GH Transcript Friday 8/16/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 8/16/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Lucy: If there is anybody here -- anybody at all -- that has any reason that the two of these amazing, wonderful, special people should not wed today...

[Door opens]

Lucy: ...Speak now or forever hold your peace. [Gasps] Oh, no.

Spinelli: This augers ill.

Sabrina: I can't believe this.

Emma: Daddy, is that the man from --

Patrick: Yeah. Um, I can't believe he'd show his face here.

Lulu: This can't be happening. This cannot be happening.

Mac: I don't remember inviting him.

Felicia: Invitation or not, we won't let him ruin our wedding.

Kevin: Connie. Come on in. Have a seat.

Connie: Thank you so much for seeing me.

Kevin: Sure.

Connie: I know how busy you are. There's just one thing I would like you to help me figure out -- today, if possible.

Kevin: [Chuckling] I'll certainly try.

Connie: Me and my near-genius knack for making the worst possible decisions.

Kevin: [Sighs] Decision about what?

Connie: [Sighs] Sonny, who else?

Kevin: I thought things were going well with Sonny.

Connie: They were. And then I shot it all to hell.

Olivia: If this is a bad time, I can always come back later.

Sonny: No, it's not a bad time. It's just that when Carly comes here, she doesn't knock. Not -- but, to be fair, when I go to her house, I don't knock either.

Olivia: Well, the two of you have a special relationship. So...

Sonny: What do you need to see me about, Olivia?

Olivia: I needed to see that you were okay. I-I -- my cousin hasn't returned any of the 10 million messages I left for her. I'm worried sick about both of you.

Sonny: You're right. You're right.

Olivia: Damn right, I'm right. First, I'm scared for Connie, 'cause AJ's going after her. And then I'm worried sick that you're going after him.

Sonny: He did, and I did.

Anna: We're going in. Okay? Freeze!

Britt: Don't shoot. Don't shoot!

Luke: Well, somebody went to great pains to hide that spider hole.

Holly: I wonder who.

Luke: My guess is Jerry Jacks in the conservatory with the cure.

Lucy: How dare you?! How dare you show your face today of all days. It's supposed to be joyous and happy! It's a day of celebration.

Richard: What, what, what, what, what? Did you think that you would never see this fabulous, fantastic, [Pops] Wonderful, and cute person again? Well...I'm back. Oh, Port Charles, where are your manners?! Doesn't anyone want to come over here and give Richard a little kiss?

Lucy: Oh, yeah. I got something for you to kiss right here. Richard, kiss this!

Spinelli: Careful, Miss Coe. He's -- he's crazy.

Lucy: Yeah, yeah? Well, so am I crazy! Crazy with rage at you!

Maxie: That's it.

Lulu: No, Maxie.

Maxie: You and your tragic accessories will not be ruining my parents' wedding.

Lulu: Maxie...

Maxie: No. He's not ruining their wedding!

Lulu: God, just calm down, okay? Please. For the baby.

Richard: Why is the world would I want to ruin their wedding?

Lucy: I'll tell you why. Revenge. You want to ruin Mac and Felicia's wedding to get back at me, because I ruined your whole little Nurses' Ball plan with that ridiculous tawdry gossip-mongering '80s number you were trying to pull off.

Richard: Oh. Yes. The '80s number. Hmm. Wait, wait. I'm getting something from my crystal ball. Heather Webber. Light as a feather. '70s insanity.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Spinelli: Her sanity is still very much in progress, actually.

Lucy: [Scoffs]

Richard: Wait. From my tarot cards. Oh, no. Monica Quartermaine. I have a little name for Monica. The tramp champ!

Emma: Daddy, what's a tramp?

Spinelli: Sir, I politely request that you leave quietly.

Mac: Or I'll not-so-politely remove you loudly.

Richard: Look at you two masculine men. But you know what you really are? You both are... sourpusses. But wait. I have a little something here.

Lucy: He's got a gun.

Spinelli: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Lucy: He's got a gun!

Richard: [Chuckles] [Pops] [Laughs]

Emma: This party is bananas.

Patrick: [Laughs]

Luke: Step aside. I've never yet met a lock that couldn't be opened by a 9mm skeleton key.

Holly: Why don't you ring the doorbell whilst you're at it, because that won't announce our presence either.

Luke: Why didn't I think of that?

Holly: Well, I'm gonna chalk it up to the polonium. Now, watch and learn, because this is how the professionals do it.

Connie: I love Sonny. We've been through so much. He stood by me no matter what I did to him or who I was when I did it.

Kevin: Yes, he did.

Connie: And I don't want to throw all of that away, and I'm afraid that's exactly what I've done.

Kevin: You're referring to the newspaper story you ran where you used information you overheard between Sonny and his son?

Connie: Yes. I promised Sonny I wouldn't print the article, then I went back on my word. And to Sonny, that's a betrayal. And to him, that's the worst crime. And I don't know if I can do anything to pull us back from the brink.

Olivia: So, AJ went after Connie, and you went after AJ?

Sonny: Uh, yeah. That pretty much sums it up.

Olivia: Uh-huh?

Sonny: Uh-huh.

Olivia: So what happened?

Sonny: What do you mean, "what happened?"

Olivia: What happened? You go to save Connie. Did you gentlemen share a cup of tea and discuss your relative positions on the topic or am I baking a file into a cannoli to bust you out of Pentonville?

Sonny: AJ's not gonna press charges against me for defending Connie, because he broke in to my house, physically threatening her.

Olivia: Okay. Threatening? Let's be very clear. Do I just have to break his hands, or am I gonna take them completely off?

Sonny: AJ did exactly what I thought he would do. He set himself up to fail. And now he wants to take everyone down with him. I'm not gonna let that happen to Connie.

Olivia: Wow. So AJ's meatheadedness actually winds up bringing you and Connie back together.

Sonny: I wouldn't go that far.

Britt: Please, don't shoot! I'm pregnant.

Anna: Search the place.

Britt: [Breathing heavily]

Anna: Dante. Don't underestimate her.

Dante: I won't.

Britt: What are you searching for?

Anna: Your mother.

Britt: The police busted down my door and scared a pregnant woman half to death over a-a little old lady?

Anna: Oh, I have met your mother. That's not how I'd describe her.

Britt: Well, fair enough. In the meantime, might you have a warrant?

Anna: I have permission from the tenants on record to enter and search the premises. And as for your mother, she's wanted for the attempted murder of Duke Lavery. Now, where the hell is she?

Luke: Um...

Holly: Do you mind?

Luke: Uh, maybe you should use a different hairpin.

[Distant singing]

Holly: Shh.

Luke: No, because I've opened a lot of locks, and sometimes one hairpin will work --

Holly: No, no, no, no. Quiet. Do you hear that?

[Singing approaches]

Luke: We have company.

Holly: Jerry Jacks has a surprisingly fine mezzo-soprano.

[Singing continues]

Holly: Should we take cover?

Dr. Obrecht: Bum, bum, ba-ba-ba-bum

Luke: Bum ba-da-dum bum guten abend, Frau Doktor.

Richard: [Laughs]

Patrick: Spinelli, we don't need the Magic Milo crew to get him out of here.

Spinelli: No.

Richard: Wait. Let's wait for all the boys. Seriously, I can wait. I have a little time on my hands. I have a little time -- wait. Wait. Wait a minute.

Lucy: Gentlemen, to the dumpster with him!

Richard: What? What are you doing? Put me down!

Lucy: Explain that to the boys at Ferncliff when they're strapping you in to an un-sequined straightjacket in a white-on-white padded cell. And there will be no glitter, no little starry things, no sequins, and no disco!

Richard: Wait a minute. No disco?

Felicia: Okay. Everybody calm down.

Maxie: Mom! He crashed your wedding!

Felicia: Which isn't a crime. Right, Mac?

Mac: Trespassing, disturbing the peace, littering.

Felicia: Okay, well, maybe he did commit a few misdemeanors, but he didn't ruin the wedding. He just made it more memorable.

Emma: Memorable.

Felicia: Fellas, put him down.

Richard: Thank you. Thank you. The voice of reason.

Felicia: Don't push it.

Richard: I don't have any cash. I can give you an IOU.

Spinelli: [Chuckles] Um, he's clean.

Richard: Course I'm clean. I come in peace.

Maxie: From what planet?

Felicia: If you're done, we'd like to get on with our wedding.

Richard: [Whimpers] I'm not done. [Slams]

Lucy: I knew it. I knew there was...more to this.

Richard: [Crying] I've come to, uh... apologize.

Kevin: You seem to think that you had an ulterior motive for running the story.

Connie: Like what?

Kevin: You tell me. You could anticipate, with reasonable certainty, how Sonny would react to that -- that he might not be able to forgive you, that you could lose him -- but you did it anyway. Why would you take that chance?

Olivia: So you and Connie haven't made up by now. Hmm. Shows what I know.

Sonny: Olivia, you got something to say. Say it.

Olivia: What? You bolted out of the Metro Court like a bat out of hell. You find a man that you despise threatening Connie, and you run to her rescue. I just assumed that she would fall into your arms and all would be forgiven.

Sonny: Well, you figured wrong. Yeah, I got Connie out of trouble with AJ doesn't mean our relationship is out of trouble.

Dante: No sign of her.

Anna: No?

Britt: Look, yo-you're wasting your time. My mother didn't do anything to your friend.

Anna: I beg to differ.

Britt: Well, do you have evidence?

Anna: Duke's eyewitness testimony.

Britt: Oh, so he woke up.

Anna: He did. Yeah. And despite his ordeal, he was quite lucid.

Britt: [Sighs]

Anna: He informed us that he tangled with your mother last night just before he collapsed. He identified her by name.

Britt: Well, um, that's impossible. I mean, first of all, my mother doesn't even live in this country.

Dante: Well, you have heard of airplanes, haven't you?

Britt: Second, I mean, what could possibly be her motive? They don't even know each other.

Anna: Oh, Duke and your mom go way back. She was instrumental in holding him captive.

Britt: Oh, yo-you must be mistaken.

Anna: Oh, that's the best you got? I'm mistaken? No. It was her. Liesl Westbourne, A.K.A. Obrecht.

Luke: Come in. Sit down. Take a load off. Sing us another Wagnerian ditty.

Dr. Obrecht: We meet again, Dr. Von Schemerman.

Luke: [Speaking German]

Dr. Obrecht: Or do you prefer your given name -- Luke Spencer?

[Door closes]

Holly: You know this woman?

Luke: Not as well as Anna and Robert. Holly Sutton, meet the mad doctor Liesl Obrecht, director of the klinik, den geist zu heilen.

Holly: The clinic to heal the mind.

Luke: Or, in Robert's case, to put it into everlasting sleep.

Holly: You evil bitch. You're the one who put Robert into a coma.

Dr. Obrecht: That was Anna Devane's fault. Had Herr Spencer's scrawny inamorata not interfered with my work, Mr. Scorpio would have enjoyed a clean death instead of the slow, inexorable march toward oblivion.

Luke: Holly!

Holly: You! No! She has to -- she has to pay for what she did to Robert!

Luke: Yes. Not until she explains how she fits in to this whole thing.

Holly: So, she poisoned Robert, and she's working with Jerry.

Luke: Okay. It is quite a coincidence, don't you think, Frau Doktor, that one member of the legion of doom shows up in the exact same place that we come to find another member?

Dr. Obrecht: I don't know what you mean.

Luke: I think you do. And you're going to explain. Otherwise, we're just gonna skip prison and go right to the unmarked grave out back. Now sprechen sie!

Lucy: So you want to apologize? For what, exactly?

Richard: I want to apologize for the way I acted at the Nurses' Ball. I was a little, uh, feisty and out of my mind and a little crazy.

Spinelli: A little crazy? You -- you bit me.

Richard: Well, there wasn't much to bite. You have zero body fat, just about. And I went home hungry. But what you didn't know is I was, uh, going through a [Voice breaking] Very bad... personal crisis.

Maxie: Is there an apology in our immediate future, or just a bunch more excuses?

Richard: What you all didn't know is that, uh... a celebrity friend -- [Coughs] Demi Moore -- asked me to go on a juice fast with her.

Lucy: Oh, why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you. We could have done something. We -- we could have gotten you a big, fat fudge brownie. [Sighs]

Richard: You know, I-I just wasn't myself, and...when you cut my number from the Nurses' Ball, I just went insane. And after a much needed stay at Transitions, I feel myself again.

Mac: And you felt it necessary to apologize at our wedding.

Richard: Well... [Sighs] How could I get all these people together here in Port Charles unless it was for a murder trial? [Chuckles] I thought this was a lot better.

Lulu: Okay, fine. He has a point.

Richard: And now, Lucy Coe, I want to say to you I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. And I sit here, begging you, pleading with you to forgive me. [Crying]

Sonny: What happened with AJ hasn't changed anything between me and Connie.

Olivia: Oh. Give it 10 minutes.

Sonny: She insists what she did was right.

Olivia: Okay, so she thinks she's right. You think you're right. Maybe if the two of you could ever learn to communicate, maybe you could stop breaking up every 15 seconds.

Sonny: It's not that simple and you know it, Olivia.

Olivia: Sonny, is it that hard to consider that maybe, just maybe, Connie had a good reason for running that story?

Sonny: I know her reasons. It's beside the point.

Olivia: Sounds like it is the point.

Sonny: She knew she was putting our relationship at risk.

Olivia: Yeah, but you were using your relationship as leverage to get what you wanted!

Sonny: No, no. I was just trying to protect my family, which would have been her family. Answer this. If -- if we had gotten married, would she have blindsided me if I was her husband?

Olivia: Honey, you're not hearing what I'm saying.

Sonny: No. What I'm trying to say is we've been through a lot -- one thing after another. We were just clear of Joe Jr., the DID, and she stabs me in the back. I don't need it, Olivia. I'm not gonna sit around and take it.

Connie: I love Sonny. I want a life with him.

Kevin: And yet, you made decisions that you knew would jeopardize your relationship with him. Are you unhappy with Sonny?

Connie: No. I'm very happy with Sonny.

Kevin: Do you think he's unhappy with you?

Connie: At the moment, yes. Let's just say I've seen him happier.

Kevin: When?

Connie: When he was with my cousin.

Kevin: Olivia.

Connie: After I came back from being integrated, I told Sonny that we couldn't be together. I broke his heart.

Kevin: But he accepted your reasons.

Connie: Yes. He loved me enough to let me go, and he moved on.

Kevin: With your cousin.

Connie: They were getting closer. All of a sudden, he had this light in his eyes. I hadn't seen that light in a really long time. And that smile of his -- it was back.

Kevin: So, what did you do?

Connie: I took him back... right when he and Olivia were at the verge of starting something on their own. He had the opportunity to be happy without me, and I put a stop to it.

Kevin: And now?

Connie: I ran the story. And now he has the opportunity to be with Olivia again. All he has to do is take it.

Dr. Obrecht: How could I be working for Jerry Jacks? He's dead, poor man. From what I understand, there was an explosion --

Luke: He's alive. He may be on death's door, but he's alive. He extorted $88 million to buy a cure, and something tells me he was gonna buy that cure from you.

Dr. Obrecht: [Chuckling] That is utterly preposterous. I know nothing of any cure.

Luke: Maybe you're right.

Holly: She is?

Luke: Mm. I doubt that she would have the resources to synthesize and research the cure that Jerry needed... not without help from some of her Faustian friends like, for example, Cesar Faison.

Anna: Is that not your mother?

Britt: It looks like her.

Anna: Good. Sabrina Santiago will testify to the fact that she saw the two of you together here, in Port Charles, a few days ago.

Britt: Oh, come on. Sabrina is practically legally blind, and she hates me.

Anna: Did you know that your mother was the director of a clinic in Switzerland?

Britt: It doesn't surprise me.

Anna: Well, would it surprise you to know that said clinic was a front for the operations of an international terrorist named Cesar Faison.

Britt: No -- I'm not aware of that, if you're telling the truth. For all I know, you could be making this all --

Anna: Knock it off!

Britt: [Sighs]

Anna: What your mother has done -- what she is involved with is very serious. Now, my advice to you is to start talking if you don't want to wind up in as much trouble as she is in.

Britt: I haven't done anything.

Dante: You mean other than being an accessory and harboring a fugitive?

Britt: I haven't seen my mother! Now arrest me or get out.

Anna: Oh, fine. You think that I won't arrest you, because you're a pregnant woman, Dr. Westbourne? You are very much mistaken. Plenty of babies are born behind bars in Pentonville, so if you're not gonna cooperate with me, I'm gonna take you to the station.

Britt: Fine, fine, fine. [Sighs] I'll tell you everything.

Luke: So, Jerry's dying. He can't just walk in to a hospital and present his league of doom insurance card and get treatment, so he turns to a criminal cohort -- Obrecht's mangy, BO-ridden eurotrash boss.

Dr. Obrecht: How dare you speak of Cesar that way!

Holly: Touched a nerve, huh?

Dr. Obrecht: He is a visionary, unparalleled in our time. You cannot begin to grasp the significance of his thoughts or the boundaries he and I will break together.

Luke: Yeah, it's a good thing we can't grasp them. Otherwise, we'd never sleep again.

Dr. Obrecht: Just one year ago, it was inconceivable that a man could survive poisoning by polonium 210, but now -- now --

Luke: Yes, now. Now it's true. You perfected a cure. And you gave it to Jerry. Didn't you?

Kevin: Have you ever asked Sonny directly how he feels about Olivia?

Connie: We discussed it. He denied it.

Kevin: Why would you second guess that? I mean, when you decided it was worth testing the waters about getting back together with Sonny, you went to him. You declared your feelings to him.

Connie: Yes. And he was with Olivia.

Kevin: Did he choose her or you?

Connie: He chose me, but it doesn't --

Kiki: Unh-unh. Say it without a "but."

Connie: He chose me, not Olivia.

Kevin: And why would he do that? Feelings of guilt, sense of duty?

Connie: No. He chose me because he loves me.

Kevin: He loves you. And you love him. Why would anyone second guess that? Trust your feelings. Trust your relationship with him. Work it out.

Olivia: What are you saying, exactly? Because it sounds like what you're telling me is that you and Connie are through. Are you?

Sonny: I don't know, Olivia. Maybe we are. I'm not -- I'm not optimistic.

Olivia: Well, that's just great.

Sonny: What is that supposed to mean -- "that's just great?"

Olivia: Well, you got stuff to do, and I got stuff to do. I'm gonna get out of here.

Sonny: Whoa, whoa. What's --

Olivia: I don't want to talk about this right now. Trust me -- you don't want to talk about this right now either...

Sonny: Tell me what the hell you need to tell me.

Olivia: Tell you what? Tell you what? That, right now, I feel even more...petty and tiny and, God, humiliated than I already did?

Sonny: What...? What are you saying?

Olivia: See, I'm talking about you and me. We could have been something, Sonny. And you know it, and I know it. Connie just snapped her fingers and showed up again and you jumped.

Sonny: I don't jump, first of all.

Olivia: You went right back to her, and I did the only thing that I could do. I stepped back so that the two of you could be together. And -- and it's damn good thing I did, huh? Because now look at you. Less than a month later, you're both right back up to your necks in this same old turmoil, threatening to split up.

Sonny: We didn't -- w-we -- how could we know what was gonna happen? How did we know it was coming?

Olivia: Couldn't you really?

Sonny: What?

Olivia: Sonny, there is always some monumental drama threatening to rip the two of you apart. So why did I even step back? What was even the point?

Sonny: What were we supposed to do?

Olivia: I should have stood my ground. I should have stood up and fought. And so should you.

Richard: To me, you are the goddess of Port Charles. And, uh, in my own way... I love you.

Lucy: Okay. I'm gonna forgive you. Okay, I forgive you. I-I do. I forgive you that.

Richard: You do?

Lucy: Yes. I do. I do. I do.

Maxie: Hello? This is all very touching, but everybody's saying "I do" except for the bride and the groom.

Lucy: Okay. Okay, everybody. Guys, guys, um, go with me on this. Let's all say "I do" on one, two, three -- on the count -- if you forgive Richard all his trespasses. Ready? One, two, three.

All: I do.

Felicia: I'm over it.

Mac: And actually, you're a good-luck charm. You know, you were there on the happiest day of my life when Felicia agreed to marry me.

Maxie: Well, great timing, 'cause he also happens to be here on what's supposed to be the other happiest day of your life, your wedding day. Which is supposed to be right now, so what do we say you do this thing and marry my mom again?

Felicia: [Chuckles]

Lucy: Yes! Come on, you guys. Let's do this!

[Cheers and applause]

Anna: You can tell me here or down at the station. When did you last see your mother? Open up, Dr. Westbourne!

Dante: Or we'll break the door down.

Britt: What do we do?

Dr. Obrecht: Sit. Lie down. I'll go down the fire escape.

Britt: You're gonna leave me with the bag?

Dante: This is your last chance.

Dr. Obrecht: They can't touch you.

Britt: If they know I'm your daughter, what else are they gonna know, Mom?

Dr. Obrecht: They can't do anything about it. Don't tell them anything. If they give you no choice, tell them I came to visit you and I left yesterday. Deny everything else.

Dante: Stand back from the door.

Dr. Obrecht: I love you, tochter. Don't worry. I'll be back.

Anna: Don't make me ask you again.

Britt: I saw her yesterday morning.

Dante: Really?

Britt: Yes. She came to visit me then she left. That's what she does. Why is that so hard for you to -- to grasp?

Dante: Well, because if she was here yesterday, then how did the vial of Propofol that used to drug Duke Lavery end up in your apartment?

Luke: You have the cure.

Holly: Luke, stop it. You won't get anything --

Luke: You tell me. You either tell me or you tell an interrogator at a WSB black site. They won't be nearly as pleasant.

Dr. Obrecht: Why are you so interested in my research? Jerry Jacks nearly killed your loved ones when he poisoned the water in Port Charles, so it's not his well-being that's important to you.

Luke: It is exactly his well-being that is important to me!

Dr. Obrecht: No. It's not his health that matters to you. It's his illness.

Luke: [Breathing shakily]

Dr. Obrecht: Now, why would a cure for severe radiation poisoning be of such importance and significance to someone as hale and hearty as you?

Luke: [Coughing]

Holly: Take a deep breath. Come on.

Dr. Obrecht: You look a little bit peaked, Herr Spencer. Why so poorly?

Luke: You know why.

Dr. Obrecht: [Laughs] You need the treatment -- my treatment. Whose wrath did you incur to win such a sordid fate?

Luke: Helena Cassadine -- your spiritual twin.

Dr. Obrecht: Helena. A great woman. I heard you killed her. Now she's killing you.

Luke: [Coughs]

Dr. Obrecht: Karma is a delight.

Holly: Enough. He is sick.

Dr. Obrecht: He is dying.

Holly: If you can cure Jerry, then you can cure him.

Dr. Obrecht: But, alas, Frauelein Sutton, I...was unable to cure Jerry Jacks. He's dead.

Luke: [Coughs]]

Holly: You're lying. We know you're working with Faison. Jerry held Port Charles to ransom, so he could buy your cure.

Dr. Obrecht: It was not the first time in history a person did not get what they paid for. Yes, I was developing a treatment, but, unfortunately, my research was halted.

Luke: By what?

Dr. Obrecht: By your friends Robert Scorpio and Anna Devane. When Faison was captured, I had to go into hiding. Unfortunately, my research came to a premature end... as did Jerry Jacks' life, as will yours, Herr Spencer. Soon.

Anna: I'm sure once this has been through forensics, your suspicions will be confirmed, Dante.

Britt: Still, you're gonna have to go through huge leaps to pin it on my mother.

Anna: Should we do that? Let's go through huge leaps. Obrecht drugged Duke last night. If your mother left yesterday morning, how come this vial is in your apartment?

Britt: I don't know. I-I live with two nurses. Maybe it belongs to one of --

Anna: Stop!

Britt: Look, I'm --

Anna: Lying!

Holly: We don't believe you, Doctor. We know Jerry Jacks was here.

Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs] Of course, he was. When last we spoke, he had the funds to pay for his cure. We arranged to meet.

Luke: Why, if you didn't have the cure?

Dr. Obrecht: Well, I was unable to formulate a cure, but I did develop something that would slow the progress of his tissues' degradation -- a temporary solution. The medication had its limits. Herr Jacks succumbed before I was able to synthesize the treatment.

Luke: [Coughing] So, if he's dead, where's the body?

Dr. Obrecht: I burnt it.

Holly: Where? In the fireplace?

Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs] The man was radioactive. What was I supposed to do? Bury him in the ground so his glowing remains could contaminate the whole town? He had to be cremated.

Luke: That was incredibly thoughtful and civic-minded of you, Doktor. But it's not true. Jerry Jacks is alive. I know it, she knows it, and you know it. And he's here... behind that door.

Anna: This vial once contained a drug that nearly ended the life of someone very dear to me. And you are lying to my face about where it came from.

Britt: I'm not.

Anna: And if you are lying to me about that, God only knows what else you're lying about. Detective Falconeri, read Dr. Westbourne her rights.

Britt: What?! You can't do that!

Anna: I think, given her lineage, she's a flight risk, don't you?

Dante: No, I agree, Commissioner.

Britt: Oh, come on.

Dante: Britt Westbourne, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you, free of charge.

Dr. Obrecht: As far as any of us knows, that door could lead to the wine cellar. Perhaps it doesn't even open. It would be de-core-ative. [Chuckles]

Luke: That's decorative, bitch.

Dr. Obrecht: Careful, Herr Spencer. Some doors are not meant to be opened.

Luke: Obviously this one is. Keep an eye on her.

Holly: You're not going in there by yourself.

Luke: Oh, yeah. But I'll be back...with Jerry Jacks. Don't let her talk you to death.

Mac: I, Mac, choose you, Felicia...

Felicia: ...To be my partner in life...

Mac: ...To support and respect in success as well as in failure...

Felicia: ...To care for in sickness and in health...

Mac: ...To nurture and to grow with...

Felicia: ...Throughout the seasons of our life together.

Lucy: [Sighs] [Voice breaking] Okay. So, now, by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you husband and wife. You -- you can kiss. You can kiss. [Claps]

[Cheers and applause]

Olivia: I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I should just -- I should just get out of here.

Sonny: Come here. Come here. Wait. We are not done here.

Olivia: We are done. Sonny, we were done the minute that Connie came back to you. And we were definitely done the minute I took myself out of the picture.

Sonny: Come here. Come here.

Olivia: Wait.

Sonny: Just talk to me.

Olivia: Just to be very clear, so there's no mistake -- I never should have stepped aside for you and Connie. I should have stood up, and I should have fought for you. I made a mistake walking out, and you made a mistake letting me.

Felicia: You were the best flower girl ever.

Patrick: [Clears throat] Yeah, congratulations, you two. Unfortunately, we got to take off. She's got to get to bed.

Mac: [Gasps]

Emma: I want to stay for cake.

Patrick: No, no, no, no. No cake tonight. Come on. You got to go to bed.

Sabrina: Yeah, especially if we want to go stop by and say good night to Uncle Duke on our way home.

Patrick: Yeah.

Emma: Can you save me some cake?

Felicia: Absolutely, I will.

Mac: Of course.

Felicia: Give Duke our love, would you?

Patrick: Absolutely. Congrats, buddy.

Mac: Good night.

Felicia: I hope Duke bounces back soon.

Mac: I hear he's already on the mend.

Felicia: God help that crazy woman who drugged him.

Mac: Nothing's gonna stop Anna from hunting her down and stringing her up.

Dante: Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?

Britt: [Crying] Yes. [Sniffles]

Anna: Look at this. I'm not completely heartless. Prenatal vitamins to take to jail with you.

Britt: Are you seriously gonna haul in a pregnant women?

Dante: Yeah, it would look that way.

Britt: [Sniffles] You know, for a father-to-be, one would think you'd be a little bit more compassionate. [Sniffles]

Dante: You know, given the rights that I just explained to you, do you care to make a statement at this time?

Britt: Yes, I do, actually. I do want to make a statement. You're gonna regret this, because my mother will not stand for this. [Sniffles]

Anna: I'm counting on it.

Dante: Get out. Let's go.

Dr. Obrecht: I wouldn't get your hopes up. Herr Spencer's condition is far too advanced.

Holly: Dr. Obrecht, this scenario ends one of two ways. Either Luke lives and you go to prison for the rest of your life or you die with him.

Dr. Obrecht: I doubt it will come to that.

Holly: You don't seem to understand that once upon a time I was Mrs. Robert Scorpio. And after what you have done to him, I will sleep a lot better knowing that you have paid.

Dr. Obrecht: You strike me as a practical woman, much like myself. Surely you understand the position I was in.

Holly: And what position was that?

Dr. Obrecht: I had no choice but to silence Robert Scorpio. He simply knew too much.

Holly: Too much about what?


Luke: Someone in there?

[Rustling continues]

[Lock disengages]

[Rustling continues]

Spinelli: You know, there is this little-known Aztec -- uh, Aztec belief that a couple who daintily feeds themself on the day of their nuptials is doomed to failure.

Mac: The Aztecs had wedding cake?

Maxie: [Laughs]

Felicia: Maybe. Maybe not. But why tempt fate?

Mac: [Groans]

Maxie: Oh!


Mac: Mm-mmm. Oh, that's delicious. But when in Rome...


Felicia: The Aztecs weren't from Rome.

Mac: Felicia, it's just a saying, like "an Aztec curse is an Aztec curse."

Spinelli: Uh, I think you two are destined for happiness. I think...


Maxie: Oh, come on. Isn't it kind of un-Spencer-like to cry at a wedding?

Lulu: You know me. I cry at weddings.

Max: And yet, it surprises me every time.

Lulu: [Chuckles] Oh, whatever. You don't have to look that shocked.

Maxie: It's not that.

Lulu: What's the matter?

Maxie: I think my water just broke.

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