General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 7/9/13
Provided By Suzanne
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Spinelli: I was beginning to think you weren't coming.
Carly: I'm sorry. I couldn't get away from work.
Spinelli: Just that you're not the only one with demands on your time.
Carly: Spinelli, ever since Franco showed up, my life has been hell, okay? And now that little Danny is sick, I'm very distracted, so I'm just gonna say I'm sorry in advance.
Spinelli: Okay. I'm sorry. I don't mean to add to your burdens. Uh, what can I do for you?
Carly: I have a job for you. And it pays well.
Spinelli: Would be most welcome.
Carly: I really, really need you to deliver on this.
Spinelli: This must be a case of some import.
Carly: I need you to investigate someone, all right? No detail is too small.
Spinelli: Who's the subject?
Sonny: Before I lay this out, I want to -- what we talked about yesterday, about you being, you know, committed to my services -- you mean that?
Shawn: Well, I wouldn't have said it otherwise.
Sonny: Okay, well, that means we've got to get down to business.
Shawn: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Assuming that you have no problem with Alexis.
Shawn: Well, uh, Alexis isn't a factor anymore.
Alexis: [Sighs]
Shawn: Sonny protects people he loves. And I want that, too.
Alexis: So you want to be a hit man because it's for the greater good? Is that it?
Shawn: Look, I don't know, Alexis, okay? But I can't let it go. Look, it gives me something that I-I didn't know I needed till I almost threw it away. Can you find a way to live with that?
Alexis: No. I can't.
[Door opens]
Sam: Hey.
Alexis: Hi.
Sam: How's Danny?
Alexis: He's sleeping. Did you talk to Dr. Singh? Did they find a donor?
Sam: Dr. Singh is off the case. Danny has a new doctor now.
Alexis: What? Who?
Sam: Silas Clay.
Ava: Excuse me. Doctor? I-I'm looking for my daughter. She's here somewhere, and she's having some te-- Silas.
Silas: Hello, Ava.
Morgan: Perfect. Oh, Kiki, this is guaranteed to take your mind off my brother. I mean, she'd better. I'm spending enough of her mom's money to make her happy.
Franco: I'm all for Kiki being happy, but... what makes you think her affection can be bought?
Michael: Don't tell me about your dreams, okay? I don't want to hear them. We have to stop running into each other.
Kiki: But that's my point. Michael, we keep trying to avoid each other, and it doesn't work.
Michael: Well, we have to try harder or something. I mean, not just because we're cousins, but you're dating my brother. I mean, don't you care about Morgan?
Kiki: Of course! Of course! Of course, I care about Morgan! I care about him a lot, but I wasn't counting on you and me!
Michael: But there is no you and me!
[Door opens]
Brad: I knew I knew you from -- whoa. What's all this about?
Anna: Oh. What's the occasion?
Duke: Well, any day I'm not in Turkish prison that I get to spend with you is a very special occasion.
Anna: [Chuckles]
Duke: Hello.
Anna: Hi.
Duke: I'm very glad you managed to sneak away and get to spend some time with me. I imagined with the investigation into Olivia Falconeri's shooting, you might at this point be handcuffed to your desk.
Anna: I should be, really. But I wanted to get out for lunch with you. It's nice to be out in the sun. Though, quite honestly, I would trade a month of lunches for a good lead. Everything's just ground to a halt since my prime suspect Carly and her merry band of mobsters have been ruled out.
Spinelli: A-Ava Jerome? Franco's ex, the mother of his child, the erstwhile Lauren currently known as Kiki?
Carly: Yes.
Spinelli: W-- may I ask why you want a complete dossier on Mother Jerome?
Carly: Because she just got back together with her daughter's freak father, and I want to know why.
Sonny: You and Alexis broke up. I'm sorry to hear that.
Shawn: So, uh, this job you mentioned --
Sonny: Did it have anything to do with the job you did for me?
Shawn: No. It had to do with me. You know, a decision I made. That's all there is to it.
Sonny: We've got to deal with Franco.
Shawn: Well, we tried dealing with Franco once before.
Sonny: You tried with Carly. Now it's my turn.
Shawn: The timing could be better.
Sonny: To kill him. But not to make him fear me. I'm the reason he made bail. And now he's walking around, messing with people that I care about. So I'm gonna give him a reason not to mess with anybody.
Franco: So, this is where you take my daughter.
Morgan: Yeah. I mean, she likes it. I kind of fixed up the place a little.
Franco: Mm. A little primitive compared to the palatial digs across the lawn, don't you think?
Morgan: Yeah, well, it gives us distance from all the crazies over at the mansion -- no offense.
Franco: Oh, none taken. Oddly enough, I passed all the tests. So, the minute I move in to have a little bonding time with my only born, you run away with her.
Morgan: Yeah. Uh, Ava mentioned something about that. It's funny. You guys are very similar. It's probably why it was so easy for you to get back together after such a long time.
Ava: So, maybe if we can show her that we forgive each other, let bygones be bygones, maybe she will do the same for us.
Franco: I can see why my daughter likes you. You're so bright and perceptive. Hey, why don't we rustle her up and we can fully embrace the Quartermaine lifestyle. We can go for a sail on the lake or play lawn croquet or go poke poor people with sticks. That's a joke, by the way. Well, technically, it's not a joke. It's -- it's irony. But, hey, only the truth is funny.
Morgan: Yeah, the only problem is Kiki's not here.
Franco: Where is she?
Morgan: She's helping her cousin.
Brad: Oh, please, don't stop on my account.
Kiki: Well, you were -- you were leaving, right? You signed everything, so you were gonna get going.
Michael: Yeah, yeah. Head out.
Brad: Uh, you know, it seemed to me that you were giving a real up close and personal examination of the young lady's esophagus with your tongue.
Michael: Okay, what is it to you?
Brad: I just find it odd. I mean, everyone being tested as a potential bone-marrow donor for Danny Morgan is in fact a blood relative, which would mean that, uh, your little display wasn't a simple expression of love, but love inbred-style. J'accuse -- it's incest.
Sam: Silas managed to convince Monica to make him GH's head of Oncology.
Alexis: Has she actually met the guy?
Sam: He must have impressed her.
Alexis: How? He's mean. He's arrogant. He's awful.
Sam: He is good at his job.
Alexis: A doctor devoid of bedside manner cannot, by definition, be good at his job.
Sam: Okay, Silas' personality may be a little bit challenging, but I think part of the reason why Silas went after the job to begin with is because of Rafe, so he wouldn't have to take him back to New York, so he wouldn't have to be away from everybody that cared about him. And the protocol that he recommended for Danny seems to be working, even though it is in the early stages.
Alexis: Don't you think this is happening rather quickly?
Sam: To hear Silas tell it, he hammered Monica, highlighting GH's failures in Oncology and presented his plan to make GH the premier cancer center in the Northeast. She was suitably impressed and obviously offered him a truckload of money.
Alexis: Ah! You see. Now the real motive. It's not because he cares about Danny. It's not 'cause he cares about Rafe. It's all about the money.
Sam: I don't -- I don't care, Mom. Whatever the case, Silas is the boss now, and his first priority was to revamp the staff. So Dr. Singh is out and, yes, Silas is now taking on Danny personally.
Alexis: Are you sure this is what you want?
Sam: I may not like the guy, but he was the one to -- to see Danny's symptoms and diagnose him before anyone knew he was sick.
Alexis: You're prepared to have Dr. Silas treat him on a regular basis?
Sam: Mom, I don't care if he takes over the whole damn hospital, as long as he saves my son's life.
Ava: Wow. Silas. It's been a while.
Silas: A while. Yeah, that's putting it mildly.
Ava: Oh, my God. What -- what are you doing here? You -- I thought you worked in Manhattan.
Silas: I'm here now. It's a recent move.
Ava: You look... good.
Silas: Thanks. You too. Now that we got that out of the way, I have a lot of work to get to.
Ava: Silas, wait. You can't just walk away from me. Not again.
Brad: And you say gays are sick.
Kiki: Excuse me?
Michael: Nobody said anything about gays being sick.
Brad: Oh, plenty of people do. And how many times do those same people on their high horses, casting judgment on everyone else around them, end up being the real deviants? Oh! Sometimes straight people make me ill!
Michael: Okay. We're not deviants.
Kiki: You're forgetting something, jackass. Just because we're both related to Danny Morgan doesn't mean that we're from the same side of the family.
Michael: Right. Did you ever think of that?
Brad: Yeah. You have a point. So, uh, tell me, are you related or not?
Spinelli: Ava Jerome and Franco are back together? Could you be wrong about this?
Carly: No, I saw them kissing. And they made it clear -- very clear -- that they're back together.
Spinelli: Interesting. I mean, I just assumed that she would want nothing to do with him. She went to such great lengths to make sure he had no contact with her child.
Carly: I know. That's exactly what he told me the first time I met him at that Christmas-tree lot, that his daughter's bitch of a mother won't let him see her. But obviously something's changed for Ava and Franco to be running into each other's arms.
Spinelli: They did conceive a child together. Perhaps seeing each other again rekindled feelings that had long lain dormant. I mean, the heart is a mysterious organ. It wouldn't be the first time a child brought two people together. But may I ask, why does it matter to you?
Carly: Have you been talking to Sonny?
Spinelli: No. Should -- should I have?
Carly: No. Never -- never mind. Look, I just want information on this woman. I'm not gonna do anything. I'm just really curious about her intentions.
Spinelli: May I ask where your curiosity stems from?
Carly: I'm worried about Morgan.
Spinelli: Oh. Yes, yes. I heard young Morgan is returned to our fair city. It must be a comfort to have him home.
Carly: Yeah, it would be if he wasn't living under the same roof as Ava Jerome and Franco.
Spinelli: They are residing together?
Carly: Yes, because Kiki and Morgan are now dating. And now that Kiki is suddenly a Quartermaine, they're all living under the same roof. And with Ava and Franco joined at the hip, this is dangerous, and I don't want my son getting caught in the crossfire.
Spinelli: Like Miss Falconeri.
Carly: Yes. Exactly like Miss Falconeri. Look, I just need to know what's going on. Ava was hiding Morgan in New York City, and now they're both living at the Quartermaines'.
Spinelli: Such proximity could be reason for concern.
Carly: That woman is up to something, and I'm gonna find out what it is.
Duke: Surely you have other leads.
Anna: No. Nothing so far. You know, in the first few days, I was just so focused on Carly and Sonny and Shawn that I didn't pursue any alternate theories.
Duke: Mm. Understandable, given Sonny's reputation.
Anna: Yes, but a good investigator doesn't do that. You know, you don't get married to one suspect or one scenario. It makes you blind to any conflicting evidence. And now, by the time that you found out there was a second shooter, so much time has passed. I just feel like the trail's gone cold.
Duke: So there are no new suspects.
Anna: Oh, there's dozens of suspects. There's no shortage of people who want Franco dead.
Silas: What? What is it? We have nothing to say to each other.
Ava: I can't believe you think that... after everything that's happened.
Silas: That's precisely why I don't want to speak to you.
Ava: You may have to get over that. I recently moved to Port Charles, as well.
Silas: Well, good for you.
Ava: Silas. Don't make me beg you. Just... let me buy you a cup of coffee. Okay? You can spare the time for that, right? It's just, I can't help feeling like our running into each other, it isn't just chance. Silas. Just one cup of coffee. Okay? Please. And then you'll never have to deal with me again.
[Elevator bell dings]
Silas: One cup of coffee.
Shawn: Okay, I'll get to work tracking Franco.
Sonny: No need for that. He's at the Quartermaines'. So is Morgan.
Shawn: Well, we can't have that.
Sonny: Morgan is with Franco's daughter, Kiki. Tracy and AJ won't let her out of their sight, not with Morgan.
Shawn: So the kid thinks he's fighting for his relationship.
Sonny: Well, you know, he's -- Morgan won't listen to reason. But Franco might.
Shawn: And what if he won't?
Sonny: You're just gonna have to make him.
Shawn: After you.
[Both chuckle]
Franco: I'm afraid your brother is too far gone to benefit from any help from Kiki.
Morgan: Yeah, well, I wasn't talking about Michael.
Franco: Oh, hostile.
Morgan: I don't want to talk about my brother.
Franco: You're the one who said that Kiki was helping her cousin. If you weren't talking about Michael, who were you talking about?
Morgan: Danny, Sam's kid. He's very sick. He could die.
Alexis: Whatever works for Danny works for me. I just don't want Silas to give you too much grief.
Sam: I can handle him.
Alexis: You shouldn't have to handle your son's doctor. His job is to treat Danny. You know, it's also part of his job to have a rapport with Danny and a rapport with you, and if he can't do that, then he shouldn't be in medicine.
Sam: Mom, I'm gonna save my review until after Danny's in remission.
Alexis: You're right. Let's stay positive.
Sam: Yeah. I mean, the chemo seems to be working well. I'm sure he's gonna be fine. And if he -- if he doesn't... and we do have to go through with the bone marrow after, Spinelli put together a potential list of donors from my side of the family and from Jason's, and one of them will work out.
Alexis: Good. Now, did you go through everyone on the list? Can I make some calls?
Sam: There are a few that I still have to run down. But there's one that I may have to talk to in person.
Alexis: Why?
Sam: 'Cause he, uh, he's gonna need a little convincing.
Alexis: Seriously? Who in their right mind would turn that baby down?
Sam: Franco.
Brad: It's not a difficult question. Are you or are you not related? Oh, uh, too caught up in your forbidden love to think straight? Never mind. I'll just take a look-see in the files over here.
Michael: Give me those.
Brad: Whoa! [Chuckles] Don't even. These became hospital property once they were filled out by... Michael Corinthos III, son of AJ Quartermaine, who is Daniel Morgan's uncle. And... Lauren Katherine Jerome. It says here your nickname is "Kiki." Adorable. And you are the daughter of a Robert Frank, A.K.A. Franco Quartermaine, who is also Daniel Morgan's uncle. So, in conclusion, AJ and Franco are half-brothers, thereby making you two first cousins! Boom! Advantage Brad.
Kiki: You're incredibly gross. You just spoke in the third person, didn't you?
Brad: [Scoffs] Okay. Time for a little attitude adjustment. I don't need some family tree telling me that cousin plus cousin equals gross. I'd just hate for this to come out and embarrass you. [Chuckles] But is it not my duty as a medical professional to ensure the sanctity of the gene pool? Oh, what to do?
Anna: So we've made this preliminary list of all the people that Franco has wronged.
Duke: I would imagine that's a very long list.
Anna: It is. It's a very long list. Yeah. And then the FBI -- they have him on this list of suspects of all these unsolved murders. But I'm concentrating on victims closer to home, of which there are many. And this is a mammoth undertaking, I have to say. And we are sorely understaffed.
Duke: I'm not so sure this idea will appeal to you, but I could go through other channels and speak to people and maybe get some information if you would like.
Anna: What?
Duke: Or if you don't like.
Anna: I can't tell you what to do. But I would prefer it if you kept your distance from your former life. If not for your sake, but for others, as well.
Duke: All right. I was only trying to help.
Anna: Well, you are being helpful. You know, just being here with me, just being someone I can trust and... that's being helpful. It's not easy being commissioner. I can see why Mac wanted to resign.
Duke: Are you having second thoughts?
Anna: Yes. Constantly. But I'm not giving up that easily. I took this job, and I'm gonna continue with it. And I've got you here to buck me up when I feel frustrated, as I do now.
Duke: Well, any time you need a really good buck, you let me know.
Anna: [Chuckles]
Duke: There you are, smiling again. [Chuckles]
Anna: Well, anyway, I'm gonna bring this person to justice, whoever it is, whoever shot Olivia, once I find out.
Duke: Ava Jerome.
Ava: Duke Lavery. We meet again.
Alexis: I can't believe we're at a point where we have to ask Franco to see if he's a donor match.
Sam: Mom, I don't like it either, but I would go to the devil himself to save my kid's life.
Alexis: There's got to be somebody else.
Sam: Somebody? The best candidate would be a full-blooded sibling, but Danny doesn't have that. So I have to cast a very wide net right now.
Alexis: Okay, so we'll ask every family member --
Sam: Ask everyone! Mom, I don't have the luxury to do that! This is Danny we're talking about. This is his life. Franco is Jason's twin brother. He may or may not be a match, but I've got to figure it out.
Alexis: Well, as long as you're entertaining nightmare scenarios --
Sam: I know! I know! Would I -- would I have a baby with Franco? I have already thought about this. Mom, I would do just about anything to save my kid's life. But a baby with Franco -- that is -- that is the last resort. Right now, all I'm worried about is getting Franco tested, so I might as well just get it out of the way.
Alexis: Absolutely not.
Sam: Mom, don't you get it? I don't care who Franco was or what he's done, as long as he might be able to help my son.
Alexis: Of course, I get it. You're a mother. You would crawl through glass to protect your kid. But I'm a mother, too, and I will not let that bastard worm his way back into your head. So if anyone's gonna compel Franco to do this, it's me.
Franco: My little nephew -- my little nephew could die.
Morgan: Yeah. Kiki and Michael went to GH to get tested along with the rest of the family.
Franco: No, I'm family! I'm family! Me! In fact, I'm probably the best chance this kid has at a match! His father was my -- his father was my twin.
Morgan: I-I don't know exactly --
Franco: So nobody asks me. Nobody thinks to ask me.
Morgan: I don't know.
Franco: Kid's life is at stake, and nobody asks me?
Morgan: I don't --
Franco: Nobody thinks that I'm capable of having compassion for a dying little child?! You know what? I'm going to the hospital. I'm gonna go to the hospital, and I'll prove them all wrong. [Clears throat]
Sam: Mom, I appreciate the offer. I really do. But I do not want you anywhere near Franco.
Alexis: Honey, I'm an attorney. He's not the first violent offender that I've had to deal with. Besides, there are legal issues that I have to make very clear with him, that if he cooperates, there is no quid pro quo. He doesn't get to have visitation with Danny. He doesn't get to communicate with you.
Sam: I don't want to scare him away.
Alexis: He doesn't scare.
Sam: Okay, so if he's a match, I will have you draw --
Alexis: I don't want you anywhere near him. He has brutalized you. He has traumatized you. He led you to think that Danny was his kid for months. Honestly, are you sure you want to ask for help from this man?
Sam: I can get through anything as long as it's for Danny.
Alexis: Fine. Let me handle it, then, okay? You'd be doing me a favor.
Sam: A favor?
Alexis: Honey, I feel helpless. I want to be able to do something.
Sam: Helpless? You've opened your home to me and my son.
Alexis: Because I couldn't stand the thought of you guys being halfway across the city. Let me do this, please. All right? You need to take care of Danny. You need your strength, and you can't waste it fending off Franco.
Sam: Fine. Can you promise me one thing?
Alexis: Done.
Sam: Take Shawn with you. Please. We might be dealing with a new and improved Franco, but just in case it's not, it would make me feel a lot more comfortable if I knew that Shawn was with you.
Alexis: Well, um... as far as Shawn being with me, that's not going to happen.
Sam: Why?
Alexis: Uh, we're not together anymore.
Sam: What? You broke up? When?
Alexis: Yesterday. It was a long time coming.
Sam: Mom, but why? You were so good together.
Alexis: Yeah. Uh, well, look, uh... let's just say there were irreconcilable differences.
Sam: So does this mean that you're not gonna be able to work it out?
Alexis: That's what "irreconcilable difference" means.
Sam: Mom, it's just that when I see you and Shawn, I don't see irreconcilable differences. In -- in fact, just the opposite. You were good together. What got between you two?
Alexis: Not what. Who. Sonny.
Franco: I was just on my way out.
Shawn: Leaving so soon?
Sonny: Stay awhile.
Morgan: So, uh, Dad, did you come to check out my new place?
Sonny: Looks comfy.
Morgan: Yeah.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Morgan: Come on. I'll give you a tour --
Sonny: No, I get it. I get it. I get the point.
Morgan: So no tour.
Sonny: I got to have a word with Mr. Franco.
Shawn: Hey, Morgan, why don't you, uh, find somewhere else to be?
Sonny: Why don't you take your girlfriend... someplace nice... [Laughs] ...On me. You get what I'm saying?
Morgan: Yeah, yeah. I got it. All right. See you later, Franco, sir, whatever.
Franco: So, uh... fancy a scull? Me -- I get seasick.
Sonny: Have you met my associate, Mr. Butler?
Franco: No, I have not. Hi. I haven't had the pleasure.
Sonny: Yeah, he works for me. And before that, he used to work for Jason when he was, uh... Jason hired him to protect Josslyn and Carly when you were threatening their lives.
Franco: I'm a changed man. I am. I'm not sure what he's -- what he's gonna do now to pass his time now that I'm no longer a threat. You're not here to shoot me, are you?
Sonny: No. No one's getting shot. We're just here to make a point.
Franco: Oh, conversation. Good. Okay. Great. I'll tell you what. Uh, why don't you go first, and I'll listen.
Sonny: If you lay a finger on anyone that I love... retribution is gonna be swift and terrible.
Duke: This is Ava Jerome, who tells me she is an art dealer. Ava, this is Anna Devane. She's the commissioner of police in the city of Port Charles.
Ava: Wow. Nice. It's a pleasure to meet one of Port Charles' finest.
Anna: Yes. Thank you.
Ava: Let me introduce you to my friend.
Anna: Silas Clay, isn't it?
Ava: Oh, you've met.
Anna: I knew his brother. Yeah. Your reputation precedes you, Doctor. Welcome to Port Charles.
Silas: Thank you. Ava, can we, uh, get on with this?
Ava: Yeah. Yeah. The doctor is a very busy man. But it was lovely to see you again, Duke, and to meet you, Anna.
Anna: Thank you.
Ava: Excuse us.
Duke: Yes. Nice to see you.
Anna: That's interesting.
Duke: Certainly is.
Carly: Are you gonna take the job or not?
Spinelli: Oh, I mean, it is a very compelling challenge. I mean, why would an apparently respectable woman reunite with a man who's proven himself to be a malevolent, ruthless psychopath?
Carly: If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't have to hire you, Spinelli.
Spinelli: Right. Yes. I will take the case.
Carly: Yes. Thank you. All right. When can you start?
Spinelli: Why, right away. I'll begin digging into her past. Where should I -- where should I begin? Maybe her background in the arts. Maybe her family. Perhaps her first torrid affair with Franco.
Carly: Why don't you start right there?
Brad: See, a sense of my, uh, moral outrage demands that I speak up before the Quartermaines go the way of the Spanish Habsburgs, all drooling imbeciles at the end. But common decency requires that I keep my mouth shut, lest your proud family be brought low by comparisons to "Flowers in the Attic," which you do --
Kiki: Hey, hey, hey, hey. We're not brother and sister.
Brad: Oh, right. Seriously doubt that distinction is gonna matter to "Access Port Charles." Their investigations are legendary.
Michael: Okay, just cut the crap, Brad. How much do you want?
Brad: Excuse me?
Michael: You obviously want something to keep quiet, right? So how much is it gonna cost me?
Brad: Uh, I can be convinced to keep this little indecency to myself but, uh, not with money.
Michael: Okay, then what?
Brad: With you.
Kiki: Excuse me?
Brad: Michael knows what I'm talking about. Don't you, Michael?
Michael: You've got to be kidding me.
Brad: Really. Shock? From the kissing cousins. Come on, kiddies. If Michael can strip down on the dance floor and get busy with his cousin, he has got to be open to expanding his horizons.
Kiki: He's not going anywhere with you.
Brad: Oh, your little girlfriend's jealous.
Michael: She's not my girlfriend.
Brad: Good. Makes things easier.
Kiki: Mikey, let's get out of here.
Michael: No, no. It's okay. Brad, I'm not having sex with you, okay, not now, not ever, not for any reason.
Brad: Come on, hot stuff. [Chuckles] I saw you on the stage with the "unh, unh, unh." I still have the video on my phone. I just didn't recognize you with all your clothes on, which, by the way, you have got some --
Kiki: What the heck is he talking about, Mikey?
Michael: This thing -- charity thing for the hospital. Look, I'm not having sex with you, Brad, because I like girls.
Brad: As long as they're related, right? [Chuckles] Hey, I'd be a step up. At least you and I could get married.
Michael: You're delusional.
Brad: Eh, you might surprise yourself. It has been said that once you go Brad, you never go back. Sorry, sweetheart.
Kiki: You are a predatory creep and a jackass. He's not going anywhere with you!
Brad: I just want one night. Then you can have him back.
Michael: Brad, nothing is going on between me and Kiki, okay. And I'm not having sex with you, because I'm not gay. So you want to shout it from the rooftops, you want to rent a plane and skywrite it all across Port Charles, you want to put it on Twitter, Instagram, I don't care. You can tell whoever the hell you want that I kissed my cousin.
Morgan: Excuse me. I'm, uh, I'm looking for my girlfriend. She came in to be tested as a marrow donor. Her name is Lauren Jerome. She goes by "Kiki."
[Keyboard clacking]
Anna: So that's Ava Jerome, huh?
Duke: It is. And Silas --
Anna: Yeah, the brother of the serial killer. God. There's such a strong family resemblance. I hope it doesn't go any further than their looks.
Duke: It's a bit peculiar, though, isn't it?
Anna: What, that those two are keeping company?
Duke: Yes.
Anna: Mm. I don't see what the connection is.
Carly: Is that Silas Clay, Stephen's brother?
Spinelli: The very same.
Carly: Has anyone told that man that his brother thought he was a vampire and that Stephen kidnapped Sam and tried to kill her?
Spinelli: He does not appear to be terribly remorseful on his brother's behalf, nor has he been too kindly disposed towards Sam.
Carly: Is he giving Sam a hard time?
Spinelli: No. Not -- well, not intentionally. See, he's -- he's a doctor, an oncologist, and he was the one that diagnosed Danny with leukemia.
Carly: Oh. Okay, well, I guess I should be grateful. Diagnosis is the first step to getting well, right? But I have to wonder, what business does Dr. Clay have with Ava Jerome?
Ava: Thank you... for taking the time. I so often thought about what I'd say to you if I ever saw you again.
Silas: Yeah, well, I haven't. And I don't see any point in rehashing things.
Ava: The point is to... take this chance to resolve things. We owe each other that, don't you think? You can't deny that we meant something to each other once. Maybe we still do.
Silas: This was a mistake.
Duke: I still haven't found a connection between Ava and our Jeromes.
Anna: And why would she be keeping company with the brother of a serial killer?
Sam: What did Sonny do this time? How did he come between you and Shawn?
Alexis: It's not as simple as what Sonny did or didn't do. Sonny started it, and Shawn ended it.
Sam: I don't think I understand.
Alexis: [Sighs] Let's just say I couldn't live with the career choice that Shawn made. I told him it was Sonny or me, and like with any good ultimatum, it didn't work out.
Sam: I'm sorry.
Alexis: I mean, it's not like I didn't know this day was coming. I mean, you can only live in denial so long. I knew he was taking over for Jason, and I know what Jason did. I -- how were you able to live with what Jason did?
Sam: Jason was honest about who he was and -- and what he did. And I accepted that, Mom. I loved him for everything, and I wanted to spend time with him no matter how long it lasted.
Alexis: You didn't have any regret?
Sam: Not for a second. You?
Alexis: I'm gonna go see Franco.
Franco: Swift and terrible. Sounds almost biblical.
Sonny: Mind if I get some water?
Franco: No.
Sonny: I just, uh... I want to be really comfortable for the show.
Franco: Show? Oh, great. I love a good show. Will there be puppets? I like puppets.
Sonny: No, no puppets.
Franco: Okay.
Sonny: I got to say one thing about... the Quartermaines -- they do know how to stock a fridge. At least I know my son's being well fed. I'm just not happy... with his housemates.
Franco: Oh, well, I don't blame you. I mean, Monica's chilly, and Tracy's a shrew. AJ -- Well, AJ's just an idiot.
Sonny: Then why put up with them? Why -- don't you prefer to move out?
Franco: No. I --
Sonny: Let me rephrase that. I would prefer you to move out so you could free some room for Kiki and Morgan.
Franco: This is my ancestral home.
Sonny: There's a crypt out back. Maybe you could... [Chuckling] You could move in there.
Franco: I'll be on trial any day, and then they'll just ship me off to Pentonville.
Sonny: Cannot wait.
Franco: The meantime, I would like to spend my last free remaining days with my daughter. I think that that's something you can understand.
Sonny: That sounds like a no to me, Shawn. Let's just get on with the show.
Shawn: Yeah.
Franco: [Grunts]
Brad: You don't mean that.
Kiki: Yes, he does.
Brad: Mnh-mnh. Because if I let the world know what I just saw, it could bring down your entire family. Michael, don't you care what they think of you? Do you really want everyone to know you're guilty of incest, that you're a... [Gasps] A cousin lover? And what about you?
Kiki: Well, I'm with Mikey on this.
Brad: Oh, you better be. 'Cause his choice makes you look just as twisted as he is! I mean, really, really. Think about it. Are you ready for the scorn, the morbid curiosity?
Kiki: Anything is better than him giving in to you, freak.
Michael: My cousin's right.
Brad: You're bluffing.
Michael: Try me.
Brad: Fine. I will. In fact, I'll tell the first person who comes through that door.
Carly: Whatever was supposed to be happening between Ava and Dr. Clay clearly didn't go down the way Ava planned. Why the hell is she grabbing his hand if she's supposed to be rekindling her romance with Franco? Pretty risky cheating on the psychopath, don't you think?
Spinelli: I think it's probably a little too early to speculate --
Carly: Ava was the one who reached out. Silas pulled his hand away. So clearly he didn't seem to be too happy to be with her in the first place.
Spinelli: Very shrewd observations. You know, you would have made an excellent private investigator.
Carly: That's what I have you for.
Spinelli: Right.
Carly: This is your retainer.
Spinelli: Ooh.
Carly: It's time to get the goods on Ava Jerome.
Anna: So I wonder why Dr. Clay left in such a hurry.
Duke: Perhaps he felt unwell.
Anna: Must be going around.
Spinelli: Sam?
Sam: Hey. Do you have a minute?
Spinelli: For you? Always. Um, how is young Daniel?
Sam: Uh, he's, um... he's sleeping. Look, I'm really grateful to you for putting together this list.
Spinelli: I hope you know that I'd move heaven and earth for you and that child.
Sam: Thank you.
Spinelli: So, how is the search going?
Sam: Well, we've reached out to most people on the list. My mom is actually headed over to Franco's right now.
Spinelli: Yeah, I'd been hoping that you'd avoid doing that.
Sam: Well, we need to screen everyone. Spinelli, somebody's got to be a match. Even if it is Franco or somebody from his family, it makes me completely sick to my stomach, but it's worth a try.
Spinelli: We can always search outside the family.
Sam: You know what? I just thought of someone that -- that's not on this list but is just as bad as Franco.
Spinelli: Who?
[Doorbell rings]
Sam: Hey, let me call you back, okay?
Shawn: [Grunting]
Sonny: Hold on. Shawn, Shawn, hold on. I just want to talk to him.
Franco: [Grunting]
Sonny: Okay, Franco, I can have the movers here in 10 minutes. Have you had enough?
Franco: No, I'm good. I'm -- I'm getting warmed up.
Sonny: Shawn, how do you feel?
Shawn: I haven't even broken a sweat.
Sonny: Then by all means, let's get on with it.
Franco: [Grunts] Hold on. Hold on. [Grunts] Okay. [Grunts] Well.
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