General Hospital Transcript Thursday 7/11/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Morgan: Hey.
Kiki: Hmm?
Morgan: Everything okay?
Kiki: Everything's fine.
Morgan: You just seem like a million miles away right now. I mean, would -- would you rather not be here? I totally get that. Hospitals kind of, you know, creep me out, too, so...
Kiki: Oh, no, it's just...
[Cell phone rings]
Kiki: I should probably turn that off. We're in a hospital. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah, I was just -- I've been thinking a lot about my cousin. That's all. Danny.
Molly: [Speaking Italian] I know. I still need to work on pronunciation. But in this case, it's just the sentiment that matters. I just said, "Get well, Danny, because we're going to Italy." Well, not for a few years. I was thinking maybe for your 16th birthday. That way, you'll be able to appreciate the food and the culture and the seriously swanky accommodations. It'll be the trip of a lifetime, paid for with the proceeds of one of my best sellers. [Chuckles]
Rafe: You mean like this one?
Molly: Have you been reading that all this time?
Rafe: I got so into it, I didn't even realize it was dark. Um, why are you and Danny here alone? Where's Sam?
Molly: Uh, she had to run out for a little while. She's tracking down another potential bone-marrow donor for Danny.
Silas: Okay.
Sam: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Come here.
Silas: What are you doing?
Sam: Fair warning -- you're probably gonna regret coming with me.
Silas: Hmm. Now, is that because you neglected to inform me that Danny's cousin, however many times removed, happens to reside in an institution for the criminally insane?!
Sam: No, no. That's not all. That's not all.
Silas: I'm almost afraid to ask.
Sam: Well, you see, um, Heather --
Silas: Listen, all right? Look, let's just get in there. Let's swab the psycho and get out. Trust me -- whatever it is, I can handle it.
Sam: Yeah, but, uh, Heather had --
Silas: Hey, how you doing?
Heather: Oh, no! [Breathing heavily] You stay away from me. Stay away!
TJ: Oh, hey, what's up, Shawn? What's wrong with you?
Shawn: Nothing. I'm fine.
TJ: You don't look fine. Yo, there's something on your shirt, here, man.
Shawn: [Sighs]
TJ: Wait. Is that blood?
Dante: Lulu and I thought you might like something sweet to, uh, help you recover.
Olivia: Well, you were right. Of course, I probably shouldn't. Sonny already brought me Napoleons. I might have a rear end the size of your Uncle Hugo.
Dante: I don't think that's gonna happen.
Olivia: [Chuckles]
Dante: But what about you? Are you -- you doing okay here with Sonny?
Olivia: Yeah, better than okay. Your father's taking excellent care of me.
Maxie: Cute gear. Mother-daughter activities. Matching dresses. Ooh. [Chuckles] What was that? Are you doing somersaults in there? I guess you don't like those matching dresses, either. [Chuckles] It's okay. Mommy's here.
Lulu: Maxie?
Dante: So, you're comfortable here?
Olivia: Don't I look comfortable? I mean, if anything, I'm going a little stir-crazy. I can't lift a finger without Sonny or Max or Graciella jumping in to try and help me.
Dante: Yeah, well, Max and Graciella I don't have a problem with.
Olivia: So, this is about Sonny?
Dante: I'm just not comfortable with you living under this roof, and Lulu and I would like you to come stay with us.
Olivia: Honey, I told you -- Sonny did not lay a finger on Franco.
Alexis: Hello?! Can I get some help over here, please?
Kiki: Oh, my God! That's my father!
Silas: Hey, put the chair down. I'm not gonna hurt you.
Heather: You just stay away. And you! I should have figured it was you. I don't know how you did it, but you brought Stephen Clay here to finish me off.
Sam: This is not Stephen Clay.
Heather: I don't deserve to be turned over to Stephen Clay!
Sam: Calm down. Listen to me. Stephen Clay is dead. This is his brother, Silas. He's not a murderer. He's a doctor.
Heather: He is?
Sam: Yes.
Heather: Oh. Well, Steven Lars is a doctor, and he's a murderer, too.
Silas: Hmm. Who's Steven Lars?
Heather: My son. He really is a wonderful boy.
Silas: Sounds like it.
Sam: He is nothing like his brother.
Heather: Well, I certainly hope not. Stephen Clay -- he strangled me. And then he dropped me in the water like I was some kind of a mutant fish and hoped I would die.
Silas: Yes, I'm -- look, I'm very sorry about, uh, what my brother did to you, but I-I assure you we are -- we're not here to hurt you.
Heather: Then what are you doing here with her?
Sam: We need your help.
Rafe: So, which relative is Sam crossing off the list?
Molly: I don't know, but it had to be pretty important. Dr. Clay went with her.
Rafe: Seriously? I mean, I know Uncle Silas is helping out on Danny's case, but he obviously considers himself God's gift to medicine. Isn't swabbing someone's cheek kind of beneath him?
Molly: You're surprised he took a personal interest?
Rafe: Let's face it -- he's not the warmest guy.
Molly: [Talks baby talk]
Rafe: Although he has been pretty good to Danny.
Molly: Yeah. More than you know. [Smooches] Your legal guardian is now Danny's doctor.
TJ: Did you get in a car accident or something?
Shawn: Look, TJ, I'm not hurt, okay?
TJ: Then how'd you get that on your shirt?
Franco: [Grunting]
Shawn: Occupational hazard.
TJ: Oh, right. It's ketchup. Okay.
Shawn: Yeah, it's got to be.
TJ: Since you're here now, I've been meaning to ask you -- did you run into Molly on July 4th?
Shawn: No.
TJ: But I thought that you were with Alexis. Didn't you go over to her house to watch the fireworks?
Shawn: [Sighs] We didn't see any fireworks. Alexis and I broke up.
Kiki: Wait, wait! What happened? What happened? Tell me. What happened to my father?
Nurse: Let's get him to cubicle 1.
Kiki: Morgan, did you see him? Who could have done that to him?
Shawn: Hey, Morgan, why don't you, uh, find somewhere else to be?
Sonny: Why don't you take your girlfriend someplace nice?
Kiki: Morgan, do you know what could have happened to my father?
Sonny: Dante, how you doing?
Dante: I'm good. I just came to check in on my mother.
Sonny: See how much better she's doing?
Dante: Yeah. I just don't think this is the best place for her to recuperate.
Olivia: Dante, please, please.
Sonny: Why would you say that?
Dante: 'Cause I'm worried about her safety.
Sonny: Well, she's gonna be safe. I mean, under my roof, nothing's gonna happen to your mom.
Dante: Really?
Olivia: You see that? Are you satisfied? Because I'm satisfied, and lest you forget, I make my own decisions.
Dante: Okay. Well, she's obviously feeling well enough to defend you, because she told me once again that you did not lay a hand on Franco.
Sonny: Have you had enough?
Franco: No, I'm good. I'm -- I'm getting warmed up.
Sonny: She's right. I didn't touch him.
Lulu: Maxie?
Maxie: Lulu. What are you doing here? Did you want to go in the sample room?
Lulu: Did I just hear you right? It sounded like you said "Mommy's here" to the baby.
Maxie: [Clears throat] I did. I saw you coming.
Lulu: How? You had your back to me.
Maxie: Um, I use this little mirror so that Connie can't sneak up on me.
Lulu: [Chuckling] Oh. That is a good idea.
Maxie: Yeah, totally.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Maxie: So, what's up?
Lulu: I came to take you to dinner.
Maxie: Tonight?
Lulu: I need a favor. And I realize that carrying my child for me is pretty much the biggest favor ever, but this one will be fun. Sort of fun.
Maxie: A fun favor. What is it?
Lulu: Dante and I can't decide on a name for the baby, so I was hoping you could help.
Maxie: You want me to name your daughter?
Lulu: Well, why not? You're creative. You have amazing style. You always know what's trending without falling into the clichés, and Frankly, I get the feeling you've probably already come up with the perfect name.
Maxie: [Sighs]
Lulu: See? I knew it. What is it?
Maxie: Lulu, this is your child.
Lulu: Yeah, and she is going to end up Mildred Rocco Falconeri, so please tell me this absolutely perfect name you thought of.
Maxie: Georgie.
Dante: There's something you're not saying.
Sonny: How's the investigation going into your mother's shooting? Did you guys find out who, uh -- who was aiming at Franco the night at the Metro Court?
Dante: Well, you know, we lost a bit of traction in that investigation --
Sonny: Probably because you assumed that I ordered the hit. I'm just saying.
Dante: Who had as much motive as you? Who better than you to send a sniper to your ex-wife's hotel to take out the man who threatened your whole family?
Sonny: But I-I didn't.
Dante: Well, the investigation is ongoing.
Sonny: Oh. Okay. Any leads?
[Cell phone rings]
Dante: Excuse me.
Sonny: Okay. Guess not.
Dante: Falconeri. Yeah, sure, I can come take a statement about an assault. Who's the victim? All right, I'll be right there. Someone has just kicked the crap out of Franco.
Rafe: My uncle is working at General Hospital?
Molly: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: When did this happen?
Molly: In the last few days, maybe. Sam just found out about it.
Rafe: Well, if he's working here, then that means I don't have to go to New York.
Molly: Yeah, um, Sam wanted me to be the one to tell you. Your Uncle Silas is the new head of the Oncology Department at GH.
Rafe: So, even if I have to live with that jerk, I won't be far away from you.
Molly: It's nice to get some good news for a change, huh?
Rafe: More than good.
Molly: You're right. This is awesome, incredible, and a huge relief all rolled into one.
Rafe: Yeah, but you know what? I'd trade it in two seconds to hear some good news about Danny.
Heather: That sweet little boy -- he always seemed so healthy. I mean, except for the beta-thalassemia, but that was nothing to worry about, as long as he was monitored. And now you're telling me that Danny has leukemia?
Sam: Yes, I am. He's receiving treatment, and if that doesn't work, then the next step would be the transplant, and we've got to test all of the blood relatives, and you were Jason's mother's cousin, so, obviously, that makes you a relative, and I was just -- I was just wondering if you could please allow us to test you.
Heather: So, if I'm a match, you're saying I could save your son's life?
Sam: Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. And the procedure's very simple. It's just, um, a little swab, a cotton swab, in the inside of the cheek. That's all. Please, Heather? Please? Would you do that for me?
Heather: I'd throw myself off the roof of the Miscavige Institute before I'd agree to that.
Alexis: [Sighs]
Franco: Did you see my daughter? Did you see the look on her face? There's a lot of blood, isn't there?
Alexis: I'm calling the police. We've waited long enough.
Nurse: They've already been notified.
Franco: Oh, they have?
Nurse: It's hospital policy.
Dante: Franco caught a beating.
Sonny: Yeah, you said that.
Dante: So, I don't suppose you know anything about it?
Sonny: [Sighs]
Olivia: Dante, did you come here to visit me or to interrogate your father?
Dante: Well, no -- no, I-I came here to see you, but this has turned into a real time-saver, you know? Sonny, anything about Franco?
Sonny: Your mother said it. I'm gonna say it again. I did not touch Franco.
Dante: Guess I got to get my answers from him.
Lulu: Maxie, you want to name the baby after your sister? That's beautiful.
Maxie: Georgie was so smart and funny. I mean, people never knew how funny she really was because I got all the attention, but she always made me laugh. She was kind and compassionate, completely honest. She gave great advice, but she didn't judge me when I did the opposite.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Maxie: She was so smart and always got straight A's, but she wasn't a nerd. She was incredibly loyal to the people that she loved. I just feel like Georgie's the type of daughter that any mother would want to have.
Lulu: That's true. I want my baby girl to be all of those things. I would be honored to name her after your sister, but...Maxie, this wouldn't be fair to you.
Maxie: What do you mean?
Lulu: Because this baby belongs to me and Dante. You need to save "Georgie" for the day you have a smart, funny, kind, honest child of your own.
Maxie: Lulu, I need to tell you something.
Dante: I'll check back in with you later, Ma.
Olivia: Yeah. Bye, sweetie.
Dante: Think about it, all right? Staying with me and Lulu?
Olivia: Okay.
Dante: See you, Sonny.
Sonny: All right, Dante.
Dante: Yeah.
Olivia: [Sighs] Well, I noticed you didn't exactly deny knowing anything about what happened to Franco.
Sonny: Bad things happen, Olivia, and no one deserves it more than that freak. If somebody worked him over... I'm not shedding any tears.
Olivia: Well, the way you're evading me, it tells me everything I need to know.
Sonny: Huh?
Olivia: You had someone else beat up Franco, didn't you?
Sam: You won't even let yourself get tested? What if you could save my son's life?
Heather: Oh, let me see that.
Silas: Knock yourself out.
Heather: [Chuckles] Why would I bother? I mean, really, after all we've been through, you want me to give your son my bone marrow? And I asked you to give mine a letter -- a simple piece of paper. I mean, really, it was too much trouble for you to do that, yet you darken my door, and you ask me to let the marrow be sucked out of my bones? No. I'm not a piece of osso buco.
Sam: How could you call yourself a mother? You want to punish me? Punish me. My son is innocent.
Heather: But he's yours.
Sam: Yes, he is my son, but if it were up to you, I would have never known that. My God, Heather, haven't you tortured me enough? Didn't you get your revenge when you gave my son to another woman? You let me believe that my son was dead for months, when I could have been holding him in my arms and seeing him smile for the first time. No, I was making funeral arrangements and putting him in the ground. And now you want to take him away from me again? You don't care if my son dies, because I didn't give you a letter? Are you kidding me? Oh, you know what?! You can go to hell, Heather!
Silas: Hey.
Sam: I hope one day you have a shred of sanity left in you that you realize that you are crazy for letting my little boy suffer.
Silas: Sam, take it easy.
Sam: I should have known not to come here. [Voice breaking] She's not gonna help.
Silas: Yeah, she will. She will.
Molly: One of my prayers was answered when your uncle took the job at GH.
Rafe: Really? You're that big of a fan of my uncle?
Molly: You know that's not the reason. I don't know what I would do without you here to help me deal with Danny... and everything else.
Rafe: You mean TJ.
Molly: Yeah.
TJ: I can't believe it. You and Alexis actually broke up?
Shawn: Well, she made it clear there's no future for us.
TJ: But you two were, like, solid. What happened?
Shawn: Well, she was upset about something I did.
TJ: Oh, no. Oh, no. Don't tell me -- don't tell me you cheated on Alexis like I did to Molly.
Shawn: Nobody cheated, TJ.
TJ: Then what happened? Why did she break up with you?
Shawn: It was because of my job.
TJ: What are you talking about? Alexis loves Kelly's. She always stops by for takeout.
Shawn: Not this one. My other one. The work I do for Sonny.
Sonny: Do me a favor, Olivia. Don't dwell on who put the hurting on Franco, 'cause he's not worth it.
Olivia: Who's dwelling? I already know I'm right. I don't need no psychic vision to tell me, either.
Sonny: What am I supposed to do? If I say yeah, it puts you in a bad position. Dante's our son. He's a cop.
Olivia: So, that's a "yes."
Lulu: Maxie? What is it? What do you have to tell me?
Maxie: [Sighs] Lulu --
Connie: Maxie? Oh, good. You're still here. I need your advice.
Lulu: In case you didn't notice, we're kind of in the middle of something. Not to mention that Maxie is not on the clock. I was about to take her out to dinner.
Connie: Lulu, it's very nice to see you, but in my office, I'm the clock, so I need you to take a hike.
Lulu: Seriously?
Connie: Seriously. This is a very important matter, so could you go? Sooner?
Lulu: I'm not your assistant anymore, so you can't just order me around, and just so we're clear, Maxie is not your indentured servant, either.
Connie: Okay. You're right. You're right. You can help Maxie help me.
Lulu: Do what?
Connie: [Sighs] Get back together with Sonny.
Sonny: Morgan's living with his girlfriend, who happens to be, you know, Franco's daughter. They're living at the Quartermaines', and Franco is living there, too, so I had to do what I had to do to keep my son safe. So, what are you gonna do, Olivia? You gonna turn me in?
Kiki: Do you know something about how my dad got beat up?
Morgan: What? No. How could I? I've been here with you. Come on, do yourself a favor and go see him.
Franco: [Grunts]
Dr. Rashi: Sorry about that.
Franco: It's all right. Who doesn't love disinfectant?
Dr. Rashi: Well, I think that's about all we can do for now, but I would like to run some tests to make sure there's no internal injuries.
Franco: Hi.
Kiki: You okay?
Franco: You should see the other guy.
Kiki: Don't joke, okay? Because you're seriously hurt. I saw the look in your face. You're in pain.
Franco: It's almost worth it to see your look of concern.
Kiki: What happened? Who did this to you?
Dante: I'd like to know the answer to that, too.
Rafe: Look, about this whole TJ thing -- can I give you some advice?
Molly: Oh, God, at this point, definitely.
Rafe: Okay, uh, I think you should text him back or maybe even -- I don't know -- go crazy and call him -- whatever. But you need to talk things out.
Molly: No matter what we talk about, it doesn't change the fact that TJ slept with Taylor. Slept with her after we promised we'd wait. I can't see my way past that. I never will.
Rafe: Never say never.
Molly: Okay, I-I can't imagine myself feeling any different at any point in the foreseeable future.
Rafe: Okay, look, my point is things change. I mean, a half-hour ago, I thought I was having to leave Port Charles. And look -- now I'm staying. Anything is possible.
TJ: Alexis is upset because of your other job.
Shawn: You must have figured out that I sometimes work for Sonny.
TJ: I mean, yeah, I noticed, but you never mentioned anything, so I figured I shouldn't ask.
Shawn: Look, I'm sorry about that. You know, I guess I thought the less you knew, the better. You know, sometimes, TJ, it can be dangerous.
TJ: So that's why Alexis doesn't like it?
Shawn: Part of the reason. Look, I need you to know that nothing I do for Sonny would ever touch you -- that you are the most important person in my life. I'd never let anything I do hurt you.
TJ: I know that.
Sam: No, I am sorry, Silas, but you are not gonna talk that psycho into anything.
Silas: [Inhales deeply] Watch me. Heather. Heather, I'm -- I'm getting the feeling we got off on the wrong foot, here.
Heather: More like the wrong face. How can you come in here looking like that and expect me to help you?
Silas: And I realize that Sam and I are asking you for a lot, and perhaps you deserve something in return.
Heather: There are some things I want, but I don't see how you could help me. I'm stuck in here. The staff won't even let me communicate with my son.
Silas: We could do something about that.
Heather: Really?
Silas: I'm a doctor. Perhaps I could talk to my colleagues about getting, uh -- it's a letter, right? We can get a letter to, um, Steven Lars.
Heather: Just one? I have a whole stack.
Silas: Of course, you do. Sure, a whole stack.
Heather: No. No, that's not enough. You're gonna have to do better than that.
Silas: Okay. What is it you want?
Heather: Well, how about the food? It's terrible. They must have changed chefs or something. A starving dog would turn up its nose at it.
Silas: Would a starving dog like a nice, juicy steak?
Heather: Oh, please.
Silas: I'll throw in a lobster-tail.
Heather: Oh, surf and turf. How bourgeois.
Silas: You're not going vegan on us, are you?
Heather: Hell, no. In fact, I'd kill kittens for a BLT from Kelly's.
Silas: Who wouldn't? Consider it done.
Heather: Really? Hmm.
Silas: I'll personally see to it that you get a BLT delivered here once a week.
Heather: Beautiful. And lastly...
Silas: You're pushing it.
Heather: Or I could keep my DNA to myself. I thought so. If you want to test me, I want another visit from that adorable Franco.
Franco: Detective Falconeri, this is my daughter. Kiki, this is Detective Falconeri.
Dante: Kiki. I've heard a lot about you from my brother Morgan.
Kiki: Yeah, yeah, I've heard about you from Morgan, as well.
Franco: My daughter is understandably concerned about me, so any questions you have, we can keep on the polite?
Dante: Of course. Of course. Are you even able and well enough to answer questions?
Franco: I'll do my level best, Detective.
Dante: Okay.
Alexis: Careful, Detective. Don't overdo it.
Dante: [Chuckles] Okay. And what are you doing here? Are you this guy's lawyer or something?
Alexis: Oh, God, no. Of course not. I brought him here. I found him.
Maxie: I thought we talked about this. I thought you were scared to get back together with Sonny, because you might fall off the deep end, and you were going to talk to your doctor first.
Connie: I did. I spoke with my doctor. We discussed it.
Maxie: Oh, yeah? What did he say -- that it was okay for you to go back, and you won't split off into another alter again?
Connie: Well, not exactly.
Olivia: Sonny, I want you to listen to me very carefully, 'cause this is important.
Sonny: Okay.
Olivia: You had Franco beaten up, because he was threatening your son. You wanted to protect him. Now, if Franco was threatening my kid...I would have done exactly the same thing. I might even have kicked his ass myself. So, to answer your question -- no, I'm not gonna turn you in.
Sonny: Thank you.
Olivia: I'm on your side, Sonny. Don't you know that?
Sonny: I do now.
[Cell phone rings]
Sonny: [Sighs] I got to get it. It's Morgan. [Sighs] Morgan.
Morgan: Hey, um, I'm at the hospital. Don't worry. I'm -- I'm fine.
Sonny: What happened?
Morgan: Well, Franco's here, and so is Dante, and he's -- he's asking questions.
Dante: Kiki, you mind giving us a minute, please?
Kiki: He's really hurt. I don't know if it'll be ok--
Franco: Kiki. It's okay.
Morgan: Look, I was talking to Franco when you came in with Shawn, okay? Then you kicked me out. I can connect the dots about what happened next.
Sonny: Don't worry about anything. Let me take care of everything. Because everything's gonna be fine. Do you understand me, son?
Morgan: All right. If you say so.
Sonny: Yeah, and, uh...thanks for the heads up, okay?
Morgan: Yeah. No problem.
Kiki: Hey. Why do you seem freaked out? Who was that on the phone?
Morgan: [Clears throat]
Dante: Well, now that it's just the three of us, which one of you is gonna tell me who did this to him?
Molly: I think the best thing for me to do right now is just to forget about TJ and focus on the trip to Italy I'm taking with Danny.
Rafe: You're taking Danny to Italy?
Molly: In 15 years. Kind of a sweet-16 present. I think after all that time dealing with the Davis women, he'll deserve it.
Rafe: You hear that? [Speaking Italian] You know, my mother used to tell me that...
Molly: What's wrong?
Rafe: He looks weird. I mean, do you see his eyes? They're, like -- they're glossy.
Molly: Oh, my God, he's burning up.
Sam: Another visit from Franco? You're telling me you've seen him before?
Heather: Of course... as soon as he hit town. He wouldn't ignore his biggest fan. Besides, he needed something he'd given me for safekeeping. I was the only one he could trust with it.
Sam: What would -- what would Franco give you?
Heather: A DVD. He needed it back to prove he didn't rape you on your little island getaway with Jason.
Sam: I know all about the DVD. I saw it.
Heather: Oh, good. Well, then Franco's already made everything right. He is wonderful, isn't he?
Silas: All right, fine. I will, uh, talk to this Franco. Do we have a deal?
Heather: If Franco's coming, I'm in.
Franco: Mrs. Davis is an angel of mercy. Isn't that right? And I bled all over her car. You should get your car detailed. I'll take care of that.
Dante: Come on, you brought Franco to the hospital. You have to know how he received his injuries.
Alexis: I found him at the Quartermaine boathouse. Obviously, he was --
Franco: I walked into a door. Over and over again, I walked --
Dante: Did this door have a name, like Sonny Corinthos?
Connie: Sonny Corinthos is the love of my life. I hate living without him, and I'm not gonna let him slip away, because my shrink can't guarantee I'm gonna fall apart again.
Maxie: Is that what he said?
Connie: Well, he said that my mental health isn't exactly 100%. However, he did say that I have spent time around Sonny without fragmenting, so there's no reason why I can't start thinking about getting Sonny back.
Lulu: It just sounds like he was saying to proceed with caution.
Maxie: Exactly. Take it slow.
Connie: Ugh. Oh, who asked you girls, anyway? I'm gonna go get Sonny back right now.
Lulu: Wait. You already made up your mind?
Connie: Duh.
Maxie: Then why are we here?
Connie: Why do you think? I need you to help me pick out something to wear.
Olivia: Everything okay with Morgan?
Sonny: Yeah. He's gonna be okay. Uh, everything's gonna be fine.
Olivia: Okay.
Sonny: Yeah.
Olivia: One question.
Sonny: Mm-hmm?
Olivia: You just saying what I want to hear so we can start making out again?
Sonny: Well, it'd be nice to get back to that. I mean, we can go even further, if, you know.
Olivia: Further?
Sonny: I mean...
Olivia: We almost went to that, um...further place this morning.
Sonny: But you stopped. Maybe this time if you don't stop -- I mean, I understand if you're hurting or whatever.
Olivia: Why don't you ask me again?
Sonny: Are you saying you're up for it?
Olivia: I'm saying I think I made a miraculous recovery.
Lulu: Are you ready for dinner? I feel like we've earned something fried and covered with cheese.
Maxie: Uh, can I take a rain check? I still have to pick up all this stuff and organize her e-mails and her calendar.
Lulu: You don't have her calendar ready?
Maxie: No, no, and the more the baby moves, the slower I go.
Lulu: Okay, sit down. Tell me what to do.
Maxie: Lulu, honestly, it's easier if I just do it myself.
Lulu: Okay, but I'm going to hold you to this rain check, okay?
Maxie: Absolutely, and we'll, uh, brainstorm and find the perfect baby name.
Lulu: Hey, um, what were you gonna tell me before Connie walked in?
Maxie: Just that you were right. I should probably save my sister's name for when I have a baby of my own.
Lulu: It'll happen. You are gonna have a Georgie that is all yours. Mm.
Maxie: [Sighs] But you are mine.
[Buzzer sounds]
Maxie: What the... Connie, how did you get in? I didn't even see you come past me.
TJ: All right man, uh, I'm gonna head out.
Shawn: Hey, TJ is there anything else you want to know before you go -- I mean, about what I do for Sonny?
TJ: Nah, I mean [Chuckles] It's cool.
Shawn: Okay.
TJ: Actually, uh, there might be one thing.
Shawn: Okay. What's up?
TJ: It's not ketchup on your shirt, is it?
Shawn: [Sighs]
Dante: You're sure this door you ran into -- it doesn't have a name?
Franco: Don't be silly. Even the Quartermaines don't name their doors.
Dante: [Chuckles] That's it -- that's your story?
Franco: Yeah, pretty much. That's my story.
Dante: All right. Alexis, do you have anything you want to contribute?
Alexis: Afraid not.
Kiki: Did he tell you what happened or who did this to him?
Dante: Oh, no. No, he didn't say a damn thing. Would not tell me who beat the hell out of him.
Kiki: He wouldn't say anything?
Dante: Just that it happened in the Quartermaine boathouse.
Kiki: The boathouse? That's where Morgan and I live.
Dante: Well, I already know you didn't see anything. What about you?
Kiki: He couldn't have seen anything. He was with me.
Morgan: Yeah, no, no, no. I, uh -- I've, uh -- I've been here with her.
Dante: All right. I guess I'll see you guys later on.
Alexis: Why didn't you tell Dante that Shawn and Sonny did this to you?
Franco: Why didn't you?
Alexis: Well, I'm not the one with the internal injuries.
Franco: Hmm.
Alexis: Why did you keep quiet?
Franco: Well, the correct answer would be one of two things. Either I deserve to look like this, or I just love holding something over Sonny.
Olivia: I haven't felt this good in a while.
Sonny: Are you sure? 'Cause...
Olivia: Positive. Except there's one thing.
Sonny: Hmm? What's that?
Olivia: If we cross this line, we can't lie to Connie about it.
Sonny: [Sighs] Okay, um... we'll tell her tomorrow. Hmm?
Olivia: Yeah.
[Doorbell rings]
Olivia: [Sighs]
Sonny: All right, listen, I'm gonna get rid of whoever that is, okay?
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: I'll be right back. [Exhales deeply]
Silas: Hmm. Here we go. Open up. Thank you. There we go. That's nice.
Heather: Well, I must say you have a much gentler touch than your brother.
Silas: Thank you. And thank you for this.
Heather: You're welcome.
Sam: I really, really appreciate this, Heather.
Heather: Wouldn't it be something if I was the match? Then you'd owe me your son's life.
[Door closes]
[Thermometer beeps]
Molly: Look -- he's got a really high fever.
Rafe: I'll call my uncle.
Molly: I'll call my sister.
Sam: You know, I, um -- I-I shouldn't have blown up like that.
Silas: Are you kidding? After hearing what she did to you, I think you showed remarkable restraint.
Sam: You do?
Silas: I would have torn her limb from limb.
Sam: Really? 'Cause you never would have known. Actually, I think Heather was quite smitten with you. I think you were rather charming.
Silas: Let's keep that between us.
Sam: [Chuckling] Oh, don't you worry. Your secret is safe with me. Well, thank you for stepping in. I appreciate it.
Silas: With so many potential donors, we're gonna get a match. If it ends up being the madwoman of Miscavige, so be it.
[Cell phone ringing]
[Cell phone ringing]
Sam: Molly?
Silas: Rafe, is that you?
Rafe: It's the baby.
Molly: Something's wrong with Danny.
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