General Hospital Transcript Thursday 6/20/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Michael: [Panting] [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Morgan: Is it a beautiful day, or what?
Kiki: [Gasps] Crap!
Morgan: Whoa, sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out.
Kiki: I thought you were my father.
Morgan: That's, uh -- that's awkward. What are you, uh -- what are you looking at, here?
Kiki: Nothing. I, um...
Carly: Michael. What's going on?
Michael: [Sighs]
Anna: I'm sorry. I've been so busy since the shooting, you know? We've all been working overtime.
Duke: Are you any closer to making an arrest?
Anna: No, I don't think so. Not really. I got to go, okay? I'll call you later.
Duke: Don't forget.
Anna: Mm. Yeah.
Sonny: So, are you here to arrest me?
Anna: No. I'm not.
Sonny: Then get the hell out.
Molly: Rafe, what are you doing here? Did you escape?
Rafe: I didn't have to. Clay just dropped me off. I guess he changed his mind.
Lucy: Oh, he did, did he?
Molly: Does that mean you get to stay in Port Charles?
Sam: I don't understand. Did your flight get canceled?
Silas: No, the plane is still headed to New York.
Sam: Then why aren't you on it?
Silas: Because of you. You and my nephew have a very... special relationship. I can't take Rafe from Port Charles -- not when you're dealing with what you're dealing with.
Rafe: I don't know what's going on exactly, but it looks like Uncle Silas isn't taking me to New York.
Molly: Why?
Rafe: He just turned the car around, dropped me off here, and drove away.
Molly: That's it? No explanation?
Rafe: Other than muttering something about not being a vampire.
Lucy: I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it! Yes! Sorry. It's -- it's just that when I try to get through to somebody, you know, and then I actually get through to them, like it appears I actually got through to your Uncle Silas.
Rafe: said, thank you.
Lucy: You are very welcome.
Molly: I can't believe this is happening.
Rafe: Well, not that we know what "this" is or how long I'll be here, but I'll take it.
Molly: Me too.
[Knock on door]
Lucy: Oh, hey. Hold your positions. Stay right there. Just talk among yourselves. I'll be right back. I'll get it. It better not be Silas changing his mind or something.
Shawn: Hi.
Lucy: Oh, Shawn. Hi.
Shawn: Uh, is Alexis here?
Lucy: Oh. No. Sorry. Um, she went to the hospital to be with Sam. Is everything okay?
Sam: And all the sudden you care. I realize I do have something of a soul, or at least more of one than my brother had.
Sam: Your brot-- why are you bringing Stephen into this?
Silas: I'm not. Your friend Lucy did.
Sam: Oh, so you got a talking-to from Lucy.
Silas: No, she needs help. I mean, like, psychological help -- like, Vienna-doctor help.
Sam: Why is that -- because she called you out?
Silas: Because she's crazy!
Sam: May be persuasive, or you wouldn't be here. Where's Rafe?
Silas: At your mother's house. I thought it was better that he sticks around, you know? He'll hate me less, and you get the support you need. I guess it's a win-win.
Sam: Okay, wait a minute. So, you're really gonna back off?
Silas: I'm still taking Rafe with me -- he belongs with family -- just not at this time. And there's the look.
Sam: So, what -- Rafe's on loan?
Silas: You could say that. Look, I know it's not everything you want to hear, but, you know, it's the best I can do right now. Come on. Soul-wise, it's an improvement.
Morgan: So, you're staring at pictures of my brother now? Are you -- are you trying to make me jealous? Because it's working. [Chuckles] I'm messing with you.
Kiki: You're a jerk.
Morgan: [Chuckles] Like I have anything to worry about. You guys are cousins. That would be disgusting. Come on.
Kiki: [Scoffs]
Morgan: Whoa, wait.
Kiki: What are you doing?
Morgan: You know what? I didn't notice before, but I can see the family resemblance now.
Kiki: Shut up!
Morgan: No, no, no. Seriously, you look like Michael -- like, right around the eye area.
Kiki: Thanks.
Morgan: Yeah, you're way hotter, though.
Kiki: Obviously.
Morgan: So, it's pretty sweet staying here, huh? It's got a big bed, soft sheets...
Kiki: Mm-hmm.
Morgan: ...Thick walls.
Kiki: And how do you know that the walls are thick?
Morgan: Well, if they're not, then those Quartermaines are really sound sleepers.
Kiki: [Chuckles]
[Cell phone ringing]
Kiki: [Sighs] Great.
[Cell phone ringing]
Morgan: Well, I mean, you might as well answer it, 'cause your mom's not gonna stop calling, so...
Kiki: What is it?
Ava: Well, I'm fine, sweetheart. Thanks for asking. How are you?
Kiki: Well, let's see. Do you want to know about me or about my ELQ shares?
Ava: Oh, Kiki. I love you. I-I don't care about ELQ. I just want to talk.
Kiki: Too bad! [Hangs up phone]
Michael: Mom, I'm, uh...fine.
Carly: Really?
Michael: Yeah. I just -- I didn't like the song I was listening to.
Carly: Michael, honey, I love so many things about you, and one is that you can't lie to save your life. You don't almost trash your phone because you don't like the song you were listening to.
Michael: I just -- I got a lot on my mind right now.
Carly: Yeah, I know the feeling.
Michael: You too?
Carly: I just...can't believe what happened to Olivia, you know?
Michael: [Sighs] Dante's barely left the hospital since she's been shot. I tried stopping by a couple times to see if he needed anything, but, I mean, what can he say? He needs for his mom to wake up.
Carly: What happened to Olivia is awful. And it's all my fault.
Anna: I'm sorry. Did you just ask me to leave?
Sonny: I'm sorry. Was I rude? Let me put it to you this way -- Olivia is fighting for her life in there.
Anna: I'm aware of that.
Sonny: Okay, then you should be aware that this is a family situation.
Anna: Okay.
Sonny: We don't need you and your questions or --
Anna: I'm not here to ask any questions.
Sonny: Then leave!
Dante: Sonny.
Sonny: What?
Dante: I asked her to come.
Sonny: Why?
Dante: So I could figure out who shot my mother.
Alexis: What are you still doing here?
Silas: Loitering.
Alexis: I thought you had gone. It was the bright spot in my otherwise grim day, except for the part where you took Rafe... against his will.
Silas: I'm not taking Rafe to Manhattan right now.
Alexis: What does that mean?
Sam: [Sighs] It means he's pretending to have a soul.
Alexis: Yeah, well, good luck with that.
Silas: Thank you. I'm not looking forward to it.
Alexis: I saw Monica. She's in with Danny and Spinelli. She gave me these.
Sam: What is this?
Alexis: Well, it's a list from Dr. Singh of the chemo medications that Danny needs to take.
Sam: Mom, look at all these names, all these chemicals.
Alexis: I know, baby. But the goal here is to induce remission. We're gonna have to give him those drugs.
Silas: You don't want to do that.
Shawn: I'm worried about Danny -- you know, Alexis, too. She's trying to be strong for Sam's sake, and she's taking it pretty hard.
Lucy: Well, who would blame her? I mean, there is absolutely nothing worse than when a little, helpless child is sick -- any child -- but it's so much worse when it's someone you love and someone you know. It absolutely breaks your heart.
Shawn: Yeah. You know, that's why I wanted to make sure she was okay.
Lucy: Oh, well, that's very thoughtful of you. May I be so bold as to say I think that Alexis is very fortunate to have you in her corner? It makes wading through the unimaginable slightly less unimaginable.
Shawn: Well, I-I appreciate you saying that, but you really don't know me.
Lucy: Nope. Don't know you at all. But I do know you're TJ's guardian, and that speaks volumes towards your character.
Shawn: Ah, TJ makes it easy. Well, maybe not easy, but definitely rewarding.
Lucy: [Chuckles] Well, I'm not surprised. He was invaluable at the Nurses' Ball. He is such an awesome kid. You know, I don't know what we would have done without him, and he goes on and on about you -- about how you're like a dad to him, and you changed his life, and you are his hero.
Shawn: Well, believe me, I'm -- I'm no hero. You know, I, uh -- I should get going.
Lucy: Oh. Uh, okay. Well -- well, fine. Is -- is there some message for Alexis?
Shawn: No. No, thanks. message.
Sonny: You really think this is the time and place?
Dante: I'm not having a press conference here, Sonny. I just want to talk to the commissioner for a few minutes.
Sonny: How's your mom?
Dante: She's the same. Why don't you go in and see her? I'll be in there in a few minutes.
[Monitors beeping]
Sonny: Any change?
Connie: [Voice breaking] She won't wake up. I-I keep talking to her, encouraging her, but it's not working. [Sniffles] What if she doesn't wake up?
Sonny: No, no, no. Don't say that. Don't say that. You know we got to stay positive, okay? We got to do what we got to do. She's gonna be -- she's gonna be fine. Come on.
Connie: [Sobbing] It's been days, Sonny.
Sonny: I know. I know.
Dante: I'm sorry about Sonny.
Anna: Oh, please. How are you holding up?
Dante: [Sighs] [Sniffles] I've been better. [Chuckles]
Anna: Well, this can't be easy -- your father a suspect in your mom's shooting.
Dante: That's why I called you. I think, uh, someone besides Sonny was involved in this mess.
Anna: Such as who?
Dante: Carly.
Michael: Olivia getting shot is your fault? On what planet?
Carly: On the one...where it happened at my hotel, Michael.
Michael: Mom, come on.
Carly: No, I mean, Security isn't what it should be, and my, uh, employees should feel safe coming to work.
Michael: That's ridiculous, okay? The shooting was a one-time freak occurrence.
Carly: Well, you know, um, I still feel responsible.
Michael: Unless you hired a hit man, I don't see how that's possible.
Carly: Let's not talk about me. Let's talk about you. What's going on?
Michael: My -- my favorite subject.
Carly: Yeah? Is it Morgan? Are you guys still fighting?
Michael: He didn't tell you?
Carly: No. What?
Michael: Uh [Sighs] Well, he -- he moved out. He and Kiki took off last night.
Carly: He moved out? Is he with Sonny? Did he go there?
Michael: No. Went to the Quartermaines'.
Carly: The Quartermaines'? Why would Morgan and Kiki go to the Quartermaines'?
Michael: Well [Chuckles] It turns out that Kiki is one of them.
Kiki: I mean, honestly, how selfish can someone be?
Morgan: I-I don't think your mom's so bad.
Kiki: What?
Morgan: Yeah, I mean, at least she's not a complete control freak like my mom.
Kiki: What do you call lying to me my entire life?
Morgan: What, about your dad?
Kiki: Yes, and when she tried to trick me into signing away the proxy to my ELQ shares. All she cares about is money.
Morgan: I-I think your mom's pretty decent. I mean, she let me hide out in her apartment, remember, when the gamblers were after me?
Kiki: Yeah, my mom can be cool sometimes, but she's the mom that's more like a friend.
Morgan: That's awesome.
Kiki: Except when you want a mom. Morgan, I want a mom that will protect me and will look out for my best interests, not try to use me for my money.
Morgan: Okay, that part sucks, yeah.
Kiki: Yeah. You think? Do you know that she tricked me into coming here, Morgan? She made me think that -- that she was all concerned about you after you left, so she told me to come and find you, only to find out that she was just trying to see how much she could squeeze from my Quartermaine connection.
Morgan: All right, maybe she's over it.
Kiki: Oh, no. She's not over it, and she won't give up until she gets what she's after. Trust me -- if she doesn't get that money from me, she'll find another way.
Duke: Come in.
Ava: You're not AJ Quartermaine.
Duke: No. I'm not. I work for him. I'm Duke Lavery. And you are?
Ava: Ava. Ava Jerome.
Duke: Did you say "Jerome?"
Ava: Yeah, my last name's Jerome. Is that a problem?
Duke: No. Of course not. I apologize for my strong reaction.
Ava: One way to describe it.
Duke: It's just that I worked once with a family who had the surname Jerome.
Ava: Well, it's not an uncommon name.
Duke: Yeah, but it's not exactly a common name. It's possible you're related to them. Victor... Julian... Olivia. Ring any bells?
Carly: Kiki Jerome is Lauren Frank.
Michael: How many times are you gonna keep saying that?
Carly: As many times as it takes to sink in. Are you sure?
Michael: "Kiki" is a nickname.
Carly: For what?
Michael: Does it matter?
Carly: Did you know about this?
Michael: AJ wanted me to come over and meet my long-lost cousin.
Carly: Oh. Of course, he did. He wanted you to chat her up and win her over to his side.
Michael: That was -- that may have been a part of it.
Carly: This is so typical of AJ. Did he think for one second that you might be uncomfortable around Franco's daughter? God!
Michael: Kiki is not to blame for what her father did, okay? I mean, you should have seen the look on her face when she found out all the things that Franco has done.
Carly: She didn't know?
Michael: Well, she did research on him, but, I mean, it's different having the guy standing in front of you saying he loves you and he's your father. At the same time realizing all the damage that he has done and all the people that he's hurt. I mean, I felt bad for Kiki.
Carly: What about Morgan? I mean, does he know?
Michael: That we're cousins? Yeah. He was there. He was the one who told us we were related.
Carly: This is just a bizarre coincidence, okay? The girl Morgan falls in love with because of online gambling turns out to be your cousin? It is a coincidence, right.
Michael: For what it's worth, she just just as surprised as I was.
Carly: Wow. God. You must be shocked about this?
Michael: "Shocked?" [Scoffs] Shocked doesn't even begin to cover it.
Kiki: Think my mom went back to the city or that she's still skulking around some place in Port Charles?
Morgan: [Hits the table with his hand] Damn it!
Kiki: What?
Morgan: Nothing. [Closes laptop]
Kiki: What? Did your porn site freeze?
Morgan: [Chuckles] Mikey said almost exactly the same thing. Must be genetic.
Kiki: Whatever.
Morgan: Hey, hey, let's go swimming.
Kiki: Right now?
Morgan: Yeah, it's a gorgeous day out, and who needs porn when I can see you in a bikini?
Kiki: I don't have one with me.
Morgan: Even better. Oh, Alice said there's a bunch of extra ones in the boathouse, anyway, so you can use one of those. Come on. I'll race you.
Carly: Is there some kind of issue between you and Kiki?
Michael: No. Well [Sighs] Sort of.
Carly: Uh, what do you mean "sort of"?
Michael: [Sighs] Okay --
[Cell phone ringing]
Michael: I'm sorry.
Carly: No, no. Go ahead. [Sighs]
Michael: Hello? Yeah, this is he. Yeah, that's my card. Why? What? When? Okay, thank you. I'm gonna take care of it. Okay.
Carly: What?
Michael: I got to go.
Carly: What do you mean you have to go?
Michael: I got to go. Um, it's not important. Uh, you don't have to worry about it.
Carly: Michael.
Michael: Mom, look, this whole shooting thing -- that's not your fault, okay?
Shawn: Except it was.
Anna: So, what makes you think that Carly's involved in this?
Dante: I don't have anything concrete, but Carly showed up here yesterday. I didn't even realize it, but Lulu went to look for my mother's doctor, and she saw Sonny and Carly in some heated exchange. He had her -- looked like she was up against the wall or something. It was intense.
Anna: Did Lulu hear what was being said?
Dante: No, she just went off the body language, but she could tell that they were -- they were in on something together -- something that went really wrong.
Connie: She's not just my cousin or my best friend. My son died before I ever got the chance to know him, and now with Trey gone and you and me... ...Olivia's all I have left in the world.
Sonny: No, she isn't, Connie.
Connie: I know that I said that I can't be around you and that you're bad for my mental health, Sonny... but right now... the truth is...I don't know what I'd do without you.
Sonny: Let me tell you something. Whether we're together or not, I just -- I want you to know I will always be here for you.
Olivia: [Groans softly]
Dante: Sonny and Carly hate Franco more than anyone. It makes sense that they would collaborate to take him down. Unfortunately, their shooter missed the target.
Anna: Did you mention your suspicions to either of them?
Dante: Well, Sonny claims -- he swears on the lives of his children that he wasn't involved.
Anna: You believe him?
Dante: I want to believe him. I mean, I want to believe that -- that he would tell me the truth -- that if he put my mother in that hospital bed, even if it was by accident, that he would -- he would own up to it.
Anna: Yeah.
Dante: But whatever. That's me thinking emotionally as his son. When I -- [Sniffles] When I think as a cop, he would -- he would never incriminate himself. Of course, he would lie to me.
Anna: Yeah. And Carly -- what about her?
Dante: Lulu tried to talk to her. She shut her down pretty quick. I mean, tell me straight, here -- am I grasping at straws?
Anna: No. I don't think so. Not at all.
Alexis: Sam's son, my grandson, is battling leukemia, which is bad enough. The last thing we need right now is for you to second-guess his treatment.
Silas: It's not a guess.
Alexis: Nor is it any of your business. Stay out of it. [Sighs] Dr. Singh is waiting for us to get started.
Sam: H-- hold on. You think this protocol is the wrong way to go?
Silas: It's not what I would do.
Sam: Tell me why.
Alexis: Sam, really. Of course, he thinks his idea is the best. He thinks he's God's gift to medicine.
Sam: Maybe, Mom. Maybe. But I still -- I want to hear what he has to say.
Silas: Yeah, this is all pretty standard for Danny's type of leukemia in the remission-induction stages.
Alexis: Okay, so what's the problem?
Silas: No problem. I just think there's a better way to go with small children. I use a different combination of chemotherapy drugs in different proportions.
Sam: And it works?
Silas: In my experience, the outcomes in my procedures are equal or greater than the ones your doctor's suggesting, with the added benefit that it might go easier on Danny. It often reduces the side effects.
Sam: Okay, so if we go with your protocol, Danny might not only feel better overall, but his chances of recovery are greater?
Silas: That's correct.
Sam: Then that's what we're doing.
Molly: I just wish I'd hear something from Mom or Sam.
Lucy: [Sighs] Uh, hey, Rafe, um, could I borrow your Saint Michael medal just for a moment?
Rafe: Sure. The night you gave this to me, I wasn't sure if I believed in it, but Danny and I stayed safe, so, I mean, it must work.
Lucy: Exactly, and that's what Danny needs right at this moment. He needs a lot of help, and he also could use a guardian angel. So, okay, what do the two of you say? Let's do this. Let's -- let's just send all our positive energy and all our positive thoughts right at Danny. Are you in? Good idea?
Molly: Yeah, I like that.
Rafe: Me too.
Lucy: Okay, then give me your hand. Not that hand -- the one with the medal.
Rafe: Right. Sorry.
Lucy: [Laughs] Okay, here you go. Give me your hand.
Molly: Okay.
Lucy: Okay, Danny just needs all the strength that we can give him right now, right?
Molly: Mm-hmm.
Lucy: Okay. Here goes. [Inhales, exhales deeply] Universe, this would be a really good time right now to do something good. Please look after that very, very sweet little boy.
Alexis: Are you sure about this?
Sam: No, Mom, I'm not sure of anything right now. I think I'm just -- I'm going with this maternal instinct. Look, I don't -- I don't like you at all. I think you're obnoxious. I think you're arrogant. You're devoid anything resembling tact.
Silas: Thank you. I'm not sure how that affects my ability to practice medicine, but...
Sam: [Sighs] That is my point. You took one look at my son's rash, and you knew exactly what was going on, and I have to trust that. I have to trust you, because I never want to say that there was something more I could have done for my son.
Silas: Let's go talk to your doctor.
Alexis: All right, what if the doctor doesn't agree?
Silas: He'll agree with me. I'll, uh...intimidate him into submission.
Alexis: [Sighs]
Kiki: I'll scope out the suits.
Morgan: Swimming can wait.
Kiki: Isn't that why we're here?
Morgan: Um, it couldn't hurt to christen the boathouse first.
Kiki: Morgan, stop.
Morgan: Why? What's your problem?
Michael: Morgan! You stole my credit card to rack up another gambling debt. 'Cause we're not already dealing with enough. You got to go and make things worse. [Sighs] Morgan, you're a dead man.
Kiki: Why are you making such a big deal about it?
Morgan: Why are you? I just want to kiss my girlfriend. Since when is that such a crime?
Kiki: I'm just excited to get into the water. That's all.
Morgan: So, you're still into me?
Kiki: Of course, I'm still into you, Captain.
Morgan: Then show me.
Kiki: Not now. I need to change, and you need to cool off.
Morgan: You're cruel! You know that, Jerome? You're heartless -- as cold as this lake! [Sighs] Whoo! Oh! Oh, damn, that's cold!
Ava: Victor and Julian Jerome? Those names mean nothing to me, but maybe I'll look them up.
Duke: There's no point in doing that.
Ava: Well, just because I don't know the names doesn't mean we're not related.
Duke: That's true, but Victor Jerome and his children, Olivia and Julian -- they're all dead.
Ava: All of them?
Duke: They were in a particularly dangerous line of work.
Ava: Well, what line of work are we talking about, here?
Duke: This one.
Carly: Are you following me?
Shawn: I just happened to be walking by.
Carly: And what, decide to make me feel worse than I already feel?
Shawn: Have you spoken to Sonny?
Carly: Yeah, it was lovely, especially the part where he had the gun pointed at me. Apparently, if Olivia dies, Sonny's going to kill me.
Shawn: Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Carly: Yeah.
Shawn: [Sighs] You know, you won't be the only one who'd die. If Olivia doesn't make it... there's no way I'll be able to live with myself.
Connie: Oh, my God. Honey? Honey, you're back.
Sonny: Hey.
Olivia: [Mumbles]
Sonny: No, don't talk. Don't talk. I know it's hard, especially for you. But you got to get your rest, okay? I told you she'd make it.
Connie: Dante is gonna be over the moon. You know, I've been going crazy in here, and that's saying something.
Olivia: [Mumbles]
Connie: I love you so much.
Sonny: We both do.
Dante: I knew you were considering Sonny, but you are looking at Carly, too?
Anna: Well, look, the -- the fact that she had dinner with Franco at all, especially the night of the shooting. It's curious.
Dante: Right? The thing is, would Carly really want Franco murdered in her own hotel?
Anna: Of course. It's perfect. She has control of the situation. The room where the gun was fired from -- unoccupied.
Dante: And no sign of forced entry.
Anna: No. And Carly was very cooperative in giving me all that security footage.
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Anna: But the side-entrance camera was off.
Dante: Is it always?
Anna: No. Just that night.
Dante: Well, this is convenient.
Anna: Mm.
Dante: This might not just be a theory. Sonny and Carly might have actually been working together.
Anna: I think it's very possible.
Dante: So, who's the shooter? It wasn't either of them.
Anna: I already questioned him -- Shawn Butler.
Carly: I am sorry. I am. I know you have had a really rough time since what happened in Afghanistan.
Shawn: Yeah, and shooting an innocent woman isn't helping.
Carly: Olivia is gonna pull through. She is. I mean, I know you don't know her that well, but I do, and she's tough, and she's resilient, and she loves her son way too much to leave him.
Shawn: TJ's dad was just as tough, okay? He loved TJ the same.
Carly: Okay, we got to be positive here. I mean, in a couple weeks, the whole thing's gonna blow over.
Shawn: Look, the whole thing is not gonna blow over, Carly. Alexis knows.
Carly: My God! Do you have any idea how bad this is?! She's an officer of the court, for God's sa-- did you tell her that it was my idea?
Shawn: No. All right? She assumed it's Sonny, all right, since he's who I work for.
Carly: Thank you. So, what happens now? Is she going to the police?
Shawn: She can't.
Carly: 'Cause she loves you?
Shawn: Because she's Sonny's lawyer, okay? She hangs me out, it could implicate him, which leads to a conflict of interest and a breach of attorney-client privilege.
Carly: Oh, so she's acting in the best interest of her client. Okay, well, there is that.
Shawn: Well, don't get too cozy. Just because Alexis isn't turning me in doesn't mean I won't.
Dante: I always thought of Shawn as one of the good guys. I mean, he helped us with that whole Jerry Jacks thing.
Anna: Yeah, he saved my life, but judging by his actions that night -- the night Nicholas was shot -- the fact that Sonny had him watching your house, the fact that he pursued the gunman -- he's obviously taken Jason's place in Sonny's organization. And I read his file. He's had extensive combat experience, and he's a trained marksman. He's the perfect choice for the hit.
Dante: So, what did he say?
Anna: Well, not much, you know? He denied all involvement, but...I could see that it's weighing on him, you know? It's one thing to shoot Franco, but it's something entirely different to shoot an innocent bystander.
Dante: So, what do we do now?
Anna: Well, we don't do anything. You're gonna stay here with your mother. I'm gonna go see Carly, see if I can't rattle her cage.
Sonny: Okay, I'm gonna go find the doctor and Dante, okay?
Olivia: [Mumbles] [Weakly] Hey, Sonny.
Sonny: Yeah?
Olivia: Sonny, your shirt -- it's covered in blood. That's why --
Sonny: Hey, Oliv--
Olivia: That's why I --
Sonny: Listen. Listen. When you walked out on the terrace, you thought I was in danger. I wasn't in danger. The -- the blood you saw wasn't mine. It -- it was yours. Why would you take that risk?
Olivia: I had to. I would do anything for you.
Sonny: I'll never forget that.
Ava: These Jerome people -- they were in the mob?
Duke: They were once a very prominent crime family.
Ava: Hmm. And you worked for them.
Duke: Not my finest hour. But rest assured, I've gone straight since then.
Ava: So you say.
Duke: Well, no -- at the insistence of my girlfriend.
Ava: Ah. Straight-and-narrow type?
Duke: The police commissioner type.
Ava: Well, then, you best follow orders.
Duke: Hers? Gladly.
Ava: So, you think these, um, Jerome people were involved in that shooting?
Duke: Mm. Like I said, they're all dead... or at least that's what I've been led to believe.
Kiki: Ugh. Who are their guests -- Alice's wrestling buddies? Oh. This one's half-decent.
Michael: Morgan! Morgan, I need to talk to you! Morgan!
Kiki: [Gasps]
Morgan: [Grunts] Kiki, come on. What's taking so long to find a bathing suit?
Duke: Well, this conversation's been most enjoyable, but you still haven't told me why you're here.
Ava: No, I didn't. Tell your boss I stopped by, Mr. Lavery.
Duke: I will do, Ms. Jerome. Perhaps our paths will cross again.
Sam: Dr. Clay.
Silas: How did chemo go?
Sam: Um, well, I think, uh -- D-Danny's resting, so, so far, so -- so good. I think that's typical, right? I mean, it takes a while for the drugs to kick in?
Silas: Was that not rhetorical? Yes, it takes a while for the side effects to set in.
Sam: Anyway, I just -- I wanted to say thank you. 'Cause of you, I actually feel...somewhat hopeful. [Sighs] I know, sounds kind of crazy, coming from me.
[Elevator bell dings]
Silas: Don't mention it.
Molly: Mom.
Alexis: Hey.
Molly: Is Danny okay?
Alexis: Danny got through his first round of chemo like a champ.
Molly: Is he sick?
Alexis: Not yet. Maybe not ever.
Lucy: Really? I didn't know that was even possible.
Alexis: Your uncle, believe it or not, swooped in and saved the day.
Rafe: Are you serious?
Alexis: Dr. Clay knows a chemo protocol that can decrease the side effects and even help the patient get well faster.
Molly: That's amazing.
Rafe: And Silas just told you this -- nothing in it for him?
Alexis: Oh, there's something in it for him. That man lives to be right, but if things go as we hope they will go, then we're gonna owe him a huge thanks.
Lucy: Wow. Well, I will be diddly-darned. Hey, kid, that uncle of yours just might have a heart after all.
Molly: Oh, you know what? I should call Kristina. She's been texting all morning.
Alexis: Good. Give your sister my love.
Molly: I will.
Lucy: So, what a great day.
Alexis: Yeah. So, Lucy, thank you, because I have a wild guess that you had a talking-to with Silas that appealed to his humanity.
Lucy: Just a -- yeah. Well, I just -- I'm so glad I could be of help. Oh, uh, Shawn stopped by. He was very, very concerned about you and Danny.
Alexis: Is that all he said?
Lucy: Yeah, but I-I got the distinct impression that something else was nagging him -- something big.
Dante: Ma!
Connie: [Chuckles]
Dante: What -- hey, why didn't you tell me?
Sonny: It just happened.
Olivia: Hey, baby. Hey.
Dante: [Chuckles] How you doing?
Olivia: Oh, I'm okay. I'm a little out of it, but I think I'm gonna be okay.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Olivia: Yeah. Oh, baby, it's okay. [Chuckles]
Dante: No. It's not. Well, it is now, but... I didn't know what I was gonna do this time. I really didn't.
Olivia: Honey, you're stuck with me, okay? You and that little grandbaby of yours -- you're stuck with me.
Sonny: She's a fighter. I told you that. Right, Dante?
Olivia: That's the best you can do? [Chuckles] Not, "Oh, you're so lovely. She's -- she's -- she's too good and wonderful to die."
Sonny: Yeah, that, too, but the fighter part -- that's been your best quality.
Olivia: [Chuckles]
Connie: I'm gonna go get the doctor.
Olivia: Thank you, honey. Thank you. Look at you. Is it possible you got even more handsome while I was out, huh?
Dante: Hours and hours by your bedside and... some Hail Marys and some vending-machine coffees...
Olivia: Yeah.
Dante: ...And a few bargains with God.
Olivia: What'd you promise God?
Dante: I made a bunch of deals while you were out... [Sniffles] Promises I swore I'd keep, and I will.
Olivia: Yeah?
Dante: First and foremost -- finding out who did this to you. On the case as we speak.
Carly: You're going to turn yourself in? Are you out of your mind?
Shawn: Not really seeing another option.
Carly: I do -- lots of them -- ones that don't include ruining both our lives.
Shawn: Look, it's the honorable thing to do, okay -- the only thing, if I have any chance of salvaging my relationship.
Carly: Will you forget about Alexis? Shawn, you can't do this. If you turn yourself in, it's a matter of time before Anna puts the pieces to me. [Sighing] Oh, my God.
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