GH Transcript Friday 6/28/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 6/28/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

TJ: Oh! Time's running out! The crowd's on its feet! He fakes! Oh! Shoots! [Imitates crowd cheering] The crowd goes wild! Uh-oh! Uh-oh!

Shawn: Something put you in a good mood.

TJ: [Laughing] Oh. I guess you could say that. Uh, Molly and I got back together.

Molly: If you're looking for TJ, you should probably know we just got back together.

Taylor: Seriously?

Molly: Yeah. We worked things out, told each other everything.

Taylor: Everything?

Molly: Yep. So there are no secrets between us now.

Taylor: I see. So, he told you that we slept together?

Molly: What did you just say?

Taylor: You heard me. Or do I have to spell it out? TJ and M-E had S-E-X. Do you get it now? Or do I have to draw you a picture?

Alexis: Molly? Sam? Anybody? Guess not. "New wrinkle." What new wrinkle?

Franco: ELQ down 2/10 of a point. What a shame. Penny for your thoughts.

Kiki: Wrong room. Make that wrong universe.

Ava: Kiki. Wait. Please. Please, come in. Your father and I have something we'd like to talk to you about.

Kiki: Oh, is it about that deal you made? 'Cause Morgan already told me all about that.

[Doorbell rings]

Morgan: Mom. Hey.

Carly: Hey.

Morgan: Welcome to, uh, Casa Quartermaine. You come to see the new digs?

Carly: Why are you hiding your arm?

Morgan: [Clears throat]

Carly: Oh, my God! What happened?

Morgan: No, it's not a big deal. It's just a little --

Carly: You're wearing a cast. Your arm's broken. It's a big deal.

Morgan: It wasn't really her fault. I was the one who --

Carly: Kiki broke your arm?

Morgan: No, no, no, no. Not Kiki. The, uh, The Dominator.

Carly: The who?

Morgan: Alice. We were just -- we were arm wrestling, which was my idea.

Carly: Alice broke your arm?

Morgan: By-- by accident, and she feels terrible, and she keeps apologizing. It's not her fault.

Carly: How bad is the break?

Morgan: Yeah.

Carly: Is it bad?

Morgan: No, it's not that bad. The guy at the emergency room said maybe --

Carly: Whatever. I'm gonna call a specialist as soon as I get you home. Okay.

Morgan: Home?

Carly: Yeah, home. That's why I'm here -- to take you home to your own family.

Sonny: Olivia. You got to eat something. What do you got in here? You got mashed potatoes.

Olivia: Sonny.

Sonny: What?

Olivia: I need an honest answer from you.

Sonny: Okay.

Olivia: I need to know that you had absolutely nothing to do with me getting shot.

Sonny: I had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Olivia: I want to believe you.

Sonny: You can. Eat.

Olivia: Sonny. Wait. I want to believe you, but you know that I want to believe you, and that gives you an unfair advantage.

Sonny: I'm not taking advantage. I'm telling the truth.

Olivia: You look me in the eye, and you swear on our son's life.

Sonny: If that's what it takes, I'll look you in the eye, and I swear on our son's life I had nothing to do with that shooting.

Dante: Sure you want to do that, Sonny?

Luke: [Sighs]

Tracy: Luke, open up.

Molly: You and TJ hooked up? When?

Taylor: The night of the prom.

Molly: What are you talking about? There was no prom.

Taylor: Maybe not, but I still had a pretty good time. TJ took me for a ride in the limo he hired, and then I took him for a ride of my own.

Molly: No! You're lying!

Taylor: [Chuckles] One thing led to another, and the next thing you know...boom. Fireworks.

Molly: TJ would never do that!

Taylor: You know, maybe not with you, but... he sure did me. [Chuckles]

Shawn: You and Molly? When did this happen?

TJ: Oh, a little while ago. She came in, she thanked me, and everything.

Shawn: What for?

TJ: Ooh, remember when you told me Danny was sick, and I told you to tell her I was thinking about her? Well, whatever you said, it worked. Molly wants to start over.

Shawn: How do you feel?

TJ: Should you even have to ask? Of course, I want to start over with Molly. I guess the person I should be thanking is you.

Shawn: [Chuckles]

TJ: Did me a real solid, Shawn. Whoop!

Shawn: [Sighs]

Alexis: Are you really gonna stand there and not say why you lied to me when you said you went to see TJ, when you clearly didn't?

Shawn: [Sighs]

Alexis: Okay, fine, I'll say it. You were the one who tried to shoot Franco.

Shawn: [Sighs]


Sam: Hey.

Alexis: Hey.

Sam: Didn't know you were home.

Alexis: I just walked in. I'm sorry I couldn't reschedule, but I did finally finish that deposition. I really wanted to be here with you and Danny.

Sam: Don't worry about it.

Alexis: How's he doing?

Sam: Uh, it w-- it went well. He's sleeping on and off right now.

Rafe: Yeah, Danny was super baby.

Alexis: Oh, good job. Is there anything I can do to help?

Sam: As a matter of fact, yes, there is.

Ava: Whatever Morgan thinks he heard, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding.

Franco: No, hold on. What exactly did Morgan tell you?

Kiki: Just that you were making a deal with each other. I'm guessing it manages to give you both a bigger piece of the Quartermaine pie.

Ava: I really only have two options. One -- I go to AJ and/or Tracy and/or the police. Tell them that you made everybody on "The Chew" desperately ill so ELQ would tank and you could take over the company.

Franco: Somehow I think I'm gonna prefer option 2.

Ava: Or... I can keep your secret while you snatch ELQ from AJ. All you have to do is give me my fair share. Take it or leave it. Your father and I did make a deal, but it has nothing to do with ELQ.

Morgan: Mom, my arm is fine.

Carly: Morgan, there is nothing fine about this situation. Your brother is right. Kiki is a bad influence.

Morgan: Mom, I don't know what Michael told you, but I will pay him back. You don't need to come here and drag me out like a little 10-year-old.

Carly: You now owe Michael money?

Morgan: Yeah, but it's, like -- it's, like, 20 bucks. It's not a big deal, all right? And I'm not going home with you. I know you don't like Kiki, but I do.

Carly: Kiki isn't the issue, Morgan. Her father is. And there's no way in hell I'm letting you live here with that that psychopath.

Franco: Your mother is telling the truth. Whatever decision we made had nothing to do with ELQ.

Kiki: Aw, so you're banding together out of the goodness of your hearts to spread peace, love, and unity throughout the world.

Ava: Something like that.

Franco: Oh, no. Everything like that. Your mom and I are getting back together.

Sonny: You know what? I'm gonna say this as many times as you need to hear it, Dante. I swear on your life that I had nothing to do with the bullet that put your mother in this bed.

Lulu: Okay, maybe we could table the whole mobster father versus cop son dynamic. Haven't resolved it in the last three years. It's probably not gonna happen in the next 10 minutes.

Olivia: Yeah, my daughter-in-law makes a very excellent point. I don't want this tension between my two favorite guys, okay?

Lulu: Yeah. I think we should focus on something happier, like Olivia is recovering and we have news about the baby.

Olivia: [Gasps] My grandbaby? What are you waiting for? Spit it out. Tell me what it is.

Dante: Well, we just went to an ultrasound appointment with Maxie.

Lulu: We wanted you to be the first one to know.

Olivia: You were right, Ma. We're having a dog.

Olivia: Dante Angelo Falconeri, you are so wrong in your head!

Dante: It's a joke. I'm kidding. We're not having a dog. We're having a wolf -- a baby wolf.

Lulu: Dante!

Olivia: Is how you treat your mother, who's laying in a hospital bed? What's wrong with you?

Dante: Okay, we're not having a dog or a wolf or a canine of any kind. We are having a little girl.

Olivia: [Sighs]

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Tracy: Luke, I know you're in there. The desk clerk told me you just came back. Would you open this door, please?

Maid: Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am. That's against policy, and Mr. Spencer has a thing about privacy.

Tracy: Yeah, I know. I'm his wife.

Maid: He's married? To you?

Tracy: Yes, well, as you just said, he does have a thing about privacy, but, believe me, I am his better half.

Maid: Then why won't he let you in?

Tracy: I bet that Carly pays you a pittance.

Maid: Seriously.

[Door beeps]

Tracy: Thank you. Luke, you just cost me 100 bucks. [Gasps] Oh, no. Luke.

Luke: I'm all right. It was just a little dizzy spell, that's all.

Tracy: Yeah. You were unconscious on the floor. Helena's poison is obviously getting worse.

Luke: Now, now, don't make a big deal out of it. It's nothing to panic over.

Tracy: You are going to the hospital for chelation therapy if I have to drag you there myself.

Luke: I don't have time for that. Helena said that the cure was not at GH, anyway.

Tracy: And Helena's always so trustworthy.

Luke: Yeah, well, look, vengeance from beyond the grave is useless if the cure is easily available. So, she wants me to work for it. She wants me to spend what she thinks are my last days searching desperately for a way to save myself.

Tracy: And that's your plan? A desperate search?

Luke: No, but I do think it's time for me to find Jerry Jacks.

Tracy: Honey, Jerry Jacks died last year.

Luke: They never found the body. My bet is he's alive. If he isn't, I'll soon be dead too.

Tracy: What does Jerry Jacks have to do with whether or not you live or die?

Luke: Helena said that there was one way out of this -- I found the way, or at least the who.

Tracy: Jerry Jacks?

Luke: Yeah. Look, help me pack... before I'm a distant memory to you and everybody else I love.

Lulu: At first, I thought I wanted to wait, and then we were at the ultrasound today, and the suspense was killing me. It's official. We're having a girl.

Olivia: Oh, you must be so thrilled! You get to buy all the little dresses and the outfits and stuff. I always wanted a little girl.

Dante: Oh, thanks, Ma.

Olivia: Stop it. You know that I wouldn't trade you in for anything. But now it all worked out great, because now you can give me the little girl that I always wanted. [Laughs] I hope you guys both know that we're gonna spoil this kid rotten, right?

Sonny: She's gonna have me wrapped around her little finger.

Dante: Yeah, you and me both.

Lulu: [Laughs]

Olivia: Oh!

Sonny: Congratulations, man.

Dante: Thank you.

Sonny: Congratulations. Best news I've had all day.

Lulu: Thanks. [Laughs] Um, obviously, we would have been happy either way, but, you know, finding out, it's just made it all really real.

Olivia: Yeah.

Lulu: Our baby isn't just a dream or a wish anymore. She is a person, and I can't wait to meet her. [Laughs] I have to go tell my parents. I'm sorry, do you mind?

Olivia: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Lulu: Okay.

Olivia: Go, go. You can't keep this news cooped up in here.

Lulu: Do you need me to bring you anything?

Olivia: Other than an escape route, no, I'm fine.

Lulu: Okay. [Laughs] Bye, you guys.

Dante: I'll be right back.

Olivia: [Sniffles] Can you believe it? Sonny, we're having a granddaughter. [Sighs]

TJ: Uh, could you be any less excited? I just told you Molly and I just got back together. What's wrong, man? You're not happy for me?

Shawn: Of course. It was just the last I heard, you were pretty upset about seeing Molly kissing Rafe.

TJ: Oh, well, it turns out I had it totally misunderstood. Rafe thought his uncle was taking him back to the city the next day, and Molly was just kissing him goodbye. As a friend.

Shawn: So, now that you and Molly are back together, where does that leave this new girl? Taylor? The one you were having sex with?

Molly: I know you and TJ never had sex. He's never had sex with anyone. We decided to wait.

Taylor: Well, I guess he got tired of waiting.

Molly: Why are you doing this?

Taylor: Being honest?

Molly: For some reason, you don't like me, so you're making this up just to hurt me.

Taylor: Okay, fine. You don't believe me. Why don't you just go ask TJ?

TJ: Okay, Taylor and I slept together, but that's when I thought Molly was with Rafe, you know? I wasn't thinking clearly.

Shawn: Did you talk to Molly about it?

TJ: No! And I'm not going to.

Kiki: That's interesting. You're getting back together, even though you were never together in the first place. You two hooked up and I popped out.

Ava: There is a lot that you don't understand about the time that f-- your father and I were together.

Franco: She's right. Your mom and I were no one-night stand. I was about to make it as an artist and a lot of people were talking to me, trying to take things from me. But Ava was different. We had something special. I think we still do.

Morgan: Mom, you really don't need to worry. I don't even see Kiki's dad. This place is huge.

Carly: Not huge enough.

Morgan: Oh, Mom, come on. You're being dramatic.

Carly: Would you listen to me for a second? Franco is dangerous. You have no idea what he did to your brother.

Morgan: What? The rape? Yeah, and it really wasn't Franco's fault. The guy went after Michael on his own.

Carly: You know?

Morgan: Yeah, I know, and I found out from Franco, because no one in my family bothered to tell me. Not you, not Dad, not Michael.

Carly: Your brother suffered a trauma. That's not something that's easy to talk about.

Morgan: Well, he didn't have a problem telling my girlfriend. Told her all about it. I guess he figured that she could handle and I couldn't. Or I don't know. Maybe he was just telling her that as another way to get close to her.

Kiki: Special?

Franco: Yes, very special. Life altering.

Kiki: She never told me who you were, only that you were dead, and we were both better off.

Franco: I wasn't better off. I thought of you every day. You were always in my heart. I always figured I'd run into you. I just thought it would be on the streets of New York City, that we would just walk by one another and recognize one another...and know. As if we knew each other from another life.

Kiki: Well, you never did come looking for me... which is a good thing, believe me.

Franco: The only thing good about our time apart is that it's over.

Ava: Keeping you apart -- I thought I was protecting you, Kiki. It turns out I was wrong.

Kiki: What the heck, Mom? What made you change your mind? What could have possibly brought you two together?

Ava: You did.

Alexis: Of course, I'll be tested. Danny can I have my bone marrow, my blood, my kidney -- whatever he wants -- to save his life.

Sam: Thank you. I know you would do that. Thank you.

Rafe: I'd like to get tested, too.

Sam: Really?

Rafe: Yeah, I mean, I know I'm not family, but it's worth a try, right?

Sam: Yes! Yes! Definitely! Thank you so much! And you know you are family to me and to Danny both.

Alexis: And to me, too. [Smooches]

Rafe: Uncle Silas said that a blood relative would be the best chance for a match, but who knows? I could prove him wrong.

Alexis: Silas?

Sam: Yeah, he showed up before.

Alexis: Not to take him away again?

Sam: No, no, and I was just as surprised as you are. He actually showed up to help Danny.

Shawn: So, you're telling me you're not gonna tell Molly about you and Taylor?

TJ: Well, Molly and I talked. We decided we'd wait. How am I supposed to tell her that my first time was with somebody else?

Shawn: You don't think Molly deserves honesty?

TJ: It's only gonna hurt her.

Shawn: That's a rationalization, okay? They sound good in theory, but they usually end up doing more damage in the end.

TJ: So, you wouldn't keep a secret from Alexis if it meant saving her from pain?

Shawn: Look, it doesn't matter what I'd do, okay? You need to decide for yourself what you choose to tell Molly. What I do know is you owe Taylor an explanation.

TJ: Why? We only did it once.

Shawn: It doesn't matter!

TJ: [Scoffs]

Shawn: Look, you don't have sex with one girl and show up with another girl on your arm. It's not right. TJ. Man up. Go talk to Taylor.

TJ: Okay. All right? I will. I don't even know why I was worried. She kept saying how it wasn't a big deal to her, anyway.

Taylor: TJ is totally into me now. We got real close real fast. Having sex with someone will do that. But, like I said, if you don't believe me, ask him.

Molly: No. I'm not playing your game. I'm not gonna let you trick me into doubting TJ. I know he never slept with you.

[Door opens]

Taylor: Well, looks like now's your chance to ask him.

Tracy: Jerry Jacks was suffering from the same radiation poisoning that you are?

Luke: Polonium-210 is serious business.

Tracy: Yeah, well, that doesn't excuse him poisoning the town's water supply and extorting $88 million for an antidote.

Luke: Yeah, well, let's just stick to the pertinent detail -- he extorted the money to pay for a cure.

Tracy: You know, I never got my share of that money back.

Luke: And if he were dead, that money would be sitting somewhere in an account in the Caymans, but it isn't. The WSB hasn't been able to trace it.

Tracy: You think he bought himself a cure with that money?

Luke: And if it worked for him, it'll work for me.

Tracy: And what if you're wrong? What if that money was stolen or the WSB has terrible accountants?

Luke: That's my only hope. I don't have time to debate it with you or anybody else.

[Knock on door]

Lulu: Dad, it's me -- Lulu.

Luke: [Sighs]

Dante: I'm assuming you know there was a second shooter at the Metro Court. Shawn probably ran straight to you after he left the police station to tell you that someone else's bullet hit my mother.

Sonny: Yeah, I might have heard something about that.

Dante: The presence of a second shooter doesn't change the fact that you and Shawn and Carly conspired to kill Franco. I may not have any proof, but all three of you are guilty of attempted murder.

Carly: Are you really making judgments about how and when your brother chose to tell you or anyone that he was raped?

Morgan: Mom, he told my girlfriend before he told me.

Carly: Because maybe he thought you were too young to handle it. And not that he asked me, but I might agree, with the way you're reacting. This is your brother, Morgan. Michael had to deal with a horrible violation. If you can't summon up any compassion, maybe you can find some respect with how he dealt with it, and he moved on with his life.

Morgan: Look, I get it, okay? I do. Yes. What happened to Michael -- it was terrible. But him and Kiki? Before he knew her? Before knew that they were cousins? I think he liked her.

Carly: Okay.

Morgan: And maybe he was using that as a way for them to get closer.

Carly: He did not tell Kiki about the rape, because he liked her, okay? Michael can't stand her, and from what I hear, she feels the same way about him.

Morgan: Yeah, and that's what I thought, too, but I know there was something going on.

Carly: I don't know. I don't know if there's anything going on between Michael and Kiki. I just know that he needs to stay away from her and so do you.

Morgan: Well, no, because I'm not breaking up with Kiki any time soon, Mom.

Carly: Okay, well, you're not gonna live with her, okay? You're coming home with me.

Morgan: I'm not going anywhere with you.

Carly: Let me tell you something. I don't care how old you are. I'm still your mother, and what I say goes, and I say that you are not gonna stay here with Franco. Do you hear me? So, we're gonna find Kiki and we're gonna say goodbye.

Kiki: I brought you two together -- okay, how?

Ava: Well, your father and I both realized that you are the most important thing in our lives.

Franco: The only good thing we've ever done.

Kiki: I thought the whole point was that you've never done anything good?

Ava: Well, I let you believe that. I alienated you from your father, and I shouldn't have done that.

Kiki: And when did you have this big revelation, Mother?

Ava: When you started to accept the Quartermaines as your family. I realized that I left a big hole in your life, that you have a need for these people that you belong to. Franco and I are your parents. We should have made a family for you.

Franco: It's not too late. We can still make a family for her.

Kiki: No, no, no, no, no. There's definitely something wrong with this picture.

Ava: Well, I don't know how to convince you, then.

Franco: I do.

Ava: Ooh!

TJ: Hey. Molly. Taylor. What's up?

Molly: Taylor was just lying to me, trying to make believe you actually had sex with her.

Taylor: I thought she knew. I mean, she told me you two talked everything out, and what was I supposed to think? I was sure you would be honest with her.

Molly: TJ. It's not true, is it? She's making it up.

TJ: [Sighs] Molly... I'm sorry, but she's not making it up. Taylor and I had sex together.

Lulu: Dad?

Luke: I don't want her to know anything about this.

Lulu: Dad, come on. Open up.

Tracy: You can't ignore her. It's your daughter.

Luke: I mean it. Not a word, okay?

Tracy: Answer the door!

Lulu: It's really important.

Luke: Hey, cupcake.

Lulu: Hey, what took so long? Oh. I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?

Tracy: No, not at all.

Lulu: Really?

Luke: Mm-hmm.

Lulu: Feels like I'm interrupting something.

Both: No.

Luke: No, no, no.

Lulu: Is this about the day I saw you at the hospital? The tests you were having? Tracy, are you okay?

Tracy: I'm fine. I'm fit as a fiddle. My only complaint is a, uh, overly diligent doctor.

Lulu: Okay. You know, Tracy, if there was something wrong, I would want to help.

Tracy: If I was sick, I would tell you. I mean, who wouldn't want the support of their loved ones if they were sick. I am gonna be around for a long time. In fact, long enough, I think, to shower that baby you're having with college-graduation gifts.

Lulu: [Laughs] Thank God.

Tracy: No need to worry.

Lulu: [Sighs] I do not tell you this enough, but you raised me when my own mother couldn't, and you're just as much of a parent to me as she was. [Sighs] I can't imagine what it would feel like to lose a parent.

Dante: I don't expect you to say anything. I just want you to know that you can't hide anything from me. Like I said, I can't prove it, but you and Carly were involved in that hit with Shawn.

Sonny: I'll say this much, Dante, you don't have all the facts.

Dante: What am I missing?

Sonny: It's not important. The only thing that matters is finding the dirtbag who did this to your mother. Isn't that a priority?

Carly: What the hell is going on?

Franco: I think it's pretty clear what's going on.

Kiki: Yeah, my parents are trying to convince me that they're getting back together, and for some reason, my freak of a father thought the best way to prove that is to make out with my mother in front of my face. [Sighs]

Carly: Freak? Even your daughter knows the truth about you.

Franco: You...should not be calling me names. I'm the man who was almost killed not long ago.

Carly: Yeah. Tough job for the police. So many suspects, so little time. All the more reason for me to get my son away from you.

Lulu: I don't know why I've been so emotional lately. It's like I'm the one with the crazy hormones instead of Maxie.

Luke: How's Maxie doing?

Lulu: Good. I just saw her. We have news about the baby. I wanted to come right here and tell you.

Luke: Is everything all right?

Lulu: Oh, yeah. No, fine. More than fine.

Luke: Oh.

Lulu: We're having a little girl.

Tracy: Oh, a little girl!

Luke: A granddaughter.

Lulu: Yeah.

Luke: Wow.

Lulu: [Laughs] Someone to take ice fishing. Teach how to play poker. Shoot pool.

Tracy: Oh, yeah. Warms my heart just thinking of Luke imparting his larcenist ways on yet another generation.

Luke: [Chuckles]

Lulu: Before you know it, she'll be all grown up, and she'll love you as much as I do. [Laughs] [Sighs]

Luke: You were the most amazing surprise to me. You know? I... I couldn't believe it when I held you, 'cause you were so tiny and you had that porcelain skin and those beautiful pink cheeks. I mean, I was in over my head from the first moment I held you.

Lulu: I wasn't always the easiest kid.

Luke: I wasn't the easiest father.

Lulu: I wouldn't change any of it. [Chuckles] [Sighs] I can't wait for my little girl to meet her grandpa.

Luke: Right.

Lulu: [Laughs] Are you okay?

Luke: No. Yes. [Laughing] I mean, of course. Of course. I'm just so happy for you. That's all.

Tracy: So am I. So am I. You... you were the daughter I always wanted. And I am so happy that you're having a daughter of your own. Hug!

Lulu: Oh, I just have to hug you again.

[Both laugh]

Lulu: Dad? Dad, are you going somewhere?

Molly: TJ!

TJ: Molly.

Molly: Oh, my God!

TJ: Molly, look, I'm so sorry, all right? I was a jerk. I saw you kissing Rafe, and I figured that's what you wanted and not me, but it didn't mean anything. You have to believe me.

Molly: I can't believe this! I can't believe you'd do this!

TJ: Molly, please --

Molly: No! Don't touch me! Just leave me alone!

TJ: Okay.

Sam: I love being here, mom. I got to tell you, I love having the support of you and the family, and, well, I know Danny loves it, too. [Chuckles]

Alexis: You know what I think? I think that it's actually healthier for him out here, because it's away from the city, and we can at least keep the windows open and get some fresh air. I mean, after Danny's treatment, he comes here, he soaks up the nature, and...yeah, mostly I just love having you here.

Sam: Thank you. I love being here. But I have a feeling that maybe Danny and I might be getting in the way a little bit.

Alexis: Are you kidding me? Why would you say something like that?

Sam: Why? Because you have no life now, Mom. I mean, when's the last time I've seen Shawn?

Alexis: There's a new wrinkle between Shawn and me.

Sam: A wrinkle? What, are you having problems?

[Doorbell rings]

Alexis: Saved by the bell. Mm.

Kiki: You can't make Morgan leave.

Carly: I am sorry, Kiki. I can't imagine what it's like to find out that that man is your father, but I cannot leave my son here for any reason.

Franco: Okay, Carly... I'm not gonna hurt Morgan or anybody else. I'm a different human being.

Carly: So you keep saying. And let's say that's the truth. Let's say you have acquired a conscience and a soul. You can't change the past, you can't fix what's broke, and you can't make whole what you destroyed.

Franco: You don't believe in redemption? You know what? Don't even answer that.

Carly: Why? Don't want to hear my answer?

Franco: As much as I would love a lengthy, weighty, metaphysical conversation with you, we need to focus here on the here and the now. You're worried that I might hurt Morgan. Morgan, will you please tell your mother what great pals we are?

Carly: Don't say a word.

Franco: No, please. Let the boy speak. Lefty here is an independent thinker. Okay? He knows how much you hate me. He knows how much Sonny hates me. But he is a man. Am I right, Morgan? Morgan! You are a man who is capable of making up his own mind.

Carly: We're out of here.

Kiki: No!

Carly: I'm sorry. I'm taking my son out of here.

Ava: Don't you think you're being a little bit reactionary? I'm sorry. We haven't been properly introduced. I think in all the excitement, I'm afraid Kiki's father forgot his manners. I'm Kiki's mother. Ava Jerome.

Luke: Oh, you caught me. Yeah, I'm hearing the call of the open road.

Lulu: Off to another mysterious locale that you can't or won't tell us about?

Luke: That's right.

Lulu: All right, well, I know that I can't change your mind, but can you just promise me that you will not end up in another Turkish prison?

Luke: You got it, baby. No way.

Lulu: And that you'll make it back in time to see your granddaughter born?

Luke: Sure.

Lulu: Okay, but Maxie is in her third trimester. So, three months or less. We should say two to be safe.

Luke: Well, I'll do my best.

Lulu: No, Dad. Look at me. Promise me that you will be here when my little girl is born.

Luke: I promise.

Lulu: Okay. Well, then, have a safe trip. [Chuckles] I love you.

Luke: I love you more.

Lulu: I will see you soon.

Tracy: See you, sweetheart.

Lulu: Bye, Dad.

Luke: Bye, baby. [Closes door] I just lied to her.

Tracy: No, you didn't. You'll be back.

Olivia: So? What's that about? Is Dante giving you a hard time?

Sonny: Forget about it. Uh... what'd the doctor say?

Olivia: I'm good.

Sonny: Yeah?

Olivia: I'm doing really good. They're letting me out tomorrow. They're gonna cut me loose.

Sonny: You think you're ready, Olivia?

Olivia: As long as I got someone to help me, I'm sprung.

Sonny: Okay. Well, then, it's settled. You're coming home with me.

[Elevator bell dings]

Dante: Hey.

Lulu: Hey. I brought this for your mom.

Dante: Ooh! Gagliano's. You really are the perfect daughter-in-law.

Lulu: I try.

Dante: So, were your parents excited -- as excited as my parents are?

Lulu: Well, I couldn't find my mom, and I told my dad, but he was busy packing for one of his mystery trips.

Dante: Yes, of course. About time for him to take off again. You can pretty much set your watch to it.

Lulu: Yeah. Yeah, but... there was something in his voice.

Dante: What?

Lulu: I don't know, but... something about this trip, about him... it's different this time.

Luke: As much as I would like to guarantee Lulu that I'll be back for the birth of her daughter, I can't.

Tracy: I can. You'll be back, if I have to drag you back myself.

Luke: [Chuckling] I'd like to see that. But even if I do make it back, how sick will I be? What if I can't find Jerry Jacks?

Tracy: You are going to be back to meet your granddaughter, and you will be in perfect health.

Luke: I hope I can comply.

Tracy: Luke, we're going to assume that you are correct, that Jerry Jacks did not die. In fact, that he recovered. Which means that he found the cure. Which means that you can get it from him, and you're going to, and you're going to keep that promise you made to your daughter, and I'm gonna see that you do.

Luke: How?

Tracy: How else? By going with you. [Chuckles]

Rafe: Hey, Shawn.

Shawn: Hey, Rafe.

Sam: Everything okay with Danny?

Rafe: Yeah, he's doing great, but the diaper inventory is at an all-time low.

Sam: Oh, I've got an extra pack in my car, actually.

Rafe: Great. That should last us, what, about another day?

Sam: [Laughing] Like, two. I'll go get it.

Rafe: I'm on it.

Sam: Oh.

Shawn: Hey, Sam. Just wanted to say I'm really sorry that Danny has to go through this, you know?

Sam: Thank you, Shawn. I appreciate that.

Shawn: I know I haven't been around much lately, but I've been thinking about him. You know, about all of you.

Sam: I really appreciate it. Thank you. Um... I'm gonna go take a cat nap.

Alexis: Oh, go ahead, honey. Sleep as long as you'd like.

Sam: Okay. Bye, Shawn.

Shawn: See you.

Alexis: She's not gonna sleep. She's gonna lie there and stare at the ceiling.

Shawn: Yeah. Like mother, like daughter. Actually, um, I got a feeling she was purposely leaving us alone.

Taylor: I'm sorry, TJ. I really am. I thought she knew. [Sighs] I feel horrible for hurting Molly like that.

TJ: Don't. I mean, this is not your fault. It's mine.

Taylor: So... are you guys really back together?

TJ: Uh... not anymore.

Molly: [Crying]

Rafe: Molly? What's wrong?

Alexis: I'm surprised you're here. I thought you turned yourself in. What, is Diane representing you? Because she's the only attorney I know that could get bail for a confessed attempted murderer.

Shawn: Wait, you haven't heard?

Alexis: Heard what?

Shawn: We have a lot to talk about, Alexis, especially what's gonna happen with us.

Carly: I don't know how you came to have a child with Franco, but the fact that you would choose to be with him now makes you no one I want to know.

Ava: Well... that's your choice. The important thing is our kids are crazy about each other. They make each other happy. And, as a parent, I know that you -- you want that for your son as I much as I want it for my daughter. You wouldn't do anything to stand in their way.

Carly: I'm guessing we have different parenting styles. Yes, I want my kid to be happy, but his safety is more important to me -- his physical and emotional safety -- and Franco is a threat to both.

Ava: Franco has started a new chapter in his life. Haven't you, my dumpling?

Franco: Mm.

Ava: And if that wasn't so, I wouldn't be with him. He's harmless. Trust me.

Carly: I don't know if you're deluded or just a flat-out liar, and I don't care. If you want to trust your daughter with Franco, that's great. I'm getting my son as far away as possible.

Franco: Children, do you think you can give us a moment? The grown-ups have something they need to sort out.

Kiki: Thought you'd never ask. Come on. Good luck.

Franco: Yep, sure.

Carly: [Chuckles]

[Door closes]

Franco: [Sighs] Carly, you need to listen to me very carefully, because I talk a lot, but I'm only gonna say this once. You either let Morgan stay here, or I will tell him that you tried to kill me.

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