GH Transcript Monday 8/12/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 8/12/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Dr. Obrecht: This picture would be perfect -- if only our daughter and I were in it with you instead of this sow and her piglet. I am the one who loves you, will do anything for you, and still you pine for her. Still she spurns you. She cultivates happiness with others, and you -- you ignore me. This obsession with her must end. I shall be the one to end it.

[Lock disengaging]

[Door opens]

Britt: Oh, my God! Mother! [Sighs] You scared the hell out of me.

Dr. Obrecht: Language, Britta.

Britt: What are you doing here? What if my nosy roommates see you?

Sabrina: I'm excited to.

Felix: Ooh! Time for a confab.

Sabrina: What's so important?

Felix: The 411 on the Britt's mama brutchess.

Dr. Obrecht: Relax. Your flatmates were long gone before I let myself in.

Britt: You've just been sitting here in the dark?

Dr. Obrecht: I do my best thinking that way.

Britt: Whatever.

Dr. Obrecht: You should be grateful, schatzie. I was sitting in the dark when I had the brilliant idea to win Patrick over with a baby -- even one that isn't really his.

[Elevator bell dings]

Dante: Am I late?

Lulu: No. You're right on time.

Dante: That's just 'cause you got me here a half an hour early, didn't you?

Lulu: Mm, I may have given you some slight misinformation regarding the start time.

Dante: Yeah?

Lulu: Mm-hmm.

Dante: You're not even gonna apologize.

Lulu: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. No, I'm not, because I already missed Maxie's first childbirth class.

Dante: Yes, you did. You did. And I don't want to miss any more childbirthing classes. Spinelli has pinch-hit enough. This kid is liable to think that he's her father.

[Both chuckle]

Maxie: [Sighs]

Spinelli: What -- what are you doing?!

Maxie: What am I doing? What are you doing?

Spinelli: Protecting you and the baby! Nothing can happen to that child.

Maxie: [Sighs]

Lulu: Well, don't you worry. We are gonna make sure that our baby knows exactly who her dad is.

Dante: And her mom.

Lulu: Mm, along with various and sundry aunts, uncles, cousins.

Dante: Grandparents.

Lulu: Even those in absentia.

Anna Donely: [Chuckles] You're delusional, Mr. Spencer. Jerry Jacks isn't here.

Luke: Then why did your father withdraw that money?

Anna: Because he needed it.

Luke: For what? To bathe in? To buy Blarney Castle? Why?

Sean: Because of this!

Holly: My God! Is that what I think it is?

Luke: It's the cure.

Anna: I didn't think you'd be able to get out of work in time to come help with Mac and Felicia's party.

Duke: Ah, I thought it would be prudent if I left ELQ early. With all the upheaval over there, it's best if I keep a low profile. I wouldn't want to be wandering into Tracy's cross hairs.

Anna: What do you mean? What upheaval?

Duke: You haven't heard?

Anna: Mnh-mnh.

Duke: I may be out of a job, thanks to Ava Jerome.

Ava: Silas. I know you probably have some --

Silas: You read the news? Your little secret's out.

Michael: Stop!

Kiki: M -- Michael? What?

Michael: Don't, don't. You can't marry him.

Holly: Sean, you have to give that to us.

Sean: Have to? Are you sure?

Holly: That serum could save Luke's life. Without it, he'll die.

Anna Donely: I'm sorry. But we can't help you.

Dr. Obrecht: So tacky and cluttered. If you must live in a hovel, at least choose a better design scheme.

Britt: It's not my apartment.

Dr. Obrecht: You should be living with Patrick. [Sighs] Where were you tonight?

Britt: At the movies.

Dr. Obrecht: With Patrick?

Britt: With a friend.

Dr. Obrecht: Who is this friend? Answer your mother.

Britt: Nikolas Cassadine.

Dr. Obrecht: Again you let yourself be distracted. I thought the object was Patrick.

Britt: He's not an object, Mother. He's a man. One that's not in love with me, despite the baby I'm giving him.

Dr. Obrecht: Is it a wonder, with your defeatist attitude?

Britt: Okay, it's time I accepted reality, Mother. I don't think there's anything that can tear Patrick away from the swan princess.

Patrick: What's this about Britt's mom?

Felix: I may have hit pay dirt with the mother of dragons.

Sabrina: How?

Felix: I hired Spinelli to do some research for me.

Sabrina: You hired a PI?

Felix: Merry Christmas. You're welcome.

Sabrina: Felix, how much did you spend?

Felix: I hired Spinelli to check Brad's claim that Britt and her mom are using the baby as a scam. And Spinelli just called. He has news. We have to go meet him right now.

Patrick: I can't go meet him. I have childbirth class with Britt.

Sabrina: I'll meet up with you.

Felix: Okay, no problem. It'll give me time to decipher the Spinelli speak and get the pertinent information.

Sabrina: Thank you.

Felix: I'd do anything for love. It. Almost anything.

Spinelli: If you'd please allow me to help you!

Maxie: Not to be rude, but, no. I won't allow you to do anything. These decorations have to be placed just so.

Spinelli: Well, I'd be more than happy to follow your most meticulous instructions.

Maxie: You know why that won't work. I'm OCD when it comes to decorations. I end up being demanding and a teensy bit inconsiderate.

Spinelli: I think the word you're searching for is combative.

Maxie: My point exactly. I'm a control freak when it comes to weddings or, in this case, a pre-wedding celebration, which I will be even worse, because it's Mac and my mom, so I'm invested in the outcome.

Spinelli: All the more reason to accept assistance, lest you succumb to stress in your delicate condition.

Maxie: I'm pregnant, not disabled.

Spinelli: I would seriously doubt that your parents want you to run yourself ragged, okay, so close to your due date. Remember what Epiphany said?

Maxie: Cut it out, Spinelli. This is not your child.

Silas: Kiki is my daughter. Admit it.

Ava: I'm sorry to disappoint you, Silas. But just because some scandal-mongering rag prints a trumped-up story to sell papers doesn't make it true.

Silas: They ran a copy of the birth certificate.

Ava: Eh, they can forge that kind of thing. They'll print anything, you know. I have it on good authority that paper is about to go under.

Silas: A birth certificate listing me as the father.

Ava: [Chuckles] You can't possibly believe that's true.

Silas: Just stop! It's embarrassing!

Ava: You see? There you are, all worked up. Over nothing. I should sue. I really should. It's libelous.

Silas: You can't deny this anymore. It's time to come clean.

Ava: Fine. Is this the way you want it? So be it. Kiki is your daughter.

Michael: Kiki, you can't marry Morgan.

Kiki: Why? What's wrong?

Morgan: With him? I don't know. You'd have to ask a shrink. Better question is, what are you doing here?

Michael: Mac Scorpio told me you were getting married.

Morgan: Oh, you're worried about the best-man thing. I'm sorry, man. You know, it's funny, 'cause Kiki was actually worried about you not being here, too, and, uh, we just decided to keep this between us.

Michael: This has nothing to do with me being best man.

Kiki: Then what is it?

Michael: This.

Kiki: [Gasps]

Holly: Anna, we're desperate. What we haven't told you --

Luke: English, don't.

Holly: Is that Luke has been poisoned with polonium-210.

Anna Donely: I'm sorry to hear that.

Holly: Time is of the essence. The only way to save Luke is with that cure.

Anna: Look, it's not that we don't want to help.

Luke: No, it's that you won't!

Sean: No, we can't!

Anna: This is not a cure. It's a stopgap, a temporary measure.

Luke: And you know that how? Sean, are you a member of the polonium poison club?

Sean: How do you think I got into this chair?!

Anna: Ava Jerome, Dr. Clay. Really?

Duke: Yeah. That woman is full of surprises.

Anna: I wonder what else she's hiding. Do you suppose Dr. Clay is her silent partner?

Duke: I wouldn't know. I don't know the good doctor well enough.

Anna: Do you think he even knew he had a child with her? Wow. I remember when Robert found out about Robin. Yeah. He could have been really angry about all the lies and the amount of time he lost with his child. But he was really wonderful. Yeah. I'll always be grateful to him for that. Oh, sorry.

Duke: Don't apologize. You don't have to do that.

Anna: You know, I don't really feel sympathetic towards Ava, but I'm not in any position to judge her. Whatever reason she had for lying about her child's father, she's probably paying for it now.

Duke: Oh, I think her motives were pretty clear. She wanted Kiki to have a part of ELQ. But now that her lie's been exposed, Kiki's not a Quartermaine, and AJ is no longer CEO of ELQ, and yours truly may find himself on the dole.

Anna: No, nonsense. ELQ needs you. Maybe you can reason with Tracy.

[Both laugh]

Anna: Or maybe not.

Duke: Well, listen. The ax is not about to fall, so there's no sense in worrying about it. Besides -- come on. This is Felicia and Mac's night.

Anna: It is. It's gonna be really nice. It's lovely. Everyone all together again. Almost everyone.

Duke: I know. Robert really should be here.

Anna: Yeah. But he's not, is he? 'Cause of that Teutonic bitch. [Sighs]

Dr. Obrecht: The once-bespectacled milksop has proven to be a formidable competitor. You'll have to step up your game, Britta.

Britt: What more can I do? I'm giving him a baby. And he still can't take his eyes off Sabrina.

Dr. Obrecht: Oh, this whining is tedious. We should be discussing other things.

Sabrina: She has her hands wrapped around Patrick's heart. Not to mention Sabrina and the gay detective are watching my every move.

Dr. Obrecht: Perhaps we have gone about this the wrong way.

Britt: What do you mean?

Dr. Obrecht: We thought a baby would turn Patrick's head. But so far, you have failed to measure up to the twit's competition. Logically, the only thing left to do is eliminate the competition altogether.

Patrick: So, Felix is certainly going the distance.

Sabrina: You want him to back off?

Patrick: Look, I understand that you two are friends and that he cares about you, but Britt and the baby don't need any more added stress.

Sabrina: But don't you want to know if she's up to something?

Patrick: Yeah, of course, I do. I just -- I don't know what it would be or how her mother would be involved.

Dante: Your mom is off scouting spas, whatever that's supposed to mean.

Lulu: Uh, yeah, I don't know. Lots of mud packs. [Laughs]

Dante: Point is, she'll be here for the birth, and so will your dad, right?

Lulu: Yeah. Well, you know, my dad's time-management skills are unreliable. He could get caught up in something and three months will go by before he even notices.

Dante: You know what? He's always there for you, and he will be now.

Lulu: I refuse to spend the last couple days of our pregnancy wondering where my dad is. I have lots of homework to catch up on.

Dante: Aha! You know, I am way ahead of you.

Lulu: What is that?

Dante: These are Spinelli's notes. He actually took some pretty darn good notes.

Lulu: You have had this whole time, and you didn't tell me? Parents are supposed to be a team!

Dante: We are a team. But this player right here, he needed some extra prep time. So, give me those back, please. You think that's actually gonna work? Get over here.

Lulu: [Squeals, laughs] You better remember -- Maxie may be carrying this baby, but we are gonna raise her -- together.

Dante: Speaking of our surrogate --

Lulu: Mm-hmm.

Dante: Class is about to start. Where is she?

Spinelli: Yes, I know that the baby isn't mine, but I can't help worrying about both of you.

Maxie: I'm sorry, Spinelli. I shouldn't have snapped at you. It's probably just my hormones.

Spinelli: The fault is mine. I guess I got a little carried away after filling in for Dante at childbirth class. Absorbing all the information, you know, guiding you through mock labor -- I guess I just felt a little bit fatherly is all. [Chuckles]

Maxie: It's okay. All is forgiven. I should probably get to that birthing class.

Ava: Would you like a drink?

Silas: No. Does -- does Kiki even know about me?

Ava: No idea. If she does, she didn't hear it from me. But as you pointed out, it's all over the news. I imagine she's found out by now.

Kiki: Is this for real?

Morgan: Whoa, babe. That's -- that's crazy.

Gertie: That's where I know you from. The paper. I never forget a face.

Judge: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Look, I realize this is your courtroom, but could we please have a few minutes.

Judge: No problem, son. We were just about to take our break, weren't we, Gertie?

Morgan: No, no, no, no. You don't need to leave.

Judge: Don't worry. This is not the first time we've been through this. [Chuckles]

Kiki: [Sighs]

Morgan: Hey, babe? Are you okay?

Kiki: This doesn't make sense. I don't know what it means. What does it mean?

Michael: It means that you're not a Quartermaine. You never were.

Kiki: So, Franco is not Jason's brother? Was it just one of Franco's games?

Michael: Franco -- Franco is a Quartermaine. You're not.

Kiki: How does that even work?

Michael: Franco is not your father. Your -- your father is Silas Clay.

Luke: How did it happen?

Anna: A criminal named the Balkan targeted my father for execution. He's --

Luke: Yes, we know who he is.

Holly: How did you run afoul of him?

Anna: Back when my dad was still with the WSB, he shut down the Balkan's human-trafficking organization. Balkan paid him back by having him shot. He survived the bullet, but he became sick not long after.

Luke: Let me guess. He had a raft of symptoms seemingly unrelated to the gunshot wound.

Anna: The doctors couldn't figure it out at first. But then they zeroed in on the cause.

Holly: Polonium poisoning.

Anna: [Scoffs] They said the best they could do was make him comfortable. But he wasn't gonna accept that. My dad was gonna fight to save his life.

Luke: And so he did it -- by getting in touch with one of the Balkan's other victims, Jerry Jacks.

Anna: My dad's sources at the WSB put us on Jerry Jacks' trail. Last year, we caught up to him. Found out he was close to obtaining the cure from a third party. He lacked the funds to finalize the transaction, but he had a plan to obtain them.

Luke: You knew what he planned to unleash on Port Charles, and you just stood by?

Anna: We didn't have a choice.

Felix: Thanks for meeting me.

Spinelli: Oh, of course.

Felix: So, you got something on Britt's mother?

Spinelli: Do I ever.

Dr. Obrecht: It's a simple matter of expediency. When you encounter a hindrance, you take steps to have the hindrance removed.

Britt: Are you talking about killing Sabrina?

Dr. Obrecht: A person is capable of anything when pushed too far.

Britt: Not me. Maybe you. Daddy, definitely.

Dr. Obrecht: I don't appreciate your tone, Britta. Speak of your father respectfully or not at all.

Britt: After the way he's treated you?

Dr. Obrecht: Your father is a brilliant man, a shining light in a chaotic world. He has only so much of himself to give.

Britt: 'Cause he gave it all to the other woman.

Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs]

Anna: Frau Doctor Obrecht.

Duke: [Laughs] My warden and Faison's lieutenant. You know, the only thing she ever ate was sauerkraut. To this day, I can't bear the smell of cabbage.

Anna: Disgusting.

Duke: I can't imagine what would have happened to me if you and Robert hadn't found me.

Anna: Well, we did find you. And you are fine, thank God.

Duke: I wish it was Robert that was fine.

Anna: Stop it.

Duke: No, I mean it. For me to escape that captivity, but for him to find himself in another sort of prison, strapped to a bed in a coma. All because Obrecht overdosed him.

Anna: Yeah, I know. It's -- I know Robert. And he's too stubborn to die. Certainly not in that way. He'll wake up -- someday. And when he does, I'll have a gift for him -- Obrecht's head on a platter.

Dr. Obrecht: I hope you never know the pain of your own child's hurtful words. You can be so cruel, Britta.

Britt: Sorry, Mother. I just can't stand to hear you talk to so glowingly about a man who barely acknowledges you. I don't like seeing your love go unrequited.

Dr. Obrecht: Nor I yours. That's why we have a plan for Patrick.

Britt: My plan is to go to childbirth class, not to kill Sabrina. I just came for the pillow.

Dr. Obrecht: I'll lock up.

Britt: Yeah, soon. I don't want my roommates stumbling onto you.

Dr. Obrecht: Very soon. I have a schedule to keep and competition of my own to eliminate.

Kiki: That doctor is my father?

Michael: Yeah, um -- there's a copy of your birth certificate.

Kiki: In the paper?

Michael: Your father is Silas Clay.

Kiki: But -- but -- but my mom said that --

Michael: Your mom lied.

Kiki: [Sighs]

Michael: I confronted her, and she admitted it.

Kiki: I can't believe this.

Michael: I know it's a lot to take in, but we really should talk.

Morgan: Oh, we will.

Michael: I meant me and Kiki.

Morgan: Are you kidding me?

Michael: It will just take a minute.

Morgan: Fine. Knock yourself out.

Michael: [Sighs] I know -- I know the timing sucks, and I know you can't see it right now, but this changes a lot.

Kiki: I'm sorry. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel or what I'm supposed to do.

Michael: We'll figure it out, but right now, we need to talk before it's too late.

Kiki: Too late for what?

Michael: Too late for us. Look, we're not related. Okay, we never were. So it's okay for us to be together now, so just -- just call off the wedding.

Kiki: [Sighs]

Ava: I can only imagine what Kiki's going through. I didn't want her to find out this way.

Silas: Why? Why did you keep this secret for so long? Not just from her, but from me. Because you hated me that much?

Ava: No. Because I loved you that much.

Michael: Would you just tell Morgan it's over, okay? We'll tell him together.

Kiki: [Sighs] It's not that simple.

Michael: Okay, look, I don't want to hurt my brother, okay? And I know you don't want to hurt him, either, but wouldn't you be hurting a lot more people if you --

Kiki: Michael, I can't! We can't be together.

Michael: Why not?

Morgan: You almost done?

Michael: No. No, we're not done.

Morgan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, too bad, because I need my wife back. That's right. We're married. You gonna congratulate us?

Kiki: [Sighs]

Luke: Do you have any idea how many lives you let Jerry put at risk?

Anna Donely: It wasn't supposed to be that way. All that was supposed to happen was we would get enough money to save my dad's life.

Holly: Luke, Sean is obviously ill. Clearly they were desperate.

Luke: I know the feeling.

Anna: Jerry Jacks resurfaced after the dust cleared. But he couldn't show his face at the bank to obtain the money to make the transaction, so it was up to my dad.

Holly: So, he went to the bank, took the retinal scan, and then took control of the funds?

Anna: He was gonna make the exchange himself. But then his health started to go, so Jerry had to take the money to his contact to get the cure.

Luke: And you got it!

Sean: Yeah. It was never gonna be that easy.

Anna: We hit a snag.

Luke: What snag?

Spinelli: And that's all I've been able to ascertain thus far. It's interesting, don't you think?

Felix: [Sighs] Britt's been lying this whole time. We had no idea who her mother really is.

Britt: I don't see Spinelli. Going alone today?

Maxie: Dante and Lulu are here. I don't need Spinelli.

Britt: Oh. I guess a fake father is as good as the real one, in the end.

Dante: Hey. You're here. And, good, you brought the baby.

Maxie: [Laughs]

Britt: Oh, how chivalrous.

Dante: Yes. I'm on my best behavior today to set a good example for my daughter. She's gonna be in the room.

Sabrina: Hey, you okay?

Patrick: Yeah. No, I'm good.

Sabrina: Really? You seem a little off.

Patrick: Every time I see Britt, she's a little bit bigger, and it becomes a little more real. I'm gonna be a father again. Look, I get that Felix has suspicions, and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have my own, but there's a baby coming, and I can't treat it any way other than -- than my own.

Sabrina: Even if it ends up hurting you in the end?

Patrick: Even if.

Sabrina: See, this is why I love you.

Britt: [Clears throat] Um --

Sabrina: Have fun in class.

Patrick: Okay.

Britt: Ready?

Patrick: Yes. Came prepared.

Britt: I wasn't sure you'd remember.

Patrick: Well, this baby is just as much mine as it is yours, so I'm not gonna leave either one of you hanging.

Lulu: Hey.

Maxie: Oh, my gosh.

Dante: You want to hold onto my arm or something?

Maxie: Believe it or not, you guys, I'm completely capable of sitting myself.

Lulu: Can you please let us help you, okay? This is what we are here for, and I am so sorry about missing it --

Maxie: No more apologies. They're stressing me out. And at least this time the three of us -- I mean, the four of us -- are here together.

Lulu: I just wish I had some idea of what I'm supposed to be doing.

Dante: Aha!

Maxie: Just follow my lead. I'm a pro at it by now.

Dante: So am I, thanks to Spinelli's notes. I've been up studying every night.

Maxie: What do you mean, Spinelli's notes?

Lulu: Oh, they are amazing. Spinelli cited sources and everything. By the time he and Ellie get pregnant, he'll be teaching this class.

[Both chuckle]

Silas: You never told me we shared a daughter because you love me so much.

Ava: Which part don't you believe?

Silas: All of it! The last time we talked about Kiki, you threatened to cut me. Was that because you loved me so much? Hmm?

Ava: Passion isn't always a pretty emotion. And I'm extremely passionate about you, Silas.

Silas: [Scoffs] Oh, are you? [Sighs]

Ava: Oh, you can't possibly doubt my feelings for you -- after everything we've been through. You knew very well how much I loved you. And you loved me back in equal measure.

Michael: You guys are already married.

Morgan: Oh, you didn't pick up on that, huh? That's understandable. You've been distracted, and, besides, we haven't gotten our rings yet.

Michael: When did this happen?

Morgan: Just now. And thank you, by the way, for showing us that newspaper article. Kiki and I will deal with that together as husband and wife.

Michael: I had no idea you were getting married today.

Morgan: Spur of the moment.

Michael: Okay, so why the sudden hurry?

Morgan: Well, we love each other. We got the license. There was no reason to wait.

Michael: [Chuckles] You knew about this, Morgan, didn't you?

Holly: I don't understand. If you and Jerry got the money, where's the cure?

Luke: And what's this stopgap?

Anna: When Jerry Jacks went to make the buy, he was told production on the cure had been stopped. Some kind of snafu. They had a temporary measure -- a serum that could hold the effects of the polonium temporarily at bay while they continued to work towards a real cure.

Luke: How do you know he isn't just conning you?

Anna: The serum works. I'd have lost my father a long time ago if not for this medicine.

Holly: What about your mother? Where's Tiffany?

Anna: She doesn't trust Mr. Jacks, or his mysterious doctors. She's in London -- seeking an alternative cure, but so far there's been no progress.

Luke: Okay, look. You tell me where Jerry Jacks is, and I'll get that cure for both of us.

Silas: You know better than to put words in my mouth.

Ava: If you don't like my take on our relationship, give me yours. Tell me how much you didn't love me. What's the matter? You don't have the words? Of course. You never really were one for talking.

Morgan: What are you talking about?

Michael: You rushed the wedding.

Morgan: I wanted to marry my girl, and I bet you'd do the same if you found someone you cared about as much.

Michael: Or you read the paper, and you wanted to tie Kiki down before she found out.

Morgan: Okay, first of all, that's not what happened. Second, why do I care if Kiki saw the paper? What does it matter if she's not a Quartermaine?

Michael: Because it changes things.

Morgan: For who?

Michael: For Kiki.

Morgan: What things? Kiki married me. She loves me. She chose me. She wants to be with me. Not you, Michael. Whether you're her cousin or not, it doesn't matter. Doesn't make a difference. Right, Kiki?

Kiki: [Sighs] Did you know?

Nurse: I know that epiphany pretty much covered everything, of all the basics, so today why don't we focus on labor and delivery? Labor is just what it sounds like -- hard work. And between contractions, a massage from your birthing partner can really help. Why don't you demonstrate?

Maxie: A little lower. To the left. Yep. [Sighs] Wow. You have been doing your homework.

[Both chuckle]

Lulu: Don't get too used to it.

Nurse: Good. Good. Now, the important thing to remember is to be supportive. Tell the mother she's doing great. Tell her how much you love her and your baby. And when she's scared, soothe her, breathe with her. That's it.

Lulu: You are, without a doubt, the best friend in the world.

Maxie: [Chuckles]

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Dante: You are gonna get the baby through this like a champ. We know it.

Patrick: I know this has been a long nine months, and it's been hard on you, but -- it's gonna be worth it when we have our baby.

Nurse: Up on the shoulders to relax. Good. Lower back.

Sabrina: Hey. Okay. What's the news on Britt's mother?

Spinelli: Well, as I was just explaining to Felix, I was able to find Britt's birth certificate in Switzerland. And her mother's name was given, but her father's was absent, and he remains a mystery.

Sabrina: Okay, so, who is Britt's mother?

Spinelli: One Liesl Westbourne.

Duke: Any word on Obrecht?

Anna: Technically, she's out of my jurisdiction.

Duke: Oh, that's never stopped you before.

Anna: I know. I've done a little digging. Yeah. Um, talked to some people over at the WSB.

Duke: And?

Spinelli: The daughter of simple Bernese ski instructors -- Swiss pot heads -- she rebelled against their carefree ways, excelling at piano, orienteering, animal husbandry. She had a great aptitude for science, graduating with honors from the Biozentrum, a research institute at the University of Basel.

Felix: Lady don't play.

Spinelli: Yes and no. I mean, she was certainly a diligent student, but she was later stripped of her medical license for performing unethical, unsanctioned, dangerous experiments on live patients.

Sabrina: I'm sorry, what?

Spinelli: How's your German?

Anna: Liesl Obrecht is a bit of a cipher. I managed to get hold of her employment records, and she was working at that Swiss clinic for quite some time.

Duke: And before that?

Anna: Nothing. I mean, it's almost as if, prior to the clinic, she didn't even exist.

Duke: Hmm.

Felix: Tell her the rest.

Spinelli: That's it. Besides her name on Britt's birth certificate, I can find no evidence of Liesl Westbourne elsewhere. It's as if after she had her medical license stripped, she just ceased to exist.

Sabrina: I know this woman.

Dr. Obrecht: We could have been a family, Cesar. [Sighs] You, me, Britta. But you chose Anna Devane's family instead. Fortunately there's still time to change your mind. Little Robin is in the hands of Jerry Jacks now. [Chuckles] And soon your fixation on Anna will be dead -- along with her. [Chuckles]

Ava: [Gasps]

Silas: No. I will not let you distract me.

Ava: Don't be mean.

Silas: You've been lying to me for 21 years. No more. Kiki's part of my life now, whether you like it or not.

Ava: Just so we're clear -- this could ruin us both.

Silas: So be it.

Ava: [Sighs]

Kiki: Did you know?

Morgan: Babe -- I -- I mean, you've been, like, 10 different people since I've known you. At first, you were this -- you were this little light on my screen. Jerome-around-the-world. And then you were this gorgeous girl, Kiki Jerome. And then you were an heiress, Lauren Frank. And now -- I don't even -- I don't even know. You're some doctor's daughter? I don't care. I just want you.

Kiki: But you do know how much I hate it when my mom lies to me, so please tell me that you haven't been lying to me, that you didn't know.

Morgan: You know -- [Sighs] It's really a shame that this had to come out on our big day, but I'm not gonna let anything ruin this for us, okay? Not your mom's lies, not my brother's interruptions. So, please, we'll roll with this, okay? But for now, it's time to leave. After all, babe, it's our wedding night. And I -- I'm excited to celebrate it with you. Okay? Come on.

Michael: [Sighs]

Nurse: And that's as far as General Hospital can take you. The next part, parenting, that's on you. Questions? Talk to me.

Maxie: I can't believe I'm gonna do all that. [Chuckles]

Lulu: Neither can we. What you're giving us, it's a debt that we can never repay.

Maxie: [Sighs]

Dante: We'll always be grateful.

Maxie: Guys, it's really okay.

Lulu: No. It's a miracle. You're making our dreams come true.

Britt: What's wrong?

Patrick: Nothing. [Sighs] It's just -- we're really doing this. We're bringing a life into the world.

Britt: Yeah, we are.

Patrick: Truth is, I can't wait. Falling in love -- with our baby.

Britt: [Sighs] Patrick --

Patrick: Yeah?

Britt: [Sighs] I need to tell you something.

Felix: You've known Britt's mother all along?

Sabrina: No, but I've seen her.

Spinelli: Where?

Sabrina: The other day, here in town, at Kelly's, with Britt. And she's a lot older and looks a bit different, but this is -- this is definitely her.

Anna Donely: We appreciate the help, but if you've got the same thing dad does, it won't be long before you're in a wheelchair, too.

Luke: I can stagger on a little longer. I have enough strength in me to find that bastard Jerry.

Sean: No. No. No. It's "we." Not you. It's we!

Anna: Dad, no.

Sean: It's we!

Luke: All right! I'll find him, and I'll bring him back, and we will have the cure.

Sean: Deal?

Luke: Deal!

Sean: Deal! Have a swig of this before you leave.

Luke: Can he spare it?

Anna: His condition is stable for now. And if that'll help you find the cure, then take it.

Luke: I'll be back, Sean.

Sean: All right. It's a deal. And don't blow it.

Anna: Liesl Obrecht has managed to elude the authorities for quite some time.

Duke: Yes, but you are an authority, and I'm sure you will find a way to bring her to justice.

Anna: Obrecht is a dangerous woman. And God knows what she's capable of or who's gonna fall victim to her next.

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