GH Transcript Monday 8/19/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 8/19/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Olivia: I never should've stepped aside for you and Connie. I should've stood up... and I should've fought for you. I made a mistake walking out. And you made a mistake letting me.


Olivia: Connie... how long you been standing there?

Connie: Long enough.

Nikolas: Still haven't found a donor for Danny, but no one's giving up.

Elizabeth: And no one should. Between Danny's resilience and Sam's determination, they're gonna win this battle.

Nikolas: Any other outcome is unacceptable.

Elizabeth: Just wish there was something else I could do.

Nikolas: Well, you already got tested at the donor drive, for which my family thanks you, especially when you're dealing with your own situation.

Elizabeth: What do you mean?

Nikolas: Well, I heard AJ got ousted at ELQ.

AJ: [Sighs]

[Door opens]

Tracy: Enjoying your moment behind what used to be your desk? It'll be your last.

Felicia: You know the Aztecs weren't in Rome, don't you?

Mac: Of course.

Lulu: I know you're excited you finally put this wedding together, but you don't need to look so shocked.

Maxie: It's not that.

Lulu: What's the matter?

Maxie: I think my water just broke.

Lulu: What?

Maxie: My water broke.

Lulu: No, it didn't.

Maxie: Yes, it did.

Lulu: No, you're not due yet! Stop joking!

Maxie: Lulu, I am standing here with my shoes, which are now ruined, in a puddle of water at my parents' wedding reception. Does that sound like something that I would joke about?

Britt: I can't believe this is happening.

Anna: What exactly is confusing to you?

Britt: I'm pregnant.

Anna: I see that.

Dante: Sit.

Britt: I'm a doctor.

Anna: I know.

Britt: And yet you actually hauled me into the police station.

Anna: I warned you, Dr. Westbourne -- doesn't matter who you are -- doctor, lawyer, certified public accountant, pregnant, not pregnant -- the law does not discriminate.

Britt: Okay, well, never mind me. The situation is really stressful for my baby.

Anna: Maybe you should've thought about that before you lied to us about your mother.

Dr. Obrecht: I had no choice but to silence Herr Scorpio. He simply knew too much.

Holly: Too much about what?

Dr. Obrecht: He knew too much... about her.

Luke: Someone in there?! What the hell...?

Lulu: Oh, my God. That's -- Maxie, your water broke!

Maxie: Well, you think?

Ellie: I am so sorry I'm late. My mostly incompetent manager --

Spinelli: Yes, Brad Cooper, lab technician of questionable repute.

Ellie: Yes. Well, he made me work late today, so that he could sit in the lounge and read fitness magazines. Anyway, I am so sorry I missed the ceremony.

Spinelli: Yeah, so am I.

Lulu: Oh, my God!

Mac: What? What is it? What is it?

Felicia: Are you girls all right?

Lulu: Maxie's water broke! I have to call Dante! Our baby is coming!

Elizabeth: Yes, AJ was voted out as CEO of ELQ.

Nikolas: I'm sure that was disappointing.

Elizabeth: When he found out that Kiki wasn't a Quartermaine and that her supporting votes didn't count, he was -- he was totally blindsided. He had honestly no idea that his days at ELQ were numbered.

Tracy: I brought you a present. It's for your personal items, and I do mean personal. Gentlemen. My security officers will make sure that you turn in your laptop, your keycard, and your Smartphone.

AJ: That's great, Tracy. Is there anything else?

Tracy: You really should be thanking me. The in-house counsel wanted you escorted from the premises the minute that your failed stewardship of ELQ ended. But I wanted to give you a little extra time.

AJ: Very magnanimous.

Tracy: Yeah, it was a gift. To myself. I wanted to savor the sight of you walking out of here for the last time. Now that time has come, and I owe it all to Connie Falconeri.

Connie: Here's what I heard you say. You feel you made a mistake giving up Sonny so he could be with me and that you feel he made a mistake letting you do it.

Olivia: It was a private conversation that was none of your business.

Connie: Liv, any conversation about me is my business! So now that I've heard from you, I want to hear from you, Sonny.

Sonny: What do you want me to say?

Connie: I want to know if you agree with my loyal cousin. Do you think you made a mistake? Would you rather be with Olivia than be with me?

Felicia: How can this be happening already?

Maxie: Just lucky, I guess.

Mac: Are you having contractions?

Maxie: Not yet, but I feel a little strange.

Spinelli: This is too early! The projected due date was --

Together: We know!

Mac: Sweetheart, let us know if you're in any pain.

Felicia: Are you in pain?

Maxie: Uh, not really, but I feel a little strange. Maybe it's just my nerves.

Lulu: Dante? Ugh! It went to his voicemail.

Mac: All right, I'm gonna get the car. Tell Dante to meet us at the hospital.

Maxie: Mac, wait! I read somewhere that just because your water breaks doesn't necessarily mean you're in labor, so maybe I don't need to go to the hospital yet.

Mac: Where'd you read that? The internet?

Maxie: Maybe all I need is a change of clothes.

Felicia: Honey, your water broke. You're in labor. We need to get you to the hospital.

Mac: I'm getting the car.

Lulu: He's still not answering. I'm just gonna keep trying.

Maxie: Maybe you could leave him a voicemail.

Felicia: I'm gonna wait with Mac with the car.

Maxie: Sounds great. Oh, dear God, please don't have them drive me to the hospital in a car with cans coming out of the back.

Spinelli: It's time to go!

Ellie: Wait. Go where?

Spinelli: Well, obviously, we have to get to the hospital.

Ellie: Whoa. What do you mean "we"?

Lulu: There's still no answer. Maybe he's in the middle of something.

Britt: All right. Yes, I lied about when I last saw my mother. Is that a crime?

Anna: Given that your mother is a fugitive, yes, it is.

Britt: But like I keep telling you, she came and she went. That's -- that's all I know.

Dante: So you expect us to believe that your mother was with you, in your home, and you're completely in the dark about all this?

Britt: People can be in the dark about all kinds of deceptions happening right under their nose, Detective. Even a smart man like you.

Dante: Really? What am I being deceived about?

[Ringtone plays]

Anna: Dante? You all right?

Holly: "Her"? Who is this her that Robert Scorpio knew too much about?

Dr. Obrecht: You claim to care about Robert Scorpio, and yet you mock me.

Holly: Give me one good reason not to.

Dr. Obrecht: How about Herr Scorpio himself? I'll tell you everything you want to know... on one condition.

Luke: Laura? My God. What the hell are you doing here?

Laura: I was looking for you.

Luke: Me? Why?

Laura: I know, Luke. I know that you're dying. I know.

Luke: I never thought Tracy would rat me out.

Laura: She didn't. She didn't tell me anything, Luke.

Luke: She was the only one who knew, apart from the quack who diagnosed me.

Laura: Come on, Luke. All the years... I know you a little bit, you know?

Luke: [Scoffs] You know me too well.

Laura: I knew that something was wrong. I did a little bit of digging, and when I found out that Helena had poisoned you, I knew that you would go looking for the cure. And... I had to help you.

Luke: You shouldn't be here. This is dangerous and risky, and it's probably just a wild goose chase anyway. You're risking your life, and for what?

Ellie: Damian, the birth of this baby is about Maxie, Dante, and Lulu. It has nothing to do with us. So there's no reason for us to go to the hospital.

Mac: Okay, hey, the car's out front. Let's go.

Spinelli: Uh... good luck, Maxie. I'm sure everything's gonna be just fine.

[Cell phone rings]

Lulu: Dante, thank God.

Dante: Hey, I'm just in the middle of an interrogation right now. I know I should be at the reception, but I had to come to work, and I can't get out of it.

Lulu: Listen to me -- Maxie is in labor. The baby is coming, like, right now. We're headed to the hospital.

Dante: Already? Well, that's, uh... well -- okay, uh, I'll -- I'll be right there.

Anna: What is it?

Dante: Uh, Commissioner, I got to go. My -- my baby is on the way.

Anna: Oh, go. Go be a father. Go, go.

Britt: Good luck, "Daddy."

Laura: You promised our daughter that you'd be there for the birth of her first child, and I'm just gonna hold you to it. That's all.

Luke: Did you tell Baldwin that you're chasing a dead man?

Laura: You know, uh, I can tell you that when we're on our way. If you're gonna make it home in time to see Lulu become a mother, we'd better find the cure, right? So let's get going and find Jerry Jacks.

Luke: Well, I hate to break it to you, but from what I hear, he's already dead.

Laura: Who told you that?

Luke: His henchwoman, Dr. Obrecht.

Laura: She lied. Jerry's alive.

Holly: And what exactly do you want in exchange for telling me everything I want to know?

Dr. Obrecht: What else? I want you to let me go.

Holly: [Chuckles] Well, that's not gonna happen. Besides, why would I believe anything you have to say?

Dr. Obrecht: Perhaps you'd rather hear the truth directly from Herr Scorpio.

Holly: I would, if only he wasn't in that pesky coma.

Dr. Obrecht: He doesn't have to be. I can revive your precious Robert, bring him back to you. Then he will tell you everything you want to know himself.

Elizabeth: After AJ saw "Kiki not a Q" on the front page, he realized that he had lost the company to Tracy. He was furious. And the only person he could think about at that moment was Connie. 'Cause, you see, somehow, at some point, Connie and Tracy became friends, and when Tracy started bragging about Connie's article, AJ went after her. And I tried to stop him. I tried to get him to fight the good fight for ELQ, but he knew it was over.

Nikolas: Did he end up finding her?

Elizabeth: Yeah. He did. And then Michael and I found AJ all bloody on Sonny's floor, because Sonny had pistol-whipped him. And, yes, we had to take him to the hospital.

Nikolas: Wow. Sonny's not known for his even temper, but pistol-whipping seems a little extreme.

Elizabeth: He was angry at AJ for raging at Connie. So was I.

Tracy: If my new BFF Connie Falconeri hadn't stumbled upon the truth about Kiki's parentage and put it on the front page of her paper, I never would have had the pleasure of kicking you out right now. Hmm. Something's missing on these walls. [Gasps] Ta-da! I told you I was gonna have it framed and hung in a place of pride. I am so a woman of my word. I think that'll do nicely. Thank you. What do you say, AJ? Is it straight?

AJ: You know, I want to tell you what, Tracy. Why don't you let me fix this?

[Glass shatters]

Sonny: Okay. Can you calm down?

Connie: Sonny, I have a right to know. Do you want to be with Olivia, because she wants to be with you?

Sonny: Okay, but you don't have the right to ask about a conversation that was not meant for your ears. I have to get back to this conversation I'm having with Olivia, so --

Connie: I'm gonna tell you what she thinks. She thinks I'm not worthy of you anymore, if I ever was.

Olivia: You know what? I can speak for myself.

Sonny: Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Go ahead. Go ahead.

Connie: Honey, I messed up when I ran the ELQ story. I admit that, freely.

Olivia: Yeah, a lot of good that does us now.

Connie: But what's really got Olivia kicking herself is that she gave you up. She sacrificed her one opportunity to be with you so I can be with Sonny, isn't that right? But I messed it all up. I shot it all to hell. Isn't that right, Sonny?

Sonny: You tell me, Connie.

Connie: I ran the story. I went against my word. And according to Olivia, I'm unworthy of you.

Olivia: That is not even remotely what I said.

Connie: But that's what you meant, right? You know what's funny is that I came here to talk to you, to see if we can work it out, and what do I find? The two of you talking about all these mistakes and how maybe you two should be together.

Sonny: But you only heard a part of a conversation.

Connie: I heard enough of the conversation. I guess the biggest mistake here is that I thought there was still hope for us.

Nikolas: When you say Sonny found AJ raging, what do you mean? Did he hit Connie or was he about to?

Elizabeth: No, you have to understand. AJ was channeling all of his anger and disappointment into Connie. He feels that she's the reason he lost ELQ. And then he said some really stupid things.

Nikolas: What do you mean? What things?

Elizabeth: I know he didn't mean it... but AJ said if he had a gun, he would have killed her.

AJ: There. I think that's better.

Tracy: Well, I was afraid this might happen, and, of course, ELQ has a zero-tolerance policy for property damage, so, gentlemen, would you please escort my nephew from the building?

AJ: I don't need to be escorted out, all right? It's over. You win, okay? ELQ is yours. You can screw it up for Grandfather.

Tracy: Oh. Don't worry. I couldn't possibly make a bigger mess of it than you have. One more thing. Mine.

Luke: How do you know Jerry's alive?

Laura: Because he's the one who tied me up and put me in this chair. Speaking of which, there's one more...

Luke: Oh, sorry. Right. So that means he was here in Corinth. Well, how did you find him?

Laura: Ahh. When I found out that you were sick, I, uh... knew that you would go looking for the cure. And I guess we just took different paths, but, you know, we ended up in the same place, right? Only I got here first.

Luke: Don't gloat.

Laura: [Laughs] Sorry. Oh, that hurts.

Luke: You did get here first, but... how did you do it? What path did you take?

Laura: I went through Australia. I figured if I talked to Jax, he would be the one to know whether or not Jerry was alive.

Luke: You're telling me that the brothers Jacks are in cahoots?

Laura: No, he didn't know anything about Jerry, but the mother, on the other hand...

Luke: So, how did you get through to her?

Laura: I appealed to her, mother-to-mother. It took some doing, but after some time, she finally admitted that I could find Jerry here.

Luke: Yeah, and then she called him and alerted him that you were on your way.

Laura: I don't think so. He seemed really surprised to see me. Luke, he was keeping someone in this room.

Luke: Who?

Laura: I don't know. I didn't see anyone. I just saw Jerry, but it was really clear that he did not want me to know who was behind this door.

Holly: You know, you really shouldn't tell lies like that to an armed woman with a questionable conscience.

Dr. Obrecht: I'm not lying.

Holly: Robert's doctors have been trying for months to revive him. There's nothing more they can do.

Dr. Obrecht: They are not me. Those men have no skill, no art. I put Robert into that coma, and I alone can bring him out of it. But we mustn't waste time. Make your choice. I can bring your Robert back to you. Do you love this man or not?

Britt: For the sake of Patrick's new son and for Emma's baby brother, can't you just accept that I've told you everything I know and let me go so I can take care of my baby?

Anna: You know what I find really interesting about your baby?

Britt: And Patrick's.

Anna: Don't interrupt me. Let's just go over the facts here. My daughter died in a horrible accident. And now the woman who is pregnant with her husband's child happens to be the daughter of the woman who put my ex-husband, my daughter's father, in a coma. And said woman, Dr. Liesl Obrecht, also happens to be the devoted lieutenant of one Cesar Faison, who has tormented me and my family for decades. How do you explain all of that, huh? You can speak now.

Britt: Yes. I agree, there are... a lot of weird coincidences here.

Anna: [Laughing] Oh.

Britt: But like I keep telling you, I -- I don't know anything about any of this. So I'm sorry. I am -- I am no use to you.

Anna: Really? You know, don't sell yourself short. 'Cause we can use you to flush your mother out. That would be of use to us.

Britt: How long are you planning to hold me here?

Anna: I don't know. As long as it takes. Even if I have to deliver Emma's little brother myself.

Nurse: We've paged Dr. Chu. And for now, we'll set you up in here.

Lulu: Okay. Are you okay?

Maxie: I think so.

Nurse: And you are?

Lulu: Oh, I'm the mother.

Maxie: And I'm the surrogate. Yay!

Nurse: Well, until that baby arrives, you'll be doing all the heavy lifting. Now that's a friend.

Lulu: Yeah. She really is.

[Both laugh]

[Elevator bell dings]

Dante: Hey.

Lulu: Hey.

Dante: I got here as fast as I could. How's Maxie?

Lulu: Oh, she's great. They just took her to a room, they paged the doctor. It's really happening.

Dante: This is crazy.

Lulu: I know. I just -- I hope everything's okay and that the baby is healthy and happy and, in a little while, we're gonna be able to hold our little girl!

Dante: Come here.

Maxie: You think when Spinelli finds out that I'm carrying his child that will not have a serious impact on your relationship, probably not in a good way?

Spinelli: In times like this, I like to recall Nebraskan writer Ernestine Ulmer's philosophy -- "life is uncertain. Eat dessert first."

Ellie: Thanks.

Spinelli: What's wrong? Are you still upset that I impulsively assumed that we go to the hospital with Maxie? Because you were absolutely right.

Ellie: I was?

Spinelli: Yeah. I'm always gonna worry about Maxie's well-being, but... this baby that she's having has nothing to do with me.

Ellie: [Breathes deeply] Damian, what if it did?

Spinelli: Huh?

Ellie: What if the baby that Maxie's carrying... were your baby?

Spinelli: I find your question imponderable. The baby Maxie's carrying isn't mine, so...

Ellie: Okay. Hypothetically, let's just say, for this moment, that it is. I mean, you'd be very, very happy, wouldn't you? You'd be as happy as Lulu was when she left here, right? Because you really, really want children.

Spinelli: And -- and you don't. Although you generously offered to have them for me. You know, we haven't really talked about that extraordinary offer since you made it.

Ellie: No, I-I suppose we haven't.

Spinelli: Look, I want you to know that I love you for making the gesture, but I --

Ellie: Damian, it wasn't merely a gesture. I meant it.

Spinelli: I don't doubt your sincerity. But I could never -- I could never...allow you to compromise your beliefs to make me happy.

Ellie: You have to 'cause I have to do this for you.

Spinelli: I'm sorry. What do you mean?

Ellie: I have to give you children, or I'm never gonna forgive myself.

Felicia: So far so good. Want some ice?

Dante: Hey. The nurse said Dr. Chu is delivering another baby, but she'll be here soon.

Lulu: Yeah. On the plus side, you haven't really started labor yet, so there's --

Maxie: Aah!

Lulu: Time.

Maxie: I think I've started labor.

Dante: Uh... okay. Hang in there, Maxie.

Lulu: We're right here with you, okay?

Dante: Just, uh... [Breathes deeply] ...Breathe.

Sonny: Okay. You know what? I'm -- what's -- what's wrong between us has nothing to do with Olivia, and you know that.

Connie: I'm sorry. I... I'm sorry. I overreacted.

Sonny: Okay. Now, I do have to talk to her, so...

Connie: Sonny, can we just go somewhere? Somewhere private, talk about this?

[Cell phone rings]

Olivia: It's Dante.

Dante: Hey, Ma, I just wanted to call you to let you know we're at the hospital... because Maxie's in labor.

Olivia: Sonny, this is it! Maxie's in labor. They're about to have the baby.

Nikolas: I know you think I always cast AJ in a bad light.

Elizabeth: You do.

Nikolas: Even so, it sounds to me like he's gone off the deep end. Regardless of how the slide started, once it picks up momentum, he's just gonna get more and more destructive. And if he follows his pattern, threatening Connie's just the beginning.

Elizabeth: God, you are so determined to see him as a disaster waiting to happen.

Nikolas: Well, I'm afraid that he is a disaster waiting to happen to you.

Elizabeth: AJ would never do anything to hurt me.

Nikolas: I sincerely hope you're right.

Elizabeth: A few days ago, he was on top of the world. And now he's in a lot of pain, and I just want to be there for him. I want to help him. I want to be able to do something, and I can't.

Nikolas: Okay, I'm sorry.

Dante: Yeah, she was at her parents' wedding reception when her water broke, and then they brought her here to the hospital, and she just started having contractions.

Laura: Hi. You've reached Laura Baldwin. Leave a message.


Lulu: Hey, Mom. I'm not sure where you are, but I hope you're sitting down. Maxie is in labor. We know it's a little soon, but we're hoping that you could make it here.

Luke: You all right?

Laura: Yeah, I'm all right. Are you all right, Luke?

Luke: [Grunts] Yeah, I just get... I get these waves. It'll pass. [Grunts] Okay, listen. I think the person that you heard in here... that Jerry was holding was Obrecht.

Laura: I don't know. I didn't see anybody. I only saw Jerry right before he chloroformed me, and then, when I came to, I was down here and tied up.

Luke: So he nabbed you by the door.

Laura: Yeah.

Luke: This is your phone, isn't it? I bet you want that.

Laura: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Luke: Laura, this is a damn laboratory.

Laura: Yes. It is. As if being held captive in the basement of an abandoned mansion wasn't creepy enough.

Luke: So, if Jerry built this laboratory, and he's walking around, that must mean that Obrecht has found a cure, or she's on the brink of finding one.

Laura: Well, do you have any idea where she is?

Luke: Oh, yeah. She's right upstairs. Holly's holding a gun on her.

Laura: Holly?

Luke: Yeah. It's a long story. Come on. Let's go get some answers from that mad doctor.

Britt: If you're planning to use me to lure my mother out of hiding, it's not gonna work.

Anna: We'll never know unless we try.

Britt: Yeah, well, that would mean my mother would actually have to care about me, and just so you know, she doesn't.

Anna: Motherhood is a potent thing. So is grandmotherhood. Hopefully Dr. Obrecht will succumb.

Britt: But in the meantime, I'm just handcuffed to the table at the local police station?

Anna: 'Course not. We'll give you a cell.

Britt: Great. Thanks.

Anna: You know what I was saying, that grandmotherhood is a very potent thing? If the woman who tormented my granddaughter has to cool her heels in the nick for a while, that's worth it.

Luke: All right, Frau Doktor, time to talk.

Luke: English, come on. Breathe in. Your heart's beating. You're okay. Come on, talk to me. Talk to me.

Holly: Ouch.

Luke: What happened? Where's Ava Braun?

Holly: She got away.

Luke: How did that happen?

Holly: Oh, she tricked me. She said... she said she'd go with me to Robert, and then... she promised to wake him up.

Luke: And you believed her?

Holly: No. But in the three seconds that I wanted to, she coldcocked me with my own gun. Serves me right. I let her work on my emotions and get the advantage. What about you? Did you find Jerry?

Laura: No. Jerry found me.

Holly: Laura?

Britt: Do I get to make a phone call, or is that too much to ask?

Anna: Uh, yeah, sure. Maybe you can find someone willing to help you.

AJ: Perfect. You know, just...

Elizabeth: AJ.

AJ: Forget it. This was a mistake.

Elizabeth: No, no, no, wait! Wait!

Nikolas: Let him go.

Elizabeth: He had to clean out his office today.

Nikolas: Just let him cool off, okay?

Elizabeth: But I'm sure he needs someone to talk to.

Nikolas: Elizabeth, if, as you say, AJ is threatening a woman, I'd advise you to stay away from him.

Elizabeth: Nikolas, I appreciate your advice, but I can't stay away when someone I care about is suffering, okay? I have to go find him.

Tracy: Congratulate me, Daddy. I passed your test. I found a way to overcome your ridiculous will and take back the company. I know -- I know -- that that is what you intended. I'm gonna make you so proud. I'm gonna work hard, and I'm gonna get ELQ back on its feet. And you will finally be able to stop spinning in your grave and rest in peace next to mother. Besides... what else do I have to occupy my time? [Breathes deeply] With Luke gone and... I don't know -- maybe never coming back... this company is all I've got.

Holly: Laura? How on earth did you get here?

Laura: Well, the same way you did -- trying to help the father of my children. I-I've met Ethan, by the way. He's a lovely young man.

Holly: He is.

Laura: Yes.

Holly: And congratulations on your marriage to Scott. Um... I wish you all the happiness that you deserve.

Luke: Okay, can we focus here, please?

Laura: Yeah, Luke's right. Whatever we have to say to each other can wait.

[Cell phone vibrating]

Laura: Right now, the priority should be finding Jerry Jacks.

Luke: Laura has seen Jerry.

Holly: She has? Here?

Luke: Right here. He's alive.

Laura: It's Lulu. Oh, my God. The baby's coming.

Felicia: So, how you feeling sweetheart?

Maxie: Well, I'm a little freaked out.

Dante: Yeah. A little?

Maxie: This is exhausting. I'm tired already, it's scary, and I'm kind of hurting.

Lulu: Listen to me -- when we get out of here, I promise me you can bash me in the stomach all you want with a baseball bat.

Maxie: I think it's getting worse! No, no! I know it is!

Dante: Okay. Look, just breathe, all right, Maxie? Relax and breathe.

Spinelli: Forgive yourself for what? I'm the one who's pressuring you to compromise your core beliefs just to give me something that I want.

Ellie: Something that you want very, very badly, Damian, and something that's your right to way or another.

Spinelli: I'm not sure I follow.

[Cell phone rings]

Ellie: What?! Fine.

Spinelli: Only one person could incur such frostiness.

Both: Brad.

Ellie: I have to go to the hospital.

Spinelli: Look, I understand, but fortunately, there's plenty of wedding cake left. I'm sure no one will mind if I bring some home and we have a --

Ellie: Damian! Why don't -- why don't you come to the hospital with me? And you can check on Maxie.

Maxie: Aah! [Groaning] I think that one's over. That one was kind of fierce.

Dante: Yeah. You're telling me. That's quite a grip you have.

Maxie: [Chuckles] Mom.

Felicia: Yes.

Maxie: I'm tired already.

Felicia: Okay, well, sleep if you have to.

Maxie: I think I'll just close my eyes for a little bit.

Felicia: Okay, okay.

Maxie: Oh, God. Oh, where's Spinelli? He should be here.

Lulu: Why should Spinelli be here?

Maxie: Did I just ask for Spinelli?

Dante: Uh, yeah. You did.

Lulu: Why should he be here?

Maxie: I don't know. I must just be really confused and tired.

[Door opens]

Dr. Chu: And how's the patient?

Maxie: Dr. Chu, it took you long enough.

Dr. Chu: Sorry. I had another patient who actually went into labor on time.

Maxie: [Chuckles]

Dr. Chu: Glad to see you in good spirits, though. All right, well, I have to examine the patient, so if you guys...

Lulu: You heard the doctor.

Felicia: Yes, of course.

Lulu: Everybody out.

Mac: Oh. We'll be right outside, honey.

Felicia: She knows, she knows. We'll be right outside, sweetheart.

Mac: She knows, she knows. [Sighs] Some wedding night, huh?

Felicia: It's perfect.

Mac: Vending-machine coffee and ice chips.

Felicia: [Chuckles] And a new life beginning... while our daughter does the bravest, most selfless thing ever. Would you miss this?

Mac: Not for the world.

Felicia: I can't think of a better way to begin my second and final run as Mrs. Mac Scorpio.

Mac: [Chuckles] I like the sound of that.

Felicia: I just hope Maxie's gonna be okay. All that pain and it's not even her baby.

Spinelli: You're suggesting that I go and check on Maxie?

Ellie: Yes.

Spinelli: I'm sorry, but didn't you just point out how it was none of my business?

Ellie: No, I know, I did, and I'm -- I'm sorry, but... Damian, you care about Maxie, and... as she's one of your nearest and dearest... it's only right that you should be there. For her.

Spinelli: Once again, you... you demonstrate one of the many reasons why I love you. You are remarkably unselfish.

[Door opens]

Anna: You have a visitor.

Nikolas: Handcuffs really necessary?

Anna: Yeah.

[Door closes]

Britt: Thank you for coming. I didn't know who else to call.

Tracy: Oh. If you're looking for your deadbeat boyfriend, you missed him.

Elizabeth: Any idea where he might be?

Tracy: My guess is that he's out drowning his sorrows somewhere.

Bartender: So? What'll it be?

AJ: Uh... give me a vodka.

Bartender: Right. Coming right up.

AJ: No, actually, um... make it a double.

Olivia: Okay. Dante said that it could be a little while before the baby gets here, but I don't care. I want to get over to the hospital right away.

Sonny: I guess we're gonna have to just have that private conversation some other time.

[Door closes]

Luke: Okay. Obrecht will be going after Jerry. So, if we -- if we leave now, the trail will still be warm.

Laura: But what about Lulu? It's her first child. She needs us.

Luke: Well, it's Lulu or the cure.

Holly: You don't have to choose, Luke. I'll go after Obrecht.

Luke: You would do that for me?

Holly: And for myself. If that woman is telling the truth about Robert, that she can bring him out of his coma, I'll damn well see that she does.

Laura: Well, then... Luke, what's it gonna be? I have to keep my promise to Lulu. Let's go.

Dante: Uh, more ice chips?

Maxie: No! I'm over those! They're like a snow cone with no purpose!

Dante: Okay. No more ice chips.

Lulu: Dr. Chu, how's everything with the baby?

Dr. Chu: We have a problem.

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