General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 6/25/13
Provided By Suzanne
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Tracy: What are you doing?
Luke: Availing myself of nectar of the gods by way of a reputable Irish distillery. Join me?
Tracy: You think that's a good idea -- to further pickle your innards?
Luke: You heard the doctor. I have the liver of an 8-year-old.
Tracy: He didn't say that. And the rest of you is ready for last rites. Do you really think the best way to find a toxic substance in your body is to ingest another toxic substance?
Luke: Bottoms up.
Connie: How do you feel?
Olivia: Like a very dissatisfied customer.
Connie: [Chuckles]
Olivia: What the hell good is ESP if I can't even keep my own self out of the hospital?
Connie: Well, I see somebody's back to her old self.
Olivia: No, not exactly. I would like to take a shower. I would like to wash my hair. I'd like to wear some clothes that don't have my fanny sticking out the back.
Connie: [Chuckles] Well, well, Sonny didn't seem to mind. He got taken away a couple times, but he didn't go willingly. He really cares for you, Liv. A lot.
Olivia: Well, maybe. I'm not the only one. You know, when I woke up, the first thing I saw was the two of you looking very much together.
AJ: Tracy, please, don't tell Elizabeth I slept with Carly.
Tracy: Too bad. I think Elizabeth needs to know you and Carly engaged in some steamy hate sex.
Elizabeth: Have a nice life, AJ.
AJ: Elizabeth, wait. Wait. Please. Please, please, listen to me. Listen to me. Elizabeth, please. You can't just play that and walk out.
Elizabeth: Don't act like I'm doing something wrong. You're the one who hopped into bed with Carly.
AJ: It -- it wasn't like that. Where did you even get that recording?
Elizabeth: [Chuckling] Whoa, wait a minute. That's what you're concerned with? Not what you did but how you got caught?!
AJ: Never mind. You know what? I know exactly where you got it.
Alexis: I need some advice. More importantly, a sympathetic ear.
Nikolas: About?
Alexis: Shawn -- and what to do with him.
Carly: Anything?
Shawn: I'd call it something. Wouldn't you?
Carly: Oh, my God.
Shawn: I pried it out of the planter.
Carly: Is this from your gun?
Shawn: It wasn't me. My bullet didn't hit Olivia.
Carly: [Sighs]
Shawn: Someone else's did.
Carly: Whose?
Franco: I know who tried to kill me. More than that, they know I know. So, believe me, no one will be trying to kill me again anytime soon.
Ava: Sounds like you have it all figured out. Enlighten me, Franco. Who tried to have you killed?
Luke: L'chaim.
Tracy: Why is it always one step forward, three steps back with you?
Luke: I have a better question -- why are you such a downer? We should be celebrating.
Tracy: Celebrating?! You collapse on my floor, I rush you to the hospital, the doctor tells you you have been exposed to a toxic substance. What's to celebrate?
Luke: May I remind you that this is not my first ride on the toxic rodeo?
Tracy: Oh, that is comforting. You've been poisoned before.
Luke: A lot of things were supposed to kill me, and they didn't.
Tracy: Because you didn't stand around getting snookered.
Luke: May I remind you that whatever it is that's taken root in my gut is yet to be identified?
Tracy: It doesn't make it any less real or dangerous.
Luke: Lacking any kind of diagnosis or treatment, I plan to enjoy myself until the doctors figure out just how they're gonna flush my system.
Tracy: I don't think that's gonna be very easy.
Man: Um -- delivery for Luke Spencer.
Luke: Spanky, you shouldn't have.
Tracy: I didn't. Who did?
Man: Uh, they don't tell us.
Tracy: "Get well soon?"
Luke: I told you not to tell anybody about this.
Tracy: Really, Luke? I didn't tell anybody.
Luke: Well, somebody found out.
Tracy: Well, there's probably a card in here somewhere.
Luke: Yes?
Man: Um, it's, uh -- it's customary that, uh, you leave a tip.
Luke: You want a tip?
Man: Yeah.
Luke: Never rub another man's rhubarb -- unless, of course, you're planning to make cobbler. [Clicks tongue]
Tracy: There's no card.
Luke: No card?
Tracy: "Play me."
Luke: Who would send me a DVD?
Tracy: What if Franco sent it?
Franco: Why focus on my failed assassination? There are so many other, happier subjects we could focus on.
Ava: Many people would consider your death, however it came about, to be a very happy subject.
Franco: Now, you're just saying that 'cause you're an art dealer, and the stock went right up as soon as my "supposed death" occurred. But don't worry. I'm still hanging in the most respected modern-art galleries in the world, and I have a feeling my work will continue to appreciate. In fact, I've got a mind-blowing idea. I'm cogitating a series based on what you said -- you know, the whole my head on a platter --
Ava: Cogitate this 1-- you nearly died a couple of nights ago. Who do you think tried to kill you?
Carly: You think I hired someone to try and take you out?
Franco: Carly, you hate my guts. I had a party. Sonny was there. He pointed a gun at me, and you said exactly these words -- you said, "Go ahead. End his miserable life."
Carly: Yeah. I said that. I meant it.
Franco: Then all of a sudden, the bullets start flying, and I could have died, which is exactly what you wanted, isn't it, Carly?
Carly: That's an interesting story.
Franco: You get an "A" for effort.
Franco: Ava, that's need-to-know information.
Ava: Come on, Franco. Thrill me with your legendary powers. Who shot at you, and how did they manage to get away? I hear the police are no closer to making an arrest.
Franco: Well, the police lack imagination.
Ava: Which you have in spades. What did Artforum say? "On par with Rothko."
Franco: Oh, comparisons are so bourgeois. I think that every artist has his own unique, intrinsic qualities.
Ava: There's unique, and then there's you. Nobody sees the world quite the way you do.
Franco: You did, once. Or at least you pretended to.
Ava: I enjoyed the off-kilter way you looked at almost everything -- until it got dangerous. I bet you like it that someone tried to kill you. In some perverse way, I imagine you're -- pleased.
Franco: That is so cute! Look at you trying to work me. You know, you used to be so much better at it.
Ava: I'm trying to get an answer, and you don't have one to give. You have no idea who tried to kill you.
Franco: No, I didn't say that. I just -- I don't think it's any of [Chuckling] your business.
Ava: Oh. How very wrong you are.
AJ: I can't believe that Nikolas played that for you.
Elizabeth: It isn't Nikolas' fault that you had hate sex with Carly and then lied about it.
AJ: It's his fault that you know about it. Wait, wait. He -- he gave you the recording, didn't he? He did that so he could pry you away from me and have you for himself.
Elizabeth: I am not some thing that you can just have.
AJ: You tell that to Nikolas, because he's been holding that recording over my head. He promised me that you would never hear that. So much for Saint Nikolas.
Elizabeth: Actually, he didn't break his promise. The recording was heard by mistake.
AJ: Oh, yeah, right. I'm sure he was deeply distressed, right? "Whoopsie! Didn't mean for you to hear that one. Hey, but since you did, what do you say we go motor over to my island and play 'Hide the scepter?'"
Elizabeth: [Chuckling] God, are you listening to yourself? So spiteful and no matter what you do, it's not your fault. You really are the same selfish, self-absorbed mama's boy you've always been.
AJ: Okay, that's not fair.
Elizabeth: You know what? A real man would own up to what he did and not try to deflect blame on Nikolas. Nikolas didn't get naked with Carly. You did.
Nikolas: So, what happened with Shawn?
Alexis: He's at the police station. He's turning himself in.
Nikolas: For what?
Alexis: I'm not at liberty to say, for legal reasons.
Nikolas: Well, I saw the news earlier. The police brought Sonny in for questioning in connection with a shooting at the Metro Court, and we both know he never gets his hands dirty.
Alexis: There's no proof that he was involved in any of this.
Nikolas: There never is. Alexis, you assured me that Shawn wasn't taking Jason's place in Sonny's organization, didn't you? Well, I think he did. I think he's now Sonny's enforcer, which probably means he's the one who shot Olivia.
Carly: So many people want Franco dead, but someone picked the exact place, the exact time, and the exact MO as I did. What are the odds of that?
Shawn: Look, all I care is that you, and I weren't to blame for getting Olivia shot.
Carly: Oh, thank God. God.
Shawn: All this time, I've been walking around with her blood on my hands, my soul. But I didn't shoot Olivia. I didn't put her in the hospital, and neither did you.
Carly: No. [Chuckles] We no longer have targets on our backs. Sonny has no reason to want us dead anymore.
Olivia: You were definitely in the middle of something. Sort of felt like I was interrupting something just by, uh, waking up. Was I?
[Door opens]
Sonny: Hey.
Connie: Hey, Sonny.
Sonny: How you doing?
Olivia: Well, I'm okay.
Sonny: Prayed a lot for you.
Olivia: Sonny, stop looking so worried. I'm gonna be fine.
Sonny: I'm glad you're both here, 'cause I got -- I got something to tell you about the shooting.
Olivia: I knew it! The bullet was meant for you. That is why I saw the blood all over your shirt, and I ran in there to try and warn you, and I just got in the way of what --
Sonny: Not what happened, Olivia.
Olivia: Why don't you tell that to my surgeon?
Connie: I think what Sonny's trying to say is that the police think that the shooter was coming after Franco, that Sonny wasn't the target.
Olivia: Is that true, Sonny?
Sonny: That's the theory.
Olivia: Okay. Makes sense. After all the pain and the suffering that Franco's caused, I bet half of Port Charles would be on that suspect list along with God knows who else.
Franco: If you are so concerned with my welfare, why did you try and gut me with a letter opener?
Ava: Would you like an apology?
Franco: Yes, I would. And I'd like for you to mean it.
Ava: I spent Kiki's whole life protecting her from you. When she'd ask about her father, I'd give vague answers -- that he was not a good guy and that he died.
Franco: Did you ever show her my work?
Ava: What if she'd loved it -- especially the early stuff before you got all morbid and twisted?
Franco: Don't knock morbid and twisted. It's paid the bills. [Sighs]
Ava: I was afraid I'd break -- that I'd give in and tell Kiki that her father was a -- talented, visionary artist. And then I'd have to tell her the rest -- that for all your gifts, for all your genius, you're a monster.
Franco: You don't need to call me that, you know? And you don't need to protect Kiki from me anymore.
Ava: I'm trying to get there. It's just gonna take me a long time to adjust. And in the meantime, I'm pretty concerned about our takeover of ELQ.
Franco: Oh, right, the takeover.
Ava: Because who knows what happens to your shares if you die? Maybe they get watered down. Maybe the get redistributed among the family. Either way, I don't want to find out. My financial security depends upon your survival.
Franco: Oh, well, hey, then pay off your mortgage and go buy yourself something sexy and Italian and red, because I'm not going anywhere.
Alexis: I want to tell you. I just -- I don't know how to say it.
Nikolas: Fine. Fine. I'll say it for you. You tell me if I get anything wrong, all right? Shawn's not the man you wanted him to be. Part of you knew it all along. You just turned a blind eye. Now you can't deny it and don't know if you can stay with him.
Shawn: Look, I'll get Sonny up to speed and get things patched up.
Carly: I'll go with you.
Shawn: No, no. Bad -- bad idea, okay? I'll probably find Sonny at the hospital with Olivia, and it'll be easier for me to talk to him if you're not there.
Carly: [Chuckles]
Shawn: I'll -- I'll fix it, Carly, okay?
Carly: You just tell him I want to talk to him.
Shawn: And I'll make sure he's ready to listen.
Carly: Thank you.
Shawn: No. Thanks to the other shooter.
Carly: Yeah, the other person who wanted Franco dead.
Shawn: Hey. Go home, okay? Give Joss a kiss and don't think about Franco any more tonight, okay?
AJ: I'm sorry you're upset. I really am, but if you just let me explain, please.
Elizabeth: Oh, please, God, no. I-I-I can tell the story myself. "I was weak and helpless, and Carly preyed on me. It was just a one-time thing."
AJ: It was just once.
Elizabeth: "Carly means nothing to me."
AJ: She means less than nothing.
Elizabeth: Listen to me, AJ. Whatever was between us, I honestly, honestly thought it meant more than just some one-time roll in the hay with Carly.
AJ: Elizabeth, you mean everything to me. My future is with you, not with Carly.
Elizabeth: Speaking of Carly, there's the slut now.
Luke: Why would Franco send me a DVD?
Tracy: Well, this was the scene of his coming-out party, and from what I hear, videos were part of the fun.
Luke: Well, yeah, but how would he know that I should "Get well soon"?
Tracy: He is a master of mind games. He exploits people's weaknesses.
Luke: I met the man once for about 10 minutes. He doesn't know me.
Tracy: Who else would go to all the trouble? Besides, haven't you already killed all your other t-tormentors?
Helena: Hello, Luke. Miss me?
Franco: I like being needed by you. I always did. You used to be a lot nicer about it, though.
Ava: I didn't need you back then.
Franco: Yeah, you did. [Chuckles] I was a superstar. Being with me -- had cachet.
Ava: People were lining up to exploit you. I wasn't one of them. I saw something amazing in you -- something so dazzling I couldn't see the darkness underneath.
Franco: You saw the darkness. You liked it. You still do.
Ava: What do you think Kiki will think of your dark side? How much are you willing to tell her, to show her?
Franco: I'll tell her the truth. You know, no one's all bad.
Ava: Well -- if you're gonna convince Kiki of that, you're gonna need me to vouch for you.
Franco: How are you gonna do that? You two aren't even speaking.
Ava: I love my daughter. And she loves me. We'll get past whatever difficulties we're having.
Franco: Yeah, you hope.
Ava: If you think you can win Kiki over on your own, fine. Go for it. See how far you get working at cross purposes with her mother.
Franco: Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?
Ava: [Sighs] Or --
Franco: You did, didn't you?
Ava: We can work together.
Franco: [Laughs] Finally, the point. Don't get me wrong -- you were always terrific at the buildup. You were a great negotiator.
Ava: No negotiation. We either do this my way or not at all.
Franco: Okay. What are we doing? What is it we're doing here?
Ava: I have the perfect means of disarming Kiki. You and I are getting back together.
Nikolas: Leave Shawn now.
Alexis: No.
Nikolas: Yeah. Make -- make a clean break. Whatever good you see in him doesn't change the reality of what he's chosen to do. If you don't end it now, you're gonna end up just like Sam.
Alexis: Sam and I are in very different places in our lives.
Nikolas: [Chuckling] No. Not -- not really, Alexis. She loved Jason, accepted what he did, the risks that he took, including the fact that he killed people on Sonny's orders, as if that somehow absolves him of blame.
Alexis: Well, not absolve. Maybe mitigate the blame a little bit -- for Jason and Shawn.
Nikolas: Even if Shawn doesn't end up dead like Jason, he's still a criminal and a killer by choice. That goes against everything you believe in.
Alexis: You know, it's too bad that you didn't pursue a legal career, because that was a really persuasive argument.
Nikolas: Look, Shawn trades in violence, you know? And violence can't be managed or contained. All you have to do is look at Sonny. Look at how his business has affected his children, right? I mean, Morgan's the only one that's come out relatively unscathed. You want to take that risk with Molly?
Alexis: No. No, of course, I don't.
Nikolas: Yeah.
Alexis: But, truly, who am I to judge? I mean, I ran over Kristina's abuser and left him there to die.
Nikolas: Alexis, you were driving your severely beaten daughter to the hospital. Your car struck Kiefer by accident. There was no intent there. It's a far cry from being a paid killer.
Alexis: Thank you for that. And I know. I know you're right.
Nikolas: But --
Alexis: But it doesn't change the fact that I love the guy.
[Knock on door]
Shawn: Hi. Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, but, Sonny, I need to speak to you.
Sonny: Can it wait?
Shawn: I wouldn't be here if it could.
Sonny: Um -- I-I'll be right back. What are you doing? You're supposed to be at the police station making a confession.
Shawn: Well, I nearly did.
Sonny: What changed your mind?
Shawn: The cops uncovered some new evidence.
Sonny: What kind?
Sonny: The kind that exonerates me. Sonny, look. I didn't do it. I didn't shoot Olivia. I'm innocent. So is Carly.
Carly: Well, here's a tip, Elizabeth. I own the restaurant. Don't call me a slut.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry, Carly, but I know what happened.
Carly: You know what?
Elizabeth: With you and AJ -- the hate sex.
Carly: Oh, my God. You told her?
Elizabeth: Actually, I heard about it from a third party.
Carly: Someone else knows?!
Elizabeth: Oh, a couple of someones, from what I understand. By the way, what is hate sex? Is this when you guys hate each other so much you jump each --
Carly: I was an extremely brief, extremely disgusting lapse in judgment.
Elizabeth: Then why did you do it? Carly, I know that you and I will probably never be friends, but I thought after everything that's happened with Josslyn and Jake that we had an understanding.
Carly: We did.
Elizabeth: Then why did you sleep with the man I'm dating?
Carly: Anytime you want to chime in, anytime.
Elizabeth: Yes, please, AJ. I would love to hear from you. Why did you cheat on me?
AJ: I can't -- Elizabeth, I didn't cheat on you.
Helena: How I wish I could be there to see your face -- witness your reaction. Your surprise is going to turn to anger -- the kind that comes with being thwarted, bested. But underneath, there's still a flicker of admiration, isn't there? Of longing for me, for the challenge that I represent? Oh, admit it, Luke. I define you. [Laughs] You need me.
Luke: What the hell?
Tracy: I thought you said you killed her.
Luke: I did.
Tracy: She doesn't look dead to me.
Helena: If you're watching this, then I'm dead. You or your bovine ex-wife --
Tracy: Bovine? Oh, Laura.
Helena: Have dispatched me. No, I've always known that one of us would die by the other's hand. So, it would appear that you have finally won.
Luke: Damn straight, you fossil.
Helena: You have spent the past few weeks in a state of euphoric self-congratulation. Until suddenly, you started feeling a little off. Perhaps it began with fatigue or a few aches and pains -- nothing you couldn't explain away. And then -- then the queasiness set in. Oh, you were lightheaded, dizzy, not yourself. It finally got so bad that you sought medical help, despite your aversion to doctors. By now, you -- you should have received a preliminary diagnosis. There is a toxin wreaking havoc in your body, and no one knows how it got there. Allow me to enlighten you. I -- I put it there. Do I have your attention? I realize that this is -- this is a lot to absorb, so, please, by all means, hit the pause button. It's all right. I'll wait.
Luke: She's bluffing. She was dead long before she had a chance to do anything to me.
Helena: [Laughs] Knowing that you -- you might get the better of me, I designed a backup plan. You see, you were never going to survive our encounter on the Haunted Star. Oh, you, at best, picked up a little extra time, but your demise has always been beyond doubt. Thanks -- to -- this.
Tracy: What is that?
Luke: It's my earring.
Nikolas: I'm sorry. I wish I could be more help.
Alexis: Oh, I'm the one who should apologize for laying this on you. You've got your own set of problems.
Nikolas: You're dealing with a lot right now. I just want to help any way I can.
Alexis: Okay. Do me a favor. Let me have your cell phone 'cause my battery's dead, and I want to check on Sam.
Nikolas: Uh -- yeah. Sorry, you're gonna have to use a landline. Elizabeth has my cell at the moment.
Alexis: Elizabeth has your cell?
Nikolas: Exhibit "A" in her case against AJ.
Elizabeth: You didn't cheat on me?
AJ: I don't know what Nikolas told you about what happened with me and Carly --
Elizabeth: It was sex. You guys had sex.
Carly: Okay, no one needs to be reminded of that.
AJ: It was just sex.
Elizabeth: [Scoffs] Oh, my God. You're not even pretending to be sorry.
Carly: I can be. I can be sorry for both of us.
AJ: Listen, I-I didn't cheat on you with Eli -- I didn't cheat on you with Carly, because you dumped me. We had broken up, remember? After I got territorial about Nikolas -- the whole thing.
Elizabeth: Yeah, go on.
AJ: Okay, so, we were gonna have dinner here, remember?
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.
AJ: Remember, we were gonna talk, and then I called you, and Nikolas answered.
Elizabeth: Yeah, you were pretty mad.
AJ: And I misinterpreted some things, and I-I said some things that -- you told me to take a hike. I was miserable.
Carly: Wallowing in self-pity is a natural state for him.
AJ: Shut up. You're not helping, all right?
Elizabeth: Okay, so, you were miserable, Carly just happened to be there, and you guys figured, "What the hell?"
AJ: I was hurting, all right? I picked a stupid fight with Sonny. I had a panic attack. I nearly got drunk.
Elizabeth: You drank?
AJ: Almost. Carly was there. She stopped me.
Elizabeth: Oh, good. Oh, with the hate sex, right?
Carly: We don't need to say that ever again -- ever.
AJ: Look, please -- I just -- it was one time. I've regretted it every moment since. Please -- can you just -- can you just try and understand?
Connie: [Sighs]
Olivia: Something's up.
Connie: Yeah, safe bet it's about your shooting.
Olivia: What do you mean? What -- did you hear something?
Connie: Come on, Liv. You really want to get into this right now?
Olivia: Yeah. Believe it or not, yeah, I do kind of want to know who shot me. Is there any suspects?
Connie: Well, the police brought in Sonny the night of your shooting.
Olivia: He was standing there right next to me. He couldn't possibly have done it.
Connie: Well, the theory is that the police think that Sonny hired someone to kill Franco, and you got hit by mistake.
Olivia: Well -- Franco has directly threatened Sonny's kids. I mean, you know how he is about protecting his kid. I would -- I would -- I would believe that Sonny ordered a hit on Franco.
Connie: Sonny swears up and down that he has nothing to do with it.
Olivia: Sonny's always been an excellent liar.
Connie: Do you think that Sonny's responsible for this?
Olivia: Well, if he was, would it change the way you feel about him?
Connie: What way? I'm not involved with Sonny, Liv.
Olivia: You keep telling yourself that.
Connie: I'm not!
Olivia: I know --
Connie: I can't be.
Olivia: I know what I saw. When I woke up, the two of you were looking at each other like there was not another person in the world.
Connie: Please.
Olivia: Maybe you're rethinking your decision to stay away from Sonny. Maybe you want him back.
Connie: I could say the same thing about you.
Shawn: This is my bullet. I pulled it out of a planter behind where Franco was sitting.
Sonny: You sure?
Shawn: 100%. Someone else shot Olivia.
Sonny: Who? Cops have a suspect?
Shawn: As far as I know, not yet.
Franco: You want us to get back together? Ava Jerome, you kill me.
Ava: If only.
Franco: You love me, you let me love you, you carry my child, you let me invest in you, you let me invest in her, and then you cut me off -- no her. No you -- 20 years. And now you want to get back together?!
Ava: Did I ever hit you up for child support? Did I ever ask you for a single dime?
Franco: Why?!
Ava: I did not.
Franco: Ava, why would you want to get back together with me now?
Ava: You've changed, haven't you? You've -- borrowed or bought or dredged up a soul. Haven't you? Ready to be a better man, aren't you? Unless you're not. Unless this is all just another game, and if it is, money or not --
Franco: No.
Ava: ELQ or not, I will drag Kiki away from you by her hair --
Franco: Not when it comes to my daughter. It's the one thing in this world that I care about.
Ava: Me, too. And, so, maybe if we can show her that we forgive each other, let bygones be bygones, maybe she will do the same for us.
Franco: How? We can't even have a civil conversation. How are we gonna -- how are we gonna convince people that there's a romantic reunion?
Ava: We had a natural attraction once. Maybe you need a reminder.
Helena: It's remarkable. Don't you agree? That something so -- so insignificant, so tacky, could be so deadly.
Tracy: Your earring?
Helena: On its own, it's -- merely a -- well, a vulgar affectation, but when laced with a toxin, it becomes the cause of your ruin. All I needed was one quiet moment to make the exchange. While you were mercifully unconscious, my men replaced your earring with the one you're wearing, and voilá. Well, the dose wasn't strong enough to kill you where you stood, but it will and soon. Death delayed is death, all the same. You may have killed me, Luke, but I killed you, too.
Olivia: I don't know what you're talking about. I've been unconscious for days.
Connie: Because you put yourself in the path of a bullet that was meant for Sonny.
Olivia: Whoa, whoa. Just to be clear, here, I ran out there to warn Sonny. I had no intention of -- of taking a bullet for the guy.
Connie: But still, Liv, you didn't put your life on the line because you felt some obligation to Dante's father. You did it because you have feelings for Sonny.
Sonny: It's a huge relief, knowing that you're not responsible for getting Olivia shot.
Shawn: Okay, well, not just me, you know? Carly's innocent, as well.
Sonny: She still lied to you. She lied to me. She almost brought us all down.
Shawn: Right. All right, look. She can't help it. Come on. You know, look. She felt her kids were threatened.
Sonny: Right.
Shawn: You know, when Carly feels, she acts. You know, without Jason to keep her in line -- I'm just saying -- you know, just a period of adjustment.
Sonny: She's still not clear on this.
Shawn: Well, neither am I. You know, I'm -- I'm glad Olivia's gonna be okay, but this whole thing, man -- [Sighs] It cost me.
Alexis: You gave Elizabeth the recording of Tracy and AJ? You said you weren't gonna get involved.
Nikolas: No, I-I wasn't. I-I swear, I wasn't. The recording came to light by accident when there was a mishap with my phone.
Alexis: Uh-huh, and Elizabeth just happened to be there.
Nikolas: No. Okay, here's -- here's what happened. Elizabeth and I were in the park.
Alexis: Mm-hmm.
Nikolas: Okay? Spencer and Cameron sprayed us both with water guns. My cell phone got wet, and Cameron tried to fix it and inadvertently played the recording. [Chuckling] So, what -- what was I -- what was I supposed to do? I mean, she confronted me about it right there. I had to confirm that it was real, right?
Alexis: So, Elizabeth has the phone, and she's going to confront AJ.
Nikolas: Yes, that appears to be the case.
Alexis: [Sighs] So, do you think this clears a path for you and Elizabeth?
Nikolas: [Sighs]
Carly: Okay, this has been fun, but you guys seem like you have a lot to do and a lot to talk about.
Elizabeth: Wait a minute, Carly. I am not through with you. Yes, AJ, I do remember that night, and I remember the phone call, and when I hung up, I felt bad, too. That's why I went to your house to apologize. But now it all makes sense. Your mother was reluctant to let me in. She said you were sleeping, but now I realize she was covering for you, wasn't she? You were upstairs with Carly.
AJ: I thought you were through with me. I thought we were over. I swear to you, I had no idea that you were downstairs.
Elizabeth: Okay, but then when you did come downstairs, and we talked, and we made up, Carly was still in your bed?
Carly: No, no. No, I was not. I was dressed, trying to get out of there.
Elizabeth: Why didn't you just tell me the truth? Why didn't you come clean?
AJ: I didn't want to hurt you -- our chances. I -- I was right. I mean, can you honestly tell me that if I told you what had happened, that we'd still be together?
Elizabeth: Are we together now?
AJ: I guess I have my answer. You're dumping me again.
Luke: Twisted bitch.
Helena: [Chuckles] Go ahead. Curse me. Curse me all you want. You can't hurt me now. [Chuckles] You know, you should be thanking me. I-I could have remained silent, and you would have spent your last days ignorant of the cause of your decline, never knowing that the knife between your ribs was mine.
Luke: [Sighs]
Helena: Oh, but listen to me. I sound so vicious, and there was so much more to our relationship than just base hatred. You miss me, Luke. I know you do.
Luke: Hellhound.
Helena: Ah. [Chuckles] I thought so, and for that reason, I can afford to be generous.
Tracy: No, no, no, no, no. No. Listen.
Helena: There is a chance, Luke. You have a chance. It's a slim chance, but a chance, nonetheless, to reverse the process and save yourself from that poison that is marinating your insides. Now, the question is -- are you smart enough to figure it out?
AJ: So, is that it? Are we over?
Carly: Okay, look. I can come up with a million reasons why you should dump this loser, but I am not one of them. It's never gonna happen again -- ever.
AJ: Are you done?
Carly: I honestly believe that you being with AJ is the worst mistake you could make, but, I mean, the guy really cares about you, and I didn't -- get with AJ to hurt you. I didn't. And if I would have thought about it for one second, it would have never happened. It was a supreme act of self-destruction -- more proof that I am my own worst enemy. But, you know -- you played a part in all this.
Elizabeth: Me?
Carly: Yes, you. You know how insecure AJ is, so, of course, he's going to freak out when he hears Nikolas on the phone. Of course, he's going to overreact, and of course, he's going to jump to the wrong conclusion. But you know what? You overreacted, too. You did. [Sighs] Don't say I never did anything for you.
AJ: Look, I mean, God knows I'm not perfect. I had a bad night, but please don't cut me out of your life. Elizabeth, I care about you so much. Please don't tell me that I've lost you. Just tell me that I haven't.
Elizabeth: I don't know. I have to think about it.
Nikolas: I don't apologize for wanting Elizabeth, but I never wanted to win her this way.
Alexis: Nevertheless, it may happen.
Nikolas: Or it may not. Look, I-I don't know. I don't know what the future holds for us.
Alexis: Yeah, well, welcome to my world, because I have no idea where Shawn and I are headed, either. [Sighs]
Connie: I think you're into Sonny.
Olivia: And I think you never got out of him.
Connie: Okay, you know what? It doesn't even matter --
Olivia: [Sighs]
Connie: -- Okay? Because if Sonny had anything to do with that shooting, then I am never, ever going back to him -- and neither are you. Right? Sonny?
Sonny: Hey.
Connie: What's going on?
Sonny: What do you mean?
Olivia: Well, we were -- we were just waiting for you. You said you had something to say about the shooting.
Sonny: Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna tell you something about it. [Inhales deeply] Um -- [Sighs] I know -- I know it's been flying around -- you know, who's responsible. I just want both of you to know that, uh, I had nothing to do with the shooting, but I promise you, like I've said before, whoever did will pay.
Franco: [Inhales deeply]
Ava: Maybe we can sell this reunion, after all.
Helena: Consider this my final challenge and my final gift -- all rolled into one. There is a way to save your life, but you won't find it at General Hospital. Oh, Luke. Luke, is there wit enough remaining in that booze-addled brain of yours to discover your salvation? I hope so -- for your sake. Otherwise, my darling, I'll see you soon. [Blows a kiss] Ta-ta.
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