redemption coming back into my life, and my mom stole that from him! I just feel so bad!

Morgan: Go talk to him.

Kiki: Yeah? Thank you for being here.

Morgan: What are husbands for?

Kiki: [Chuckles] Oh, my God! He's gone! Franco's gone!

Morgan: What do you mean, he's gone?

Kiki: The window's open! I think he climbed out!

AJ: [Chuckles] [Sighs] Hmm. It looks like you were right about me all along, grandfather.

Tracy: There is no accounting for taste, but if you want Sonny, go get him.

Connie: I don't know, Tracy. Maybe he's already given up on me.

Tracy: You don't get it. You are the Laura in this piece. Olivia is the sidekick. You're the first love that Sonny never got over. Don't count yourself out.

Connie: Maybe you're right. I got to go.

Tracy: Good luck. Oh, one more thing.

Connie: Yeah.

Tracy: Steer clear of AJ

Connie: [Sighs]

Tracy: He is really angry about that article.

Connie: Believe me, I know.

Tracy: AJ Has a problem taking responsibility for his own self-destructiveness. He likes to blame people -- Sonny, Carly. He's got his eye on you. Watch your back.

Elizabeth: But you're responsible for what happens next. You get to decide what you're gonna do about it.

AJ: Hmm. [Sniffs, sighs] [Chuckles] [Sighs] [Sniffs]

[Safe clicks]

AJ: [Chuckles]

Olivia: Hey!

Laura: Hey! What happened?

Olivia: How did it go?

Dante: Baby's born. She's beautiful, and she's crying up a storm, and, uh, we're parents.

Mac: All right!

Olivia: That's great, Dante.

Sonny: Congratulations.

Dante: Thank you.

Felicia: And Maxie's okay?

Dante: Uh, yeah, she's great. She's great. Uh, they're just closing her up. And, uh, you know, I still haven't had a chance to even hold my daughter, so I got -- I got to go.

Olivia: Go, go, go. Get out of here.

Mac: That's it. That's it. Maxie came through.

Felicia: Yeah, I'm so proud of her. And I don't care about medical facts. I'm still feeling like a grandmother.

Mac: [Chuckles]

Sonny: Can you believe we have a granddaughter?

Olivia: I know. I thought that it was gonna make me feel older. But I just feel amazing.

Sonny: Yeah. Me, too.

Luke: So...

Laura: So...

Luke: Lulu got what she wanted.

Laura: Hmm.

Luke: She's a mom.

Laura: Yeah. And we were here to see it.

Luke: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

[Both laugh]

Lulu: Hi, there. Now, we don't have a name for you yet, but... I'm your mommy.

[Monitor beeping]

[Baby crying]

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Dante: That's our little girl.

Lulu: Yeah, it is. Here.

[Baby quietens]

Lulu: Say hi to your daddy, sweetheart.

Dante: Hey. Hey.

[Baby cries]

[Baby quietens]

Dante: You have my heart, little one. And you always will, okay? Just know that.

Lulu: Yeah.

[Baby fusses]

Spinelli: Excellent work, Maximista. I knew you could do it. I'll see you on the other side.

[Alarm beeping]

Dr. Chu: She's crashing! easy.

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