GH Transcript Monday 7/8/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 7/8/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Ellie: Damian, what are you doing here?

Spinelli: How could you?

Ellie: How could I what?

Spinelli: How could you not tell me that Maxie's carrying my child?!

Ellie: I'm sorry! [Panting]

Spinelli: Sorry for what?

Maxie: "Why not hit the spa for mother-daughter mani-pedis, or head out to lunch rocking matching frocks. Whatever you do, get out there and spend that quality time together, but make sure you are dressed in the latest fashions together." Oh, my God.

[Baby fussing]

Lulu: It's okay, baby. Mommy's here. She's gone! [Gasps]

Dante: What happened?

Lulu: Something happened to our baby.

Sam: Dr. Clay. What are you doing here?

Silas: I need to talk to you about your son. We have tested every potential candidate, and we've checked the national registry. But we're unable to locate a bone-marrow match. I'm sorry, Sam. We have no way to save your son.

Brad: Miss Morgan?

Sam: Yes.

Brad: I asked if you were ready to get started. You all right, Miss Morgan?

Michael: Good morning, beautiful.

Kiki: No! [Panting] This is wrong!

Morgan: What? What is?

Olivia: Sonny?

[Fireworks exploding]

[Cell phone rings]

Olivia: Hello?

Connie: Hey, Liv. It's your cousin. Just checking up on you. How you doin', girl? [Chuckles] Is, uh, Sonny taking good care of you?

Olivia: Honestly, so far, so good. There's really nothing to report.

Connie: Well, that's -- that's great. I'm very glad to hear it.

Olivia: Thanks for checking in on me. I really appreciate it. Talk to you later.


Connie: Yeah. Okay. Bye.

Sonny: I would have, you know, had breakfast in bed for you, but then you got up so early and then I couldn't do it.

Olivia: Sorry. I guess I spent so much time in the hospital, must have some cabin fever.

Sonny: Who was on the phone? Was that Dante? He's checking up on you?

Olivia: Actually, it was Connie. She just wanted to know how everything's going with you and me staying here together, and I told there was really nothing to report. In other words, I lied.

Spinelli: Ellie, you said you were sorry. For what?

Ellie: Oh. For, um, for waking you up.

Spinelli: Well, you didn't. Unless I've begun hacking in my sleep.

Ellie: No. No. Not that I'm aware of. So, what are you working on?

Spinelli: Oh, uh, compiling a list for Samantha -- anyone with a genetic link to Jason, thus making them possible bone-marrow donors for Danny.

Ellie: Wow. That's -- that's some list.

Spinelli: It is rather lengthy, which hopefully means it yields results. Now it's your turn. Why are you apologizing in your sleep?

Ellie: I guess I, uh, was having a bad dream.

Spinelli: About what?

Ellie: You know, I can't remember.

Spinelli: Maybe it was about Maxie's baby.

Maxie: No. No, you did not see that. You couldn't have. [Sighs] See? There's nothing there. I am really losing it.

Connie: Maxie! Where are you?! Get in here!

Lulu: So, in this dream, I was getting up to check on the baby, because I could hear her crying. She was in her crib right there. I went to check on her, and she was gone.

Dante: Gone?

Lulu: Yeah. Gone. Like someone took her. Who would want to take our baby?

Dante: Nobody. It was a bad dream.

Lulu: Yeah. I know. It felt really real.

Dante: Stress. Stress dreams are the worst.

Lulu: Think I'm stressed?

Dante: Yeah. Maxie's in her third trimester. The baby's getting closer and closer. We're dealing with anticipation and excitement.

Lulu: And stress and anxiety.

Dante: Yeah, and it needed somewhere to go, so it went to your subconscious. Promise you -- no one is taking our baby.

Lulu: Yeah. You're probably right.

Dante: Are you kidding me? Of course, I'm right.

Brad: And all done.

Sam: Okay. So what now?

Brad: Now we send this to the lab.

Sam: When will I know if I'm a match?

Brad: Shouldn't take too long. Since you're the mom, you've got the best chance. I mean, since Danny doesn't have any siblings, so keep your fingers crossed.

Sam: Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna keep everything crossed. Thank you so much.

Michael: Hey, Sam.

Sam: Michael. Hey.

Michael: I'm here to be tested.

Sam: Thank you. Thank you so much for doing this.

Michael: No, no. Please. After everything Jason's done for me, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for his kid.

Sam: And you know Jason would be thanking you, too.

Michael: So how you holding up?

Sam: You know.

Michael: Is there anything I can do?

Sam: Oh, you're doing everything that you can do. Spinelli actually -- he got me a list of potential donors. We have AJ, Tracy, Ned, Dillon. But who's Kiki Jerome?

Michael: Uh, she's my cousin.

Morgan: So, what happened? What did you mean by, "This is wrong"?

Kiki: I was dreaming.

Morgan: About what?

Kiki: My parents. Them being together. They're all shmoopy in front of everyone. It's just freaking me out.

Morgan: Yeah, I get that.

Kiki: Yeah, and it's just wrong. That's exactly why I said it. It's wrong.

Morgan: Yeah. Hey, believe me. I'm the last person that wants to see parental PDA. Trust me. But, you know, if you ask me, I don't think they're so bad.

Kiki: Are you serious?

Morgan: Yeah, well, let's not forget that they're the ones that convinced my mom to back off, let me stay here with you.

Kiki: Not exactly stay here. She hasn't seen this place yet.

Morgan: I think she'll be impressed by my decorating.

Kiki: [Chuckles] Or not.

Morgan: Listen, all I know is that there's no place in the world that I'd rather be than here with you. Do you have any idea how smoking hot you look right now?

Kiki: [Chuckles] I can't!

Morgan: Why not?

Sonny: What'd you lie about?

Olivia: [Sighs] Come on, Sonny. Don't act like you don't remember what happened. You and me last night, out there on the terrace, with the fireworks and everything, reminiscing about the old times.

Sonny: Yeah, I remember that.

Olivia: We kissed.

Sonny: Yeah. I remember that. Very nice.

Olivia: I'm not saying it wasn't nice. I'm saying afterwards, we both retreated into our separate bedrooms, and we didn't even talk about what happened.

Sonny: No, we didn't.

Olivia: Well, don't you think maybe we should talk about it now?

Maxie: You bellowed?

Connie: I don't see a copy of the layout in my in-box. Don't tell me you haven't finished checking the copy of the mother-daughter issue.

Maxie: The thing you gave me an hour ago?

Connie: Yes. You should have gotten it to me in 20 minutes. What's -- what's happening with you? You used to be so efficient. Is it the pregnancy hormones? And when is that baby due, anyway? I hope it's tomorrow.

Maxie: Actually --

Connie: And what is the meaning of this?

Maxie: A banana?

Connie: No, it's not a banana. It used to be a banana. And you should go back to the deli and get me another one -- hopefully one that wasn't picked during your first trimester.

Maxie: You're in a mood.

Connie: I'm always in a mood.

Maxie: Yeah, but this tops your high standards.

Connie: Well, you'd be in a bad mood, too, Maxie, if another woman was moving in on the love of your life.

Spinelli: You were mumbling something about Maxie's baby in your sleep.

Ellie: I was?

Spinelli: Yeah.

Ellie: Did -- did I say anything specific?

Spinelli: That was the only thing that was intelligible. But if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you had a guilty conscience about something.

Ellie: What?

Spinelli: Well, I mean, it stands to reason, does it not? You know as well as I do that Maxie miscarried the first implanted embryo, got implanted with another, but withheld that information from Dante and Lulu.

Ellie: Right, yeah you're right. Um, keeping such a significant secret does bother me, apparently enough to verbalize it in my REM sleep.

Spinelli: One of the many reasons I love you.

Ellie: My constant need to chatter, even during a dream state?

Spinelli: No. Your troubled conscience. It speaks to your honesty... and decency.

Ellie: Hmm.

Spinelli: You're a genuinely good person, Ellie Trout.

Lulu: What is that?

Dante: I was gonna wait to give this to you, but I think you could use it.

Lulu: Is this a present for me?

Dante: Not exactly, but you can open it.

Lulu: [Gasps] You bought this?

Dante: I couldn't help it. I went in there. I wasn't gonna do anything. But I was powerless.

Lulu: You are so in love with her already.

Dante: It's hard not to be, if she's anything like her mother. You are going to have to share her with me. You know that, right?

Dante: Yeah, I'll think about it.

Lulu: You're gonna be so overprotective. Oh! I feel so sorry for her boyfriends.

Dante: Whoa. What boyfriends?

Lulu: Oh, let me just picture this. Okay, wait. Boy shows up at the door to pick her up, take her on a date. Father answers the door, and he's a cop! Oh! I actually feel sorry for her. Oh, my God. Dante, we have a problem.

Morgan: Is -- is there a problem? I mean [Exhales, sniffs] Do I need to, like, brush my teeth or something?

Kiki: No. No. I-I just promised Mikey that I would go to the hospital to see if I'm a marrow donor for my little cousin that I haven't even met.

Morgan: Right. Just let me get dressed, and I'll come with you.

Kiki: I thought you were supposed to look for a job today.

Morgan: Yeah, and that can wait, because you might need someone to hold your hand.

Kiki: Well, Mikey said that it isn't invasive.

Morgan: Still, don't you want the moral support?

Kiki: [Scoffs] Nice try. You need to start making money to pay back your dad and your brother. And the sooner you start, the better, right?

Morgan: Fine, fine, fine. As long as we can pick up right where we left off.

Kiki: Well, you know me, Captain. I don't keep promises. I'm gonna go change.

Sam: So Kiki Jerome is Franco's daughter, Lauren.

Michael: Yeah, I thought you knew. She's my first cousin. Alexis is the one who actually wanted me to talk to Kiki about getting tested. She probably didn't want you to know 'cause of the whole connection with Franco.

Sam: Yes, I know. I completely understand why my mom didn't say anything. But the more potential donors, the better.

Michael: Kiki already agreed to be tested. She's actually coming by today. So, uh, I should probably do it now so I can get out of here before she comes back.

Sam: Why, if you're the one who asked her to do it?

Michael: Uh, Kiki and I don't exactly, uh, get along. So, yeah, I'm gonna go get started.

Sam: Wait. Thank you. Thanks again. I appreciate it.

Michael: Yeah. Hi. I'm here to be tested.

Brad: Ah. My next victim.

[Knock on door]

Ava: Hello.

Morgan: Hey. Hi. Um, did you -- did you want to go out on the water? We put all the paddles and oars and stuff down on the dock.

Ava: Oh, no. No, no, no. I don't -- I don't paddle.

Morgan: Oh.

Ava: This is strictly a social visit. I just wanted to come by and see how you love birds are doing. Alice told me that you decided to build your nest out here in the backyard. Should I be offended? The moment I move in, you two move out.

Morgan: Oh, no, no, no. It's nothing against you. I just -- you know, I wanted to do something nice for Kiki.

Ava: Oh. Nice. Okay. Well, I'm sure she appreciates it. Speaking of, where is my daughter?

Morgan: She's at the hospital.

Ava: Hospital? Why -- why is she at the hospital?

Morgan: Oh, no, no. Don't worry. Kiki's -- she's fine. She's just there getting tested to see if she's a match for her little cousin Danny. He needs a bone-marrow transplant.

Ava: Bone marrow? I don't like the sound of that.

Morgan: Oh, the test is not invasive. And it'll actually be worth it if Kiki ends up being a match.

Ava: Well, if she were a match, wouldn't there be more tests, then, more procedures done? I should be with her. I think I should go --

Morgan: No, they won't do any of that today.

Ava: Actually, wait. Morgan.

Morgan: Yes?

Ava: Why didn't you go with Kiki?

Morgan: Uh, well, I got the feeling that she wanted to be alone with Michael.

Brad: Open wide. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. See? Told you it wouldn't hurt.

Michael: Yeah. Right. Yeah, you did.

Brad: Do we know each other from somewhere?

Michael: I'm sorry?

Brad: You just -- you just look familiar.

Michael: Uh, no. I don't think so.

Brad: Uh, I don't know. It just, uh... something about you. Anyway, finish filling out that form. In the meantime, I'm gonna get this batch of samples down to the lab.

Michael: Okay. Thank you.

[Door closes]

Michael: I'm sorry. I'm almost done. I just need another minute.

Kiki: Oh.

Michael: Oh.

Lulu: Our daughter needs a name, and we haven't thought of one.

Dante: What are you talking about? Yes, we have. Juliet.

Lulu: The girl who stabbed herself for love? Unh-unh! That is not gonna be my daughter.

Dante: All right, well, that was just a placeholder, anyway. Who needs Juliet when you have Rocco?

Lulu: You are kidding, right? 'Cause we can't name a girl Rocco.

Dante: No, no. We'll be trendsetters. Two years from now, everyone's gonna look at the name Rocco as a girl's name.

Lulu: You know how long two years is to a kid? Oh, wait. No. I see what's happening. Oh. You want to make sure that no boy wants to take out your "Daddy's Little Girl."

Dante: She's not gonna have any time for that. She's gonna be too busy running the country and curing cancer.

Lulu: You want her to be president?

Dante: I'd settle for supreme court justice.

Lulu: Well, she's not gonna be supreme anything if we don't give her a name.

Dante: What are you talking about? Would you stop? We have plenty of time for this.

Lulu: No, we don't. No, we don't. You've been reminding me. Maxie's in her last trimester.

Dante: Okay, so if our daughter makes her arrival without us making a decision, we'll just name her... Jane Doe, like we do at the PD.

Lulu: That is not helping.

Dante: All right, how 'bout this? We go out for breakfast and we brainstorm some names, none of which will be Rocco or Juliet.

Lulu: [Groans] [Sighs] Okay. I call shower!

Dante: I don't think you do!

Lulu: Ah! Ah! [Laughs] We got lots of time, and our shower's big enough for two.

[Both laugh]

Spinelli: That was acrobatic.

Ellie: Indeed. And, uh, beneficial to our cardiovascular fitness.

Spinelli: Mm. Then we should probably do some more.

Ellie: What? No!

[Both laughing]

Ellie: Oh, my God.

Spinelli: [Grunts]

Ellie: [Laughs]

Spinelli: Goodness. Have I told you how happy I am that you're in my life?

Ellie: Oh, I don't know if you've used those exact words, but you've made several complimentary statements.

Spinelli: I hope so. Because I meant them. Before you, my romantic life was tortured, to say the least. I spent a good deal of it pining for Maxie, uselessly hoping for something that would not be, never realizing that there was this -- there was this whole world waiting for me if I'd just notice it.

Ellie: I'm really happy to hear you say that.

Spinelli: Ellie, the way I feel about you -- I had no idea that such happiness was possible. At least, not for me. And I just hope that I provide you with just a modicum of that same joy.

Ellie: Oh, my God, you do. Much, much more than a modicum.

Spinelli: You were hesitant to become involved with me, because you had been hurt before and didn't want to be hurt again.

Ellie: I know. I know that you'll never hurt me. If anything... I worry that I'd be the one to hurt you.

Spinelli: What makes you say that?

Ellie: I mean, not intentionally, but I just feel like life has a way of quashing even the best intentions, and unforeseen complications arise, and, well, in simple terms, things happen.

Spinelli: That won't happen to us.

Ellie: I really hope you're right.

Spinelli: I am.

Ellie: [Laughs]

Spinelli: Hey, look, I have a meeting at Kelly's, but if I shower right now, maybe we can have a little breakfast before work.

Ellie: Okay. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

Spinelli: Okay.

Ellie: [Chuckles]

Maxie: Do you want to talk about it? Might make you feel better.

Connie: No, you wouldn't understand, Maxie.

Maxie: I wouldn't understand what it's like to have a woman swoop in and steal the love of your life? Of course, I would. That happened to me! When I finally realized that I was in love with Spinelli, who pops into the picture? Ellie.

Connie: Hello. We were on me.

Maxie: Right. Sorry. So, you mentioned the love of your life. I assume we're talking about Sonny.

Connie: Yeah.

Maxie: So who's this hussy who's swooping in and stealing him from under you?

Olivia: I don't think we need to overanalyze what happened. I think there's a really simple explanation for what happened.

Sonny: There is? What?

Olivia: Well, I think we just got -- got caught up in the moment. You know, that kiss was just a -- it was just a period at the end of a long strain of very pretty memories.

Sonny: But it's more than that. You and I, we've been getting closer for a while now.

Olivia: We both said that there's nothing going on between us.

Sonny: Well, whatever's going on here, it's not -- it isn't nothing. It's something.

Olivia: So what is it?

Sonny: I don't know. But it felt right to me.

Olivia: It felt right to me, too. What about Connie?

Connie: The woman I'm talking about is my cousin, not to mention my best friend.

Maxie: Olivia is the man-stealing hussy? She's moving in on Sonny?

Connie: No, I don't know that for sure, but it's possible.

Maxie: That's terrible. How could she do that to you?

Connie: Well, in all fairness, I shouldn't be upset.

Maxie: Why not?

Connie: Because it's my own fault.

Sam: What are you doing?

Silas: At the moment, getting off the elevator.

Sam: No, I mean dressed like a doctor.

Silas: Uh, I am a doctor.

Sam: Yeah, I know. But you don't work here.

Silas: I do now.

Sam: Excuse me. What do you mean you work here?

Silas: What I mean is the Chief of Staff, Dr. Monica Quartermaine, offered me a job, and I accepted.

Sam: Oh. How did this come about?

Silas: Well, I ran into her, and she asked for my thoughts on the Oncology Department here at General Hospital.

Sam: What, you just happened to run into the chief of staff?

Silas: I may have requested a meeting where I told her my thoughts on the Oncology Department here at General Hospital.

Sam: Your thoughts.

Silas: Actually, I have you to thank for that. They were based on observations I made during the treatment of your son. And we both agreed that the department should be led by somebody well versed in the latest Clinical Oncology with the vision of transferring this hospital into the state-of-the-art facility that it should be. Dr. Quartermaine asked me if I knew anybody that fit this description. I said I did, and she offered me the job on the spot.

Sam: But your life is in New York City. Listen, I totally understand why Monica would offer you the job. I just -- I don't get why you would accept it.

Ava: Michael? Why would Kiki want to be alone with Michael?

Morgan: Okay, this is gonna sound crazy, but I don't -- I think -- I think Kiki and Michael are attracted to each other.

Ava: What?

Morgan: Yeah. I know. It sucks because, well, he's my brother.

Ava: He's her first cousin.

Morgan: Yep. And that makes it creepier.

Ava: I'll say. You know something? Even if Kiki and Michael are attracted to each other, it's not gonna go anywhere. It'll handle itself. And I happen to know that Kiki cares about you.

Morgan: I hope you're right. Because I got to tell you, I really like your daughter.

Ava: I'm glad to hear that.

Morgan: No, no. You know what? It's -- it's more than that. I... I know it hasn't been very long. But I think I'm in love with her.

Michael: I was just on my way out.

Kiki: You're all finished?

Michael: Yeah. I'm all finished. Uh, thanks for getting tested, by the way. Appreciate it.

Kiki: I just want to help in any way that I can.

Michael: And I was just finishing signing these things, but I'm all done now, so, uh, I'll get out of your way.

Kiki: Michael, wait.

Dante: Okay, I got "Name Planet."

Lulu: I've got "A million and One Baby Names." You go first.

Dante: Amy.

Lulu: I hate it. How about Stella?

Dante: Stella? Please. Lindsay.

Lulu: Are you kidding? Arianna.

Dante: Arianna Falconeri.

Lulu: I think that that sounds pretty.

Dante: Yeah? Sounds like a mouthful to me.

Lulu: [Scoffs] Okay. We need a simple name, easy to remember, easy to pronounce.

Dante: All right. I got it. Mildred.

Lulu: Mildred.

Dante: Yeah. What's wrong with Mildred?

Lulu: I had a math teacher named Mildred, and I hated her.

Dante: Well, I had a dog named Mildred, and I loved her.

Lulu: We are not naming the baby after a dog. In fact, we're not even saying those two words in the same sentence, unless you forgot that your mom did predict that Maxie was gonna be giving birth to some sort of baby wolf.

Ellie: Hey, Dante, Lulu.

Dante: Hey.

Spinelli: What brings you out on this beautiful morning?

Lulu: Oh, Dante and I are having a slight difference of opinion. We're trying to name our baby girl.

Spinelli: I-I didn't know Maxie was having a girl.

Dante: Well, actually, Lulu and I are having a girl. But I know what you meant.

Connie: I had to end my relationship with Sonny for the sake of my mental health. But now that I see Sonny and Olivia getting closer... it's very upsetting, and I have no right to feel that way, because I'm the one that gave Sonny up.

Maxie: Yeah, but you said you're not even sure that something is going on between Sonny and Olivia.

Connie: That's right. But proximity leads to opportunity.

Maxie: Proximity?

Connie: Yes. Olivia moved in with Sonny while she's recuperating from the gunshot wound.

Maxie: Wow. She's living with him?

Connie: It's just for now. And she asked me pointblank -- she said, "Does it bother you?" And she said, "If there's any chance that this isn't okay with you, tell me, say the word," and I couldn't say it. Because I gave Sonny up. That was my choice. And I have to live with that. Right?

Maxie: Wrong! Majorly wrong. Like, "You just made the biggest mistake of your life" wrong.

Sonny: What about Connie?

Olivia: [Sighs] Come on, Sonny. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. She still loves you. You know that. I know that.

Sonny: How many times has she made it clear that she can't be with me, and how hard did I fight her on that? She's given me no choice but to take her at her word. I got to accept it. I got to...move on with someone else.

Olivia: If you're talking about me... I don't know if I can do that.

Lulu: Dante and I mutually agreed that we wanted to know the sex of the baby, which is good, and know that little what's-her-name is a baby girl.

Spinelli: That's wonderful. [Chuckles]

Lulu: It really is. I mean, not that we wouldn't have been excited if it was a boy.

Dante: No, we would have been totally happy.

Lulu: It's just knowing now that she's a girl makes her a person. Makes her our daughter.

Dante: Yeah, it's hard to picture her any other way.

Lulu: Dante is already in overprotective-dad mode. I feel very, very sorry for anyone who dares to ask her out.

Spinelli: What, you're not gonna let your daughter date?

Dante: What? No. She can date. When she's 30.

Spinelli: I mean, I know you're exaggerating for --

Dante: No, I'm not exaggerating. I think 30's a good age, just as long as she has a chaperone.

Lulu: Yeah. Put it this way. I have a few years to get him to see straight.

Spinelli: Right. You know, I guess I'd be equally as protective if I were in your position. I don't think I'll end up having any children, but if I were, I-I always thought how nice it would be to have a little girl.

Maxie: Okay. I need to tell you something. Now, it may appear that I'm talking about myself. But if you just bear with me, you'll see that I'm talking about you and the terrible mistake that I think you're making.

Connie: Go on.

Maxie: Spinelli has been in love with me for years. We even had a non-wedding because the real wedding didn't work out. He knew I wasn't ready. Deep down, he knew I was doubting my love for him. So after we broke up, you know, Spinelli was still around to help me, to care about me. I knew he was pining for me, but... I would not let myself get back together with him. I-I gave myself a million reasons why we would never work out. And then one day I realized how stupid all of those reasons were. Because, of course, I love Spinelli. He gets me better than anyone else ever has. He makes me a better person. And most importantly, he made me happy. But none of that matters now, because Spinelli has moved on with someone else. And I don't have anybody to blame by myself, because I waited too long, and I lost my chance.

Connie: A little -- make that a lot -- of what you just said can apply to me and Sonny.

Maxie: My point is if you still love Sonny and you think that there's a window of opportunity, whatever you do, don't wait. Because from what I've just heard, if you don't make your move soon, Sonny could end up with your best friend, Olivia.

Sonny: You know how much I love Connie. I'd do anything for her. But if she keeps telling me that she can't be with me, sooner or later, I've got to listen.

Olivia: I know how much she put you through the wringer.

Sonny: And whatever's going on here with us... it's easy with you 'cause I know you. And maybe we didn't acknowledge that before because of Connie, but last night, we did acknowledge it, and I don't think we did anything wrong. Like I said, you know, it just felt right to me.

Kiki: I had a dream about you last night.

Michael: Really? What, uh, what kind of dream?

Kiki: I woke up, and I wasn't in bed with Morgan. I was in bed with you.

Michael: [Sighs] Really?

Kiki: And you went to kiss me, and that's when I woke up. I guess my subconscious must know that it's wrong, because it woke me up before anything could happen.

Michael: Kiki, why are you telling me this?

Kiki: I don't know, Mikey. Maybe because I hate it.

Michael: Don't you think I hate it, too? But this is our reality. We have to stay away from each other because it's wrong.

Kiki: Well, if it's so wrong, then why does it seem like the universe keeps finding ways to throw us together?

Ava: Oh, Morgan. "Love" is a big word for a very young man.

Morgan: I know. But I know how I feel. I'm just -- I'm not sure that Kiki feels as strongly about me.

Ava: Well, I like you. I think that you and Kiki are good for each other. I would like to see your relationship succeed. And I'll help you, if you'll let me.

Morgan: W-why would you do that for me?

Ava: Because I think you're a decent person.

Morgan: [Chuckles] Well, not everyone would agree.

Ava: So you've made some mistakes. Big deal. I get a good feeling from you. And I have from the moment we met.

Morgan: Well, thank you.

Ava: I'll work on Kiki. In the meantime, you go and buy her something.

Morgan: Like -- like what?

Ava: Just... something expensive. My daughter likes the finer things, no matter how much she likes to pretend she's above the money.

Morgan: Right. Well, there's a slight problem with that. I don't have any money. Or a credit card.

Ava: Oh, well... you can borrow one of mine. Kiki doesn't have to know. It'll be our little secret.

Silas: Given that the Oncology Department here is a mess and needs to be completely overhauled, I thought, why not move here? Kill two birds with one stone. You know, I don't antagonize Rafe, because I don't take him away from you, and maybe we can bring General Hospital into the 21st century.

Sam: I don't know what to say.

Silas: Did I mention that they offered me an obscene amount of money?

Sam: I knew it. I knew you didn't do this for me or to make General Hospital a better hospital. You did it for the money.

Silas: Yeah. By the way, your doctor got fired.

Sam: Dr. Singh is fired? Who fired him?

Silas: I did. I'm Danny's doctor now.

Spinelli: You okay?

Ellie: I'm fine.

Spinelli: Are you sure? You -- you're such an honest person, Ellie. I would hate for you to lie just to protect my feelings.

Ellie: Why would I do that?

Spinelli: Because we had an agreement not to mention children, and I flagrantly flouted the rules.

Ellie: Running into prospective parents like Dante and Lulu, the subject was bound to come up.

Spinelli: Still, I get carried away -- all that talk about wanting a girl. I'm sorry.

Ellie: No, the last thing that you need to be doing is apologizing to me.

Dante: Edna!

Lulu: Are you serious?

Dante: Could go with a family name, maybe. I mean, I got a lot of cousins and aunts.

Lulu: Do you have an Aunt Edna?

Dante: No, that one was more to prove a point.

Lulu: Your point being what?

Dante: That you don't like any of my suggestions.

Lulu: [Scoffs] With apologies to all of the Mildreds and Ednas out there -- I'm sure they're lovely people -- I haven't heard a name yet that speaks to me.

Dante: Well, why don't we take a look at some saints' names. Maybe one of those will speak to you.

Lulu: Maybe they would. I know what I have to do. I have to talk to Maxie.

Dante: Maxie?

Lulu: Yeah! I don't know why I didn't think of it before. She is the perfect person to help us name this baby.

Maxie: Wait.

Connie: What?

Maxie: I might have given you some incredibly bad advice. What if -- what if you go back to Sonny a-and you end up losing your marbles again, and I have to work for the boss from hell or worse -- the felon in animal prints?

Connie: Well, I have the same fear, Maxie, but I've been around Sonny for a while now, and nothing's happened. I mean, so there's no reason to think that it could... happen. What if I'm wrong?

Maxie: Maybe you should go see your doctor again.

Connie: Yeah, he told me to stay away from Sonny.

Maxie: He could surprise you and tell you that it's safe to go back.

Connie: Guess I could talk to him and see what he says.

Maxie: Whatever you do, don't wait.

Olivia: Sonny, if you're gonna do that, I-I lose all my resolve to stop.

Sonny: Why are you stopping? There's no reason to stop.

Olivia: You know what? I'm sorry. I'm not so used to being on my feet. I, um... I think I better go lie down.

Morgan: Perfect. Oh. Kiki, this is guaranteed to take your mind off my brother.

Michael: Don't tell me about your dreams. I don't want to hear about them. We have to stop running into each other.

Kiki: That's my point! We keep trying to avoid each other, but it doesn't work!

Michael: We have to try harder! Okay, not just because we're cousins, but you are dating my brother. I mean, don't you even care about him?

Kiki: Of course, I care about Morgan, Michael! I care about him a lot, but I wasn't counting on you and me!

Michael: But there is no you and me!

Sam: So... you are Danny's doctor now.

Silas: You said you wanted Danny to have the best. Now he does.

Sam: If you say so yourself. Okay. I've, um... I've got to get home to Danny.

Silas: Be seeing you around, Sam.

Sam: Yeah, I-I guess we will. And, Dr. Clay... I really hope you're as good as you say you are.

[Elevator bell dings]

Ava: Excuse me. Doctor? I-I'm looking for my daughter. Silas.

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