General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 8/13/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Britt: What's wrong?
Patrick: Nothing. Just we're -- we're really about to do this. Bringing new life into the world.
Britt: We are.
Patrick: Truth is, I-I can't wait. I'm falling in love... with our baby.
Britt: [Sighs] Patrick...
Patrick: Mm-hmm?
Britt: There's something I need to tell you.
Patrick: What is it?
Felix: You've known Britt's mom all along.
Sabrina: No, but I've seen her.
Spinelli: Where?
Sabrina: Here in town the other day at Kelly's with Britt. She's a bit older, and she looks a bit different, but that's definitely her.
Ellie: Hi!
Spinelli: Hello, beautiful one. How are you, cutie?
Ellie: How are you? Hi, guys.
Felix: Hi.
Ellie: Oh, thank you. What's going on?
Felix: Your boyfriend's giving us the lowdown on the Britch's mom.
Anna: Obrecht's a dangerous woman, you know. God knows what she's capable of and who will fall victim to her next. Enough. Tonight is a celebration of Mac and Felicia's new start, and since we don't have any clue where Obrecht is, let's just not think about her anymore.
Duke: Well, I consider that to be an excellent idea. [Chuckles]
Ellie: Dr. Westbourne has a mother? Wow. It's kind of amazing to think she wasn't hatched.
Felix: [Chuckles]
Both: That's what she said.
Ellie: So, what have you discovered about this maternal figure?
Sabrina: That she used to experiment on live patients back in the day.
Ellie: What? Really? What exactly was she attempting to ascertain?
Spinelli: Unclear, but she did accomplish losing her medical license. But the -- the path runs cold after that.
Felix: Sabrina saw her with Westbourne the other day.
Ellie: Wait a minute. The mother is in Port Charles?
Sabrina: Yes, but we still don't know for sure if she's up to something with Britt regarding the baby.
Felix: What if the baby is the subject of one of her experiments?
Sabrina: You know, nothing would surprise me. From what we've learned about Westbourne's mom, she sounds terrifying. I wonder what's keeping Patrick. Childbirth class should be over by now.
Patrick: Britt, what is it? What do you have to tell me?
Britt: I do love Patrick. It's just hard to keep loving someone that doesn't love you back.
Dr. Obrecht: He will fall in love with you when his child is born.
Britt: Except... we both know this isn't his child.
Britt: It's about the baby.
Duke: I wonder what's happened to our pregnant party planner. Shouldn't she be here by now?
Anna: She should be. And our guests of honor, as well. And where's Kevin and Lucy?
Lucy: It's not just happening frequently. All the time. It's happening all the time. I should have to make an appointment, right? I should make an appointment. That's where I'd get to see my husband. Maybe he -- [Chuckles]
Kevin: Sorry. Sorry. I had a crisis.
Lucy: I know. I know. There's always a crisis, and you're always sorry. And you should be, because we are not gonna make it now. Because of you, we are gonna miss the big surprise.
Maxie: Oh, my goodness! It's time! It's time!
Anna: It's okay, it's okay. The surprise hasn't happened yet. Mac and Felicia didn't arrive.
Maxie: No, I know, but they're almost here. We saw their car.
Anna: You did?
Dante: Yeah, but they didn't see us.
Anna: You sure?
Maxie: Everybody, thank you so much for coming! But it's time to gather around the door! They're almost here!
Dr. Obrecht: And I have a big surprise for you, Miss Anna Devane.
Anna: Okay, okay, that's it. They're here. Shh, shh. Quiet. Hit the lights.
[Door opens]
[Footsteps approaching]
All: Surprise!
[Cheers and applause]
Duke: Were you surprised?
Mac: Shocked is more like it.
Felicia: You guys, I can't believe you did this. Who do I thank first?
Maxie: Well, Anna and Duke are hosts as best man and woman.
Anna: No, the genius planning behind all of this is your daughter.
Mac: Oh, thank you, Maxie.
Felicia: Thank you. That was very sweet of you. You really shouldn't have.
Mac: I know, especially with the baby coming so soon.
Maxie: Just because I can't see my feet doesn't mean I can't throw an awesome celebration for the two of you.
Mac: We love you, sweetheart.
Maxie: Well, you guys are getting married again -- finally. And that deserves a party. I'm just happy that we made it back from the birthing class in time to surprise you.
Sabrina: If class is over, then where's Patrick?
Felix: Hmm.
Patrick: Britt, what is it you want to tell me about the baby?
Britt: [Sighs] Well, I, um, I just saw you get all emotional at the end of class after watching the childbirth tape.
Patrick: Yeah, well, it just kind of hit me that we're gonna be parents together.
Britt: And I saw the tears in your eyes, and... I-I realized that there's something that you have the right to know.
Patrick: Look, Britt, if this is about the baby, can you please just -- can you tell me? I need to know.
Britt: The thing is, Patrick, I-I haven't...been honest about everything.
Patrick: What do you mean? About -- about what?
Britt: Well... ah! Ow!
Patrick: Hey. You okay?
Kevin: Lucy, I was with a patient, one with serious issues who needed my immediate attention.
Lucy: You are always with patients, and all your patients always have serious issues.
Kevin: That's my profession, Lucy, and I'm supposed to help them with their issues. I'm their doctor.
Lucy: [Chuckles dryly] And I'm your wife. And Mac and Felicia are our very bestest friends in the whole wide world, and they are getting married tomorrow, and we should be at their party right now. [Exhales] Which is probably why Mac and Felicia did not ask us to stand up for them.
Kevin: What are you talking about?
Lucy: We got bumped! [Sighs] We got bumped for Anna and Duke, because Mac and Felicia did not feel like they could count on you.
Mac: Et tu, Duke?
Duke: Ah, you have to wear the costume if you're gonna perform. [Chuckles]
Felicia: Perform?
Anna: Uh-huh.
Mac: Us? What?
Anna: [Chuckles]
Man: Are you friends with Mac and Felicia?
Dr. Obrecht: The hosts and I go way back.
Anna: It's all your daughter's fault, so I'm gonna let her explain.
Maxie: Well, you both said that you didn't want bachelor or bachelorette parties, so...
Mac: We did? Oh. Right. We did. Yeah. We're too old for that kind of thing.
Maxie: But you're not too old for karaoke.
Spinelli: Oh, brilliant idea.
Mac: Sing? You want me to sing? I haven't even had one drink.
Maxie: Relax! I'm gonna show you how it's done. I'm gonna sing a special song for the bride and groom, but by the end of the night, I want to see everybody up here singing to make some memories.
Lulu: Come on, Maxie! We want to hear a song! Wait, wait, wait! You need my help!
Sabrina: Hey, Dante?
Dante: Yeah?
Sabrina: Did you happen to notice if Patrick was on his way over here after class?
Dante: Uh, he was with Dr. Westbourne, and Maxie and Lulu and I left to get over here.
Felix: Hmm.
Sabrina: Oh, he must be on his way. Thank you.
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: Dante!
Dante: Yeah. Okay.
Felix: What little drama has the Britch created for alleged baby daddy tonight?
Britt: Ah!
Patrick: Britt?
Britt: Sharp pain.
Patrick: Okay.
Britt: Lower abdomen.
Patrick: Take a deep breath. I read this can happen.
Britt: Yeah. Yeah, no, my patients call me in the third trimester, and I-I say that it's -- aah! -- That it's probably nothing. How stupid.
Patrick: Calm down. Calm down. Take a deep breath.
Britt: Oh! But I don't know what it is. What if -- what if it's placenta abruption or --
Patrick: Forget everything you know right now and take --
Britt: How? I'm a doctor.
Patrick: I know.
Britt: How can I do that?
Patrick: You are a doctor, but right now, you're a mother, okay? Listen. Look at me. Take a deep breath. Take a deep breath. We'll go figure out what's wrong, okay? Together. Come on.
Britt: Okay. Ah! Oh!
Dr. Obrecht: Thank you.
Man: That's an interesting accent. Where you from?
Dr. Obrecht: New Jersey.
Duke: I'll have a, uh, white wine and a scotch on the rocks, please. Thank you.
Maxie: Okay, everyone, this song is for the bride and groom. Going to the chapel, and we're gonna get married going to the chapel and we're gonna get married. Gee, I really love you, and we're gonna get married going to the chapel of love. Spring is here oh, the sky is blue whoa, birds all sing as if they knew
[Crowd cheers]
All: Today's the day we'll say, "I do" and we'll never be lonely anymore, because we're going to the chapel, and we're gonna get married going to the chapel, and we're gonna get married. Gee, I really love you, and we're gonna get married going to the chapel of love. Bells will ring the sun will shine whoa, I'll be his and he'll be mine
Duke: I'm not so sure about this karaoke, but perhaps you and I could tango later.
Anna: Depends how much I have to drink.
Duke: Well, then, drink up. [Laughs]
Dr. Obrecht: That's right, Commish. Enjoy as if it's your last night on earth, because it is.
All: Because we're going to the chapel, and we're...
Lulu: Best karaoke number ever.
Maxie: You think?
Lulu: [Laughing] Yeah, put Maxie and the Maxettes to shame.
Spinelli: [Applauds] Brava!
Ellie: Wow, I-I guess I had no idea you were such a karaoke enthusiast.
Spinelli: Well, it was an enthusiasm that Maximista and I used to share. That was -- hey, that was such a stirring rendition. You had the whole crowd on its feet.
Maxie: Well, thank you, Spinelli. I haven't done that in a long time.
Spinelli: Right. Probably not since our non-wedding. And before that, what, the first time that we...
Maxie: I remember.
Spinelli: Yeah.
Anna: Okay, okay, all right. It's time to pop the champagne. It's time for us to make the toast.
Duke: Are you sure you don't want to wait till Lucy and Kevin get here?
Anna: No, no, they'll be here soon, as soon as the champagne starts flowing. Lucy would hate to miss a party.
Duke: [Laughs]
Kevin: Seriously? Are you calling me unreliable?
Lucy: [Chuckles dryly] Then why else would our closest and dearest friends ask somebody else to be best man and matron of honor?
Kevin: I-I don't know. Let's think about this. Uh, do you think they were afraid you might spot a vampire at the altar and drive a stake through its heart in the middle of the wedding?
Lucy: Wow! Did you just use the "V" word? I try not to use the "V" word! I don't even bring it up! I don't even say that word!
Kevin: Avoiding the issue doesn't make it any less true.
Lucy: Stop it! Right now, we should be at Mac and Felicia's surprise party, because we don't know how many other surprise parties they're gonna have in their entire life. I don't know how many they're gonna have. But this is their wedding surprise party -- which is actually their second wedding -- which doesn't matter! None of this matters! Tonight is what's important! [Sighs] Well? Are you or are you not coming to the party with me?
Kevin: If you were really this angry, why didn't you just leave without me?
Lucy: Because that would have been very rude.
Britt: Patrick, I'm scared.
Patrick: Don't worry. It's gonna be okay.
Sabrina: Hi, Patrick. It's Sabrina. You're probably not answering 'cause you're on your way here for the party, so I'll see you soon. I just -- I don't get what's keeping him. Dante said the class was over awhile ago.
Felix: Well, maybe he and the Britch are taking that special childbirth class, the one taught by her mother for mutant babies only.
Duke: I'm gonna take one of these for Anna, so she can start the toast.
Anna: Thank you.
Mac: All right, let's hear it for the singing Falconeris.
[Cheers and applause]
Lulu: Thank you. We would like to dedicate this song to Maxie Jones, our best friend, the daughter of the bride and the groom and the most wonderful, generous person in the world.
[Cheers and applause]
Both: You're having my baby what a lovely way of sayin' how much you love me you're having my baby
Both: What a lovely way of sayin' you're thinkin' of me
Dante: I can see it your face is glowin' I can see it in your eyes you're happy you're knowin' that you're having my baby
Both: You're the woman I love, and I love what is going through you
Both: You're having my baby you're a woman in love, and I love what it's doing to you the need inside you
Anna: I guess the toast can wait. At least until Kevin and Lucy get here.
Duke: Hmm.
Dante: Oh, I see it inside you, baby do you feel it growin'?
Dante: Are you happy you're knowin' that you're having my baby? Go!
Lulu: What'd you think?
Maxie: It was really sweet.
Dante: Hmm. But?
Maxie: The lyrics were a little embarrassing.
Spinelli: Well, everything they said about you is true, though. I mean, giving the gift of life is the most generous gift you can give.
Lulu: Exactly. Oh, wait. They're giving out the champagne for the toast.
Dante: Let's go help.
Maxie: I'll help, too.
Spinelli: No, no, no, no. That's preposterous. You -- you rest. Um, I'll go. Ellie will keep you company, right?
Ellie: Right. Of course. The party is going really well.
Maxie: I hope so. [Chuckles] Mac and my mom seem to be enjoying it.
Ellie: So, it sounds like some of the most important moments of you and Damian's relationship happened over karaoke. You just coincidentally decided you'd do karaoke tonight when you knew Damian would be in attendance?
Maxie: Well, I thought my parents might enjoy it.
Ellie: Oh, okay. So, it had nothing to do with the fact that you're carrying his child?
Maxie: You know, Spinelli mentioned to me you changed your mind about having children.
Ellie: My heart hurts for Damian. I mean, I know how much he desperately wants to be a father someday, and Dante and Lulu are obviously gonna be raising his child, which is a secret that I have to keep, so I figured it was the least I could do.
Maxie: Oh, I see. You felt so strongly about that, you decided to sacrifice your deeply held convictions.
Ellie: Yeah. That's right. And I have you to thank for that. So, thank you.
Spinelli: Um, champagne for you, my dear, and then sparkling water for you and the wee one. Uh, something wrong?
Sabrina: You're right.
Felix: Oh, Britt's baby is a mutant?
Sabrina: Britt has done something to keep Patrick away tonight. God. She never stops.
[Heartbeat thumping]
Patrick: It's been a little bit of time since my Ob/Gyn rotation, so...
Britt: Here. Let me help. We should get a better view down here. [Sighs]
Patrick: Heartbeat sounds good. Everything looks okay to me. Can you see anything?
Britt: The baby looks -- it looks okay so far. Just move it this way a little bit. Oh, my God.
Patrick: What is it? Britt, you all right?
Britt: It's a boy. [Chuckles] We're having a boy.
Dr. Obrecht: That's right. Pick it up.
Duke: Credit to Maxie. Karaoke was a very inspired idea.
Anna: Yeah, it was. It was good.
Dr. Obrecht: Yes! Now drink it. Drink it, you stupid cow!
Anna: Oh, wait a minute. What am I thinking? No champagne before a toast.
Duke: What is this? Is this some rule that I haven't heard about?
Anna: Yeah, actually, it is. Uh-huh. Section 12, subparagraph "C" of the WSB handbook. "No agent shall sample their drink prior to a toast being made." Uh-huh. That's right.
Duke: [Laughs]
Dr. Obrecht: Verdammt!
Sabrina: Patrick still hasn't called me back. You know what? That's it. I'm going to the hospital, and I'm going to rescue him from Britt.
Felix: You want some backup?
Sabrina: No, it's okay. Stay. I'll be fine.
Felix: Okay. Go get your man.
Anna: Okay. All right.
Duke: Listen up, everybody!
Anna: Come on, everyone. Grab your glass. Whoo!
Duke: Get your glasses.
Anna: Okay.
Duke: Uh, don't have to worry. We're not going to sing.
Anna: Promise. Or dance.
[Crowd groans disappointedly]
Duke: Uh, actually, we're here to -- to propose a toast. We're very honored, because Felicia and Mac asked us to stand up for them, and we're very proud and very, very happy to be here, because they, like us, have a love that has stood the test of time. And it has survived, a love that is so strong, that has found its way to the surface. It has blossomed even in a time when you think winter will not end.
Anna: [Laughs] All right. You done?
Duke: I'm done.
Anna: Okay.
Anna: Okay. So, it's my turn. And really all I wanted to say is that, um, the only thing that could make tomorrow sweeter would be if your brother, Mac -- if -- if Robert was here with us. But sadly, he won't be. But I know for a fact that he wouldn't want you guys to delay your happiness even for a moment. So, what I want all of us to do is to hold Robert in our hearts tomorrow when all of your friends and your beautiful, beautiful daughter celebrate what will hopefully be your best wedding yet.
Anna: So, everybody, please raise your glasses.
Dr. Obrecht: Drink it. Now, damn you!
Anna: To Felicia and Mac.
All: Felicia and Mac!
Lucy: I may not be one of your patients, Doc, but I do happen to have feelings, real feelings!
Kevin: Lucy, I really don't want to talk about this now.
Lucy: Why? Because you know deep down I am right! I am right this time! Hi. Hi. Oh, congratulations! Oh, I am -- we are so happy for both of you. Mwah. Mwah, mwah, mwah. Oh, and -- and I'm so sorry that we're late. I guess you did suspect that it was all Kevin's fault.
Kevin: Why would it be my fault?
Lucy: Because you had to use the "V" word!
Felicia: Are you two okay?
Kevin: Everything would be fine if my wife would remember that this is a party for you and for Mac and not the time or the place to air petty grievances.
Lucy: [Chuckles dryly] Petty?! You are the one! It is so beneath you! You used the... vampire!
Felix: Hmm. Memorable entrance. What was all that about?
Lucy: [Sighs] Nothing. Just my marriage falling completely apart.
Felix: Hmm.
Lucy: No, no, no. Don't -- don't touch the hair.
Felix: Right.
Lulu: Are you okay?
Maxie: Yeah. You just would think Lucy would let someone else be the center of attention for once, like, I don't know, the wedding couple?
Lulu: Hmm. Well, don't worry. I don't think a party's really a party without a little drama.
[Both laugh]
Lulu: Speaking of, things were pretty intense between you and Ellie when we came back with the drinks.
Maxie: She just doesn't like me.
Lulu: Well, she needs to get over it. You haven't done anything to her...recently. What's she doing?
Maxie: Gymnastics.
Lulu: [Chuckles] That's my girl.
Patrick: It's a boy?
Britt: If you don't believe me, take a look.
Patrick: Oh, wow. Yeah, it is.
[Heartbeat thumping]
Patrick: Oh, my God. I can't believe I'm gonna have a son.
Sabrina: Patrick? Well, you got to be around here somewhere. [Sighs] Well, no wonder he didn't call me back.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Yeah, that's a -- that's a boy.
Britt: Yeah. Big and healthy from the look of him.
Patrick: Yeah? Everything looks good?
Britt: Yeah, he looks -- he looks perfect. [Chuckles] I-I'm not even in pain anymore.
Patrick: Good. Good. That -- that's good.
Britt: I feel like an idiot. I mean, it was probably Braxton-Hicks or round ligament pain. It's not like I haven't given that same speech about not overreacting to a hundred patients. I just -- I freaked when I -- when I felt the pain.
Patrick: Yeah. Of course.
[Heartbeat thumping]
Patrick: Yeah, about that, actually. You, uh... what were you gonna tell me? Something about not telling me the truth.
Dr. Obrecht: Is that all there is? If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing
Felix: I'm sure you're exaggerating. Your man loves you.
Lucy: Nuh-uh. My marriage is in shambles. I don't know why I'm surprised. You know, Doc is always gone. He's out of town. And then when he comes back, he's always busy with all his patients. That's all he cares about are those patients. I call him at work, he hates it. He hates it when I come up with these genius ideas that I'm always having, like this one -- couples massage. Not you and your partner. You and your pet.
Felix: Ooh.
Lucy: Yeah! 'Cause animals are part of your family, right? And no one else is doing that. It would be wonderful. We'd make a lot of money. But he doesn't want to hear that. I really think deep down he's still awfully angry about the V...pires.
Dr. Obrecht: I have a feeling something was missing. I don't know what.
Kevin: I don't know. Maybe I never got over this vampire thing. It just seems that Lucy is always mad at me now. And when we actually are together, I spend half my breath apologizing to her. I can't even make her laugh anymore.
Mac: Come on. I got a great idea.
Felicia: What?
Felix: Well, given the tragic uneventfulness of my own love life, I have no right to be consulting you about yours. But I'm going to anyway. Maybe you and your man need to get away together somewhere.
Lucy: Get away?
Felix: Yeah! Take a trip where you can eat, drink, and have sex for days on end.
Lucy: [Laughs] Oh, that would be absolute heaven. I would... oh, poop. It's not gonna happen. Doc is never going to leave his patients. They are his priority.
Felix: [Sighs]
Lucy: You know, it's kind of like the words to this song, you know. I thought it was gonna be heaven being married to Doc, and now I just find myself asking, "Is that all there is, this arguing, this fighting, and on and on?" [Sighs]
Dr. Obrecht: And when I didn't...
Lucy: I know that woman. I know her.
Duke: So much for our romantic toast.
Anna: Oh, God. Kevin and Lucy are hardly setting a sterling example of a happy marriage, are they?
Duke: I don't think their squabbling's going to affect Mac and Felicia. You know, their love -- they know how precious it is, 'cause they lost it and regained it, just like us.
Anna: Yes, we did.
Duke: I think we should have our own personal toast.
Anna: Yes.
Duke: Here's to us and all the wonderful things that we have to look forward to.
Anna: Hear, hear.
Dr. Obrecht: ...And I'm breathing my last breath, I'll be saying to myself, "Is that all there is to love? Is that all there is? Is that all there is? If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing let's break out the booze and have a ball if that's all there is
Ellie: Oh, thank you.
Spinelli: Will you please tell me what's troubling you?
Ellie: [Sighs] I just got jealous when I learned that karaoke is a thing that you and Maxie share. I just feel like you guys have a lot of things.
Spinelli: I'm not going anywhere.
Ellie: [Exhales]
Spinelli: We are going to be together for a long time. We're gonna have plenty of things. And we -- we already do.
Ellie: So, you don't care at all that I literally cannot sing a note?
Spinelli: But you dance divinely as you displayed on our number at the Nurses' Ball, but even if you didn't... you'd still be perfect to me.
Duke: You know, I-I'm feeling a little odd.
Anna: Are you? You look a little flushed. Do you want some water?
Duke: No. It's fine. I think it's just maybe it's just a little stuffy in here. I think I'll take a step outside and get some fresh air.
Anna: I'll come with you.
Duke: No, no, no. We both can't leave. We're the hosts. You stay, take care of our -- our guests. I'll be back in a minute.
Anna: Okay.
Duke: I love you.
Anna: I love you.
Patrick: Okay. You said what you had to tell me was about the baby. What was it?
Britt: Um, yeah. I haven't been totally on the level. First of all, I... I never intended on having an abortion.
Patrick: What?
Britt: It was a ploy. I...I was trying to kick-start your excitement for the baby, because you were so horrified in the beginning. And so, I told you I was having an abortion, hoping that you would talk me out of it. And -- and you did.
Patrick: Is that it?
Britt: No. I never had hyperemesis gravidarum. I-I faked all the labs.
Patrick: So, Sabrina was right. And I didn't believe it.
Britt: I'm so sorry, Patrick, for putting you in that position.
Patrick: Britt, why would you do that? Why would you --
Britt: I wanted you to ask me to move in with you. I was hoping that we could get closer. I mean, trust me, I shot myself in the foot with that one, 'cause I ended up living with the two people I hate most in the world. No offense.
Patrick: No. Why would you start holding back now?
Britt: Anyways, I... I know I did some crazy stuff. I was acting desperate because...I really loved you, Patrick, and I was hoping that by doing those things, I could get you to love me back. And I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I'm sorry.
Patrick: Well, I guess now that you're being honest... is there anything else?
Felix: You sure you know that woman? I mean, she doesn't look like she runs in the same social circles as you do.
Lucy: I know, I know. But I really never, ever forget a face. [Snaps fingers] Wait a minute. I was in the park, and I was passing out fliers when Lulu was missing, and she was in the park. That's right. Her -- her hair's a little bit different, but she said something very strange to me.
Felix: Surprise, surprise. What did she say?
Dr. Obrecht: Someone driven by motives beyond the average person's comprehension.
Lucy: What does that mean?
Dr. Obrecht: It means you don't have to be insane to do evil things. You might simply be evil.
Lucy: Definitely something creepy. I wonder if I should tell Anna.
Sabrina: Hey, Lynn.
Lynn: Hey.
Sabrina: Have you seen Dr. Drake around recently?
Lynn: I saw him with Dr. Westbourne a little while ago.
Britt: I don't expect you to forgive me, Patrick. I just...I wanted to put it all on the table, because we're having a kid together, and we need to be honest with each other.
Patrick: Well, I'm glad you figured that out. You know I'm with Sabrina.
Britt: I hate it, but yes, I-I know. I realize that you don't return my feelings, and I lost. And I'm dealing with it. But I promise you I'll never do anything that horrible ever again. I promise.
Patrick: Yeah, well...
Britt: I know you're furious. And you should be.
Patrick: You know how awful that was for me when I thought you were gonna have an abortion? And then you faked an illness on top of that? I worried about you, and I worried about the baby unnecessarily. But I'm glad you told me. I have been... I can't stop thinking. I've been worried about how we're gonna do this, how we're gonna co-parent this child together, because you give me a lot of reasons to not trust you. Britt, if you're gonna be honest with me, then at least it gives me some hope that we can do this together, that we can -- we can raise our son together.
Britt: I promise you that's all I want, is for our son to be happy and healthy.
Patrick: Our son.
[Door opens]
Lucy: Hey. Anna, I-I am so sorry. Sorry about earlier. I beg your pardon. I hope you don't mind me asking.
Anna: Right.
Lucy: Is that strange woman on the guest list?
Anna: I don't know. What strange woman?
Lucy: That strange woman that sang that very depressing song over there. She's gone.
Anna: Huh.
Duke: [Sighs] Oh! Excuse me. It's you.
Dr. Obrecht: [Panting]
Duke: Obrecht, Faison's bitch!
Dr. Obrecht: Let me go!
Duke: It's over! the...p-- [Gasps]
Lucy: Oh, come on. You didn't notice her? This -- this kind of strange woman with blonde hair. She was wearing tinted glasses, and she was singing that really depressing, kind of inappropriate, dark song?
[Crowd gasping]
Lucy: Oh, my God!
[Crowd cheering]
Maxie: I never thought we would see these two again, but, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Norma and Eve.
[Cheers and applause]
Felicia: What are they doing?
Anna: [Laughs]
Kevin: This -- [Clears throat]
Kevin: This one goes out... to the ones we love.
[Upbeat music plays]
[Rhythmic clapping]
Lucy: [Laughs]
Dr. Obrecht: I drugged the wrong person! Damn you, Anna Devane! Once again, you've ruined my plans.
Sabrina: Patrick.
Patrick: Sabrina. Oh, my God. I'm so -- Mac and Felicia's party. I totally lost track of time.
Britt: It was my fault.
Sabrina: Really?
Patrick: Yeah, we had a, um, a false alarm. Britt had some pain, so we had to do a sonogram.
Sabrina: Is everything all right?
Patrick: Uh, yeah. She's -- she's better. And, um... we, uh, we found out we're gonna have a-a boy.
Sabrina: Wow. Uh, that's -- that's really -- that's great.
Patrick: Yeah.
Britt: Thank you, Patrick, for, um, [Clears throat] Being there when I freaked out.
Patrick: Of course.
Britt: I really am sorry, Sabrina.
Sabrina: No, I-I-I understand. I'm just -- I'm glad that everything's okay. Congratulations on your baby boy.
Britt: Thank you. Maybe you were right, Mother. This could work out after all.
[Cheers and applause]
Maxie: Fantastic.
Lucy: Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Anna: Steady as she goes.
Felicia: Oh, nice legs, Mr. Scorpio.
Mac: You've always wanted me for my body. [Chuckles]
Lucy: Norma, Norma, Norma. [Laughs] I have missed you so.
Kevin: Oh, and there it is. I've missed you, too. And if I haven't made it clear enough already, I love you. Always.
Lucy: [Inhales deeply] I love you always. [Chuckles] [Chuckles]
Felix: Okay, you're gonna have to explain that.
Maxie: Okay, I think it started at this women's conference on spirituality that Lucy attended, and Kevin wanted to crash it, so he made Mac help him. But, look, drag or no drag, it's clear those four people have a lot of love between them. They're very lucky.
Dante: Where's Duke? I can't believe he missed that.
Anna: Oh, yeah. Duke? Oh, my God. Duke. Duke!
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