GH Transcript Tuesday 8/20/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 8/20/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Tracy: If you're looking for your deadbeat boyfriend, you missed him.

Elizabeth: Any idea where he might be?

Tracy: If I were to hazard a guess, I would say he's out drowning his sorrows.

Elizabeth: What happened? Did AJ do this?

Tracy: Heh. Yeah, well, that's the problem with picking up strays. They can be so destructive. Not that you weren't warned. But the thing AJ enjoys destroying the most is himself.

Bartender: So, what'll it be?

AJ: Um... give me a vodka.

Bartender: Coming right up.

AJ: Wait. Actually, uh... make it a double.

Bartender: Here you go.

AJ: Thanks. [Breathes deeply]

Ava: Oh! I needed that. Barkeep -- another.

Nurse: Dr. Clay?

Silas: Mm.

Nurse: Franco Quartermaine is very agitated. He wants to see you.

Silas: Hey, hey.

Franco: Where have you been?

Silas: What's the problem, Franco?

Franco: You, Clay. You're the problem.

[Hawaiian music plays]

Morgan: Aloha!

Kiki: What's all this?

Morgan: I just thought you needed to get lei'd.

Kiki: [Chuckles]

Morgan: Welcome to our honeymoon, Mrs. Corinthos. Well, I guess, since we can't go anywhere, it's more like a phoneymoon, but I figured it's the least I could do for my smokin'-hot bride. What's wrong? I thought you loved the frozen drinks.

Kiki: I do.

Morgan: Then what are you waiting for? Go on! Experience my blender prowess.

Kiki: After you answer this one question.

Morgan: Okay. Yeah. Anything.

Kiki: Did you know that Michael and I weren't cousins before you married me?

[Knock on door]

Michael: Mom?

Carly: Mom, yeah. Don't act so happy to see me. Why haven't you returned any of my calls?

Michael: Sorry. I've just been a little bit distracted.

Carly: Channeling your aggression?

Michael: Just trying to stay in shape.

Carly: What's going on? I thought you'd be happy.

Michael: Happy?

Carly: Yeah, happy. 'Cause of this.

[Elevator bell dings]

Olivia: Hey. Mac, Felicia, how's Maxie holding up?

Mac: Hi.

Felicia: The doctor just examined her. She's definitely in labor.

Sonny: Little early, eh?

Mac: Well, the baby's lungs are well-developed. The doctor doesn't think there should be any complications.

Felicia: Maxie just got started, so we have to sit on our hands a bit. But other than that, everything's perfectly fine.

[Monitors beeping]

Lulu: How's everything with the baby?

Dr. Chu: We have a problem.

Maxie: What's going on? Is it serious?

Lulu: What's wrong with the baby?

Dante: Okay, we need to know what's wrong, Doc.

Dr. Chu: I'll give you an update as soon as I know.

Maxie: [Breathes deeply]

Olivia: With everything that Dante and Lulu have been through to have this baby, I just keep worrying that something's gonna go wrong. You know, I've been praying to the patron saint of childbirth. I'm wearing this Saint Gerard medal for Maxie's sake.

Felicia: Aww. Thank you. I know that would mean a lot to Maxie.

Olivia: I just want you guys to know how grateful we are to her. It's because of her that we're having a grandbaby.

Sonny: A gift like that, there's no way to pay back.

Olivia: And by the way, you look gorgeous. Look at you! What's this? Wedding dress?

Felicia: Well, you can say that Mac and I were otherwise occupied when the baby decided to announce her arrival. But, lucky for us, she had the good grace to wait until we finished our vows.

Sonny: Congratulations.

Mac: Thank you. Thank you.

Sonny: Looks like you got a lot to celebrate.

Mac: Uh, yeah, well, you've got a pair in your own family.

Sonny: What do you mean?

Felicia: Oh. Oh, that's right. We're not the only newlyweds. Your son, Morgan -- he just got married.

Morgan: We already went through this. I mean, when Michael asked me at the courthouse, I told you both the truth -- I didn't know anything about you guys not being related before we were married.

Kiki: You didn't?

Morgan: No, I swear. On our vows. I had no idea that you were not a "Q." Cross my heart, hope to die. Okay?

Kiki: Okay.

Morgan: So, now, let me ask you a question. If you had known that you and Mikey weren't cousins... would that have changed anything? Would you have married me anyway?

Michael: Yeah, Kiki's not a "Q." What about it?

Carly: "What about it?" You're not cousins, you know?

Michael: Yeah, you're right. We're not.

Carly: I don't understand. You were crazy about the girl, but you couldn't go near her, because you were related. I just thought you would be happy.

Michael: You seriously don't know?

Carly: All right. If this is because of your brother, that is very selfless of you, and I wouldn't expect anything less, but this is good for Morgan, too. It spares him the pain of marrying a woman who doesn't love him.

Michael: Mom, it's too late. Morgan is already married. Kiki is his wife.

Tracy: AJ put on an impressive display of sore-losership, and in the end, he was escorted from the building with only his SpongeBob pencil sharpener and what was left of his dignity.

Elizabeth: Do you know where he went?

Tracy: Do I look like his social secretary?

Elizabeth: Hey, it's me. Can you call me when you get this? I'm really worried about you.

Tracy: And so you should be.

Elizabeth: You're actually enjoying this.

Tracy: Your erstwhile bed buddy stole my father's company from me. I was just taking back what was mine.

Elizabeth: You know, AJ may have lost the company, but he still has people who care for him, who love him. Can you say the same?

Tracy: Don't look at me like that, Daddy. AJ did it to himself.

AJ: What the hell's your problem?

Ava: You want a list?

AJ: I would've figured you'd be dancing a jig about now, you know? Kiki's shares are invalid, I lost my voting majority at ELQ... it's what you wanted, isn't it?

Ava: Your reversal of fortune may have helped my situation with ELQ... but the rest of my life is going up in smoke now that everybody knows who Kiki's father really is.

[Monitors beeping]

Silas: How am I the problem?

Franco: My bone marrow.

Silas: What about your bone marrow.

Franco: You're still an oncologist, right? I'm a match for Danny Morgan.

Silas: I didn't want to have to be the one to have to tell you this --

Franco: Danny's okay, right?

Silas: Danny's stable. He's still waiting for a transplant.

Franco: Well, fine, then. Let's go.

Silas: You're not gonna be the one to save Danny's life.

Maxie: [Breathes deeply]

Lulu: Please, what's going on with our baby?

Dante: What kind of problem are we dealing with here?

Dr. Chu: All I can tell you right now is that your baby's heart rate has dropped.

Maxie: Oh, God, there's something wrong with the baby's heart? She got that from me!

Tracy: Well, I don't know about you, but I got exactly what I wanted. Because of that story, I am back in charge of my father's company.

Connie: Congratulations.

Tracy: Well, I'm not the only one that should be celebrating. You saved your magazine from the chopping block, not to mention the newspaper you ran the story in.

Connie: That's right. And all it cost me was my relationship with Sonny.

Sonny: Well, you guys must be misinformed. Kiki and Morgan, they're engaged. The wedding's not for a while.

Felicia: Well, we ran into Morgan and Kiki at the courthouse when we went there to get our marriage license. And they were there for the very same reason.

Sonny: Well, it's too early for a license.

Mac: Not just the license.

Sonny: What do you mean?

Felicia: No, no, they were there. He said he was going to surprise her with a wedding right then and there.

Sonny: That day?

Felicia: Well, yeah. It was actually kind of charming, because that was the same day it was in the news that Kiki is no longer a Quartermaine and Franco isn't her father. He didn't want us to mention it, because he said he didn't want her to know about it until they were married.

Morgan: So what if you and Mikey aren't related? You and I were together before you even laid eyes on him, right?

Kiki: Right.

Morgan: Before that news ever came out in the paper, Kiki, you swore you loved me. You accepted my proposal. And, yes, maybe the wedding was a little bit rushed, but if you were okay with marrying me in the future, then you should be okay with marrying me now. That had nothing to do with Michael. That was between us.

Kiki: Okay, yeah, I just don't know what you want me to say.

Morgan: I want you to tell me that none of this matters. I mean, Kiki, come on, you made a vow to be my wife -- to love me forever. I mean, did you mean that? Or did something change your mind? Just tell me the truth. Are you gonna dump me now that you know you and my brother aren't related?

Franco: So I'm not... I'm not a bone-marrow donor for Danny?

Silas: There was a complication.

Franco: Okay. What was the complication?

Silas: Although the mass was technically benign, we did discover some cancerous cells, and for that, you're gonna need treatment.

Franco: I'm -- I'm gonna need treatment?

Silas: Yes. We have every reason to believe you're gonna make a full recovery. Unfortunately, in the meantime, the cancerous cells make it impossible for you to be a donor.

Franco: Just wanted to help that kid. And not just for the kid. You know, I... really wanted to show Kiki that I'm not such a bad guy. It's a way to make things right. Got to make up for all those years that her mother kept her from me.

AJ: Don't you think you're being just a little overly dramatic?

Ava: Ah. Well, let's see. Secret that I'd been keeping for decades was just splashed across the front page for the world to see. All things considered, I think my reaction has been quite subdued.

AJ: Ah, subdued. So, what's so bad about this guy, Dr. Silas Clay? And why the hell would you lie to Kiki and tell her that Franco is her father instead?

Ava: Who wouldn't want to have a child with a genius, huh?

AJ: Yeah, even a genius who also happens to be a serial killer? I mean, are you honestly saying that this guy Clay is worse than Franco.

Ava: Well, I'm not telling you who I think would make a better father. I'm just saying that I had my reasons for misleading Franco about Kiki.

AJ: That's funny, 'cause, you know, I actually happen to know a little something about that. You see, Carly had her reasons, too, for misleading me about Michael.

Carly: There has to be some kind of mistake. There's no way Kiki and Morgan are married.

Michael: You think I would make this up?

Carly: Why would they rush and get married so fast?

Michael: Morgan wanted to trap Kiki before she found out she wasn't related to me.

Maxie: Oh, this is all my fault! I gave the baby a bad heart!

Lulu: Maxie, what are you talking about? Look at me. You had a heart transplant when you were 6. Your condition is not contagious. There's no way the baby could catch it.

Maxie: No, you don't understand. The heart I was born with failed. I passed it on to her.

Lulu: No, no, no. You're just confused, okay? Just like when you were asking for Spinelli. Look at me. You do not need to worry. You did not give this baby anything, okay? She is not your biological child. There's no way this could be your fault. Our baby's heart has nothing to do with yours.

Dante: Doc, why did the baby's heartbeat slow down?

Maxie: Does the baby have a bad heart after all?

Carly: Kiki is not a Quartermaine, and that's why he rushed her to the altar?

Michael: Yeah, as far as I know. Yeah.

Carly: This whole thing was a plot to keep Kiki from leaving him for you? I'm sorry. I am so sorry.

Michael: Yeah, so -- so am I. Don't feel sorry for Morgan, though, because he made it very clear that they had planned to spend all their time celebrating their wedding. You should've seen them, mom. It was like we were kids and he just beat me at checkers for the first time. You know, just gloating and acting like he won some game.

Carly: Well, it was his karma, huh? Watching your kids make the same mistakes that you did.

Michael: What do you mean? Like wanting something that I can't have?

Carly: No, I mean Morgan causing trouble and jumping through hoops, and I'm gonna put an end to it right now.

Michael: Wait, Mom. That's not a good idea.

Carly: Okay, I know this isn't a good situation for either of you, but the longer Morgan lets this marriage go on, the more pain it's gonna be for him when Kiki finally leaves him.

[Door closes]

Kiki: I'm not leaving you, Morgan. Like you said, I made a vow. We're married. I'm here to stay.

Morgan: All right. Then cheers to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Corinthos. You know, this honeymoon isn't exactly going the way I planned it.

Kiki: I know. I'm sorry. It's just a lot of stuff has happened in the past few weeks, okay? I haven't even confronted my mom on lying to me for my entire life. I haven't talked to my new biological father, who is just incredibly warm, Silas Clay, and Franco -- I haven't talked to him, either. I don't even know if he knows about this. He's been in a hospital bed recovering from brain surgery.

Morgan: You don't think your mom will tell him?

Kiki: Are you kidding me? She's been completely avoiding me for as long as she can. I'm sure she's avoiding Franco, too. He should hear about this from me.

Morgan: Now?

Kiki: Yeah, now. Look, this is so beautiful, Morgan, all of this, but I can't enjoy this. I can't relax, not until I get everything out in the open.

Morgan: No, no, no, no. We can't have that, so I'll go with you.

Kiki: No, don't. Look, I appreciate you wanting to come, but I need to do this alone, okay? Thank you again.

Elizabeth: Oh, Michael, thank God you're home. Have you heard from AJ?

Michael: No. Why?

Elizabeth: Well, I can't reach him, and I just came from seeing Tracy, and to hear her tell it, he's off somewhere drowning his sorrows.

Ava: Carly lied about Michael?

AJ: She didn't want me to know that Michael was my son. She did everything in her power to keep me from finding that out. She even lied and said my brother Jason was the father.

Ava: And Jason?

AJ: Jason knew the truth. He backed Carly up. A year. They stole the first year of Michael's life from me. Jason and Carly stole that from me.

Ava: So, how did Michael become a Corinthos?

AJ: Carly moved on to Sonny, and Sonny made me give Michael up. He made me sign away my rights. You see, Carly -- Carly didn't think that I'd be a good enough father. No, no, no. She thought that a murdering, thieving mobster would be better to raise him.

Ava: But if Michael knew the truth --

AJ: It didn't matter! Sonny was raising him. Carly and Sonny poisoned him against me. And I'm just curious -- is any of this ringing a bell? Is that what you did, too?

Franco: Really needed to do this. I really wanted that little kid to live. And not just for the kid. For Kiki. I just wanted to do something good for the first time in my life. Show her that I'm worthy of being her dad. You have kids? I wasn't there. I wasn't there for her first steps. I don't have a watercolor from her preschool on my refrigerator. I should have a lifetime of memories. It's all just blank.

Silas: Hey, look, this isn't, uh --

Franco: And all this because Ava lied. Far as Ava was concerned, Kiki didn't need a father. And she only told Kiki the truth because, well, Ava thought it'd make her a little bit of money.

Silas: And Ava's still lying.

Ava: My situation with Kiki's father is not quite the same as what you experienced with Carly, but for what it's worth... I'm very sorry.

AJ: Sorry? "Sorry" doesn't help me. Don't you get it? I thought, after all this time, I could make things different. You know? That I was finally gonna get a chance to prove myself, to be the father that Carly never let me be. And I was doing it, too. I was working side-by-side with Michael, we were getting closer, and that was all because of ELQ. And now it just went to hell because of Connie Falconeri! She destroyed my life!

Tracy: Are you telling me that Sonny dumped you, because you wrote this article?

Connie: Not quite. Not yet, at least.

Tracy: Well, you just tell him that you made a very practical business decision, and if he's still complaining, tell him at least no one ended up buried in the Pine Barrens.

Connie: I don't see Sonny being swayed by that argument.

Tracy: You shouldn't be trying to sway Sonny. Sonny should be groveling at your feet.

Connie: Every time I try to talk to him, someone gets in the way.

Tracy: Someone? Who?

Connie: My cousin. Olivia.

Sonny: So Morgan rushed Kiki into marrying him.

Olivia: You know what, Sonny? I think you need all of the facts before you jump to any conclusions, all right? Could you guys give us a second?

Mac: Sure. By all means.

Felicia: Elopements are always a shock.

Mac: Whatever.

Olivia: Sonny, you need to go talk to Morgan.

Sonny: I can't leave now.

Olivia: I can hold down the fort here.

Sonny: I need to be here for Dante and our grandkid.

Dr. Chu: The baby's heart is fine. From what I can see, there aren't any defects.

Dante: Then, what has caused the slowed heart rate?

Dr. Chu: The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck.

Lulu: Oh, my God. What's gonna happen to our baby?

Dante: Shh.

Spinelli: Hey.

Mac: Hey.

Spinelli: I came for an update. How are Maxie and child?

Felicia: Everything's fine, as far as we know.

Mac: We haven't seen her since we brought her in.

Felicia: But the doctor just examined her, and she's definitely in labor and will be giving birth soon.

Spinelli: And on the night of your wedding. What a joyous day, indeed.

Mac: Well, it was.

Spinelli: Is there any issue of which I'm unaware?

Felicia: Oh, no. It's nothing serious. We just think we stepped in it with Sonny.

Olivia: Honey, it's gonna be a while before the baby gets here, okay? And if anything goes wrong, you're just a phone call away.

Sonny: I'll be right back.

Olivia: Okay.

Dante: Sonny.

Sonny: What's going on?

Dante: Wait. You should know what's happening with the baby.

Sonny: With the baby?

Dr. Chu: There's nothing to worry about right now, but we have noticed some fetal heart decelerations. The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck.

Sonny: What does that mean?

Dr. Chu: I know that sounds alarming, but this occurs in 25% of all normal deliveries. It's actually very common.

Sonny: Well, what do we do?

Dr. Chu: Well, for now, we watch and wait, and as Maxie continues her labor, I'll keep a close eye on the baby and make sure the heart rate doesn't drop any further.

Spinelli: Yeah, but what about Maxie? Is she all right?

Maxie: Aaaah!

Lulu: It's all right. You're doing great. You're doing great.

Maxie: Oh, I don't feel so great.

Nurse: Just a few more seconds. And it should be subsiding. Okay.

Maxie: I'm worried about the baby.

Lulu: Hey, you heard Dr. Chu, okay? The baby is gonna be fine. All you have to look forward to is a perfectly normal, agonizing delivery.

Maxie: Great.

Lulu: But you're not alone. Look at me. You're not alone. I am not gonna leave your side for a single second, okay? And just to be clear, you have full permission to curse me and Dante out for knocking you up.

Maxie: You don't have to worry about that.

Lulu: This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for you. Dante and I are finally gonna meet our little girl. I hope she looks like her dad.

Dante: Hey, Maxie's doing great. Look, if she can be the first assistant at Crimson, having a baby is nothing, right?

Spinelli: If there's one thing Maxie copes well with, it's difficult circumstances.

Sonny: What happens if things get worse? What are you gonna do then?

Silas: For what it's worth, Franco, Ava has been lying to both of us.

Franco: What has she been lying to you about?

Silas: All right, since no one else seems to want to do this... what Ava's been lying about is --

Franco: Kiki. Hey. Come on in. I got to tell you what Clay just told me, 'cause it changes everything.

Kiki: What did he tell you?

Franco: Well... I -- I don't get to be a donor for Danny. And I just want you to know that I really wanted to help my nephew because I -- I wanted to show you that your old man's not such a bad guy after all.

Kiki: Franco...

Franco: "Franco"? "Franco"? You called me Dad before they wheeled me in to surgery. Why aren't you calling me that now?

Morgan: Ah, is my blushing bride finally ready for our phoneymoon?

Carly: Not blushing bride. Try angry mother.

Morgan: Mom?

Carly: What the hell were you thinking? You rush Kiki to the altar without telling me? Why?

Morgan: [Scoffs]

Michael: Okay, look, we need to take a minute here. I know you're worried about AJ, but we have no reason to believe Tracy.

Elizabeth: Oh, but you didn't hear her, Michael. She sounded pretty sure.

Michael: Tracy only wants to believe the worst. Look, I know how important staying sober means to AJ. He wouldn't just go out and drink.

Elizabeth: Yeah, um... okay, when we were having problems, and he thought that I had left him for Nikolas, he told me he almost picked up again.

Michael: Seriously?

Elizabeth: Yes. And losing ELQ is a huge blow. Tracy kicking him out didn't help, either.

Michael: Yeah, I'm sure she was gloating about it the whole time.

Elizabeth: From the way it sounded, it was quite humiliating.

Michael: I've been so wrapped up with my own stupid problems, I didn't even think about what AJ was going through.

Elizabeth: Michael, you didn't know. But now that you do, can you help me? Can you help me find your dad?

Michael: Yeah, let me get changed, and we'll go find him.

Elizabeth: Okay.

AJ: Give me another one. One for my friend, too.

Ava: I thought you didn't drink.

AJ: Yeah, well, you thought wrong.

Ava: Are you sure you want to do this?

AJ: Do me a favor, all right? Just don't. If you're thinking about giving me some speech about alcoholism and the 12 steps, just save it.

Ava: Yeah, no. No speech, no lectures from me. I have my own problems to worry about. That conniving Connie, she broke into my bedroom and stole my daughter's birth certificate, and just like that, she ruined my life.

AJ: Well, welcome to my world.

Ava: You know, if there were any justice in it... she'd get hers. Somebody ought to destroy that bitch, the way she destroyed us.

[Glasses clink]

AJ: Maybe somebody will.

Franco: When they were wheeling me into surgery, I think you figured you'd never see me again, and that's why you called me Dad. It's okay.

Kiki: No, no, that's not --

Franco: Really, it's all right. We barely know one another. And if you're not comfortable calling me Dad, then that's okay with me. But you need to know that I'm gonna do whatever I have to. I will do this. I will make myself worthy of you calling me Dad.

Kiki: I think you should go.

Silas: Mm. Maybe we could talk later.

Franco: I'm sorry. I am. I...come on a little strong sometimes. It's just I'm not used to this whole Dad thing.

Kiki: Please stop. Please stop.

Franco: Stop?

Kiki: Yes, you need to stop.

Franco: Stop what?

Kiki: Because you're not my father.

Morgan: So, where's the wedding guests, Mommy Dearest?

Carly: You're gonna try and charm me after you snuck over to the courthouse with Kiki?

Morgan: I couldn't tell you. You would have freaked out and stormed the place. I just didn't want any drama at my wedding.

Carly: Really? My reaction is the only reason.

Morgan: Yeah. What other reason could there be?

Carly: Oh, I don't know. Maybe you didn't want Kiki to find out the fact that she isn't Michael's cousin.

Morgan: Right. That's why I married her. Couldn't be because I loved her.

Carly: I know you love her. That's why I'm worried about you. If this marriage is built on a lie, take it from me, it's only gonna end badly. And the longer you keep it going, the worse you're gonna get hurt. Tell me -- if you rushed Kiki to the altar, because you didn't want her to find out the truth about her and Michael... tell me so I can help you make this right.

Michael: I've been thinking. We can cover more ground if we split up, okay? If I find AJ, I'll call you.

Elizabeth: Yeah, and I'll do the same.

Michael: And if we don't --

Elizabeth: Don't say that. We need to find him before he hurts himself.

Ava: Maybe Connie didn't stop to think about the damage she was causing. Maybe she didn't care. Maybe she doesn't realize that her actions have consequences.

AJ: Everyone always messes with AJ, and everyone always gets away with it. Well, not this time. Now you can forget about "Let go and let God." You can forget about "take it easy," because this time, I'm gonna take charge and take action.

Ava: Yeah. I'm gonna take action, too. But I don't think drinking is gonna help me salvage what's left of my life. And I don't think it's gonna help you with what's left of yours.

Connie: When I came back, I pushed Sonny away. I told him we couldn't be together.

Tracy: Well, in the interest of your mental health, that's a wise choice.

Connie: But the more time I spent away from him, the more I missed him, so I talked to my doctor, and we decided together that I could try it again with Sonny. But Sonny and Olivia were getting closer.

Tracy: You'd think she'd have more sense after seeing what he's done to you.

Connie: Sonny and Olivia have a special connection. But my cousin is nothing if not selfless, especially to the people she loves, so when she found out that I wanted to try again with Sonny, she stepped aside. For me. And I felt terrible about what she'd done for me, so I found a way to undo it.

Tracy: Well, I'm sorry that you're feeling guilty, misguided though it may be. Whatever, I have to admit that I am delighted that there is no way to undo this.

Connie: There isn't. I went to Sonny's to tell him I'd made a huge mistake and to ask his forgiveness, but what I found... was that Olivia was telling him she'd made a mistake by bowing out in the first place.

Tracy: Ah, not so selfless after all.

Connie: I know we had a lot of things to sort out, but I didn't even get a chance to talk to Sonny, because Maxie went into labor, and the two of them took off for the hospital, getting settled in for a long night waiting for the grandbaby.

Dr. Chu: I understand your concern, Mr. Corinthos, and if the situation with the baby does deteriorate, we do have some options. But most likely, both surrogate mother and the baby will come through this just fine.

Felicia: May we go see Maxie?

Spinelli: I'm sorry. Would you mind if I -- if I joined? It feels only right that I should make my presence known at this leg of the journey 'cause it kind of feels like I've been part of this pregnancy from the start.

Maxie: This baby will be beautiful whether she looks like her mom or her dad or someone else.

Spinelli: Maxie, you are the very picture of radiance. Do you feel as good as you look?

Maxie: Only if I look pretty bad.

Lulu: Please, I've never seen you look more beautiful. You have perfect timing. She was just asking for you.

Spinelli: She was? You were?

Maxie: I -- I must be loopy from all this agonizing pain, but what are you doing here?

Spinelli: Uh, making sure you weren't in too much pain.

Maxie: You know I live to exaggerate. I appreciate you coming, but won't Ellie be upset?

Spinelli: Oh, no, none of that. My visit was her idea.

Dante: I hate this. I'm this baby's father. There's nothing I can do to stop her from getting hurt.

Sonny: You know what? Sometimes that's what being a father is. You feel like there's nothing you can do to protect your kid.

Olivia: Your baby's gonna be fine.

Dante: Thanks, Mom.

Spinelli: Fear not, Maximista. Dr. Chu assured us that the baby will be just fine.

[Door opens]

[Monitor beeps loudly]

Spinelli: What's that?

[Beeping continues]

Spinelli: Down.

Silas: I guess.

Man: So, um, is that Kiki in there? The one that the newspapers say is your daughter?

Silas: Yeah, she's my daughter. Don't you have work to do?

Ava: Silas?

Silas: Oh, the hits just keep coming.

Ava: What's going on in there?

Silas: I imagine our daughter is telling Franco the truth.

Ava: Damn it, no.

Silas: Excuse me. I have patients to see.

Franco: I understand that it would be difficult for you to accept me as your dad, but... I'm definitely your dad. Ava kept me from you for all those years.

Kiki: Ava lied. Ava lied to you, she lied to us, and I'm so sorry that I have to hurt you like this, but... you're not my biological father.

Carly: You can't feel good about Michael and Kiki. I know it hurts. But you got to come clean.

Morgan: Mom, this is -- this is crazy that we're even talking about this.

Carly: Morgan, admit it. You married Kiki before she could find out Michael wasn't her cousin. Baby, you lied because you didn't want to lose her.

Morgan: Why would I admit something like that?

Carly: Because you know down deep it's wrong, okay? And it's not just gonna hurt Michael and Kiki. It's really gonna hurt you, and I can't stand by and watch you fall more and more in love with this girl. So if you lied to get Kiki to the altar, you need to tell me. You need to come clean -- okay? -- Before it destroys all of you.

Morgan: Mom, this is --

[Door opens]

AJ: Bartender, keep them coming. Make them doubles.

Bartender: Hey, listen, pal, might want to slow down.

AJ: Hey, do me a favor, all right? You give me one good reason why I shouldn't drink myself into oblivion.

Connie: I want to make up with Sonny. I love him so much. And I drove him away.

Tracy: Well, perhaps it was a subliminal instinct for self-preservation.

Connie: I love my cousin, too, but I'm gonna be damned if I'm gonna let Olivia have Sonny without a fight.

Tracy: I admire your determination, if not your taste in men.

Connie: How am I supposed to compete with a baby? There is nothing better than a baby to bring two people together.

Sonny: You never told me Dante was in danger when he was born.

Olivia: At the time, I was petrified. But everything turned out okay. He was perfect and healthy... and our grandbaby's gonna be, too.

Felicia: Focus on your breath, deep.

Lulu: What's happening?

Dante: What does that sound mean?

Dr. Chu: This baby needs to come out now.

[Monitors beeping loudly]

[Door opens, closes]

Maxie: [Breathing deeply]

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