General Hospital Transcript Friday 7/12/13
Provided By Suzanne
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Molly: Any change?
Rafe: No, he's still too hot.
Molly: [Sighs] Okay, this will cool you off, Danny. There you go.
Rafe: Okay, baby.
Molly: Should we put him in an ice bath?
Rafe: I think we should take him to the hospital.
Sam: Molly?
Molly: Oh, my God. I'm so glad you're back.
Sam: Come here, baby boy. Oh, that's okay. Mama's here. Oh, wow, you are burning up. Silas, he's burning up. What's wrong with him? [Sighs]
Spinelli: Yes, I'm perfectly capable of pulling up the departure screen online. Yes, but I've just realized over time that unexpected delays don't always appear. Flight 105 to New York.
Ava: Excuse me. I'm looking for a patient.
Nurse: Name?
Ava: Robert Frank, although you might have him listed under Franco Quartermaine.
Alexis: Do you want some water?
Franco: Me? No, I'm fully hydrated. I wouldn't mind another pillow, though.
Alexis: I'm here for one reason -- DNA.
Franco: That's what they all say.
Alexis: For my grandson.
[Footsteps approaching]
Ava: What did you do now? Oh, my darling.
Franco: Oh.
Ava: I was so worried about you.
Franco: My little buttercup, come -- what took you so long?
Ava: You're lucky I came here at all.
Franco: Ow.
Ava: Now, what happened to you? Who did this to you?
Olivia: If we cross this line, we got to be honest with Connie about it.
Sonny: We'll tell her tomorrow.
[Doorbell rings]
Sonny: I'll get it. I'll get it. I'll get rid of whoever this is, huh?
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: [Exhales deeply]
Connie: Hi.
Sonny: What are you doing here?
Connie: Can I come in?
Sonny: Well...
Connie: [Sighs] Hi. Am I interrupting something?
Dante: Franco refuses to identify his attacker. He won't even admit that he was attacked. I'll take another shot at him tomorrow. Okay, you too. Bye. Hey, you're home already. I thought you and Maxie would be going out for a lot longer than that. Unless you already found the perfect name for our daughter.
Lulu: Mm...Maxie did have one flash of inspiration.
Dante: Oh, yeah? What was that?
Lulu: "Georgie."
[Intercom buzzes]
Maxie: What the... oh. Connie, how did you get past me? I didn't even see you come in. Georgie?
Georgie: Hey, sis. Long time, no see.
Maxie: [Chuckles]
Ellie: Hey, you're still here.
Spinelli: Oh, yeah, in point of fact, I returned. I had a meeting with a client and then I had to finish up the research before heading to the airport. Shouldn't -- shouldn't you be at work?
Ellie: I really didn't like the way we left things earlier. Um, Damian, I don't want you to feel guilty every time you smile at a baby, because you have the right to want a child.
Spinelli: What are you saying?
Ellie: What I'm saying is... that if you want a baby... I can give you one.
Dante: "Georgie"? That's thinking outside the box.
Lulu: Well, Georgie was Maxie's sister.
Dante: Right. Yeah. Georgie Jones.
Lulu: Uh, Georgianna, technically.
Dante: Georgianna. Maximiliana. Wow, Felicia really has a thing for the long names.
Lulu: Well, according to Maxie, naming her little sister "Georgianna" was her idea.
Dante: Huh.
Lulu: But, then, according to Maxie, everything is her idea. Hmm.
Dante: Georgianna Falconeri. I could get used to that. It's better than "Violetta."
Lulu: "Violetta"?
Dante: Yeah, it's a great-aunt that I had.
Lulu: Yeah, no. Not Violetta. And not Georgie, either.
Dante: Really? Why not?
Lulu: I told Maxie there is no way that we can name our little girl Georgie. That is not our name to give. It's Maxie's, for the daughter that she'll have someday... if she decides to.
Maxie: You're dead.
Georgie: That still bothers me. I should have known better than to text the wrong person.
Maxie: Why am I seeing you? Am I sick again? Am I dying?
Georgie: Not at all. You are alive and kicking and making a royal mess of things, which is why I came.
Maxie: What are you talking about? I'm handling things fine. Look at my office -- my great view, tasteful appointments --
Georgie: And it's your boss's. Your desk is out there, which you only got --
Maxie: This will be my office one day.
Georgie: Not if you don't get your act together. Maxie, I'm not here because everything's going so great for you. I'm worried about your choices.
Maxie: I happen to make great choices.
Georgie: Ha! This coming from the girl who slept with Franco.
Ava: Who did this to you, darling?
Franco: Oh, now, buttercup, I don't even know what you're talking about.
Ava: Someone beat you up.
Franco: Heavens, no. I fell down the stairs.
Ava: "Fell down the stairs"?
Franco: Yes, my little tulip, the stairway by the foyer. You should be careful -- the carpet there is very loose.
Ava: Hmm. How long will he be laid up, Nurse?
Alexis: Do I look like a nurse?
Franco: Oh, forgive me. Ava Jerome, this is Alexis Davis, attorney-at-law.
Ava: We're suing?
Franco: [Chuckles] No. She's Sonny's lawyer.
Ava: Sonny...Corinthos?
Franco: Yes, Sonny Corinthos. And she's also Sam Morgan's mother.
Ava: Sam Morgan? Oh, she's -- she has the -- the son --
Alexis: Danny is my grandson.
Ava: Well, I'm very sorry to hear about him. How is the little boy doing?
Molly: He seemed totally fine. I-I was teaching him to speak Italian and talking to him about the trip we're gonna take when he's 16, and then Rafe noticed his eyes were kind of funny.
Rafe: They were glossy. I mean, he's usually so alert.
Molly: And when we felt his forehead, he was burning up.
Sam: You guys did great. You did. You -- you called me. You called him. You got him cooled down a little bit. He's gonna be fine, right, Silas?
Silas: We need to get Danny to the hospital.
Olivia: You're not interrupting a thing, right, Sonny?
Sonny: No, no, we, uh -- we were just gonna call it a night.
Connie: I'm really sorry, but this just -- this can't wait.
Olivia: So, what, are you gonna insist I come stay with you at your fancy penthouse after all, or what?
Connie: No. I know Sonny's been taking very good care of you. This really isn't about you at all, Liv. It's about me and Sonny.
Sonny: What do you mean?
Connie: I mean... I want you back.
Sonny: What do you mean you want me back?
Connie: I want you back, Sonny.
Olivia: Okay, you know what? It sounds like you guys got a lot of talking to do, and none of it to me, so I'm just -- I'm just gonna leave you --
Connie: Will you please stay here? I want you to hear this, too. Thank you. When I got back from my treatment, I had one goal, and that was to stay happy and healthy.
Sonny: Uh-huh.
Connie: I had a set of rules to live by that would help me cope with the stress in my life from what Joe Jr. did to me... losing my son, and how to coexist with you, Sonny, which basically meant not being around you at all, and I thought that time would make it easier for me. But time doesn't change my feelings. If anything, it made them stronger. So, I told my doctor that I'd been seeing you around town and that I spent a lot of time with you in the hospital with Liv.
Sonny: Right.
Connie: And I didn't feel any sign of trouble, Sonny. But what I feel is that... there is something missing in my life... and that something is you. So, if the coast is clear and there's no reason to think that I'll split again, what's keeping us from doing that? There's nothing standing in our way.
Silas: Car seat's in the car. Let's go.
Rafe: Here -- just in case he gets the chills.
Sam: Thank you.
Molly: Call as soon as you know anything.
Sam: Of course. We will.
Rafe: Danny's gonna be okay, right?
Silas: I'll do my best. First we got to get Danny to the hospital. Let's go.
Sam: Let's go.
Alexis: I didn't realize that Danny's condition was common knowledge.
Ava: Well, Franco and I have a daughter, Kiki, and she's Danny's cousin.
Franco: Mm.
Ava: Kiki was just here, being tested to see if she'd be a possible bone-marrow donor.
Alexis: Oh, I had, uh, talked with Michael about speaking to Kiki, and I didn't realize that she had come in. Thank you. That was very generous.
Ava: Of course.
Franco: She gets her generosity from me. Danny is my nephew. His father was my twin. That makes me the best candidate. That's why I-I volunteered to be tested, as well.
Alexis: So generous and giving.
Ava: That's my Franco.
Dante: Noodle Buddha is on the way. Want a beer? We can relax a few minutes, maybe throw around some more baby names. Baby? Hello?
Lulu: Sorry.
Dante: Uh, where'd you just go?
Lulu: I was just thinking about Georgie.
Dante: Were you two close?
Lulu: Um...Yes and no. In high school...I wasn't very nice, especially to Georgie. She was this sweet girl. She was outgoing and upbeat. Everybody liked her...especially her boyfriend, Dillon.
Dante: Uh, Dillon -- that's Tracy's son?
Lulu: Yeah, the one I slept with even though I knew that he loved Georgie and that she loved him, too. I just wanted to feel important to someone. It was so stupid and selfish. I-I still feel ashamed. I was such a mean girl. I've been thinking about it a lot ever since we found out that we're having a girl. The way I behaved -- if anyone ever treated our daughter that way --
Dante: Stop. That was a long time ago.
Lulu: Yeah, but still, I... I never had the chance to make it up to her.
Dante: I'm sure she knows.
Lulu: Yeah.
Georgie: I've been watching you, Maxie, and you've seriously got me worried.
Maxie: Yeah, well, you're always worried. "Maxie, your heart. Maxie, that guy. Maxie, those heels."
Georgie: Maxie, your baby.
Maxie: If you've been watching me this whole time, you would know that I started this situation with the best intentions. I wanted to do something good, something selfless, something like you might do, and, yeah, I made some huge mistakes that spiraled out of control, but I'm handling it.
Georgie: Maxie, you are so not handling it. You are doing nothing to distance yourself from your daughter. In fact, the closer you get to giving birth, the deeper your bond grows.
Maxie: I'm not bonding with her. I don't bond, period. We bonded as sisters, because you were so amazing, you didn't give me a choice.
Georgie: And your daughter's not amazing? You talk to her. You sing to her like a mother would.
Maxie: I'm not her mother.
Georgie: Yes. Yes, you are. That little girl growing inside of you is your flesh and blood. It's my flesh and blood. It's Spinelli's flesh and blood. He's the father. Don't you think he has a right to know?
Spinelli: I...thought we were gonna table any conversation about children.
Ellie: Right, right. We were, but honestly, I just -- I feel like I've foreclosed on your future, and that's so selfish of me.
Spinelli: Ellie, you're not selfish. You're loving and generous, and you just simply hold views that are different from mine. That's all.
Ellie: But the closer we get, the clearer it becomes that my priorities are changing, and... I just want you to be happy, Damian.
Spinelli: Oh, Ellie -- Ellie, I want you to be happy, too. You -- you are happy, right?
Ellie: How can I be happy when I know that I'm the sole obstacle keeping you from the one thing that's gonna make your life complete someday?
Spinelli: Are you saying... you've changed your mind about having children?
Ellie: [Sighs] My beliefs haven't exactly changed, but I'm just looking at them in a new light.
Spinelli: Well, I'm -- I'm flattered that you would even consider re-examining your principles.
Ellie: I mean, I wouldn't say I'm optimistic about humanity's chance in the long run, but I'm not as down on the human race as I used to be...thanks to you. And if there had to be one more person on this earth, it could do worse than to come from you, Damian. So, if a baby is something you really want... we can make it happen -- you... and me.
Maxie: You sound like Ellie.
Georgie: Ellie Trout?
Maxie: You know her?
Georgie: Oh, I know about a lot of things.
Maxie: Okay, well, how about you give me some insight I can actually use? Spring 2014 -- what's trending?
Georgie: We're talking about Spinelli and his girlfriend.
Maxie: I don't want to talk about that spindly ginger.
Georgie: She's not spindly. She's smart, pretty, geeky, perfect for Spinelli, which is why I hate her.
Maxie: You too?
Georgie: I admit it -- I wasn't over my crush on Spinelli when it was my time to go, but [Sighs] If Ellie makes him happy, then who am I to complain? It's -- it's not like I really have a chance with him, anyway. He deserves a good life, and do you think that he can have that with a girl who doesn't want a family with him?
Maxie: I know Spinelli wants a child someday.
Georgie: And only if he knew he had one growing inside of you right now. You should have seen him when he found out you were having a girl -- he lit up.
Maxie: What are you talking about?
Georgie: He told Dante and Lulu that no daughter of his would date until the age of 30. Does that sound like someone we know?
Maxie: [Chuckles] Mac.
Georgie: [Chuckles] Only the greatest father in the universe. Spinelli would be a really good father... if only you weren't taking his daughter away from him.
Maxie: Georgie, it's not that simple. I can't give Spinelli this baby without taking it away from Dante and Lulu.
Dante: So, if it's not gonna be Georgie Falconeri, what's it gonna be?
Lulu: I am so hungry, I can't think anymore. Please call them again.
Dante: You know what? My mother loves Pad Thai so much, I bet you Sonny's got the entire restaurant on call.
Lulu: Mm. How's she doing over there?
Dante: You know, they're -- I guess they're getting along. She's trying to convince me that Sonny isn't responsible for her getting shot.
Lulu: I thought there was a second shooter.
Dante: Well, for there to be a second shooter, there has to be a first shooter, and I know Sonny. I know how he thinks. Franco hurt one of his kids, and he's a threat to the others. Sonny's not gonna allow that.
Lulu: But you don't have a case against him.
Dante: Not for the shooting, no, but [Sighs] I'm pretty sure I know how it all happened. Carly and Sonny set the whole thing up. They put Shawn in a vacant hotel room. Carly takes Franco out to the terrace. Sonny walks out and gets Franco to stand up, gives Shawn a clean shot. Shawn misses. The second shooter takes his shot and hits my mother.
Lulu: But isn't that who you're looking for? You're looking for the second shooter.
Dante: Yeah, but one doesn't cancel out the other. Sonny wanted Franco dead then. He still wants him dead now. What I just saw was proof of that.
Franco: Alexis, you know I'm a man of my word. Nothing would make me happier than giving Danny the marrow of my bones.
Alexis: Well, since you're so enthusiastic about helping my grandson, I'm gonna go see if I can get you tested. Nice to meet you, Ava.
Ava: Thanks again, Nurse.
Franco: You're naughty.
Ava: So, that's Sonny's lawyer.
Franco: Not only that -- she's the mother of one of his children.
Ava: Ooh. That works out well for him, doesn't it? It's always handy to have a lawyer in your pocket.
Franco: Well, it would be if she were any good.
Alexis: Get that swab to the lab.
Sam: Mom! Mom, it's Danny. He's burning up.
Silas: I need a room. I need a room right away.
Ava: So, are you gonna tell me who landed you here?
Franco: Well, who do you think? A door named Sonny.
Connie: Are you gonna say anything?
Sonny: This is the last thing I expected. I mean, you said that I-I had no chance, no future.
Connie: I know you must have whiplash or something.
Sonny: But I let you go, you know? Even though I didn't want to. I'd have fought for you. I'd have given you all the time you needed. And you told me that you -- you... [Chuckles] You told me that I had to accept that you put me out of your life, so I had to figure a way to put you out of my life.
Connie: What are you saying? Are you saying that it's too late? You don't want me anymore?
Sonny: [Sighs]
Connie: Have you moved on to someone else, Sonny? [Chuckles] Are you with Olivia now?
Rafe: Are you texting your mom?
Molly: Uh, no. My dad. I promised to let him know about Danny.
Rafe: Doesn't Sam do that?
Molly: [Chuckles] No. They can't stand each other.
Rafe: I didn't realize. Sam never talks about him.
Molly: Yeah, it's a -- it's kind of a sore subject. He moved to L.A. a few years ago, and for awhile, I didn't hear from him, but about a year ago, we started writing. It's not what you'd call a close relationship, but it's something. My mom knows we're in touch, but she'd prefer not to hear about it, and she definitely doesn't know I give him bulletins on Danny.
Rafe: Doesn't your mom think he'd like to know how his own grandson is doing?
Molly: Um, Danny isn't his grandson.
Alexis: Where were you?
Sam: At the Miscavige Institute, wrangling Heather. We were able to get a DNA sample thanks to Silas. And then Molly and Rafe called and said that Danny spiked a fever. Mom, I-I feel like this is my fault. I should have been there with him.
Alexis: Sam, it's not your fault.
Sam: Yes, it is.
Silas: Okay, Danny did great, all right? I'm gonna order a CBC. I'll know more when I get the test back.
Sam: Okay. Thank you.
Silas: All right.
Sam: Hey, baby. Hey. I got him. I got him. [Grunts]
Alexis: There -- that's better. All right, did you contact all the names on the list, or do I need to contact more?
Sam: We have Heather's sample.
Alexis: All right, well, why don't I take that down to the lab with the other samples?
Sam: Mom, what about Franco?
Franco: Sonny's everything that I described to you. He's volatile, vicious. I guess I should count myself lucky that his enforcer didn't break my kneecaps. I'd hate to have to spend months on end in a cast.
Ava: What did he want?
Franco: To encourage me to find other living quarters. I politely declined, and then his guy went to work on me.
Ava: Did you turn him in?
Franco: No. How can I ask everyone to give me a second chance if I couldn't do the same thing for Sonny?
Ava: Or maybe you just want something to hold over him, hmm?
Franco: Ah. [Chuckles] You know me so well. It's no wonder we found our way back together.
Ava: Our relationship is strictly business.
Franco: It wasn't business when you laid that kiss on me the other night.
Ava: [Laughs] Don't flatter yourself, Franco. Our little fling doesn't even begin to compare to what I had with...
Franco: With? Ava, there someone else?
Silas: I don't care about hospital protocol. Danny Morgan's labs are in my hand in 10 minutes, or you can start firing up your resume.
Alexis: Franco's on board. In fact, he's here.
Sam: Thank you.
Alexis: Now, listen to me -- it's gonna be all right. Danny is gonna get through this. We all will. Now, I am gonna go down to the lab, take the samples, and I'm gonna get them to collect Franco's on the way. So, you take care of Danny, and I'll be right back, okay?
Sam: Okay. Thank you, Mom. [Sighs] [Sighs]
Spinelli: This isn't like you. You're a person of principle. You are a-a rationalist, a scientist. You don't just change your mind.
Ellie: But when the facts demand it...
Spinelli: "Facts"?
Ellie: Yes. Fact -- you were willing to sacrifice one of your most cherished desires for me. And fact -- I don't deserve that.
Spinelli: Well, if I may interject, you deserve the moon and the stars.
Ellie: [Chuckles]
Spinelli: And -- and quite honestly, your happiness -- our happiness is of the utmost importance to me, so bowing to your principles, as they say, was a no-brainer.
Ellie: Look, I didn't come to this decision lightly. But it's a sacrifice worth making. Because that's what you do when you really love somebody.
Maxie: We can't just make this about DNA.
Georgie: I'm not making it about anything. She is your daughter, and you feel it. You love her more every day.
Maxie: Okay, fine. The baby is mine, but... where does that leave Dante and Lulu? [Sniffles] I don't know if you were watching from heaven when this whole thing started, but when Dante and Lulu decided to have a family, they went after it with everything they had, and when Lulu realized she couldn't carry a child of her own, she was devastated.
Georgie: You were trying to help.
Maxie: Yeah, shocking, I know.
Georgie: Not shocking. I'm your sister, remember? Even if I wasn't on a pass from the other side, I still know you better than anyone. You try so hard to make the people you love happy. You're doing it now with this baby. You're just -- you're going about it the wrong way.
Maxie: I volunteered to be Dante and Lulu's surrogate. It might be a mistake, but it's too late now. I'm pregnant with a baby that they think is theirs -- a baby that they have been longing for and planning for -- not me. What kind of person -- what kind of friend would I be if I took that away from them? That would destroy Lulu.
Georgie: Not as destroyed as you'll be once you give birth to your daughter, only to hand her over to be raised by Lulu and Dante.
Dante: Franco's in the hospital with a pretty professional-looking beatdown that he got tonight. I'm trying to question him, and he tells me he walked into a door.
Lulu: And you think Sonny had something to do with that?
Dante: Like I said, I-I know how Sonny thinks. I'm sure he's behind this, but Franco's not talking and neither is Alexis.
Lulu: Wait. What does she have to do with it?
Dante: Oh, Alexis is the one who brought Franco to the hospital. I don't even know what she was doing there, but I think she witnessed the beating, and now she's covering for Sonny.
Connie: I knew you two were getting closer, and I thought that maybe something might happen, but you swore to me that nothing was going on, Olivia.
Olivia: And that -- that was the -- that was the truth. [Sighs] Of course, I love Sonny. I always have, but -- but not in the way that you're thinking. What -- what we have between us is all about our son. It's about Dante. There's nothing more to Sonny and me than that -- not like you and Sonny. Connie, you belong together. You always have. And I knew -- I knew how devastated he was when you -- when you left him, and I knew that whenever you were ready to take him back, he'd be ready. Connie's the one you want. You can't deny it. Well, don't -- don't leave her hanging like that. [Chuckles] Say it -- say what we all know is true. You love Connie, and you want her back.
Maxie: I know it's not gonna be easy to give this baby to Dante and Lulu, but I have to. I will.
Georgie: Are you sure?
Maxie: What's my alternative? To tell them I've decided not to -- tell them why? Tell them I lost their baby months ago, and I have been lying to them, passing off my daughter as their own, letting them invest and fall in love? I'm supposed to just rip their hearts out with a few weeks left to go?
Georgie: Won't it be worse if it all comes out after the baby is born?
Maxie: [Sniffles] Are you saying I have to tell them?
Georgie: No, Maxie, I'm not telling you what to do. Only you can figure that out.
Maxie: No, you're so much better at figuring things out than I am.
Georgie: I'm sorry that I can't be there to hold you when you do decide.
Maxie: I miss you, Georgie.
Georgie: I know. I miss you, too.
Maxie: It's not fair. Why can't you be here? I need you. [Sniffles]
Georgie: You have me, Maxie. I'm always with you -- maybe not right next to you, but -- but I'm always in your heart.
Maxie: [Sniffles] [Sighs]
Dante: [Sighs] No, thanks, I'm saving room.
Lulu: Oh, I hope and pray our baby gets your genes.
Dante: What do you mean?
Lulu: The saving-room-for-dinner gene -- it's priceless.
Dante: Well, as long as she looks like you.
Lulu: [Chuckles] You're pretty cute, too.
Dante: At this point [Sighs] I'd be pretty happy if our baby didn't inherit anything from me.
Lulu: Do not go there.
Dante: No, this happens every time I get closer to my father.
Lulu: You don't know if he did this.
Dante: I do. I do know it. I just can't prove it.
Lulu: And if you could put your father in prison, would that honestly make you happy? With the baby coming and the christening, you want your dad behind bars?
Dante: No, I-I just want him to respect the law and -- and not bend it or break it or hire other people to bend it or break it for him.
Lulu: Did you ever think that maybe Alexis feels the same way? Yeah, she's his lawyer. This is what lawyers do -- they defend their clients. But she is also the mother of his child.
Dante: Right, then -- then stop lying for him. I'm sorry.
Lulu: No, it -- you're right.
Dante: No, I don't understand. I don't get it. I don't know how my father has this lineup of women standing there, ready to defend him, even at their own expense.
Sonny: This situation is not that simple, and you know it.
Connie: Look, I didn't expect to walk in here and fix this overnight, Sonny. I know it's gonna take a lot of work, but I think it's doable, if you're willing. And that's all that matters, right? If you're willing to try.
Olivia: Okay, you know what? I'm gonna go pack my things. I'm gonna get --
Sonny: Why do you have to go pack right now?
Olivia: Because you guys got to concentrate on working on your relationship, not on taking care of me.
Sonny: I can do two things at once.
Olivia: There's no need.
Sonny: You may be better, but you're not healed.
Connie: Why don't you stay with me, please?
Olivia: Honey, that kind of defeats the -- the purpose, right? Besides, Dante's been lobbying for me to go stay with him --
Connie: No way. They're having a baby.
Olivia: In another month.
Sonny: Olivia, you don't have to go!
Olivia: This is for the best, Sonny! Okay? The last thing that I want to do is be here in the middle, in the way, okay? This is how it was meant to be.
Franco: There's a love in your life that's not me. Ava, who is this man? It is a man, isn't it?
Ava: Do you really think there was no one before or after you?
Franco: Hmm. Well, whoever he is, he couldn't have been any good, or you wouldn't have kicked him to the curb. Tell me, my little pumpkin -- what'd you do to chase this one away?
Sam: Don't be sad. Hey.
Silas: Hey. I got Danny's test results back.
Sam: Oh, that was fast.
Silas: The protocol isn't working.
Sam: What?
Silas: Unfortunately, Danny's not responding to the chemo. Our only hope now is the bone-marrow transplant.
Sam: "Our only hope"?
Silas: I don't know how else to say this...
Sam: No.
Silas: ...Sam, but if we don't find a donor soon...
Sam: That's not what you said to me. You said that this was gonna work. You said this was -- this was the best. You said -- you said this was the best thing for Danny.
Silas: I'm sorry. We play the odds. But there are exceptions to every course of treatment --
Sam: No, I agreed to this, because you said he wouldn't be an exception!
Silas: No. Sam, I never said that. No one can accurately predict how every recipient is gonna --
Sam: No, Danny is not just a recipient!
Silas: I understand that.
Sam: This is my little boy!
Silas: I know.
Sam: This is Danny. You made me trust you. You said that he was gonna be okay.
Silas: I know I did.
Sam: Don't touch me! Get your hands off of me!
Silas: You can't do this! You're -- this is no good for Danny.
Sam: Don't tell me what is good and not good for my son. You don't know a damn thing. [Sighs]
Silas: I knew there was a chance that the protocol wouldn't work. And that's why I told you we needed to find a donor.
Sam: I don't want you to tell me an-- where is Jason? [Sighs] Where's Jason? Why would he leave me alone like this? [Sighs] Oh, Jason. [Sniffles]
Silas: It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.
Spinelli: You don't know how much it means to me that you're even willing to reconsider your views on a family, but, you know, I would never ask you to have a child at any time if you felt even remotely ambivalent.
Ellie: But when the child arrives...
Spinelli: You know what? We don't need to make any decisions right now. Besides, I have to go to New York. You have to go back to work. I'm sure you have a mountain of labs that need to be processed in order to find a marrow match for Danny.
Ellie: Yeah, uh, I mean, of course, that's important, but...
Spinelli: You know, and --
Ellie: I-I guess I just thought this conversation would go another way.
Spinelli: Well, we can revisit it -- all of it -- when I get back from New York or when circumstances make it a matter of urgency, but -- but I hope you know I'm content with the way things are. [Chuckles]
[Doorbell rings]
Dante: Mm.
Lulu: Oh, food, finally! No, wait, wait, wait. Let's make a deal. No more talking about your dad tonight -- just Pad Thai and baby names.
Dante: Deal. Oh.
Ellie: Hey, um, text me your flight number, so I know you got in safe?
Spinelli: Absolutely. I'll call you when we land. So, uh, go save Danny, okay? [Sighs]
Georgie: Be happy, Spinelli, and don't be too hard on Maxie when it all comes out.
Olivia: Okay, I'm gonna go pack my stuff, and I'm gonna have Max drive me over to Dante's.
Connie: Liv. Thank you for supporting me through this and for taking care of Sonny when I couldn't.
Olivia: Yeah. I'm so happy for you. And I know the two of you can work this out. [Sniffles]
Connie: I love you.
Sonny: I'm gonna go help her with her suitcase, okay? Listen.
Olivia: Don't -- don't say -- don't say anything, okay? I'm just so happy that this all shook out before, um, things went too far between you and me, okay? And Connie never has to know.
Sonny: Okay, but I just want you to know that everything that I said to you, right, I meant. Everything.
Olivia: Shh. Just be happy, Sonny, okay?
Sonny: All right.
Olivia: That's all I want for you.
Sonny: What about you? What about your happiness?
Alexis: What's wrong? Is it Danny?
Silas: I'm sorry. The protocol wasn't effective.
Alexis: You're gonna have to explain that.
Sam: The chemo didn't work. Danny's gonna need a bone-marrow transplant to save his life. So, that's what's gonna happen. We're gonna find a match.
Alexis: Yeah.
Sam: And he's gonna -- he's gonna get a transplant. Danny's gonna live, right? My son is gonna live.
Silas: I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure of that. And you may hate me right now, but when it comes to this, I'm the best there is.
Alexis: You damn well better be.
Ava: The subject of other men in my life is none of your business.
Franco: Being with you is my business. We've announced our coupledom to the universe and to our daughter, in particular. That makes this my business.
Ava: I don't even know why I'm discussing this with you. I'm going home.
Franco: Ava, darling? Aren't you gonna fluff my pillow?
Ava: Fluff yourself.
Rafe: Your dad isn't Danny's grandfather?
Molly: No. I'm sorry. I thought you knew. Sam, Kristina, and I all have different fathers.
Alexis: We will find a match.
Sam: Yeah, Mom, we have to. There are no other options.
Alexis: We've taken Heather's down to the lab. We're collecting Franco's after that. We've gone through every surviving family member.
Sam: Not everyone.
Alexis: Who? Who are we forgetting?
Sam: Someone who's not on the list.
Alexis: Who?
[Danny fusses]
Sam: My father.
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