GH Transcript Monday 6/24/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 6/24/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Tracy: Oh, no. No more cheese puffs, cocoa nuts, or gummy bites.

Luke: Coffee?

Tracy: If I have one more sip, I will slit my wrists.

Luke: Is that a "no"?

Tracy: [Sighs] Where the hell is your doctor? He was supposed to be here ages ago.

Luke: I'm sure if he had anything important to tell us, he would have been here. So, this is a big waste of time. Let's go somewhere, have a nice cocktail, and some real food.

Tracy: What they serve in the cafeteria does not qualify as real food.

Luke: Who's talking about the cafeteria? They reopened the Metro Court.

Lucy: [Sighs]

AJ: Now, you look far too gorgeous to be picking up trash.

Lucy: [Chuckles] Well, flattery will get you everywhere, AJ Quartermaine. [Giggles] I-I just think it's kind of amazing that besides this, you'd never know that a -- a woman was nearly murdered right here a couple nights ago.

AJ: Yeah, um, I hear Olivia Falconeri's gonna be okay.

Lucy: Oh, thank goodness. And thank goodness for speedy police work, because I am desperate to use this space tonight.

AJ: Special occasion?

Lucy: Um, I have something -- up my sleeve. Uh, your turn. Why are you all spiffed up -- or should I say for who?

AJ: [Chuckles] I'm having dinner with Elizabeth.

Lucy: [Gasps] Aha. So, the Nurses' Ball sealed the deal, didn't it?

AJ: You know, we've had some ups and downs, but, uh, I think we're stronger than ever.

AJ: Tracy, please don't tell Elizabeth I slept with Carly.

Cameron: Is that AJ?

Carly: Hey. You don't have to do this. You don't have to confess.

Shawn: Look, someone is gonna take the fall.

Carly: It doesn't have to be you!

Shawn: This is the only way, Carly. I have to tell the truth -- at least my part of it. I shot Olivia.

Dante: Is this what I think it is?

Anna: The strike marks from the rifle we found don't match the bullet fragments recovered from your mother.

Dante: Which means the bullet that hit my mother wasn't fired from that gun.

Anna: It looks that way, yes.

Michael: We have to figure out what we're gonna do.

Kiki: About what?

Michael: About us.

Kiki: Michael -- there can't be an "us," and you know why.

Ava: If you want me to keep my mouth shut, you're gonna have to cut me in. What do you say, Franco? Do we have a deal?

Tracy: Too bad. I think Elizabeth needs to know you and Carly engaged in some steamy hate-sex.

Elizabeth: [Gasps]

Spencer: What's that?

Nikolas: Here. You two guys -- it's nothing. You guys go play on the swings for a minute, all right? I'll get you in a minute.

Elizabeth: Go on. You guys go play.

Nikolas: I'm sorry you had to hear that.

Elizabeth: [Sighs] I-I don't even know what "that" is. Nikolas, what is going on?

Lucy: There they are -- those happy newlyweds. AJ, doesn't it make you want to get married, too?

AJ: [Chuckles]

Scott: Hello, Lucy.

Lucy: Scotty. Mrs. Baldwin.

Laura: Hey, Lucy. How are you?

Lucy: Jealous.

Laura: [Chuckles]

Lucy: Uh, next time I see Doc, I want to tell him I want to renew our vows, so I can get on board this whole bliss-train thing.

Laura: [Chuckles]

AJ: Congratulations again. It really was a very beautiful wedding.

Both: Thank you.

Lucy: This is perfect.

AJ: What is?

Lucy: Well, you were there to witness their momentous occasion and their vows, and I think you and Scott need to reminisce about that whole thing while you wait for Elizabeth.

AJ: Wait. Wait.

Scott: Wait a minute. W-w-w-where are you two going?

Laura: Yeah, we are we going?

Lucy: Well, I just need to discuss something with Laura in private.

Luke: Oh, fine. You don't want to have dinner with me, swell, but I have got to get out of this box. I can't breathe.

Tracy: I am not gonna let you chicken out, not after you finally agreed to face your diagnosis, and especially not after I have invested all of this time and ingested all of that junk.

Luke: Nice. Make it all about you.

Tracy: It is all about me. I am losing ground in the race for my father's company because of you. AJ is definitely manipulating my freak of a nephew and his daughter to vote with him while I'm here.

Luke: Great. Then go. Make sure everything's copacetic in ELQ land.

Tracy: What? And take my frail, weak body out of the hospital?

Luke: Oh, sweetheart, there ain't nothing frail and weak about you.

Tracy: Not according to Lulu and Alexis. Don't forget that I lied for you, so that you wouldn't have to admit you pickled your liver.

Luke: Hey!

Tracy: You owe me, and you're gonna pay me back by sitting the hell down and waiting to hear your diagnosis from your doctor, no matter how dire it is.

Michael: Look, I get it. Uh -- there can never be anything between us. We're, um --

Kiki: Cousins.

Michael: Yeah. [Sighs]

Kiki: And not in some distant way. We're first cousins.

Michael: I know. I know, so we can't be -- attracted to each other. That's --

Kiki: We can't.

Michael: It's wrong.

Kiki: So many different levels, not least of which -- I'm your brother's girlfriend.

Ava: Now, don't go all introspective on me. Maybe we ought to revisit the bullet points, shall we?

Franco: Hey, Morgan. Can I help you with something?

Shawn: Carly, I have no intention of implicating you or Sonny.

Carly: I believe you, all right? But why do it at all? Hey.

Shawn: Because I can't make it stop. The vision of Olivia hit and falling -- it plays over and over in my head, and it is driving me crazy.

Carly: Okay, it won't forever.

Shawn: Because I'm gonna make it stop.

[Door opens]

Dante: Hey. Hey.

Carly: What?

Dante: Where is it?

Shawn: I'm sorry?

Dante: The other gun, Shawn. Where is it?

Anna: Dante, we need to go over the --

Dante: No, you know, I really don't think we do. Well?

Shawn: Dante, I don't have any idea what you're talking about.

Dante: Well, the shell casing we found matches the rifle we recovered, but it doesn't match the bullet taken from my mother, which means there was another gun.

Anna: Dante, please.

Carly: Oh, you're saying that the bullet they removed from Olivia didn't come from the attempted-murder weapon -- the one that matched the shell casing --

Dante: Oh, Carly, just stay out of this, please.

Carly: No! Am I right?

Anna: Yeah.

Carly: Dante, really? You guys brought me into it. Five minutes ago, you had me pegged as the mastermind.

Dante: Shawn. Shawn. Shawn! Hey. A minute ago, you had something to tell us, and I'm -- I'm pretty sure it was about the shooting. We're listening.

Tracy: Oh, look who's here. Cheesy puff?

Dr. Beckett: No, thank you. My apologies for being delayed. I was with a patient.

Tracy: Really? And you couldn't have sent someone to inform us of that?

Dr. Beckett: Mr. Spencer was in no hurry to come back for his diagnosis. I didn't think there was any urgency.

Tracy: Really? Are you getting a sense of urgency now? Because he's here. So you should start talking.

Luke: Yeah, and start by telling her that my liver is humming like a finely tuned Maserati.

Dr. Beckett: As a matter of fact, it is.

Both: What?

Dr. Beckett: Mr. Spencer, there is nothing wrong with your liver.

Lucy: Doc and I are here in Port Charles to stay. Of course, you'd never know it by him, because he keeps shuttling back and forth to Seattle for a patient all the time. But anyway, the point is, is we are here. We're settled in, right? And the Nurses' Ball -- well, it's behind us for now, and I just desperately need, um -- a purpose, something to focus on -- a real purpose -- and that's where you come in.

Laura: How?

Lucy: Well, I think that after much soul-searching that I want to go back to what I love and do best -- my expertise -- my vocation that excites me and fulfills me and challenges me.

Laura: Okay. And what would that be?

Lucy: Deception.

Scott: Are you and Elizabeth going strong?

AJ: We're hanging in there.

Scott: How does Nikolas feel about all of that?

AJ: He doesn't care for it very much, but, you know, he's your son-in-law, so we'll just leave it at that.

Scott: I like Nikolas. I also like a fair fight. If Elizabeth chose you, then she chose you. Not much he can do about that, right?

AJ: Right.

Elizabeth: That recording made it sound like AJ was admitting to having sex with Carly and didn't want me to know about it.

Nikolas: Yes.

Elizabeth: Yes? Yes to what?

Nikolas: That's what you heard.

Elizabeth: Is it true?

Nikolas: Yes. AJ slept with Carly.

Dante: Shawn, we were interrupted before. Now you have our undivided attention. What did you come here to tell us?

Carly: Shawn has nothing to say.

Dante: What, are you a lawyer now?

Carly: No, I'm his friend, and friends look out for each other. You want to help, and I get it, but you know what? Words get twisted in here, and if you're not careful, you can end up being accused of something you didn't do. I've seen it happen a million times.

Dante: No one's accusing anybody of anything here. Shawn, would you please, please just tell us what you wanted to tell us?

Anna: Shawn?

Shawn: I just wanted to say -- I'm at your disposal --

Dante: [Sighs]

Shawn: And if there's anything I can do to aid in the investigation, please -- don't hesitate to give me a call.

Dante: Really? That's it?

Anna: Thank you. We will keep that in mind.

Carly: Okay, so, we're free to go, right? You don't have anything to connect us to Franco's attempted murder.

Franco: Any reason why you would be eavesdropping on your girlfriend's parents?

Morgan: What? I wasn't eavesdropping.

Franco: Okay. You sure about that, crouching hormones, hidden intellect? Because nobody likes a liar.

Ava: He would know.

Franco: I'm the liar? Who let Kiki grow up thinking her father was dead?

Ava: I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Morgan: Okay, well, this is kind of awkward. So, I just -- I wanted to get my comput --

Franco: Your computer. Do me a favor, horny ears -- don't eavesdrop anymore.

Ava: Keep insulting him, Franco. Kiki could use another reason to hate you.

Morgan: Thanks. I'll see you around.

Ava: I hope so.

Franco: How much do you think he heard?

Kiki: I care about Morgan.

Michael: Yeah, so do I. You know, he's my brother. I don't want to hurt him. Just -- he keeps telling me how much he's -- he's falling for you.

Kiki: [Scoffs]

Michael: What?

Kiki: It's just so my life. Why couldn't I have met you first?

Michael: Well, we'd still have to get around the whole being-related thing.

Kiki: Yeah, we wouldn't be able to get around that, huh?

Michael: No. No.

Kiki: How do you do it? How do you look at me after what my father did to you?

Michael: Kiki --

Kiki: No, I hate him.

Michael: Okay, but look -- you're not responsible for him. Whatever Franco did or didn't do, you can't blame yourself. And he doesn't affect the way that I feel about you.

Kiki: Felt.

Michael: Right. Felt. [Inhales deeply] [Chuckles] This is, uh -- this is crazy. Whatever we're feeling for each other, we got to find a way to shut it off.

Kiki: How?

Luke: I knew it.

Tracy: You did not.

Luke: You were wrong. I have the liver of a Mormon. Hannibal Lecter would wrap it in bacon and eat it with fava beans.

Tracy: That's repulsive.

Luke: You got to stop with this "drinking too much" thing, because the jury has spoken. Thank you, Doctor, for the wonderful news, albeit not surprising.

Tracy: Not surprising? He passed out. You fell like a ton of bricks. We came in here. We were told his bilirubin was high and a whole bunch of other unpronounceable markers, all indicating liver disease.

Luke: Woman, stop! Don't you want the doctor to be right?

Tracy: No, I want him to explain the test results. Don't you?

Luke: Not particularly.

Dr. Beckett: The counts are above the normal range, but not enough to concern me.

Luke: Well, there you have it. Let's go celebrate.

Dr. Beckett: Hold on. I said there's nothing wrong with your liver.

Tracy: What does that mean? Is there something else wrong?

Dr. Beckett: Unfortunately, yes.

Elizabeth: AJ slept with Carly? When? Why? And why do you have this information on your phone?

Nikolas: Is there a particular question you'd like me to answer first?

Elizabeth: Why is there a recording of AJ begging Tracy not to tell me that he slept with Carly? Have you been taping them?

Nikolas: N-no. No. Tracy did that.

Elizabeth: How did you get it?

Nikolas: She gave it to me.

Elizabeth: No. No, no. Tracy doesn't give things without wanting something in return.

Nikolas: [Sighs] She needed money.

Elizabeth: You bought it?

Nikolas: Yes, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: To break AJ and me up? Tell me.

Nikolas: Yes. That's exactly why I bought it.

Carly: Okay, so, we're free to go, right? It's illegal to keep us here if we're not under arrest.

Dante: We're well within our rights to hold you for questioning.

Anna: But you know what? You can go. Thank you. Both of you.

Dante: We're just gonna end up dragging you back in here, anyway.

Carly: For what it's worth, I really do hope you find the person who did this. And I am incredibly relieved that Olivia's gonna be okay. Let's go. Do you understand what happened in there? I'm innocent, and so are you.

Franco: What if Morgan was standing there the whole time?

Ava: He's harmless.

Franco: Yeah, you get to say that 'cause you're such a great judge of character.

Ava: True. I thought you were a decent person when we first met.

Franco: You thought I was more than that. You thought I was brilliant. You thought I was mysterious.

Ava: A sucker for those halal food carts.

Franco: Yeah, well -- don't knock them.

Ava: Do you remember the one on 13th Street?

Franco: Ava, how could I ever forget our first date?

Ava: The high line runs over it now. Why can't I remember the name of the guy?

Franco: Tariq.

Ava: Tariq.

Franco: Tariq. Biggest smile in all of New York City.

Ava: I thought that distinction went to me.

Franco: It did. You used to smile.

Ava: I still smile.

Franco: Really? I haven't seen it.

Ava: Can you blame me?

Franco: Yes, Ava, I can. You kept my child from me for her entire life. I can blame you. Ava.

Ava: You weren't ready to be a father.

Franco: Because you decided?

Ava: No, because you were crazy! Because you got so obsessed with things to the point where it was -- unhealthy. I could not have that around my daughter.

Franco: Our daughter. Right? She was our daughter.

Ava: Do you think it was easy for me?

Franco: I don't know what it was like for you. You didn't tell me anything. You told me nothing. We were together, and then one minute, we were not together.

Ava: [Scoffs] Do you really want to compare minutes? How about these -- one minute, I'm elated. I'm about to have a baby with this art genius, and the next minute, I'm thinking, "Crap! I'm knocked up with some kind of demon seed." I was terrified, Franco! I did the only thing I could.

Franco: I could have loved her.

Ava: But maybe too much?

Franco: Is that possible? Is that even possible?

Ava: Yeah. It is.

Franco: You get to decide who loves who! You get to decide how people are loved! You tell me something. You get to decide to keep me from my daughter. What are we gonna do about our daughter's dim-witted boyfriend and what he may or may not have heard?

Ava: [Sighs] Well, if Morgan overheard us conspiring about ELQ [Sighs] There's nothing we can do about it now.

Michael: We need to, uh, somehow forget about each other.

Kiki: [Scoffs] I wish there was a magic pill.

Michael: I can get a lobotomy.

Kiki: NO. Gosh, don't do that. You're perfect. Okay, first, I need to stop saying things like that. Second, we need to try to stay out of each other's orbits -- or at least try.

Michael: Yeah. [Sighs] But, uh -- AJ lives here.

Kiki: Okay, well, you can visit AJ at his office.

Michael: And there's my brother.

Kiki: Your brother can visit you at your house. You guys can play video games and go to batting cages.

Michael: [Chuckles] And I bet you're as good as, uh, Morgan at all those things, aren't you?

Kiki: Better. Promise me that you'll stay away.

Michael: Yeah. I promise -- if, uh, you promise, too.

Franco: Here's the beautiful irony in this situation. The only thing in the world that I want is Kiki's love and attention, and you have it, and you're willing to just give it away.

Ava: Kiki and I will be just fine.

Franco: [Chuckles] That must be nice.

Ava: Oh, so it's my fault now? Oh, of course, it is, because everything's my fault, right? Including all the creepy stuff you pulled with your brother -- because you never would have become fixated on him if I hadn't kept you from --

Franco: I never said that.

Ava: You didn't have to! Deep down, you believe it.

Franco: I own everything that I did to my brother -- everything.

Ava: And you're sorry. And you're trying to change.

Franco: I am! You know what? I don't care what you think. I don't. The only person in this whole world that I care about and what she thinks is my daughter.

Ava: Well, good luck with that after your latest stunt. You honestly don't see it, do you? Here you are, claiming to whoever will listen that you're reformed -- you're trying to get our daughter to believe that you've been misunderstood for all of these years -- and what's the first act of your reformation? Poisoning your family's relish on national television.

Franco: Who cares? Nobody died.

Ava: [Chuckles] Fine. Okay, well, I'm sure that Kiki will be 100% okay with it, then. As I see it, I really only have two options. One -- I go to AJ and/or Tracy and/or the police, tell them that you made everybody on "The Chew" desperately ill so ELQ would tank and you could take over the company --

Franco: Somehow, I think I'm gonna prefer option two.

Ava: Or I can keep your secret while you snatch ELQ from AJ. All you have to do is give me my fair share. Take it or leave it.

Franco: I'll take it. On one condition.

Luke: So, if it isn't my liver, what is it?

Dr. Beckett: Well, I ran a special panel of tests, and they indicate a very high and dangerous level of a toxic substance.

Luke: In me?

Dr. Beckett: That's what caused you to lose consciousness.

Tracy: Does this toxic substance have a name?

Laura: I'm sorry, Lucy. I'm a little bit lost, here. Who do you want to deceive?

Lucy: [Chuckles] That is so clever. You're a clever -- girl. You're not kidding, are you?

Laura: Mnh-mnh.

Lucy: Laura, come on. Deception Cosmetics. You know, I started that company. Then I ran it, and then you took over when I left, and you ran it. Remember?

Laura: Of course, I do. Of course. I-I just wasn't [Chuckling] Expecting -- I'm -- it's a wonderful idea.

Lucy: Well, thank you. I am so happy you feel that way.

Laura: Why?

Lucy: Because you are gonna be my partner, and we are gonna return Deception to its former glory.

Laura: Oh, I don't know about that, Lucy. I -- you know, I don't think so.

Lucy: Why? Why not?

Laura: [Sighs] You know what? To be honest, I bought that company to prove a point, and it was never my baby the way it was yours.

Lucy: Well, that's okay because now it could be your baby, because you would be running it for all the right reasons. And besides, um, Scott did happen to mention to me that you would like a second act, too.

Laura: He did?

Lucy: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you know, come on. We are like this and -- oh, he also -- he happened to mention that he might just consider running for district attorney again.

Laura: Is there anything he doesn't tell you?

Lucy: Um -- well, I didn't tell him all about this, but this all makes perfect sense, because you have good sense. I have big dreams, and so, together, we're a perfect team. Deception will be on everybody's lips, cheeks, eyes --

Laura: Do you have money, Lucy? Investors?

Lucy: There it is -- right there. There is your good sense -- right there. There it is.

Laura: Do you have money, Lucy?

Lucy: Well, it will materialize just like it did for the Nurses' Ball. All I need is for you to say yes.

Elizabeth: That day at Kelly's, you wanted to tell me something. This was it, wasn't it?

Nikolas: Yes.

Elizabeth: And then I got the invitation to the Haunted Star, and I had to leave --

Nikolas: I know. I'm glad we got interrupted, because I wasn't sure if I wanted you to hear this, and then I spoke to Alexis, and she told --

Elizabeth: Alexis? Why'd you tell your aunt?

Nikolas: Because I needed to confide in someone, and she's, as we both know, brutally honest about things.

Elizabeth: Okay, so what did she have to say about all of this?

Nikolas: She told me to keep the information to myself, to let you live your life. And I agreed.

Elizabeth: Then why do you still have this on your phone?

Nikolas: Insurance. I told AJ if he did anything else to hurt you -- you'd hear this.

[Cell phone ringing]

Shawn: The thing is, we're not innocent, okay? You still planned the hit. I still pulled the trigger. Olivia almost died.

Carly: But not from your bullet. Someone else took that shot -- not you.

Anna: The lab checked the fragments found in Olivia multiple times against the shell casing. The bullet definitely did not come from the rifle we recovered.

Dante: So, someone else besides Sonny and Shawn and Carly tried to kill Franco?

Anna: Someone in addition.

Shawn: Someone fired at Franco the exact same time I did?

Carly: Yes.

Shawn: How is that possible?

Carly: I don't know, but the ballistics reports do not lie.

Shawn: The bullet I fired must have missed completely, then.

Carly: Yes. You didn't hurt Olivia.

Shawn: I was so sure.

Carly: I was, too. We don't have anything to feel guilty about.

Shawn: [Sighs] Oh, God.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Shawn: Thank you. Thank you. I feel like I can breathe easier.

Carly: I know. I know. Me too.

Shawn: I didn't shoot her.

Carly: No, you didn't, but you did fire that gun. That means that bullet is still out there.

Shawn: Okay, we need to find it before the cops do.

Carly: I'm surprised they haven't found it yet.

Shawn: Look, they only thought there was one shot fired -- okay? That went into Olivia. They wouldn't be coming looking for more bullets.

Carly: Okay, well, that means it's possible that that bullet that you shot is still out on the terrace, okay? We have to find it, so the police have nothing on us.

Shawn: And the other person who wanted Franco dead will go down instead.

Carly: Yes. Come on.

Ava: You're in no position to negotiate with me.

Franco: No condition, no deal.

Ava: Fine. I'll just sit here and wait for AJ. Once word gets out about your relish sabotage, this redemption act of yours goes up in smoke.

Franco: You're bluffing.

Ava: Try me.

Morgan: What's with everyone making deals today?

Michael: Um -- uh, Kiki was just asking me to go easy on you about my whole, uh, credit card.

Kiki: Yeah, I begged him not to tell your parents.

Michael: Yeah. So we were shaking on it.

Morgan: Oh.

Michael: You, uh -- you got a really good girlfriend, here.

Morgan: Yeah. The best.

Michael: But you have to hold up your end, too, Morgan, okay? No more gambling, or else Mom and Dad find out.

Morgan: Aye, aye.

Michael: I'm serious, Morgan.

Morgan: No, no, no. So am I. I'm -- I'm sorry for maxing out your card. It won't happen again, okay?

Michael: Okay.

Morgan: And thanks, both of you.

Kiki: What were you talking about before? Who else did you see make a deal?

Ava: Remember, I'm the woman who kept you from seeing your child for two decades.

Franco: Are you? Or did I just allow for that to happen? [Sighs] If you tattle on me, I really have nothing to lose. That being said, I would really prefer that you didn't.

Ava: What do you want, Franco?

Franco: What do I want? What do I want more than anything in this world? I want you to help me win back our daughter.

Scott: So, uh, Lucy, you toasting our marriage here?

Lucy: Oh. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. We can -- we can toast to your partnership, but then we're gonna toast to ours.

Scott: What?

Lucy: Mine and Laura's.

Dr. Beckett: We don't know yet exactly what it is that's destroying your body, Mr. Spencer.

Luke: Wait, wait, wait, wait. "Destroying"?

Tracy: How serious is this?

Dr. Beckett: Very.

Luke: Well, but you can -- you can treat it. I mean, you ca -- you can stop whatever it is it's destroying.

DR. Beckett: Well, we hope we can, but first we need to identify it.

Tracy: Is there anything else you can tell us?

Dr. Beckett: Whatever's at work in your body right now did not occur naturally.

Luke: What does that -- what does that mean?

Dr. Beckett: It was somehow introduced into your system.

[Cell phone ringing]

Nikolas: I'm sorry if I handled this poorly. I was trying to be respectful of your choice and give you and AJ a chance.

Elizabeth: [Sighs] Hello?

AJ: Hey. Uh, I'm at the Metro Court. I was starting to get kind of worried.

Elizabeth: Yeah, sorry, um, something came up.

AJ: Uh, you think you can still make it?

Elizabeth: I wouldn't miss it.

AJ: Okay, great. I'll see you soon.

Elizabeth: See you soon. You're still okay to take Cameron for the night, right?

Nikolas: Ye-yes, of course.

Elizabeth: Cameron, come here, baby. Um, I'm gonna leave now. You be good for your Uncle Nikolas, okay? And, honey, I want you to know that you and your brother are the absolute best parts of my life. You hear me? The best.

Cameron: Too tight.

Elizabeth: Okay. I love you.

Cameron: I love you, too.

Elizabeth: All right. Go on. Go play. [Sighs] All right.

Nikolas: Shouldn't we talk about this --

Elizabeth: I'll return your shirt and your phone. Bye, boys. I love you.

Cameron: Bye.

AJ: Carly, come here. Come here. What are you doing here?

Carly: I own the place.

AJ: Thanks for the 10,000th reminder. I just -- I thought you would be all wrapped up in that shooting drama, considering you were a witness.

Carly: Okay. Why? What do you care about that?

AJ: Elizabeth is on her way over here. We're finally getting to a good place, and the last thing I need is yo -- you hanging around, dropping your cutesy little hints that we slept together. Don't even pretend you're above it.

Carly: I have something so much bigger going on. I could give a damn about you and Elizabeth right now.

Anna: I know Carly and Shawn are involved. I just feel it. I know. I know she opened that hotel room. She let him in there in order to kill Franco. And that when he thought he hit your mother by mistake, he panicked, and that's why he dropped the shell casing on the ground. He didn't pick it up.

Dante: Well, that explains Shawn's lapse in judgment when he ditched the gun.

Anna: Yeah.

Dante: I know his guilt was getting to him. He was coming here to confess, and he would have done that if Carly hadn't stopped him.

Anna: I know, but we can't prove it. There's no evidence, whatsoever, linking Carly and Shawn to the shooting. And we don't know who else tried to kill Franco.

Ava: This is insane. In the first place, she's not even speaking to me, so even if I wanted to make this happen -- which I don't, by the way -- I couldn't.

Franco: You said you and Kiki were fine. That's what you said.

Ava: I will not let my baby girl get hurt.

Franco: I won't hurt her, and I won't let her get hurt, either. You were right -- what you said before. It was probably a good thing to keep me away from her. I-I was not fit to be anyone's parent. [Voice breaking] But I've changed. Things have changed. [Sighs] I'd like to get to know her, and I think deep down that you want that, too.

Morgan: Well, you were right about your mom being in town.

Kiki: You saw her?

Morgan: Yeah, she's up at the house with your dad.

Kiki: What the heck? First, she lies about him being dead, says that she can't stand him, and that he's some monster. Now -- [Sighs]

Morgan: I don't know. They were in some pretty intense conversation, making some kind of agreement.

Kiki: Great. You know what? I don't even want to know.

Morgan: Hey, come on. Don't be stressed. It's a beautiful night. We live in a mansion. Life's pretty good, right? I mean, I know -- I know mine is. How could it not be, with you two looking after me?

Franco: We can do this. We'll win back our daughter's trust and affection and become a family -- a really weird, broken family, like every family. You know, we'd be better off than the Quartermaines -- that's for sure.

Ava: You better be serious about this.

Franco: I've never been more serious about anything in my life.

Ava: Okay.

Franco: Okay.

Ava: I accept your proposal, if you accept mine.

Franco: Done.

Tracy: These are vile.

Luke: Stop eating them.

Tracy: I can't.

Luke: I told you there was nothing wrong with my liver.

Tracy: Yeah, well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but, at this point, I'd rather there was something wrong with your liver. It's probably better than the alternative.

Scott: You two as business partners? I-I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Lucy: I'm sure. It's absolutely perfect, and your new, lovely bride agrees with me. Doesn't she?

Laura: To taking Deception to new heights.

Lucy: Oh, yes.

Scott: Okay, if you're in, then I'm in.

Lucy: Yes, yes, yes. To --

Laura: Deception.

Lucy: Deception.

Nikolas: Come on, boys. Pick up your stuff. It's time to go home.

Spencer: You're not mad at me, are you?

Nikolas: No, son, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself.

AJ: Hey. I'm glad you made it.

Elizabeth: Me too.

AJ: Expecting a call? Tracy, please don't tell Elizabeth I slept with Carly.

Tracy: Too bad. I think Elizabeth needs to know you and Carly engaged in some steamy hate-sex.

AJ: [Sighs] A swim? Hang out for a little bit?

Michael: No, that's okay. Actually, I got to get to work. It's gonna be kind of a busy summer, too, so I'm not sure I'm gonna be seeing much of you guys.

Morgan: Bummer.

Michael: Anyway, have a good one.

Morgan: Oh, it'll definitely be a good one. [Chuckles] But have some fun, Mikey. You know what they say -- all work, no play.

Michael: I'll do my best.

Morgan: Yeah.

Michael: Thanks.

Franco: [Sighs]

Ava: This little bargain we're making won't do either of us much good if you're dead.

Franco: Mm.

Ava: Well, someone did try to kill you a couple of nights ago. Who's to say they won't try to finish the job?

Carly: Anything?

Shawn: I'd say this is something.

Carly: Oh, my God.

Shawn: I pried it out of the planter.

Carly: Is that from your gun?

Shawn: It wasn't me.

Carly: [Sighs]

Dante: Honestly, I mean, as much as I want answers, I'm glad it wasn't Shawn. It means Sonny wasn't responsible for my mother getting shot.

Franco: You forget I'm hard to kill. Even my brother couldn't manage it, and he was an expert. I'm not going anywhere. Well, not anytime soon.

Ava: Yeah? What makes you so sure?

Anna: Sonny's off the hook, along with Carly and Shawn, but this investigation is nowhere near over.

Dante: Somebody wanted Franco dead.

Anna: And still does.

Franco: I know who tried to kill me. More than that, they know I know. They won't be trying again anytime soon.

Shawn: My bullet didn't hit Olivia. Someone else's did.


Ava: Sounds like you have it all figured out.

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