General Hospital Transcript Monday 7/1/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Tracy: You are going to keep that promise you made to your daughter, and I'm gonna see that you do.
Luke: How?
Tracy: How else? I'm gonna go with you.
Luke: Over my dead and decaying body...which may be sooner than you think.
Nikolas: Mwah!
Laura: Ooh, hi.
Nikolas: You were summoned, too, huh?
Laura: Yes. I take it Lulu didn't give you any more information than she gave me, huh?
Nikolas: Nope, just to, uh... just to meet here.
Laura: And knowing your sister, any attempt at a guess is really a waste of time, so, um, hey, how about we use this time to catch up a little bit?
Nikolas: Okay. Any, uh, particular subject that interests you? [Chuckles]
Laura: [Chuckles] I don't know. Life? Love?
Nikolas: Wow.
Laura: Am I that obvious?
Nikolas: Yes, you are.
Laura: I'm sorry. [Sighs] Then I guess it would be better for me to just say it, right? Honey, where do things stand with you and Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: [Gasps] [Sighs]
AJ: "I've heard yellow roses are for apologies. I don't know if it's true, but this is -- I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I'll keep finding ways to tell you until you believe me. I'm not giving up."
AJ: Okay, so they were signed for, then, right? Great. Okay. Have a good day.
[Door opens]
Michael: [Sighs]
AJ: Everything okay?
Michael: I need to talk to you about Kiki.
Franco: You need to listen to me, because I talk a lot, but I'm only gonna say this once. You either let Morgan stay here, or I will tell him that you tried to kill me.
Carly: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Franco: Don't. Don't. Don't even bother trying to deny it.
Shawn: What, you didn't hear?
Alexis: Hear what?
Shawn: You -- you -- we've got a lot to talk about, Alexis, especially what's gonna happen with us.
Alexis: Does the fact that you're not behind bars have anything to do with this "new wrinkle"?
Shawn: That has everything to do with it.
Alexis: Do tell. Don't keep me in suspense.
Shawn: I didn't shoot Olivia. You're looking at an innocent man.
Carly: For the last time, I had nothing to do with that shooting.
Franco: Carly, I wish it didn't have to be this way. You're -- you're leaving me no choice at all. You're responsible for that shooting. I know it, you know it, and if you're not careful right now, your son will know it, too.
Nikolas: Anyway, I want to hear about newly married life. Are you and Scott settling into domestic bliss?
Laura: You really don't want to talk about Elizabeth, do you?
Nikolas: No.
Lulu: Hey.
Nikolas: Hey.
Laura: There she is.
Lulu: Hi.
Laura: Hi, sweetheart.
Nikolas: There's my, uh, mysterious little sister.
Lulu: Mm. Thank you for meeting me. I have news, and I wanted to hit you with it at the same time.
Laura: Twins?
Lulu: I think we would have caught that earlier.
Laura: Oh.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Laura: Oh, right. I'm sorry. I'm just so excited.
Lulu: Okay, you're not that off. It is about the baby.
Laura: Yeah.
Lulu: Dante and I found out the sex.
Laura: [Gasps] I thought you were gonna wait.
Lulu: I was. I was. But we got a new OB. Our first one is on bed rest, so Dr. Chu asked if we wanted to find out, and I couldn't stand it anymore. The doctor knew, the technician knew, probably half the people in the hospital knew. Dante wanted to find out from the beginning.
Nikolas: Other people would like to know, too, so...
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Laura: Yes. Yes. Am I shopping for pink or blue? Come on!
Lulu: [Laughs] Pink.
Laura: Pink! [Gasps]
Nikolas: It's a girl. Congratulations.
Lulu: It's a girl! Thank you.
Nikolas: That's great.
Lulu: Oh, can you believe it?
Laura: No. My baby girl is having a baby girl.
Tracy: First of all, no more of this "dead and decaying" talk. You will live to greet your granddaughter, period.
Luke: And secondly?
Tracy: You need me.
Luke: No argument there.
Tracy: If Jerry Jacks really does have the cure to this polonium 210 poisoning, then finding him is gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack, and I can help.
Luke: [Sighs] Yeah, well, I appreciate the offer, but this is my fight, not yours.
Tracy: Really? Let's not forget that the man owes me $18 million, and I had to lie to my father on his deathbed. Does that not warrant a road trip?
Luke: Tracy, Jerry Jacks tried to kill everybody in this town. Do you think he would hesitate to ice you if you got in the way?
Tracy: So you're saying that it's okay for you to risk your life, but it's not okay for me to risk mine? Why?
Luke: I'm a dead man walking.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Nurse: Did you do something good, or did someone else do something bad? [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: Can you do me a favor and cover for me? There's someone I need to track down. [Chuckles]
AJ: Just make sure it gets done, all right? Goodbye. Okay, I thought that we agreed that you were gonna stay away from Kiki.
Michael: Easier said than done. I ran into her yesterday.
AJ: Where?
Michael: The boathouse.
AJ: What -- our boathouse?
Michael: I was looking for Morgan, and she happened to be there.
AJ: It's not that strange, given the fact that she's living there now.
Michael: I was upset with Morgan about...something. His sandals and his shirt were outside the door, and I walked into the boathouse, and Kiki was standing there, topless.
AJ: What -- what exactly does that mean?
Michael: What do you think it means? She wasn't wearing a shirt.
AJ: No bra?
Michael: No. She was changing into her bathing su-- you know, it doesn't matter. The fact is I walked in, and I saw her that.
AJ: [Sighs] Okay, this is the part where I remind you that that girl is your cousin.
Michael: I am painfully aware of that, thank you. That's actually why I'm here. I, uh, need you to help me stay away from Kiki.
Kiki: Ugh. What are my parents doing in there?
Morgan: I don't know. Trying to convince my mom to let me stay is pointless, though, FYI. There's nothing you can say to change her mind.
Ava: That's who you were talking about when you said you knew who tried to kill you? Our daughter's boyfriend's mother?
Carly: I have a name.
Ava: Yeah, yes, of course, you do. Forgive me. Carly -- she wants you dead?
Franco: She lured me to her hotel. She owns a hotel. Really, she owns the whole place. Won't let anybody forget it. So, she gets me out on the terrace, and I'm looking forward to what I'm hoping will be a fruitful conversation about some of the issues that have popped us between --
Carly: I just wanted assurances that my kids were okay.
Franco: There was a gunman, laying in wait. I saw a glimpse -- a flash of light from an upstairs window. But Carly's hit man was a miss man. He missed me and instead hit Carly's hotel manager.
Carly: I had nothing to do with Olivia's shooting. I was cleared of any --
Franco: So, the police have questioned you?
Carly: Yes, because I own the hotel.
Franco: See?
Carly: They found nothing to connect me with the shooting because I didn't do it. Don't you read the paper, Franco? Shockingly, someone else wants you dead.
Alexis: [Sighs]
Shawn: Alexis, look. Don't you see? This -- this changes everything.
Alexis: Except it doesn't. Don't get me wrong -- for the sake of your conscience, I'm relieved that you're not responsible.
Shawn: [Sighs]
Alexis: But whether or not you actually shot Olivia doesn't change the fact that you tried to kill someone, and it wasn't out of passion. It wasn't because you were in fear of your life. It wasn't even a personal vendetta. It was because it was a job -- a job! You were doing it, because someone else asked you to, and if you think you can dress that up any way you want, you can't, because that is something I can't live with.
Carly: As you can see, I'm in the clear.
Ava: I understand there were two shooters. Who's to say you didn't hire them both?
Carly: Are you serious? That's beyond crazy.
Ava: It doesn't sound crazy to me. Does it sound crazy to you?
Carly: What are you talking about? He is crazy.
Franco: Actually, I think Ava makes an excellent point. It's not beyond the realm of possibility, considering your commitment towards hating me. Why wouldn't you hire two snipers? Make sure I'm doubly dead. You should know that might make Morgan twice as upset.
Carly: This is how you prove you're a changed man -- by blackmailing me into risking my kid's safety?
Franco: That's not unfair, given my past and the wide gray area I have when it comes to morality, but you should know that Morgan is perfectly safe. I'm not gonna hurt him.
Carly: Why don't you prove your goodwill by letting him go?
Franco: [Sighs] Because I have my own child's well-being to consider, and I believe that she would benefit from making strong, loving bonds with both of her parents, and she wants her boyfriend here, and since said parents are in a position to make that happen, I think everybody wins.
Carly: You don't have leverage over me. The police think I'm innocent. I could give a damn what the two of you think about me.
Ava: And what about what your son thinks of you?
Morgan: Your parents are wasting their time.
Kiki: My parents have gone insane. Last week, my mom tried to stab my dad with a letter opener, and this week, their tongues are fused together.
Morgan: [Snickers] That is insane. I think everyone is, except us.
Kiki: Sorry you ever got involved with me?
Morgan: No. Are you kidding me? The best thing that's ever happened to me. It's us against the world, right?
Kiki: Right.
AJ: All right, look. Here's what you do. You want to stop seeing Kiki? Stop going to the house.
Michael: Well, a lot of my family is at the house. I got Monica, I got Morgan, I got you.
AJ: Topless Kiki.
Michael: [Sighs] What -- what am I supposed to do?
AJ: Uh... [Sighs] Yeah, I don't -- take your grandmother to lunch. You know, you want to see me -- here at the office, the gym.
Michael: You never go to the gym.
AJ: Shut up, all right? You know what's happening? You, my friend, are making excuses, because you want to continue to accidentally bump into your cousin.
Michael: [Sighs] That's why I'm thinking the only way for me to get away from Kiki is for you to send me out of the country.
Nikolas: Well, we couldn't have asked for better news. I'm really happy for you.
Lulu: Thank you.
Nikolas: And I'm sure you'll be as wonderful a mother as you are a sister.
Lulu: I love you. You know that, right, Nikolas?
Nikolas: Yeah, of course, I do. You okay?
Lulu: There's something that I need to tell you. Actually, both of you.
Laura: Okay.
Lulu: Um, you know how, uh, Stavros forced me to marry him?
Nikolas: Yeah.
Lulu: Well, it didn't stop there. He wanted me to consummate the marriage.
Laura: Oh, Lulu.
Lulu: He said that he would kill my family if I didn't.
Nikolas: Tell me you didn't do it, Lulu. Tell me you didn't do it.
Lulu: I didn't do it. I refused, but it came at a price -- a big -- a big price. Stavros pulled out his phone, and he gave the order. He had you shot, Nikolas. [Voice breaking] He had you shot to punish me.
Nikolas: It's okay.
Lulu: I'm so sorry.
Nikolas: It's okay. Don't -- look at me. Look -- look at me. You don't apologize. Okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that my father did to you and to you.
Laura: Oh, Nikolas, no. No.
Nikolas: You made the right decision.
Lulu: But it was at your expense. You could have been killed.
Nikolas: But I wasn't, and it's over for good. And I'm very grateful that I didn't lose anyone I love.
Shawn: So, it's that cut-and-dry with you? You would end our relationship over my job?
Alexis: Don't say it like you run the local diner.
Shawn: I do, Alexis.
Alexis: Among other things -- things like killing people for money. Do you honestly think that I can be comfortable with something like that?
Shawn: Well, you seem to be pretty comfortable with Sonny.
Alexis: Oh, come on.
Shawn: Defending him.
Alexis: That is different!
Shawn: How?
Alexis: Because he's the father of my kid, how! I can't just cut him out of my life. I've tried. Believe me.
Shawn: So, that's it, hmm? There's nothing in you that wants to hold on to what we had?
Alexis: Shawn, I would love to hold on to what we had, but things have changed, obviously. But what I will tell you -- what hasn't changed is that I still love you.
Shawn: Look, baby, and I love you, too.
Alexis: I don't want to lose you.
Shawn: So don't.
Alexis: There's only one way to make that happen. You have to quit.
Nikolas: No more feeling guilty, okay? You have other things to focus on.
Laura: Yes, you do -- like a beautiful baby girl who we are all gonna spoil rotten.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Nikolas: And I'm so happy that you shared the news in person. It means a lot to both of us. And I can't wait to meet my beautiful little niece.
Lulu: I love you.
Nikolas: I love you, too. Now, if you will excuse me.
Laura: Sweetie, you know your brother's right, don't you -- that that was not your fault. You must let that go.
Lulu: I know.
Laura: Right?
Lulu: Yes.
Laura: Okay. Good. I think we need to go out shopping right now.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Laura: I do. [Chuckles] I mean, I adore my grandsons -- don't get me wrong -- but, oh, I just love the little frilly skirts and the dresses and all of that.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Laura: Now, your father, on the other hand, is probably gonna rush out and get her gear or something like.
Lulu: Actually, the topic already came up.
Laura: Oh, so he knows?
Lulu: Yes, I just saw him.
Laura: Is he over the moon? What did he say?
Lulu: Uh, it was what he didn't say that's kind of bothering me.
Tracy: Don't you understand how important you are to me? I know it's not the same. [Sighs] You're not my child or my husband or even my lover, anymore, but you're And if I can help save your life, that's what I'm gonna do.
Luke: As much as I appreciate that, not only is this dangerous, I don't even know how long it's gonna take.
Tracy: So?
Luke: So, what about your company and those two defective nephews?
Tracy: Do you really think that my family drama is important to me as much as you are?
Luke: Well, Tracy, think about this. As soon as you're gone and Junior realizes it, he'll be on those neo-Qs and secure his position.
Tracy: Let him.
Luke: You don't mean that. That company is all you ever think about.
Tracy: Maybe. And maybe I am driven to succeed, and maybe I would thrill to squash AJ like the cockroach that he is. And maybe I want to secure my family's future. But let's face it. None of them are ever gonna thank me, and ELQ will roll along without me. Or not. But the company can't dazzle me or infuriate me. Only one person can do that. And if you're not around, what's the point? And you said, by the way, that we are partners in crime.
Luke: I did.
Tracy: Let me come with you.
Alexis: I mean, it's not like you don't already have a job. We just talked about that. What's wrong with working at Kelly's?
Shawn: Oh, nothing.
Alexis: Good. Good. Because you're good at it. You're good at managing it. You know, and it's a landmark in the community.
Shawn: Oh.
Alexis: You should be so proud.
Shawn: Right. Says the hotshot attorney. [Sighs]
Alexis: Ooh. [Sighing] Oh. Are you embarrassed by what you do?
Shawn: Look, it's just not the way I envisioned my life, okay? I want more.
Alexis: More bloodshed? Not enough bloodshed at Kelly's, huh?
Shawn: You know me, Alexis. I thrive on excitement, risk. You know, I want to be tested like I was when I was in the Marines.
Alexis: Kelly's can be exciting.
Shawn: [Chuckling] Oh, yeah. Ohh, the rush of picking out the daily specials -- ooh, nothing like that.
Alexis: A man was impaled there once. Does that count for anything?
Shawn: Stop. You know what I mean.
Alexis: [Sighs] In most cases, Shawn, I do know what you mean, but not in this case. You don't like your job? Get another one. Get another damn job. There's plenty of jobs out there -- jobs that don't involve murder.
Shawn: It's not like I'm wasting people left and right.
Alexis: Oh, wow. Well, that clears it all up. You think Sonny is gonna just ask you this one time to kill someone? Trust me -- he's gonna ask you again. And you said you loved me.
Shawn: And I meant it.
Alexis: Then stop working for Sonny!
Shawn: On one condition. You do the same.
AJ: I'm not sending you out of the country.
Michael: Why not? Look, I-I can work for ELQ International in, like, Dubai or London.
AJ: Stop. Stop. All right? You're my right-hand man. I need you.
Michael: You've got Duke.
AJ: And Duke is awesome. But you, my friend, are my son, and he's no substitute. Michael, come on, this is no time to abandon ship.
Michael: I'm not abandoning ship. I'm just trying to be responsible.
AJ: Okay, look. I get it. But the truth of that matter is that ELQ stock -- it's tanking. Tracy's still on our heels. Michael, I need you.
Michael: I'll still be with you.
AJ: Yeah -- an ocean apart. Let's just -- let's forget about work for a second, all right? Look, the truth is you're not just my son. You're... [Sighs] You're pretty much the only friend I have.
Michael: You got Elizabeth, right?
AJ: Not anymore.
Nikolas: Surprised to see you.
Elizabeth: Lesley said I might find you here.
Nikolas: You were looking for me?
Elizabeth: I wanted to return this. I don't need it anymore.
Nikolas: Oh. So, I take it you spoke to AJ.
Elizabeth: Honestly, I wish I had never heard that confession in the first place.
AJ: The truth of the matter is that my relationship with Elizabeth might be over before it ever started.
Michael: Why? What happened?
AJ: [Sighs] She found out that I slept with your mother.
Ava: I got to know Morgan pretty well when he was staying at my place in New York.
Carly: Yeah, about that. Here's a thought -- why not call his parents?
Ava: He's an adult.
Carly: He's a college student, and he got himself into trouble, and you looked the other way.
Ava: I listened. And it's a good thing I did. That Morgan -- he has a lot to say about his place in his family...or lack thereof.
Carly: Excuse me?
Ava: Yes, he told me all about being shipped off to boarding school -- how he felt like he'd been banished from his home and family.
Carly: My son wasn't banished. I sent him away to protect him.
Ava: Right. From his father's coffee business. And yet here you are at the center of a caffeine-ordered hit. A little hypocritical, no?
Carly: You know absolutely nothing about my son, so don't you dare presume to know --
Franco: She's right, you know -- let's not presume. Let's not guess at all. Let's ask the man in question ourselves.
Carly: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Franco: Children! Can you come back to the grown-up table, please? There's something we'd like to discuss with you. Morgan, it's about your mother.
Morgan: Mom, what's going on?
Franco: Well, this may or may not come as a surprise to you, Morgan, but your mother's made a decision. She has decided --
Carly: I decided that you can stay.
Morgan: What? Seriously?
Carly: Yeah. I mean, this is obviously where you want to be.
Morgan: Yeah, no offense, but that didn't really matter to you before. What changed your mind?
Franco: Well, we did. Didn't we?
Shawn: Look, you work for Sonny, too.
Alexis: I'm his lawyer -- not his enforcer. There's a world of difference.
Shawn: Not really.
Alexis: Really.
Shawn: Okay, you may not pull the trigger, but you facilitate for the people who do. You defend them. You put them back on the streets and help them make it possible for them to continue to carry out Sonny's orders -- whatever those orders may be.
Alexis: Listen, I work within a system, and that system says that I do my best to defend while someone else does their best to prosecute. It is a far cry from shooting whoever Sonny decides he doesn't like that week.
Shawn: So, bottom line is, Alexis, you refuse to quit.
Alexis: Let me ask you something. Do you have a moral issue with my job?
Shawn: No.
Alexis: Well, I have one with yours.
Morgan: I'm sorry, but this is weird. You were about to drag me out of here, kicking and screaming. What do they have on you?
Franco: [Chuckles] That's a good one.
Ava: It actually wasn't that hard of a sell. I just told your mom how happy Kiki makes you.
Morgan: I-- I've been telling her that for weeks.
Ava: I explained to Carly that if she truly loves Morgan, she'll let the two of you be together.
Kiki: You really said that?
Ava: We both did.
Morgan: Well, what about, you know, all the stuff he did?
Carly: You know, Morgan, um --
Ava: Yes, you know, I was able to convince Carly that Franco's a changed man. Now, he may still be a work in progress, but if anybody can keep him in line, I can. I do have you wrapped around my little finger, haven't I?
Franco: Yes, you do. You certainly do. You do.
Michael: I'm sorry -- you did what with my mom?
AJ: Okay, that's rhetorical, right?
Michael: Yeah, that's rhetorical.
AJ: You and I have definitely got to stop discussing our sex lives while drinking water.
Michael: I can't believe this. You -- you slept with my mom.
AJ: [Sighs] Hey, look on the bright side -- you're not thinking about Kiki right now, are you? Hey, come on. You're not mad, are you?
Michael: I thought you and my mom hated each other.
AJ: Oh, oh, we do -- with a passion. It was just one of those crazy nights.
Michael: So, you guys can't stand each other, yet you sleep together?
AJ: Uh, at least she's not my first cousin.
Michael: [Sighs]
AJ: Too soon. Hey, this is really hitting you.
Michael: Whatever. You guys are adults. You can do whatever you want.
AJ: Hey, look, Michael, it was one time. We both agreed it was a huge mistake. Come here. Listen, listen. Let me tell you what happened. Elizabeth had just dumped me for being overly possessive. I was pissed off. I was starting to spiral, and Carly was there. It meant nothing. It'll never happen again.
Michael: [Sighs] Okay, so, how -- how did Elizabeth find out? Did you -- did you tell her?
AJ: No. No, I have Nikolas to thank for that.
Elizabeth: How do you think AJ reacted? He was upset. He assumed you gave me the recording.
Nikolas: Oh, my -- unbelievable. You -- you tell AJ that you found out he slept with Carly, and the first thing he does is blame me? Come on.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] It's not outside the realm of possibility that you would want to make him look bad.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, I never intended for you to even hear that recording. You remember -- Cam hit the button on my phone.
Elizabeth: Just don't.
Nikolas: "Don't" what?
Elizabeth: Don't play the innocent victim.
Nikolas: Okay, I'm -- I really don't know what you're talking -- what are you talking about?
Elizabeth: Why didn't you tell me that when AJ and Carly hooked up we weren't together?
Nikolas: I didn't -- I didn't know -- why --
Elizabeth: I thought he cheated on me, Nikolas.
Nikolas: [Sighs] Okay, for the record, I never said that you were together, but it doesn't -- why does that matter?
Elizabeth: It's kind of an important piece of information to leave out. And I think you did it intentionally.
Laura: Please tell me that your father at least managed to congratulate you.
Lulu: Oh, no. He was super-excited about the baby.
Laura: Okay. Then I don't understand.
Lulu: Uh, I went into the suite, and he was there with Tracy, and the vibe was super intense. I got the distinct feeling I was interrupting something. I thought maybe it had to do with the tests that Tracy had at the hospital, but she said that those turned out to be nothing.
Laura: Yeah, Luke told me the same.
Lulu: Yeah, but still there was something off. So, I don't know if the situation with Tracy is worse than they're letting on, or if Dad is covering for her, or...
Laura: Or if Tracy is covering for him.
Tracy: Maybe it was all a lie. Maybe I'm not the Bonnie to your Clyde.
Luke: No, Tracy. You're the best damn Bonnie any Clyde could ever have. You know how I feel about you. You're my... [Sighs] ...You, too. But this life-and-death stuff -- it changes everything.
Tracy: Luke, you need me. I will not let you down.
Luke: [Breathes deeply] And you will not let this go.
Tracy: Oh, congratulations. You're catching on. And may I point out that while we debate this, you're wasting time.
Luke: Yeah, time I don't have. [Sighs] So go. Pack.
Tracy: "Pack"? You mean it? [Gasps] Oh, this is really happening. Wait. What should I pack?
Luke: A couple of ball gowns and a tiara.
Tracy: [Chuckles]
Luke: Cash, baby -- a whole suitcase full of cash.
Tracy: I'll be right back.
[Door closes]
Lulu: Do you think that Dad is sick?
Laura: I don't know, honey. I ran into him yesterday at the Metro Court. Um, he was sitting there, staring at a computer.
Lulu: Wait. Dad has a computer?
Laura: I know. It's sort of a strange sight.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Laura: But we did have a really nice conversation. Although, I did get a sense that he was being a little bit cagey.
Lulu: Well, how did he look?
Laura: Pale. Almost gray. And he didn't have anything to eat.
Lulu: All right. That's it. I have to catch him before he leaves.
Laura: Leaves? Where's he going?
Lulu: He's going on another one of his mysterious trips, and I didn't press him on it, but I am gonna press him on this.
Laura: Wait for me, then, hon.
Lulu: No, you -- Mom, you're married to Scotty now. Dad is not your problem.
Laura: Honey, we are parents together. That means that we're bonded together for life.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Laura: And if something's wrong with your dad, I want to know.
[Luke pulls down the shade and sits down to write a note.]
[Pen clicks]
Michael: Okay, so we know how Nikolas feels, right? But what about Elizabeth? You said things might be over with her.
AJ: She hasn't dumped me -- I mean, not yet. Said she needed some time to think about it.
Michael: Okay, well, that's something.
AJ: I just hope she's not thinking about it with Nikolas.
Nikolas: Let me make sure I understand this. AJ had sex with Carly while you and AJ were at odds with each other, and according to you... [Chuckles] ...AJ thought that you had dumped him, and when you heard that recording, you think that I should have somehow defended AJ -- that I -- that I should have pointed out that you two were not together at the exact moment he decided to have sex with Carly?
Elizabeth: I think you knew I was building up a head of steam...
Nikolas: No.
Elizabeth: ...And that if I had known that AJ and I weren't together when he --
Nikolas: Elizabeth, I was just -- I was just trying to --
Elizabeth: Maybe I wouldn't have confronted him.
Nikolas: I was just trying to stay out of it.
Elizabeth: Is that some kind of a joke?
Nikolas: No, it's not a joke. I want you for myself. You know that. Any judgment one way or the other about you and AJ would have come off as self-serving.
Elizabeth: No, it would have come off as the truth.
Nikolas: Yeah. All right, so... [Chuckles] So now that you know that AJ didn't technically cheat on you, have you guys decided to patch things up?
Elizabeth: No, I told him that I needed time to think.
Nikolas: Well, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I want you to give AJ another chance, but it's up to you. You can do what you want.
Alexis: I've told you what I need to stay in this relationship. Those are my terms.
Shawn: Take 'em or leave 'em, huh?
Alexis: If that's the way you want to see it, yep.
Shawn: You know, I've never been a big fan of ultimatums, especially from a woman I'm involved with.
Alexis: Then there's nothing left to discuss. We're done.
Shawn: You know, Alexis, one of these days, you're gonna let me finish. Look, I love you, and I don't want to lose you. So, if those are your terms, then I'll take 'em.
Kiki: Stop! Stop! Please stop before I regurgitate my lunch.
Franco: Ew.
Kiki: Ew -- not ew. Me, ew you. You're the ew.
Franco: Well, we're just so happy to be back together. [Chuckling] It's not like we can help ourselves.
Ava: No, no. Sweetheart. Please.
Carly: "Sweetheart." Wow. Is that really how you see him?
Franco: Well, is that a problem?
Carly: Well, before, I only had to deal with you. Now I have to deal with you and Ava, and she thinks of you as a sweetheart.
Morgan: Hey, I-I thought you were okay with this.
Carly: I am.
Morgan: You don't have to worry, Mom -- I'll be fine.
Carly: You better be, 'cause if you're not, I'm holding these two personally responsible.
Franco: She worries too much. We're gonna be fine, right? Look at us -- we're one big, happy family.
Kiki: Hey, Father Dearest, cool it with the "Kumbaya" stuff, okay?
Ava: I'll work on him.
Franco: You two kids go back to doing whatever it is that you two kids do, okay?
Carly: [Exhales sharply]
Morgan: Thanks for letting me stay.
Carly: Mm-hmm.
Morgan: Again.
Carly: I love you.
Morgan: I promise you're not gonna regret it.
Carly: Okay.
Morgan: Okay.
Carly: Yeah. You know what? You guys may have won this battle, but the war isn't over. I will figure out what game you're playing, and when I do, you better watch out.
[Door slams]
Ava: That was fabulous. [Chuckling] We played her like a fiddle. We bested that woman and scored points with our daughter at the very same time. I think we make a good team, after all.
Franco: Yeah, we sure do. There's just one problem. I'm not convinced Carly's behind both of the shootings.
Ava: What do you mean?
Franco: Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure one of the shooters was Carly's, but I think that the other one...was you.
Shawn: [Inhales deeply]
Alexis: We have a house full of people.
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I should go.
Alexis: Okay. Just to be clear, we can't be together unless you quit working for Sonny.
Shawn: Look, don't worry, okay? I know exactly what to do.
AJ: I got to be honest. I'm kind of freaking out. You know, this strain between me and Elizabeth -- this could be exactly the opening that Nikolas has been waiting for.
AJ: Tracy, please, don't tell Elizabeth I slept with Carly.
Tracy: Too bad. I think Elizabeth needs to know you and Carly engaged in some steamy hate-sex.
Nikolas: [Sighs]
[Taps table]
[Cell phone beeps as Nikolas hits the delete button]
AJ: Nikolas may be pompous as hell, but he's not stupid. He could use my mistake as a way of getting --
Michael: Hey, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Hi, Michael.
Michael: I guess I should go make some phone calls. All right. Good to see you.
Elizabeth: You, too.
AJ: I'm...I'm really glad you're here. I mean, unless you've come to tell me that it's over.
Tracy: Luke! I scrounged up as much cash as I could. That part was actually very easy. However, packing when you don't know where you're going -- that was a challenge. Is it gonna be hot? Cold? Humid? Dry? Clyde? [Sighs]
Luke: "You are my partner in crime..."
Tracy: [Sighs]
Luke: ."..Bonnie to my Clyde. But if you'll recall, those two ended badly. Like I said, my goose may be cooked already, but yours, darling, is still alive and kicking. If anything ever happened to you, I'd never forgive myself. Try to understand, Spanky. This is something I have to do alone. Catch you on the flip side. Luke. P.S., I'm counting on you to keep this under your hat."
[Knock on door]
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