GH Transcript Wednesday 6/26/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 6/26/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Dante: So, how's it going? What's up?

Lulu: We can't afford this.

Dante: Well, you just reopened. Business will pick up.

Lulu: I'm not talking about the Haunted Star. I'm talking about the baby.

[Piano music plays]

Maxie: [Gasps] [Chuckling] Oh. You like that song, don't you, baby? Was that a little pirouette? 'Cause it felt like it. Ooh. [Inhales deeply] Why don't we ease up with the slow dance? [Chuckles] [Exhales deeply] It's one thing to dance before you can walk, but to dance before you're born... [Chuckles] I guess I have to respect your ambition. You are Mommy's tiny dancer. [Chuckles] Oh. [Chuckles]

Spinelli: You're becoming attached to the baby, aren't you?

Britt: Where's the man of the house?

Felix: [Groans] Mm. Right here.

Britt: [Chuckles] Sorry, I was unclear. I meant the squinty nurse with the boyish figure you share this dumpy apartment with.

Felix: [Chuckles] Oh, you mean Sabrina.

Britt: Oh, is that her name?

Felix: Hmm. She didn't make it home last night. She and her boyish figure spent all evening and, uh, apparently all morning with a rakishly handsome doctor named Patrick. Perhaps you know him. In fact, I bet she's climbing the rugged slopes of Mount Drake even as we speak.

Patrick: [Sighing] Oh.

Sabrina: [Sighs]

[Both sighing]

Patrick: [Chuckles]

Sabrina: Oh, my God. That was... [Sighs]

Patrick: Yeah, it was. You were loud.

Sabrina: What?

Patrick: You were.

Sabrina: I was not.

Patrick: Yeah, you were. I mean, I love my daughter, but it's a good thing she stayed with Anna and Duke last night.

Sabrina: Oh, my...oh, my God.

Anna: That was fun, wasn't it -- walking little Emma to day camp?

Duke: Yes. I like watching you two together.

Anna: Hey. Morning. Luke? Hello? Did you see that?

Duke: Luke Spencer, being his usual charming self, yes.

Anna: Well, I've seen him in a bad mood before, but he barely said hello.

Duke: He didn't say hello.

Anna: Okay, he didn't say hello. I wonder what's wrong.

Duke: Well, perhaps he's still bruised from the demise of your romantic relationship.

Anna: Don't gloat. It's unbecoming. He and I -- we finished on a good note. No, it's -- whatever's on the computer has got to be very important, or he's got something on his mind.

Duke: Or both.

Anna: Honestly.

Duke: [Chuckles]

Helena: By now, you should have received a preliminary diagnosis. There is a toxin wreaking havoc in your body, and no one knows how it got there. Allow me to enlighten you. I put it there. [Fast-forwarding] You were never going to survive our encounter on the Haunted Star. Oh, you, at best, picked up a little extra time, but your demise has always been beyond doubt...

[Knock on door]

Tracy: Ellie, open up!

Ellie: Ms. Quartermaine, hi. Is there something I can do for you?

Tracy: Yeah, I need you to test this. It's poisonous, and I need you to find out what the toxin is before it kills Luke Spencer.

Helena: On its own, it's... merely a -- well, a vulgar affectation, but when laced with a toxin, it becomes the cause of your ruin. Oh, the dose wasn't strong enough to kill you where you stood, but it will and soon. Death delayed is death, all the same. You may have killed me, Luke, but I killed you, too.

Laura: Wow. It must be really good.

Dante: What am I looking at?

Lulu: Okay, um, this is all of the stuff that we need. You think that you can get away with a crib, a changing table, some diapers, a onesie, a pacifier, and a diaper genie, but no way. Okay, there is so much more.

Dante: Okay, well, we don't need that. That's a chair. We have lots of chairs.

Lulu: No, that's not a chair. That is a glider. Babies need to glide now.

Dante: Okay, what do we need a...centrifuge for?

Lulu: That is a spin and store bottle-drying rack.

Dante: Okay, we'll use the dish drainer. Two down. What's next?

Lulu: Um, well, look. This is the convertible travel system, crib bumpers... okay, I have no idea what that is, but obviously, the baby needs it.

Dante: No, the website wants to make you think the baby needs it. That's something different, entirely.

Lulu: Well, fine. Okay. Even if we go down to just the bare essentials...

Dante: Wow.

Lulu: ...It's gonna be expensive and time-consuming, and we haven't even started yet. The baby's gonna be here in, like, 10 to 12 weeks, and we don't even have onesies. And we need --

Dante: Okay.

Lulu: We need, like, 14 of those.

Dante: Hold the phone. You know, we'll save up every week for a onesie, and by the time the baby gets here, we'll have lots of onesies.

Lulu: Yeah, but how will we buy the onesies when we don't know the sex of the baby? What color will we buy?

Dante: Sports stuff. Yankees' gear -- lots of Yankees' stuff. No Red Sox, Giants, no Jets, no Patriots -- we'll be fine.

Lulu: What if the baby grows up and likes the Patriots? [Gasps] What if the baby is a Red Sox fan?

Dante: [Groans] [Shudders] Why? Why would you traumatize the father-to-be?

Lulu: Because we should be traumatized. We are not ready for this baby.

Maxie: Of course, I'm attached to this baby. I'm carrying it inside of me. It's literally attached to me.

Spinelli: Right.

Maxie: Do you have some sort of problem with that?

[Knock on door]

Spinelli: Of course not.

Maxie: You know, Spinelli, Ellie's not here, so, why are you?

Mac: Hi, Maxie.

Maxie: Where's Mom?

Mac: Felicia's running late, so I thought I'd come over --

Maxie: Oh, so, if the minister's running late or the caterer or the florist, you're just gonna be okay with that? I don't think so.

Mac: Maxie, what's wrong?

Maxie: Since Mom couldn't be bothered to show up, could you please give her this? I made one for each of you. Pay close attention to the timetable on page three.

Mac: Maxie, what's going on? This tantrum you're having has nothing to do with the wedding. Are you okay? Is our baby okay?

Maxie: This baby is not ours, okay? It actually has nothing to do with either of us. Now, do you want to get married or not?

Mac: Of course.

Maxie: Great. You know what you need to do. Now do it.

Mac: Listen, you know, when you calm down, we're gonna talk about this.

Maxie: What?

Duke: Well, I must say this is a very interesting choice of venue.

Anna: Yeah. It's such a lovely day, I thought, you know, we should enjoy it, right?

Duke: Hmm. Well, if you're not gonna volunteer the information, I'm gonna ask you the question. Is this the exact table where Franco was sitting for his assassination attempt, or are you here trying to find a different vantage point?

Anna: Okay, fine. Yeah, whatever. I'm mixing business and pleasure.

Duke: And what am I?

Anna: Pleasure.

Duke: [Chuckles]

Anna: You'd better stay that way, too.

Duke: Oh, don't worry about that. I'm on the straight and narrow, much like the trajectory of that bullet. But now since we're on the subject...

Anna: Yes?

Duke: Have you found a suspect?

Anna: We did, but we hit a slight snag, and now we don't know who tried to shoot Franco.

Duke: So, you thought you could revisit the scene of the crime with your...with your favorite reformed criminal.

Anna: I just thought maybe something would be revealed to me -- that's all.

Duke: Well, can I help you in any way?

Anna: No. This is an open investigation. I'm not at liberty to discuss anything with you.

Duke: Well, you could deputize me.

Anna: Yeah, I'll bear that in mind. All right. Since we can't talk about my work, let's talk about yours. How's ELQ?

Duke: Well, I had a very interesting run-in with a mysterious woman there yesterday -- a young lady by the name of Ms. Ava Jerome.

Anna: Jerome? Oh, God. No. Is it a coincidence, or is she some person trying to tempt you back into your former life?

Luke: Um, I was watching a cat dressed as a moose, riding a vacuum cleaner, chasing a duck. [Chuckles]

Laura: Huh. Well, that's good. At least you weren't wasting any time.

Luke: Oh, no. Not me. No. No. So, uh, how's married life? Lesley tells me that you and Baldwin got hitched.

Laura: Yes, we did -- at Wyndemere.

Luke: Ah. That cobweb-ridden house of horrors -- how appropriate.

Laura: I can just imagine what my mother said to you about it all. I mean, given that she likes Scotty about as much as you do.

Luke: Well, actually said she -- she said that she was happy for you.

Laura: She did? And you believed it?

Luke: Well, she seemed sincere.

Laura: Really?

Luke: And I am, too. I'm happy for you.

Laura: Now I know you're lying.

Luke: No, never about your happiness, darling. [Inhales deeply] It's what you wanted. [Exhales deeply] I wish you well.

Laura: Thank you, Luke. That means so much.

Luke: Would you like to sit down?

Laura: Yes.

Luke: So, uh, have you talked to Lulu?

Laura: Yes. She was my first stop when I got off the plane.

Luke: Mm. So you know that Dante was able to undo a lot of the damage that Stavros did to her?

Laura: Yes.

Luke: I told her no Cassadine ever got the best of a Spencer.

Laura: I know, and now they never will. [Chuckles] Lulu's got her memory back, her life back, and finally, finally, all is well. Except, um...

Luke: Except what?

Laura: Well, Lulu seems to be a little concerned about Tracy. How is she?

Luke: Tracy's fine. Why?

Laura: Oh, well, Lulu said she ran into the two of you at the hospital, and Tracy was waiting for some kind of test results.

Luke: Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. No, no. That was just a false alarm.

Laura: Oh.

Luke: You know Tracy -- she's got the constitution of a yak.

Laura: [Laughs]

Luke: [Laughs]

Laura: Well, good, then. I'm relieved.

Luke: Good. Now -- now I know you're lying.

Laura: Okay. Come on, now. Look. Look. If you can be happy for me, I can be glad about Tracy.

Luke: Okay.

Laura: Luke?

Luke: Hmm?

Laura: I'm a little bit worried about you right now. Are -- are you okay?

Ellie: I'm sorry?

Tracy: Are you or are you not working to identify the toxin that was in Luke's body?

Ellie: I am.

Tracy: Okay, well, this earring is the means by which it was administered. Luke does not have any time to spare. You have to find out what the toxin is.

Ellie: Actually, I already have.

Tracy: You know what's poisoning Luke?

Ellie: Yes, but...

Tracy: Well, tell me what it is and how to get rid of it.

Ellie: I'm sorry, Ms. Quartermaine, that information is confidential.

Tracy: Confidential?! Do you know how much money I give to this hospital?

Ellie: Yes, I do, and it's very impressive, but I am only authorized to give the results to Dr. Beckett, who ordered the tests or Luke Spencer, personally.

Tracy: Fine, then that's exactly what you're gonna do.

Luke: No, I'm fine.

Laura: Really, Luke? Because -- I don't know -- you just look a little bit pale to me. I mean, are you sure you're all right?

Luke: No, no, I-- I'm fine. I'm -- maybe I didn't sleep well or something, but I'm okay. Thanks for asking.

Laura: Okay. I'm sorry.

Lucy: Well, I am so sorry I am so late. What's going on here?

Laura: I'm just saying hello.

Lucy: Oh, it looks like you've had plenty of time to say that. Luke, Laura has to go now, because Laura and I have a very important business meeting.

Luke: Well, far be it from me to impede the flow of commerce.

Laura: [Chuckles nervously] Actually, Lucy, I'd kind of like to finish my --

Lucy: No, actually, I think you said hello. Now it's time to say goodbye. Say goodbye. Bye-bye. Say so long. Farewell. Goodbye, Luke bye-bye. Bye-bye. Talk, Luke. We have a meeting. You promised.

Laura: Listen to yourself.

Helena: Consider this my final challenge and my final gift -- all rolled into one. There is a way to save your life, but you won't find it at General Hospital.

[Cell phone ringing]

Luke: Ms. Quartermaine. What's up?

Tracy: I am at the 10th-floor lab. If you want answers, get over here right away.

Luke: Uh, bill my room.

Lucy: Well, obviously, I cannot be late again, and I was stuck in traffic behind someone texting, and then they got pulled over by the police, and I should not have been late, because obviously, it doesn't work out, because you can't be trusted.

Anna: But who is she, really? Is she a Jerome or what?

Duke: Well, I wondered that myself when she said the name, and I grilled her very gently, but she assured me she's not related to the crime family that I once was involved with.

Anna: You don't believe her.

Duke: Well, shall we just say the jury's out at this point, but there was something definitely dodgy about her.

Anna: Oh, God, Duke, you know, you've got to be careful. The last thing either of us can afford is for you to get mixed up in the mob again.

Duke: Don't worry about that. That's not gonna happen. I'm not gonna risk that. I know what I would lose. I wouldn't do that.

Felicia: Oh, ah.

Anna: Hey.

Felicia: Hello. Aww, you two. You're so sweet. It's like "Downton Abbey" but a little more contemporary.

Anna: Just a bit.

[Both chuckle]

Duke: So, are you two here for brunch or also to gawk at the crime scene?

Mac: Actually, we're trying to track the two of you down. And if you're not too busy, we have something very important to ask.

Sabrina: Okay. Okay. I'm serious.

Patrick: So am I.

Sabrina: No. It's a big day. We got to go to the hospital and get the paternity test for Britt's baby.

Patrick: There goes that. [Sighs] But you're right. It is a big day. It's the day I find out if Britt's lying to me... or not.

Felix: Hmm. I hope Sabrina and Patrick know they have you to thank for these sex marathons. I mean, after all, if you hadn't stood between them for so long, they wouldn't feel the need to make up for lost time.

Britt: All I know is I have you to thank for not wanting breakfast anymore.

Felix: Oh. You must eat for the baby... whosever it is.

Britt: What's that?

Felix: I said, "I'll make you breakfast." It's the least I could do. Because of you, I have the couch to myself these days.

Britt: Yeah, and from what I can see, you're used to sleeping alone.

Felix: [Sighs] It's the one thing you and I seem to have in common. Yep, Sabrina's one happy woman. Patrick has put a spring in her step and roses in her cheeks.

Britt: Well, it doesn't hurt that she's finally discovered high-tech items such as contact lenses and a comb.

Felix: [Chuckles] Yeah, uh, didn't Patrick tell you? Probably not, because he can't stand to speak with you, but the night of the Nurses' Ball -- you remember that, right? Patrick sought out Sabrina before he saw the beautiful transformation. Yeah, he loves her with or without the specs and the miracle I performed on her hair. Credit where it's due.

Britt: I'm sure you did the best you could with the material you were given.

Felix: Yeah, and girlfriend is reaping the rewards. Ascending Mount Drake vigorously and often has done her a world of good. Oh, I don't mean to rub it in. I mean, after all, you only got to slap those crampons on once.

Britt: One time "climbing Mount Drake," as you so elegantly put it, was all it took to get me pregnant. So, your nerdy, little sherpa can climb that mountain as much as she wants now. Before long, she's gonna disappear into thin air, because I'm the one having Patrick's child.

Felix: I guess we're gonna find out if that's true, aren't we?

Britt: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Duke: Well, this is certainly a lot of intrigue for a simple question. I can't imagine what it is you're gonna ask me.

Mac: Well, I was hoping, um, you would do me the honor of being my best man.

Felicia: Do you want to be my maid of honor?

Laura: Lucy, I was saying hello. I haven't seen him in weeks.

Laura: Weeks. Weeks you have just spent on your honeymoon with your new husband, my ex-husband, who used to be your ex-husband. So, why the heck did you feel the need to go say hello to your other ex-husband?

Laura: Well, because we have children together, not unlike you and Scotty, and we were talking about our daughter.

Lucy: Well, I guess Lulu was recently traumatized, so that could be okay. Are you absolutely sure that's all it was?

Laura: Yes. I love Scotty. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him. I know that you are really protective of Scotty -- I get that -- but believe me when I say you have nothing to worry about with me.

Lucy: Okay. Good. That is such a relief, because I want absolutely nothing to interfere with us bringing back Deception. I'm so excited. I have so many ideas.

Laura: But wait. Wait. This is the thing that I wanted to talk to you about, okay? I-I have given our plan an awful lot of thought, and I think that -- I'm -- I'm not so sure that it's gonna work.

Lucy: [Inhales deeply]

Spinelli: I'm sorry if I upset you earlier.

Maxie: You didn't.

Spinelli: I think I did.

Maxie: Well, you are wrong.

Spinelli: Maxie, when I came in, you were swaying and cooing sweetly with the baby, but after I spoke, you became snappish with me and were -- you were downright mean to Mac.

Maxie: Well, he'll get over it, and so should you.

Spinelli: Look, I just want to say that I understand how difficult this must be. This baby started as a favor to two beloved friends, but now it's no longer just an idea. I mean, he or she is a child that you feel growing, moving inside of you. I mean, you've -- you've identified which music they respond to. Every day, the child becomes more and more real, as does the fact that in three short months, you'll have to hand that child over to Dante and Lulu.

Dante: Between your parents and my parents and our families and friends, we're gonna get everything the baby needs. We're gonna get stuff the baby doesn't need.

Lulu: Okay, yeah. No, that's... [Sighs] Yeah, that's probably true.

Dante: Okay, so just relax and wait for your baby shower. I guarantee you you're gonna get so much stuff, we're not gonna have enough room for it in the apartment.

Lulu: Well, yeah. You know, about that -- maybe we should consider moving.

Dante: You want to move? Well, I don't know if we should add house-hunting to the stressful list --

Lulu: I don't want to miss out on the perfect place just because we're not paying attention. Don't you think our baby deserves a nursery?

Dante: I don't think the baby's gonna care. And if the baby gets here, and we're too crowded, we can think about moving then. We don't have to worry about that right this second.

Lulu: I just want to do something, okay? I want to contribute. I feel like Maxie is doing everything, and it's not even her baby.

Britt: What did you mean just now?

Felix: Nothing I haven't said before. I just think the likelihood of you carrying Patrick Drake's baby is slightly higher than the likelihood of me carrying Milo's.

Britt: But that's not what you said.

Felix: Yeah, it is. Look, I'm gonna take a shower.

Britt: Stop right there. You just said that, "We'll find out if it's true." How do you plan on doing that when I haven't agreed to a paternity test?

Felix: That's right. You haven't, which means there isn't gonna be a paternity test. End of subject.

Britt: Oh, my God. They're -- they're running a paternity test behind my back, aren't they?

Sabrina: Do you still feel uncomfortable about having Ellie run the paternity test behind Britt's back?

Patrick: I'm not happy about the way we had to do it, but... [Sighs] ...I think you're right. Britt didn't really give us another choice, and if she is lying, which is definitely in her wheelhouse, I need to know.

Sabrina: You know, the fact that she refused to even allow a paternity test in the first place is kind of suspicious, don't you think? I mean, if the baby really is yours, then wouldn't she welcome a test? I mean, get the rest of us off her back.

Patrick: If the baby isn't mine, I need to know, so she can stop stringing me along.

Sabrina: Well, at least, this way, she can't tamper with the test results, 'cause she's got no idea the test is even happening.

Felix: Wow. Paranoid much?

Britt: It's not paranoia if people are really conspiring behind your back.

Felix: "Conspiring"? Will you listen to yourself? As if Dr. Drake and Sabrina have nothing better to do than run a paternity test behind your back.

Britt: All they need for a prenatal paternity screen is a sample of Patrick's DNA and a blood sample from me, which we know they have in the hospital lab right now.

Felix: Yes, in the lab run by your toady, Brad. By the way, everybody knows you got him that job.

Britt: Brad is very capable technician.

Felix: Oh, clearly. He can make the tests say whatever you want. He makes it look like you have hyperemesis gravidarum. I'm sure he can manipulate the results to say that your baby-daddy is Mick Jagger. Brad is your faithful dragon, there to protect his evil queen. There's no way he would let anybody run a paternity test behind your back.

Britt: Okay, maybe Brad wouldn't, but that redheaded fish girl would.

Felix: Okay, first of all, her name is Ellie Trout. Secondly, that's insane. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't test your blood and take a paternity analysis without your permission.

Britt: Okay, not legally and not ethically, but she can do it.

Felix: Okay, seriously. Are we gonna have an ethics smackdown here?

Britt: Why would we? All I have to do is go down to the lab and grill Ellie until she tells me the truth. Now move out of my way, or I'll mow you down.

Tracy: Ellie. Luke Spencer. Now spit it out.

Ellie: Mr. Spencer, are you sure you don't want your doctor present?

Luke: No, we don't have time for that. Just tell me, please. What did that old crone put in my system?

Tracy: And what do we do to keep it from killing him?

Luke: Polonium 210.

Ellie: Yes. Polonium is a chemical element that has 32 known isotopes. Now, as an element, it's very rare, but the 210 isotope is the most widely available, and it's extremely...radioactive.

Luke: How extreme?

Ellie: Well, to give you some perspective, in the U.S., polonium was introduced as part of the Manhattan Project.

Tracy: The Manhattan project? It was used as -- for a...

Ellie: Yeah. In fact, it was a critical part of the weapon design that was used in the "Fat Man" atomic bomb which was dropped in Nagasaki.

Luke: The old bitch nuked me? So, what -- I'm gonna start glowing in the dark? I'm gonna fall out of bed one night, and bam -- there goes the whole eastern seaboard?

Ellie: Neither. But your condition is very serious. Fortunately, your dosage was infinitesimal, and it was delivered very slowly and gradually, but the radioactive properties in the element are highly toxic. Lethal radiation poisoning is, um -- it's virtually inevitable. I'm so sorry.

Luke: Yeah.

Tracy: We don't have time for "sorry." J-just tell us what we do about it.

Ellie: Well, Dr. Beckett can tell you that.

Tracy: No, I don't want Dr. Beckett to tell me. I want you to tell me!

Ellie: Um, well, there is one protocol that some feel can be used to decontaminate polonium-poisoning victims. It's called chelation therapy. Now, it is quite controversial, and of course, there's no guarantee for its success.

Tracy: Okay, so, let's get a hold of Dr. Beckett and tell him you want to start chelation therapy right away.

Luke: No, I'm not going to do that.

Lucy: I do not understand. We talked, we toasted, and we agreed we were taking Deception to new heights.

Laura: I know, and it's just that --

Lucy: Wait a minute. You said it was perfect. You said, "It's great," remember? Because we both had run the company, and it was ripe for reinvention, and that we both had Deception in our blood. I mean, you didn't have it, but I had it. So why the heck are you backing out now?

Laura: I'm not. I'm not backing out at all.

Lucy: Okay, then what did you just...say, and why are you scaring me to death, and what on earth is going on?

Laura: Lucy, all I'm trying to say is I have a different vision of what Deception could be.

Duke: I must say I am, uh -- I'm very surprised, and I'm flattered, but, uh, what about Mr. Marbles? Is he otherwise engaged?

Mac: [Chuckles] No, he'll be there. He's performing the ceremony.

Duke: [Chuckles]

Mac: Seriously, Duke, um... look, I really was hoping you would be the one to stand by me when I marry Felicia. You know, when Frisco was putting on his full-court press to get her back, you advised me. You felt my pain. It's only fitting. So, will you do it?

Anna: Your maid of honor? Really? You want -- gosh, I'm touched.

Felicia: You seem surprised.

Anna: I am. I am, a bit.

Felicia: Well, I love you, Anna. We've known each other forever. We've been through so much together.

Anna: I know.

Felicia: And just as importantly, you were the one that helped me see that Mac is the one for me -- not Frisco.

Anna: I tried to be impartial, but I do approve of your choice, I've got to say. [Chuckles]

Felicia: Well, you guided me, and you supported me, and I would just absolutely love it if you stood by my side when I marry Mac.

Anna: What about Maxie?

Maxie: Of course, I'm giving this baby to Dante and Lulu. That's part of the surrogacy process.

Spinelli: Well, no. I know. And I -- and I know how much you want to give Dante and Lulu this child. I mean, look at the lengths you went to after you miscarried the first embryo -- convincing Dr. Westbourne to implant you with one of Dante and Lulu's remaining embryos and being so concerned for their happiness that you did it behind their back so as to not cause them pain, and at first, I had a problem with that subterfuge, but I...I understand. It just -- it demonstrates how much you want Dante and Lulu to have this child and the lengths that you would go to make good on that commitment.

Maxie: [Sighing] Spinelli, what's your point?

Spinelli: My point is, Maxie... [Sighs] ...I care about you, and -- and I worry about you, and now, what I worry most about is that... you're falling in love with this child. I mean, not that I blame you. If -- if I were in your position, I'm...I'm positive I'd feel the same way.

Dante: Look, I know how strange this must be for you. You're gonna be a mother, and someone else is carrying this baby. After all this time, I'm still weirded out by it. I mean, we get to go with Maxie to these appointments like we're doing today, but she's the one who takes all the prenatal vitamins and wears all the maternity clothes, and she's the one who gets fussed over.

Lulu: [Sniffles] [Voice breaking] I am jealous of her stretch marks and her swollen ankles and her weight gain. [Chuckles] [Sniffles] I just try to imagine, you know, what...what it would feel like to be able to feel the baby moving around. I love Maxie, and I -- I'm so grateful for what she's doing for us, but I hate that I'm not the one carrying this baby.

Dante: Hey. Hey, hey. You know what? She's gonna be this baby's mother for another, like, two, three months, and then when little Rocco or Juliet arrives, you get to tag her out, and you step in --

Lulu: [Chuckling] Okay, we really need to stop calling the baby "Rocco" or "Juliet."

Dante: Why?

Lulu: 'Cause the name might stick.

Dante: Would that be so bad?

Lulu: I wa-- well, someday, he or she is going to ask me, "Mommy, why is this my name?" And I don't want to have to tell them that, "It was really just a placeholder, you know, and it stuck, so..." [Chuckles]

Dante: You bring up an excellent point. You're right. Our child is gonna ask that question one day, and it's gonna ask you that question, because you're the mom, and you're gonna be our baby's mom its whole life.

Lulu: I know.

Dante: So, let's not worry about gliders and onesies and... new apartments, okay? We're gonna be ready when this baby comes. I mean, as ready as two people can be for something that is gonna change our lives in huge and amazing ways that we can't even imagine yet.

Lulu: Have I mentioned that I love you?

Dante: You have, but, I mean, you can say it again if you want. I'm okay with that.

Lulu: I love you.

Dante: I love you, too.

Lulu: [Chuckles] Mm.

Felix: You can't go anywhere. You're on bed rest. I can't, in good conscience, let you roll out that door.

Britt: Well, then I'll just have to call the police and tell them that you're keeping a disabled pregnant woman prisoner in your apartment.

Felix: I'm not. Your doctor is. I'm just following orders.

Britt: Well, let's see what the police say about that, shall we? Now, what is that number again? Oh, yes, yes. 9...1...

Felix: Okay, fine. Go. Put Dr. Drake's baby in jeopardy. See if I care.

Britt: Well, my baby and I will be just fine, but your nerd posse, on the other hand, I can't speak for. Now, as a great philosopher and poet once said, "Move, bitch, get out the way."

Felix: Fine. Try to find a taxi that'll take you and your damned wheelchair. You'll never make it to the lab in time.

Britt: Watch me.

[Cell phone rings]

Sabrina: Hey. What's up?

Felix: Time to rappel down from Mount Drake and get to the hospital, stat. We have a code blue.

Sabrina: What are you talking about -- is somebody having a heart attack?

Felix: The Britch knows.

Sabrina: Knows what?

Felix: About the paternity test. You got to get down to the lab and get those test results before the Britch gets there and messes with them.

Felicia: I already spoke with Maxie about you being the maid of honor.

Anna: She's okay with it?

Felicia: Oh, she's very good with it.

Anna: Okay.

Felicia: Of course, the little tantrum that she threw with poor Mac this morning -- I think it's probably better to have her wish us well from a distance. [Chuckles]

Anna: That bad, huh?

Felicia: [Sighs] Let's just say that the second-trimester happy hormones are history.

Anna: [Chuckles]

Ellie: I'll give you two a moment alone.

Tracy: What is the matter with you? Do you want to die?

Luke: No, actually, I would like to avoid it.

Tracy: Well, you heard Ellie. Chelation therapy is your only option.

Luke: Yes, she also said that it might not work.

Tracy: Well, you can't not do it, because it might not work! What other alternative do you have?

Luke: I have no idea, but I know there is one. You heard Helena on the DVD.

Tracy: Helena?!

Luke: She said the answer is not here at GH. I have to figure out what that means.

Tracy: She sent you a riddle, Luke. How on earth are you gonna figure it out?

Luke: I don't know yet, but there's someone who may be able to help me.

Laura: Lucy, if this is going to work, we have to be honest with each other about our expectations.

Lucy: Right. Honesty. Of cour-- it's so important. Okay, so, could you just honestly, please, tell me what is this "different vision"?

Laura: Okay, I don't want to just run a cosmetics company. You know, peddling makeup isn't what I want to do with my life anymore.

Lucy: What do you have against beauty?

Laura: Nothing. Nothing. I'm very pro-beauty. It's just that I got to thinking after we spoke, and it made me think about my own journey back to wellness, you know? I needed more than a drug protocol to treat my symptoms. I needed to feel well inside myself, you know? That's where wellness comes from -- from within. And that's where real beauty comes from. You know, the kind that radiates from the inside out.

Lucy: Hmm. So, um, what, exactly, are you saying?

Laura: I'm saying that I think we need to think bigger. We can answer a bigger need.

Spinelli: Apologies. My concern for you got the better of me. Your feelings about this baby are your own. It's really none of my business.

Maxie: No, it is your business. I mean... [Sighs] ...You're not wrong. I am growing more attached to this baby every day. Oh, Spinelli... it's because... [Sighs]

Spinelli: Well, because of what? Maxie?

Maxie: Yeah?

Spinelli: You were saying that you were becoming more and more emotionally attached to the baby because...

[Knock on door]

Spinelli: ...Then you didn't finish your thought.

Maxie: [Sighs]

[Door opens]

Both: Hey!

Lulu: Hey, there, Baby-mama.

Maxie: [Chuckles]

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Dante: Hey, how's little Rocco or Juliet doing?

Lulu: Ohh, pretty soon, we are gonna get to see you face-to-face.

Maxie: Yeah, I have to warn you. [Chuckles] It's a dancer.

[Both chuckle]

Dante: Or a soccer player.

Lulu: [Chuckling] Yeah. What do you think, little one? Are you ready to go to the doctor's appointment?

Dante: Yeah. Yeah, Mommy and Daddy take you to the doctor, get you all checked out.

Maxie: Okay, well, let's get going, then.

Dante: All right.

Lulu: Oh, sorry, Spinelli. We'll talk soon.

Spinelli: Yes, I await our reunion with breathless anticipation.

Duke: Here's to great friends, to a marvelous wedding, and to a wonderful life.

[Glasses clink]

All: Hear, hear.

Mac: To a beautiful maid of honor.

Anna: Well, thank you.

Felicia: Oh, yes, and to a charming best man.

Duke: Well, thank you.

[Both chuckle]

Felicia: So, when are the two of you retying the knot?

Anna: [Coughs]

Lucy: What I want to say is...

Laura: Yes?

Lucy: Well, about your idea.'s brilliant!

Laura: Ooh.

Lucy: It's brilliant.

Laura: Oh.

Lucy: It is so brilliant.

Laura: Really?

Lucy: Yes, really. You are absolutely right. If we're gonna resurrect this old, dead, tired cosmetic company, we've got to think big, not small. We've got to go big or go home. You're so right. We could make Deception a whole wellness center. You know, beauty, inside and out. You do the meditations, and I'll throw the hot rocks on people's backs.

Ellie: Ms. Quartermaine, I'm really sorry about your friend.

Tracy: Thank you.

Ellie: Mr. Spencer seemed upset about the news. I mean, of course, he was. Who wouldn't be? But where did he go?

Tracy: To find an alternative.

Ellie: Well, chelation therapy is the only treatment. What alternative does he have in mind?

Tracy: I don't know what cockamamie idea he has or who he's going to get to help him, but if he will not do chelation therapy, then you need to get busy and find another way to help him, because I am so not letting him die.

Lucy: [Sighs] Okay, I didn't want to say this earlier, but I actually don't think Luke looks very good.

Laura: I know.

Duke: Tie the knot? Us?

Anna: What do you -- what he means is -- what do you mean? What are you saying, exactly?

Luke: I-I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, everybody. Slim, I really need your help.

[Door opens]

Britt: Hold it right there, fish girl.

Ellie: For your information, I didn't respond to that in middle school, and I certainly don't --

Britt: Well, respond to this. I do not want that paternity test completed.

Patrick: It's too late, Britt. I have the results right here.

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