General Hospital Transcript Friday 6/21/13
Provided By Suzanne
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Elizabeth: Okay. You be good for your Uncle Nikolas, and play nicely with your cousin, okay?
Cameron: See you later, Mom.
Elizabeth: Oh. Hey.
Nikolas: Hey, Spencer, go show Cameron what we brought with us today. Yeah?
Spencer: Come on, Cam. Wait till you see!
Elizabeth: Oh, fun!
Nikolas: Ah, it's astonishing how quickly those two have become inseparable, huh?
Elizabeth: As it should be. I mean, they're family, right?
Nikolas: Right.
Elizabeth: Thank you for organizing this whole thing.
Nikolas: Oh, my pleasure.
Elizabeth: Okay. Well, I'll, um...see you later.
Nikolas: Hey, hey, hey. Stay.
[Elevator bell dings]
AJ: Hey, Duke, sorry for the delay. Got a bunch of nervous investors who want reassurances. Have you checked the share price?
Duke: I've just been looking at them, unfortunately.
AJ: It's pretty bleak. Share prices haven't rebounded since we got everyone sick on "The Chew" with our relish.
Duke: Yes, even with the announcement that Pickle-Lila and Pickle-Eddie were both tampered with hasn't stopped the downward trend.
AJ: I'm afraid we might not be able to turn this around if we can't figure out who's behind the sabotage.
Franco: I don't mind if I do.
Ava: Hello? Quartermaines?
Franco: If you're here to drag Kiki away from here, you're too late. Her and her dumb boyfriend are settling in nicely.
Morgan: Kiki, come on. What's taking so long to find a bathing suit? What the hell are you doing?
Alexis: How's Olivia?
Sonny: Hi. Uh, yeah. She turned a corner. Um, she's awake, alert. She's even giving me grief. The doctors think that -- you know, they're being cautious, but they think she's gonna be okay.
Alexis: Well, that's good to hear.
Sonny: Yeah, it's been a rough couple of days.
Alexis: Yeah. I would imagine you're really relieved, especially since you're the reason that Olivia's in the hospital in the first place.
Dante: Hey, why was I called in? My mother just woke up. What's going on?
Officer: We found the weapon used by her shooter.
Carly: You're gonna turn yourself in? Are you out of your mind?
Shawn: I'm not really seeing another option.
Carly: I do, lots of them, ones that don't include ruining both of our lives, Shawn.
Shawn: It's the honorable thing to do, okay? The only thing, if I have any chance of salvaging my relationship.
Carly: Will you forget about Alexis? You can't do this. If you turn yourself in, it's a matter of time before Anna connects the whole thing to me.
Anna: Just the person I was looking for.
Shawn: You have more questions.
Anna: No, I have questions for Carly.
Morgan: What the hell?
Michael: Morgan, I thought you were in there, okay? I was looking for you.
Kiki: Michael had no idea that I was in here, Morgan!
Morgan: Yeah, it was bad enough when you were leering at Kiki when she was just my girlfriend --
Kiki: Leering? Do you even hear yourself talking, Morgan?
Morgan: But now you know she's your cousin, and you're still drooling over her? What kind of perv are you, Mikey?
Officer: The rifle was found in a landfill, a mile from the Metro Court.
Dante: No serial number.
Officer: No, filed off.
Dante: Yeah, untraceable. Didn't expect any less. This shooter's a pro. This casing matches the bullet found in a hotel room overlooking the terrace. This is it. We found our weapon.
Sonny: Come over here. I would never put Olivia in harm's way.
Alexis: Not intentionally, no. But you did order Shawn to take out Franco in the Metro Court despite the risk to bystanders. See, that's the problem when you try to solve problems with bullets. Innocent people tend to get in the way.
Sonny: You don't know what you're talking about.
Alexis: Shawn admitted that he's the shooter, so you can skip the part where you stand there and you lie to my face. I know you told him to hit Franco. Unless, of course, you pin it on somebody else.
Carly: Why do you want to question me?
Anna: Oh, this is probably a matter we should continue down at the station.
Carly: The station?
Anna: Don't worry. It's very routine.
Carly: Okay. Well, anything you have to ask me, you can ask me here, then.
Anna: No, I just feel like, with a case this serious that any statement you give should be on record.
Carly: Should I call my lawyer?
Nikolas: Stay. I could use the company.
Elizabeth: I can't.
Nikolas: Why?
Elizabeth: I'm meeting AJ in an hour.
Nikolas: That's in an hour. So stay just for a little while.
Elizabeth: No, really, I -- I can't. I mean, this is not a good idea.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, you've made it clear to me that you want to be with AJ, and although I don't necessarily understand the choice, you have every right to make it.
Elizabeth: Ugh! Here we go.
Nikolas: What "ugh"? You've been dating AJ for all of three months. We went to high school together. Our kids are cousins. Come on. We're friends still, right? At least, I hope we are.
Elizabeth: Yeah, of course, we are.
Nikolas: Okay. Then, can't we just hang out in the park on a beautiful day while our boys play together?
Elizabeth: Okay. As long as you respect that I want to be with AJ, and you back off the both of us, which means no snide remarks about him.
Nikolas: I'm not entitled to my opinion anymore?
Elizabeth: No, I know what they are, and you are more than welcome to share them with me when they change. In the meantime, yeah, I'll stay... as long as you promise to be civil. You think you can do that?
AJ: You know, I was convinced that Tracy poisoned our relish, but then the results came back from the lab indicating that both had been tainted.
Duke: Which exonerates Tracy, because why would she poison her own product, after all?
AJ: And I'd like to know who did it, because it's been more than a month, and we haven't heard anything.
Duke: Gordon Elliott and the NYPD are both conducting an investigation. They've come up with no leads.
AJ: This doesn't make any sense at all. None of our chief rivals are even in the condiment business. I mean, who would want to tank our company like this?
Duke: Well, have you considered Ava Jerome?
Ava: Yours?
Franco: Alice, the maid. You met her? She sorted through a whole bag of those and picked those out just for me, special.
Ava: Such a stupid affectation.
Franco: That's my stupid affectation. They taste better that way.
Ava: Only in your mind, which, I grant you, is a very scary place.
Franco: Fine. More for me and Kiki.
Ava: You expect me to believe that you and my daughter are bonding over candy?
Franco: We have to bond over something. Our relationship is so problematic, what with you keeping her from me for her entire life.
Ava: She did just fine without you, Franco. We both did.
Franco: Kiki moved in here to live with me and my new family.
Ava: [Laughs] The Quartermaines have been your family for, what -- all of five minutes?
Franco: You know, I don't see what she sees in this guy Morgan, and I don't understand why he's called Morgan when the other one, Michael, is just so much more like Jason. But let me tell you something -- if Morgan is part of the reason why Kiki is willing to live here under my roof, I'm all for it. Time with my daughter -- what else could a man want?
Ava: How about a conscience?
Franco: I just got one of those. I'm breaking it in.
Ava: So you say.
Franco: So I say? Why else would I voluntarily come back to Port Charles? I'm out on bail, but I still have to stand trial.
Ava: Sounds like another art piece to me, designed to confuse and mislead. Nothing you ever do is straightforward.
Franco: Appearances can be so misleading. I feel it's my responsibility as an artist to point that out. If one person gets it, then one person is closer to the truth.
Ava: I don't need any help figuring you out, thanks. And for the record, I've spent a lot of time with Morgan. The truth is, he's a very nice young man.
Franco: Trying to get closer to our daughter by sucking up to her boyfriend. How's that working for you?
Ava: I do have some repair work to do on my relationship with Kiki.
Franco: Oh, so that full-court press to get her to sign over all of her shares of ELQ -- that didn't work so great?
Ava: Kiki will come around. I'm just gonna give her some space and some time.
Franco: Convenient considering that she's not speaking to you.
Ava: I have business with AJ. He wasn't at the office. Is he here?
Franco: No, you just missed him, the big lunkhead, by not less than five minutes.
Ava: If only I'd thought to ask instead of wasting all this time in conversation with you.
Franco: What do you want from Junior? And, by the way, that's not what I call him. That's what the Qs call him. I think it's appropriate, because it conjures up to mind images of somebody being spoiled and not very bright. That, again, appropriate.
Ava: Does your brother know how highly you speak of him?
Franco: Oh, please, this is mild by Quartermaine standards. They are vicious in the verbal combat. I think it's part of the reason I fit in so nicely.
Ava: Finally? After a lifetime as an outsider, you have a place to belong.
Franco: Amen. So, what do you want from AJ? You're gonna convince him that you can offer up Kiki's allegiance?
Ava: No. I'm offering AJ something much better. Your head on a silver platter.
Elizabeth: That's the deal, Nikolas. If we're still gonna be friends, then you have to respect my decisions and not interfere. Can you do that?
AJ: All right, Nikolas, if your, uh, intentions are every bit as noble as you say, why don't you give me back the recording?
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Wouldn't that be convenient for you.
AJ: Well, you said it yourself that if Elizabeth found out that I slept with Carly, it would hurt her.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] You're always looking for the easy way out, aren't you, AJ? You have no problem crossing the line, but you never want to pay the consequences. Too bad. That recording's my little insurance policy. Make one wrong move with Elizabeth, and I'll make sure she hears about your pathetic little fling with Carly. I always respect you, Elizabeth. I gave you my word -- I will not interfere in your life.
Elizabeth: Then it's settled. I'll stay.
AJ: You know Ava Jerome?
Duke: She was here earlier looking for you. Do you mind if I ask you -- how do you know Ms. Jerome?
AJ: She's Kiki's mother.
Duke: Who's Kiki?
AJ: Franco's daughter. You see, calling her Lauren was just wishful thinking. Her real name is Lauren Katherine Jerome, Kiki for short.
Duke: That's why we had such a hard time locating her.
AJ: Tell me more about your meeting with Ava. Why are you convinced that she wants to go after ELQ?
Duke: It's not so much what she said. It's more about who she is.
Franco: My head on a silver platter. Do you have any idea how beautiful that is? Do you know the origins of that statement, the etymology, the story behind the story?
Ava: Stop trying to change the subject.
Franco: No, that is the subject! Salome wanted John the Baptist's head on a silver platter. It was covered by all the masters of the renaissance, and I think it's ripe for interpretation. I can't wait to get my hands on the reflective properties --
Ava: Not if your brother kills you first.
Franco: No, I don't think he wants to do that.
Ava: Wait till he gets to know you better.
Franco: No, I think he wants to do that. AJ can't wait. He wants me to fold into the family as much as I want to be folded in. Won't be long before he thinks of me as family.
Ava: Even after he finds out you poisoned his relish?
Kiki: Morgan, Mikey had no idea I was in there, okay?
Morgan: Okay, maybe, but he was certainly enjoying the view.
Kiki: I'm not scenery.
Michael: I had no idea Kiki was in there, okay? I was looking for you. I saw your sandals and your --
Morgan: Yeah, okay, okay. And what was so urgent?
Michael: How about you stealing my credit card?
Morgan: [Scoffs]
Dante: We need to confirm the bullets and the strike marks match the ones Forensics reconstructed from the pieces extracted from my mother.
Officer: You okay, Falconeri?
Dante: Yeah, I'm fine. Have Ballistics put a rush on that. The sooner we can match that weapon to the crime, the closer we get to putting the shooter behind bars.
Anna: Your lawyer?
Carly: Yeah. Diane Miller. I'm sure she'd be interested in whatever you want to talk to me about.
Anna: Of course, yeah. By all means, give her a call, but I don't see why you'd need her input.
Carly: Even as you're dragging me off to the station?
Anna: I'm not pulling out the handcuffs. This is really just follow-up questions, because you're the owner of the Metro Court. It's things like, you know, staff schedules and who was on security the night of the shooting. You've been so cooperative... so far. There's no reason to bring a lawyer into all this, is there?
Carly: Guess not.
Anna: Right. Shall we? I'll give you a ride. Mr. Butler.
Shawn: Commissioner.
Sonny: Things didn't go down the way you think.
Alexis: You think I care how they were supposed to go down? Did you think for one minute how this would affect your enforcer? You know Shawn had PTSD. You know that he's had tough times.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Alexis: You know he's made really bad decisions.
Sonny: Decisions that had nothing to do with me.
Alexis: And he was really working hard to put his life back together. He was raising TJ. He was working at Kelly's -- granted, not a glamorous life, but it's an honest and a good one. And when Jason died, you lost your enforcer, so you recruited Shawn.
Sonny: Shawn's a grown man. He does what he wants to do.
Alexis: No one says no to you.
Sonny: Including you? Look, you... I -- I didn't want this to happen. You don't understand what went down.
Alexis: Then make me understand and make me understand why Olivia is in that hospital room. Because if you didn't put Shawn in that position, who did?
Elizabeth: So, now that you're no longer in the relish business with Tracy, what's keeping you busy?
Nikolas: Well, I'm actually in the process of acquiring a company right here in Port Charles. Not ELQ, so don't worry.
Elizabeth: Okay, I'll bite. What company?
Nikolas: Oh, it's too soon in the negotiations to say.
Elizabeth: Oh, you corporate titan, you.
Nikolas: I'm a power player. What can I say?
Elizabeth: [Scoffs]
Nikolas: More importantly, it's keeping me here. That's not gonna be a problem for you, is it?
Elizabeth: Oh, my God! Stop! Aah!
Nikolas: Okay.
AJ: You were very open about your criminal past when you came here. I just wasn't aware that the family you were involved with was named Jerome.
Duke: I had every reason to believe that the Jeromes were no more.
AJ: Let me ask you something. During your time with them, do you remember ever meeting a family member named Ava?
Duke: No. I only knew Victor's two children -- Olivia and Julian. But there's no reason why Ava could not be related.
AJ: Just as likely they're not related, though. I mean, Jerome is a fairly common last name.
Duke: That's funny. That's exactly what she said when I brought it up. But I did get this very odd feeling from her.
AJ: What kind of feeling?
Duke: There was just something about her demeanor. Like as if she was hiding something. She was playing cat and mouse with me. And I got the feeling she was enjoying every minute of the chase.
Ava: You're the one who tainted AJ and Tracy's relishes on "The Chew."
Franco: I don't know what you're talking about.
Ava: No? Don't play dumb. You're a lot of things, Franco. Ignorant isn't one of them.
Franco: You're hot when you're condescending.
Ava: Pickle-Lila relish was supposed to make ELQ rise from the ashes. Sadly, we all know what happened -- both AJ and Tracy's relishes were tampered with. The incident on "The Chew" went viral. ELQ's stock prices still haven't recovered.
Franco: Really? I didn't know that. I was busy doing other things, like coming back from the dead.
Ava: Well, let me fill you in. They never found the person who tampered with the relishes... the person responsible for tanking ELQ. Well, someone obviously wanted to create chaos for that company.
Franco: Mm.
Ava: Chaos. Major theme in your work, no?
Franco: No, I -- I think my work's more about the evil that men do. That's why I've never really been interested in corporations. It's too obvious. There's nothing personal there. There's nothing intimate there.
Ava: Poisoning four individuals is personal... intimate. But doing it on national television, thereby undermining ELQ -- well, that raises it to the level of an event.
Franco: You're right. When you say it like that, I wish I'd thought of that.
Ava: As performance art/corporate sabotage, it's brilliant. But for a man trying to prove his redemption, you just made a serious error.
Franco: Did I? So, I'm responsible for all the mayhem in the world. Tell me something -- how are you gonna prove your little theory?
Ava: Not a theory. You did it. I know you did. And I have proof.
Morgan: I-I stole your credit card? That's some serious deflection, Mikey. You're freaking nuts.
Michael: The bank called me with a fraud alert, Morgan. Apparently, somebody got ahold of my card and maxed it out on a gambling site.
Kiki: You've been gambling again?!
Alexis: If you're not responsible for Olivia's shooting, then who is?
Sonny: From the second that shot went off and Olivia hit the ground, I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out who and what enemy did this to me, and you're telling me that it was you?
Shawn: Man, I'm sorry.
Sonny: I don't want to hear "sorry."
Shawn: I was aiming for Franco, and then Olivia came -- she ran out --
Sonny: Why?! I told you to stand down!
Shawn: I did. I did, man. Look, I did until Carly called me.
Sonny: Carly?
Shawn: She told me that...
Sonny: Wait a minute. Wait a minute! You telling me Carly ordered the hit?
Shawn: What's going on?
Alexis: Well, you're off the hook -- for now. Olivia woke up.
Shawn: Well, I'm glad to hear it.
Alexis: I'm sure you are.
Shawn: Sonny, there's, uh, something we need to discuss.
Alexis: Oh, I can only imagine what that would be. I'd love to stay and listen, but I've heard enough lies for one week. I'm gonna go see my daughter and my grandson.
Shawn: She's upset about Danny's leukemia diagnosis.
Sonny: She also thinks I ordered the hit on Franco.
Shawn: Why didn't you tell her the truth -- that it was Carly who lied and told me that to hit Franco at the Metro Court?
Sonny: I'm not gonna give up the mother of my sons, as much as I'd like to right now. No one has to know that Carly is responsible.
Shawn: Well, except I think Anna already does.
Anna: Take a seat, Carly. I'll be in shortly.
Dante: She agreed to come in here?
Anna: Yeah. I told her it's routine follow-up questions. So, is it true? Your mom regained consciousness?
Dante: Yeah.
Anna: Oh, good.
Dante: Yeah, the doctors are optimistic.
Anna: That's wonderful. Will you tell me about this rifle that was recovered?
Dante: Sniper rifle, found in a landfill. It's got to be the gun used to shoot my mother. You know, the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Carly and Sonny are behind this whole thing. My mother, she just got in between them and their vendetta against Franco.
Anna: Yeah. All right, well, I'll find out more when I question her.
Dante: I want to go in there with you.
Anna: Uh, yeah, I can understand why you would want that, but we've got to be careful with her or she's gonna lawyer up.
Dante: Yeah, I know the stakes.
Anna: If you lose your temper, we won't get anything out of Carly. Her lawyer is Diane Miller. She won't take kindly to you bouncing off the walls.
Dante: Yeah. I, uh, need to be a part of this.
Anna: I will allow it, but we have to be smart about this. It's the only way we're gonna get Carly to crack.
Nikolas: Okay, okay, okay! I declare an immediate cease-fire! Come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here! [Laughter] Oh, you're so in trouble.
Elizabeth: How many gallons of water are in those things?
Cameron: We just wanted to cool you off.
Elizabeth: Oh, really? Gee, thanks. That's so thoughtful.
Spencer: Can we have them back?
Nikolas: Can you what?
Spencer: Can we have them back?
Elizabeth: [Laughing]
Nikolas: Tell you what -- if you promise to only spray each other, I'll give them back to you. We got a deal?
Both: Deal!
Nikolas: Deal?
Spencer: Deal.
Nikolas: All right, now get out of here. Go play. Go on. Watch your back. Geez.
Elizabeth: Wow. They really got us good.
Nikolas: You see that little flanking maneuver they did? That was very impressive.
Elizabeth: You're soaked.
Nikolas: Well, thankfully, I planned on taking them to the pool. I brought an extra shirt. Looks like you probably need this more than I do.
AJ: I had Ava checked out when she first came to the house to see Tracy. Nothing jumped out as a red flag. Now, I can speak with the investigators, have them vet her further, if you think that she's that suspicious.
Duke: No, I'm sure it's nothing. I mean, you know what it's like when you first meet somebody and you form an instant first impression.
AJ: Yeah, well, sometimes first impressions can turn out to be a lot of trouble.
Duke: Are you thinking of something in particular?
AJ: Total coincidence -- Michael's brother, Morgan, was already dating Kiki. The two of them have been staying with Michael ever since they hit town.
Duke: So, Michael is sharing a flat with this girl, and he didn't realize it was his cousin?
AJ: Well, I definitely don't think that if Michael knew that his cousin was Kiki Jerome he would have kissed her.
Kiki: Are you serious, Morgan? I thought we talked about this. You said you were going to stop gambling.
Morgan: Okay, one, I never said that. Two, why are you so quick to believe my brother over me? All right? Credit cards get stolen all the time. A lot of thieves use them for gambling. All right, could have been anyone. It was probably some Rando that swiped Mikey's card off the street or fished it out of a deli ATM. I don't know.
Michael: I saw your laptop, Morgan, okay? I know it was you.
Kiki: Could have been anyone, huh, Morgan?
Morgan: Okay, fine. It was me. Are you guys happy?
Michael: Thrilled.
Kiki: Wonderful! So, you've been hiding this from me ever since I came into town?
Morgan: Baby, no, no, no, no. It is not like that, okay? Travis texted me some new site, and I thought I could win enough money to pay my dad back, maybe a little bit more.
Michael: And how's that plan working out for you, Morgan? Because right now there's a $10,000 charge on my card on top of the $50,000 you already owe Dad.
Morgan: Yeah, whatever. I got in a little over my head.
Kiki: [Scoffs] Again.
Morgan: [Sighs]
Franco: You have proof. Do tell. No, seriously -- do tell. I'm in the mood for a story.
Ava: Very well. Once upon a time...
Franco: Oh, good.
Ava: ...Luke Spencer came to my place in New York. He told me about the existence of Kiki's shares at ELQ. The very next day, I had to go on a business trip. On the way to the airport, what do you think I saw on that little TV in the back of the cab?
Franco: No idea. Was it the video of that little kitty-cat meowing in the bathtub? Because that is so cute.
Ava: An announcement that the Quartermaines were gonna be in New York, promoting their new relishes on "The Chew." I took a detour to see Kiki's newfound relatives for myself. Unfortunately, by the time I got to the studio, almost everyone had left for the hospital due to an unforeseen illness.
Franco: Shame. It looks like you delayed your business trip for nothing.
Ava: On the contrary, one of the few people left at the studio was a lovely young producer by the name of Todd Garrin. He told me that he had seen an unauthorized person in the green room -- a man who ran off before Todd could get his name.
Franco: And you think that unauthorized man was me?
Ava: Oh, honey... I know it was.
Anna: So, when the security footage from the Metro Court was reviewed, it was discovered that some of the surveillance cameras had been disabled, specifically the one on the side street -- the Grand Street entrance. Now, who has access to those controls?
Carly: The head of my security team and the people who work directly under him.
Anna: What about hotel management? Do they?
Carly: Yes, they do.
Anna: Okay. And hotel owners.
Carly: Yes, of course.
Anna: Oh.
Carly: You don't think Connie had anything to do with this, do you?
Dante: No. We don't think Connie had anything to do with this. But we do think you played a big part of this, Carly.
Shawn: The commissioner took Carly in for questioning. Says it's routine, but it probably didn't help she saw Carly with me at the park.
Sonny: Damn it. Carly never thinks. What's gonna happen to my boys? It's gonna destroy Michael and Morgan.
Shawn: Not to mention Josslyn. She's just a little kid.
Sonny: My boys' lives will be torn apart.
Shawn: Doesn't have to.
Sonny: How do we stop it?
Shawn: We'll go down to the station, tell Anna I acted alone, and turn myself in.
[Both laughing]
Elizabeth: So, what do you think, hmm?
Nikolas: Roomy.
Elizabeth: I'm bringing baggy back.
Nikolas: [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: What's wrong with your phone?
Nikolas: Oh, it seems to have become a casualty of the water war.
Elizabeth: Oh, no. Oh, I read someplace that you're supposed to put it in a bowl of uncooked rice.
Nikolas: You know, I should have brought a bowl of uncooked rice instead of sandwiches for lunch. You're right.
Spencer: Sorry, Dad.
Nikolas: It's all right, man.
Cameron: I bet I can fix it.
Nikolas: Really?
Elizabeth: Oh, yeah. I bet he can. He's a tech genius.
Nikolas: Okay. Knock yourself out.
Cameron: I will. Come on, Spencer.
Elizabeth: Oh, I bet my shirt is never gonna dry by the time I have to leave.
Nikolas: Oh, I'm sorry if the water ambush ruined your day.
Elizabeth: Oh, please. I'm having fun.
Nikolas: So am I.
Duke: So, Michael kissed his brother's girlfriend, who then turned out to be his cousin.
AJ: Yeah. Talk about an unexpected complication. I told Michael to stay away from Kiki.
Duke: That's probably a good course of action.
AJ: Except it throws a monkey wrench in our plans with ELQ.
Duke: How so?
AJ: She and Michael are about the same age. I was hoping that he could persuade her to vote with me and, in turn, persuade Franco.
Duke: Well, don't worry. I'm sure we'll come up with a better course of action.
AJ: I sure hope so. Because as much as it would work for me to have Michael get close to this girl, I think it could be a recipe for disaster.
Kiki: Forget about getting in debt for the second time in less than a month. Now you're stealing from your brother?
Michael: Like we were planning to steal from the guys in New York?
Kiki: I set up that poker game hoping to hustle some trust-fund brats. That's a lot different than ripping off your brother, and you know it.
Morgan: Okay. And that game wasn't completely legit. We were planning on cheating the whole time.
Kiki: Well, now you're gambling money that you don't have again and this time, it's Michael's money. What if the debt collectors come after him next, huh?
Michael: I wouldn't worry about that. The card was declined.
Kiki: Morgan, when those thugs came to my mom's apartment to get money that you didn't have, they were going to beat the crap out of you for the second time, and Michael is the one that stood up for you. Michael put his life on the line. Heck, I even put my life on the line for you. And now you were lying to the both of us, huh? You've been gambling again.
Morgan: I only did it for you, Kiki.
Michael: Oh, get your story straight, Morgan! You said you were gambling to win money to pay Dad back.
Morgan: Yeah, I want to do both -- I want to pay Dad back, and I want to get Kiki out from under her new family.
Kiki: You were gambling for me?
Morgan: Yes! Of course. I know how much your dad makes your skin crawl, and I don't blame you. Okay? That bastard's hurt everyone close to me. The last thing I'm gonna do is let him hurt you, too. I was just hoping to win enough so you wouldn't have to spend another day under the same roof as that psycho.
Ava: First, "The Chew" issues a statement that the relishes had been tampered with, and a few days later... you turn up alive.
Franco: Oh, I didn't just turn up. I had a party, and it was fun. No less than three people tried to murder me. That's -- that's inaccurate. Technically, two people tried to murder me -- Morgan's father, Sonny -- he pointed a gun at me -- and aforementioned lunkhead brother, he tried to strangle me. The third, technically, was not attempted murder. I mean, she just hit me in the head with a handgun, which was still hurtful.
Ava: I wish I'd been there.
Franco: You know, you and I, we deserved a more private reunion.
Ava: Aww. And so, I came to see you in your jail cell. And that's when I learned that you had your own financial interests in ELQ. A few days later, I went back to the city, I showed your photo to Todd Garrin... and he ID'd you as the man he saw in the green room.
Franco: Hmm. Come on. Relish-gate has been completely investigated. If some television producer claims to recognize me, why haven't I been questioned by the police or, worse, Aunt Tracy?
Ava: Simple. I paid Todd Garrin to keep his mouth shut.
Franco: You paid for something. You've never even picked up a dinner check.
Ava: Sometimes you got to spend money to make money, and I knew what I had to gain by silencing that producer, was worth a lot more.
Franco: Really? What did you have to gain?
Ava: You're not that mysterious, Franco. That televised exercise in food poisoning wasn't some performance-art piece. It was all about driving the stock price of ELQ down... thereby leaving the company open to a takeover... by the likes of you.
Sonny: Listen to me. You shouldn't have to sacrifice yourself. All you got to do is lie low.
Shawn: I'm not sure I can live with that --
Sonny: Carly lied to you. She told you that I ordered the hit. You shouldn't have to take the fall for something that was not your fault.
Shawn: The bottom line is, I pulled the trigger, and I shot the wrong person. Okay, the last time that happened, I felt like I never paid the price for killing TJ's father, and I almost lost my mind. I can't go through that again.
Sonny: I understand, but going to the cops -- you think that's the right thing to do?
Shawn: Look, the cops already suspect me, okay? It's only a matter of time before they get enough evidence.
Sonny: You shouldn't make assumptions. All you got to do is play this out.
Shawn: If I don't turn myself in and this investigation continues, you and Carly can be connected to the shooting, as well, and I'm not willing to let that happen.
Sonny: You're in the situation 'cause you work for me.
Shawn: No, I'm in this situation because I shot an innocent woman. I -- I keep playing it in my head. I know Olivia ran into my shot. But I had -- I had Franco in my sights, man. And part of me still can't believe that I missed so badly. But I did, okay? And it's time for me to take responsibility for that.
Dante: Your head of security says he's never shut off any cameras before. Connie has an alibi. That leaves you. Did you really think we weren't gonna figure this out? How are you gonna look at my mother in the eye, now that she's awake?
Carly: Olivia's awake?
Dante: Wow. That's some relief for you. How do you like that? You pretty happy you don't have blood on your hands right now?
Anna: We've got to be smart about this.
Dante: No, you know what? This doesn't work with her. The "good cop" routine, it doesn't matter. So, just so you know, we found the gun that was used to shoot my mother. Ballistics has it right now. They're gonna take a look at it. How long before you think we can trace that back to one of Sonny's guys?
Carly: It wasn't Sonny.
Anna: Well, who was it?
Kiki: Captain... you're right. It is hard living under the same roof as my dad.
Morgan: I know, baby. I just want to take care of you.
Michael: You know, it may have been for a worthy cause, Morgan, but you still stole my credit card.
Kiki: Mikey, can you please just take it easy on him?
Morgan: You want your stupid card back so bad, I'll go get it right this second.
Michael: And why don't you cancel your account on that poker site while you're at it?
Morgan: Okay. And why don't you stop gawking at my girlfriend, and then maybe we have a deal?
Kiki: Mikey, I'm sorry. I know that, deep down, Morgan does care that he stole your credit card.
Michael: You don't have to apologize. I've known Morgan his whole life. I only wish I was more surprised.
Kiki: Just so you know, I had no idea that he was gambling again, and I'm really sorry that he brought you into it.
Michael: Right. All that matters is that it's settled, you know?
Kiki: Right. Well, you might want to keep better track of your credit cards next time.
Michael: Yeah. Uh... something a little bigger's been on my mind. We, uh...have to figure out what we're gonna do.
Kiki: About what?
Michael: About us.
Ava: You don't want just part of ELQ. You want the whole damn thing for yourself.
Franco: Even if that were true, what are you gonna do about it?
Ava: Well, I was looking for AJ, because I was just about to offer him the name of his relish saboteur for a healthy sum of cash.
Franco: Mm.
Ava: But I stand to gain so much more, and you would get to keep your freedom if we unite.
Franco: When did this become about my freedom?
Ava: Well, with all the charges you're facing, do you really want to add assault -- or whatever the legal term is for poisoning four people -- to the list? Doesn't it make more sense to unite behind our common interests?
Franco: And which of our common interests are you willing to admit?
Ava: If you want me to keep my mouth shut, you're gonna have to cut me in.
AJ: You know what? We are gonna have to finish strategizing about Kiki and Franco later, because I have dinner with Elizabeth.
Duke: Oh, I'm glad to hear that. How are things progressing on that front?
AJ: You know, it's actually the only area of my life that isn't a mess. I'll be honest with you, Duke, it was a little hiccup that threatened to ruin everything, but I've worked that out. Now nothing can stand in the way of our happiness.
Elizabeth: I got to get going. By the time I get home and change and traffic, I'm gonna be late meeting AJ.
Nikolas: Thanks for staying.
Elizabeth: Sure.
Spencer: Dad, he did it! He fixed the phone!
Nikolas: What? You did?
Elizabeth: See? What'd I tell you?
AJ: Tracy, please don't tell Elizabeth I slept with Carly.
Dante: Carly, you just said Sonny isn't responsible for my mother's shooting. Can you tell us who is?
Carly: I think I'd like to call my lawyer now.
Anna: Of course. Yeah. Detective.
Officer: Commissioner.
Carly: Is it true? Is Olivia okay?
Shawn: Yeah, well, that's what Sonny said.
Carly: Oh, good.
Shawn: What's going on here?
Carly: I, um, decided to call a lawyer.
Shawn: That won't be necessary. Look, there's something I have to tell you.
Alexis: So, where's Shawn? Off doing business for you?
Sonny: Alexis, you should know something. Um...
Alexis: What?
Sonny: Shawn went to the station.
Alexis: He got arrested?
Sonny: No. To turn himself in.
Dante: What did you have to tell me, Shawn?
Anna: Dante, can I just -- I need you to see something.
Carly: Come here. You do not have to confess.
Shawn: Look, someone's gonna have to take the fall.
Carly: Doesn't have to be you.
Sonny: This is the only way, Carly. I have to tell the truth -- at least my part. I shot Olivia.
Dante: Is this what I think it is?
Anna: The strike marks from the rifle we found don't match the bullet fragments that were recovered from your mother.
Dante: Which means the bullet that hit my mother didn't come from that gun.
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