GH Transcript Friday 8/9/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 8/9/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Holly: I'm not so sure about is, Luke. I mean, just waltzing up to the house? I mean, if Jerry's alive and working with one of our old friends --

Luke: Holly, they'd be fools to let on unless they know they've been made. Now, the trail leads here -- we know that -- as much as I'm sure you wish it didn't.

Holly: [Sighs] The only thing that matters is getting you better.

Luke: Thank you. We have to handle this very carefully. You with me?

Holly: Always.

Luke: Okay. Let's do it. Hello. Uh, is the master of the house in? Do they still speak English in Ireland?

[Footsteps approach]

Anna Donely: Indeed they do. Who are you, and why are you bothering my groundskeepers?

Luke: Uh, well, actually, we're looking for an old friend. His name is Sean Donely.

Sam: Hi. Thank you so much for coming. It's just right through the doors right there. Thank you. Thanks.

Alexis: Hi.

Sam: Hey, Mom.

Alexis: Okay, I made the runs at Kelly's.

Sam: And what about the Floating Rib?

Alexis: Did I tell you I was going there?

Sam: No, you smell like barbecue sauce.

Alexis: That's music to everyone's ears. All right, I think I convinced three people to get tested. How'd the turnout go here?

Sam: Uh, you know, it's, uh -- it's not as bad as I thought.

Alexis: Could have been better?

Sam: Yeah, Mom. It could -- it could have been better. I think the turnout would have been great if it hadn't been for Derek Wells.

Derek: [Sighs]

[Door opens]

Ava: What the hell do you think you're doing, Julian?

Derek: At the moment, trying to pinpoint where Sonny's cover business is most vulnerable. As you know, phase 2 is --

Ava: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about this.

Kiki: You want to get married right now?

Morgan: Yeah! Why not? I mean, we both know what we want. Let's just get it done. Let's make our love official.

Kiki: Morgan, I don't think we should do that.

Morgan: Why?

Kiki: Because of Michael!

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Michael: Very subtle, Tracy, just in case anyone missed it, right?

[Doorbell rings]

Michael: Dr. Clay.

Silas: You're Danny's cousin, right?

Michael: Uh, yeah. Michael Corinthos. Can -- can I help you with something?

Silas: You think maybe I could come in?

Michael: Yeah, sure.

Silas: Thanks.

Michael: So, uh, did you need something, or...

Silas: Yeah, I guess I was hoping to find -- I mean, I'm looking for, uh...

Michael: You know, forget it. I'm pretty sure we're here for the same reason, aren't we?

Elizabeth: You and AJ are both strong people, but you could be so much stronger together. Just give him a chance. Please, Tracy. Make peace with AJ before your prediction comes true and he really self-destructs. You know, he told me that recently you've had a few human moments, that not only did you admit to being family, you said it actually meant something. Well, here's your chance to prove it. Just stop treating AJ like an enemy and start treating him as family.

AJ: Are you seriously telling me to start over, start a new company?! ELQ was my grandfather's! It represents everything that I've ever wanted to be!

Connie: Sometimes you have to start over, AJ. Trust me.

AJ: Trust you?! Trust you? I blame you, damn it. I blame you and you alone for everything, for destroying my life!

Sonny: Get your hands off her, AJ! I mean it. Let her go, or I will kill you where you stand.

Derek: Who would have thought Connie Falconeri isn't just the head case in heels. She actually came through. Do you know that places all over town are selling out? We maintain this kind of interest, press might just be sticking around.

Ava: I don't care about your stupid paper, Julian! This -- this right here may have just ruined everything for me!

Alexis: I really shouldn't have been so hard on Derek Wells. I mean, I ripped into him so badly that Mac had to intervene.

Sam: Of course, you should have been hard on Derek Wells. And Mac should have let you intervene.

Alexis: No, he shouldn't have. This donor drive is personal to us, right?

Sam: Yeah.

Alexis: But Derek Wells doesn't know Danny from Adam. It's business to him.

Sam: We're talking about a little boy's life compared to, what, one day of circulation?

Alexis: It still did make it into the paper, albeit not the front page. But then again, how can we compete with -- what is that? -- Oh, "Kiki is not a Q!" What does that even mean? What? So, Franco's not her father?

Sam: Wait a minute. You didn't read it?

Alexis: I was busy.

Sam: [Clears throat] No. Franco is not Kiki's father.

Alexis: Scandalous. But since I live in a glass house, I'm not one to throw stones. So, I give. Who's the father?

Sam: Uh... you're never gonna guess this one. Silas Clay.

Michael: So, I take it you're looking for Kiki?

Silas: Yeah. It's a hell of a story, isn't it?

Michael: Yeah, talk about pulling the rug from under us, huh? Or, uh, you, rather.

Silas: Yeah, well, you know, the minute I found out Ava had a daughter, I knew something was up.

Michael: Wait. But before that?

Silas: No clue.

Michael: Wait, so Ava was -- was lying to you, too, this whole time?

Silas: Obviously I wasn't the only one.

Morgan: Michael? That -- that's the reason? I thought we put that behind us.

Kiki: That's not what I meant.

Morgan: He's your cousin, Kiki!

Kiki: I know that, Morgan!

Morgan: There can't be anything between you, like, legally or whatever.

Kiki: And there isn't!

Morgan: Okay, not now and not ever!

Kiki: Right! Mikey and I are related! We can't be together!

Morgan: But we -- we can. So why are you letting Michael keep us from getting married?

Tracy: AJ means a great deal to you.

Elizabeth: Yes, he does.

Tracy: As evidenced by your impassioned defense, which I found...touching and persuasive.

Elizabeth: You did? Does that mean you're in? You'll team up with AJ and let him work with you at ELQ?

Tracy: How should I put this? "Hell no"?

Elizabeth: What?!

Tracy: No. As in, I will not be RSVPing to your little pity party. AJ got exactly what was coming to him.

Elizabeth: Oh, my God. Where is your compassion?!

Tracy: It's right here! I just refuse to waste it! Oh, do not shake your head at me. If AJ self-destructs because he lost a battle of wits, then that's sad. But guess what. [Chuckles] It's not my problem. It is, however, yours. Cheers.

Connie: [Chokes]

AJ: Well, well, well. If it isn't Sonny and his trusty sidekick -- a gun.

Sonny: I'm not gonna ask you again.

Connie: [Chokes] [Wheezes] [Coughing]

Sonny: You all right?

Connie: I'm fine. I'm fine. [Coughs]

AJ: I bet you are, huh? Must be on top of the world, huh, given that I'm -- I'm at the bottom.

Sonny: I don't care where you are. I don't care where you've been. Never have. Never will.

AJ: Oh, that's bull! That's bull! Because for the first time in -- oh, I don't know -- forever, my life was on the upswing. I had my son and my company, and you couldn't stand it. So you sent your little girlfriend in to blow it up.

Connie: I told you already, AJ. Running that story was my decision. Sonny had nothing to do with it. So if you want to blame someone, you blame me.

AJ: Oh, don't worry, honey. I do blame you.

Luke: Sean Donely. This is his last-known address.

Holly: It's really important that we talk to him.

Anna Donely: Why? What do you want with my father?

Luke: Your father?

Anna: I'm Anna Donely.

Luke: Oh, well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Donely. Perhaps he's mentioned us. This is Holly Sutton.

Holly: Hello.

Anna: And you are?

Luke: Luke Spencer.

Anna: The man who shot my father, leaving him temporarily paralyzed?

Luke: It was an accident.

Holly: I promise Luke wouldn't have shot your father on purpose.

Anna: It doesn't matter. You've wasted a trip. My father is not here.

Luke: Oh, Sean's not in. Would you mind if we waited?

Anna: [Scoffs] He and my mom are out of the country -- indefinitely.

Holly: Oh, we'd be so disappointed not to see them.

Anna: I'll be sure to tell them you stopped by.

Luke: [Chuckles] Would it be okay if we came in?

Holly: Just for a moment.

Anna: I'm a little busy, but... fine.

Holly: Well, at least we're in.

Luke: Yeah. So far, so good.

Holly: Luke, Sean's daughter hiding Jerry? It doesn't make any sense.

Luke: Holly, you saw the security footage. Sean transferred Jerry's money into a dummy account in Australia months ago. He's not guilt-free.

Holly: So, what now?

Luke: We look for an opportunity to split up and case the joint.

Anna: Please, both of you, have a seat.

Luke: Uh... [Chuckles] Would it be an imposition if I used the facilities first? We stopped at a few pubs along the way.

Anna: It's the first door on the right.

Luke: Oh. Thank you very much.

Holly: Well, I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to meet you, Anna, and to hear that your parents are still going strong.

Anna: You're not that good, you know.

Holly: Excuse me?

Anna: My parents taught me how to spot a scam, like the one you and Luke are trying to run on me right now. So, what do you say we take this from the top? Why are you here?

Derek: I-I'm sorry. You -- you've lost me. How does outing your daughter as Silas Clay's kid destroy anything? As far as I'm concerned, it fid our predicament.

Ava: Oh. As long as you're happy. Isn't that right, Julian? Who gives a damn if the bottom just dropped out from under me!

Derek: The plan was for you to take over ELQ so we could use it as the front for our new operation. Hey, listen, the gallery was sufficient for a time, but, uh, you know, we're rapidly outgrowing that.

Ava: Ava Jerome.

Derek: What the hell are you doing?

Ava: I'm introducing myself. Apparently we've never met. Why are you speaking to me as if I don't know any of this?

Derek: Hey, I'm just trying to figure out how we landed on vastly different pages here.

Ava: I aligned myself with Tracy, didn't I?

Derek: To channel money through the company under the guise of, uh, what was the title, exactly?

Ava: Director of special projects.

Derek: Ah, yes. And that is still on the table, correct?

Ava: Most likely.

Derek: Well, why don't you confirm that? Better use of your time than biting my head off, hmm?

Ava: If you're waiting for an apology, hold your breath.

Derek: I'm waiting for you to make sense. Printing this story ensured that Tracy, and therefore, you, came out ahead -- something I thought we both wanted.

Ava: We do.

Derek: And you do know who your daughter's father was, right?

Ava: Of course, I did.

Derek: Which means you had the information to save yourself, make sure the vote went your way. So, the question is... why didn't you use it?

Alexis: I wasn't aware that Dr. Clay and Ava Jerome know each other.

Sam: Yeah. Intimately, apparently.

Alexis: And so, how long was he gonna keep this secret?

Sam: Silas had no idea.

Alexis: So he just found out like the rest of us -- from the paper?

Sam: Yeah, Mom. It was pretty intense.

Alexis: Huh. Well, the situations aren't exactly the same. Nonetheless, I can relate. How is Silas doing?

Sam: I don't know. When he read the article, he -- he ran off to go find his daughter.

Kiki: When I said we shouldn't get married because of Michael, I meant because he's your best man. Don't you want him at the wedding?

Morgan: Yeah, I-I-I'm sorry I didn't realize. I didn't mean to jump down your throat.

Kiki: I just thought that when you asked him to stand up at your wedding, I thought it was to make peace and bury the hatchet.

Morgan: It was.

Kiki: Where? In his back?

Michael: Wait, what do you mean? Who else besides Ava knew that Kiki wasn't my cousin?

[Door opens]

Michael: Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: Have you seen your dad?

Michael: I thought he was with you.

Elizabeth: He was, and then Tracy showed up, so you can imagine how that went.

Michael: Right, so I guess everyone's read the news now.

Elizabeth: Oh, yeah, I'm sure Tracy is wallpapering the house with it as we speak.

Silas: Sorry, would you mind if I had a little look around?

Michael: Uh, yeah. Sure.

Elizabeth: Proceed at your own risk.

Silas: Thank you. I will.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Michael: Okay, so if AJ's gone, then why did you stick around?

Elizabeth: I was trying to reason with Tracy. I know. It was pointless. But I'm really worried about your dad. He was livid when he stormed out of here...

Elizabeth: This is just a setback, AJ. You've dealt with worse. You can deal with this. We'll figure it out, okay?

AJ: Please, don't try and spin this, all right? I know when I'm done. But I'll tell you one thing -- I'm not gonna be the only one!

Elizabeth: ...Especially with Connie.

Michael: Wait, you don't think he went to my dad's, do you?

Sonny: AJ, you don't come into my house, making threats, raising your voice. Do you understand me?

AJ: What I understand is your little girlfriend here tried to sabotage me.

Sonny: All she did was print the truth!

AJ: By putting it on the front page to humiliate me! You could have given me a shot. You could have given me time to regroup, to fix this, to talk to Lucy Coe and try and get her share!

Sonny: Shut up!

AJ: No! But instead, you blindsided me!

Connie: I wasn't think about you!

AJ: No, you weren't thinking about anyone but yourself! Me and my relationship with my son -- that was a distant thought!

Connie: That doesn't have to change anything between you and Michael.

AJ: [Scoffs] Why? 'Cause you're such a good parent?

Sonny: Hey, hey.

AJ: From what I hear, you left your kid to die after they were born, and then a few years later, you finished him off!

Sonny: I said shut up!

Holly: I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.

Anna: Oh, don't insult me. My parents warned me about Luke Spencer. And they didn't think that highly of you, either.

Luke: I said get your hands off me!

Anna: What's going on?

Man: I found him in your father's office.

Luke: I was looking for the toilet.

Man: In the desk drawers?

Anna: All right. I've had enough. Tell me what the hell you're up to.

Luke: Not until we speak to your father.

Anna: For the last time, he's not here.

Luke: I think you're misinformed. Hello, Sean. Long time, no see.

Sonny: You never change, AJ. You come into my house, insulted me. You want me to ignore that, huh? Hiding behind my son?

AJ: He's my son.

Sonny: Oh, yeah? He's the only reason you're still breathing, you pathetic son of a bitch.

Connie: Sonny, don't! Stop it!

Elizabeth: Sonny! What's happening?!

Sonny: Okay, Elizabeth. Okay, hold on. I got it. He broke into the house, threatening Connie, and he wouldn't shut his big mouth, so I had to shut it for him.

Michael: Did he hurt you?

Sonny: No, he was choking -- he was choking her.

Connie: I'm fine.

Michael: I'm sorry that --

Sonny: You don't have to apologize for him! You're not responsible for his stupidity!

Elizabeth: We need to get him to the hospital.

AJ: I'm fine. I'm fine.

Elizabeth: No, no, no, no. You need stitches. AJ, please just -- just --

Sonny: Mike, get him out of here. I don't want him -- I don't want him here again.

AJ: Big man giving orders to my son like you got any right. You see this, Connie, huh? This is all your fault.

Elizabeth: AJ, AJ, stop. Stop.

Michael: Come on. Come on.

AJ: No. No. You did this, Connie. Sonny ran this article 'cause he -- he wanted to ruin me!

Sonny: Michael, don't want you in the middle. Now, you get him out of here, 'cause I don't want him around here again. You understand me?

Elizabeth: Come on. Let's just go.

Michael: I understand.

AJ: Michael, listen to me. It was his fault! Michael, they set me up!

Connie: No, that is wrong! Michael, you need to listen to me. Sonny had nothing to do with that article. It was my decision, and mine alone.

AJ: Fine. Fine. This was your decision? Then you'll pay for it all alone. You'll pay for this, Connie. I promise you.

Michael: Let's go.

Elizabeth: Come on, come on.

Silas: Hi.

Tracy: Who the hell are you?

Silas: I'm Silas Clay.

Tracy: I'm so sorry. Of course, you are. I should have recognized you. Please, have a seat.

Silas: No, thank you.

Tracy: What are you drinking?

Silas: Nothing for me. Thanks.

Tracy: Oh, please. It's the least I can do after what you've done for me. Knocking up Ava Jerome all those years ago -- gave me the perfect opportunity to take back what was mine. Cheers.

Ava: Why do you think I didn't tell the truth?

Derek: I don't know. That's why I'm asking.

Ava: [Sighs] I didn't want Silas to figure out he's Kiki's father.

Derek: Because an alleged serial killer was a superior role model?

Ava: It had nothing to do with Franco.

Derek: Then what did it have to do with? I mean, what's so terrible that you would risk sabotaging everything we've worked for?

Tracy: I don't understand why Ava didn't tell me the truth. I mean, it was to her advantage at first for everybody to think that Kiki was a Quartermaine, but once Ava sided with me against AJ, revealing that my "niece" wasn't Franco's would have saved a boatload of trouble.

Silas: Well, I'm not sure why Ava insisted on lying. But I intend to find out.

Ava: I don't owe you any explanations about my personal life.

Derek: Well, it doesn't really matter now, does it? The truth is out. I fixed everything. You're welcome.

Ava: Go to hell.

[Door closes]

Derek: [Sighs] [Sighs]

Alexis: Hey, you know this is backwards, right?

Mac: Why?

Alexis: Why? Because you're getting married tomorrow, and you should be receiving gifts, not giving them.

Sam: I cannot thank you enough for getting tested.

Mac: Felicia and I want to do anything we can to help.

Alexis: You know what? I saw Felicia while you were parking the car, and she's glowing.

Mac: [Chuckles]

Alexis: You, too, by the way.

Mac: Oh, that's just my new moisturizer.

Alexis: You seem more in love than ever.

Mac: It's true.

Alexis: I'm happy for you.

Mac: Thanks.

Alexis: So, are you ready?

Mac: Well, we crossed the final task off the list today. We got the marriage license. In fact, that's why we were late getting here. You know, I thought I'd avoid the long lines by getting to the courthouse early. [Chuckling] Turns out a lot of people had the same idea.

Morgan: Yeah, I wanted Mikey to be my best man back when we were planning this big wedding, when we were gonna invite friends and family and all that. But now if he comes, it's just gonna be us three. And I'm sorry. I don't know if I've buried the hatchet that deep yet. Isn't that weird to you, too?

Kiki: Yeah, I guess.

Morgan: You know, and if Mikey comes, there's gonna be all this family drama. My mom's gonna freak out, insisting that she come.

Kiki: Why? She hates me.

Morgan: She's gonna ask me to tell everybody else -- Dad, Dante, Lulu, Joss, Kristina, Molly.

Kiki: That's not an intimate wedding.

Morgan: Exactly. And let's not forget about your father. We don't know when he's gonna get out of the hospital. And I don't want to wait. I don't want to wait, because none of it, none of them matters. You're all that matters. You said you love me. You said you were ready. So marry me. Right here. Right now.

Sean: [Groans]

Anna: Dad. You shouldn't have risked it. I was getting rid of them.

Sean: I know, I know, I know.

Luke: We'll go as soon as I get some answers.

Anna: He doesn't have any.

Luke: Oh, I think he does.

Holly: Luke, this isn't fair to Sean or his daughter. I think we --

Luke: Tell me where to find Jerry Jacks.

Anna: Jerry Jacks is dead, last I heard. Caught in some boat explosion.

Luke: Yes. But not before he extorted $88 million from Port Charles' one-percenters and funneling it into a bank in Switzerland.

Anna: So what?

Luke: So, Jerry didn't withdraw the money. Your father did.

Connie: [Sighs]

Sonny: You sure you're all right?

Connie: I'm fine.

Sonny: Maybe not physically.

Connie: You shouldn't have hit him like that, Sonny.

Sonny: He's lucky that's all I did.

Connie: [Chuckles] It was so surreal, slamming in here, screaming at me.

Sonny: Yeah.

Connie: Guess I had it coming though, huh?

Sonny: Why would you say that?

Connie: Because I aired AJ's dirty laundry. And he did the same to me. I printed his truth in this newspaper. He threw my truth in my face.

Sonny: Hey. You didn't kill your son. He just made it sound that way.

Connie: I'm just really glad that you got here when you did, Sonny.

Sonny: Well, when I heard the message and, you know, I heard AJ yelling at you --

Connie: I thought you were ignoring my calls.

Sonny: Yeah. I was. But Olivia, uh, convinced me to hear you out.

Connie: Oh, did she?

Sonny: What?

Connie: I just think it's predictable. One fight and -- what? -- You just run right into Olivia's arms?

AJ: Sonny and Connie -- there's a match made in hell.

Elizabeth: The idea is to stop the bleeding. You understand that, right? Popping a vein is not gonna help your situation. You need to breathe. Come on. Breathe in and out. Here. Hold this for me.

AJ: Ah.

Elizabeth: I need to get a doctor to do your sutures. Can you try to keep him calm?

Michael: Do my best.

[Door closes]

Michael: Okay, look, I understand you're upset, but there's a lot better way of handling this.

AJ: I'm sorry that you got dragged into this, Michael --

Michael: I understand how important ELQ was to you, but you can't break into my father's house or anyone's house.

AJ: This isn't just about ELQ! This is about you and me. This is about two generations running the family business side by side. Don't you get it, man? This was my chance to prove to -- [Sighs]

Michael: Prove what?

AJ: [Sighs] It was my chance to prove to you that I'm worthy. [Sighs]

Michael: You don't need ELQ for that. You wanted us to start over, to get to know each other, right? It took awhile for you to convince me, but you didn't give up, and you didn't go away. I'm -- I'm not going away, either.

AJ: Tracy must be having a field day with this. God, my -- my mom, you know... she hasn't been this happy in so long, you know. She -- she's so proud.

Michael: Yeah, she was happy for you. She wanted you to have something that you -- you cared about. So do I. Just...I swear, if I knew that Kiki wasn't my cousin, I would have done something.

AJ: Oh.

Michael: Here.

AJ: God. Ow. Damn it. Michael, I'm sorry. I... [Sighs] You know, I've been so wrapped up in Connie, I-I didn't even think what this means to you. I mean, Kiki's not a Quartermaine. You guys can be together now.

Michael: Except that she's marrying my brother.

Morgan: So, what do you say? You want to Jerome around the world together for the rest of our lives?

Michael: Sorry. I wrecked things with you guys.

Kiki: You didn't wreck it. Morgan is still Morgan. And I will get to that place, that crush that I had on him. I will. It'll grow into something even more.

Michael: So, that's as good as it gets? You learn to love him someday? Are you sure that that's enough?

Kiki: It'll have to be.

Kiki: Okay.

Morgan: Yeah?

Kiki: Yeah, let's do it. Let's get married.

[Both laugh]

Tracy: You sure I can't entice you?

Silas: Yes, I'm sure. I really just came to see Kiki. Is she here?

Tracy: Well, you could try the boathouse. Her boyfriend turned it into a love nest.

Silas: The boathouse. Is that --

Tracy: Use the terrace doors. It's faster. Through the rose garden and head straight for the water.

Silas: Right.

Tracy: [Chuckles] Geez. Not what you'd call sociable. [Laughs] Excuse me?

Ava: Ugh. Turndown service, my ass. You stole that birth certificate out of my room, and you gave it to Connie Falconeri. How could you?!

Tracy: How could I? How could you?! We were partners! This whole time, you held the key to us winning that vote, and you never said a damn word!

Ava: I had my reasons.

Tracy: Really? Well, I guess those reasons just cost you a job at my company!

Mac: I'm gonna wait in line with Felicia. Fingers crossed.

Alexis: Thank you so much.

Mac: Thank me when I'm a match.

Sam: Wouldn't that be something? Someone like Mac? I mean, that would be a long shot. I mean, friends, family, strangers -- everyone is a long shot at this point.

Alexis: Hey, hey, hey.

Sam: What?

Alexis: Listen to me. You need to stay positive. I know you're tired of me saying that.

Sam: Mom, you have read the stats, right?

Alexis: Yes.

Sam: The best chance I had was a family member.

Alexis: Have. Have.

Sam: The best chance we have is a family member. And, Mom, we're out.

Alexis: Listen to me. I have faith, enough for both of us. Family member or not, there's going to be someone in this hospital that will be a match for Danny.

Anna: What is this?

Luke: That's a retinal scan, the one your father used when he accepted the withdrawal of a great deal of money.

Anna: How did you get this? These are confidential bank records.

Holly: We have our ways. You of all people should know that, Sean.

Sean: You got me.

Luke: Does your daughter know what you been up to, Sean?

Anna: Nothing. My father's done nothing wrong.

Luke: Your father and I are very much alike when it comes to money. We're both hard-ass, greedy bastards. We always have been. We always will be. I'll tell you what I think happened. Jerry got sick. He came to you for a cure and made a deal. How am I doing so far?

Sean: Just dandy.

Derek: Well, I was right.

Sam: Mr. Wells?

Derek: You two really do look alike, especially side by side. That must be why you seemed, uh, so familiar to me last night.

Alexis: Mr. Wells is quite the charmer. He thinks that I'm young enough to be your sister.

Derek: [Chuckles] All true. And, please, call me Derek.

Sam: Okay, Derek. What are you doing here?

Ava: No, Tracy. We had an agreement, didn't we? I vote Franco's proxy on your behalf, and you put me in charge of special projects, which we can agree is not that big a deal. It's not like I asked to be co-CEO.

Tracy: No. Unlike some people. But while we're on the subject, why did you aim your sights so low? Is that really what you want to do with your time? Coordinate with charities and plan team-building retreats?

Ava: I held up my end. Now you hold up yours.

Tracy: You lied to me! Why on earth would I hire you if I can't trust you?

Ava: Because if you don't, my vote -- Franco's vote -- goes to AJ. That's right. Your nephew will be in charge again so fast, it'll make your head spin. So, do we still have a deal?

Michael: Morgan loves Kiki.

AJ: That's good, but, I mean, does she -- does she love him?

Michael: They're adults.

AJ: [Scoffs] Barely.

Michael: If they want to be together, I'm not gonna stop them.

AJ: Michael, listen to me. If you were doing this to screw your brother over, I'd be the first one to tell you to back off. Kiki returns your feelings, doesn't she? Don't you think that if she knew you two weren't cousins that that would change everything?

Michael: I don't know. I guess.

AJ: Michael, at the very least, the girl deserves to know the truth.

Michael: Well, you -- you telling me to --

AJ: Yeah! Go! Go! Find her!

Michael: Okay, okay. Yeah. You're right. I'll, uh -- I'll -- I'll go talk to her.

AJ: When? What? Next week? Go!

Michael: Uh, AJ? Thanks.

AJ: Good luck, son.

Mac: Hey, you might want to try the stairs.

Michael: Is the elevator broken?

Mac: [Chuckles] I don't think so, but, uh, you're gonna have to hurry if you're gonna make it on time. City Hall? You know, today's the big day, right?

Michael: I'm sorry. What -- what's the big day?

Mac: Well, Felicia and I were getting our marriage license, and we ran into your brother doing the same thing.

Michael: Wait, Morgan and Kiki already got their license?

Mac: They needed it. They're tying the knot right now.

Judge: You in a hurry?

Morgan: Excuse me?

Judge: The ink is barely dry on this marriage license.

Morgan: We just figured, why wait? Right, babe?

Kiki: Right.

Judge: Well, in that case, let's get this show on the road, huh? Ready, Miss Schaeffer? Gertie?

Gertie: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry. Miss, uh, do I know you from somewhere?

Sonny: Can we back up a second? I didn't run to Olivia. I ran into her at the hotel.

Connie: How shocking considering she works there.

Sonny: I was looking for Carly, so we can discuss the Morgan situation.

Connie: And you decided to cry on Olivia's shoulder instead, open up about our personal problems. Man, she must have loved that one.

Sonny: Okay, just for the - just for the record, she put things in perspective. She's the one who told me to talk to you instead of shutting you out.

Connie: Maybe I should send her a thank-you note.

Sonny: Maybe you should.

Connie: "Maybe I should." Is this how it's gonna be, Sonny? I make one decision you don't like, and I'm the bad guy, and she's what -- the saint?

Sonny: I'm not the one who betrayed your trust! You did that to me when you printed that damn story!

Kiki: I don't think we know each other.

Gertie: But you look so familiar.

Morgan: Uh, can we -- can we do this, please? Thanks.

Gertie: I don't know why I can't put my finger on it.

Anna: You're delusional, Mr. Spencer. Jerry Jacks isn't here.

Luke: Then why did your father withdraw that money?

Anna: Because he needed it.

Luke: For what? To bathe in? To buy Blarney Castle? Why?!

Sean: Because of this!

Derek: I wanted to show my support. I, uh -- I felt bad about having to bump the drive from the front page.

Sam: Having to? That's kind of a stretch, don't you think?

Alexis: We've done our best to get the word out in spite of the recent change.

Sam: Every person who turns out to donate, Mom, is -- is another chance for my son.

Derek: Well, actually, um, that's why I'm here. I kind of wanted to do my part, you know, get swabbed.

Sam: Are you serious?

Alexis: Really?

Derek: Yeah, well, I figured it's the least I can do, all things considered. Hey, you never know. You never know where a match might come from.

Tracy: You win.

Ava: I thought I might.

Tracy: You will be appointed to director of special projects, provided your support stays firmly in my camp.

Ava: But of course.

Tracy: I still don't understand why you're so fixated. It's a thankless position.

Ava: What can I say? I'm a charitable soul.

Tracy: Yeah. Rolls off you in waves.

Ava: Jules, this is going to happen. We are gonna get rid of Sonny. We're gonna reclaim our territory and take back all the power the Jeromes used to hold in Port Charles.

Derek: We need ELQ to do that.

Ava: Don't worry about ELQ. I have it under control.

Derek: Really? 'Cause it doesn't look that way.

Ava: [Sighs]

[Door opens]

Ava: Can this day get any worse?

Elizabeth: Okay. You're all set.

AJ: Thanks.

Elizabeth: I meant what I said. You need to focus on picking up the pieces and forget about Connie.

AJ: You know, Sonny's making that a little difficult.

Elizabeth: I don't know what really went on over there, and I have a feeling I don't want to, but whatever happened, Sonny had no right to pull a gun on you.

AJ: They're lucky I wasn't armed myself. Because I swear to God, if I was, I would have killed Connie right then and there.

Connie: And we're back. Welcome, everybody, to Sonny's world of all or nothing, black or white. You're either in or you're out.

Sonny: You having fun?

Connie: No. I'm not having fun at all.

Sonny: This isn't about me.

Connie: Yes, it is about you! Sonny, you're letting Morgan play on your guilt! You're overcompensating for the time lost with him, and you're helping pave his way with Kiki!

Sonny: You know what's funny? I don't even want him to be with this girl, but for all I know, she could be dangerous.

Connie: What do you mean, she could be dangerous?

Sonny: There was a mob family in the '80s who pretty much ran Port Charles, and they were called the Jeromes.

Connie: What? I-I -- why haven't I heard of them?

Sonny: The father was named Victor Jerome. He's dead. So are two of his kids, Olivia and Julian. But who's to say that, you know, there aren't other kids?

Connie: Have you said any of this to Morgan?

Sonny: What's the point? He loves that girl!

Connie: [Sighs]

Sonny: And the more I fight, the tighter he's gonna hold on, so I just decided to, you know...just wait. Maybe -- maybe he'll realize that he's too young to marry. But that was before you published the story, so I don't know what's gonna happen next.

Connie: You're just determined to blame me, aren't you?

Sonny: [Slams hand] You should have let... you should have let me deal and make the decisions that had to do with my family.

Connie: I stand by printing that story, Sonny. Because it didn't only hurt me. You hurt your sons.

Michael: Stop!

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