General Hospital Transcript Thursday 8/8/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Ava: Clearly something is lacking in your life. Purpose. Emotion. A personal connection -- not that you're capable of having one of those, but I digress. This is your problem, Silas. Deal with it, or I swear to God, I will take you to court and have your medical license revoked.
Silas: You realize the more desperate you get, the more I know I'm right.
Ava: Screw you.
Silas: Maybe later. In the meantime, I'm gonna go to Kiki. 'Cause I think Kiki -- and may I just say I wish very much I'd been in on that naming process -- I think Kiki will be very interested in hearing what I have to say. Ah.
Ava: [Holds sharp scissors to his back] If you go near my daughter, I'll kill you. You are a dead man if you tell my daughter you are her father.
Silas: Why wait, Ava? Why not just do it now?
Michael: Kiki? [Sighs] Where are you?
Morgan: All right. We should be up any minute. What number are we?
Kiki: 13.
Morgan: Okay, they just called 10.'s crazy that so many couples are getting their marriage license the same day as us.
Kiki: Love is in the air.
Morgan: Yes. Yes, it is. [Sighs]
Kiki: Sit down.
Morgan: Oh, no, no. I'm good. I'm good.
Kiki: We don't have to do this today.
Morgan: Yes. Yes, we do.
Kiki: No. Why? I still don't understand the rush.
Morgan: Because we get the marriage license, and we're ready to go, okay? Then nothing can stand in the way of us being together forever.
Tracy: You should be thanking me for showing you exactly who AJ is. He's a shell, a husk, an empty person not worthy of anybody's love. [Gasps when Elizabeth slaps her] How dare you!
Elizabeth: Well, how dare you! How could you do this to a man who is simply just trying to put his life back together?
[Cell phone ringing]
Sonny: Olivia. [Sighs]
Olivia: What's wrong?
Sonny: What do you mean?
Olivia: That look you get. That calm, unreadable -- it usually means you're covering something, plus your eyes are dark.
Sonny: My eyes are always dark.
Olivia: But they glitter when you get angry, and they're glittering right now.
Sonny: You could always read me, and I just -- I don't understand.
Olivia: I could. I could. So why don't you stop stalling? And just tell me what you came here to tell me. What happened?
Sonny: Connie happened.
Connie: Sonny, I understand that you're upset with me, but will you please turn your phone on and call me back? We need to keep talking about this. Please just give me a chance to explain.
[Door slams]
AJ: Why don't you try explaining it to me? I said start talking! How could you print this?
Elizabeth: AJ is trying to change his life, against very difficult odds. He has had to rebuild his reputation, his career, his relationships, and you know what? He's done it, because he has spent day and night for months in that office trying to salvage the company.
Tracy: AJ has never worked a day in his life, and if you think he has, you are either naive or delusional.
Elizabeth: God, if you would just quit sniping at him for five seconds and open your eyes, you would be able to see what he's actually accomplished. But you, with your -- your greed and your misery and your resentment -- you've made all of his work count for nothing.
Tracy: [Laughs] That is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. [Laughs]
AJ: You get off that damn phone and you explain yourself now!
Connie: Okay, it's obvious you're upset, AJ. I'm gonna try to give you answers, but can you just take it easy?
AJ: No, I can't take it easy, and neither can you. 'Cause I'm gonna sue you. I'm gonna sue you until you don't have anything left!
Connie: You can't sue me for printing the truth. I have proof. It's right there in that paper.
AJ: What are you talking about? That phony birth certificate?
Connie: I had it authenticated. I wouldn't have published it without corroboration. You cannot sue me.
AJ: You've destroyed my life! Why would you do this to me?!
Connie: Because I run a newspaper. That's what we do. We print the news. That's our business. ELQ is a major player. The public has a right to know.
AJ: Screw the public!
Connie: You're upset. I get it. But please just know this is not personal.
AJ: Sure it is! What are you talking about?! This has Sonny written all over it! Admit it! He put you up to this!
Sonny: We've been through a lot, Connie and me. I-I was patient. But this time, she's gone too far.
Olivia: Just please tell me that my cousin's all right, because if her illness is coming back --
Sonny: It has nothing to do with that, Olivia. She knew what she was doing when she betrayed me.
Olivia: Okay. Sonny, if this is something that's going on between you and Connie, some fight that you're having, that's between the two of you. I do not want to get in the middle of this.
Sonny: You don't have to get in the middle. She knows she's wrong. She knows what she did. I asked her to do something for me, to keep some information. She promised that she would, and she went behind my back.
Olivia: That doesn't sound like my cousin.
Sonny: No, it doesn't sound like you. If somebody tells you not to do something, even if it's gonna kill you, you're not gonna do it.
Olivia: Okay, so you asked --
Sonny: But you know her. She finesses her way and gets what she wants.
Olivia: So you asked her to keep something secret, and she didn't.
Sonny: Right.
Olivia: So, what, she thought it was gonna benefit her somehow? What? What?
Sonny: This -- this is what she did. Look.
Silas: You know... you're right. It is only the two of us here. And if you are so afraid that Kiki may find out that I am her father, why don't you just go ahead and kill me now? But as a surgeon, I suggest you use the heart, in a downward this.
Ava: [Chuckles] What if I hadn't been bluffing? What if I really did it? I mean, we are... standing here in a hospital. I could have stuffed your body in a closet just long enough to get a gurney and a pair of scrubs. I could have wheeled your corpse down to the morgue, filled out some bogus paperwork, and had you cremated as a John Doe. I seriously doubt anybody would have missed you.
Silas: Good point. Hmm. Now, what about my patients?
Ava: Well, they would have been referred to somebody else.
Silas: Mm.
Ava: People might have wondered why you wandered off. But this town is riddled with organized crime. You wouldn't be the first person to witness something you shouldn't and wind up planted in the Pine Barrens.
Silas: You have really changed...and given my hypothetical murder a lot of thought.
Ava: No. Came to me just now -- in a flash of inspiration.
Silas: You are inspired. No doubt. But all the deflecting in the world isn't gonna stop me. I'm still gonna find Kiki. And I'm gonna find out the truth.
[Footsteps approaching]
Ava: I will make sure that you never cross paths with Kiki again.
Sam: [Clears throat] Another run-in with that Ava woman.
Silas: Mm. I bring out the best in people.
Sam: Obviously you can be infuriating, but what's her deal? Why was she so mad at you?
Michael: [Sighs]
Morgan: What are you looking for?
Kiki: My phone. I want to call my dad at the hospital and see how he's doing.
Michael: Come on. Pick up, pick up.
[Cell phone rings]
Kiki: I hate this bag! It eats everything.
Morgan: Well, babe, we left kind of in a hurry. Maybe you forgot your cell.
Kiki: No, I remember putting it in there.
Morgan: So, you ready to go?
Kiki: Uh, yeah.
Morgan: Oh, and, uh, grab your passport, just in case they need another form of ID for the marriage license.
Kiki: Right.
Morgan: Okay.
Morgan: Well, you'd probably forget your hands if they weren't in your pockets.
Kiki: Funny. Can I use your phone?
[Cell phone ringing]
Michael: [Sighs]
[Cell phone vibrating]
Silas: I'd rather not talk about it.
Sam: You never do.
Silas: That's right. Especially when Danny's in need of a bone-marrow transplant as soon as possible. By the way, are people turning out downstairs to, uh, get tested?
Sam: No. Molly and Rafe are done. They're eating doughnuts, waiting for people to show up to get swabbed.
Silas: Well, what happened to the guy at the paper that was gonna publicize it?
Sam: Derek Wells promised he'd put it on the front page.
Silas: What happened?
Sam: My mother told me that a bigger story came up.
Morgan: You got me. Only you didn't. You know what to do after the beep.
Michael: Damn it, Morgan.
[Footsteps approaching]
Ava: Kiki! What are you doing here?
Michael: Looking for Kiki.
Ava: So am I. I need to speak with her. It's urgent.
Michael: Yeah, I'm sure it is.
Ava: What do you mean?
Michael: Well, aren't you here to talk to her about this?
Ava: [Gasps]
[Cell phone vibrates]
Morgan: Uh...sorry, baby. I forgot to plug that sucker in. It's muy muerto. Um, but we'll go see Franco later.
Kiki: No, it's fine. I'll just find a pay phone somewhere.
Morgan: Wait, wait, wait. I just -- I want to ask you something. Something kind of -- kind of big.
Kiki: Didn't you already do that?
Morgan: Well, it's like a follow-up. I -- you know, I just figured that we were here and --
Mac: Morgan? My gosh. Little Morgan Corinthos, all grown up.
Morgan: Hi, Mac.
Mac: You remember Felicia, don't you?
Morgan: Oh, sure.
Felicia: Oh, hi.
Morgan: What are you guys doing here?
Felicia: Oh, we're here to pick up a marriage license.
Morgan: Oh, congratulations. We're actually -- we're doing the same thing. I'm sorry. This is Kiki, my fiancée.
Felicia: Ah, so you're Kiki.
Kiki: Yeah. Why?
Sonny: [Sighs]
Olivia: So, you asked Connie not to print this story.
Sonny: Yes, I did, and she promised she wouldn't.
Olivia: Okay, but -- but this Kiki not being a Quartermaine -- she doesn't get to vote at ELQ. So, who cares? So what? How does that constitute a betrayal?
Sonny: I will keep the secret. You can go ahead and marry this girl. It doesn't matter, all right? I needed it kept quiet. I explained to Connie my reasons. She respected my wishes, then she turned around and printed the story anyway. That's something you would have never done.
Connie: You think Sonny put me up to this?
AJ: Why not? He hates me because of Michael.
Connie: Well, that might be true, AJ, but --
AJ: From the minute that he and Carly got together, he's been trying to keep me away from my son. He robbed me of his childhood, literally drove me out of his life.
Connie: Well, that's not the way I heard it.
AJ: Really? Ever since I've been back, Sonny's tried to undermine me with Michael. He cannot stand the fact that I'm working with Michael at ELQ. So, you know, I can't even believe I've been this stupid. He's been biding his time, waiting for me to let my guard down, so he could blow up the company that brought us both back together.
Connie: That's quite a conspiracy theory you've got going on there, AJ, but none of it is true. This story has everything to do with me and nothing to do with Sonny.
Tracy: It was only a matter of time before AJ crumbled.
Elizabeth: Well, at least he had the sense not to dump dirty money into ELQ.
Tracy: And I'd do it again. That's how much my father's legacy means to me.
Elizabeth: Right. That's why you sabotaged ELQ before AJ took over. You didn't get your way, so you teamed up with your new BFF, Connie Falconeri, had her print a story that made the stock tank. Your father's legacy means so much to you that you destroyed it. Because if you couldn't have it, no one could.
Silas: What replaced the story about Danny? What could be more important than saving a little boy's life?
Sam: I don't know. You'd have to ask Derek Wells.
Silas: This guy promised you front-page coverage, right?
Sam: Yeah, he did. But I guess Danny's problems wouldn't sell papers.
Silas: Well, was there anything about the donor drive in the paper?
Sam: I don't know. I haven't looked. mother said that he was gonna put something in there. Let me see. Oh. Well, of course. [Chuckling] No wonder why we got bumped. The Q's always make the front page of the paper.
Silas: What's this about Kiki Jerome?
Ava: How did this get in the paper?
Michael: You didn't know about this?
Ava: No!
Michael: You're her mother. How didn't you know about this?
Ava: Oh, my God. How did they get this? Where did this come from?
Michael: I have no idea.
Ava: What are you doing?
Tracy: Fluffing up your pillows. I, uh... well, I want to make sure you get a really good night's sleep, 'cause I think tomorrow's gonna be a really long day. Sweet dreams.
Ava: Tracy. Tracy did this.
Michael: Wait, wait. So -- so -- so it's true. That birth certificate is real?
Ava: Yeah. It's true.
Kiki: Sorry. Do we know each other? The way you said my name, it sounds like you've heard of me.
Felicia: Well, actually, when went I went to go pick up the paper --
Morgan: Oh, I hate to interrupt. I'm sorry. We're just kind of phone-challenged right now. Mine just died, and I think she left hers at the house. You needed to make a call? Would you mind if she could maybe borrow one of your phones?
Felicia: Of course.
Kiki: I only need one. I'll take the purple. Thank you so much.
Felicia: Mm-hmm.
Morgan: So, uh, I'm guessing you guys saw the paper.
Felicia: Well, it's hard to miss. It's on the front page of the Press.
Morgan: Yeah.
Mac: Must have been a shock.
Morgan: Uh, it's a huge deal to Kiki, yeah.
Felicia: She doesn't seem like she knows anything about it.
Morgan: Uh, yeah, well, she hasn't seen the paper yet. Actually, I've kind of been keeping it from her. This is just -- it's supposed to be a happy occasion, getting a marriage license and all. I was, uh -- I was thinking about asking her to marry me right here, right now.
Michael: You knew that Franco wasn't Kiki's father. You put Silas' name on the birth certificate.
Ava: Yes. I knew. What do you want from me?
Michael: I don't know. What about a little bit of, um, honesty? A little bit of fairness? A little bit of consideration for your daughter who grew up not knowing her father, and the little bit that she did know was a complete lie?
Ava: You don't understand. I had my reasons.
Michael: Yeah, and I know what they were.
Elizabeth: You went public with news that ELQ was laced with dirty money, and then you left AJ to lead a company you sabotaged. The stock still hasn't recovered. Edward must be so proud of his daughter now.
Tracy: All right, look, it wasn't my finest hour. I was angry AJ had stolen the company, and I had to do something.
Elizabeth: AJ outmaneuvered you! Your "deadbeat" nephew beat you at your own game, and you couldn't handle it.
Tracy: AJ is a thief. My father left me one thing in his will. One item -- a jar of Pickle-Lila relish and AJ stole it. First, he blackmailed me out of my company, and then he stole my inheritance, and you march in here and defend him like he's some misunderstood hero? What kind of sucker are you?
AJ: Of course, you're covering for Sonny. That's how he operates, right? Always getting somebody else to do his dirty work.
Connie: Sonny doesn't have a say in my professional life. Running that story was a decision I made on my own. In fact, Sonny asked me to kill it. He's almost as mad at me as you are.
AJ: Then why did you do it?!
Connie: Because I'm not gonna keep a secret that affects so many people.
AJ: Oh, gee, aren't you the moral watchdog?
Connie: Don't you think that girl has the right to know that Franco the serial killer isn't her father?
AJ: It wasn't your place to tell her! You splashed it all over the front page!
Connie: It is my place, AJ! I run a paper! I have salaries to pay, circulation to boost!
AJ: By what?! Violating my family's privacy?!
Connie: I'm trying to save my magazine! The new owner threatened to shut down Crimson if I didn't raise sales on the Press!
AJ: Are you honestly telling me that you couldn't have gone with another story?
Connie: In the short time I had, no, I couldn't.
AJ: Have you given any thought to the pain that you've caused?! The relationships that you have trashed?!
Connie: I did what I had to do to save what was important to me -- my magazine and the freedom it buys me.
AJ: So now a fashion magazine equals freedom!
Connie: This may be a very foreign concept for you to understand, AJ, but most of us have to work for a living. I don't have a trust fund. I don't have a wealthy family to fall back on. The magazine enables me to have a good life and I had to try to save it. I'm only hoping Sonny can understand.
AJ: Well, guess what. I wouldn't hold my breath. Because the only thing that Sonny understands is the greater glory of Sonny.
Connie: I don't expect you to understand, but I jeopardized my personal life to save my professional one.
AJ: Really? Well, bravo. Good for you. You saved your life and you destroyed mine!
Sonny: I trust Connie to keep her word, and she didn't.
Olivia: So now what? What? You're never gonna trust her again?
Sonny: She's been focusing on her career, trying to get this magazine jump-started. But what is work compared to what we had?
Olivia: Sonny, this has got to be about more than work.
Sonny: She agreed to respect my decision.
Olivia: Your decision.
Sonny: Right.
Olivia: But your decision affects her career. Sonny, you know, for a long time, career is all that Connie had.
Sonny: You're gonna defend her now?
Olivia: I'm not defending anyone. I'm just saying that maybe this whole thing isn't quite so black and white.
Sonny: You wouldn't have gone back on a promise, now, would you?
Olivia: I don't know. I've never tried to run a newspaper before.
Sonny: No, no, no. You would have kept your word. Come on. Just -- you can tell me. Admit it.
Olivia: It doesn't matter what I would or wouldn't have done, okay? This is between you and Connie, and in case you forgot, I put my feelings aside so the two of you could be together.
Sonny: Well, I'm sorry that that happened.
Olivia: You've got nothing to be sorry about.
Sonny: I mean, you always said that you would be there for me and...
Olivia: [Sighs]
Sonny: I don't know, you know? Maybe I just made a mistake.
Mac: So why don't you want Kiki to know she isn't a Quartermaine?
Felicia: Why would you marry her and not tell her?
Morgan: I just -- I don't want to spoil the day, you know? You guys are here for a marriage license. Would this be the day you'd pick for a huge family revelation?
Felicia: Well, no, I guess, but -- I can understand that you would want to celebrate.
Morgan: It's just that she's she's just coming to grips with Franco being her father. I mean, that's what she's doing right now. She's calling to see if he's okay, and this news is gonna freak her out, so I just wanna reassure her. I want to let her know that it doesn't matter to me if she's a Quartermaine or a Smith --
Mac: Look, I understand your need to protect her, but why not --
Morgan: I just want to make things easier for her. I want her to have, you know, a joyous moment -- a permanent one. I want her to be happy before I throw this news at her, you know? So please don't say anything.
Kiki: Thank you. Thank you so much. I needed to call the hospital and check on my dad. The nurse said that he's better.
Morgan: Oh, good. Good.
Felicia: That must be a relief.
Mac: It's always difficult to have someone in the hospital.
Woman: 13. We're ready for number 13.
Morgan: Oh, sorry. That's us. Come on.
Kiki: That is. Thank you again.
Morgan: Yeah. Thank you.
Kiki: Oh, and congratulations.
Felicia: You, too.
Mac: [Sighs] [Chuckles] Something just doesn't add up.
Felicia: Yeah. I think there's a little more to that story.
Ava: You cannot begin to understand why I did what I did, and Frankly, it's none of your business.
Michael: Listen to me. I'm trying to make you understand what you did to your daughter -- how she's gonna feel. Kiki never had a father. You let her grow up thinking that he was dead, then you tell her that it was Franco, this crazy guy with a brain tumor. And despite all that, she wanted to get to know him. Hell, she even started to care about him. And that all turned out to be a lie now, didn't it? And now her father is a doctor who's treating Danny, and supposedly he's some cold emotionless jerk.
Ava: Oh, so you're gonna hold Silas' character flaws against me, huh?
Michael: You're her mother. I mean, don't you love her? Did you ever think what you were doing to her?
Ava: Don't you stand there and judge me, you little bastard!
Michael: Kiki deserves some answers, and you better have something better to say than you had your reasons.
Ava: What I say to my daughter is my business. It's not your business.
Michael: My business is the Quartermaines, okay? And you did this so that Kiki would be a member of my family, so you'd have access to our money.
Ava: No. That has nothing to do with it.
Michael: No? Okay, then why did you hide all this from her?
Silas: Kiki isn't a Quartermaine?
Sam: I guess it was a waste of time getting her tested.
Silas: What do you mean?
Sam: Well, I mean if she's not Franco's daughter -- That explains why Ava was so upset with you. Hey, Silas. Are you okay?
Ava: You don't need to know my reasons. Just know they have nothing to do with money or ELQ.
Michael: Oh, no? That wasn't you siding with Tracy?
Ava: Get your facts straight. I was voting Franco's proxy.
Michael: And how did that work exactly? When Franco was getting wheeled into surgery, you just put a pen in his hands?
Ava: I had his best interests at heart.
Michael: Just like you had Kiki's best interests at heart, right? You messed with her life to manipulate her stake in ELQ, and how did that work out for you? You sided with AJ at the last minute. AJ got the votes he needed and was able to stay on top partly because of Kiki's shares. Oh, my God. This changes everything for AJ.
AJ: The magazine you love so much. How does that measure up to my relationship with my son -- to the future that we were building together.
Connie: AJ, I am sorry. All right? I knew printing the story would hurt a lot of people. It was never my intention to --
AJ: It was never your intention? You get to keep your paper, your magazine. What about me, Connie? What do I get? My career is destroyed. My reputation, what's left of it, destroyed. What about working with my son. You know what? What is your so-called apology get me, huh? Are you going to print a retraction -- a public apology?
Connie: I'm not gonna print a retraction. The story is true.
AJ: You want to hear a true story? I'll tell you one.
Tracy: AJ tried to kill my brother, his own father, by shooting him in the back. Is that really someone you want around your children?
Elizabeth: He would never hurt my kids. Never. I've watched him with my boys, and what he gives them is beautiful.
Tracy: So you don't have a problem with him hiring someone to kidnap three children and faking Michael's death. He was perfectly justified?
Elizabeth: He reacted that way, because he wasn't allowed to be a father to his own son.
Tracy: Ha! And from what I understand neither was Jason. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was you who chose to separate Jason from Jake.
Elizabeth: No, it was a mutual decision.
Tracy: Oh, I see.
Elizabeth: But AJ never even had that choice, and he suffers every day for all the time that he's missed with Michael. He just wanted to build something good for his son, with his son. He just wanted to make up for lost time, and you took all of that away from him.
Tracy: Try to comprehend. This is AJ's doing. It is not my fault if your boyfriend is a loser and always has been.
AJ: You know what it's like to be second best, to never measure up, no matter how hard you try? To be Jason's brother? You see, Jason was the golden boy, and I was a disappointment. I was the one who was never smart enough, or handsome enough, or has gifted as he was. And the only time that I didn't hurt was when I drank, so I drank a lot.
Connie: I didn't realize your alcoholism was Jason's fault.
AJ: I chose to drink. It's a disease -- something I thought you might know a little about.
Connie: I take responsibility for my actions, AJ. You run from them.
AJ: Yeah, I did. Yeah, I ran. And you know what I did all those years that I was gone? I thought about every single mistake that I ever made, every person that I hurt, every love that I had lost, the love for my son. And I promised that I would make it up to everybody. That I would make it up to my family, to Michael, and to myself. And that I would show Carly that she was wrong to have taken Michael away from me and to have given him to Sonny.
Olivia: A mistake? What do you mean?
Sonny: Letting you go. Maybe we all should have made different choices that night that Connie showed up, you know, wanting to get back with me?
Olivia: Don't say that?
Sonny: Why not?
Olivia: You're just saying that because you're angry at Connie right now, but the two of you are stronger than this.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: You're gonna go and you're gonna talk this out, okay?
Sonny: She already reached out to me, you know.
Olivia: What did you say?
Sonny: I didn't pick it up. She left a message on the machine.
Olivia: Well, what was the message?
Sonny: I didn't hear it.
Olivia: Well, what the hell is wrong with you? What, are you trying to break up with her over this thing? It's just a stupid argument. Go, get the message, listen to it. I'm sure you're gonna understand why she did this.
AJ: That's what ELQ was to me. It was a new beginning with Michael by my side. It was a chance to pay back my grandfather for everything that I've ever taken from him. To make up for what I had done to my father. I mean, it wasn't easy, but I was still on my feet, you know? I was trying to restore the company to greatness and maybe, just maybe, restore people's opinion of me, especially my own.
Connie: AJ, all I did was print the truth.
AJ: Actions have consequences, and you need to know what you took from me.
Connie: I didn't take anything from you.
AJ: I was actually starting to prove to Michael that I was worthy of being his father. I was actually starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, I deserve a woman like Elizabeth. You know, for the first time in as long as I can remember it was happening. It was really happening for me, and in one true article, you took it all away. What am I supposed to do?
Connie: I don't know.
AJ: I've got nothing left. What am I supposed to do?
Tracy: AJ lost ELQ because of Ava Jerome. She lied. She said that Kiki was a member of the family when she wasn't, so why don't you slap Ava and stop blaming me. Besides, it's not my fault that you picked AJ over Nikolas.
Elizabeth: This has nothing to do with Nikolas.
Tracy: Nikolas is not my favorite person. However, he is infinitely better than AJ. What were you thinking?
Elizabeth: [Scoffs] Oh, God. I do not owe you an explanation.
Tracy: Explain it to yourself. What's wrong with you? You should be running as far away from as you possibly can. He is about to implode. He always does at the first sign of trouble.
Elizabeth: He is stronger than you realize.
Tracy: Really? Let's see. When he thought you were with Nikolas, his first impulse was to drink, so Carly stopped him, and what did he do? He jumped into bed with Carly. AJ will always revert to type which is self-destructive and loathsome.
Elizabeth: [Closes door] You are the one who is loathsome.
Tracy: For stating facts? Losing ELQ is gonna send AJ into a tailspin, and he's gonna take everyone down with him.
Elizabeth: Oh, just like you did when you lost ELQ? You destroyed the one thing you love the most -- your company and your family and almost ended up in prison yourself.
Tracy: Are you comparing me to AJ?
Elizabeth: Yes, I am. You and your nephew are a lot alike.
Connie: I know it's a setback, AJ.
AJ: A setback?
Connie: And that you're frustrated. AJ, I've had bad times myself. I was so sick in my head, and I was fighting myself hurting everybody I love again and again, but I clawed my way back.
AJ: I guess you did.
Connie: I was forced to start over. I didn't think I had the strength, but I found it deep inside. You will, too. You can build another company, find another dream, make it happen. You're gonna be okay.
AJ: You know, you go straight to hell.
Olivia: Are you gonna play Connie's message or make me stand here and pester you?
Sonny: Nag me?
Olivia: No, don't say the word "nag." My Aunt Teresa is a nag. I am simply a concerned party, so just play back the damn message.
Sonny: You're not gonna let this go?
Olivia: No. I'm not.
Sonny: [Sighs]
Olivia: Connie loves you, and you love her.
Sonny: [Sighs and reaches for his phone]
Olivia: Sonny?
Sonny: Son of a bitch. AJ broke -- I gotta go. I gotta go.
Olivia: What?
Silas: Kiki's my daughter.
Sam: What? Wow!
Silas: Yeah.
Sam: Okay. I guess this explains why you and Ava have been at each other's throats.
Silas: I thought I was right. [Scoffs] And there it is in black and white. Kiki is my daughter.
Michael: AJ held on to ELQ partly because of Kiki's 5%. Now that she's not a Quartermaine, she doesn't have any shares. The company flips back to Tracy. He's screwed.
Ava: So are a whole lot of us.
Michael: This is gonna kill him. I've been so busy thinking about what this means for me and Kiki, I didn't even think about -- Look, I've got to go. If Kiki comes back, would you please tell her to call me? Thanks.
Ava: Michael, wait!
Morgan: Got it! [Laughs] Isn't it beautiful?
Felicia: Yeah, it's great.
Clerk: 16. The clerk will see number 16.
Mac: Bingo, that's us. Come on, sweetie.
Felicia: Take care.
Morgan: You, too.
Kiki: Bye. Have fun. It seems a little weird.
Morgan: They probably just think we're too young, but we're not. We know what we want. Now, we've got the green light, so we can just go straight to the altar.
Kiki: Well, we should go to the hospital and check on my dad, see when he's being released, and then we can set a date.
Morgan: Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. About what I wanted to talk to you about before. I was just thinking. I mean, we got the license, we're here at the courthouse. Let's just do this. Let's get married now.
Michael: I gotta go. AJ needs me.
Ava: Now that the news about Kiki's in the paper, it's even more important that I get to her.
Michael: Maybe she'll -- she'll talk to you when she's ready.
Ava: I get it! You think I'm an evil, scheming bitch.
Michael: I never said that.
Ava: You don't have to, but I'm also her mother. I'm the only one she'll ever have. I need to find her. If you have any idea where she could be, would you please tell me?
Michael: I can't help you.
Ava: Can't or won't?
Michael: I was looking for Kiki, too. I have no clue where she is, but I think it's safe to say if she's anywhere, she's somewhere with Morgan.
Kiki: You want to get married right now?
Morgan: Yeah, why not? I mean, we both know what we want. Let's just get it done. Let's make our love official.
Kiki: Morgan, Morgan, I don't think we should do that.
Sam: My God. You have a daughter.
Silas: Yeah. I never even knew about.
Sam: Are you okay?
Silas: Yeah. I don't know. I don't know.
Sam: Then go. Go.
Silas: What?
Sam: Go find her. Go.
Silas: I should go find her.
Sam: Yeah.
Silas: [Closes door]
Ava: Oh, my God. [Gasps] Oh, God. Oh, my God.
Tracy: AJ and I are no more alike than a fish and a bicycle.
Elizabeth: Well, you're both trying to prove yourselves through your father's company. Imagine what you could do if you just stopped all this fighting. Imagine how great ELQ could be. You and AJ are both strong people, but you could be even stronger together. Just give him a chance. Please, Tracy. Make peace with AJ before your prediction comes true, and he really self destructs.
AJ: Are you seriously telling me to start over? Just start a new company? ELQ was my grandfather's. It represents everything that I ever wanted to be.
Connie: Sometimes you just have to let go, AJ. Trust me.
AJ: [Grabs her throat with one hand] Trust you? Trust you? I blame you, damn it. Don't you understand? I blame you and you alone for destroying my life.
Sonny: [Holding a gun] AJ, get your hands off her.
Connie: [Gasps]
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