General Hospital Transcript Thursday 8/15/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Dante: Uh, hey. Is, uh, something wrong?
Lulu: I think we have a problem.
Dante: With the baby?
Lulu: No. God, no. No, our little girl is just fine.
Dante: Okay. We, then, what is it?
Lulu: I overheard Maxie calling the baby Georgie.
Dante: Huh. That's, uh --
Lulu: Yeah. No, I know. I'm worried that Maxie is getting too attached to our daughter.
Maxie: Maybe now you and Mac can still get married.
Felicia: Oh, I don't know, Maxie. I think it's best for everyone if we just wait. Don't you agree, Mac?
Maxie: Why? The only reason you wanted to postpone the wedding is because you were worried about Duke. And now we know he's gonna be fine, so...let's get this show on the road.
Felicia: [Laughs]
Sabrina: I'm happy that you and Britt found some peace. [Chuckles] It makes your life easier, and it's better for the baby to have parents in harmony.
Patrick: Yeah. Call me crazy, but this thing might just work out.
Sabrina: I don't want to be a downer.
Patrick: Okay.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] But since you and Britt really are gonna be co-parents, I think... I don't know. I think it might be important for you to know what Spinelli dug up about her mother.
Patrick: Let me guess -- nothing good.
Sabrina: It turns out everything Britt told us about her mother is a lie.
Spinelli: Indeed. She did change her name from Westbourne to...Obrecht.
Felix: Liesl Obrecht. Sounds like a brick wall.
Spinelli: No wonder sussing out information from her proved difficult. We were looking for the wrong person.
Felix: But now that we have a name, we can finally find out what the Britch's mom's been up to.
Britt: Let's see what else you're lying about. Get off of me! What is this? Huh?
Dr. Obrecht: None of your business.
Britt: Mother, what have you done?
Anna: It's been a long night and morning. And you are confused, 'cause Liesl Obrecht is the woman who attacked Robert.
Duke: And she also helped Faison keep me prisoner in that horrendous clinic. Anna, I've never been more sure of anything in my life. She's here. She's in Port Charles. Dr. Obrecht is the person who drugged me last night.
Holly: We're clear.
Luke: Yeah, for the time being. Well, if our information is correct, this could be Jerry Jacks' base of operations. [Sighs] I hope you got your "a" game on, English. I have a feeling this could all go down right here, right now.
Luke: [Groans]
Holly: Keep it down, will you?
Luke: Apologies.
Holly: Are you still not feeling any better?
Luke: No. Not yet. [Breathing heavily] You think there's any chance that that medicine I got was just a placebo?
Holly: [Sighs] I don't know. But something's not sitting right.
Luke: Yeah. Lunch. Don't ever let me order extra jalapeņos again.
Holly: It's just that there are plenty of countries that don't have extradition agreements with the WSB. Why would Jerry end up hiding out in a small town in Pennsylvania?
Luke: I don't know. It's a real kick in the ass, though, isn't it? I go all the way to Geneva, back to Ireland, and that psycho is only a train ride away. It makes sense to me, though, in a weird way, that he would -- he would like this place given all that went down here.
Holly: I remember. At the time, you couldn't get five feet away from a newspaper without reading about the tragedy. Wh-what did they call it? The...
Luke: The Loving murders.
Sabrina: All Britt ever told you about her parents is that they live in Europe, right?
Patrick: Right.
Sabrina: Well, apparently she went into a little more depth with Felix. She said that her mother was a doctor.
Patrick: And is that a lie?
Sabrina: No. I mean, not entirely. She was a doctor once upon a time, but...thanks to Spinelli and his cyber prowess -- his words, not mine -- we found out that Britt's mother lost her license.
Patrick: For what?
Sabrina: Some unsavory practices.
Patrick: Unsavory -- that sounds pretty loaded.
Sabrina: It is.
Felix: This search could unearth some seriously messed-up stuff.
Spinelli: Worse than medical-ethics violations?
Felix: Did I tell you that the Britch's parents came up in a conversation a few months ago? She told me that her mom was some mad scientist and her father was an international terrorist.
Spinelli: Surely that was hyperbole.
Felix: I thought so then. I'm just hoping it's still the case. [Sighs] I mean, you don't change your identity for nothing. You know, I'm just saying.
Spinelli: All right, Liesl Obrecht. Who are you?
Dr. Obrecht: It's just medicine, schatzi.
Britt: It's Propofol. You have absolutely no reason to be taking this.
Dr. Obrecht: [Chuckles] Do I need to remind you I'm a physician...regardless of what some supervisory boards may claim.
Britt: Don't lie to me, Mother.
Dr. Obrecht: It was for a patient.
Britt: Hello? I'm a doctor, too. A real one. This vial is empty. There's enough meds in here to put someone in a coma. Oh, my God. I was right. You're responsible for what happened to Duke Lavery?
Anna: Of course. You were drugged with Propofol. That's the same sedative that madwoman used on Robert.
Duke: Yes.
Anna: If you're right about this, then --
Duke: She was outside the Floating Rib last night.
Anna: So she's here in Port Charles. That means she's my responsibility to bring to justice...and before she hurts anyone else. Okay. Did she say anything to you? Did she give you an indication about what her plans were?
Duke: I threatened to take her to the police and then I lost consciousness.
Anna: The last thing I want to do is leave you right now, but I got to start a search for her.
Duke: Please go.
Anna: I love you.
Duke: I love you, too. Anna. Please be careful out there. She's a dangerous woman. She's a force to be reckoned with.
Anna: So am I.
Lucy: Hey. Hey! Is it true? Is Duke gonna be okay?
Mac: That's the very good word on the street.
Maxie: Nobody says "word on the street."
Felicia: Mac does.
Maxie: He should stop.
Lucy: [Laughs] Okay, well, whatever. It's excellent news, 'cause now we're free to go forward with this wedding, right?
Maxie: See? This woman knows what she's talking about.
Kevin: Are you sure you want to go through with the wedding today?
Maxie: Why not?
Lucy: Why not?
Felicia: Oh, honey. It just doesn't feel right.
Mac: Look, I can't get married while my best man's laid up in the hospital.
Maxie: So you're saying if Duke's here and he's okay, then everything can proceed as planned? Leave everything to me.
Lulu: What if, when the baby comes, Maxie can't let it go? The whole thing freaks me out.
Dante: Okay. Then we have to have a talk with her.
Lulu: The sooner the better.
[Cell phone rings]
Dante: Yeah, Commissioner.
Anna: Dante, I need you to start a search for a wanted criminal.
Dante: Okay. You all right?
Anna: Yeah. The woman who attacked Duke last night.
Dante: Okay. You give me a name, I'll put out an APB.
Anna: Dr. Liesl Obrecht.
Spinelli: Um, Commissioner?
Anna: Yeah.
Spinelli: I'm sorry, did --
Anna: No, no, no, Spinelli.
Spinelli: Di-did you say Liesl Obrecht?
Anna: Dante, I'm gonna call you back. Yes, I did. Why?
Felix: We can help you find her.
Dante: O-B-R-E-C-H-T. That's it. Thanks. I'll be right in.
Lulu: You have to go?
Dante: Unfortunately.
Lulu: Stay safe.
Dante: I will. Hey. This whole thing with Maxie is gonna be okay. It's gonna be great. I promise. I'll see you soon.
Maxie: I will be back before you know it.
Lulu: Wait, Maxie! Wait. Wait, wait. Can we talk about what happened before?
Maxie: You know what, Lulu? This wedding is not gonna come together by itself. I will see you later.
Luke: Shame, really. From what I heard, Corinth isn't a bad little town before all this went down. Most of the population abandoned it for the city.
Holly: Well, it's difficult for Corinth to recover with all these abandoned homes. This is her, isn't it? The killer?
Luke: Gwyneth Alden.
Holly: Ironic. [Chuckles] She wiped out pretty much all of her family and friends in some twisted attempt to take away their pain.
Luke: [Strained] Yeah. Speaking of which, what do you say we get a move on here? Let's split up, see if we can find Jerry Jacks or one of his associates. You got your weapon?
Holly: I do.
Luke: Okay.
Sabrina: Spinelli sent me some of the information that he found, and apparently --
Patrick: Sabrina, I-I don't know if I'm comfortable with this.
Sabrina: Patrick, I understand. Really, I do. Sneaking around, basically spying on people -- it's not me, either. Well, I guess, at least it didn't used to be. But, look, if Britt's mom is gonna be in your son's life, don't you want to know exactly who she is?
Patrick: Okay. What do you got?
Sabrina: Okay. Well, for starters, here's a photo. This is Liesl Westbourne, Britt's mother.
Patrick: Hold on a second.
Sabrina: What?
Patrick: I know that woman.
Anna: Liesl Obrecht is a wanted criminal who has harmed countless victims, some of them very close to me, so this better be on the up and up, guys, 'cause I can't waste time --
Felix: Wait. She's not the one that put your man in a coma?
Anna: Yes, she is.
Spinelli: I was deeply relieved to hear of Mr. Lavery's swift recovery.
Anna: Oh, thank you. Good. Great. Can we get back to Dr. Obrecht? How is it possible that you know her?
Felix: More like know of her. Say hi to the Britch's mom.
Dr. Obrecht: I already told you I had nothing to do with this. I thought we were already done with that.
Britt: No. You might be done with it, but I'm still stuck on the wig and the empty vial in your purse. Just admit it, Mother. You drugged an innocent man. Now, chances are, he's gonna die.
Dr. Obrecht: Congratulations, Britta. You caught me.
Britt: How could you do something like this? Why?
Dr. Obrecht: Come on. Come here. Don't overreact, Britta. It's horribly unbecoming. Besides, I've done far worse than this.
Britt: What are you talking about, Mother? What have you done?
Mac: Crazy.
Lulu: Can I speak with you for a minute?
Felicia: Sure. Yeah.
Mac: Bye.
Felicia: Don't get married without me. [Chuckles]
Mac: Not a chance. Not a chance. Hey, thanks for coming, you guys, even though it's a non-event.
Lucy: Bite your tongue. The universe wants you and Felicia to get married, and if that doesn't pan out, we've got Maxie.
Kevin: Gives relentless a whole new name, doesn't she?
Mac: Maxie just wants her mom to be happy.
Kevin: Her mom...and you. You know, father isn't just a name you put on a birth certificate. It's the guy who pours the juice in the morning, goes to the dance recitals, scares off a few boyfriends.
Lucy: And he's the guy who is there.
Kevin: Maxie sees you as her father. And I know Robin did, too.
Mac: Yeah, well, Robin -- I mean, all she ever wanted was for me to settle down and find love. She'd be over the moon to know Felicia and I found our way back together.
Lucy: Robin's here, and she knows. She's spreading her memories and her spirit and her love. Robin will always be with us.
Sabrina: How do you -- wait. Wait. You met Britt's mother?
Patrick: I didn't know it was Britt's mother. I was -- I was at the airport dropping my father off after the Nurses' Ball.
Sabrina: And what? She just came up to you?
Patrick: No. She dropped one of those -- those neck pillows, and I-I picked it up for her.
Dr. Obrecht: Are you Patrick Drake? The doctor?
Patrick: Uh, yes. Yes, I am.
Dr. Obrecht: Then I have something important to tell you about your wife. I watched the Nurses' Ball on television last night. And I was quite moved by your tribute to your wife. Love like that never dies, does it?
Sabrina: What did she say?
Patrick: Nothing that made much sense, to be honest. She was particularly interested in Robin.
Anna: That explains a lot about the woman Patrick dated.
Felix: You can call her the Britch.
Spinelli: [Groans]
Anna: Uh, no. I'll call her Dr. Westbourne.
Felix: Suit yourself.
Spinelli: The fact that the doctors are mother and daughter is just the beginning of their entanglement.
Anna: Oh, yeah? What else?
Felix: Okay. Brad, our somewhat skeevy lab boss...
Anna: Mm-hmm.
Felix: ...He and the witch of the Westbourne are pretty tight. He says that she and her mother have been working together, and I don't mean treating patients.
Anna: I presume Obrecht's daughter has been harboring her somewhere.
Felix: Well, yeah. But where? I mean, the Britch has been staying at my apartment for months.
Anna: I don't know. I'd like to talk to the Britch -- Dr. Westbourne.
Felix: Go for it. She's home. 135 Hyde Street, Apartment 22.
Anna: Do I have your permission to enter uninvited?
Felix: Whatever you need.
Anna: Okay, and that you'll keep this quiet? Cause right now, we have the element of surprise. I don't want to screw that up.
Spinelli: Yeah, stealth's my middle name. Ow.
Anna: You've helped me immensely. Dante...
Felix: Oh! Commish!
Luke: English? [Breathing heavily] [Groans] [Groans] Oh!
Holly: Luke! I think I found something!
Britt: Mother, you put a man in a coma. What could possibly be worse than that?
Dr. Obrecht: Jerry Jacks paid a handsome price for his cure -- $88 million. Though Cesar can no longer provide him with it, his hidden asset was you all along, my little Robin. I'm sorry for disturbing you, but with Faison captured, I didn't know how to proceed.
Luke: Well, don't leave me hanging. What did you -- what did you find?
Britt: Worse than a coma? That would -- that would mean that you killed someone.
Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs]
Britt: Didn't you?
Dr. Obrecht: I have done no such thing. I'm different than your father, Britta. a healer. Everything I've ever done has been to save a life.
Britt: Whose? Please tell me, because I have never been more terrified of you.
Dr. Obrecht: If you insist. I will tell you everything -- every last detail. But remember, you asked for the truth.
Felix: This is unreal. The Britch was telling the truth for once.
Spinelli: Well, about her mother, at least.
Felix: Well, let's hope that the terrorist father thing was just a ploy to shake me up.
Spinelli: You're not feeling sympathy for her, are you?
Felix: I mean, having that dungeon master for a mother?
Spinelli: Well, regardless of what house we were born into, we do control our own destiny.
Maxie: What are you guys talking about?
Spinelli: Um, greetings. Uh...uh, we were just discussing, uh --
Felix: Um, Spinelli's last fortune cookie.
Spinelli: It was -- it was most insightful.
Maxie: You guys are talking about "Game of Thrones" again, aren't you? Am I the only one not watching that nerd fest? Hey, how's Duke? Is Anna with him?
Spinelli: Yeah, he's faring better. Um, the commissioner -- she's, um...
Felix: Uh, she had to leave. She had, you know, police business.
Maxie: Great. What about her maid-of-honor business? Maybe I can salvage what's left of the best man.
Felix: Okay, look. For the record, I'm only on season two of "Game of Thrones." Should we have said something?
Spinelli: No. Commissioner Devane insisted on secrecy. And she's -- she's due any day. We don't need to add any undue stress.
Maxie: Are you sure you're feeling okay?
Duke: Yeah. I should be better in no time.
Maxie: As in, like, two hours? 'Cause I think you'd look much better in a tux than a hospital gown. And I really need you to be Mac's best man.
Duke: You know, I'd like nothing better. But, unfortunately, the doctor wants me to stay here for at least 24 hours.
Maxie: You know, I'm pretty tight with the chief of neurosurgery.
Duke: You know, my girlfriend is, too.
Maxie: Okay, right, but nobody can convince Patrick to do things like I can. Maybe I can talk him into giving you some sort of special permission since he's already gonna be there and he could, like, supervise you, medically.
Duke: I'm sorry, Maxie.
Maxie: It's not your fault. I just really wanted there to be a wedding today after all.
Duke: Well, why shouldn't there be a wedding?
Maxie: Because my mom and Mac want to wait until you're feeling better.
Duke: No, that's ridiculous.
Maxie: That's what I said. No offense to you, of course.
Duke: Nothing should interfere with their day. I mean, Mac and Felicia have waited so long to be together. My circumstances can't stop their wedding.
Maxie: Well, then, I suggest you start making some phone calls, 'cause they're not gonna listen to me.
Duke: What about Kevin? Couldn't Kevin take my place and be best man?
Maxie: Probably. But what about Anna? I mean, with Lucy performing the ceremony, who's gonna be my mom's maid of honor?
Duke: I think I might be looking at her.
Felicia: You know Maxie. She has no filter. She says whatever pops into her mind.
Lulu: Georgie's been popping a lot lately.
Felicia: Well, after the conversation the three of you had, does that surprise you?
Lulu: That she'd be thinking of her sister? No. Of course not. That she'd be calling my baby by the name she plans on using for her own one day...
Felicia: Well, only because she doesn't have a name for her. I mean, you heard her. She uses Georgie as a placeholder.
Lulu: As a placeholder. No, I know. I can't help but think that there's more to it than that.
Felicia: Like what?
Lulu: Ever since I got my memory back and Maxie started showing -- when we found out that we were having a little girl, something has seemed off.
Felicia: I-I'm not sure what you're saying.
Lulu: I'm worried that Maxie has come to think of the baby -- our baby -- as hers.
Sabrina: Why would Britt's mother be interested in Robin?
Patrick: She said she watched the Nurses' Ball on TV and that she was -- was moved by my tribute. She congratulated me on the baby.
Sabrina: So then she saw Britt crash the event.
Patrick: This is beyond strange.
Sabrina: Okay, so she was in town for the big announcement and then just pretended like she didn't know her own daughter?
Patrick: Why would she do that -- embarrassment?
Sabrina: Or maybe because she put Britt up to it.
Dr. Obrecht: It started after your father was captured by that horrible Anna Devane. She and her former lover Robert Scorpio had been a nuisance to your father for decades. Someone needed to teach them a lesson.
Britt: I always thought that was so weird -- the way that you kept pushing me onto Patrick. You'd never shown an interest in my social life before. Then there you were, all of a sudden, like, tripping over yourself to help me win him.
Dr. Obrecht: You're welcome.
Britt: When I told you that his wife had died, that he was Robin's husband, you said that it was just a coincidence. Was it just a coincidence?
Dr. Obrecht: This has nothing to do with Patrick.
Britt: Then what the hell does it have to do with?
Dr. Obrecht: Language! Your father had some loose ends that needed tying up. I tied them.
Britt: What loose ends, Mother?
Luke: What's with the wheels?
Holly: See for yourself.
Luke: Yeah, this is a new model.
Holly: Precisely. And if this house has been abandoned for 18 years...
Luke: Then somebody's been here recently.
Holly: Using this chair. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Luke: Well, it could be a bit of a reach, but if Jerry's as sick as we think he is, he might need this chair. I know I wouldn't mind a ride in it.
Holly: The point is, is that whoever this chair belongs to, there's a chance that he -- or she -- is still in this house.
Felicia: You're worried that Maxie's getting too attached to the baby.
Lulu: Do you think I'm crazy?
Felicia: No. But I might be, in part, to blame. Watching my little girl have this life grow inside of her -- I just can't help it. I get excited, and I want to take care of her.
Lulu: And the baby.
Felicia: I've been gushing about this baby as if it's my own grandchild -- giving presents, helping Maxie, telling stories about Georgie and her when they were born. I'm sorry. I'll talk to her, okay?
Lulu: Thank you. I hope I don't sound ungrateful.
Felicia: Oh, no.
Lulu: Just, no one knows as much as I do what a wonderful person Maxie is. She is my best friend. She's giving me the most precious gift in the world -- a child.
Anna: Thanks for meeting me here.
Dante: [Chuckles] After what Obrecht did to Robert and Duke, I want her put behind bars just as much as the next guy.
Britt: [Muffled] Answer me, Mother.
Anna: Two voices.
Dante: Britt and her mother.
Anna: Let's find out.
Dr. Obrecht: Shut your mouth.
Britt: So, if everything you've done is for him...
Dr. Obrecht: Have you changed your mind? Do you not want to know?
Britt: Tell me.
Dr. Obrecht: All right. But if I do, you'll be just as culpable as myself.
[Lock disengaging]
Dr. Obrecht: With the chronol--
Anna: Britt Westbourne, open up. PCPD.
Maxie: I told you guys to get ready. These are not your game-time faces. This is your wedding day.
Mac: What about Duke?
Maxie: He said we should continue on without him. I'm taking him on his word. So should you.
Felicia: Anna's not here, either.
Spinelli: Yeah. Unfortunately, the commissioner was called away on important business.
Maxie: But, fortunately, you have me as a maid of honor.
Felicia: Are you good with that?
Maxie: Mm-hmm.
Felicia: [Chuckling] I love you.
Maxie: Okay. Now that that's settled, where is the best man? Lucy, tell me Kevin's in the bathroom.
Lucy: Kevin's in the bathroom.
Maxie: She doesn't mean that, does she?
Lucy: Kevin is gone. G-O-N-E. Gone, gone, gone.
Maxie: Where?
Lucy: Does it matter?
Maxie: Okay. It's fine. Don't panic. We
Spinelli: Me?
Maxie: Yes, Spinelli. You're the only guy here.
Spinelli: Uh, you know, Mac tolerates me at best. I don't think --
Maxie: Please, Spinelli. You have to be the best man. You're my only hope.
Mac: Uh, you know what? If it means that I get to marry the woman I love, I can tolerate you.
Maxie: Yes!
Mac: Just keep the babble to the minimum.
Spinelli: I can absolutely assure you with the utmost certainty that there will be no -- right.
Max: Okay. Let's get you changed.
Patrick: You really think Britt's mom would encourage her to interrupt my dead wife's tribute?
Sabrina: Given her ethics violations, nothing's beyond Liesl Westbourne.
Patrick: It doesn't make any sense. It didn't make sense that Britt would do it. Why would her mother be involved?
[Telephone rings]
Patrick: Hello? Wh-wh-whoa. Sl-slow down. You're talking a mile a minute. Yeah. Yeah. No. Of course -- of course, we can be there. Okay. All right. Bye.
Sabrina: Who was it?
Patrick: It was, uh -- it was Lucy. Looks like there's gonna be a wedding after all.
Sabrina: Really?
Patrick: How quickly can you get dressed?
Sabrina: [Laughs]
Maxie: There you go. Wow.
Felicia: Yeah?
Maxie: You look gorgeous. Mac's not gonna know what hit him.
Felicia: Thank you. You look pretty stunning yourself.
Maxie: Please. I look like a parade float.
Felicia: Oh, stop it. You're beautiful -- practically glowing.
Maxie: Mom, they say that to all pregnant women. It's just sweat.
Felicia: [Laughs]
Maxie: Here. Sit. Besides, it's all worth it for little Georgie.
Felicia: Maxie, do you think that you may be getting a little too invested in this baby? Because if I've done anything to make you confused about the boundaries...
Maxie: What are you talking about?
Felicia: You called her Georgie twice now.
Maxie: Would you guys just let it go? I mean, maybe if Dante and Lulu gave the baby a name already...
Felicia: That's truly all it is?
Maxie: Well, I have to call her something. I know this baby is not mine.
Felicia: Okay. And for the record, I'm glad you took back the name. It warms my heart to think that someday you'll have a little girl of your own named Georgie.
Lulu: Sorry to hear about Kevin.
Lucy: Oh, thanks. Me, too. You know, we barely get to spend any time together at all -- I mean, since we've gotten back together. You know, I think that saying's true. I really believe now there are just some people in this life who are completely married to their job.
Lulu: You are preaching to the choir. Sometimes it feels like Dante is at work more than he's at home.
Lucy: Yeah, well, the good thing for you -- at least Dante comes home at the end of the day. My doc is sometimes gone for weeks on end.
Lulu: You know, if it's any consolation, he is really good at what he does. He helps put people back together. I should know.
Lucy: Yeah, well, thanks for that. Speaking of, uh, back together...what is going on with Maxie and Spinelli?
Lulu: What are you talking about?
Lucy: Well, Maxie asked Spinelli to stand opposite her at the wedding, so methinks maybe a reunion is in order.
Lulu: No. No, no, no. Spinelli is perfectly happy with his girlfriend. Sometimes Maxie -- she forgets when something or someone doesn't belong to her.
Felicia: She should be here.
Maxie: Who?
Felicia: Georgie. Do you realize how excited she would be if she knew Mac and I were back together again?
Maxie: I'm excited.
Felicia: I know. I-I think, with Georgie, it's just a little bit different because Mac is the only father that she ever knew.
Maxie: I wish she had gotten the chance to know Dad. I wish she had gotten the chance to do a lot of things, but it was all taken from her.
Felicia: Not your love. She never lost that. It's been a rough year, hasn't it?
Maxie: Oh, I've had better.
Felicia: [Chuckles] Well, it certainly didn't help -- me dropping in out of the sky.
Maxie: We're in a good place now.
Felicia: We're in a great place, because of you. You let me back into your life, and you didn't have to, Maxie.
Maxie: You're my mom. [Chuckles]
Felicia: I haven't always acted like one. Thank you for giving me another chance. I promise I won't waste it. [Chuckles] My little girl...all grown up. So compassionate, so strong -- you're gonna be an exceptional mother some day. Do you know that? [Chuckles]
Maxie: I love you, Mom.
Felicia: [Crying] I love you, too.
Mac: Hey, where have you been? We can't start our wedding without the most beautiful flower girl in the whole world.
Sabrina: Come on. Let's go find Maxie and figure out where you're supposed be.
Mac: [Sighs]
Patrick: Well, big day.
Mac: Yeah. Been a long time coming. Wasn't sure if it ever would.
Patrick: I'm pretty sure that Robin knew it was gonna come. She'd be very happy for you and Felicia.
Mac: You know, when Robin passed away, everything just stopped. I mean, there didn't seem to be a point to life anymore. But it goes on whether you want it to or not.
Patrick: That it does.
Mac: You end up picking up the pieces without even realizing it -- you know, finding happiness wherever you can.
Patrick: And in walks Felicia.
Mac: Robin and Maxie were the ones that made me realize not only was my life not over, but it was actually worth living.
Patrick: I'm really happy you got there, Mac.
Mac: [Sighs] Hey, believe it or not, Robin would be happy you got there, too. [Pats arm]
Holly: Well, we swept the entire house. There's no one here. I think we've been lied to.
Luke: Could be. Check this out.
Holly: What?
Luke: Give me your hand. Look. No cobwebs. And this. The bookcase was here until recently.
Holly: Somebody moved it. Why?
Luke: That's a damn good question.
Duke: I wish I could hear from Anna. You know, she's out chasing the vile woman who did this to me. I wonder where they are.
Felix: Okay, look. I'm supposed to keep this on the DL, but I doubt the commissioner was referring to you.
Duke: What do you know?
Felix: It turns out that Obrecht's daughter is none other than my roommate from hell.
Anna: We know you're in contact with your mother, Dr. Liesl Obrecht.
Britt: Uh, just a second.
Dr. Obrecht: What have you done?
Britt: Me?
Dr. Obrecht: You called the police on your own mutter?
Britt: I swear I didn't. I swear.
Dante: Open the door, Dr. Westbourne, or we'll break it down.
Britt: What should we do?
[Indistinct conversations]
[Pachelbel's "Canon in 'D' Major" plays]
[Wagner's "Bridal Chorus" plays]
Luke: On "three," okay? One, two, three.
Holly: [Grunts] [Exclaims]
Luke: [Grunts]
Holly: [Chuckles] Where do you think it goes?
Luke: Only one way to find out.
Duke: So Obrecht has had a connection in Port Charles the entire time?
Felix: I always knew the Britch was cruel... and twisted. But I never thought she'd be involved in something so violent.
Duke: Well, do you think -- what did you call her?
Felix: The Britch.
Duke: Do you think she was involved in what happened to me?
Felix: I don't know for sure. But if she did, she and her mom are both gonna get what they deserve in the form of one pissed off police commissioner.
Duke: I sincerely hope you're correct. But from my experience, you can't underestimate Liesl Obrecht. She held me captive. God knows what else she's capable of.
Anna: We're going in.
Lucy: [Chuckles] Wow. My nearest and dearest beloveds, we are here today, once again, to join Mac and Felicia in holy matrimony. Finally.
Lucy: And as we all know, marriage is not an institution that should be entered into lightly. So I know it's just a formality at this point, but I do need to say that if there is anyone here who knows any reason these amazing, beautiful, wonderful, fantastic people should not wed today, please speak now and forever hold your peace. [Gasps] Oh, no.
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