GH Transcript Wednesday 7/10/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 7/10/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Sonny: Hold on! Shawn, Shawn, hold on. I just want to talk to him.

Franco: [Gasping]

Sonny: Okay. Franco, I can have the movers here in 10 minutes. Have you had enough?

Franco: Mm, I'm good. I'm good and warmed up.

Sonny: Shawn, how do you feel?

Shawn: I haven't even broken a sweat.

Sonny: Then, by all means, let's get on with it.

Franco: Hold on, hold on, hold on! Okay -- unh!

Alexis: What the hell are you doing?!

Franco: Aah! Aah!

Patrick: Excuse me, Nurse Santiago.

Sabrina: We're at work, Dr. Drake. Save it for after hours.

Patrick: Mmm. Our shift's almost over. And I don't feel like waiting.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Laura: Hey, Luke, I know you're away. I also know that you don't return your messages when you're on the road, but... I have a really bad feeling, Luke... about you.

Tracy: [Thinking] "Try to understand, Spanky, this is something I have to do alone. Catch you on the flip side. Luke. P.S. I'm counting on you to keep this under your hat." [Sighs] Damn you, Luke Spencer.

Lucy: Hey! Hi! Good. You're here, partner.

Laura: Yeah. Oh, I got your message. It sounded awfully urgent. Is there something wrong with our business plan for Deception?

Lucy: No. Just the opposite. I had a meeting with an investor.

Laura: Already?

Lucy: Yeah, yeah.

Laura: Wait a minute. Aren't you supposed to do that with me?

Lucy: Well, yes! Yes. Of course, we are. We are, and we'll do that in the future. It's just -- listen to me, Laura. I know this -- that if you're gonna survive the cut-throat business of spa services, you've got to be adaptable. If you see an opportunity, you've got to seize it, and that's just what I did. And guess what. It paid off. He called me back, and he said he was gonna front us the money. He's giving us the bucks, and he's coming right here right now to sign all the papers.

Laura: Now?

Lucy: Yes!

Laura: Wait a minute. So, you've already drawn up a contract? Lucy, this is going too fast -- way too fast. What do we even know about this person?

Lucy: Trust me. You know more than most. And there he is. Hi.

Nikolas: Hi. Hi.

Laura: Hi, honey.

Britt: [Clears throat]

Patrick: Sorry. I didn't see you there.

Britt: I wanted to tell you something. I'm sorry... for killing the baby.

Brad: Man, if I let the world know what I just saw, it could bring down your entire family. Michael, don't you care what they think of you? I mean, do you want everyone to know you're guilty of incest, that you're a cousin-lover? And what about you?

Kiki: I'm with Michael on this.

Brad: Oh, you better be. 'Cause Michael's choice makes you look just as twisted as he is. I mean, think about this. Think about this. Are you ready for the scorn, the morbid curiosity?

Kiki: Well, you know what? Anything's better than giving in to you, freak.

Michael: My cousin's right.

Brad: You're bluffing.

Michael: Try me.

Brad: Fine. I will. In fact, I'll tell the next person who walks through that door. Care to test me? Hello. And, uh, who might you be?

Morgan: I'm this guy's brother.

Brad: Well... well, this must be fate, because I have something very, very important to discuss with you.

Sam: Dr. Clay. What are you doing here?

Silas: I'm here for the kid.

Ava: [Breathing heavily]

Tracy: Well... what has got you so worked up?

Ava: My ex.

Alexis: What the hell is wrong with you? Oh, my God. There's blood everywhere.

Franco: It's oddly beautiful.

Sonny: Shut up, Franco!

Franco: Okay.

Alexis: I'm calling an ambulance.

Sonny: No, you're not calling anyone, Alexis! He's fine!

Alexis: He is not fine! He's been beaten to a pulp by your hired thug!

Sonny: Grab her phone.

Shawn: Alexis, give me your phone.

Alexis: Don't you dare!

Sonny: Give me that phone!

Alexis: Is this what it's come to now? Go ahead. You gonna take me out, too?

Patrick: Wait. What did you just say?

Sabrina: You killed your baby?

Britt: No. Clearly, I'm still pregnant.

Sabrina: Oh, my God, Britt, don't do that.

Britt: Do what? Is it my fault you two think the worst of me? But obviously, I was talking about the doll thing of Emma's.

Sabrina: Baby Ariel.

Britt: Sure. Okay. I'm not that great apologizing, so... here. I -- I got her a new one.

Patrick: That's...nice of you.

Britt: It wasn't easy finding the exact one at Wyndham's.

Patrick: I'm sure she'll appreciate it. Thank you. But why are you shopping? You're supposed to be on bed rest.

Britt: I didn't tell you? I'm feeling much better.

Sabrina: Assuming you were even sick at all.

Laura: Nikolas is our investor?

Nikolas: Yes. I assumed that you knew.

Laura: No. I didn't.

Lucy: I am so excited to see you. Please, sit down. Please, take my chair. We -- we -- are positively thrilled that we're all gonna be in business together.

Laura: Wait a minute. No. I -- I can't ask you to do this, son.

Nikolas: I -- I want to.

Lucy: See? He wants to. He wants to.

Laura: He's very kind. He's very, very generous. You are. But, you know, this was supposed to be something that I was gonna do on my own -- you know, on my own merits. I don't want my son to feel obligated...

Nikolas: Mother...

Laura: ...To finance my business venture.

Nikolas: I don't feel obligated. And it is on your own merits. I saw the business plan that you and Lucy put together.

Laura: We were just in the planning stages. Uh, I don't think that you want to commit to anything right now.

Nikolas: I promise you, Mother, I want to do this, all right? Just think of me as any other good backer. Okay? I think a wellness spa is what Port Charles has been missing, and it's kind of a hole in the market, so to speak, so I think it's a good investment.

Lucy: Right, right. I couldn't have said it any better myself. And so, here we go. All we need for you to do, because we're so excited that we're all doing business together, is I just need you to sign a few papers. That's all. Here's a pen. Hold on. And when we get that done, we'll be ready to go. Okay, first page, here.

Laura: You don't have to do this.

Lucy: Here.

Nikolas: It's okay.

Lucy: That's it! Oh, perfect! That is so good. And now we're all good to go.

Nikolas: Yeah. It's a pleasure doing business with you. Got to go.

Lucy: A pleasure to do business with you. But, hey, you don't have to go. I was thinking we'd all order this big, fat, like, three BLT thingy and celebrate. Come on. We could.

Nikolas: No, I'm sorry. I have to get to the hospital. My cousin, Danny -- Sam's little baby -- needs a bone-marrow transplant, and I need to get tested.

Lucy: Oh, no.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Laura: You saved your sister's life when she was just a baby with a bone-marrow transplant.

Nikolas: Yeah, maybe -- maybe I can save Danny, too -- if I'm a match.

Morgan: I -- I'm sorry. Do I know you?

Brad: Regrettably, no. But I know your brother and his cousin -- Kiki. You and I should probably talk.

Morgan: About them?

Brad: Yeah. See, the thing about Michael and Kiki is that --

Michael: I've been tested, and, uh... Kiki's next in line as possible donors. I see what you've got there, Brad, but Morgan and I have different fathers, so he's not related to Danny.

Kiki: Right. So you don't need to talk to him about being a donor, because he's no more likely to be a match than anyone else in this world.

Morgan: Yeah, I'm sorry. I wish I could help you there. Assuming that's what you meant.

Sam: Danny isn't due for another treatment until next week.

Silas: I meant Rafe.

Sam: Okay. Now I'm a little bit confused.

Silas: Look, the custody problems, they've -- they've worked themselves out. I'm not going anywhere, all right? I'm working at General Hospital. There's no reason why the kid can't move in with me now.

Sam: Now? Like, now?

Silas: Now. Why not?

Sam: Because you don't have a place to live.

Silas: I'll find one.

Sam: But -- I -- I don't get it. Where is Rafe supposed to sleep? On the floor of your hotel --

Silas: I don't want to argue about this! I've made up my mind!

Sam: But this doesn't make any sense to me! It doesn't make any sense. You've been so reasonable about Rafe during this whole Danny situation. You have actually been acting like a human being. And now, all of a sudden, you're gonna revert back to this arrogant jerk that I met in New York. What has changed?

Silas: Nothing's changed.

Sam: Nice try. Somebody pissed you off, and it wasn't me.

Tracy: Let me guess -- your reunion with my serial-killer nephew didn't work out, not that I expected more when I heard you were shacking up with him in Alan's house.

Ava: Mm. Monica's house.

Tracy: Oh. Does she have it monogrammed on the hand towels? It was Alan's house. He gave it to her. And the only reason she is allowing you to squat here with Franco is out of deference to Alan.

Ava: Well, thank you, Sir Alan. You did me a solid.

Tracy: So, what did Franco do? Use your blood to tag a bus?

Ava: [Chuckles] Who said I was talking about Franco?

Sonny: Calm down, Alexis. No one's gonna hurt you.

Alexis: Forgive me if I'm not convinced.

Sonny: All you got to do is walk out the door and just forget whatever you saw here.

Alexis: Yeah. So you can kill him? You've more than half accomplished that. And, what -- this is the higher calling you were telling me about? You break up our relationship, because you can't give up this?

Shawn: Okay, dial down the outrage for a minute. Think about who this man is! Remember what he did to your daughter.

Franco: I didn't do that. I didn't rape --

Sonny: I told you to shut up!

Franco: Okay, okay.

Sonny: Did Sam tell you what he did to Michael? He made him a target for some freak in Pentonville! And then he said he was trying to protect Michael. He didn't mean for my son to get raped! You think I'm gonna allow that predator to walk around?! I am not doing that!

Alexis: You don't get to decide that! The court does! You don't get to ride around and dispense your vigilante justice!

Sonny: He's an animal! Nobody cares if he lives or dies!

Alexis: I care! Because if you kill him, you could be killing my grandson, too!

Britt: Are you once again accusing me of lying?

Sabrina: You know what? Forget it. I shouldn't have even said anything.

Britt: No. You know what? I've had it with your accusations, Sabrina. Had it.

Patrick: Can we not do this here, please?

Britt: Why not? Because we work here, or because the two of you want to continue making out in front of patients?

Patrick: No, because this is between the three of us, not everybody involved here.

Britt: It doesn't matter. Everyone knows our dirty laundry by now. Why not keep them informed? For the record, Sabrina, each and every one of your insulting theories about me has been proven wrong. This is Patrick's baby. I did have hyperemesis gravidarum, and my labs will confirm that my condition has improved, and I'm no longer on bed rest.

Sabrina: Okay. Will these labs be run by your little buddy Brad?

Britt: Oh, and who would you prefer? The not-so-irreproachable Ellie Trout, who went behind my back to run a paternity test using my blood samples without my permission? I will match my supposed shadiness to yours any day of the week.

Patrick: Please, this is getting out of hand.

Britt: Really, why do you feel the need to keep after me, Sabrina? You won. You have the guy. I have no one. You call me a bitch, but I'm not the one kicking someone when she's down. Patrick, I hope Emma enjoys the doll.

Silas: I want my nephew, all right? That's what the court ordered.

Sam: How do you think Rafe's gonna like it, being taken away without any notice?

Silas: What's the right amount of notice, Sam? An hour, a day, a week? What does it matter?

Sam: I don't know. Maybe you could try spending a little bit of time with him first.

Silas: It'll happen when I raise him.

Sam: Are you serious? Take him out to dinner or... have a cup of coffee with him.

Silas: Oh, what is it with everybody wanting to grab coffee?!

Sam: Do you get that you are totally being irrational, blowing up at me about some coffee? Come on. What's really bothering you?

Ava: I have no interest in opening up to you.

Tracy: Why not? Truth be told... of all the people residing under this roof... you are the one I despise the least.

Ava: [Chuckles]

Tracy: So, spill.

Ava: I ran into someone earlier.

Tracy: Someone of the ex variety?

Ava: Yep.

Silas: She just came out of nowhere.

Sam: Who?

Silas: Someone I used to know.

Ava: Someone I haven't seen in years.

Brad: Actually, Morgan... that's exactly what I meant. I thought you were here to be tested. Ms. Jerome, I will be back shortly to conduct your swab test. Michael, I still need you to sign a few forms on your way out. Walk with me.

Morgan: Hey. Is everything okay? You seem kind of weirded out.

Kiki: I'm fine. I'm just worried about my cousin. That's all.

Brad: I held up my end. Now it's time for you... to hold up yours.

Laura: The only reason I said yes to this whole deal was because we were going to be completely equal partners. That means total transparency. I mean, just because you call your company Deception, it doesn't mean that you get to deceive me.

Lucy: Laura, you're overreacting.

Laura: I'm not overreacting at all. I am trying to voice a --

Lucy: Why don't you just look in the binder and see how --

Laura: You're just totally dismissing it. I'm not over --

Scott: Well, it's good to see the partnership's off to a great start.

Nikolas: Uh, it's Britt, right? Yeah?

Britt: Yeah, hi. Hi, Nikolas. It's nice to see you again.

Nikolas: You too. Um... I'm sorry, but you don't look any less upset than... you did at the fireworks. You okay? Is the baby okay?

Britt: Uh, the kid's fine, yeah.

Nikolas: Well, you certainly look like you could use someone to talk to.

Britt: It's...just the baby's father. We just had an argument, and things got ugly.

Nikolas: Well, I mean, you know, a lot of couples argue during pregnancies. It's a stressful time.

Britt: Yeah, we're not a couple. That's the problem. I love him, and he will never love me back.

Morgan: You know, I think it's great that you're worried about Danny. I don't mean that, you know, it's great that you're worried. I just mean it's great that you're feeling a connection to your family.

Kiki: Sure am. What are you doing here, Captain?

Morgan: I wanted to surprise you... with this.

Kiki: You got me something? That's so sweet.

Morgan: Open it.

Kiki: A compass?

Morgan: Yeah. Listen, you're the only one I want to roam around the world with. Kiki Jerome. I mean, we might as well know how to get there, right? And how to find each other if we get lost.

Michael: Uh, Brad, look, there must be some kind of deal we can work out, right? What do you want? What do you want? Money? I got a ton of it.

Brad: Michael, Michael, Michael. We've already covered this. I don't want your money, honey. You know my price -- you spend one night with me. That's all my silence is gonna cost you.

Kiki: Morgan, this must have cost you a fortune.

Morgan: Don't worry about it. Only the best for you, right?

Kiki: Okay. But how did you... you're gambling again, aren't you?

Morgan: No! No, no, no, no, no. I promise, that is over.

Kiki: Then where did you get the money to pay for it?

Ava: I was pretty green when I moved to the city. Lots of ambition. But not quite enough brains to back it up. And then I met this guy.

Silas: This woman... there was something about her. Her energy -- I couldn't get enough of it.

Ava: We spent every moment we could together. Very quickly, the relationship became passionate.

Silas: Intense.

Ava: I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with him. When I found out that wasn't gonna happen... I didn't handle it well.

Tracy: Why didn't you end up with him?

Silas: She meant everything to me. But then it all went to hell... like things always do.

Sam: What went wrong?

Alexis: Danny may need a bone-marrow transplant. Sam and I are looking for a match. We are testing every blood relative. He happens to be Jason's twin, which is Danny's best chance. Are you following me now? I need this bastard to live.

Franco: [Coughs] Thank you so much.

Shawn: Hey, look, we weren't gonna kill him, Alexis.

Alexis: Oh, thank God for your restraint.

Sonny: Alexis, just stay out of this, will you, please?

Alexis: I need you to let him go.

Sonny: What?

Alexis: I need you to let him get tested.

Franco: Okay. Alexis? I appreciate the sentiment. That's really... that's very thoughtful of you. However... I... do not remember agreeing... to be tested for anything.

Sabrina: She's got a point. I am kicking her when she's down.

Patrick: Okay. Don't be so hard on yourself. [Breathes deeply] Britt has given us plenty of reasons to not trust her. You only said what we were both thinking.

Sabrina: Yeah, but I should take my own advice. I make this big show for Emma about trying to be more accepting of the baby and of Britt, and then I turn around and...accuse her of lying again.

Britt: And when I realized I had a kid on the way, the father was already involved with the woman he wanted in the first place. And I thought that my pregnancy might get him back, but it didn't.

Nikolas: So, what? He abandoned you?

Britt: No. He's been supportive of my baby and of my pregnancy, but that's it.

Nikolas: Well, I mean, I can relate to that. See, the woman I love, um... well, it's kind of a difficult relationship. We were living on different continents for over a year, and by the time I got back, she had already moved on, so I guess we kind of got a similar situation going on.

Britt: Mm. Except you're not eight months pregnant.

Nikolas: [Laughing] No, that's true. I'm not. But I do know what it's like to have to let go of someone that your heart really wants, especially if you think that they're making a mistake with someone else. Listen, if these people can't see what a catch we are, then they just need to get over it, right? Yeah, see? There we go. See? Things are looking up already.

Franco: Mm.

Sonny: Franco is a monster, Alexis, that would let a child die. Why would you want to protect him?

Franco: I never said that I wouldn't get tested. Just... it's nice to be asked. That's all.

Alexis: Will you please get tested?

Franco: Of course.

Alexis: Thank you.

Franco: I don't know why this is so hard for everyone to understand. I don't know why I did the things that I did back then. I am doing everything I can to try and make things right! I owe a lot of people in this town... especially your daughter.

Sam: Well, what went wrong between you and this woman?

Silas: How's Danny? Any sign of fever?

Sam: Wow! That was -- that was some sort of a pivot there. And you didn't even go back to Rafe. Does that mean that you're not gonna force him into living with you right now?

Silas: Do you want me to check on Danny or not?

Sam: I see. You think that you share too much, so now you're gonna shut down.

Silas: I'm just concerned about my patients. That's all.

Sam: Okay. The last time I checked, his temperature was normal, but he is about to get up from a nap. I'll go get him for you.

Silas: Thank you.

Sam: You're welcome.

Ava: Why does any relationship fail? One minute, this person's your entire world... and then, before you know it... he's gone... leaving you to pick up his pieces. Do you know what I mean? [Breathes deeply]

Tracy: I certainly do.

Lucy: Instead of biting my head off for finding all the money and all the good stuff, you could at least act a little bit grateful. I think, Scott, you should probably talk some sense into her, and I'm gonna go clear my head by taking a little, tiny stroll. Excuse me.

Scott: [Sighs]

Laura: Can you believe that woman?

Scott: Yeah, I can, but maybe she did a good thing for the company.

Laura: The company -- our company, you know? We're supposed to be doing things together. She just ran behind my back, did whatever she wanted, without telling me about it.

Scott: Well, you got a point, and she probably should have said something to you, but maybe she's saw an opportunity and she just grabbed it. Is it possible you're overreacting?

Laura: Possible.

Scott: What's the matter? Is there something else on your mind?

Laura: Yeah.

Scott: You can tell me anything.

Laura: It's Luke.

Scott: [Sighs]

Ava: Who's this guy you're hung up on?

Tracy: [Clears throat] Someone I was once... involved with.

Ava: And?

Tracy: And he's in trouble, and he won't let me help him, and I don't know what to do about it.

Ava: Hmm. That's always how it is, huh? It's the ones you want to protect the most who push you away.

Kiki: Morgan, this is obviously very expensive. You don't have the kind of money to pay for this. If you didn't win it gambling, then how did you get it?

Ava: I'll work on Kiki. In the meantime, you go and... buy her something.

Morgan: Slight problem with that. I don't have any money or a credit card.

Ava: You can borrow one of mine. Kiki doesn't have to know. It'll be our little secret.

Morgan: I -- I cashed in a savings bond that my grandma Bobbie gave me for graduation. I know. Romantic, right?

Kiki: Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to accuse you. I just get worried.

Morgan: Hey, hey, I get it. I get it. But, come on. I mean, don't you like it?

Kiki: Of course, Captain, I love it. I... shouldn't you have used the money to pay back Michael?

Morgan: I wanted to do something nice for you. Let me worry about Michael.

Michael: Okay, look -- if you're looking to date somebody, I have plenty of friends I can set you up with.

Brad: I'm not interested in them. I'm interested in you.

Michael: Well, that's gonna happen, okay? 'Cause I'm not gay.

Brad: I can work around that.

Michael: I can't. This is not gonna work.

Brad: Oh, I promise you -- it'll work. So, pick you up at 8:00.

Kiki: Hey, what happened with Brad?

Michael: Uh, nothing. As far as what happens tonight at 8:00, I have no clue.

Kiki: Michael, you can't give in to him. Are you kidding me? It's not worth it, okay?

Michael: I don't --

Kiki: Stop. We have to tell Morgan the truth, okay? Even if it means that he'll hate us.

Michael: He give that to you?

Kiki: It doesn't matter.

Michael: Yeah, it does matter. You and I, we're cousins, okay? There's no way we could ever be together, so there's no reason to torpedo both of our relationships with Morgan, as well.

Kiki: Brad's not going to give up. You can't spend the night with him, Michael.

Michael: I don't intend to. I'm gonna go find him.

Kiki: And do what?

Michael: I have no clue. I'll figure something out. Just wish me luck.

Kiki: Good luck.

Scott: You're upset about Luke? I thought we were past all of that.

Laura: We are. We are. It's just that, I'm worried about him. I think he's sick.

Scott: What makes you say that?

Laura: Tracy Quartermaine.

Tracy: Why are men so pigheaded? I had to drag him to the hospital when he got sick. And then we ran into people that we knew, and I covered for him. I let him tell them that it was me getting the tests, even though I thought he should be honest.

Ava: So, why'd you do it?

Tracy: Some people you can't say no to, no matter how long it's been. Is that what it's like for you?

Ava: Silas, wait. You can't just walk away from me...not again.

Sam: And look who I have.

Silas: Hey. Hey, there, buddy. How you doing? Handsome boy.

Sam: Yeah.

Silas: He feels cool. And he's looking spry. Those are all good signs.

Sam: Yeah, he seems to be handling the chemo pretty well. I mean, the nurses think better than most. Thank you for the changes you made in the protocol.

Silas: Hey, what do we got there? What's this?

Sam: What is that? This is his new truck. I gave it to him this morning.

Silas: His new truck.

Sam: Mm-hmm.

Silas: Spoiling the kid, huh?

Sam: Well, today is my -- is my brother's birthday, and I would always give him a new truck. He had special needs, and I took care of him as best I could. Trust me -- my best was always not the best, but he loved those trucks, and I gave them to him every year. So I wanted to keep the tradition alive. Now I give them to Danny.

Silas: What happened to your brother?

Sam: It was sudden, and, um... completely unexpected. He died. Ooh. After all those years I tried to protect him, I just couldn't -- I couldn't protect him from that.

Silas: I'm sorry.

Sam: You know, my brother, Danny, deserved a long, happy life, and I would have traded places with him. If I could. I won't let that happen to Danny. I can't. I can't lose him.

Laura: I think that Tracy was lying to Lulu. I don't think those tests were for her. I think that they were for Luke. And then, when we went to her and we asked her again, after Luke went missing, she was not talking.

Scott: Well, I could talk to Tracy for you.

Laura: Scotty, would you really do that for me? Would you really go to her and try to get information about Luke? I mean, you don't even like Luke.

Scott: Well, that's an understatement, but I love you very much, and I can't say no to you today because... it's our anniversary.

Laura: What are you talking about? We've been married for, what -- I think a month and a half, right?

Scott: I'm not talking about this marriage. I'm talking about our first marriage. It was 34 years ago.

Laura: Oh, my goodness.

Scott: And we, you know, lost a lot of years, and we have a lot of catching up to do, so... if this is what you need, I will do it for you.

Laura: Thank you, Scotty.

Nikolas: Are you feeling any better?

Britt: Yeah. I'm feeling a little better.

Nikolas: Good.

Britt: You came just at the right moment. What are you doing here anyways?

Nikolas: Oh, right. Yes. [Chuckles] I'm getting tested as a potential bone-marrow donor for my cousin. I'm supposed to meet some guy named Brad.

Brad: That would be me.

Nikolas: Brad. Nikolas Cassadine. Yeah, I'm supposed to get tested as a possible match for Daniel Morgan.

Brad: Really?

Nikolas: Yeah.

Brad: That kid's family just gets more and more interesting. Um, if you'll wait for me in Exam Room 2, I'll be with you shortly.

Nikolas: Thank you very much. Take care of yourself, okay?

Britt: Thank you.

Nikolas: And, uh... listen, if you... if you ever want to talk... just talk about whatever... you can give me a call, okay?

Britt: Okay.

Nikolas: Okay. Bye.

Britt: Bye.

Patrick: I think we can both do a better job of being nice to Britt, especially if we expect Emma to follow suit.

Sabrina: Yeah, no, I know. I know. You're right, and I will.

Patrick: Okay.

Sabrina: I don't know. Just something -- something's just still not sitting right. I can feel it. Like, I feel like she's still hiding something.

Brad: Nikolas Cassadine. Hmm. Talk about a catch. But I've already got my eye on someone e--

Britt: Shut up, Brad. I need you to run a lab so Patrick and his little frizzball can think that I'm not still bedridden.

Brad: [Scoffs] Is that all? Look, how much longer do you think we can get away with this?

Patrick: I don't blame you for thinking that Britt is trying to hide something. But even if she lied about HG, it doesn't change the fact that the baby is mine. And despite all the lies, this baby is going to be part of my life.

Sabrina: Yeah. Yeah, I...

Patrick: And your life. Right? If you're up for it.

Sabrina: Yeah. No, I definitely am.

Patrick: Look, Britt is not gonna come between us anymore -- all right? -- Whether she's hiding something or not.

Britt: Keep your excruciating voice down. Don't make me regret helping you with the promotion. If anyone finds out what we've done here, both of us are goners.

Brad: Yeah, my point exactly.

Britt: Look, I'll be in my office when you're ready.

Ava: You know, I should probably stop spilling my guts to you. Someone might come in and actually think we're friends.

Tracy: Would that be a bad thing? You and I have a lot in common. In fact, I think we'd make a really good team, if you'd side with me instead of Whopper Jr.

Ava: Tracy, I told you, I don't know where I'm gonna place my loyalties.

Tracy: Well, if you're not gonna do it for yourself, think what's best for your daughter.

Morgan: Did you find Brad? Can we go? Or should I take a cold shower?

Kiki: Uh... no, I -- I didn't find him, but he should be back any minute now.

Brad: Uh, Michael. Shouldn't you be getting ready for our big date toni--

Michael: No, I'm sorry, Brad. Something suddenly came up.

Brad: Listen, I'm not messing here, Michael. I will rat out you and your cousin so fast --

Michael: You're not gonna say anything. I heard what you said to that doctor.

Brad: I don't know what you're talking about.

Michael: Oh, really? Well, maybe I could talk to my grandmother instead. Maybe you've heard of her. Monica Quartermaine, chief of staff?

Brad: No.

Michael: That's what I thought. Game over, Brad.

Lucy: Well, I certainly hope you've had a chance to calm yourself down.

Laura: I have. Listen, Lucy, I meant what I said. You do have to run things past me if we're gonna be partners.

Lucy: Okay, yes, you -- [Sighs] You're actually right. I do. I'm sorry. I -- I see your point.

Laura: Thanks. But I want to apologize to you, too -- for losing my temper. The truth is that I, uh... well, I'm -- I'm upset about something else.

Tracy: You can't remain neutral forever. You're gonna have to choose.

Scott: Well, where are all the servants? Doesn't anybody answer the door around here anymore?

Tracy: The proper response to an unanswered door is to go away, not barge in.

Scott: Hello, there. I'm Scott Baldwin.

Ava: Hi.

Scott: I need to talk to you.

Ava: Well, I'll leave you to it.

Tracy: I see that marriage has not improved your manners any.

Scott: Are you jealous of my happiness with Laura?

Tracy: [Laughs] Jealous? No. I'm thrilled. Actually, I can't think of two people that deserve each other more than you and Laura Vining Webber Baldwin Spencer Baldwin.

Scott: Couldn't agree with you more.

Tracy: So, why don't you get back to that little wifey-poo of yours and leave me alone?

Scott: Well, if I took the time to swing by, don't you think that you could take the time for the two of us to catch up?

Silas: I don't see any point in rehashing things.

Ava: The point is to... take this chance to resolve things. We owe each other that. Don't you think? You can't deny that we meant something to each other once. Maybe we still do.

Sam: I'm just worried that, no matter how hard I try... I'm gonna fail Danny like I failed my brother.

Silas: Hey, Sam... Danny's gonna be fine. Once we find a matching donor, he's gonna be just fine.

Sam: I'm actually on my, uh -- on my way... to one now. I'm -- I'm just really not looking forward to it.

Silas: Need backup?

Sam: [Chuckles] Yeah, I think I'd like that.

Silas: Sounds like this donor's the black sheep of the family.

Sam: Second... to only one other.

Alexis: Get up. I need to take you to the hospital.

Franco: That's a good idea.

Alexis: Oh, geez.

Franco: Your timing is impeccable.

Alexis: Great. If I had any doubts about ending this relationship, they're gone now.

Shawn: Now what?

Sonny: Our business with Franco is not over -- far from it. First, we have to find out if he's a match for Jason's son. Then we'll end this once and for all.

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