General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 7/3/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Olivia: Sonny, you didn't need to go to all this trouble.
Sonny: There's no trouble. We're just bringing you home.
Olivia: It's like I got my own Fourth of July Day parade here. Max and Milo should be off enjoying their holiday. They don't need to be here.
Sonny: But it's their job, right? I mean, you guys are happy doing it. Right, Milo?
Milo: Yeah, boss. Yeah.
Max: Yep.
Sonny: Right, right, right. Let's go.
[Cell phone rings]
Milo: Hello?
Lucy: Milo, Lucy Coe. Yes, we rhyme. Oh, never mind. Listen to me. Please, please just tell me that you have changed your mind and decided to change your life.
Molly: Shawn coming over today?
Alexis: Just to be clear, we can't be together unless you quit working for Sonny.
Shawn: Look, don't worry, okay? I know exactly what to do.
TJ: All righty. We're all set. Shawn? Yo, Shawn? Everything okay?
Shawn: Yeah, yeah. Now, look, I'm trusting you to close up after the morning rush while I take care of some business.
TJ: It's independence Day. Everything is closed. What business do you need to take care of?
Shawn: Don't worry. It won't take long. Then you and I can head over to Alexis' house together.
TJ: About that -- uh...I'm not going.
Shawn: Why not? I mean, don't you want to spend the day with Molly now that you two are back together?
TJ: Except we're not. Molly and I broke up. Again.
Alexis: I just hope Shawn gets here soon, because we have some loose ends to tie up. But I'm sure he and TJ are on their way.
Molly: Oh.
Alexis: What's wrong?
[Doorbell rings]
Alexis: Hold that thought.
Rafe: You never told your mom what happened?
Molly: No, I-I'm mortified that anyone even knows TJ slept with Taylor. How am I supposed to tell my mom?
Alexis: Hi, Michael. Thanks for coming so quickly. Come on in.
Michael: Your message sounded pretty urgent.
Alexis: Yeah, I have a favor. It's about your cousin.
Kiki: Captain, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?
Morgan: You'll see, you'll see, you'll see. Watch it. Watch the ledge.
Kiki: But I hate surprises!
Morgan: I know, I know, but I promise you'll like this one. You'll like this one. Step up. Step up. Step up.
Kiki: That's the only step?
Morgan: Yeah. There you go. Come here. All right. Now stand...right... here. All right, Kiki Jerome, welcome to your new... not-so-humble abode.
Kiki: Wh-- [Chuckles]
Mac: There they are.
Felicia: Hi!
Mac: Hey! There's my favorite --
Emma: Uncle Mac!
Mac: Favorite niece in the whole wide world! Oh, my gosh, you're getting so big. Soon you're gonna be able to pick me up.
Emma: [Laughing] No, I won't.
Felicia: You excited to see the fireworks?
Patrick: That's all she's been talking about for days.
Felicia: Well, lucky for you, we've got the best spot in the park.
Emma: Yay!
Felicia: Yeah. [Laughs]
Patrick: Hey, you remember Uncle Mac and Aunt Felicia are getting married, right? Hmm?
Felicia: Well, we have something very important to ask you now that everybody's here.
Emma: Not everyone. Sabrina's not here yet.
Felix: Whoa.
Sabrina: Yeah, I know. That's exactly how I felt. But it's true. The DNA test proves that Patrick is definitely the father of Britt's baby.
Felix: And you're sure she didn't tamper with the results?
Sabrina: No. There wasn't any time. Ellie printed them out before Britt even got there.
Felix: [Sighs] I don't believe it.
Britt: Believe it. You know, it's high time you both face the facts, that I'm -- we're not going anywhere.
Sonny: Do you need anything?
Olivia: I'm -- I'm fine.
Sonny: Max, can you get her some water?
Olivia: Max, honest to God, it can wait for a second. Sonny, seriously, just relax. You know -- you know what? The air-conditioning is a little chilly. Maybe I could use a blanket.
Sonny: Where is Milo with the bags? You need to go get your brother now.
Max: On it.
Olivia: Sonny, it can wait two seconds, okay?
Sonny: [Sighs] I don't know what I'm gonna do with that guy.
Milo: Thanks for checking in with me, Miss Coe, but, uh, I'm gonna need some more time to think about your job offer.
Lucy: Milo, Milo, listen, please, please call me Lucy, okay? There's nothing to think about, really, Milo. This is a no-brainer. The women and -- and the men at Deception Spa are gonna love you. They're gonna adore you. You're gonna bring your own personal touch, not to mention your muscular glow, to the place -- think about it -- as head fitness guru.
Milo: Oh, man, that sounds so nice.
Max: Milo! What the heck you doing out here? Boss is waiting. Who's that on the phone?
Shawn: You and Molly broke up again?
TJ: Yeah. I mean, we agreed on a clean slate. We said we wanted to be together again, but that lasted about a minute till Molly ran into Taylor and told Molly we slept together.
Shawn: I see Taylor didn't appreciate being dumped.
TJ: It was -- it was a mistake. I can see that. I mean, she thought I'd already told Molly everything.
Shawn: Which you hadn't?
TJ: No. I mean, she was the one who said clean slate. That means nothing that happened before was supposed to matter.
Shawn: [Sighs]
TJ: But now Molly doesn't want to see me. And I doubt she ever will.
Molly: I was so stupid. I blamed myself for the breakup with TJ and I get it. I mean, we weren't together when he slept with Taylor, but he lied to me about it. And that isn't even the worst part.
Rafe: What is the worst part?
Molly: I thought that someday, not anytime soon, but sometime in the future, our first time would be something we could give each other. But TJ ruined that.
Rafe: Look, um... [Sighs] I'm sorry, okay? I don't know why TJ would do that. The guy was so crazy about you, he punched me in the face. Why would he sleep with someone else?
Molly: Because he saw us kissing.
Michael: Why do you want to talk to me about my cousin?
Alexis: Danny. I wanted to talk to you about Danny.
Michael: Yeah, sorry. Danny. Yeah, um [Scoffs] H-h-how did his first round of chemotherapy go?
Alexis: He handled it fairly well. It's just that Dr. Clay thinks that he may need a bone-marrow transplant, so we're asking all the family members to get tested, because they would obviously have the best chance of being a match.
Michael: Yeah, right. I-I-I'll do it as soon as possible.
Alexis: Good. Thank you, Michael. And Sam, of course, appreciates it, as well.
Michael: You don't need to thank me. You know, it just feels good to do anything, you know, just something.
Alexis: I know. We're gonna ask as many family members as we can find, and I'm ruled out because of my cancer history.
Michael: Yeah. Well, don't worry. If Danny needs a donor, we'll find him one.
Alexis: That's what I was thinking, and I was hoping maybe you could help me with your other cousin...Kiki?
[Door closes]
Kiki: What is all of this?
Morgan: It's our own place. I told you I'd get us one. What do you think?
Kiki: When did this transformation happen? It wasn't like this yesterday.
Morgan: Well, last night when you were sleeping, I snuck down here with The Dominator.
Kiki: Alice?
Morgan: Hey, she's a wrestling star. Have some respect.
Kiki: I know, but even with The Dominator, how did you get all this done in time?
Morgan: I was very motivated. We stayed up all night fixing up the place.
Kiki: You did all of this for me?
Morgan: Of course. Don't you get by now how much I care about you?
Sabrina: Britt, um, why -- why aren't you in your wheelchair?
Britt: I'm on bed rest. I'm not an invalid.
Felix: Could have fooled me the way you've been ringing that bell of yours every five minutes.
Britt: Yeah, well, I'm feeling much better now that the paternity test came back. Ooh. And now you know all about it. Sabrina, thank you so much for telling Felix the great news. This is Patrick's baby like I always said so can we now all finally put this matter to bed?
Felix: Unlikely.
Taylor: [Groans] You know, there are laws about all this loud drama before 10:00 a.m.
Felix: Stay out of this, Tay.
Britt: You know, I live here, too, at your invitation, so the least you can do is whisper when you're talking behind my back.
Felix: You know what? Just because you're Patrick's baby mama doesn't mean I have to like you.
Sabrina: Felix --
Britt: Yeah, believe me, you've made that abundantly clear.
Taylor: Wait, so the DNA test you did behind Britt's back proved she was right? [Scoffs] Sounds like you guys owe her an apology.
Patrick: Hey, I think Sabrina and Felix will be here really soon. I think they're probably on their way. But you might have something special to tell them, so why don't you listen to Aunt Felicia and Uncle Mac and hear their big surprise, huh?
Emma: Okay.
Mac: Um, so, Felicia and I are gonna need a lot of help with our wedding, and we have a very important question to ask you.
Felicia: Will you be our flower girl?
Emma: Yes, yes, yes!
Mac: Yay!
Felicia: We were hoping you would say that, and to show you how grateful we are, we brought you a present.
Patrick: Wow. Look at that. A present. How cool.
Emma: Thank you.
Felicia: You're welcome. Take a look. See? Neat, huh? She cries, and you can feed her.
Mac: Yep. She does everything a real baby does.
Emma: No! I don't want a stupid baby!
Britt: You're right, Taylor. Hmm. I think an apology is exactly what the doctor ordered. I can't believe I've had to wait this long.
Felix: Well, I hope you enjoyed waiting, 'cause you ain't getting an apology from me. Come on, Sabrina. We got to go, or you're gonna be late for Patrick's party, and I got to meet Lucy.
Britt: Et tu, Sabrina?
Sabrina: Look, Britt, I do regret going behind your back to run the paternity test, but I'm not gonna let you walk all over me. We're all gonna have to just learn to deal with each other.
Britt: That's all I ask.
Felix: And that's all you're getting. Let's go.
Britt: [Scoffs] Hmm. I don't like I heard the word "sorry."
Taylor: Hmm, trust me, girl, that is the best you're gonna get from them.
Michael: Kiki? Uh, w-w-why do you need her?
Alexis: Because she's Franco's daughter, and as much as we'd like to forget it, that monster is Jason's twin, so Kiki would be a likely match. I've reached out to the Quartermaines that I know -- Ned and Monica. I-I've never met Kiki. And from what I've heard, the two of you have become pretty close.
Kiki: Morgan, this is so amazing. You didn't have to go through all this trouble.
Morgan: I promised to take you away from that house, and did you really want to end up back at Mikey's? I mean, we can't afford our own place, and my last stint as Captain Morgan didn't really work out too well.
Kiki: No, it did not. You now owe Mikey money on top of your dad.
Morgan: But with all the space here at Camp Quartermaine, I can stay true to my word, and you don't have to live under the same roof as your crazy parents. Come here. So, you really like it?
Kiki: I love it.
Sonny: I ordered you lunch from Kelly's. And I remembered no BLTs, so, you know...
Olivia: Sonny, you didn't have to go through all this trouble.
Sonny: Why do you keep saying "trouble"? It's not a trouble. I told you that I'm gonna do everything that I can to take care of you, and I meant it.
Olivia: Maybe this isn't such a good idea.
Milo: Sorry, I-I've got to go.
Max: Milo, what's gotten into you, huh? Boss is really starting to notice your head ain't in the game. Who was that on the phone?
Milo: Lucy.
Max: [Chuckles] Lucy Coe? She's not gonna need you to strip for the Nurses' Ball for another year. What could she want from you?
Milo: She offered me a job, actually, Max. And I'm thinking about taking it.
Lucy: I am so glad you are here.
Felix: I am. What's the emergency?
Lucy: Oh, sit down. Sit, sit right there. Okay, Felix, Felix, Felix, don't you feel like we just go way, way back?
Felix: Yeah.
Lucy: Now, think about this. You and I -- well, it's been a long time that we've known each other since you've been selling that CoeCoe Cosmetics. I mean, don't you feel like it's just yesterday?
Felix: Well, I mean, I never attained that golden duck status, so I never had the honor of a personal meeting, but -- I mean, until Sabrina and I came to see you about the Nurses' Ball.
Lucy: Oh, well, that's true. But when we finally did meet, didn't you feel like we were kindred spirits? Okay, well, now I am prepared to make an offer that is far, far better than golden duck status. I am ready to change your life, Felix DuBois.
Taylor: Congrats on proving all the haters wrong. So, the doc really is your baby daddy, huh? God, I knew I bet on the right horse.
Britt: Hey, who you calling a horse? I already feel like a cow. I've treated so many women. I know all the statistics. But it is a whole other thing when you are the one gaining weight and sweating bullets.
Taylor: I thought it was called glowing.
Britt: Only by sentimental idiots. I'm starting to wonder if this was all even worth it. Here I am practically about to pop, and I'm still persona non grata to Patrick.
Patrick: Hey, you know better than that. You don't treat a present like that.
Emma: But that baby is stupid.
Patrick: You apologize to Uncle Mac and Aunt Felicia, all right?
Emma: No. I don't want this baby, and I don't want a new brother or sister.
Felicia: I'm sorry. I never thought the baby would remind her of Britt's baby.
Mac: Sweetheart, we just wanted to get you a little gift.
Patrick: Emma, come here. I want to talk to you.
Emma: No!
Patrick: Hey.
Sonny: I thought we both agreed that, you know, it makes sense for you to stay here while you recover. It's not a burden. We're family.
Olivia: I get it, honey. I know. And I really do appreciate everything that you're doing for me.
Sonny: Then what is the problem, Olivia?
Olivia: I just --
Sonny: What is the problem?
Olivia: I don't know how cool Connie's gonna be with this whole arrangement.
Sonny: What does Connie -- what do you mean? What? Does she think it's too dangerous for you to live here? I told both of you that I had nothing to do with the shooting, right?
Olivia: It's got nothing to do with that.
Sonny: Then what's the prob-- what is it, then?
Olivia: I think she might be a little jealous.
Max: Lucy Coe offered you a job? Why does that kook think she needs a bodyguard?
Milo: No, not to be a bodyguard. Lucy's opening up a new spa center, and she wants me to be the fitness director.
Max: But you already have a job.
Milo: I know, but it's like what we talked about yesterday. I just -- I keep thinking I need a job that I'm passionate about.
Max: Not this "work shouldn't be work" crap again, Milo. Where's your loyalty? I don't need to remind you of the life the boss provides for you.
Milo: No, but maybe it's not a life I want to live anymore.
Max: And now you want to turn your back on him to be some personal trainer?
Milo: Fitness director.
Max: Whatever. Do you have any idea the limb that I went out on to get you this job?
Milo: I never even asked you to do that.
Max: No, Dad did. And let's face it, kid -- we knew you weren't cut out for much else.
Milo: Is that what you and Dad think of me? I'm really so stupid that the only job I can hold is one you find for me?
Max: I never said that.
Milo: You didn't have to.
Max: [Sighs] Look, I don't have time to talk about your feelings right now. But I know that you know that this isn't a job you can just walk away from. Now, I'll get the bags. The boss needs you to pick up Miss Falconeri's lunch at Kelly's. [Snaps fingers] Go get it.
Milo: Okay.
Max: Fitness director. Give me a break.
Lucy: This spa is about mind, body, and spirit -- and you.
Felix: Me?
Lucy: Yes, you. Because we want the Deception Spa to be a one-stop beauty shop -- inner beauty and outer beauty. But we don't want it to just be cosmetics and yoga and that. We also want to have a full-time staff of nurses that are able to administer injections and peels and the like.
Felix: Injections?
Lucy: And peels. And -- and firmers and toners and wrinkle-removers. And, you know, believe it or not, um, there have been some people in town that have had a little work.
Felix: You don't say.
Lucy: Yeah, but it takes a lot of hard work to look good. And that's where you come in, Felix DuBois. I want you to be our head nurse.
Felix: Wow. Wow. That's -- that's an amazing offer.
Lucy: Right? Right? Good. Then you're in.
Felix: Um, I really appreciate it, but... I'm not interested.
Sabrina: Emma, what -- what's wrong, honey?
Emma: I don't want Daddy to have another baby, not if it means Britt's gonna be around.
Sabrina: You know, this baby was a surprise to all of us. Can I tell you something? I was pretty upset when I first found out, too.
Emma: Because of Britt?
Sabrina: Yeah, a little. I wish that this baby wasn't coming, too, and to be honest, I tried to look for a way to make it not true. But it is. And this is something you're gonna need to be a big girl about. You're gonna have to accept that it's happening. We all do.
Emma: But I hate Britt. I'll hate her baby.
Sabrina: No, honey, you don't know that, okay? Just because you don't like Britt doesn't mean you're not gonna like your little brother or sister. And you know what? This baby is also a part of you and a part of your daddy. And if we love your daddy, then we're all gonna need to learn to love this baby, too.
Taylor: So, it's true. You got pregnant just to snare Dr. Drake?
Britt: No. [Chuckling] No. That's not what I meant. Remember like I said before, sex doesn't always win you the guy?
Taylor: Hmm. Don't I know it. [Scoffs]
Shawn: You know, TJ, I'm sorry things went down that way between you and Molly, man. But, you know, I did try to warn you.
TJ: I know. I know. I messed up. It was one big mistake, but, I mean, haven't you ever done something bad that tanked a relationship?
Shawn: [Chuckles] Yeah. I have. But if the relationship is worth fighting for, don't give up, all right? Do whatever you have to. Make any sacrifice to set things straight. You hear me?
Rafe: TJ saw us kissing? How?
Molly: TJ and Taylor were riding around in the limo he'd rented for prom. They drove past the park and saw us, and they thought that that kiss was something more than what it was.
Rafe: Yeah. It didn't mean anything.
Molly: No, it was just two friends saying goodbye. I mean, we thought you were leaving town. Luckily your uncle changed his mind.
Rafe: I'm the one who asked for that kiss, okay? This is all my fault.
Molly: No, we're -- we're friends. What happened between us was harmless. I don't blame you. I blame TJ and Taylor.
Britt: Let me guess. Soon as that little drip went back to him, TJ kicked you to the curb, huh?
Taylor: Yep. TJ wants Molly's heart. [Scoffs] But that sure didn't stop him from wanting my body that night.
Britt: And you wanted more than one night?
Taylor: I should have known it wouldn't mean anything to him. I mean, God, I just feel pathetic and used.
Britt: I'm sorry. I tried to tell you this could happen. It's the same thing that happened with Patrick and Sabrina. If you're not careful, it's always the annoying mouse that always ends up with the happily ever after.
Taylor: Maybe not.
Britt: What do you mean?
Taylor: I might have told Molly that I slept with her boyfriend. By accident, of course.
Britt: [Chuckles]
Molly: Taylor has been out to get me since she got here. I mean, you should have seen her. She could not wait to tell me that she had sex with TJ. She was enjoying herself.
Rafe: Well, at -- at least TJ knows that Taylor was bragging about it and trying to hurt you.
Molly: Wrong. As soon as TJ showed up, she started acting all innocent. I mean, she actually claims that it was a mistake that she told me they had sex.
Rafe: Well, could it have been a mistake?
Molly: No. Trust me, that girl knew exactly what she was doing.
Michael: What makes you think that my cousin and I are close? I mean, why -- why would you say that?
Alexis: Well, Molly said that Morgan and Kiki were living with you.
Michael: Yeah, they -- they were.
Alexis: Well, which would make you the perfect person to explain to her how important it is for her to donate.
Michael: I can't.
Morgan: You feel like christening our new place?
Kiki: I like the way you think.
Morgan: Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Wait one second.
Kiki: Wait?
Morgan: Yeah.
Kiki: What do you mean, wait? What are you doing?
Morgan: Kick your feet around. Come on.
Kiki: You're making demands?
Morgan: I'm trying something new. All right.
Kiki: [Gasps] Oh.
Morgan: Yeah. It is. Okay?
Kiki: Better than okay. No! No, this is wrong! [Panting]
Alexis: You can't talk to Kiki? Okay. I'm sorry. I-I certainly don't want you to do something that makes you uncomfortable.
Michael: No, I'm -- I'm -- I'm the one who's sorry.
Alexis: Michael, listen, asking someone to donate their bone marrow is a big deal, and if it makes you uncomfortable, then I-I can do it my--
Michael: That's not it.
Alexis: Oh, I-I understand.
Michael: You do?
Alexis: Yes.
Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's wrong? I thought we were having fun. I'm sorry if it got too weird.
Kiki: We were having fun. I'm sorry. I just -- I want to see you. That's all.
Morgan: So, the blindfold, it wasn't too weird?
Kiki: Not at all.
Morgan: Good. 'Cause I have another idea of what we can do with this bandanna.
Kiki: Oh, yeah? [Chuckles nervously]
Sabrina: Feel better now?
Emma: Yeah.
Sabrina: Good.
Patrick: Hey. I'm glad you're feeling better. You know who else I want to feel better? Uncle Mac and Aunt Felicia. Can you go apologize to them?
Emma: Yeah.
Patrick: Thank you.
Emma: Uncle Mac, Aunt Felicia, I'm sorry.
Mac: [Chuckles]
Felicia: That's okay, sweetheart.
Mac: Yeah. We understand. We know this new baby must be hard for you.
Felicia: We can take the doll back and get you anything else that you like.
Emma: No, I'd like to keep it.
Lucy: Well, of all the people that I thought were gonna say no to me, I didn't think you would be one of them.
Felix: Just working at a spa just isn't for me.
Lucy: What? Why -- why -- why not? Do you have a problem, some ethical issue, with cosmetic enhancements?
Felix: [Scoffs] Hell no. If this situation ever downgrades, I'll be first in line for a tune-up.
Lucy: Okay, well, then what is the problem? 'Cause I can assure you the salary would be considerably higher than what you're getting now.
Felix: Oh, I believe you. It's just -- it's not my passion.
Lucy: Okay. Then what is your passion?
Felix: Treating people. Healing people. [Sighs] I was only selling cosmetics, because I needed to put myself through nursing school. Now I'm a nurse doing exactly what it is I want to do. Look, Deception Spa is a great offer, but what I do now, it's not just my work. It's my calling.
Lucy: Okay. I think I understand.
Felix: The feeling I get at working at GH -- well, everyone should be so lucky to feel that way about his job.
Sonny: Connie is jealous of you living here?
Olivia: [Sighs] It kind of seems that way. Please, please, please don't embarrass her by saying anything, okay? I probably owe 20 Hail Marys just for bringing it up in the first place.
Sonny: Don't worry about it. I get it. I get it. But you know what? I'm not clear on this. She told me she couldn't have a relationship with me, because of her mental health, right? And I get that.
Olivia: But that doesn't mean she's gonna forget her feelings for you.
Sonny: But she's got to know that there's nothing -- there's nothing romantic between us.
Olivia: Right.
Sonny: Right, so... she'll get used to you staying here, and, you know... don't worry about it. I got to go fix your room.
Olivia: Okay. Right, Liv. Nothing romantic at all. [Sighs]
Alexis: Michael, I know what happened at the Haunted Star and Pentonville and how Franco played into it, and I don't blame you for one second for not wanting to step foot into the Quartermaine house.
Michael: [Sighs] Look, Kiki's not responsible for what her father did, you know? And Franco never meant for me to get hurt.
Alexis: I'm not sure that would matter much to me.
Michael: I'm not sure it matters much to me, either, but [Sighs] Franco came back to face what he did, and he told Sam the truth. [Sighs] But Danny's health is way more important than all that, so yeah, I'll -- I'll call Kiki right now.
Alexis: Michael, isn't that something you -- you should do face-to-face?
Kiki: Never thought I'd be spending my Fourth like this.
Morgan: No?
Kiki: [Chuckles]
Morgan: Never crossed your mind at all?
Kiki: No.
Morgan: Yeah, nice try, but I saw your e-reader. "50 Hues of Blue"?
Kiki: [Gasps] You caught me.
Morgan: Is that knot too tight?
Kiki: No, I like it.
Morgan: Oh, good.
Kiki: We don't have to try this if you don't want to.
Morgan: Oh, hey, don't be embarrassed. I'm always willing to try things. Whatever you want.
Kiki: Oh, so this is all for my benefit?
Morgan: Well, I mean, I may get something out of it, but see, that is the beauty of generosity. Whenever you give, you always get back.
Kiki: And you are a giver.
Morgan: I know. All right.
Kiki: Where you going?
Morgan: Oh, this is just the beginning. I'm sure the Quartermaines have some whipped cream in the kitchen. That would make things more interesting, don't you think?
Kiki: You're just gonna leave me here?
Morgan: Tell me the anticipation won't make things better.
Kiki: You're next, Captain.
Morgan: Ooh, promises, promises.
Kiki: [Chuckles] [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Lucy: I am very sorry we will not be working together again -- for now.
Felix: My checkbook's gonna be sorry, too. And you would have made a really great boss.
Lucy: You're darn tootin', I would. But I, um -- I do understand about following your passion.
Milo: I-I'm sorry. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I-I hope you don't think I was earsdropping.
Lucy: Uh, no, um, Milo. What can we do for you?
Milo: I heard what you were saying, Felix, and how you feel about your work at GH.
Felix: Yeah.
Milo: Lucy, I'd like to talk to you about that job.
Lucy: [Gasps] Yes! Yes! Oh! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
Milo: Great, great, great.
Mac: Okay, let's get this party started. I'm gonna fire up the grill.
Emma: Felicia, come play with my new baby.
Felicia: Okay, I'd like that. [Chuckles]
Patrick: Thank you. You were great with Emma.
Sabrina: It's easy to relate to what she's going through.
Patrick: I'm sorry.
Sabrina: No. Look...I meant what I said to Emma. Britt's baby is a part of you. And I'm gonna love it the way that I... [Sighs]
Patrick: It's okay. You can say it. I love you, too.
Britt: You told Molly that you slept with her boyfriend? Well-played. Tell me more.
Taylor: Well, I mean, that's pretty much it. I mean, I just -- I gave Molly a cold, hard reality check. And the best part -- I was able to play it off with TJ as if I had no idea Molly didn't already know. "Oh, TJ, I'm so sorry! I-I thought you told her!"
Britt: So you're staking your claim on TJ.
Taylor: Well, I don't think he's still interested in me, but that doesn't mean Molly gets him all for herself.
Rafe: You have to tell TJ the truth, that she didn't just accidentally tell you. She had an agenda.
Molly: Like he would even believe me. And honestly, why should I warn him? He threw away his first time on someone he just met. As far as I'm concerned, TJ and Taylor deserve each other.
TJ: So you're saying I should fight for Molly? All right, that's good advice, but I don't know how to make things right with her.
Shawn: You're a smart guy. Find a way -- if that's what you want.
TJ: It is.
Shawn: Then get to work. Look, I have to get going. Hey, be sure to lock up before noon. The lunch crowd might forget we close early today.
TJ: I'm on it. Good luck.
Shawn: You too. Here you go, Milo.
Milo: Oh, thanks, Shawn.
TJ: How am I gonna make this right?
Felix: I'd like to know that, too.
Britt: Don't give up. There's still a chance for you and TJ. I mean, getting rid of the competition is more than half the battle. I almost had Patrick to myself before that little Betty La Fea marked her territory.
Taylor: You think so?
Britt: I know so. Plus you have an edge.
Taylor: I'm way hotter than Molly.
Britt: Oh, definitely. And it doesn't hurt that TJ feels guilty for how he treated you. Use it.
Taylor: Okay.
Britt: Let him feel what he feels about little, old Molly. They're done for good. You made sure of that. Who better than you to be the shoulder he cries on?
Rafe: I'm sorry that TJ --
Molly: Acted like a horny jackass and slept with the first girl who threw herself at him?
Rafe: Yeah. That. But I am gonna do everything I can to make sure you have a great Fourth of July.
Molly: Rafe...
Rafe: Let's go down to the lake. We can swim, watch the fireworks. It'll be fun.
Molly: No, I-I'm really not in the mood.
Rafe: Which is exactly why we should go.
[Door opens]
Rafe: It'll get your mind off of this.
Alexis: Get your mind off what?
Max: Boss, uh, Shawn's here to see you.
Sonny: Do me a favor. Can you get her upstairs?
Max: Absolutely.
Sonny: You sure everything's okay?
Olivia: Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
Max: Watch your step.
Sonny: So, uh, today's your day off. I didn't think you'd be, uh, coming over here. You got something to say to me?
Shawn: Yeah.
[Doors close]
Shawn: There's something important I need to talk to you about.
Molly: It's nothing, Mom.
Alexis: Honey, you've been very quiet today. And I have been very distracted, but if there's something upsetting you, I-I would -- I would be happy to talk to you about it.
Molly: I know that, but I'm -- I'm fine.
Rafe: We're both just a little overwhelmed with everything going on in the last few days.
Alexis: Is that really it?
Molly: Yeah.
Alexis: You know, if you have something to talk about, I'm here.
Molly: Thank you.
Alexis: Okay.
Rafe: Molly and I were just gonna head down to the lake, actually. Do you want to come with?
Alexis: No, no, no. You guys go ahead. I'm gonna -- I'm gonna just wait for Shawn. [Sighs]
Sonny: What do you need to talk to me about?
Shawn: Sonny, look, this, uh -- this wasn't an easy decision for me. I've been thinking about what went down with Franco and Olivia, and, you know, it was a close call. Too close.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Shawn: I think I need to make some changes --
Milo: Boss... I quit.
TJ: Hey, Felix. Uh... been awhile.
Felix: Yeah. Haven't seen you since you, uh, slept with my sister and never called again.
TJ: It wasn't like that, Felix.
Felix: Good. Then explain it to me.
TJ: [Stammers]
Taylor: Leave him alone.
Felix: Tay, TJ and I were just talking.
Taylor: Yeah, and now your talk is over. Look, I can handle this, Fee. You can go.
Felix: You sure?
Taylor: Yes, Felix. Thanks.
Felix: You hurt my sister again, there gonna be hell to pay. Got me?
TJ: Wow. Thanks for getting Felix to stand down.
Taylor: You're welcome. He did have a point, though. You could have handled this whole situation with Molly and me better. Maybe in a way that didn't make me feel like trash?
TJ: I know. I know.'s just complicated.
Taylor: And?
TJ: And I'm sorry.
Taylor: That's a start. But I know a better way for you to make it up to me. Got any plans for the Fourth?
TJ: Not really.
Taylor: Good. Then we're gonna watch the fireworks -- together.
Emma: Ewwwww.
Felicia: [Chuckles] Maybe we should let your daddy and Sabrina have some time alone.
Patrick: No way. You come here, you little monkey.
Mac: Okay, the grill's ready! Who wants a burger?
Britt: I do. Make it a double. After all, I am eating for two.
Michael: Just here to ask Kiki to be tested to be a donor for Danny. That is it. [Sighs] [Scoffs] Come on. Get a grip, Michael. There's nothing remotely sexual about this. [Sighs]
Kiki: Come in! Welcome back, Ca--
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