GH Transcript Friday 7/5/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 7/5/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Mac: Okay, grill's ready. Who wants a burger?

Britt: I do. Make it a double. After all, I am eating for two.

Emma: Why is the mean lady here?

Sabrina: Oh, it's okay, em. I'm sure she's not gonna be mean to anyone today.

Patrick: You're supposed to be on bed rest.

Britt: I-I don't mean to crash picnic. I-I just -- I had to do something. I was losing my mind in that tiny, airless apartment.

Patrick: What about the baby?

Britt: Oh, the baby is why I'm here. I mean, it's the Fourth of July, Patrick, and everyone else is celebrating their independence. Why shouldn't the baby and I celebrate, too?

AJ: All right, I want you guys to stand back because you are about to be witness to my unparalleled, unprecedented barbecuing prowess.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

AJ: Blow you guys away, or it might just blow us all to smithereens.

Elizabeth: Oh, there it goes.

AJ: There is goes.

Elizabeth: Yay!

AJ: All right.

Elizabeth: I'm really glad Cameron is spending the holiday with his friends, 'cause he'd be dying to try that.

AJ: Yeah? I'd make him wear a fire suit.

Elizabeth: [Gasps] Oh, and I am going to make you wear this.

AJ: Sexy.

[Soft music plays]

Alexis: Perfect.

[Knock on door]

Alexis: Oh. Well, hi.

Nikolas: Hi.

Alexis: Oh, come on in, honey.

Nikolas: Oh, okay.

Alexis: [Chuckles]

Nikolas: Um...all right. All this for your favorite nephew, or are you expecting someone else?

Shawn: You know, Sonny, this -- this wasn't an easy decision for me. You know, I-I've been thinking about what went down with Franco and Olivia, and it was -- it was a close call -- too close -- and I think what I want to tell --

Milo: Boss, I quit.

Sonny: What do you mean you quit?

Milo: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just blurt it out like that, but I'm afraid I can't work for you anymore.

Michael: Okay. You are just asking Kiki to be tested to be a donor for Danny. That is it. [Sighs] [Chuckles] Come on, get a grip, Michael. There's nothing remotely sexual about this.

Kiki: Come in! Welcome back, Cap...tain.

Michael: Kiki, who did this to you? I'm calling the police.

Patrick: Britt, you're not supposed to be up and about. What about the baby? And like you just said, you're kind of crashing our party here, and to be honest, you're making Emma uncomfortable.

Britt: Let me make it up to Emma.

Patrick: This is not the time or place for that.

Britt: I won't even look at her. I-I won't -- I won't go near her, but for God's sakes, Patrick, it's -- it's a family holiday.

Patrick: Yeah.

Britt: My parents live in Europe. I-I don't have anyone to spend this day with or anywhere to go.

Patrick: You're on bed rest. You're not supposed to go anywhere.

Britt: But I'm already here. Look, I know...I'm not family, but our baby is. Okay. I get it. I get it. You want me to leave. I'll leave.

Patrick: Britt.

Britt: [Sighs]

Patrick: If you're here and you feel okay to be here, then the least we can do is... feed you. Come on. Have a seat.

AJ: I've got a surprise for you. Want to hear what it is?

Aiden: Yes.

AJ: Okay. So, I've got a bunch of marshmallows stashed away, and I was thinking that after dinner, you and me -- we toast them right before the fireworks. What do you say?

Aiden: Yes.

AJ: Yeah? Okay, okay, so I've got a very special mission for you. You ready?

Aiden: Yes.

AJ: Okay, I need you to go find some sticks -- not real thick ones -- you know, just some sticks that we can put through the marshmallows so that we can toast them. You think you can do that? Go on. Go find them over there, okay?

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

AJ: Attaboy.

Elizabeth: Wow. You are quite the picnic whisperer.

AJ: Wow. I mean, I knew, you know, that I was good. I didn't realize that I've actually been elevated to the level of "whisperer."

Elizabeth: No, I'm not kidding. You've got it all together. Between the food and the grill and the kid entertainment, I mean, I'm very impressed.

AJ: I figured it was the least I could do after you gave me a second chance... third one, fourth one...

Elizabeth: Ugh, stop.

AJ: What chance are we on right now?

Elizabeth: It doesn't matter. What's important is that we make the most of this chance, and for some crazy reason, I kind of think you're worth it.

AJ: You may want to eat those words after you taste my cooking.

Nikolas: So, I got your message that, uh, Danny might possibly need a bone-marrow transplant, and I just want you to know that I'll be first in line to get tested.

Alexis: Thank you. And Sam thanks you, too.

Nikolas: Glad I can help. Okay, so, seriously, what's up with all the champagne? Are you planning history's most elegant breakup or what?

Alexis: Actually, Shawn is still in my life, but only because he agreed to stop working for Sonny.

Sonny: Look, Milo, I know I've been coming down hard on you lately for letting Lulu hide out with you, but put that aside, all right? You're still a valuable member of the team. If I have not made you feel important in any way, I apologize.

Milo: Thanks, boss, but it's not even you. It's me. Before my brother hooked me up with this job, I had -- I had these dreams, and no offense to you, but this job -- this job wasn't part of it. In all the years I've been doing it, it still doesn't feel right to me, so I'm guessing -- I'm guessing that it never will. You see, boss, I'm not like Shawn. I wasn't born to do this like he is. I hope you understand. I just -- I don't have the passion for it the way Shawn does.

Kiki: Don't call the police, Michael!

Michael: But you're tied up, ki--

Kiki: Morgan did it!

Michael: Morgan? Why -- why would Morgan do that?

Kiki: [Sighs] For fun. You don't get it? It's a game, Michael -- a sex game.

Michael: You're telling me Morgan tied you up like this and just left you here? That's disgusting. It's completely degrading.

Kiki: It's okay. I -- it's okay, m--

Michael: No, it's not okay.

Felicia: Dr. Westbourne, is it?

Britt: Oh, please, call me Britt.

Felicia: I'm Felicia.

Britt: Hi.

Felicia: We haven't officially met, but you used to be my daughter's ob-gyn -- Maxie Jones.

Britt: Oh, you're Maxie's mom?

Felicia: Yep, I sure am.

Britt: [Chuckles]

Mac: Okay, another minute, and I'm gonna cook the hoof off that burger.

Felicia: Mac, have you met Britt?

Mac: Yeah, when you and Patrick were on your first date at the Floating Rib.

Britt: Yes, yes, he was, um, mortified that he had taken me there.

Felicia: Why would that mortify him?

Britt: Oh, nothing to do with the Floating Rib. It was just he -- he didn't know that I was a vegetarian.

Mac: Clearly he got to know you better.

Britt: Yeah. Yeah.

Felicia: Perhaps that's why the two of you broke up.

Emma: Daddy, why is mean lady at our picnic?

Patrick: Because it's Fourth of July, and she was all on her own, and we are all so lucky to have each other here. And you know what? She's having a difficult pregnancy, so I thought that maybe we could share our day with her, and that it's a good way for us to keep an eye on the baby.

Sabrina: Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. I wouldn't want to be trapped in my apartment on the Fourth of July, either.

Patrick: No.

Sabrina: I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but Britt even managed to make me feel sorry for her.

Emma: Baby Ariel doesn't feel sorry for her.

[Doll cries]

Emma: She's scared.

Patrick: Well, I promise you, all right -- Britt is not gonna do anything to you or crying baby Ariel.

Sabrina: That's right. Everything's gonna be just fine.

Emma: [Giggles]

Mac: Here you go. One juicy burger with all the works.

Britt: Thank you. Mmm.

Felicia: Perhaps you're no longer a vegetarian.

Britt: Oh, no. I still don't eat meat, but our baby, on the other hand, does. [Chuckles] I think he or she gets that from his or her daddy.

AJ: See, it's all in the wrist, just like that. Hey! Oh, man, you are a natural. That's incre-- you know, if this dinner turns out to be good, we're gonna have to thank you. Come on, let's go back over here.

Elizabeth: Come here, baby. You want some grapes? Sit down. You're really good with him.

AJ: Well, yeah, of course, I am. He's a kid. I'm just his taller peer.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

AJ: I-I really am enjoying this -- you know, hanging out with Aiden. I never got a chance to do this with my son.

Michael: Almost got it.

Kiki: Don't.

Morgan: Oh, love slave, I'm back. What the hell are you doing?!

Michael: What am I doing?

Morgan: Yeah, get away from her!

Michael: You just tie Kiki up and leave her here?!

Morgan: So? What's it to you?!

Michael: So, you -- you don't respect her at all, do you?

Kiki: Morgan, I told him that it was okay that --

Morgan: Seriously, bro?! Could you be more of a prude? Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Are you mad because you think I'm dissing Kiki, or are you bitchcakes because you're not the one that tied her to the bed?!

Alexis: I made it very clear to Shawn that I couldn't continue a relationship with him if he kept working for Sonny.

Nikolas: Oh. And he's okay with that?

Alexis: Well, we went back and forth a bit, but ultimately, he chose me.

Nikolas: Hmm. That's a no-brainer, if you ask me.

Alexis: [Chuckles] Actually, Shawn should be breaking the news to Sonny right about now.

Sonny: You know what, Milo? If you want to pursue something that makes you happy, I'm all for it.

Milo: You're not mad?

Sonny: Oh, I'm gonna be disappointed to see you go, but I'm -- no, I'm not mad.

Milo: Really? Because I kind of thought, you know, once you're in, you're in for good.

Sonny: Yeah, but I-I trust your loyalty and your discretion.

Milo: Yeah.

Sonny: Anything that you've seen or done -- you get what I'm saying?

Milo: Oh, yeah. I won't tell a soul, boss.

Sonny: Oh, I know you won't. I know you won't. So, I guess you're free. You get to go enjoy Independence Day.

Milo: Thank you, boss.

Sonny: [Chuckles] All right.

Milo: [Exhales deeply]

Max: Whew. Well, Ms. Falconeri's all settled in, watching "The Honeymooners" marathon. Why didn't you take that up already?

Sonny: Okay, hey, it's not his responsibility anymore. He just resigned.

Max: Boss, I-I'm sorry. Let me just -- let me just talk to him for a second, all right? Just...

Sonny: [Sighs deeply] I didn't see that coming.

Shawn: Neither did I. You okay?

Sonny: Well, you know, he wanted to pursue other things. He wanted to quit. He wanted to go. As good as he was at what he did, um... he should leave. You see, he's not cut out for this business.

Shawn: Like me.

Sonny: You were about to tell me something before Milo came in. What was it?

Milo: It's fine.

Max: What the hell's the matter with you? You can't quit.

Milo: The boss said I could.

Max: You've been making noise the last couple days about being unhappy, and I put up with it 'cause I thought it would pass, but I never thought you'd actually -- how could you do this?

Milo: I have to. I took the job with Lucy Coe.

Max: [Sighing] Oh, my God. You traded being a trusted part of the organization to be some personal trainer?

Milo: Fitness director.

Max: But why, Milo?

Milo: You know, you told me the other day that I wasn't good for anything besides this job.

Max: I didn't mean it.

Milo: Yeah, you did. That's okay.

Max: It's not okay if it makes you leave.

Milo: Look, Max, I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I have to stop leaning on you one of these days. This day -- Independence Day. I'm spreading my wings.

Max: But, Milo...

Milo: Happy fourth, bro.

Sonny: So, what's bothering you?

Shawn: You know, I just wanted to apologize again. You know, it could have been my bullet that hit Olivia, and my bullet should have hit Franco.

Sonny: All things considered, hey, you know what? It's probably best that you missed.

Shawn: I'll never make that mistake again because, uh... ...I'm in your corner 100%, my friend.

Sonny: I appreciate hearing that, especially right now.

Shawn: You know, those things Milo said about me is true. You know, my life was leading up to this. You know, this -- this isn't just a job for me, you know? It's in my blood. I need to do this.

Sonny: Well, that's good, because knowing that, especially with Jason gone... aren't you supposed to be with Alexis, twirling sparklers?

Shawn: [Chuckles] Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's expecting me. Okay. You okay, Max?

Max: I had to break the news about Milo to our dad. Totally ruined his holiday. I-I still can't believe my brother quit.

Shawn: Well, he did what he needed to do.

Max: I'm his family.

Shawn: Look, sometimes, uh... you know, we have to hurt people we love, and all we can do is hope they understand.

Olivia: [Sighs] Sonny. Something wrong?

Sonny: No, I'm just glad you're here.

Nikolas: Well, I'm glad to see everything's working out for you. When you came to see me the other day, you were pretty down.

Alexis: Yeah, well, you weren't exactly cheerful yourself.

Nikolas: No.

Alexis: You were worried about what Elizabeth would do when she found out about that little encounter between AJ and Carly.

Nikolas: I know.

Alexis: And I know you were hoping that she would walk through your door, and I can tell by looking at you that that's not what happened. Am I right?

Nikolas: No. After -- after she confronted him about Carly, she decided to give the alcoholic kidnapper and patricidal failure another shot.

Alexis: Hmm.

Nikolas: But, you know [Sighs] Whatever. She's decided that she can somehow save him, you know, turn him into a decent human being, and in the end, she's just gonna get hurt worse when he self-destructs again.

Alexis: [Sighs] I'm sorry.

Nikolas: It's all right. It's just -- it's made me face the harsh reality that I just need to get over her and move on.

AJ: Hey, you need to eat some vegetables, not just that, all right? And this stuff does not count as a vegetable, all right? Come on. You need to eat your veggies, and then what we'll do is we'll go and we'll roast the marshmallows with those great sticks that you found. What do you say? Good idea?

Aiden: Yes.

AJ: Okay, good. He likes it.

Elizabeth: I wish you were able to do this with Michael when he was growing up.

AJ: Yeah, well, you know, back then, I was pretty messed up and really not in the position to, you know, be a dad to Michael. I'm just glad I've got a second chance now. You know, I just -- I don't know. If I get -- if I tell you the truth, it's -- I'm not so sure that I'm doing that great a job.

Elizabeth: Why? Why not?

AJ: I just want Michael to be happy.

Elizabeth: Yeah, that's what any good parent wants.

AJ: Well [Sighs] When he's not happy, I want to -- I want to take his troubles away. And right now, I feel pretty helpless.

Elizabeth: Is something going on with him?

AJ: Yeah, something big, and it's complicated, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Elizabeth: It sounds like you're being too hard on yourself.

AJ: Yeah, where have I heard that before?

Elizabeth: Oh, it's true. All a parent can do is be there for their child when they need you, and that's exactly what you're doing for your son.

Michael: You think I want to tie Kiki up and get kinky with her?

Morgan: See, here's the problem -- is that I know Kiki's your first cousin. She seems to know. But do you know? Because every time I turn my back, I catch you sniffing around her.

Michael: If you want me to apologize for untying Kiki, you can go to hell!

Morgan: Whoa, wait, wait. What about your "Oh-so-busy summer," right? What happened to that? Or did you just decide that incest really is best?

Kiki: Knock it off, Morgan!

Morgan: No, because this is our personal business, and he's in it up to his neck, okay? So now that you've made a complete fool of yourself, you can run along so Kiki and I can have our "shocking and degrading" consensual fun.

Michael: No. I can't let you do that.

Sabrina: Hey, you remember what we talked about before -- how we both needed to be big girls about Britt? Because she's having a baby, and that baby's a part of your daddy.

Emma: And we both love Daddy.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] That's right. Doesn't, uh, Britt look lonely over there? Why don't we go show her little baby Ariel?

Emma: Do we have to?

Sabrina: No, we don't have to, but it would be a really nice thing to do, don't you think? You don't have to worry. I'll be right there with you. And I'm sure Britt would probably enjoy seeing a baby doll that can do everything that a real baby does. Mm-hmm. Come on.

Britt: Hello, Emma. Sabrina.

Sabrina: Hi, Britt. It's so nice of you to join us. Right, Emma?

Emma: Do you want to see my doll? I named her Ariel.

Britt: Wow, that's a pretty name for a pretty doll.

Emma: She's just like a real baby. She cries. She laughs. She drinks.

Britt: [Chuckles]

Emma: Do you want to hold her? You can practice being a mommy.

Britt: Um, sure, sure. I'll -- I'll hold her.

Emma: See, she even tinkles.

Britt: [Chuckling] What? Oh, oh, my God, she's wet!

[Doll cries, and sizzles on the barbecue, then cries again]

Felicia: Oh, my God, Mac. I'm gonna call 911.

Mac: Okay.

Emma: [Screams] My baby's on fire!

Mac: It's all right.

Emma: Is baby Ariel okay?

Mac: Uh, I don't know. Let me see. [Blowing]

Emma: [Screams] She melted!

Felicia: Oh, don't worry, honey. We'll get you another one.

Emma: She's ruined. You ruined her.

Sabrina: Let's hope you're a little more maternal with Patrick's baby.

Morgan: Am I hearing you right? You're refusing to leave because you don't approve of our sex life? Go to hell!

Michael: I don't care what you two are into, even though I don't understand how Kiki could ever be so submissive to you.

Morgan: Okay, well, why don't you stop the judging? 'Cause you're my brother. You're not my father. So, are you gonna leave, or are you gonna force me to kick your ass?

Michael: You're gonna shut up and listen to what I came here to say, or I'm gonna put your head through that wall!

Kiki: Please stop! Don't fight. Mikey.

Michael: I'm sorry. Okay, but my cousin -- that is, our cousin -- needs your help.

Morgan: Oh, this is a load of crap. This is just another lame excuse to get with her.

Michael: I told you to shut up! Can you be quiet just for one second? Because if you do, you'd realize this is a matter of life and death.

AJ: Hey, Elizabeth, what's going on? What's the matter? Was it the food? Because if it is the food, it's on Aiden, not me.

Elizabeth: The food was perfect.

AJ: What's the matter? What's wrong?

Elizabeth: Nothing. Nothing -- nothing's wrong. That's -- that's just it. I mean, it's -- it's Fourth of July, and even though my eldest son is too cool to hang out with his mother...

AJ: [Chuckles]

Elizabeth: ...You're here, and you're playing with Aiden, and he's happy. I'm just really grateful.

AJ: It's just a game.

Elizabeth: I know, but I play with him, too, and it's not the same. I want this for him. I want him to have all of this. I just want him so badly to have a man in his life. Lucky isn't here, and I don't -- I don't hold it against him. I know there are reasons he stays away -- because I betrayed him on the deepest level.

AJ: Because of Nikolas.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry. I didn't intend to --

AJ: No, no, hey. Hey. Hey, listen to me. You never have to edit yourself for me. Nikolas was a part of your past -- you know, a chapter in the history of Elizabeth Webber.

Elizabeth: Thank you for accepting that.

AJ: I do. I just hope that's where it stays -- in the past.

Alexis: Oh, no, Nikolas. One day you're gonna find the perfect woman for you, and she's gonna see how honorable and wise and generous you are.

Nikolas: Oh, I'm sure they'll be falling at my feet in a swooning mass.

Alexis: Oh, they will... if they can get over your looks. [Clicks tongue]

Nikolas: Hey.

Alexis: Otherwise, you're looking at the life of a lonely bachelorhood.

Nikolas: Yeah, well, fortunately for me, I have a date tonight with Spencer. I told him I'd take him to the fireworks, so...

Alexis: Good. He can look after you in all your dotage.

Nikolas: Look, I'm really happy for you and Shawn. I hope I get a chance to get to know him better.

Alexis: Count on it.

Nikolas: All right. See you.

Alexis: Okay, honey. Bye.

Nikolas: Oh.

Alexis: Ohh.

Nikolas: She's all yours. Enjoy the fireworks.

Shawn: Thanks.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Alexis: Hi, you. Follow me. Toast to us. What's wrong? Did Sonny get upset when you told him?

Shawn: No. No, he didn't, um...because I didn't quit.

Olivia: [Sighs]

Sonny: You all right?

Olivia: Yeah.

Sonny: Comfortable?

Olivia: Yeah, I am. I've always -- I always really liked this room. What's up with the photo over there?

Sonny: Mm. Uh, Milo quit.

Olivia: He what?

Sonny: Yeah.

Olivia: What, he just up and left you?

Sonny: Well, yeah, I can't blame the kid. I've been coming down on him pretty hard, and he didn't -- he wasn't really cut out for this business.

Olivia: But, still, you got to kind of hate to see him go.

Sonny: What are you gonna do? Things change. People leave. Jason's gone. Connie called it quits. And Milo -- and for a second, I thought that Shawn was gonna leave.

Olivia: Don't you worry about a thing. I'm not going anywhere.

Mac: Man, I'm never gonna be able to remove all this melted baby doll flesh.

Sabrina: Baby Ariel's definitely gonna go to heaven.

Emma: How do you know?

Sabrina: Well, because she was a good girl, and heaven is where good people go.

Emma: But she died surrounded by flames.

Sabrina: All the more reason.

Britt: [Clears throat] Um, Patrick?

Patrick: [Sighs]

Britt: Listen, I-I am so sorry that I just -- I threw the that doll like that. I guess I didn't expect it to be wet. I mean, if -- maybe if I would have known before Emma brought it to me, I... um, anyways, I really didn't mean to ruin everyone's holiday.

Patrick: It's okay. We're dealing with it.

Felicia: Oh, my God. What is that?

Mac: I think it's baby Ariel's left leg.

Emma: How could baby Ariel go to heaven without her left leg?

Sabrina: That's -- that's okay, Emma. Don't worry. Baby Ariel doesn't need her left leg to get into heaven. All she needs is a good soul.

Emma: A good soul?

Sabrina: Mm-hmm.

Emma: Not everyone has one of they?

Britt: Yeah, I'm gonna go home. You were right. I should not have come in the first place. Maybe I can see the fireworks from the landing.

Patrick: Okay, I'll drive you.

Britt: No, no, no. Don't worry. Stay here. I'm fine.

Patrick: What about the baby?

Britt: Patrick, I'm fine. I-I promise. I'm maternal. I will not let anything happen to our baby. I certainly won't catch it on fire. Happy Fourth.

Sabrina: When the real fireworks go off, that means baby Ariel's in heaven.

Patrick: [Sighs]

Emma: With my mommy?

Patrick: Yeah. With Mommy.

Morgan: I'm -- I'm sorry. I didn't know that Danny was sick.

Kiki: Of course, I'll get tested. I mean, if my bone marrow can help save him, that would be great.

Michael: Yeah, we're not there yet, but we could be soon, so we're just testing everybody right now in case we have to go down that road later.

Kiki: Well, whenever you need me, wherever, just know that I'll be there.

Morgan: Wait, wait, wait, wait. We're gonna need a little more information first. If Kiki is a match, is this procedure gonna hurt her?

Michael: If Kiki's a match, which is a big "if," it can be painful and involved, yes.

Morgan: Hey, and are you okay with that?

Kiki: If I could help save my baby cousin, hell yes. If I'm a match, then I'll deal with it then.

Morgan: Okay.

Michael: Thank you. You know, Danny's a really great kid. You should meet him sometime.

Kiki: I'd like to.

Michael: He actually looks just like his father.

Kiki: Oh, Jason? I saw a picture of him in the house.

Michael: Yeah. Jason was a really great guy. He helped me a lot, and now his kid's sick, and he has to get better -- whatever it takes.

Kiki: I really hope I'm a match.

Michael: Yeah. And everybody appreciates it. They do -- and especially Sam -- it's Jason's wife. Um, all right, I'll be in touch with you about the -- the, uh -- the tests.

Kiki: Yeah.

Morgan: Yeah, by e-mail.

Michael: Aye, aye, Captain.

Morgan: Yeah. It's really nice of you to stop by. Don't let the door hit you in the ass, please.

Sonny: How you feeling?

Olivia: Mm, like being sprung from the hospital is the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

Max: Oh, boss, let me do that for her.

Sonny: No, I'll do it.

Max: You sure?

Sonny: Yeah, I want to do it. Go ahead and take off. Um, it's a holiday, and the fireworks are just waiting for you to play with.

Max: Th--thanks. Um, have a good one.

Sonny: Yeah, you too.

Max: Hey, boss, I'm, uh -- I'm sorry about Milo.

Sonny: It is what is.

Nikolas: Spencer, wait for me, please!

Milo: I got him. I got him.

Nikolas: Oh, thank you. He's getting a little -- getting a little fast for me.

Milo: No problem. Hey, buddy.

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Spencer: [Giggles]

Nikolas: So, what, Sonny's bodyguards getting paid holiday leave now, or what?

Milo: Actually, we do have a nice benefits package, but today mine is unpaid. I just quit.

Elizabeth: After I sorted out the whole Carly hate-sex incident...

AJ: Elizabeth, I can't apologize enough for that.

Elizabeth: And I told you there's nothing to apologize for. ...I went to Nikolas, and I told him that you and I were gonna give things another shot and that he was just gonna have to accept it.

AJ: Do you think he has?

Elizabeth: Doesn't have a choice 'cause I'm with you.

Spencer: Put me down. Put me down.

Nikolas: Come here.

Milo: Tough guy.

Nikolas: Oh, okay, so, you quit? When?

Milo: Oh, about an hour ago. [Sighs] Probably less. I chose my heart over the boss.

Nikolas: Right. There seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

Milo: A lot of what?

Nikolas: No, I just, uh -- I think Sonny might want to contact the mob's H.R. department and do a little recruiting.

Olivia: I wish I could see the fireworks.

Sonny: You can -- right from the terrace.

Olivia: Really?

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: Who knew?

Sonny: I did, 'cause I know how much you love fireworks, so I had it all arranged. And you said at Jones Beach were your favorite and all that, right?

Olivia: Yeah, that night, The Boss was playing, and we didn't have tickets.

Sonny: And then we had to listen from the parking lot.

Olivia: Yeah, singing along to "Sandy" -- just you and me and all my brothers.

Sonny: You know how hard I fought...

Olivia: [Chuckles]

Sonny: ...To keep your brothers away and so we could, you know, be alone to do what needed to be done?

Olivia: And what was that excuse? Uh, you needed to find the perfect spot to see the fireworks?

Sonny: But we did, didn't we? [Snickers]

Olivia: Yeah. Nothing's come close to topping that Fourth of July for me yet.

Alexis: What do you mean you didn't quit? Is that because you -- he wasn't there? You couldn't find him?

Shawn: No, he was there.

Alexis: Oh, well, then what happened? Did he threaten you, maybe?

Shawn: No, he didn't threaten me.

Alexis: Then what happened? Because you said that you were gonna quit.

Shawn: I know.

Alexis: Then why didn't you?

Shawn: Look, I was about to. I swear, the next words out of my mouth were gonna be, "I can't do this anymore," then all of the sudden, Milo announces he's quitting. You know, and he said some things that hit home, man.

Alexis: Milo? Really?

Shawn: That working for Sonny wasn't in his blood the way it's in mine. He said that it wasn't part of who he is, but it is who I am, and when he said that, I realized he's right.

Alexis: Right about what? That it's in your blood to be an executive henchman?

Shawn: Look, my job is protection and security.

Alexis: So, in order to protect and secure Sonny, sometimes you may have to take a life? And not because it's self-defense, but as a matter of strategy.

Shawn: It's not about killing, Alexis. It's about keeping people safe by any means necessary. Look, maybe it's the risk -- the life-and-deathness of it. Maybe I got addicted to the adrenaline, to the -- to the fight-or-flight instinct when I was in Afghanistan or later when I worked for the Balkan. Hell, I don't know. Maybe I just like the way Sonny thinks, how he takes, you know -- he takes things into his own hands.

Alexis: Which he doesn't get to do, because it's against the law.

Shawn: Okay, Sonny protects people he loves, and I want that, too.

Alexis: So, you want to be a hit man, because it's for the greater good? Is that it?

Shawn: Look, I don't know, Alexis, okay? But I can't let it go. Look, it gives me something that I-I didn't know I needed till I almost threw it away. Can you find a way to live with that?

Alexis: No. I can't.

Michael: Well, I just -- just, uh, one more thing.

Morgan: Oh, God, what?!

Michael: You guys have made the place pretty cozy.

Morgan: Yeah, and we moved here for the privacy, so go enjoy the fireworks. Me and Kiki are gonna make some of our own.

[Door closes]

[Fireworks exploding]

Michael: [Sighs]

Morgan: God, can you believe him?

Kiki: Hmm.

Morgan: I thought he would never leave.

Kiki: Yeah.

Morgan: But, hey, just because he killed the moment doesn't mean that we can't resurrect it.

Kiki: Morgan, Mikey just got done talking about my baby cousin that needs a bone-marrow transplant. I'm not exactly in the mood.

Morgan: Yeah. Hey, I'm -- I'm sorry, okay?

AJ: Oh, wow, look at that one. Look at it -- it looks like a red-white-and-blue waterfall. Isn't that cool? Yeah?

Aiden: Yes.

Elizabeth: Oh.

Spencer: Hey, Dad?

Nikolas: Yeah?

Spencer: There's Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle AJ and Aiden. Can we go sit with them?

Nikolas: No, you know what? Let's just give them a little bit of space. Let's go find another spot where there's more room, okay?

Mac: Wow. [Chuckles]

Felicia: Mac, look how the fireworks make my engagement ring sparkle.

Mac: I'd rather look at the way they make your eyes sparkle.

Emma: Wow.

Patrick: "Wow" is right, baby.

Emma: Isn't it beautiful?

Patrick: One of the most beautiful things I've seen.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Emma: How loud is the grand finale gonna be? Is it gonna be scary?

Patrick: No, it's not gonna be scary. Everything is going to be fine, 'cause we're all together, okay?

Emma: Okay.

Nikolas: Wait, wait, wait. Okay. All right. Let's try over here. Miss? Oh. You okay?

Britt: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just, um, having a bad day.

Nikolas: Well, hey, so am I. [Chuckles] You want -- you want to watch some fireworks with me and my son?

Britt: Yeah, that'd be nice.

Nikolas: Yeah? Okay.

Spencer: My name's Spencer. What's yours?

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Max: Enjoying your annual hot dog?

Milo: Yeah, but not nearly as much as last year's.

Max: That's 'cause you're eating it by yourself.

Milo: Yeah?

Max: Not anymore. Okay, so, we don't work with each other anymore. But you're always gonna be my kid brother. How's that dog now?

Milo: You know, all of a sudden, it's tasting pretty good. No.

Max: [Chuckles] Mmm. That's good.

Singer: All I dream about whenever I'm alone inside my mind I pray faith plays a role

Shawn: I'm sorry, Alexis.

Alexis: Me too.

Shawn: I really do love you.

Alexis: Just not enough.

Singer: Let's love like it's ours to keep love like we've always dreamed and maybe this time the fates will be kind to us

Sonny: You remember our favorite spot?

Olivia: [Chuckles] Like it was yesterday.

Sonny: [Chuckles]

Olivia: I do. It was just you and me, nobody else, and those fireworks going off, spraying the colored lights down.

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