GH Transcript Thursday 6/27/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 6/27/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Luke: Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I mean, I'm sorry to pull you away from the celebration.

Anna: Oh, we were just toasting Mac and Felicia's upcoming wedding, but you are the priority. You said it was important.

Luke: It is.

Anna: Yeah?

Luke: A matter of life and death.

TJ: [Sighs]

Molly: Hi.

TJ: Hi.

Molly: Got a second?

TJ: What for?

Molly: I heard you asked Shawn to check on me. You were worried about me because of Danny.

Rafe: Hey. Uh, how's Danny boy doing?

Sam: Down for the count. I think he'll be out for a while.

Rafe: Well, chemo's got to be pretty tiring.

Sam: Well, from what the nurses are saying, he's handling this a lot better than most kids his age.

Rafe: So, it sounds like Uncle Silas' treatment was a good idea?

Sam: I think so. I mean, who would have thought? I mean, that guy's a total arrogant jerk. He was right.

Rafe: Well, I'm glad he could help. But you know as soon as he sees that you and Danny are all good... he's dragging me out of here.

Sam: Yeah. Rafe, he's definitely taking you back to New York. It's just...a matter of when.

[Knock on door]

Lulu: I'm sorry. You are not more excited for this ultrasound than I am. It's actually not humanly possible.

Dante: Are you kidding me? This is the third trimester. This baby no longer looks like a garbanzo bean.

Lulu: I know! It's gonna look like -- like our baby. We are gonna know what that little person growing inside of you really looks like.

Maxie: Right. [Chuckles]

Lulu: Are you okay?

Maxie: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

Lulu: Please don't. You know that I can tell when something's wrong, and something's definitely wrong. Did something happen between you and Spinelli?

Sam: Hey. Spinelli. Hi. Come in.

Rafe: How's it going?

Spinelli: Uh, not that I don't appreciate the warm welcome, but were you perchance expecting someone else?

Sam: D-don't worry about that. Um...what brings you by?

Spinelli: Oh, I just wanted to see how my godson was faring post-chemo.

Sam: Oh, I was just telling Rafe he's actually out like a light right now.

Spinelli: Ah. Well, I regret not being able to get some face time with him, but I'm glad he's getting much needed rest.

Sam: Why don't you just stick around for a little bit. He's gonna be up. I'm sure he'd love to see you.

Spinelli: Oh! Well, how could I refuse such a generous offer?

Sam: Great. I'll get some snacks.

Spinelli: Yay!

Sam: He loves that.

[Doorbell rings]

Rafe: Don't worry. I'll get it. I can't freeze up every time the doorbell rings, thinking it's my Uncle Silas coming to take me away.

Silas: Hi.

Felix: Sabrina, I only hope the reason you're not answering is because you're busy taking your butt to the hospital. Call me as soon as you do, okay? I got to know that you got there before Britt. If she gets ahold of those test results, then this was all for nothing.

Taylor: [Groans] Do you mind? Some people are trying to sleep.

Felix: You can blame your new bestie for disturbing your beauty rest. That Britch is trying to stop her kid's paternity test.

Britt: Hold it right there, fish girl.

Ellie: [Scoffs] For your information, I didn't respond to that in middle school, and I certainly d--

Britt: Oh, well, respond to this. I do not want that paternity test completed.

Patrick: Too late. Have the results right here.

Sabrina: We're about to find out once and for all whether Patrick is the father of your baby.

TJ: Look, I'm really -- I'm really sorry that the kid has to go through all this. I really hope your family knows I'm pulling for him.

Molly: Thank you. That means a lot.

TJ: Yeah. This must be really hard on Sam.

Molly: Yeah. I have no idea how she's getting through it. I mean, she's Danny's mom. I'm only his aunt, and I can barely think about anything else.

TJ: Really?

Molly: Yes, really. I love Danny. He's seriously ill, and the only way to make him better is to pump him full of drugs that make him feel even worse.

TJ: Yeah, but you weren't thinking about Danny when -- you know...

Molly: When what? TJ, what is this about?

TJ: Nothing. Just forget it, all right? We're not gonna get into all this now, okay? Not while Danny's sick.

Molly: Well, now all I can focus on is this conversation, so you might as well tell me what's going on.

TJ: All right. Well, you said that you could barely think about anything else, but I saw you on Friday with Rafe.

Rafe: Uh, Sam?

Sam: Silas.

Silas: Hi.

Rafe: Are you here to take me back to New York?

Silas: We talked about this, buddy. I will be taking you with me, but not today. May I? [Sniffs] Mm.

Rafe: Sorry. I wasn't really sure of the timeline.

Sam: Actually, I'm -- I'm really glad you stopped by, Dr. Clay.

Silas: I'm hoping that Rafe will call me "Silas," and I'd like it if you'd do the same.

Sam: Okay, Silas. Danny is tolerating the chemo a lot better than Dr. Singh expected, and I'm sure it's because of the combination of drugs that you suggested to use, so thank you very much.

Silas: You're welcome.

Sam: I just want to get Danny through this. That's all I'm focusing on. I feel like this will be over soon.

Silas: Except it's not -- not by a long shot.

Maxie: What do you mean? No, nothing happened between me and Spinelli. Why would you even think that?

Lulu: I sensed a little tension when we picked you up.

Maxie: That was just Spinelli being Spinelli.

Lulu: Did he say something to upset you?

Spinelli: This baby started as a favor to two beloved friends, but now it's no longer just an idea. I mean, he or she's a child that you feel growing, moving, inside of you. I mean, you've -- you've identified which music they respond to. Every day, the child becomes more and more real, as does the fact that in three short months, you'll have to hand that child over to Dante and Lulu.

Lulu: Maxie. You can tell me. What did Spinelli say?

Maxie: [Sighs]

Anna: Ooh, that awful woman.

Luke: Well, let's get the devil her due. As revenge plots go, this one is brilliant.

Anna: So, the whole time, you've know, since you've been back -- ever since you rescued Lulu?

Luke: Well, she has been since then dripping poison into my ear, literally. I should have known that she wouldn't go into the long, dark night without leaving me some kind of parting gift.

Anna: I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say.

Luke: Slim, thank you, but I don't want people weeping over my grave before I'm even in it.

Anna: No, I know. I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What do you need?

Luke: All right. I need... [Sighs] I need every trick you've ever learned from the WSB about cheating death. I need...intelligence.

Anna: Okay. Well, the first thing you need to do is to figure out what the toxin is. I'll call poison control.

Luke: No, no, no. It's all right. I know what it is. Helena's little souvenir is called polonium-210.

Anna: What? Oh, God -- well, if you know already what the poison is, why are you here? You should be in the hospital, being treated!

Luke: You heard her. The cure isn't with GH. It's out there somewhere. I need you to help me find it.

Taylor: Britt never said anything about a paternity test.

Felix: That's because she didn't know there was one.

Taylor: But now she does?

Felix: It's not my fault. I didn't mean to say anything, but Britt made me so mad, I must have just let it slip.

Taylor: Ohh. So, that's what's got your panties in a bunch.

Felix: No, no, no, no, no. I'm having a bad day as it is. I won't let you impugn my choice of underwear. It's either low-rise boxer briefs or nothing at all, thank you very much.

Taylor: I so, so shouldn't know that.

Felix: And I so shouldn't have let Britt win this round, but what could I do? She was gonna call the police if I didn't let her go and stop that test. Can you believe that?

Taylor: Actually, yeah, I can. You know, if you ask me, you all should be arrested for what you did to Britt. [Scoffs]

Britt: Are you kidding me? Do any of you realize what you've just done?

Patrick: Uncovered the truth, which you've been trying to hide all along.

Britt: I can't believe you are a part of this. I mean, I always knew your little girlfriend was an idiot, but --

Patrick: Watch it, Britt.

Britt: But you -- you're a doctor, for God's sake. You're supposed to be smarter than this. Do I need to explain all the rules and laws that you broke on your little quest?

Patrick: Are you kidding me? You're gonna give me a lecture about rules after everything you've done?

Britt: And what about you, fish girl? Do you honestly think any lab is going to hire you once I turn you in for all the back-alley proce--

Sabrina: This wasn't Ellie's idea.

Britt: Oh, sweet little Sabrina. She who can do no wrong. No one would ever suspect you to break hospital policy.

Sabrina: Yeah? Well, someone had to stand up to you.

Britt: If anyone so much as peeks inside that envelope, I will make sure the review board kicks all your butts to the curb. So, unless you all want to be line for a sequestered-size unemployment check, you'll hand over those results to me. Right now!

Anna: I will do anything for you, Luke -- anything -- but you know Helena Cassadine better than anyone. And I've barely crossed paths with the woman.

Luke: Yes, but you have a better relationship with the WSB than I do. Now, the Cassadines have been on their radar for a long time, so I'm thinking maybe we could just put our heads together. At the very least, you can help me with intel, getting whatever weapons I may need.

Anna: Weapons?

Luke: Slim, listen -- I know you. You are determined. You are relentless. And when it comes to finishing a job, you have a streak of genius. It's a real shame that you've been on the wrong side of the law all this time.

Anna: [Chuckles] You've been known to side with law enforcement on occasion.

Luke: Okay. Well, if I've earned any points, I need to collect them now. If there's anybody who can help me figure this out, it's you.

Anna: I'm in.

Patrick: Okay, Britt. You win.

Sabrina: Patrick, wait. What -- what are you doing?

Patrick: I tried to convince myself that what we were doing here is right, and maybe it still is, but it doesn't change the fact that it's illegal. We could lose our jobs over this, and I don't want that to happen to you and especially not to you, Ellie. You were just helping us out.

Ellie: Thank you for standing up for me, Dr. Drake, but this was my choice. You didn't force me to do anything.

Patrick: I think there's another way that we can find the results of this test -- one that doesn't require us losing our jobs here at General Hospital.

Britt: Thank you, Patrick. I knew I could count on you to do the right thing.

Patrick: [Sighs] Well... thank you, Britt, for confirming everything that I've suspected all along.

Britt: What do you mean?

Patrick: Now I know for sure this baby's not mine.

Maxie: You want me to tell you what Spinelli said to me?

Dante: Hey, remember we said we'd give Maxie her space and not try and micromanage her life?

Lulu: [Sighs] I'm not trying to manage Maxie. I just thought that maybe she needed to talk.

Dante: I don't know if she does, and what she talks about with Spinelli isn't really our business, okay?

Lulu: Okay, we were best friends long before you were our surrogate, which means that we listen to each other, and we help if we can, and if something's bothering you, I just want you to be able to tell me.

Maxie: I appreciate that, Lulu. I really do. I-it's just --

Dante: Look, she's got a complicated relationship going on with Spinelli, right? Now she's living with his new girlfriend. It's probably weird.

Maxie: That's very insightful, Dante -- and sensitive, not that I think you're insensitive.

Lulu: I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid. I didn't even realize.

Maxie: No, don't worry about it, okay? It's all gonna be fine. Just...talking to Spinelli reminded me of the situation we're all in. That's it.

Rafe: What do you mean, "it's not over"?

Sam: Danny's been receptive to the treatment you've recommended.

Silas: Yes, and I'm glad to hear it, but it's no time for victory laps.

Spinelli: Um, if I may interject, your medical credentials are clearly beyond reproach, but your bedside manner leaves much to be desired.

Silas: Mm. I'm sorry. Who are you again?

Spinelli: Oh, I'm, um, Damian Spinelli, Private Investigator -- specifically, Sam's business partner and a very close friend of the family.

Silas: Right -- "The Jester."

Sam: [Groans]

Spinelli: Actually, it's -- it's -- it's "The Jackal." But in addition to being Sam's business partner and friend, I'm also Danny's godfather, and it is in that capacity which I take exception to your appalling lack of tact.

Silas: Hey, Jester -- all right? -- We're all on the same side here. I want Danny to make it as much as you do, so why don't you calm down for a second and let the grown-ups talk?

Molly: TJ, the prom was canceled. You didn't see me there with Rafe. You couldn't have.

TJ: I wasn't talking about the dance. I was talking about the little party that you and Rafe had in the park.

Molly: How do you even know about that?

TJ: Look, that's not the point. The point is you came in here the other day, and you made it seem like you wanted to get back together. Well, then I saw you and Rafe in the park.

Molly: Well, you were going to the prom with Taylor.

TJ: This wasn't prom! There was no prom! It was just you and Rafe dancing. And then I saw you kissing him. So, I can't buy that whole "Danny's all you can think about," 'cause it sure seems like some other guy's been on your mind.

Luke: Yes. Great. Thank you. I owe you one.

Anna: I assume that was Frisco, yeah?

Luke: Yeah. He's having his team monitor any suspicious activities around the Cassadine Island. What about you? Anything?

Anna: I've been on the WSB database, looking for all the polonium-210 poisons. So, the most detailed case they have is from 2006. Do you remember the Russian spy who was all over the news?

Luke: Alexander Litvinenko.

Anna: Exactly, yeah.

Luke: Well, I don't suppose there's any connection between him and our favorite Greeks.

Anna: No, not according to these reports. There's no ties to the Cassadines, no. That's the most detailed report they have -- 2006. But, uh... oh. This one's a bit more recent. Oh, my -- no way.

Luke: What?

Anna: It happened right here in Port Charles.

Maxie: I hope it's okay that Dante and Lulu are here. Dr. Westbourne allowed it.

Dr. Chu: Oh, I was happy to take your case when Dr. Westbourne went on medical leave. She assured me that you were a close-knit group and that you're all very excited about this baby.

Lulu: That would be an understatement. [Chuckles]

Dr. Chu: You're in the third trimester, so before you know it, your baby will be here. What do you say we have a look?

[Heart beating]

Dr. Chu: And that is the baby's heartbeat.

[Beating continues]

Dante: Wow. Do you ever get tired of hearing that sound?

Lulu: That is not possible.

Dr. Chu: It's a good, strong heartbeat. Lungs are developing nicely, and, um...let's see. Okay. Before we go any further, I should ask you, do you know the baby's sex?

Dante: Well, Lulu here didn't want to know.

Lulu: Actually, um... I think I changed my mind.

Britt: Patrick, how many times do I have to tell you this is your baby?!

Patrick: If that was true, Britt, why would you destroy the test results?

Sabrina: If the baby was really Patrick's, you wouldn't have come down here in the first place. Why stop us from seeing the test if the results proved you right?

Patrick: We're done...with all of this...finally.

Britt: Patrick, wait.

Felix: You seriously think we've been unfair to Britt? What about what she did to us?

Taylor: Okay, let me get -- let me get this straight. [Chuckles] Okay. So, some big-deal doctor sleeps with Britt, knocks her up, dumps her, then goes behind her back just to get out of taking responsibility for his kid?

Felix: [Chuckles] You are so late to the party, girl. Britt locked in on Patrick and traced him like a heat-seeking missile. She basically ambushed him in the hospital shower for their only sexual encounter, which may or may not be responsible for her pregnancy. She used her position on staff to make Sabrina's life miserable. Then she defiled the Nurses' Ball, a major fundraiser for AIDS-related programs, to announce her tawdry pregnancy. Britt Westbourne is relentless, remorseless, and lying like a rug about her baby daddy, and she's gonna get what she deserves.

Taylor: You know what? Did you ever look at it from her perspective? Maybe she honestly loves Patrick or at least cares about him, and maybe -- you know, maybe she wanted something real but got sabotaged every step of the way because of Team Sabrina. And to make it all worse, Britt has to put up with your never-ending supply of nicknames.

Felix: Every one of which she more than deserves.

Taylor: You know what? You can spin it all you want. [Scoffs] I just don't see Britt as the bad guy here.

Felix: Then you haven't been paying attention. Britt manipulated this whole situation. You know what? You don't even know what you're talking about.

Taylor: Yeah, I do. Britt told me all about it.

Felix: Right. When did Dr. West Nile -- Westbourne -- open up to you about this?

Taylor: Right after I opened up to her about me and TJ.

Molly: Okay, look, I know it was hard for you to see me with Rafe, but you don't know the whole story. And for you to just jump to conclusions like that -- it really hurts.

TJ: I'm sorry, all right? But come on. How do you think I felt when I saw you with Rafe?

Molly: Were you following me?

TJ: No. I saw you from -- from a car, so...

Molly: Well, I wish you'd said something before, because what you saw between Rafe and me was a kiss goodbye.

TJ: What do you mean?

Molly: We thought it was gonna be his last night here before his uncle takes him to New York. TJ, that kiss -- it wasn't romantic. Rafe even said he knew I was just kissing him as a friend. He knew that I didn't feel anything for him. And he was right. It didn't feel the same way --

TJ: What way?

Molly: The way it feels when I kiss you.

Sam: Just because you gave me some medical advice does not mean you get to come into my family's home and talk to my friends like that.

Silas: I'd be less worried about my personality flaws and more about getting your son healthy.

Rafe: Could you try to be human for once? The only thing Sam cares about is making sure Danny's okay.

Silas: Yes, and that doesn't happen with wishful thinking, Rafe.

Spinelli: Young Daniel is undergoing chemo. Sam has done her utmost to secure proper treatment.

Silas: She needs to do more.

Sam: What are you saying? I-I don't -- I don't understand. Didn't you say the protocol was working? So, what -- you just -- you have to be right all the time? What, do you need me following you around, begging for help?

Silas: Believe me -- once your son goes into remission, I'll be more than happy to never see you again.

Sam: Danny's not going into remission?

Silas: The treatment protocol is working, yes, but given the seriousness of Danny's condition and what I've been able to make from his labs... there's a very good chance Danny's gonna need a bone-marrow transplant to survive.

Sam: Danny's doctors mentioned the possibility of a bone-marrow transplant someday, but that I shouldn't worry about that right now -- that, based on his labwork --

Silas: They didn't want to trouble you, Sam, until they knew for sure. That's the difference between me and them. I don't mind troubling you.

Rafe: Yeah, no kidding.

Spinelli: You appear to enjoy troubling people, Dr. Clay, and while it is not uncommon for doctors to manifest a God complex, you are taking it to extremes.

Silas: Noted, thank you. If you want your son to live, you will start facing the fact that a bone-marrow transplant is the only cure and is most likely what Danny will need.

Rafe: Would you stop? You're scaring her.

Silas: Good.

Spinelli: Good?!

Silas: She needs to get it out of her system, right here, right now. You need to prepare for this, Sam. If the treatment continues the way I'm expecting, we're gonna need to jump in with that donated bone marrow immediately. You should be looking for a match right now.

Felix: Excuse me? You and TJ?

Taylor: Never mind.

Felix: That's right, I won't mind, and neither will you. There is no "you and TJ." It's "TJ and Molly." You shouldn't be trying to come between that. They're almost back on track.

Taylor: Oh, yeah? Then why did he sleep with me the other night?

TJ: Oh, my God, Molly! It's okay. I'm -- I'm -- I'm a total jerk.

Molly: No, you're not.

TJ: Yeah, I am. I didn't even bother asking you what happened. I just assumed the worst and bit your head off. We weren't even together.

Molly: No, but I get it. I mean, if our positions were reversed, I'd hate thinking about you with someone else.

Molly: TJ...

TJ: Uh...

Molly: ...What's wrong?

Felix: When I called you out on your walk of shame, I was referring to you staying out all night. I mean, I knew there'd been some drinking and maybe perhaps some close contact in the back of the limo, but I was sure it wouldn't go any farther.

Taylor: Well, then you were wrong. Relax, okay? We were totally safe, and it's not like it was my first time.

Felix: Well, surprisingly, that's not a comfort.

Taylor: Look, there's no point in freaking out about it now, okay? It's over and done.

Felix: Then I guess I should congratulate you. Mission accomplished. You wanted TJ, and now you got him.

Taylor: I guess so.

Felix: What -- what do you mean, you guess so?

Taylor: To tell you the truth, he hasn't called me since.

TJ: It's nothing. Uh...don't worry about it.

Molly: Are you sure?

TJ: Yeah, I'm sure.

Molly: Okay. Well, um... now that we've got everything out in the open, what do you think about us maybe getting back together?

Britt: I realize my emotions have been all over the place. I mean, pregnancy hormones will do that. But I promise you, Patrick, you are the father of this child, and I'm willing to prove it.

Sabrina: How, Britt -- by taking another test? The whole reason we went behind your back was to make sure your little buddy Brad didn't get his hands on the results.

Britt: Yeah, which is why I tore them up -- to make a point of you violating my privacy.

Patrick: Britt, you didn't tear those test results up to teach us a lesson about following rules. You did it because you're lying. The baby's not mine.

Britt: No, you're wrong, and I'm willing to prove it. I'll take a new test, which will be completely aboveboard. In fact, I mean, if it makes you feel any better, I'll even let Miss Trout run it -- not that it's necessary. I mean, if you completed the previous test, you already know the outcome.

Patrick: Is that true, Ellie? Do you know the results of the test?

Ellie: Yes. I do.

Luke: Wait a minute. Are you saying that somebody here in the chuckles was poisoned with polonium? Are there Russian spies here I didn't know about?

Anna: No. It's related to the toxins that were put into the water supply during the summit. You remember that?

Luke: Yes, poisoning the well -- literally.

Anna: You and I -- we were out of the country at the time. We were in Switzerland. So, when I got back, I got a full debriefing, but, apparently, the agents that I spoke to failed to mention this interview that they had with Jasper Jacks.

Luke: Jax knows something about it?

Anna: Yeah. According to him, his brother was shot with a polonium-laced bullet. Now, even though the bullet was removed, the resulting radiation poisoning was killing Jerry. So, the ransom that he asked for the antitoxin -- you know, $88 million -- so, that must have been the amount he needed for the cure for him. A-a-and that's an extraordinary amount for a legitimate hospital to charge.

Luke: I wonder...if the seller was Helena.

Dante: Are you serious? Now you want to know the sex of the baby?

Lulu: Yeah, it seems as good a time as any. We're here.

Dante: You're sure? 'Cause, I mean, you made a pretty huge deal about wanting to be surprised.

Lulu: Yes, I did, but I started thinking about all the stuff that we have to do to get ready for the baby, and I'm excited -- slightly overwhelmed. It would be easier if we know if we're having a girl or a boy.

Dante: All right. No argument from me, okay?

Lulu: Okay.

Dante: What are we waiting for?

Lulu: Oh, uh, Maxie, you're all right with this?

Maxie: Me?

Lulu: Yeah. You are the one carrying our baby. You're as much a part of this as we are.

Maxie: It's your baby. I just want what's best for the three of you.

Dante: Okay, Doc. So, what are we having -- a boy or a girl?

Sam: Okay.

Silas: What's okay?

Sam: Well, if you're telling me that Danny needs a bone-marrow transplant, then that's what he's gonna get. Where do I find a donor?

Silas: Well, the good thing is no one has to die to be a bone-marrow donor. You're not giving up anything you can't make more of yourself.

Rafe: Could I be Danny's donor?

Silas: You can get yourself tested, Rafe, but it's unlikely. Donation calls for a very specific match.

Sam: How specific?

Silas: Well, preferably, immediate family, ideally, parents, siblings, and since the father's dead -- right?

Spinelli: Thanks for putting that so delicately.

Silas: You need to get yourself tested right away, Sam. You're Danny's best shot.

Sam: What if I'm not a match?

Silas: Well, then you need to start looking at Danny's closest living relatives.

Molly: Okay, while I admit you're under no obligation to answer my question, and I was risking total humiliation by even asking you if you wanted to get back together, could you please do me a favor and say something?

TJ: Molly, I'm sorry. Listen, there's nothing I want more than to get back together with you, but I've done some really stupid things that I don't think you can forgive me for.

Molly: I know. I know. We've both made mistakes. I-I should have been more understanding, especially since you were right -- Rafe did have feelings for me.

TJ: And that kiss?

Molly: Completely on his side. I told you, the only thing I feel for Rafe is friendship.

TJ: I wish I would have listened.

Molly: Yeah, you should have trusted me, but I should have talked to you about it instead of just getting upset. If I had, maybe none of this would have happened.

TJ: Maybe.

Molly: So, what if we erase everything that's happened these past few months -- just forget about all the mistakes we've both made and try this again?

TJ: You mean it?

Molly: Yeah. None of that stuff matters. All that matters is us.

TJ: I think I can give this another shot, too.

Felix: Hold up. Are you saying that this kid slept with you on prom night and then never called you?

Taylor: Well, I mean, when you say it like that -- Felix, wait. Where are you going?

Felix: I've always liked TJ. I almost feel bad I'm gonna have to kick his ass.

Taylor: What are you talking about?

Felix: Nobody treats my sister like that! I don't care who they are!

Taylor: Felix, no! You don't need to do that.

Felix: The hell I don't! TJ needs to learn a lesson in basic respect and manners.

Taylor: No, trust me, okay? I appreciate you wanting to, like, protect me, but I can handle this, okay? Besides, it's not like I tried calling him, either.

Felix: So?

Taylor: Well, so this could all just be some misunderstanding. You don't need to kick his ass. [Chuckles] But it means a lot that you wanted to.

Ellie: As we discussed, I ran the test personally, so... I did see the results.

Sabrina: Ellie, why didn't you say anything before?

Ellie: I'm just here to provide information. It's really not my place to intervene in any personal conflicts.

Britt: I admire your professionalism, Miss Trout. But this concerns my child, and since we all want to put this matter to bed, so to speak, I'm giving you my permission. If you would, please reveal the results.

Ellie: I'm sorry, Dr. Drake... But you are the baby's father.

Patrick: You sure?

Ellie: Yeah, I'm...absolutely positive.

Lulu: [Laughs]

Dante: I don't even know what to say.

Lulu: Is this what you wanted?

Dante: It's fine. I just wanted a healthy baby. Yes, this is exactly what I wanted.

Lulu: Me too. Oh, my gosh. [Laughs]

Dr. Chu: Careful, now. You don't want to jostle your surrogate.

Lulu: Oh, right. Yes. Sorry. It's just this is incredible. Isn't this amazing?

Maxie: It's amazing.

[Both laugh]

Luke: So, that's the way out of this that the old bitch was squawking about. The answer is Jerry Jacks.

Anna: Uh, there's one substantial drawback.

Luke: Only one?

Anna: Yeah, Jerry Jacks is presumed to have died in a boat explosion.

Luke: Oh, is that all?

Anna: I am the last person to put faith in reports of someone's death, but, according to his brother, he was sitting right next to the fuel tank, which means that he would have caught the full force of the blast.

Luke: So, it's all a guess? They probably never recovered a body, right?

Anna: No, no trace, no.

Luke: Then he could still be alive and walking around.

Anna: Well, this is a scenario that I'm more than a little familiar with, yes. Plus, the $88 million was never recovered.

Luke: So, we've got the demon from down under buying himself a cure. That means if I can find Jerry Jacks... he can lead me to it.

Anna: Don't you think this is a bit of a long shot?

Luke: Oh, darling, I always play the long shots. They pay off best. No, I'm sure... Jerry Jacks is the way out of this. I could see it in their faces.

Anna: Officially, Jerry Jacks is dead. The missing $88 million is considered to be a low-priority cold case. There have been no real leads on Jerry or the money in almost a year.

Luke: That means he's found a very secure location, and he'll be difficult to find.

Anna: All right. When do we leave?

Luke: No, we're not leaving. You're staying here.

Anna: What about all these inspiring words about how you needed my hard-won expertise?

Luke: I do need it -- here, staying in touch with your sources, feeding me intelligence, and maybe even paving the way for me on both sides of the espionage game.

Anna: Luke, backup works best when you're in actual physical proximity.

Luke: Slim, this is a one-man show. Helena's challenge was to me and me alone.

Anna: That woman is trying to kill you, Luke. You're not obligated to play by her rules.

Luke: I've been playing this end game with her for most of my adult life. I am not gonna throw the match now. No, I'm coming out victorious in this game, baby, and alive.

Spinelli: Um, please give Danny my regrets. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to postpone our visit. I've much work to do.

Sam: On a case?

Spinelli: You just focus on getting tested. I'm gonna put together a list of potential donors and figure out a way to screen them.

Sam: You would do all that?

Spinelli: You need to even ask?

Sam: Thank you. Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you.

Spinelli: Okay.

Silas: Yeah, so long, Jester.

Spinelli: Funny story. I've been thinking about growing my hair out, and then --

Sam: Uh, Spinelli, why don't you show Silas out, please?

Silas: I can show myself out. Keep me in the loop about Danny. I'll be in touch. Be in touch with both of you.

Molly: Wow.

TJ: What?

Molly: I can't remember the last time I was this happy.

TJ: Me neither.

Molly: I actually feel kind of bad, thinking about all the stuff that's happening with my family.

TJ: Well, trust me -- I can be happy for the both of us.

Molly: [Sighs] You know, I-I should probably go and check on Sam and Danny. They're staying at my house while he's getting his treatment.

TJ: I would go with you, but I don't get off till later.

Molly: No, it's okay. Don't worry about it. I'll text you -- let you know how everyone's doing.

TJ: Okay. I can't wait.

Molly: [Chuckle softly]

TJ: [Sighs] Clean slate. I like the sound of that.

Felix: They sure grow up fast, don't they?

Taylor: [Sighs] Molly.

Molly: Hi, Taylor. Is there a problem?

Taylor: Oh, I just didn't expect to see you here, but since you're leaving...

Molly: If you're looking for TJ, you should probably know we just got back together.

Taylor: Seriously?

Molly: Yeah. We, uh -- we worked things out, told each other everything.

Taylor: Everything?

Molly: Yep, so there are no secrets between us now.

Taylor: Oh, I see. Um, so, he told you that we slept together?

Britt: Hope you're satisfied.

Patrick: I'm sorry.

Britt: All that matters is that we all understand each other, which is the only thing that I wanted, so... and even though I should report you, and I have every right to do so, I won't. But all I ask in return, Patrick, is that you finally accept that this baby is going to be a part of your life. And so am I.

Ellie: I'm really sorry. I didn't think it was gonna end this way. I wish I could stay and talk to you two, but I have another lab I really need to get started on.

Patrick: It's all right, Ellie. Thank you.

Sabrina: [Sighs] You know, I'm -- I'm the one who should be apologizing, Patrick. I was so certain she was lying.

Patrick: I was just as convinced as you were. But it looks like we were both wrong. Britt's having my child.

[Cell phone beeps]

Dante: I still -- I can't believe this. I mean, this is -- this is incredible.

Lulu: I can't describe what I'm feeling right now. I am so happy.

Dante: Me too. [Chuckles]

Lulu: [Squeals]

Dante: [Laughs]

Lulu: [Kissing]

Maxie: [Sniffles]

Dr. Chu: Maxie, is everything okay?

Maxie: I'm fine. Um... I'm just processing everything. I'm having a girl. [Chuckles]

Lulu: We're having a girl.

Dante: We are having a girl.

[Both laugh]

[Cell phone beeps]

Text from Dr. Obrecht to Britt: "I told you everything would work out. You should always trust your mother."

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